Lieutenant Cecil Bateson

Name Cecil Bateson

Position Acting Chief Counselor

Rank Lieutenant

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birth Date April 3, 2248

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 156 lbs


Brother(s) Captain Morgan Bateson


Childhood/Background Cecil's father’s blue-collar background and work in law enforcement has proven to be a source of frustration for the more "refined" Cecil, Doctor Bateson usually keeps an eye toward ingratiating himself with higher society and the pursuit of the finer things in life.
Career History Doctor Cecil Stork Bateson often said that Psychiatry was his saving grace. And though he lived in the shadow of his more well known brother, Captain Morgan Bateson, early in his Starfleet career Cecil’s own work in psychiatry and Jungian psychology was highly respected. So much so that it was considered a coup whenever Cecil was assigned to a new vessel. It was only with some cajoling, in fact, that he joined the crew of the Bozeman, in part to support his brother on the elder Bateson’s new venture. Little did Cecil know his service on the Bozeman would serve not only as the springboard to adventure, but also as a turning point for the direction point of his own psychiatric practice.

While some say the doctor suffers from a fair share of his own Psychosomatic phobias, and effete eccentricities, Cecil was always considered a welcome addition to each new vessel, because of his care and diligence to mental health and treatment. His work with the crew of the Bozeman was no different. However, the temporal distortion that catapulted the Bozeman 90 years into its future catapulted Cecil’s work into a limelight of a different sort. Playing an instrumental role in the psychological rehabilitation of crew members afflicted by Temporal Displacement Distress Disorder, Cecil came to be recognized as an expert in the field, warmly aiding those who felt cast out of time to reconcile their old selves with their new realities — especially because he himself had lived through such an event.

And so, now over two decades removed from escaping the temporal causality loop, Cecil had made a secondary career of moving from assignment to assignment on various Federation starships that have undergone temporal displacement and whose crews have reported trauma resulting from it, treating patients who feel unmoored from their times and themselves, while remaining armed with a witty retort for any occasion.

His latest posting has brought him to the Malinche…
Service Record 2273-2278 USS Bozeman: Ship's Counselor
(2278-2368 Temporal Causality Loop)
2368-2373 USS Bozeman: Chief Counselor
2374-2384 USS Wells: Counselor and Temporal Displacement Division Liaison
2384-2391 USS Bradbury: Counselor and TDD Liaison
2391-Present USS Malinche: Acting Chief Counselor and TDD Liason

Personality & Traits

Personality Astute, studious, and an able advisor — despite having some difficulty following his own advice — Cecil is knowledgeable not only in the fields of psychology and psychiatry, but also in history, cultural etiquette, and — though he’d be loath to admit the latter — social climbing.
Hobbies & Interests Yale University, BS
Yale School of Medicine, MD, PhD in Psychiatry
University of Cambridge, postdoctoral Fellowship
Starfleet, Counselor

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Ensign Quinn