Lieutenant JG Toren

Name Toren

Position Acting Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan
Birth Date May 5, 2364

Physical Appearance

Height 6'
Weight 180 lbs
Physical Description Olive skinned. Short, black hair cut in the traditional Vulcan male style. Pointed ears and arching eyebrows. Well toned build, not overly muscular.


Father Kolvan
Mother T’sovath
Sister(s) T’prel (older)


Childhood/Background Toren grew up on Vulcan, raised according to the traditions of Vulcan culture and their strong educational system. He has a sister, T’prel who is fifteen years older.

Toren entered the Vulcan Science Academy when he came of age, and graduated with honors from its Pre-Med program.
Academy History Toren entered Starfleet Medical Academy after graduating from the Vulcan Science Academy. His transfer from the Vulcan Science Directorate was approved and finalized, granting him the rank of Ensign in Starfleet.

He completed the doctoral program, and earned a residency in the prestigious University of Nairobi.
Career History While at the University of Nairobi, Toren specialized in Neuroscience. Given his Vulcan background, he had always found the mechanisms of the mind facinating. His residency project explored the possibility of using Vulcan mind melds to help repair the damaged neural pathways of members of other species. His work was published in the medical journal, Neurology Now.

Once his residency was completed, he was given a choice between a planetside posting on New Romulus, or a post on the tactical escort vessel, USS Malinche. Having been terrestrial his whole career, he felt it would only be logical for a Starfleet officer to spend some time journeying among the stars.
Service Record 2382-2386 – Cadet, Vulcan Science Academy, (Pre-Med Track)
2386-2389 – Ens., Starfleet Medical Academy, Graduate Program (Medicine)
2389-2391 – Lt. J.G., M.D., University of Nairobi, Residency
2391- Lt. J.G., M.D., USS Malinche, Assistant Chief Medical Officer

Personality & Traits

Personality Toren displays mostly traditional Vulcan personality traits - stoicism and a knack for finding the practical in any situation. However, he does possess a certain dry sarcasm, which is a bit unusual for a Vulcan.
Hobbies & Interests Toren is very dedicated to his work, but he does allow himself some recreational indulgences. He enjoys playing Kal-toh, as well as listening to human opera. Otherwise, he spends much of his time in meditation or delving into research.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Lieutenant Commander Tournneau