Flight Control to Major Tom...

A place to introduce yourself and greet new crewmembers

Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare

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Flight Control to Major Tom...

Post by Quinn »

Greetings, crew of the USS Malinche! I'm Saoirse Eleanor Quinn, but please call me "Elle".

*Wants to go for a high-five, but extends hand formally instead* "Decorum," Elle says under her breath. "Decorum."

I am the Malinche's new Flight Control Officer, and I am totally new to Play by Forum simms!
In Real Life, I once had a pet snail named Simms, but that's beside the point.

Thanks to the childhood influence of my older brother, I am a now longtime Sci-Fi fan and tabletop RPG player.
I became a big fan of TNG, TOS, and DS9 (in that order), thanks to reruns and syndication -- and that same older brother.
In early 2017, I discovered and quickly fell for the PbP format. And I very much look forward to getting to know simming!

Apologies in advance for any Newbie mistakes I may make. I hope to rise to the occasion
to meet the high standard of writing I have already seen here from just skulking around!

I look forward to RP'ing and writing with you all!
Ensign Saoirse "Elle" Quinn
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Flight Control to Major Tom...

Post by Korath »

Welcome aboard, we are glad to have you with us. Don't worry too much about the mistakes, we all have been there at some point or Another. If you have any questions or have anything you are unsure of feel free to ask.

I look forward to simming with you.
Lieutenant Commander Korath
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Flight Control to Major Tom...

Post by Kinkaid »

Welcome! However, Korath speaks for himself. I've never made a single mistake in my entire like. Life, I mean. That was the first mistake I've ever made. :D

Seriously though, welcome aboard!
Lieutenant Douglas "Cade" Kinkaid
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Flight Control to Major Tom...

Post by Kersare »

Welcome aboard Elle! Look forward to writing with you here. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. :)
Captain Isabel Kersare
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Flight Control to Major Tom...

Post by Tournneau »

Welcome aboard, Elle! This is my first simm as well, so rules be damned (plez no ban Kersare)!

High fives are totally fine in the Engineering compartment.
Lieutenant Commander Derek Tournneau
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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