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Letter to Captain Isabel Kersare

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:14 am
by Former Member
From the desk of Captain Allison McNeely

I know you're confused about being re-routed to take on a mere cadet. Think of her as an insurance policy, should things heat up. Hopefully, you won't need her, but if you do... Tried to get her brother for you but, well, his captain isn't so understanding and the time/distance won't work. Take care of Malinche! Miss you bunches!


Addendum to Personnel File, Cadet P'ayanna

This material is provided to the command staff of USS Malinche (NCC-38997-B) and is intended to assist incorporation of Cadet P'ayanna into the crew.

Finding: For a Klingon woman, P'ayanna is surprisingly adept at dealing with other cultures, when she so chooses. The problem lies in the choosing; despite many attempts to understand her rationale for behaving more or less like a Klingon in particular circumstances, there appears to be no pattern to her shifts.

Finding: It appears as though Cadet P'ayanna feels she is in the footsteps of her older brother. He was brought into Starfleet during the Dominion War as a measure to bring combat experience and tactical acumen to the front. The result was a less socialized officer, which, at the time, suited the needs of Starfleet. P'ayanna seems, at times, to resent the fact that he appears to be allowed to be 'more Klingon,' in a sense, and appears somewhat motivated by this.

Finding: Combat prowess is to be expected. In the case of Cadet P'ayanna, it is confirmed by two events during Starfleet service:

a- during holiday from Starfleet Academy, she was involved in a low-scale conflict on her home world of mu'pIpeQ. Unconfirmed reports testify to valorous acts.

b- on mission with USS Relentless, she was part of a boarding team. The enclosed holo shows the remains of the occupants of the ship's main engineering space. All but one were incapacitated by her in less than three standard Terran minutes.

These events are unsurprising, considering that she spends hours in training each morning and then again, before going to sleep. Recommend utilizing whenever there is a perceived risk of close-quarters combat.
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche