Lieutenant Viradia Beladd

Name Viradia Beladd

Position Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Rank Lieutenant

Last Post

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Bolian
Birth Date March 22, 2362

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 175 lbs
Physical Description Light blue skin, bald head. Dark blue mottled striping along the skull ridge. Quite tall, slender, willowy build. Orange eyes.


Father Grairr Beladd
Mother Aradra Beladd (birth), Neramis Beladd (co-mother)
Brother(s) Sadar Beladd (full, younger)
Shond Beladd (full, younger)
Latt Beladd (half, younger)
Sister(s) Trikis Beladd (full, older)
Yrahis Beladd (half, younger)


Childhood/Background Viradia grew up on Bolarus as part of a traditional multi-partner Bolian family with many siblings. She has good relationships with all of her family members, but she is especially fond and protective of the youngest brother, Latt.

She graduated at the top of her secondary school class, and applied to Starfleet Academy.
Academy History Viradia excelled in her studies, and graduated with distinction with a degree in Warp Field Geometry.

She made friends easily, and was able to join her closest Academy friend, Debra Sandros, a human female, on the USS Rhea following graduation.
Career History Upon graduation, Viradia was assigned as a general Engineering Officer aboard the USS Rhea, a Luna-class deep space exploration vessel.

Two years into the Rhea’s five-year mission, Viradia was commended for her actions during an encounter with a subspace anomaly; Ens. Beladd was able to coordinate the successful extrication of the ship from the anomaly after the senior staff were incapacitated. Following this incident she was promoted to Lieutenant, Junior Grade, and given the post of Warp Systems Officer.

At the end of the Rhea’s mission, Viradia was decorated in recognition of her excellent performance and advancements in warp theory, which enabled the Luna to complete its primary, secondary, and tertiary objectives fully and efficiently over its mission.

Since the mission was over and the Luna was put in for a refit, Viradia requested a transfer to Starfleet Academy’s Graduate Program. With her service record, she was quickly accepted into the next semester’s cohort. In the interim, she was able to take some shore leave on Bolarus IX to visit her family.

After her graduation with a Master’s degree in High-Energy Physics, Viradia was promoted to Lieutenant. Her old CO on the Rhea was in need of a new Chief Engineer following the resignation of his current Chief. He contacted her, giving Viradia the opportunity to become the Chief Engineer of the Rhea on its current excursion; however, she turned down the post in favor of the position of Assistant Chief aboard the USS Malinche, a Prometheus-class long range tactical cruiser.

She turned the position down because she wanted to move on to a new ship with a different assignment profile. She doesn’t like staying in one place too long. Additionally, the Malinche is one of the most sophisticated and state-of-the-art Starfleet vessels an engineer could be privileged to work on. Secretly, Viradia did not feel comfortable with being the head of a department this early in her career, even though she is fully capable of doing so.
Service Record 2381-2385 – Cadet, Starfleet Academy (Engineering Track)
2385-2387 – Ens., USS Rhea, Engineering Officer
2387-2390 – Lt. J.G, USS Rhea, Warp Systems Officer
2390-2392 – Lt. J.G., Starfleet Academy, Graduate Program (High-Energy Physics)
2392- Lt., USS Malinche, Assistant Chief Engineer

Personality & Traits

Personality In keeping with traditional Bolian traits, Viradia is very outgoing and gregarious. She enjoys the company of others, especially in large groups, and makes friends easily. While she makes friends easily, she does not make close friends very often. Her easy going nature and friendliness masks an underlying unsureness about herself.
Hobbies & Interests She is not extraordinarily strong, but is physically capable, and tries to stay in shape to keep on top of her job. She is a highly skilled engineer and warp theorist, and so enjoys studying and reading the latest engineering journals and dev projects from Starfleet Engineering. Viradia also enjoys engaging in spy and mystery holonovels.

OOC Info

Notes PNPC of Lieutenant Commander Tournneau