USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

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USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Barrett »

I was just thinking about this, what would you name your own ship?

I would either go with the USS Soulwolf or the USS Perseus
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Kersare »

Ahhh, the Soulwolf...I remember that ship. HF has a Perseus.

As it is, I'm rather attached to Malinche.... I might consider either a Native American name or the name of a lost civilization though, but I doubt I'd ever turn in the Mali.
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Peters »

I did name my own ship... many ages ago...

USS Peacekeeper.
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Hansen »

I don't really know what I might name a ship if I had the chance. I kinda like the ships named after people in history but, like the excelsior class itself, the name "Orlando" has grown on me.
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by McCarty »

The USS Shadowrunner.
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Steele »

Thunderbolt: A ship I have incorporated into many a bio. 8)
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Rho »

I'm kinda partial to USS Infinity. Hence it being in my bio. But if I had to come up with a brand new one, I might go to ancient Greece for one. Particularly during the time of the koine, or common, Greek language (after Alexander the Great).
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Re: USS What Would You Name Your Own Ship

Post by Thundera »

Well lets see. I had the USS Charleston, USS Athena, and now the USS Scorpio

But if I had my own choice it would be USS Fagulous. rofl No wait, Fagulous would be the homeworld.

Ship would be USS Faglocity....roflmao
Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
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USS Malinche NCC 38997-A
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