Zorayna Incident

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Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

September 3, 2158-13:45 hrs
Starship Neptune
Somewhere near Romulan space

Three starships dropped out of high warp, each coming from a different direction but all on the same mission. Their mission, one of great importance to the war effort, was to receive a shipment of atomic weapons for use against the growing Romulan threat. It was estimated if the war dragged on for much longer, Earth’s supply of atomic weapons would be depleted and more weapons would have to be created; ironic, the weapon that almost destroyed humanity was now being used in an attempt to preserve humanity.
When the two freighters failed to show up at the prearranged time those awaiting the shipment began to get worried. Seventeen minutes later, Lt. Commander Dieter Salazar spoke up.
“Sir I’m detecting four ships approaching at low warp! I am unable at this time to determine their identity…”
He let his words trail off, as there was no need to continue, everyone present was thinking the same thing, Romulans!
Rinehart acknowledged the statement and began issuing a series of commands; “Ensign Watson lay in a course for the defense perimeter, maximum warp. Standby to engage on my order. Mr. Salazar sound general quarters, bring all weapon systems online and polarize the hull plating. Inform all engineering and medical teams to prepare for action. Lt. Watson, inform the Sahara and Mississippi that we are to avoid a confrontation if all possible. As the crew scrambled to comply with the orders, Rinehart glanced at the ship’s dedication plaque focusing on the motto; ‘Perditam Selinuntem Liberare- Ready for Difficult Missions.’ If the warp signatures were Romulan, then it would most likely be the most difficult mission the crew had faced so far. Rinehart turned to face Salazar “Dieter, how soon until they’re within visual range?”
“Approximately four minutes sir, providing they stay on course. However, the odd thing is they normally approach cloaked. However they’re not approaching from the direction the freighters are supposed to either.”

14:05 hrs
The convoy of four ships that dropped out of warp consisted of the two freighters and two Andorian ships, much to the relief of the three Starfleet vessels. The crews soon got to work transferring the weapons and other supplies. The transfer had just been completed when things took a turn for the worse; a fleet of ten Romulan Warbirds suddenly decloaked and opened fire. Outnumbered and outgunned, the Starfleet and Andorian vessels jumped to warp heading for the defense perimeter. All except that Neptune that is, whose engines took a hit early on, reducing them to impulse speeds only.

14:23 hrs
Starship Neptune

=/\= Bridge to engineering, what’s the status of our engines?! =/\=

Rinehart didn’t recognize the voice of the person who replied.
=/\= The Romulans did a number on our warp drive sir, we should be able to give you warp two but it will take at least twelve minutes to do so. Impulse engines are also damaged; I wouldn’t recommend exceeding ½ impulse. =/\=

While this exchange was going on, Salazar had been checking his sensors.
“Sir, we can reach an M class planet in about five minutes at present speed, coordinates 351 mark 8. Maybe we can use it to hide from the Romulans until we can get warp drive back online.”

Rinehart nodded. “Sounds like a plan to me. Helm set a course for the planet, best possible speed!”
As the Neptune limped towards the planet, sensors picked up two Romulan vessels chasing them at impulse speeds leaving Rinehart with a crucial decision.
“Mr. Salazar, I think these Romulans have forgotten the power of the atom. Fire on the lead vessel, maybe we can get them to back off.”
“With pleasure sir!” came the reply from the security chief. His shots were on target but unfortunately it did little damage, causing the Romulans to return fire, causing further damage to the already crippled starship. The Neptune fired again scoring a lucky hit, damaging weapons on the first vessel. As they prepared for another volley, both Romulan vessels recloaked. Once the engines were repaired enough for low warp, the Neptune emerged from their refuge behind the planet, but not before launching a log buoy into the planet’s atmosphere incase their plan failed. As they did, the strategy of the Romulans became clear as the two vessels dropped cloak to transfer power to the weapon systems.
Commander Rinehart weighed his options, before making his decision.

“Mr. Salazar, try to time your shots to match the Romulans. Ensign Watson as soon as the weapons are away, engage the engines, warp factor two, and set a course for the defense perimeter. We’ve only got one chance at this so let’s do it right.”

