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Hellos and salutations!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:21 am
by Quarterstaff
Hello! I'm Lynn also know in RL as Angel and I've joined up as a medical officer. This is just a message to hopefully break the ice and meet the crew.

I'm 19, An art major and a girl. Yay?

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 2:07 am
by Palentis
Hiya Angel

Another newbie, goodie, lets chat be good to great our characters having a natter..

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 8:24 am
by Kersare
Welcome aboard Angel!

And yeah, actually you two have a great potential to do some things with your characters as you're both coming on board at the same (ish) time. You could have them brought to the Mali on the same shuttle or ship. :)

Hope you enjoy the Mali!

And if either of you wants to JP, feel free to ask me (or one of the others that I included on the contact list)!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 12:44 pm
by Hunt
Hi angel,

Welcome aboard!!!

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by Thundera
I just love new people. Welcome aboard.

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 4:42 pm
by Peters
Hrm... last art major I simmed with ended up running the fleet for awhile...

anywho... welcome aboard... I'm the neigborhood greasemonkey and the person our gallant Captain has talked into making character images for the whole crew.

Posted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 2:24 pm
by Grayson
Welcome aboard! I'm sure you'll have fun around here!