Warrant Officer Third Class Alexandria Mendez

Name Alexandria Mendez

Position Shuttle/Runabout Pilot

Rank Warrant Officer Third Class

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Birth Date February 20, 2351

Physical Appearance

Height 5'5"
Weight 123 lbs
Physical Description Lexie has dark hair and brown eyes. Her modest height and petite build tend to make her seem small by comparison to most of her colleagues. She can appear quite stern when left to herself, but rapidly becomes warm, smiley, and outgoing around people she knows.


Other Family Grandfather: Alexander Mendez


Childhood/Background Lexie is from a Starfleet family, but one that skipped a generation, her father not wanting to follow in the footsteps of his own. Lexie's grandfather had spent his childhood being pushed and prepared for a Starfleet career, something her father blamed for the friction between the two of them, and so went to great lengths to deny and discourage his daughter from a career in Starfleet. This only made her rebellious, and — with a little encouragement from her grandfather — she decided to enlist in Starfleet as an act of defiance.
Academy History Lexie attended the Starfleet Technical Services Academy on Mars — the world where her grandfather had grown up. She completed basic training in 2369, and specialised in Flight Operations as a Crewman Apprentice. Ultimately, she hoped to become a shuttle pilot, a career path not normally open to enlisted members of Starfleet, and so set about building a foundation for eventually becoming a warrant or commissioned officer. For several months, she was stationed at the Academy Flight Range, providing flight support to Cadets from the Starfleet Flight School.
Career History Mendez' first proper Crewman assignment was as a Shuttle Operations Technician aboard the USS Helios, an Akira-class vessel. The Helios was stationed along the Demilitarized Zone, and saw significant action during the Dominion War. Providing flight control and coordination to combat shuttles and Federation Attack Fighters assigned to the USS Helios, she participated in a number of key battles in the Dominion War, including Operation Return and the Battle of Cardassia.

Mendez remained aboard the Helios after the war, assisting in relief operations within the Cardassian Union. She later served aboard the USS Lexington, before transferring to a Research & Development team at Utopia Planetia to assist with flight evaluations and performance tests on new auxiliary and utility craft. While there, she volunteered to assist with Starfleet's Romulan refugee efforts: she was on one such voyage when Utopia Planetia was targetted during the Synth attack on Mars.

In 2385, Mendez was accepted into the Starfleet Academy Flight School, and qualified as a shuttle pilot, earning a promotion to Warrant Officer. She initially served aboard the USS Venture, before transferring to Starbase 38.

Service Record 2369 — Starfleet Technical Services Academy - Basic Training (Crewman Recruit)
2370 — Starfleet Technical Services Academy - Flight Operations Training (Crewman Apprentice)
2370-2371 — Starfleet Academy Flight Range (Saturn) - Flight Technician (Crewman Apprentice)
2371-2374 — USS Helios - Shuttle Operations Technician (Crewman)
2374-2377 — USS Helios - Shuttle Operations Technician (Petty Officer, 3rd Class)
2377-2379 — USS Helios - Shuttle Operations Technician (Petty Officer, 2nd Class)
2379-2381 — USS Lexington - Shuttle Operations Technician (Petty Officer, 2nd Class)
2381-2385 — Utopia Planetia - Research & Development (Petty Officer, 1st Class)
2385 — Starfleet Academy Flight School (Petty Officer, 1st Class)
2386-2391 — USS Venture - Shuttle Pilot (Warrant Officer)
2391-2394 — Starbase 38 - Shuttle Pilot (Warrant Officer)

Personality & Traits

Personality Mendez would describe herself as resolute; others might describe her as stubborn. To those she does not know, she can be abrupt and standoffish, but those who earn her friendship — of those who she decides to take a protective shine to — she is warm, generous, and fiercely loyal. She is confident, but more importantly comfortable: being a shuttle pilot was always her dream, and has not only realised that dream but proven herself quite adept at it. While some might consider her career to have gone somewhat stagnant, Mendez feels that she has found her place, and is both content and determined to remain there — even if at times she finds herself feeling restless for lack of things to do.
Hobbies & Interests Mendez is athletic and active. She enjoys a variety of sports, the more competitive and combative the better. Boxing is a regular part of her fitness regime, among other martial arts, and she is an avid competitor in parrises squares. When she needs solitude, Mendez seeks out activities where she is challenged by nature: rock climbing, windsurfing, and skydiving to name a few.

Not someone who enjoys being idle, Mendez has a bad habit of sacrificing her personal time in order to assist in tasks beyond the scope of her duties, just to keep herself occupied.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Ocasta