The plan was carried out almost flawlessly, all three ships fired within seconds of each other and the Neptune headed towards the defense perimeter. However between the jury-rigged engines and the intense weapons fire, the Neptune and the two Romulan vessels were never heard from again.
Last edited by Steele on Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

July 20, 2383- 16:21 hrs
Starship Thunderbolt
Zoryana Sector

Chief petty officer L’Ressa looked up from the helm console.
“Captain you wanted to know when we reached Zoryana five?”
Captain Erickson stood up.
“Thanks chief, put us in a standard orbit and arrange shore leave. I’ll be in cargo bay two.”
Although the planet was capable of sustaining life, it had never been colonized; partly due to it’s proximity to the Romulan Neutral Zone.

Cargo Bay 2

Erickson walked into the cargo bay, which for the first time in close to a month wasn’t filled with technicians working on the Nautilus class submersible. First of its kind, it was based upon an earlier design for an unmanned submersible, this one however was designed to carry up to nine people. The Thunderbolt’s chief science officer, Lieutenant Aaron Steele, headed up the teams that built both craft. As the Nautilus was nearing completion, they sought and received permission to test it on Zoryana five, the only M class planet in the Zoryana solar system. When the Captain walked in there were only two officers present, Lieutenant Steele and the ship’s acting chief engineer, Lieutenant junior grade William Huxley. The previous chief engineer had transferred and William was the best qualified replacement that was available and, as an added bonus, he had been an engineering advisor during the design phase of the Nautilus.

“Well gentlemen, time to see if this thing really works. Final assembly is planet-side correct?”
Looking over some specifications on the computer, the two men didn’t realize the Captain had walked in.

“Final assembly?” Aaron mumbled as he turned away from the console. “Final assembly will be done in dry dock, which was completed twenty minutes ago.”

Erickson looked at the chronometer.

“In that case, Captain Nemo, I give you until eighteen hundred hours to get your creation transported to the surface, assembled, and made ready for launch. Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some reports to finish before that time.”

After the captain’s departure, William couldn’t resist himself.

“Uh Captain Nemo sir, you do realize that the quartermaster gave you the uniform of a lieutenant?”
Aaron shot his friend a look. “Let’s get this thing ready for transport, shall we?”

William turned his attention back to the computer console. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

Last edited by Steele on Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:05 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

17:54 hrs
Zoryana Five
Final assembly on the Nautilus completed, the dry-dock was flooded allowing the sub to make its way into the waters of a large lake located in the southeastern section of the planet.

Ensign Abrigo, the Thunderbolt’s chief operations officer, convinced Aaron to do the trial run in that particular body of water. When asked why she picked that certain body of water, Ellen had shrugged her shoulders and said something about it reminding her of a trip she took as a child. Figuring one body of water was as good as the next, Aaron agreed to the plan. The launch of the Nautilus was fairly low key; the senior staff plus those who worked on the project were present along with a handful of other Thunderbolt crewmembers.

The captain said a few words before handing Aaron the last item to be placed on the submersible, the dedication plaque. Aaron had expected a dedication plaque but what surprised him was the motto inscribed on it, Videre Est Scire, Latin for ‘To see is to Know'. It was a surprise because Aaron was purposely left out of the decision making for the sub’s motto. Aaron thanked the Captain before stepping aboard the Nautilus to place the plaque on the rear wall of the control center.

18:12 hrs

“Take us down another ten meters than level us off.”

“Z minus ten meters than level, aye.” The Thunderbolt’s helm officer, Petty Officer L’Ressa executed the order from Aaron as the Nautilus was put through her paces for the first time. Once the sub had leveled off the real test began.
“Time to see if this thing really works. Bringing all systems online.”

Aaron brought the systems online one at a time, both to test them and to make sure the power demand would not exceed supply.
“Find anything of interest?” The question The question seemed innocent enough and honestly Aaron didn't expect to find anything of interest; the lake seemed to be devoid of most marine life.

"Actually yes sir, I'm reading an unidentified metal object of about 20 centimeters long 12 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters thick.

"Ensign Abrigo at what depth is the object?"

"Five-hundred and ten meters sir, it's settled at one of the deeper sections of the lake."

