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Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:16 pm
by Brewer

Given I'm the new guy, and I don't really know most of you, I figured a small topic to socialise in was in order.

(Provided that's ok with you Cap'n. If not, just deleted this thread.)

*Stands Up And Clears Throat*

Hi! I'm Alex.

*Smiles At The Chorus Reply Of "Hi Alex"*

I like LEGO, Band Of Brothers and Chocolate. I've been simming since April and usually play Marines. Damn, there was none here! Somehow, I think being the lowest pleb on here could be interesting..

Anyone else?

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:17 pm
by Grayson
Alright, I'll join our PO.

My name is Maur?cio, I'm from Brazil.

I like to read, write fiction stories, soccer and I'm very impredictable choosing my chars. Normally I let them take control and go their way. :)

I've been simming since 2001 in a ship or another and recently I took command of the ship I first joined. I love writing and Star Trek and this is much more than a hobby, it's passion.


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:20 pm
by Former Member ... /nitai.htm

Pretty much, that's me.

Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:22 pm
by Barrett
Name is Matt, orginally from Council Bluffs, stuck in Fremont, Nebraska...

Paramedic by day and fiction writer by night. Into reading, writing, bike riding (the pedal kind), swimming and when time permits sleeping.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:23 pm
by Abubakar
<-----Well as ya'll can see, I'm a MON-KEH :wink:
Sorry, only UK ITV watchers will get the MON-KEH bit :)

So erm yeah... I guess I live in the UK *shrugs* I think.... *looks out winow* ah, rain and chavs - definately UK.

Anyhoo, I'm Adam and I'm an alcho..oh wrong thread, (oh come on SOMEONE was gonna do it sooner or later!), I'm engaged to the best woman in the world, who is quite crappliy being forced into moving to Cyrpus. grrr. I have a cool scar on my head, and some pwetty ones on my arms too.

Erm... I own a hotel and some property with my mum... I started simming 1999, unknowingly against COPPA, oops. And joined OF bout... hm, 3 years ago and took a command about that time too. Having failed a mutiny of my TFCO, trying to take 2 commands, having numerous clashes with higher-ups... I'm on my third ship now and was a STGCO :)

Me likies reading and swimming now I can go again, the gym and my wuverly fiance' :wink:

Oh, one time when I came outta hospital and I was kinda trapped in bed with a lease paper on my lap, I was so damn bored that I read it all the way through four times. Yowzer I'm sad...


Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:24 pm
by Brewer
Ouch.. sounds boring.

Woo! Another Brit!
Woo! Someone else who hates Chavs!

Oo, I'm probably the more fanatical Maroon5 fan out of the lot of us. (Everyone should download "Control Myself" by them. It's not been realised, but it's great!)

Op in 3 days! For those of you who havn't heard my annoying rants in OF Chat, and I'm sure I've said it here somewhere, I've got a crappy eye. The muscles are buggered. So they're operating, but I don't want it done because I hate those bloody gowns they give you.. URGH!

I'm probably the youngest here too at 15..

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:25 pm
by Former Member
thou art most serious chav hater in thine UK(eth). Brewer :)

Wey hey! another brit! HOO RA for the BRITASS EMPIRE! I mean erm... wait...

Well Adam (abubakar and WONDERFUL fiance') and I are both 17, so you're not that likkle :)

We're in the NW, sunny *cough* Chavpool, I mean Blackpool.

DOWN WITH CHAVS! (and chavettes and chavlings)

Love Fern! x

Ensign Sharon Kai
Chief Communications Officer
USS Malinche

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:28 pm
by Kersare
Well, Adam beat me to the alcoholic bit, so I'll leave that alone..

Anyway, so, Hi! I'm Michelle, or as many of you know me, Chelle. I turned 21 in July, haven't even attempted buying alcohol yet... Course, after I'd turned 21, I tried buying a rated R movie at Wal-Mart and definitely got carded...not only that, but the cashier didn't believe I was 21. *sigh*

I live in Ohio, which I suppose could be worse.. This is *hopefully* my last year in college - going to YSU and majoring in Electrical Engineering (minor in Math). Course the exciting unions have got the support staff and possibly the professors going on strike, so..yeah. grr.

I like writing, reading, playing guitar(also have played flute, trombone, and piano), listening to music, watching movies, taking walks, Star Trek, rollerblading, umm...I'd say swimming, but I've not gone swimming in ages unfortunately. Played volleyball in middle/high school for awhile. I like playing around with electronics (big surprise eh?).

