Commander Fala Awen

Name Fala Awen

Position Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer

Rank Commander

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bajoran
Birth Date 7/18/2351

Physical Appearance

Height 5'7"
Weight 128 lbs
Physical Description Awen has straight black hair that matches her dark eyes. As is typical of Bajorans, Awen has a ridged nose. A scar runs partway down her left arm, the result of an injury she sustained during an operation with her Resistance Cell.


Father Fala Korin
Mother Fala Mira
Brother(s) Jorak (5 years older than Awen - deceased)
Nolis (3 years younger than Awen)


Childhood/Background Awen was born on July 18, 2351 on Bajor, the second of three children. Mira and Korin raised their children well and taught them to worship The Prophets. They firmly believed that the Prophets would help save them from the Cardassians.

From an early age Awen looked up to her older brother Jorak, so it was no suprise when she joined the Resistance shortly after him. While Mira, Korin, and Nolis felt that they should leave things to the Prophets, Jorak and Awen thought they should help things along to save their people. With the Resistance Awen learned hand to hand combat, strategic and tactical planning, basic piloting skills, and received some weapons training.

During an operation with their Resistance cell, Awen and Jorak were captured along with two others, one being Lirana Nira. They endured confinement for two months before coming up with an escape plan. It was risky, but they knew no other alternative existed. Just before dawn on a clear, cool morning Jorak and Awen put their plan into action. As they were about to escape, two Cardassian guards spotted them. Jorak engaged the first one, stabbing the guard in his side. He urged his only sister along, as he struggled. At first Awen followed her brother`s advice and ran, but looked back to see if he was coming. It was then that she witnessed Jorak`s death. Her eyes met his for a brief moment before he died; the Cardassians then turned to capture her, but she fled.

Awen laid low for a few days, pondering what to do. Staying on Bajor would mean almost certain death and she certainly couldn't contact her family. Remembering that Lirana had a brother and sister, Awen looked for and found them. They were able to secure a shuttlecraft for her, and after creating a diversion, allowed Awen to escape. Days passed, until finally someone found her. The USS Dreamway picked her up, at whichpoint she claimed asylum. She stayed aboard the Dreamway as a civilian while they finished their mission of exploration. In that time, she started getting acquainted with StarFleet and paid particular attention to the Science Department. A year later, the ship returned to Earth. Hoping to one day return to help her people, Awen enrolled in Starfleet Academy.
Academy History When Awen arrived at Earth, she enrolled in StarFleet Academy. Due to her time in the Resistance, she excelled in tactics, strategic planning, piloting, and combat skills. Also, Awen had acquired some skill in wound and combat trauma first aid. However, her interests drew her elsewhere. As a child, she had always been curious about the Celestial Temple, not only for its religious meaning to her people, but scientifically as well. Therefore, her thirst for scientific knowledge became her driving force in the Academy.

Through her courses, she became knowledgeable with sensor systems, astrophysics and astronomy. She picked up on warp and propulsion theory relatively well and was always near the top of her class. Scientific anomalies became a favorite course of Awen as she took advanced level training in the topic. Her professors were impressed with her knowledge and enthusiasm surrounding wormhole theory, and were glad to see her thesis on them.

Before her final year at Academy, Awen was assigned to the USS Dreamway for her cadet cruise. Having already developed a form of rapport with the crew, the Bajoran fit in fairly well. Some were more leery at first, as she hadn't been the ideal passenger when she had last been aboard. However, her time at Academy had helped polish her skills.
Career History Following her graduation from StarFleet Academy, Awen was assigned to the USS Emrin as a Science Officer, specializing in scientific anomalies. Their first mission was mainly scientific and Awen's knowledge and quick thinking helped them out of a few scrapes. Her captain was impressed and promoted her to Lieutenant JG while also making her Assistant Chief Science Officer.

Awen's next mission took her to a race unknown to her. A war had been brewing between its people over the use of a wormhole in nearby space. A top official had been kidnapped and the Emrin was sent in to help. When peace talks went in circles, the Emrin's CO ordered a small team to find and rescue the hostage. Knowing of Awen's experience in a Resistance Cell, he sent her with the team. She was a natural leader in the situation and was able to retrieve the official with minor losses. Peace talks resumed afterwards and a compromise was made. For her efforts, Awen was promoted to Lieutenant and was transferred to the Security/Tactical department as Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

The Emrin's next mission was again mainly diplomatic. However, her security force was well trained and excelled throughout the mission, maintaining order and preventing hostilities between the two parties from escalating to dangerous levels. While Awen enjoyed her new job, her love for science was ever present. After this mission, with encouragement from her Commanding Officer to follow her heart, she applied for a transfer, hoping to be able to return to Science. A month later, her transfer was approved to the USS Endurance as Chief Science Officer.

After waiting for the USS Endurance for two months on Deep Space 7, Awen grew restless. Once the first month had gone by she`d sent in a request for transfer to another ship - her talents useless without somewhere to use them. Unfortunately StarFleet requested she stay on DS 7 until they found a new assignment for her.

Finally, Awen received orders that she was to transfer to the USS Valiant, as Chief Security/Tactical Officer. The position was surprising to her, but it was an assignment. The USS Serenity was to take her to Starbase 24 to rendezvous with the USS Valiant.

During Awen's first mission aboard the Valiant, StarFleet sent the vessel on a covert mission into the Romulan Neutral Zone. The ship was destroyed, but Awen, like most of the crew, was able to escape.

