Blood and Iron

Posts for the USS Malinche's shoreleaves

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Post by Kersare »

<<USS Malinche, Day 1, 1830>>

James walked through the corridors of the Malinche on his way to see Captain Kersare. He was pissed and the stomping stalking pace of his boots on the bulkhead let everyone know to give him a wide berth. Stepping into the turbolift, he barked out 'Bridge!' and ordered the lift up. After a moment he stepped out and looked around for Captain Kersare.

Finally Isabel had the chance to step outside her Ready Room. Hearing the turbolift doors open, she looked over her shoulder to see a rather unhappy looking James enter the bridge. Wondering what had happened, she walked over to him and simply waited.

James turned and saw Captain Kersare walking towards him. He snapped to a salute. "I have word regarding the traitor Jaran." Said Benson, giving a brief report of why he was here on the bridge.

Isabel quirked an eyebrow, less than a day and he'd been found, supposedly. "Step into my Ready Room if you would, Mr. Benson."

Leading the way, Isabel walked into her Ready Room and turned, waiting for James.

James followed behind her and nodded, his hands folded behind his back, the large Texan's eyes burned and blazed like hot coals. There was a bruise forming on the bridge of his nose, indicating something had happened to him. The Lieutenant didn't seem like the type to just walk into a pylon.

As James entered the Ready Room, Isabel noticed the bruise forming on his nose. "Judging by your demeanor and the bruise on your face, I'm guessing that Jaran's been found and you've talked to him."

"Oh he has been found. He's currently in the starbase sickbay... As for my conversation with the damned two faced varmint, we had one..." Said James with a steely and upset tone. His pride hurt more than the bruise on his nose, and it made him even more upset that the Captain had noticed and drawn attention to it.

"I'm sure it was rather unpleasant, knowing Jaran. As difficult as it may be, why don't you have a seat and try to calm down - that way you'll be able to recall the details better. Anything to drink?" Isabel's eyes looked into his, trying to help calm him in a firm yet supportive tone.

"No thank you Captain." Said James, taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly as he took a seat and folded his hands.

"The man is a sociopath that doesn't deserve to be in uniform." Said James with a nod.

Isabel sighed, "If I had a strip of latinum for each time I heard someone say that.... Do you know how he was apprehended?"

"Uncertain at this time, though I'm sure the report from Starbase security, those who did the apprehending, is on my desk. I felt it more important to come to you and let you know everything I did as soon as possible Captain." Benson told her with a nod.

She nodded, "Very well - please let me know what happened once you have the chance to read through the report. From what I've heard from Engineering, the Malinche suffered more damage when an unknown ship fired upon us and some kind of intruder was on board as well. I'm rather curious as to whether those are related to the capture of Jaran."

"If I gained any understanding of Jaran from my brief conversation with the monster, then I'd say he was responsible for any and all deaths that ever occurred on this ship during his tenure Captain. He's completely nuts. Apparently his family was killed by Thalaron radiation. He never should have been allowed in uniform after that. Blames everything he's done. Every murder, every pain and damage he's inflicted on the loss of his family. He's using their deaths to justify his actions.

"Other than the injuries and deaths during his escape, no one else was killed during his time aboard, thankfully. His justifications, while not good enough reason for his actions, are not surprising. His soul seems very tortured," Isabel commented. "What exactly happened when you spoke to him?"

"He started insulting me, threatening to kill me, I pissed him off enough to learn a few things about him, namely what I just told you." The Texan related.

"Well, the insults and upsetting him are no surprise. I wouldn't expect any less from someone in his position. The threats on your life are uncalled for, however. I suppose his true fate will be decided when he faces Court Martial," Isabel said. The whole situation was rather disturbing, but little could be done now.

"Just to inform you, I plan to submit myself as a character witness... for the prosecution." Said James.

Isabel nodded, "That would make sense. Do you know why he's in sickbay?"

"I assume it's for some injuries he may have sustained during his arrest... " Said James and he mumbled 'though I would have preferred to see him in the morgue'.

Quirking an eyebrow, Isabel said, "Mr. Benson, while I certainly don't agree with Jaran's actions or methods, I don't think it's entirely appropriate to wish death on someone. I understand that he's provoked you, and I'm sure you've probably provoked him, but still."

"Ma'am, the man is a menace and a cold blooded killer. He admits it proudly. There's no reason for him to continue breathing because as long as he does, there's a risk that he can harm more people and end more lives. No offense ma'am but the reason he's still alive is a poor one. We like to think we're better than people like him because we don't execute criminals and we treat people humanely. Captain the only thing that monster understands is violence and hatred and death. Treating him with kindness and mercy isn't going to do anything to him." Said James, nodding firmly. He came from a place where 'frontier justice' had died hard, and during the Dominion War had found a resurgence of sorts, a nostalgia for the ideal of stringing a criminal up with a thick piece of rope to a tall oak tree. James' father had been one of those men who felt that way, and so the third James Samuel Benson had been taught that way too.

