Lieutenant Commander Aniela Darvetti

Name Aniela Darvetti

Position Acting Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Birth Date July 18, 2360

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Weight 118 lbs
Physical Description Aniela has brown eyes and long brown hair, which she sometimes wears straight and sometimes allows to be slightly curly. Although she may not look very intimidating, she has a strong physical presence and stays in good shape.


Father Dante Darvetti (Born 2331)
Mother Carlina Darvetti (Born 2335)


Childhood/Background Aniela is an only child who was born on July 18, 2360 and raised in Italy on Earth. Her mother works as a doctor and her father is an engineer for StarFleet. She was lucky enough to grow up in a home with two loving parents that encouraged her and her curiosity. Even as a small child Aniela had a love for learning and exploring.

Overall, her childhood was normal, though she sometimes envied her friends who had siblings. Aniela, being a rather shy child, tended to have just a few very close friends that she spent time with. One of her best friends was Lucia; when they were young the girls' favorite pastime was exploring - anywhere they could.

As Aniela grew older, her parents taught her about their professions and science. Being the only child, she'd grown up being treated more like an adult than a child - Aniela's parents regularly engaged her in discussions about their professions and the Federation. When Lucia came over to visit, she'd join in on the discussions as well - she found the conversations interesting.

Aniela loved looking at the stars and dreamed of one day being able to explore them; her favorite subject in high school was Science, unsurprisingly. She'd heard stories from her grandfather and one of her uncles about being officers in StarFleet, and felt it would be a rewarding experience, not to mention give her a great opportunity to use her skills and love of Science. Once she graduated from high school, she applied for and was accepted into StarFleet Academy.
Academy History At the Academy Aniela did well. She took classes in various disciplines to help broaden her skills, though her main concentration was in Science. Her secondary focus was on Starship and Starbase Operations; in her mind the two had some ties as she learned that even in the Science department she would need to coordinate with Operations for allocation of ship’s resources to be able to run sensors, scans, and other scientific analysis. Also, Aniela took various Tactical and self defense classes, wanting to be prepared for any situation that arose. She excelled in her Science courses and also did well in her basic medical and engineering courses - mostly due to the knowledge her parents passed to her. Much of Aniela's time in the Academy was devoted to her studies, but she also made some good friends while there.

Her first two years in Academy were somewhat lonely; Aniela missed having Lucia around. They would try to visit during Aniela's breaks from Academy and Lucia's breaks from college - she was studying to be a teacher. In her third year, however, Aniela met a young Trill named Darija NaVer. Darija made the first steps to beginning their friendship, feeling a little lonely without her twin around. To Aniela, Darija was a captive audience to her stories and a good listener in general. She could tell that the Trill felt ashamed about not being able to receive a symbiont, and left out since her twin was able to be joined, so she suggested that Darija take some counseling courses.

The two had a more difficult time keeping in touch while Aniela was on her cadet cruise; Darija was two years behind her and still doing coursework. They were glad to see each other again upon Aniela's return and were able to reconnect. Aniela finally graduated fifth in her class at the age of 22 with a specialization in spatial and subspace anomalies.
Career History Fresh out of the Academy, Aniela joined the USS Cherokee as a Science Officer. The majority of the crew were experienced officers, leaving Aniela to feel somewhat out of place. For the most part, she kept to herself, but gradually made a few friends - mostly those who were persistent in trying to get to know her. During one of their missions, the Cherokee was exposed to a subspace rift; Aniela, remembering her training at the Academy, provided her knowledge which helped the ship escape from the rift. After her assistance, she was promoted to Lieutenant JG and was reassigned as Spatial Anomalies Officer. In her new position, she regularly coordinated with Operations to get more resources to further study some of the anomalies they came across.

A few years later Aniela, at the recommendation of the Cherokee's Chief Science Officer, was transferred to the USS Soulwolf as they were in need of an Assistant Chief Science Officer. The crew was a good bunch and she quickly felt at ease. One of the Senior Officers, Brul Unger, was a rather gruff, abrupt man who'd never fully recovered from the Dominion War. Aniela took it upon herself to befriend him and try to help him, but it was a difficult process and she never fully succeeded as the Soulwolf was disbanded after she'd been on the ship for only two missions. Captain West had been sent to fulfill other duties, leaving the crew to be transferred to other ships where they were needed.

