Kepler, Mike - (NPC)

Personal log reflections regarding events during missions or shoreleave

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Kepler, Mike - (NPC)

Post by Masterson »

[[Inferno's Light]]
[[Sickbay, Beta Section, USS Malinche, Day 15, 1012]]

Begin Log: we go again. It's been almost two days since our last engagement with whoever it is that attacked us and now we're getting ready to take them on again. At least it will be on our terms this time instead of theirs, which means that we should have at least a little advantage over them.

The worst part of it has been the waiting. To be able to know one way or the other whether we're going to get attacked or least it gives you some idea of what to expect. Don't get me wrong, I kind of like being able to explore the unknown. You really don't get assigned to deep space assignment if you're looking for something comfortable and predictable. To be honest, that's not why I signed up for Starfleet at all. In fact, I didn't really expect to find myself out here at all...

When we found out Aaron had been accepted to Starfleet Academy, I don't think anybody knew what to make of it. One the one hand, Aaron's pretty dedicated to what he does. We even voted him our team captain because he knew how to put the needs of the team ahead of himself. Sonya (NPC) was already a member of Starfleet, but I think there were some who thought Aaron was going in a different direction. I just remember thinking to myself, Starfleet...right...and what am I doing?

The truth is, I wouldn't be where I am without more ways than most people know. Everyone has dreams of doing something great after high school, but I don't think I ever really knew what I was going to do until that day. It took something that earth-shattering for me to get it through my head that I really needed to start thinking about things outside of swim team and hanging out with the guys...that there were things I wanted to do with my life once I graduated. One by one, things began to fall into place...and now I find myself here. To be honest, I don't think I'd have it any other way.

End Log

A Personal Log by:

Ensign Mike Kepler (PNPC)
Security Officer
USS Malinche

Played by:
Lt. JG Aaron Masterson
Chief Security/Tactical Officer & 2XO
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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