"In this case, Mr. Benson, we have no control over it now - his sentence will be decided by the court martial. I understand your reasoning, but I don't share your viewpoint. Do you know if the others who were involved were recovered as well?" Mainly Isabel wanted to know if the crewmember who'd sent her the message had been found, as she wanted to speak with him. The others would most likely be court-martialled as well.

"I don't believe they were ma'am, but again, the security report from Starbase Security will probably hold those details. I'll make sure to get it to you as soon as possible." Benson said.

Isabel nodded, "That's fine, Mr. Benson. One of those with him actually helped us find them, so I'd like to speak to him. I'd also appreciate it if you could check with the others in your department and see if an intruder was apprehended."

"Will do ma'am." He said with a quick nod.

"Is there anything else you would like to say, or need to tell me? If not, I'd appreciate it if you would return to your duties and help get this mess sorted," she replied. It was unfortunate that this was his first day on board. "I apologize that your first experience with us must be so unpleasent."

"My first experience with you hasn't been unpleasant at all ma'am. And this isn't my first experience with murdering traitors." He said with a nod as he stood, saluting Kersare.

"Permission to return to my duties Captain?" Said James.

"Permission granted," Isabel said. "Good luck."

James nodded and turned on his heel, exiting the ready room to get to work.

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Hunt »

<<USS Malinche, Day 1, 1830>>

After Kersare had left, Mason found himself getting lost into the novel "Red Barn Cafe" it was something his father once read to him and for some reason or another stuck with Mason threw out the years. Most of the crew were either heading off ship or staying aboard taking pleasures into what recreational activity was available. Lying on his bed the repeating question of Kersare asking him was he going to the starbase for leave continue to distract him from trying to rest. "Computer activate monitor and display current duty roster plus any communications from command on over general department reports." asked Mason moving over to his desk.

It took the computer a few seconds to bring up what he requested, there was one message from his cousin on new berlin colony so Mason punched in a few command to the console waiting for his cousin to appear on the screen. "Hey hey, well isn't Mason Hunt how are ya? It's been too long." asked Jake(NPC) Sipping his tea, Hunt just sighed and sat down moving closer to the viewer. "I'm ok I suppose the crew here are on leave as for me I'm just sitting here in my quarters reading some old books our aunt sent me." said Mason.

Jake(NPC) just sat there and shook his head at Mason, he remembered back when the XO was full of life and fun. Even he knew something was wrong with him. "Mas, what's going on?" he asked. Hunt swiveled around in his chair for a moment before looking to answer him. "I'm not sure ever since I reported on board i have had this distant relationship with the crew and being XO it should be a closer and open one." said Mason.

"Listen you need to get out of that room and get yourself onto that base. I think you have been tied up with duty so long you don't know how to unwind anymore. Look I have to get going think about what I said and get yourself over there. Don't make me call your CO (Laughing) Jake out."

Jake(NPC) always did have a way of making him smile and making him feel a bit better, so Mason got up and headed for the bridge hoping to find Kersare.

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Post by Grayson »

[[ USS Malinche ]]
[[ Grayson's Quarters, 1825, day 1 ]]

Mark was finishing to pack his bag to the trip when he heard the computer inform him of an incoming call. Normally, that would upset him. He hated to be interrupted when doing his bag. That was so many tools to put in that he didn't want to mixed up.

But at that point he was waiting for two calls.

"Computer, accept the transmission", he said.

"Lieutenant", said his informer, "Abubakar refused to have a decent conversation with Benson."

Mark shrugged. "Knowing Abubakar, I'm not a bit surprised. He'll probably just curse his way to Court Martial. Unless, of course, he decides to tell the whatever the Captain wants him to tell her."

The informer nodded. "Yes... But, tailing Tak was a good idea, though. How did you knew about him and Abubakar?"

"I didn't", replied Mark. "I just put myself in Abubakar's shoes. He did what anyone with brains and a lot of attitude would do", Mark scratched his chin. "Your tip was anonymous and has to stay that way. It's bad enough all that happened, the last thing we need is to expose ourselves more."

The informer chuckled. "I know you don't trust a soul, Grayson, but I still know how to do my job. Now, I have better things to do than waste my time with you." The connection closed.

Mark sighed. That man was an arrogant bastard, but he sure knew how to do his work. Being an Starfleet Officer in Starbase was a quite good position to gather information, especially if people doesn't know you're gathering information.

The Intelligence officer sighed. He would love to interrogate Abubakar, but it wouldn't do any good and there's nothing to be gain with that. Besides, he was bound to go to Maran, to solve a bigger problem. Abubakar would be in good hands. Maybe Hawkins would show some initiative and interrogate him. Hmm. That would be interesting to see.

The computer bleeped again, informing him of another incoming call. That was the call he was really expecting.