Aniela was transferred to the USS Cataria as Assistant Chief Science Officer fairly quickly. At first, being aboard was rather routine - very similar to the first ship she'd been on. After Aniela had been aboard for almost six months, a new Chief Science Officer transferred in, creating tension amongst the Science Department members. Though she was usually able to get along with nearly anyone, the new Chief Science Officer seemed to particularly dislike her. He would regularly take credit for ideas she had suggested and tried to make her seem incompetent.

Due to her Academy training in Operations and some of her experience on the USS Cherokee, Aniela was asked to transfer to the Cataria’s Operations Department as Assistant Chief when several members transferred out. While she was disappointed to leave the Science department behind, it did get her out from under the Science Chief. She acclimated well to her new position and did her best but continued looking for opportunities to get back to her passion.

After several months, Aniela heard that Darija was being assigned to the USS Sentinel; she found out that the Science department on the Sentinel was in need of some good officers, and put in for a transfer there. Unfortunately, the first mission proved to be disastrous and the crew was disbanded quickly thereafter.

Once the Sentinel was disbanded, Aniela had a brief wait at Starbase 386 before being reassigned to the USS Orlando as Chief Science Officer. While waiting for the ship to arrive, she was asked by the Starbase 386 Commanding Officer to act as Chief Science Officer on one of the garrison vessels, the USS Peacekeeper, when word of an Elyshan Fleet heading towards the starbase was received. Fortunately, the USS Malinche and USS Orlando also arrived; with their help as well as ingenuity from the Starbase 386 engineers, the Elyshans were convinced to leave.

Aboard the USS Orlando, Aniela made an impression with the Commanding Officer, Vice Admiral Androski, while aiding in an investigation regarding the death of Romulan Praetor Tal'Aura and was promoted to Lieutenant Commander as well as Second Officer. She served on the ship for another few missions before being transferred to Deep Space 3.

With Deep Space 3 being quite close to the Taevon Expanse, Aniela was able to use her skills to help investigate the expanse further from a scientific perspective. The work was interesting and the members of the Science Department were rather good, even some of the cadets who joined them during their field assignments. However, after two years, she did begin to miss being on a ship and the potential to find new nebulas, particles, anomalies, and the like.

In 2391, Aniela requested a transfer to a starship and was assigned to the USS Malinche as Chief Science Officer. The first few years on the Malinche were fairly routine – some patrol missions, a refit… Outpost Beta 12 proved to be much more of a challenge; a Borg construct, nanites, and ultimately destroying the outpost for safety when it was determined that the crew was killed by the construct.

En route to Starbase 122 following the destruction of Outpost Beta 12, the Malinche was rerouted to Torva IV to assist the colony with some difficulties they were having. It was then that Captain Kersare asked Aniela to take over as Acting Chief Operations Officer; the Malinche had received a new Chief Science Officer and with her previous experience in Operations, it made sense for the time being.
Service Record 2377-2382: StarFleet Academy/Cadet Cruise
2382: USS Cherokee, Science Officer (Ensign)
2382-2383: USS Cherokee, Spatial Anomalies Officer (Lieutenant JG)
2383-2384: USS Soulwolf, Assistant Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant JG)
2384: USS Cataria, Assistant Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant JG)
2385: USS Cataria, Assistant Chief Operations Officer (Lieutenant JG)
2385-2386: USS Sentinel, Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant)
2386-2387: USS Orlando, Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant)
2387: USS Orlando, Chief Science Offcer/2XO (Lieutenant Commander)
2388-2390: Deep Space 3, Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
2391-2394: USS Malinche, (Acting) Chief Science Officer (Lieutenant Commander)
2394-Present: USS Malinche, (Acting) Chief Operations Officer (Lieutenant Commander)

Personality & Traits

Personality Although somewhat quiet and shy when first meeting new people, she opens up quickly and makes friends easily. Due to being an only child, and at times lonely due to this, Aniela tries to be as compassionate to others as she can be. If she notices someone who appears to be isolating himself or seems lonely, she tends to do her best to befriend them. Aniela is easy going with a good sense of humor. Fiercely loyal, Aniela will do anything for her friends and those she cares about. She dislikes confrontations in general, but will speak up if she feels something is not right.
Hobbies & Interests Aniela loves history and enjoys collecting items from the past. She also likes to paint, write, read, and sing in her free time. Aniela enjoys going to the Holodeck, visiting her parents and family in Italy, and keeping current in her hand to hand combat. Her grandparents are close to her heart, and it is one of her only regrets that she isn't able to see them more often.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Captain Kersare