For the next few months, the Bajoran was shuttled between various Starbases waiting for an assignment. Eventually she was assigned to the USS Proteus as Chief Security/Tactical Officer. Unfortunately this assignment wouldn't last either. After a few missions on the Luna class starship, Commander Coran and his crew were re-assigned elsewhere with little explanation.

Frustrated with the short assignments, Awen once again put in for a transfer to either Security/Tactical or Science. A short while later she was assigned to the USS Tethys as Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer. Soon after being assigned to the Tethys, Commander Earlond - the Tethys' Chief Security/Tactical Officer - was re-assigned as Executive Officer. Awen was then promoted to the position of Chief Security/Tactical Officer.

After a few missions, Rear Admiral Iluvar, the Tethys' CO, was transferred to the USS Pandora. The majority of the crew went with him, including Awen. The first mission aboard the Pandora took the crew to Romulan space. The Pandora was to rendezvous with a vessel from the Romulan Empire. Once they made contact with the D'Kar, the Romulan vessel took them to a colony, where colonists were afflicated by some form of illness. A few of the colonists were taken aboard the Pandora for further examination, until the Seras appeared. The D'Kar was actually associated with the RIS, which did not sit well with the Romulan Empire. Asked to leave Romulan space, the Pandora was escorted out of the area by the Seras once the colonists were returned.

After completing a tour of Romulan defenses, the Pandora was ordered to report to Deep Space 4 where Rear Admiral Iluvar faced an inquiry. Despite a lack of true evidence, he was reduced in rank to Captain and removed from the position of Task Force Commanding Officer. In addition, StarFleet took it upon themselves to promote Awen to Commander and put her in place as Executive Officer, ordering her to report on Iluvar's activities.

Uncomfortable with her undue promotion and new duties as essentially a spy, Awen resigned from the Pandora and went on a sabbatical. During her sabbatical, she moved around fairly often, not staying in one place for very long, as she considered her options. The Bajoran was on Starbase 342 when she learned that a review of Iluvar's inquiry had resulted in the inquiry's findings being reversed - Iluvar's rank was restored as well as his position as Task Force 22 Commanding Officer.

Growing restless, Awen put in notice with StarFleet that she would be returning. At the time, she was informed that her rank of Lieutenant Commander would be restored, due to the questionable circumstances that resulted in her promotion - something that Awen would have requested herself anyway.

Awen was then given orders to report to the USS Sentinel as Executive Officer and Chief Science Officer. During her first mission back, the Sentinel encountered the Gyrian species who were trapped inside a spatial anomaly. The Gyrians resisted their offer of assistance as the anomaly was considered a sacred religious site to them, but ultimately were rescued before they were destroyed due to the quick thinking of the Sentinel crew, which included contributions from Awen in her secondary role as Chief Science Officer. They were attacked during the rescue by rogue Orion and Klingon pirates, but managed to escape. After this, the crew mainly concentrated on scouting missions, gathering a fair amount of data for StarFleet.

In 2389, Awen was promoted to Commander due to her contributions to the Sentinel's missions and her time in StarFleet. At the same time, it was announced that the Sentinel would be attached to Starbase 621 to assist in the Starbase's defense as they were located in an area with increased tensions. Additionally, the Sentinel would provide reconnaissance regarding potential threats and participate in some exploration of nearby star systems.

Awen was offered command of a Prometheus class ship in 2391, which would come with a promotion to Captain. However, Awen was reluctant to take the position and instead requested a transfer to the USS Malinche as (Acting) Chief Security/Tactical Officer.
Service Record 2366-2369: Bajoran Resistance
2369-2370: USS Dreamway, Civilian/Observer
2370-2375: StarFleet Academy & Cadet Cruise (USS Dreamway, Science Cadet)
2376-2379: USS Emrin, Science Officer (Ensign)
2379-2380: USS Emrin, Assistant Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant JG)
2380-2381: USS Emrin, Chief Security/Tactical Officer (Lieutenant)
2381: Awaiting arrival of USS Endurance at Deep Space 7 (6 months)
2382-2383: USS Valiant, Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2383: Awaiting assignment
2384-2385: USS Proteus, Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2385-2386: USS Tethys, Chief Security/Tactical Officer
2386: USS Pandora, Chief Security/Tactical Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
2386-2387: USS Pandora, Executive Officer (Commander)
2387-2388: Sabbatical from StarFleet
2388-2389: USS Sentinel, Executive Officer/Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
2389-2391: USS Sentinel, Executive Officer/Chief Science Officer (Commander)
2391-Present: USS Malinche, Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer (Commander)

Personality & Traits

Personality Due to the Cardassian Occupation of Bajor, Awen grew up much faster than most other children. It taught her to be wary of people, seeking out their intentions before opening up to them. She is very dedicated to her causes and is loyal, determined, and strong-willed. Her involvement with her brother`s Resistance Cell taught her courage, planning, and organization. Not wanting to leave things to chance, Awen has a back up plan for nearly everything. She is also adept at looking at situations and ideas in various ways and perspectives, allowing her to make good assessments.

Despite her somewhat skewed outlook on society, Awen has a kind soul deep down. She is very warm and friendly with her friends and family. Her loyalty and caring can sometimes be shown through her protectiveness of others.
Hobbies & Interests Firmly believing in relaxation to calm and clear her mind, Awen enjoys meditation, writing or reading poetry, as well as singing or playing the Bajoran harp. She has also studied and continues to practice several kinds of martial arts. While in the Resistance, Awen became skilled at hand-to-hand, knife, and small weapons combat. Her Academy training and time on the Emrin also gave her experience with larger weapons.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Captain Kersare