"Computer, accept the transmission", he said for the second time.

The screen blinked and his friend at Starfleet's Quartermaster greeted him.

"Mark, I got you a shuttle. It's already parked a the Starbase. It wasn't easy to convince the Starbase Commander to let you have it. I hope you value that."

"Of course I value that, Fred", replied him. "We're even now. Maybe we can maintain a good relationship and help each other if needed. I'm sure you'll need my help as I'll need yours."

Fred (NPC) sighed. "Sure, sure, Mark. Just make sure the shuttle is returned intact. I'll be in touch."

Mark nodded and cut the transmission. That was good news. Now, he just needed to inform Barrett where to go and the time to embark and they would be on their way.

He tapped his badge. "Grayson to Barret".

The Ops Officer was quick in respond. "Barrett here. News?"

"Yes. There'll be a modified type 11 shuttle parked at the Starbase's shuttle deck. Be there as 2000 hours. Grayson out."

He sighed as he looked back to his bag. He would have to start counting his tools all over again. He couldn't forget anything.

OFF: Just a bit of char development.
Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
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Post by Peters »

ON: <Impulse Manifold Junction 33-12, USS Malinche, 1325>

Peters soldered another connection back together then re-attached the module to its socket. The Main Impulse engines were finally repaired, mostly. They'd need a couple test runs to make sure everything was fine, but at least the ship wouldn't rattle like a baby's toy when they took her out again.

As he closed the access hatch, Peters heard the wail of an Intruder Alert in the distance. "What the hell?" he mumbled, "That can't be a good thing. I'll lay 10 to 1 odds it has something to do with Abubakar, though."

With a sigh, Peters began to, once again, gather up his tools and pack them up. It was on to the next critically necessary repair. How typical, he mused wryly.

<Main Engineering, Moments later>

Stepping into Main Engineering, Peters looked around and saw that most everyone was hard at work on the repairs. That was as it should be. Still, he felt uneasy about the Intruder alert, and the fact that they hadn't heard anything about Abubakar yet.

As if on cue, the ship rocked violently. Peters grabbed a nearby support beam to keep on his feet. Several of his engineers were not so lucky and went tumbling across the deck. As the trembling stopped, Peters stumbled to his console and called up a status report.

As soon as the report came up, Peters swore savagely. He tapped in a command for a more in-depth report as his commbadge chirped. He tapped it absently. "Peters."

"This is Lieutenant Summers on the bridge," came the response, "What's our status?"

"Mister Summers," Peters replied, "Our status just changed from bad, to worse. There's been a large, uncontained explosion in the main shuttle bay. Damage control teams are en route now, but the computer can't even give me an estimate on the extent of the damage."

There was a pause on the other end. Apparently Summers hadn't been expecting that response. Finally he said, "Acknowledged, Bridge out."

"Hrmf," Peters smirked. For once, no reminder to keep the bridge updated. That was progress at least.

With another long sigh, Peters grabbed his tool kit, and then pointed at two of the other engineers. "You two, with me. I have a feeling we've got a big mess to clean up."

<Main Shuttle Bay, 1350>

Peters stopped in the doorway of the bay, causing the two engineers following to plow into his backside. Stifling a groan, Peters ordered the two to start assessing the situation.

Making his way to the Traffic Control Office on the upper deck, Peters shook his head. "I'm going to kill him, kill him, and kill him some more. And after that, I'm going to feed what's left of him to a Mugato."

Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Angelini »

<<Ready Room, 1905, Day 1>>

Isabel was rather disturbed by James' report regarding Jaran, but really, she figured she couldn't have expected much more. Jaran was a disturbed individual. Her thoughts were disturbed by the sound of her doorchime, "Enter."

"I hope you don't mind me disturbing you sir..." Debora said softl walking in.

Isabel smiled, "Please, come in and have a seat. I've been meeting some of the new crewmembers all day; it's no disturbance."

"See I wasn't sure if I am suposed to check in, sign some data Padds, get a name tag or what..." Debora shurgged sitting on the chair... "Anyway, Debora Angelini, Cheif Diplomatic Officer" She smiled and extended her hand.

Isabel shook Debora's hand, smiling back, "Glad to meet you, Ms. Angelini. I do like to meet new crewmembers, but there really isn't a standard procedure in place. Actually, I was slightly surprised to see the Malinche was getting a Diplomatic Officer - we've only had a Diplomatic department one other time, nearly two years ago."

"Oh that?s a shame...well this is my first time serving as a diplomatic officer...was an Intelligence officer most of my Starfleet career..."

"Well, then this experience should be interesting for both of us," Isabel said. "I believe there should be at least one Diplomatic officer on hand that will be assigned to your department. I can also looking into finding more, if you'd like."

"The more people I got less work I have to do so I don't mind at all" Debora grinned leaning back in her chair.

