Ensign Ba'el

Name Ba'el

Position Operations Officer

Rank Ensign

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human/Klingon
Birth Date October 15, 2373

Physical Appearance


Father Korath
Mother Jessica Penniston, Deceased


Childhood/Background Ba'el was born on October 15, 2373. Growing up a half Klingon among a human majority was difficult, particularly in light of the fact that for much of the Dominion war, Klingons had re-opened hostilities toward the Federation. Despite the short lived hostilities between the Federation and the Klingon empire, many people looked at her with suspicion. Ba'el however developed a gentle and caring personality in spite of her Klingon half. In 2375, Following the Dominion's surrender; Ba'el and her mother moved to the USS Archer, to be close to her father during his deployment. The following year, a run in with a rogue Klingon vessel resulted in her and her mother's abduction.

Ba'el and her mother Jessica spent two years aboard an abandoned, run down Klingon station. Life was hard, however she and her mother had the freedom to explore the station since there was no escape from the isolated outpost. At first Ba'el, still young and naive, held out hope that her father would come and rescue them. As the next two years passed, however, she began to lose hope that he would come. When Korath did finally free her, the two years of harsh conditions and her mother's death at the hands of Captain Durill began to slowly drive a wedge between her and her Father. She began to resent him for her mother's death and for his lack of desire to talk about her loss.

When she turned ten, earth standard years, Ba'el went to live with her aunt on Earth. She made friends with a young girl named Jordan Thomas. The two girls quickly became inseparable. Jordan often spent long hours with Ba'el quizzing her on extra curricular subjects to prepare for the StarFleet Academy entrance exam. When she was 17, she applied and was accepted to the Academy.
Academy History During her first year she distinguished herself as a gifted engineering student as well as becoming popular among her fellow cadets. It wasn't until her second year that she officially adopted her major in starship operations. By her third year she had proven herself a capable pilot, landing herself a place on the academy's Alpha flight squadron.

She graduated top of her class in starship operations and piloting.
Career History Upon graduation from Academy, Ba'el accepted a position on the USS Malinche as an Operations Officer.
Service Record 2390-2394: Starfleet Academy, Cadet
2394-Present: Operations Officer, USS Malinche, Ensign

Personality & Traits

Personality Naturally warm, affectionate, and loyal, but head strong. Ba'el is a warm and caring young woman. She cares deeply for her friends and family. She is a good listener and is thoughtful. She however is very stubborn, in stark contrast to her inviting nature.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Lieutenant Commander Korath