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A place to introduce yourself and greet new crewmembers

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Hello guys!

Post by Drexel »

My name is Elijah (or Eli if the 2nd syllable is too long) I will be playing the new Chief Intelligence Officer on the Malinche. I have read up on your current mission, and working through prior ones to familiarize myself with the crew and history. I can see there are many talented writers here, and I very much am looking forward to participating.

A little about me, I just moved to Louisville, KY from Salt Lake City, UT for my job. So im still adapting to my new life out here. I have a great wife whom I've been married to for 7 years, and two sweet boys (3 and 9 months).

I actually make part of my living as a writer, and have enjoyed the art since I was a child. I am also a gigantic Star Trek nerd. I tried to suppress my trek geekiness, but I just cant help myself. My wife is way too cool for such "nonsense" so I have found Star Trek RPG's as a great basis to enjoy my love of trek blended with my love for writing.

I am also an avid sports fan, and wannabe athlete. Also when I'm not with my family, at work, or writing, you can usually find me on my Xbox.

Im excited to start playing! Hit me up if you have any questions, or want to introduce yourself. The best way to contact me is via email, as they go straight to my iPhone, so im always connected to it. I have never done a joint post (JP, see im picking the lingo!) so if you need to holler at me, dont try and find me on IM, just email me. elijah.caswell@gmail.com

Lieutenant JG Arron Drexel
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Davis »

Welcome aboard, Elijah. The name's David and I play Ensign James Davis, the Acting Chief of Operations. Hope you have a lot of fun here. I've been aboard for about a year and it's been a blast. If you want to try a JP some time, hit me up. I'm always open for one. Have fun and happy simming!!
Lieutenant JG James Walker Davis
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Harmon »

Welcome to the Malinche. I play Chief Petty Officer Devon Harmon, the Chief of the Boat (CoB) and Master-at-Arms (MA). So, if you don't mind, what do you write in real life? Articles? Books? Manuals? I think it's really cool to have someone onboard who makes part of his living as a writer.
Chief Petty Officer Devon Harmon
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Drexel »

Thanks for the welcome guys.

I began writing as a sports journalist in the Salt Lake City market. Had a lot of fun with it, but it didn't truly let me get as creative as I would prefer. So now I write short stories designed to inform, educate, and entice readers to purchase surveillance cameras from the company I work for. I do have some personal stories that I am looking to get published in the not too distant future.
Lieutenant JG Arron Drexel
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Zeral »

Welcome aboard! I play Lieutenant Commander Nora Zeral, XO for the Malinche. I'm a native of Salt Lake City myself, so I can imagine that a move to Kentucky is a big, big move ;) It looks like you're going to fit right in here on the Mali. I hope I'll get the chance to JP with you soon, and again, welcome aboard!
Commander Nora Zeral
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Drexel »

Dont know how I ever missed your reply. What part of Salt Lake? Are you still there?

And FYI, i sent all of you with windows messenger ID's a message, I have been working on a JP and found it is probably a more effective means of communicating. ;)
Lieutenant JG Arron Drexel
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Zeral »

I was born and raised in Murray, but right now I'm going to school at Utah State. We're gearing up for a good old fashioned Northern Utah winter here ;)
Commander Nora Zeral
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Drexel »

My brother in law went to Utah State before he left on an LDS mission. I went to Logan several times to hang out with him. I lived in Murray for awhile too. My two sons were born at that huge hospital they built there on 5400 S. and State. Good luck this winter. Being from Texas originally, I can say without a doubt, Winter is the biggest reason I'm glad i am not in Utah anymore. I only hope winter in Louisville, KY is milder than what I dealt with in Utah.

What are you studying at USU? And as a Y fan...I am glad we beat you guys in heartbreaking fashion. :)
Lieutenant JG Arron Drexel
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Zeral »

Ohhh, you went there! Right, since the Y has been having such a stellar season... -cough- U of U game -cough- ;) . It really is a small world, though. That hospital is a hop, skip and a jump from where I grew up.

I'm studying history and Classics right now. This should be my last winter here, though. Next year I start grad school, hopefully somewhere with slightly warmer winters.
Commander Nora Zeral
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Drexel »

Hey just for the record, BYU has more wins than Utah and USU combined...I'm just sayin...Plus we play you guys in hoops in 2 weeks. Sadly, Jimmer wont be there to help us :(

History is one of my passions. I once considered becoming a History teacher, but I have since discovered, that I dont like other peoples children...only my own. I know...im heartless. :evil:
Lieutenant JG Arron Drexel
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Hello guys!

Post by Davis »

I'm a sucker for history. Anything that deals with U.S. history, I'm all over it.
Lieutenant JG James Walker Davis
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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