Isabel nodded, "I'll look into it while we're at the Starbase. Also, I don't believe an office has been set up for you as of yet, but I'll look into the matter tomorrow most likely. Is there anything else you'd require?"

"Nope...what about you sir?" Debora asked, "When was the last time someone took care of the good Captain...why don't one day you and I have a girls day...go shopping...hook you up with a message so the stress can just melt away"

Isabel blinked, "First off, please drop the 'sir'. If anything, I'd rather it be "ma'am" or "Captain", but off duty and especially on shoreleave, I'd prefer Isabel. As for your other offer, I honestly don't remember participating in such a time....and I believe I'll have a court martial to attend, unfortunately."

"A court Martial? You want me to call a few people...take care of it for you?"

"No, no, that's quite alright Ms. Angelini. It involves an insubordinate crewmember who escaped the brig and our ship and got people injured and killed in the process. It's a long story, really, but I'm afraid my presence there will be necessary," Isabel replied. Debora certainly seemed helpful if nothing else...and her heart was in the right place. A big difference from Jaran.

Debora leaned foreword, "What me to get ride of him?"

Part of Isabel wondered exactly how Debora planned on accomplishing something like that, but somehow she decided she probably didn't want to know. "That won't be necessary, Ms. Angelini. I'm sure the court martial will sort things out."

"Ok" Debora grinned leaning back, "Well the offer still stands Isabella, And for give my hyperness...I tend to be this way when I meet people in an office...always think I am in trouble or something..." She laughed.

Isabel grinned, "No need to apologize, Ms. Angelini. Would you like some kind of specific area for your department, a work area or something perhaps?"

"Please call me Debora; Ms. Angelini is my mother..." She said with a smile, "A space would be nice...for my department...any space you can spare..."

"Alright Debora, I'll talk to the proper people and see if we can't find a space for your department and an office for you," Isabel smiled. "Have you been waiting at Starbase 259 for long?"

"No, just a day or two and it is not like I have been waiting on a deserted planet or something, Starbases are delight interesting people.."

"This is true," Isabel grinned. "Have you had the chance to take a look around the ship?"

"Yes I have it is a fine ship with a good captain it seems." Debora smiled.

Isabel looked away for a moment before returning her gaze to Debora, "Thank you, I'm glad you think so. Have you been to your quarters yet?"

"My god you are sounding like a hotel host...yes I have been to my quarters and they are bigger then my last position o I am happy"
Laughing, Isabel replied, "I just like to make sure new crewmembers feel welcome and are getting settled in. I'm glad to hear you're happy with them."

Debora laughed with her... "Well I shouldn't take up most of your time."

"That's quite alright. I'll let you know when I find an office and work space for you and your department. As I said, it should be in the next couple of days," Isabel said.

Debora nodded, "Thank you..." She smiled and got up walking to the exit, "Ciao Isabella."

"Goodbye for now, Debora," Isabel replied, smiling. It seemed her first meeting with her new Diplomatic Officer had gone well, at least so she thought. Somehow, Isabel felt that working with Debora would be interesting.

JP by

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant JG Debora Angelini
Chief Diplomatic Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Abubakar »

ON: Starbase 259. Sickbay. 19:45

Jaran was deep in contemplating his ?discussion? with Benson, analysing him, exploring the weaknesses Jaran perceived.

Benson seemed to be very, very arrogant ? it was something that could be exploited, Jaran would have to become submissive, make Benson truly believe he had the better of the Bajoran, even more than he mistakenly did already.

Jaran was suddenly invaded by a thought, the image of him standing in a court, ironed, defeated. Hopeless. On the bio-bed, he broke down into tears against his strict self-discipline. It was momentary, and he regained his composure quickly.

His moment of defeatism was replaced by intense anger, at himself for crying, at himself for being captured, at himself for killing the crew on the lost shuttle, at himself for Inferno Planet, for not dying when he should have. At Benson?


Jarans vision was consumed by a terrifyingly realistic image; his hands were squeezing the airways at the front of Bensons throat, his hands slipping over the blood on Bensons skin from what Jaran just knew was a vicious assault he had just committed. In his peripheral vision, the fiery air that was the Kosst materialised ? the heat swarming over Jaran and Benson as the latter died, Jaran screaming in anger as he murdered his victim in the fiery? corridor? It was a corridor, because a door opened.

?Jaran!? Came a voice that did not belong to Benson, he blinked and opened his eyes in the sickbay again. He gasped for air, nauseating dizziness filled his head. Jaran was all too aware that his skin was sweaty.

From the heat of the Kosst?? he considered. ?Was I there??

He snapped his head round to the origin of the voice. ?Premonition? he said to an old-salt of a Security Chief.

?What did you say boy?? demanded the Chief, who leaned in extremely close. ?WHAT DID YOU SAY?!? he screamed at Jarans face ? spitting at him as he ?spoke?.

