Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson

Name Mark Grayson II

Position Chief Intelligence Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Birth Date 08.30.2351

Physical Appearance

Height 5’7” (175cm)
Weight 154 lbs (70 kg)
Physical Description Mark Grayson has dark hair and hazel eyes. No other discernable marks. His face is not a friendly one. He is a man always in shape, and always trying to look like he’s not.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Admiral Mark Grayson I , Retired, Former Head of Starfleet Medical R&D
Mother Laura Grayson, Retired Starfleet Officer
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None


Childhood/Background Mark Grayson II grew up under his father’s shadow, a much-respected medical officer in the USS Hood and then USS Sura. His mother was an Operations officer during years aboard the USS Surak. Mark grew up on the USS Surak until his father got the promotion to Admiral and his mother decided to retire to stay with him, back on Earth.

Mark did not appreciate the fact that his father was already preparing him to follow his career as a medical officer. In his teenager years, Mark rebelled against that and during the years in the Academy, he chose the Intelligence area. His father went ballistic, which pleased Mark greatly.
Academy History As he started in the Academy, his father had tried to make him study medical sciences. As he resisted his father requests, he started to get his interested in the intelligence branch. It was a secretive, nameless job, that most of the time, no one would know he had acted. That would be the opposite of what his father wanted.

In the third year of the academy, he joined the intelligence courses and showed remarkable ability to analyze data, to verify information and later that year he was able to ace the undercover action courses. His grades and his attitude soon attracted the attention of the Starfleet Intelligence, especially the infiltration and covert branch. As soon he was out of the academy, expecting to be assigned to a ship to be a liaison of Intel Corps, he was recruited to I & C Branch.

He was trained to be a spy. He learned counter espionage and other techniques. By the time he was finished with the training, the Dominion War exploded.
Career History Mark was immediately sent on undercover missions. He stayed undercover during most of the Dominion War. His missions were classified, but Mark barely escaped some of them alive. He toughened up and become a distant person. He did things he was not proud of, but that needed to be done.

With the end of the war, he decided to return to regular service. He applied to transfer to a starship. His father tried to influence him to take a post on Earth, but Mark refused. His first post was aboard the USS Mariner, where he spent a year trying to get his head off the war and back to “normal” life.

After a year, his former ranking officer *redacted*, called him back to Intelligence Work, back on Cardassia, where his skills were needed because of the resentment of some of the Cardassian old guard fomenting a possible revolt. His work, along with others of intelligence along with the Diplomatic Corps, avoided the plot, keeping the peace in Cardassia.

In 2382, Grayson, now a Lieutenant, insisted to get back in space and got transferred to the USS Malinche, where he met Captain Kersare and her crew. Despite an initial difficulty integrating, Grayson soon felt he was at home.
However, in 2386, his former Intelligence Officer, *redacted* sought him out again. This time Grayson didn’t want to get involved in the operation, but he was ordered to and shipped out of the Malinche to an undisclosed location for a covert operation.

After that, during 2391 to 2393, Grayson got a long Leave of Absence, keeping himself at his home on Earth. He clearly wasn’t himself for a long time; it become clear that whatever happened during his last covert action had taken a toll on him.

In 2394, he returned to active duty and requested a transfer back to the USS Malinche.
Service Record 2361-2373: Starfleet Academy
2373-2375: Covert Operation Officer for Intelligence during The Dominion War, Ensign
2376-2377: USS Mariner - Intelligence Officer, ensign
2378-2381: Second in Command of Intelligence Office on the Starfleet Embassy in Cardassia, Lieutenant Jg.
2382 -2386: USS Malinche, Chief Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant
2387-2391: Covert Operation Officer for Intelligence, location classified, Lieutenant
2391- 2393: LOA, Earth, Lieutenant.
2394-Present: USS Malinche, Chief Intelligence Officer, Lieutenant Commander

Personality & Traits

Personality Mark Grayson II is somewhat cynical. His profession made him cynical. He barely trusts his co-workers. He's always suspicious, always thinking about conspiracies and plots that could threaten the Federation. He acts coldly and never is satisfied with the result. He's very good at gathering information and is a good operator. He knows how to blend in and interrogate someone. He is loyal to his superiors, but, if he sees something that needs the rules bent, he will not hesitate. His intention is always to do the right thing. He clearly hides some distant pain and keep himself apart, but, the mere fact of being back to Malinche proves that he needs people more than he thinks.
Hobbies & Interests Mark tries to learn the most he can about a subject. So, he's a good researcher and knows how to hack into secured systems. He likes to read and appreciates taking long walks through the ship's corridors late at night. He secretly paints, but prefers to keep that under wraps, fearing people will start to think he's softening.

OOC Info