As the Nautilus was rated for deeper waters, Aaron put the craft in a downward glide which would bring them near the object in question. Initial scans showed it to be several hundred years old but gave little hint as to its origin. Placing it in the cargo hold, Aaron set a course back to the surface.
Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

USS Thunderbolt
Science Lab 3
July 20, 2383/ 20:04 hrs

Metallurgical analysis was not in Aaron's range of expertise so he allowed someone else to analyze the artifact.

"What do you have for me Petty Officer?"

"I'm afraid I can't tell you much about the artifact. It appears to be from the early to mid 22nd century but beyond that, it is too degraded to gain any additional info. Most of the major players in interstellar travel used the same basic materials for starship construction. Plus this area of space used to be known as a type of Bermuda Triangle. Several ships have disappeared in this region. It is believed that many were destroyed by Romulan ships hiding in wait before the establishment of the Neutral Zone. There are also a few spatial anomalies that would give earlier ships trouble. Wish I could be of more help."

Aaron picked up the artifact.
"To be honest I already knew half of what you just told me. I figured it was from a spacecraft of some sort but beyond that, I had no clue. Do you think it could be from a probe or an actual spacecraft?"

"Again, hard to say. As holds true today, the materials used in the construction of all spacecraft regardless of purpose, is generally the same. If I had more time I might be able to give you more answers but at the moment that's all I have for you."

"For now it's not important. If we find more artifacts on the planet I'll make sure you get a look at them. Thanks for your help."
Placing the item in a storage container, Aaron logged it into the computer before leaving the science lab."

Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

Zoryana Five
Day 3/19:12 hrs

Most the crew was enjoying a well-deserved shoreleave with only a skeleton crew left onboard the Thunderbolt. On the bridge, Crewman Statler was vocalizing his desire for some action. Chief Petty Officer Lampe was cautioning him against such a wish when an alarm went off on the Ops panel. Statler silenced the alarm and set to work identifying the source under the supervision of Lampe. It was soon discovered to be a garbled distress call.

=/\= Captain Reinhart… starship… attacked by Romulans… help. =/\=

Without missing a beat, Chief Lampe ordered a yellow alert as he tapped his commbadge.
=/\= Bridge to Captain Erickson, we have picked up what appears to be a distress call from a ship under attack by Romulans. =/\=

Kristina and several of the senior staff were enjoying an evening on the beach when the call came in.
=/\= Roger that Chief. Lt Steele and I will be beaming up to the bridge shortly. Erickson out. =/\=

… "Your analysis?"

"As far as I can tell Captain this is legit. The carrier frequency is not usually used by Federation vessels but it does contain a Starfleet signal. There's too much degradation in the signal to tell much more. Any number of things could cause such degradation."
While his position was Chief of Science, Aaron's Intel work during the Dominion War made him one of the best qualified for matters dealing with communication.

Ship's Log

We have left orbit of Zoryana Five in order to answer what appears to be a distress call from a ship under attack by Romulans. I have been in contact with Admiral Keni Thomas at Bristol Station; if this is indeed a Romulan attack we are to attempt communication with them but if things start to get out of control we are to set course for Bristol Station at best possible speed. Long range scans of the area have been inconclusive; the theory among my senior staff is that whatever has scrambled the distress call is also affecting sensors."

Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

USS Thunderbolt
19:38 hrs

"Captain we're approaching the coordinates now."

Captain Erickson rose from the command chair.
"All stop, red alert. Ensign Abrigo, do we yet know what is out there?"

The Bajoran at Ops shook her head.
"Scans are inconclusive. We are reading one other ship in the area but beyond that I can't tell you. I should be able to get you a visual."

"On screen."

The image was blurry at first, but soon cleared up to reveal a battered NX Class Starship. The hull markings were hard to read due too heavy battle damage but enough remained intact for an Identification; USS Neptune; NCC-20.

Commander Lado pulled up the ship's history on his console reading the important parts aloud.
"Commissioned just weeks prior to the Earth-Romulan War, lost and presumed destroyed in combat in early September 2158. If this truly is the Neptune…"
He let his words trail off as if he were touching on a sacred subject.