Jaran smiled and planted a peck on the Chief chin, chuckling as the chief jerked backwards and wiped his chin clean of the disease that Jaran apparently was.

The chief whipped out his phaser and pointed it at Jaran.

It was only due to the intervention of one the Chief colleagues, who placed a hand gently on his arm, that he lowered the weapon.

?Get him up?? the Chief growled.

?Opportunity?? flashed across Jarans mind.

?I wouldn?t?, the Chief said, defusing Jaran as he raised his weapon once more ? this time as a precaution rather than being on the verge of blowing up half of the biobed Jaran was on.

The forcefield ?fizzed? off and a guard grabbed an arm each, hauling him off the biobed and onto his feet. They let go and were handed their phaser rifles. 5 powerful weapons held by 5 seriously pissed Security staff were all aimed at Jaran.

The Chief stepped towards him and held out a solid bar with two wrist-holes in, Jaran placed his wrists inside them and they snapped shut tightly over the contours of his skin. ?Move, you little shit? the Chief snarled ? taking point. Jaran started to walk ? the Chief in extreme front, flanked behind and either side by two guards, a further two followed suit behind Jaran.

After several minutes of walking, and of taking turbolifts to various decks ? none of which were ordered verbally, probably to disorientate him so he couldn?t navigate an escape ? they arrived at a large detention centre. There were at least 20 cells lining each wall of the long room.

He was ushered, and not softly, to a cell and he stepped inside. He turned and expected someone to release him of his irons but was disappointed. The forcefield snapped on, followed by two further identical snaps as two more forcefields activated.

The chief snorted in triumph and walked way, two guards took up position on either side of the cell and the other two stood a few feet away, staring at Jaran constantly.

?I want to speak with Captain Kersare? he said, calmly. The guards ignored him.

He felt anger stirring, ?I want? to speak? with Captain?Ker-sare!? he demanded angrily.

?GET ME THE CAPTAIN!? he screamed, charging the forcefield and being thrown back, he ran at it again, screaming wildly ? he was knocked back. He charged again, and again, each time the shock knocking him back, shouting and screaming like something wild. There was a hissing sound and the air began to smell differently. He collapsed to his knees and the hissing stopped, his head swam and he slumped against the side wall, devoid of the energy to move properly. ?Captain?? he whispered.

Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
The Anti-Lamb 666
Flying Monk-eh
U.S.S Malinche

"It is easier and more effective to destroy the enemy's aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt his flying birds in the air." - General Giulio Douhet
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Post by Fairbairn »

<<USS Malinche, Corridors outside of Sickbay, Day 1, 1845>>

James strode through the corridors. He wanted to talk to Debora, he needed to get to his office and send the report to Captain Kersare, but first, he needed to have his swollen nose checked by a doctor. Maybe that rather spry and happy Ensign Quarterstaff was on duty. He chuckled at the thought of the younger smaller redhead admonishing him for showing up in sickbay. He turned the corner and stepped into sickbay, looking around.

Working on entering his personal information into the sickbay administration pannel, the chief medical officer didn't actually hear or notice the door opening. Satisfied that his logging details were in the computers systems, he stood up and subconsciously dusted his hands off. His coat had been removed and he wore only his teal undershirt than a uniformed jacket would usually sit over, turning to inspect the electronic equipment within the main area, he was startled to find Lieutenant Benson standing before him. Blinking, he immediately performed a brief diagnosis...a bruise under the eye and a swollen cheek-bone. The result of a punch or a struggle. Then his blue eyes softened and he smiled. "Can I help you, Lieutenant?"

"A Starfleet security officer walks into a bar... it hurt." Said James, cracking a smile and a joke at the same time.

Cameron grinned and pointed to the bio-bed. "Nice to see your spirits are up at least. Take a seat up there, I'll be with you in a moment."

"Great..." Said James with a nod, walking over to hop up onto the bio bed.

Cameron strolled to the rear of the medical bay and searched through the external kit for a hypospray adminster, once he had it he stepped to the chemical storage and searched for a spurt of Asinolyathin - finally recognising the symbol he walked over to the bio-bed and began assembling the little canister into the device. "So are you going to enlighten me then?" He asked casually.

"About?" He asked, not liking the question and hoping to deflect it simply by his unwillingness to respond.

Cameron set the hypospray down on the bed-top and lifted his hand to clasp the security officers chin gently. He tilted the injury to the light and began speaking. "This isn't exactly serious, but if those two purple lines under your eye indicate anything you were punched." He blinked away from the mark and let go of the man. "So who were you dealing with?" His curiosity was meerly mild.

"I wasn't punched at all." James retorted with a slight snort, not lying one bit. It wasn't a punch, it had been a headbut.

The doctor shrugged as he lifted the hypospray and injected the drug into the far side of James' cheek. Slowly the purplish bruise began to fade as the tissue was smoothed out and the blood leaking into it drained away. "Either way, the bruise was caused by contact from another humanoid." He turned and placed the empty device back into the external kit and turned back to his patient.

