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- Sat Jul 15, 2006 1:40 am
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
- Sun Jul 02, 2006 12:32 pm
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
- Thu Jun 22, 2006 1:32 am
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<Hotel Direidi>> <<1305 hours, Staircase> There was no way that Brice could have missed seeing two starfleet officers engaged in hand to hand combat with some Klingons on the stairs. Given the fact that he saw Darkhelm wheel around with a kick that could have very easily broken bone and send the of...
- Fri May 19, 2006 4:16 pm
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<USS Malince>> <Main Engineering, 1115, Day 3> Brice hated the way that things were turning out; made even worse by the fact that he didnt' exactly trust those intelligence types onboard...including both Grayson and Langely. Those two were always so dark an secretive and if the Malinche was on a pe...
- Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:40 am
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<USS Malinche>> <Sickbay, 1319, Day 0> After the breifing room, Brice headed toward sickbay to check on Warrant Officer Langely. He didn't know what happened to put her sickbay, although seeing as how she was a warrant officer it was his job to find out why. And he intended to do. Nodding to Adam (...
- Mon Apr 24, 2006 4:39 pm
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<USS Malinche>> <Conference Room, 1319, Day 0> Brice knew that they could argue in circles all day about the merit of a covert operations team...and he wasn't really read to watch Grayson, Barrett, and Darkhelm continue trade arguements. All of them had good and vaild points but they seemed to get ...
- Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:01 am
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<USS Malinche>> <Conference Room, 1305, Day 0> Brice had come in on the tell end of the discussion apparently. He had been listening with Darkhelm in sickbay about the current situation. Again, he felt like they might have been going into the situation blind and wasn't overl thrilled about that. Th...
- Mon Apr 10, 2006 10:59 am
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: You Can't Judge A Planet By Its Dilithium
- Replies: 285
- Views: 243949
<<USS Malinche>> <Holodeck 1, 1230, Day 0> Briced fired off another shot, watching as it pierced the armor of the incoming skull faced warrior. His phaser rifle spat again, knocking another one over. His face was covered in dirt and grime and the occasion bruise. Next to him Amanda Darkhelm was firi...
- Mon Mar 27, 2006 11:14 pm
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
<<USS Malinche>> <Engineering, 1745, Day 2> Adjusting his uniform, Brice entered engineering. After talking with Captain Kersare, Brice had been assigned to engineering as the engineer's mate. It seemed like a good idea since his strong suit was engineering, and truth be told he was getting rather b...
- Sat Mar 25, 2006 12:07 am
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
<<Starbase>> <Lounge, 1115, Day 2> Brice headed over to where Jason and Joey (NPC) were sitting. He had worked with them both during thier last mission and had taken a liking to the two fo them at once. Then again, he didn't really know anyone else on the Malinche. Getting to know his own warrant of...
- Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:53 pm
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
- Tue Mar 14, 2006 1:08 am
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
- Sun Mar 12, 2006 8:36 pm
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
<<USS Malinche>> <Deck Five, 0945, Day 1> Heading back to office Mason was sadden by Harrison?s leaving the ship. He shared the same feelings as Kersare did about her being the best and finest chief engineer the Malinche ever had. Mason couldn?t visit the life sciences labs because most of them had ...
- Sat Mar 11, 2006 9:14 am
- Forum: Shoreleave
- Topic: Once Upon A Starbase
- Replies: 55
- Views: 85717
<<USS Malinche>> <Engineering, 0945, Day 1> Brice found himself in engineering, looking over the latest reports. With Harrison gone, that left engineering slightly under staffed until they could find a suitable replacement. He took another look at the latest status reports only to find that the repa...
- Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:29 pm
- Forum: Missions
- Topic: A Walk In The Park
- Replies: 135
- Views: 157068
<<Shuttlecraft>> <1728, Day 1> Brice and Joey (NPC) had taken up position when they detected Grayson transporting down to the surface. Brice had the sensor matrix already attuned and ready to go. He had admit that he had no idea what Grayson was goign to do down there and was a little surprised that...