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A Walk In The Park

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 3:16 pm
by Kersare
Here's a thread to discuss what's going on in the 'A Walk in the Park' mission...

I'll start us off with some basic info regarding the mission:

The To'Ma are going to be behind the flying metal objects (need a name for them) ? they?re using alien technology found in archaeological sites from a past civilization. They figured the source of the technology could be on the other side of the wormhole, which is why they wanted it opened, and got the Klingons? help, making them think they?d have some claim to it.

Some of the R?teq?Ni come through the wormhole (cloaked, obviously); make contact with the To'Ma, tell them the technology is theirs (it isn't), and convince them to use the Reavers (flying metal object things that attack people) to help them take over the So'Kra. The R'teq'Ni tell the To'Ma that they'll control Celtron V. They also lie and tell them that all they want is the section of the planet where the artifacts were found. Actually though, they?re interested in taking over the planet.

The R?teq?Ni, in their natural form, are tall, bald but with two ridges across their skull, and have dark purple skin. However, they are able to change shapes (into other humanoid type forms..not objects). The R?teq?Ni make themselves look like Celtronians usually so that they blend in, except when dealing with the To?Ma. Their minds don?t work quite like humanoids, so their neural energy would be easy to detect at close range.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to ask. :) And, of course make any other comments/suggestions, etc. regarding the mission here.