"Wrong again. To call Abubakar Jaran a humanoid of any type is an insult to every humanoid. Even Romulans and Cardassians." Said James with a frown.

"Abubakar?" Cameron asked, unsure of the name. "An unwanted criminal on the station?"

James nodded slowly.

"Formerly a member of the Malinche crew, committed acts of treason, murder, you know, the kind that kicks puppies because they're cute. Real downright sonofabitch. The kinda guy that makes your skin crawl." James uttered and nodded.

Cameron let out a low whistle beneath his breath. "A tough nut, eh?" He asked, his accent apparent. "So what did he do to get you so riled up there was a bit of fisticuffs. Were you arresting him?"

"You got the nut part right, and no, I got careless, moved too close to him and he headbutted me after I pissed him off." Said James.

"Heh...he doesn't sound to pleasant." Suddenly the important part clicked in the Doctors mind. "Hang on a wee minute - you said he was a part of the Malinche at some point?"

"Yeah... former Chief Flight Control Officer. Led a mutiny against Captain Kersare, stole a shuttle, apparently murdered the mutineers, and was recently captured on the base." Benson said with a nod.

"So how did they capture him? Surely he wasn't purely stupid enough to request docking permission on the base." Cameron really needed to know if this former officer was suffering from any injuries. It might pay karma a heed to treat him.

"Don't know... don't care... the fact that they have that monster in a cage is good enough for now. Though I'd prefer to see him in a noose." James muttered.

Cameron nodded and grinned again, understanding the man's dispassion. He preferred not to get involved in that argument though. "Do you think he spells trouble for the Malinche?"

"Spelled..." James corrected the doctor. "He'll be court martialed and strung up like the animal he is if I have anything to say about it Doc." He said firmly.

The Doctor nodded...feeling somewhat comforted by the new security chief's confidence. Yet he felt a strange sense of dissatisfaction. If Isabel wanted to meet with this Jaran then Cameron wanted in on it. He waved a hand and shrugged again. "Well, you're all cured now, Lieutenant, if you want to get back to your job."

"Sounds good to me doc. Thanks." James said, clapping Fairbairn on the shoulder lightly before turning to exit sickbay.

Cameron turned away, smiling as his new friend made his way to the exit, then his memory struck back and he turned. "Oh...James?"

"Yeah?" He asked and turned, looking over his shoulder to the doctor.

"How're the nightmares - you had any more?"

"Haven't slept much... best way to keep from having nightmares." Said James with a nod.

Cameron nodded his head slowly, just to show that he understood despite the fact that he didn't agree. "Don't let them haunt you...if you have any trouble with them you know where to find me."

"You'll be the first one I see doc... thanks." James said with a nod and a soft friendly smile. The Texan put two fingers to his temple and gave a small salute as he exited sickbay.

JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Doctor (Lt.) Cameron Fairbairn
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche

"Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician." - Hippocrates 460-400 B.C.
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Post by Grayson »

[[ Starbase ]]
[[ Shuttle deck, 1950, day 1 ]]

Grayson shook his head. Modified shuttle. Amazing. This is even better that I thought. The shuttle was the latest type and as far he could guess, the warp speed would be pretty higher. Although, he considered, that would probably leave the ship without mobility. But that didn't mattered. They would travel through secure space.

Mark chuckled. There was not part of space that could be considered safe. But, in his position, the fast he get to Maran, quicker would be the resolution of that problem. If only was that easy, he thought,

The spook opened the shuttle's ramp and put his bags inside. He had arrived early because he wanted to check the ship for any tracking or recording device. He brought one of the toys that only Intel had and started scanning for that.

For his relief, the shuttle was clean. Then, he sat on pilot seat and start to check the ship's system to make sure it hadn't been sabotaged. It was a bit paranoid, but, his mission on Maran was important, he didn't have space for mistakes.

After he felt secure about the shuttle, he left it and stood at the door, waiting for Barrett and his companion to arrive. Mark hoped Barret was aware of the risks and didn't thought they would have a nice vacation there. No. Barrett's too smart to think that, he concluded, looking to the turbolift.

The Ops officer was late.

"Don't make me regret calling you, Barrett", muttered Mark.

Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
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Post by Benson »

<<Intel Office, 1900, Day 1>>

Jack sat back in the chair and threw the PaDD onto the desk, here it slid into the increasingly large and messy pile he had accumulated on the desk, he wondered if Grayson would appreciate his informal attitude towards the working environment, he didn't think so. Smiling to himself at the thought Jack stood and walked to the replicator.

He had been trying to read up on the goings on on the previous mission, the attempted mutiny, and the subsequent escape and arrest of Lieutenant Jaren, his personnel file certainly made interesting reading, particually the pyschological evalutions.