I started simming in December of 2003 in BF. By April I was on 3 ships, and by July I had my own ship *lovingly pets her Malinche*. This past March I moved her to OF, then last week I took her out of OF.

Oh, did I mention that I have the BEST CREW EVER? :D :D :D

As you've also probably noticed, I tend to ramble at times...

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:31 pm
by Former Member
You're not allowed to ramble, Chelle, that's my job. :roll:

I'm Madeleine, and since the alcohic line has been used (darnit) I'll just say I'm addicted to The Da Vinci Code. (Mm... Priory of Sion...)

I am a Heelan' Coo. (Except that my home isn't as far north as the highlands, and technically I'm not bovine...) So I am another UK-dweller, only I have no idea what a chav is. *Bursts into tears* Anyway... I'm eighteen, short, stout and bespectacled. (And athletically challenged.) I also have DON'T PANIC! written on my hand, and I'd be interested to see who can tell me why. :wink:

Being about to start university, I am also very nervous most of the time. I'm going to be an English major but my grammar sucks. I want to be an author but I can't settle on one story idea. I've been RPing since 2001, during the summer when I was fourteen and bored. I joined my first Star Trek sim in '02 with my annoying Bajoran character Kemm. I love to read and draw as well as write. *Hugs The Da Vinci Code and sketchbook*

And guess what, I rambled. Mwahahaha. :twisted:
Warrant Officer Tekel Orsad
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer (to be)
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

When I was a kid I claimed that all the warring worlds should set aside their differences and bloody well get along. That argument still stands, only now it needs a cane.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:35 pm
by Thundera
Guess it's my turn.

The name is Bruce. I'm a man playing a female. I live in Baltimore, Maryland(USA). I try to live life to the fullest when I can. I've been simming for almost 10 years now. I'm on 3 other ships besides the Mali, one of which is mine. I hope to aspire to be the kind of CO that Michelle(Kersare) is, and provide fun for everyone.

If you wanna know anything else, just ask! I'm not shy about anything!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:37 pm
by Former Member
Abu wrote:
Having failed a mutiny of my TFCO

Hrmmm... I wonder who that particular TFCO was... 8)

Anyways.... "Hi Everybody!"

"Hi Doctor Nick!"

There. Since the "I'm an alcoholic..." line was taken, I'll take that line from The Simpsons! MWAHAHAHAHA!!!

Anyways, where to begin. My name's Matt and "I AM CANADIAN!" Very HappyVery HappyVery Happy (I think only Canadians will understand that... lol). As Chelle said, I live in Halifax, Nova Scotia and am originally from Sydney, Nova Scotia. And before anyone asks, no, I'm not Australian Razz. The Sydney I'm from is pretty much on the complete opposite side of the globe as our Aussie Counterparts :P

Let's see... I'm currently finishing my LAST WEEK of this cruddy College. Thank God. It's been a long year and I feel that I knew more coming in than I do going out. *sigh* Oh well.

I have the two worst roommates/flatmates in the entire world. I mean, seriously. They are the absolute worst (and Chelle can attest to that statement). They live and breath World of Warcraft. They dirty and... ugh. Needless to say, I'm getting my own apartment soon, hopefully within the next 2 months.

I've been with the good Cap'n for four months and a day.

Hobbies? Well, I've been simming for about 5.5 years now (EEK!). I've started off in Bravo Fleet and moved with the OFers when the OF-Split occured. Since then, I've been a player on... countless sims, a CO on 3 different sims, a TGCO and a TFCO *looks at Adam's Rebellion* So, I've had my share of all that. The sim I'm running now is going into it's sixth month and is transitioning from Obsidian Command to Calypso Station.

Other hobbies... Well, I like going to the gym, but haven't gone in a while since I can't find anyone to go with :cry:. I walk a lot, read (currently reading "Lord of Chaos" by Robert Jordan), chat online, sim, play boardgames, watch movies, etc.

What do I have planned in the future? I dunno. I'm a firm believer in Taking Life as it comes. Have a schedual is nice from time to time, or for short-term goals, but the Road of Life is just way too long to put in a schedule. So, within the next year or two, I will be returning to University to either take up more Computer Science, Computer Engineering or whatever else comes up.

I think that's about everything about me. If you want to know anything more, please, feel free to ask Very Happy


Ensign Petra Mavose
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:39 pm
by Thundera
OH boy! I know what you mean about DIRTY roommates. I used to live with 2 of the dirtiest people in the world. I've told Michelle before. Hell, they couldn't even afford to pay their bills correctly. Phone and internet would keep getting cut off. They wouldn't clean, hed like 100 animals that shit and piss whever they felt...... ALOT more but I really don't want to get into that.

