HF Wiki - Important Info

Announcements from Captain Kersare

Moderator: Kersare

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HF Wiki - Important Info

Post by Kersare »


Below is a message regarding the HF Wiki, should any of you be interested in registering/contributing to it. It is located at http://wiki.horizonfleet.net



With the server move, the new HF Wiki will now be used. We are hoping that this
new installation will cut down on the amount of spam we were getting with the
original installation. Not all of the articles from the original installation
were transferred - partly because the templates for vessel pages, character
pages, etc were modified.

Moving forward, we ask the following:

1. When you register for the wiki, please select a username that will help the
Wiki staff identify you as a valid registrant. It is recommended that you use
the name (first and last, last name, or combination thereof) of one of your main

2. While the Wiki staff continue to work on adding content to the wiki, please
only create/edit articles that directly relate to you and/or the simms you're
on. For COs: Vessel page, Mission pages. For all: Your user page, Character

Once we get those basics in and the Wiki team has some more content added, the
team will relay any important info and advise users when additional content can
be added.

If you have any questions about this, please contact Vice Admiral Livian at

Thank you,

Vice Admiral Kailani Livian
DPA Director
Horizon Fleet
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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