Captain Erickson considered her options, unsure of how to deal with a ship several apparently displaced several hundred years.
"We'll send over an away team consisting primarily of engineering and medical personnel with a few security personnel just in case. I want mainly humans on the away team and I want them in period uniforms just to be on the safe side. Ensign Abrigo, try and contact Bristol Station on a priority channel for further orders. The communications buoy we dropped should be able to boost the signal enough."

Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »

19:50 hrs

It had taken several minutes for the away team to make the switch over to period uniforms and equipment; or at least a reasonable facsimile of such. As Lt. Carpio passed out weapons to the away team, he explained that although the casing made them appear to be Phase Pistols, the power cell was most defiantly from a type 2 phaser. The first group to beam aboard was the two security officers plus Lt. Huxley. Finding the corridor clear they informed the transporter room and the remaining members of the away team soon materialized somewhere on B deck of the Neptune.

"Which way to the bridge?" Aaron inquired as he looked around the corridor. Like many he had visited the NX-01 Museum but that was several years ago and he wasn't about to wander around an unfamiliar starship, especially one that was damaged.

Pulling up the ship's schematic on his tricorder, William pointed towards the left hallway.
"There should be an access hatch to a jeffries tube down here."

The away team was almost to the access hatch when they heard the centuries old sentry's cry.
"Halt! Who goes there?"

Turing around they saw a group of MACO, rifles slung across their backs.
"I'm Lieutenant Aaron Steele; we're from the Starship Thunderbolt. We picked up your distress call although much of it was garbled. What happened?"

The leader eyed the away team critically before deciding they were trustworthy.
"We were ambushed by Romulans just as we finished offloading weapons. The other vessels were able to jump to warp and head towards the defense perimeter. Engineering was able to jury rig the warp drive to enable us to attempt an escape but I guess we somehow go knocked off course or something. All I know is, when the ship jumped to warp it caused further damage on top of that caused by the Romulans. When the dust settled we were ordered to start evacuating all but decks A, C, & E so life support could be shut down on the other decks to minimize power usage. If you want more information you should talk to someone on the bridge, they'd know more of what happened."

"Understandable, most of our team consists of medical and engineering personnel so I suggest they get to work while the rest of us head to the bridge."

"I don't have a problem with that but let me check in with the bridge first."
Berdan pulled out his communicator and stepped away from the group. He soon returned with instructions.
"Lt. Sheridan will escort the engineering team while sergeant Gates will take the medical personnel to sickbay. The rest can follow me to the bridge. The groups separated leaving Aaron and the two security officers to make their way to the bridge.
Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Zorayna Incident

Post by Steele »


The team emerged at the back of the bridge.
"Commander Salazar this is the away team I told you about. This is Commander Salazar our XO and chief of security."

Aaron shook the offered hand.
"Lt. Aaron Steele, USS Thunderbolt, this is Chief Petty Officer Horton and Petty Officer 2nd Class Garner, both from the security department. If you don't mind me asking, where is your CO?"

"Not at all. He's helping out with repairs. We lost our Chief Engineer in the initial assault and with the situation we're in, he figured he'd be of more use in engineering than elsewhere. I'm afraid there's not much to do on the bridge at the moment. Security has finished the evacuation, medical's swamped, and engineering is trying to enact repairs at least to get us to the defense perimeter. We're glad someone from Starfleet picked up our distress call instead of someone from the Romulan Empire. It was a gamble but one we felt worth taking."

While Salazar was talking, Aaron looked around the bridge. It was relatively cramped compared to the Thunderbolt; for that matter the entire ship was considerably smaller.

"Your dedication plaque is still intact, that's a good sign."

Salazar nodded.
"That it is…"

USS Thunderbolt
Science Lab

Aaron requested and gained permission to review the sensor logs. He had beamed back to the Thunderbolt in order to better analyze the data.
=/\= Lt Steele to bridge, they definitely travelled through a temporal distortion, I'm still unclear as to what caused it. =/\=

Captain Erickson exchanged a look with Commander Lado.
=/\= Roger that, thank you Lt. We'll pass the information along to Bristol station. Bridge out. =/\=

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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