Kersare (Semi?) LOA Aug 26-Sept 18

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Kersare (Semi?) LOA Aug 26-Sept 18

Post by Kersare »

I'm going to be semi? LOA starting this Friday afternoon (August 26th) until September 18th (I return very late on the 17th). I'll be in the UK, where I'll be 5 hours ahead of Eastern Time (ex. 7pm EDT = 6pm CDT = midnight UK).

I should have wifi for a decent portion of the trip, though will obviously be out and about quite a bit. If there's anything important you need to ask me, I would recommend either leaving me a direct message on Discord or PMing me (Casey and Clay also have my cell number and could text me). You could also email me.

I'll do my best to keep in touch and take care of as much as possible, but due to the time difference, I most likely won't be in Discord chat when the rest of you would be.

Commander Zeral (Casey) is in charge in the meantime OOC. Feel free to contact her and/or I with any questions, etc.
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Kersare (Semi?) LOA Aug 26-Sept 18

Post by Kersare »

I am back from my trip, though I imagine it may take a few days to get readjusted to time differences...
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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