I'm just glad that now I have my own place where I don't have to worry about any of that anymore!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:40 pm
by Harrison
If she was going to a counselor, I would say it is PTSD. Trying to find her own place in the World she has been forced to rejoin.

Anyway, I'm PrincessGrace, or PG to my friends. I'm a special education teacher in the state of Arkansas, better known as the first home of Billary Clinton. I have two boys I'm trying to raise single handedly. Both of my children are autistic. We are all Cherokee Indians, complete with cards issued by the Bureau of Injun Affairs.

I have been writing ST since I discovered a fleet in 1997. I have served as a CO for six years, TFCO for ten ships for three years, Fleet XO for five years. I'm around the ST universe, and not putting all my characters in one fleet.

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:41 pm
by Shandris
*hugs Gracie*

Wow, I'm glad Chelle passed on the link to these here forums. Else, she'd have probably ended up having to remove me from the Good Ship Malinche.

My name is Walt, and I am definitely NOT an alcoholic. I don't drink at all, as it's particularly difficult on me. Back in 2002, I suffered a severe brain aneurysm, which hemmhoraged and squirted blood all over my brain. The docs at the wonderful Medical College of Virginia Hospital opened my head up, and removed the bleeding part of my brain. They were forced to use a metal plate to replace a good portion of my skull, where they operated, which comes to a lot of annoyance when dealing with metal detectors.

I am now permanently disabled, at the "young" age of 28. In the past, I've done a large number of different jobs. I've worked the Fast Food scene (UGH! Evil or Very Mad ) and after working for the California Conservation Corps for a year, was trained as a CDF( California Department of Forestry) Smokejumper. For those of you who don't know, a Smokejumper is a specialized firefighter who jumps out of an aircraft (with a parachute, of course) to remote wildfire locations.

Since then, I've been homeless several times, and have owned half of a small-business Computer Repair company, starting off in San Diego then moving it to Virginia.

I became disabled in Virginia, and after recovering(as much as possible, of course), I was taken in by a friend in Salem, Oregon. Since then, I've been homeless again, and now live with friends in Vancouver Washington.

I have been playing RPG's since 1984, starting off with Dungeons and Dragons around a card table set up during a party, on-base, with some sailors(I'm a Navy Brat). They threw a party for watching the Olympics opening ceremonies, and decided to play D&D, and when I asked what it was, I was invited to play.

I've been playing games online since 1996, starting off in Bravo Fleet aboard the USS Bonhomme Richard and the USS Mercury. I later added more simms to that list, and took a command, the USS Firehawk-A, in BF Task Force 58, where I served as TGCO until the BF/OF split. I accompanied many other simms, along with the Firehawk and crew, to Obsidian Fleet. I was given command of a Task Group in OF Task Force 72, and was promoted to Task Force CO after a large chunk of TF72 left the fleet. Since then, I have been submitted to false JAG charges and forced to step aside for a period of several months. I later returned to command the Task Force, but was bothered by how things had gone. I later resigned my command, the Firehawk-B, and was promoted to Chief of Fleet Operations. Since then, I'd had a time of things, having once had Tanis (Petra(Mat)) as one of my TFCO's. I then had my brain aneurysm, and after a long hard time, the position of Chief of Fleet Operations was phased out, and I and my command of the time, the USS Firehawk-C, was moved to Task Force 72.

I now command the USS Sun Tzu in OF's Task Force 21, and am often found in the OF IRC Chat channel, under the nick Bayushi. Most people online know me as Bayushi or Bay.

Now I've rambled..... >.< If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask!

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:42 pm
by Rayne
Well I don't have any questions but I can most certainly welcome you aboard...^_^
I am of course the ship's Chief Counselor...^_^ And I can say all of us here are a little crasy...^_^ but who said that there is something wrong with that? Not me... Out of character most people know me as Matt Holdridge or if you happen to have yahoo messenger and frequent the chatroom Yahoo Roleplaying Games: 1 you would know me as Locke Desmoste...which is the first character I ever started rping with much interest. I sure the captain remembers the day she first found me or actually I should say found (Yahoo chatrooms = Death to Star Trek) usually... At least I happened to be around when she was recuiting for the Malinche...Though I didn't join until much later. I had been with the Excalibur back in BF but I accidently ticked a few too many people off and I left them and joined the Malinche. AND I can say I don't drink either mostly cause im not legally allowed but I don't intend on starting either. Well there is the tid bit about me and I hope I can do as much as I can to make this place interesting and as welcoming as I can though Im sure I won't be the only one doing that...^_^