Jack had decided he would like to meet this individual, maybe see what he could learn about the motivation behind the mutiny, he had an advantage in that the 'Lieutenant' had no idea who he was, nor that he was assigned to the ship he served on until recently.

To this end, Jack had used his combadge to request Lieutenant Bensons presence, he had heard that the Chief of Security had paid Jaren a visit earlier and figured that if anyone could get him up to speed quickly, it would be Benson. "Coffee, black, two sugars", the beverage appeared and he carried it back to the desk, he sat down on the chair, leant back and placed the heels of his shoes on the table just as the door chime sounded....

Benson got the comm chirp and sighed, tapping his badge.

=/\= Benson here, I'm on my way... =/\= He said with a slight sigh, trotting out of his office through the corridors to make his way to the intelligence office.

Jack took another sip of coffee, this one was slightly better than the last, the sugar seemed to have taken the edge off, he picked up the PaDD from the table and began reading it, waiting for Lieutenant Benson to arrive.

Stepping towards the door of the intelligence office on the Malinche, he tapped the chime to announce his arrival. The Texan relaxed bit. The last time he had been here, things hadn't been so pleasant, and he was hoping for a bit of a change.

?Come on in!? Jack called, then wondering why he had done so, only the computer needed to hear him, not the person on the other side of the door.

The door slide up revealing the Malinches Chief of Security, Jack thought he look a little apprehensive, he took his feet of the table and put both the PaDD and the mug down. ?Hi Lieutenant, take a seat. Can I get you anything??

"No thank you... What can I do for ya?" He asked, walking in and taking a seat casually.

?Two things actually, number one, you know a lot about this Jaran matter, I was wondering if you could give me your take on it? I?ve read through most of the files but they just seem a bit?.clinical?, he took a gulp of coffee, ?which I shouldn?t really be surprised about in this office? He said offering the Lieutenant a smile.

He cocked an eyebrow. Why did people find a demon and feel the need to poke at it. Didn't they know it was just bad news?

"It's better if you didn't. Trust me, your life will be perfectly complete without ever knowing Abubakar Jaran." Said Benson with a shake of his head.

?Back in the day, I used to be a detective, I dealt with some sick people, and I know not to trust them. Jaran *seems* to be criminally insane, but I?ve had people use that as a means to spending the rest of their days in a fairly comfortable mental institution, rather than a penal colony. Basically I don?t think any of us want him using some insanity plea when he might have more say in his actions than he?s leading people to believe?

"He's more insane than just criminally... The only thing that Bajoran needs is a short rope and a tall tree." Benson muttered.

Jack sat forward in the chair, ?Then I think you agree, it might be prudent for us to keep our eyes on him, and I have an idea, one that lets us keep a close eye on him, and might hopefully gain us some insight into why he did it??

"Oh?" He asked, now interested in what Hawkins had to say.

?And that leads me onto reason two for your being here, I need you to arrest me?..?

"Arrest you? You think Jaran is stupid enough to not see through that?" He asked.

?Before I came here, I was sent packing from my previous position because the CO ordered me to fire on a refugee transport and destroy it, his reason was that there were terrorists on board and our mission was to stop them at *all* costs?? Jack took a sip of the coffee, ?the kind of terrorists that could never be brought to trial, some intelligence officers aren?t big on those??

Jack paused before continuing ?There were also women and children on board, I refused to fire. I wasn?t going to kill innocent people, no matter what the mission was, and from what I understand, Jaran made the other decision, in some way we?re different sides of the same coin, I want to know what he did it, I need to know.

Jack then got down to answering the question Benson had posed, ?We just need to play a convincing game, Jarans never seen me, he?s never heard of me, we change one detail of my story and theres a chance he might view me as something of a kindred spirit, someone who killed innocent people for the good of the federation. And hell, even if he doesn?t, atleast I?ll be in the next cell making sure he doesn?t escape?

"Hmmmmmm...." Benson thought for a moment and nodded.

"All right... if you think you can pull it off." James said.

?I think it?s important enough to be worth a try? Jack said giving the Lieutenant a half smile ?I think its just a case of making sure the actual guards know nothing about it, we need to make it as real as possible, and for that bit I?ll need your help to pull the necessary strings??

"You let me know what strings to pull... and make sure that the strings don't wind up being a noose." Said James with a nod.

?I will do Lieutenant, I?ve got some things to square away before hand but I?ll send you a report detailing it all shortly if that?s ok with you??

"Sounds good... I'll see you later then." Said the Texan with a nod as he stood and straightened his uniform.

Jack stood up also and extended his hand, ?I?m Jack, by the way.?

"James Benson... you can call me Jim." Said the Texan, shaking the younger man's hand.

?Thanks again, I?ll contact ya soon?

James nodded and turned on his heel, exiting the Intel office to get back to work.


A JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant JG Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Sovereign »

<<Club Teardrop, Starbase Prominade, 1920 hours, Day One>>

That's it, she was settled on it now. Four hours lounging around the small bar, nursing her half-decent fruit cocktail and sparingly talking to the gentleman that had put her drink of her tab, and she was finally decided on her future.

Yrel was going to get pregnant.

Dreading over the past, and feeling miserable over her personal life...she was done with that. No more. She was no longer immortal, and no longer had an excuse to drag on the thoughts of motherhood for another day, after finding someone special enough to be with her. She got down to the nitty-gritty of her problems, and was the most determined she had ever been about her personal life.

Find a man, seduce same man, and get pregnant. It was, dare she think, really that simple. And, if she did it right, she'd never had to worry about the father of her child, as he wouldn't even know about it.

After leaving the bar, Yrel had marched over to the dress store she ahd passed earlier, intensity burning in every limb, and purchased the firy red seductress dress. After buying it, she made her way back to the ship, put it and make-up on, then she was off to the nearest strip club.

Indeed, a strip club was where horny men concentrated themselves just to see naked women. Most even had the naive indeal to get laid by the exotic employees. After Yrel hit the scene, they wouldn't need a stripper, she'd be right there for the taking. Yrel wasn't going to hold back in her plan, she had no time to spare anymore. A strip club, regardless of how much it demeaned woman, was her quick route to motherhood as far as she was concerned.

Sitting at the bar counter, one leg revealed from the slit in the dress, trying not to look interested in her surroundings. She knew, though, that she already had a fair share of onlookers, even during the exotic dances that woman of various races, likely all slaves behind Starfleet's back, went on. Unfortunately, the majority of her "fans" were furengi. Not exactly the richest gene pool to play around with.

'I don't know, Yrel. They all look pretty rich...' she thought, rolling her eyes. She wasn't interested in wealth. That didn't translate to the child unless the father was in the picture, which he wasn't.

"Normally the beautiful woman are found on the stage in a place like this, and yet you treat us all to the pleasure of your company down on the floor," a man said, behind Yrel. She turned and saw a tall blonde-haired, blue-eyed man in a red starfleet uniform standing before her, smiling. "Hello, Yrel."

Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign
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Post by Armand »

<<Sickbay - USS Malinche, 1936hours, Day 1>>

Doctor Fairbairn sat at the main office desk in the medical bay with his feet resting across it. His navy blue jacket lay slung across the chair behind him, revealing his teal undershirt that was creased and over-worn for the day. He chewed on the long end of a hypospray tube, running around his teeth and frequently sighing as he read the PaDD with the diagnostic details of Sarah Treala. She was a lost cause in his eyes, he felt a strange sadness at losing her to a disease trigger that he could not pinpoint. He closed his blue eyes for a moment and rested the PaDD on his lap. His mind was working on overdrive, the cogs turning and churning through processed data as he tried to figure out just what the hell was wrong before they tried a reverse assimilation procedure.

While he had his eyes closed a woman stepped into his office, standing perfectly still and silent once inside, waiting for the man to open his eyes and notice her.

He sensed the presence but still didn't open his eyes. Whether it was a dream or his imagination - he spoke without looking at her. "Hello there, can I help you?" His voice was soft and as usual his accent very apparent.

Josephine smiled a bit, she wasn't silent enough. Luckily she was in Counselling and not Intell "I am Lieutenant Josephine Armand, Chief Counsellor" she stated.

He opened his eyes, resting them on the pretty officer standing before him. A warm smile spread on his face and he stood up - holding his hand out to shake. "And I, Ms Armand, am Doctor Cameron Fairbairn. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"The pleasure is all mine..." Josie responded shaking his hand "...and please call me Josephine... or Josie..." she added before letting go of the handshake "...I came in here for my annual medical evaluation, but you appear to be busy" she smirked.

He glanced down at his already untidy desk, then back to her quickly. "Well aye, sort of." He sighed and gestured over to one of the beds in the treatment area's. "Take a seat - I'll just look you up in this database."

Josephine nodded and sat down on the bio bed and crossed her legs, placing her hands on top of her knee. "So what were you thinking about when I barged in and disrupted you?" she asked

He turned to the logging panel on the wall in front of her, his back to her. "Computer display medical records for Armand, Josephine." The computer confirmed and began showing the logs. He continued talking while he read. "Before the Malinche arrived I'd been working on a patient on the starbase, a young woman. Her and her boyfriend had contracted a neurological virus. It was nothing too serious. Nor was it really so important that it required a quarantine. I cleared the virus from her boyfriends system and her own at some point but in her body it seems to have triggered some...unusually out of place symptoms." Having received the details from her last check up and being satisfied, he turned and lifted his medical tri-corder to scan her, still talking. "She's an ex-borg you see and her body is re-assimilating her. I just can't figure it out at all, there's no catalyst, no neurological function to trigger it. She's in great pain and we can't seem to fix her." He sighed deeply and began scanning Josephine.

"What species is she?" Josephine asked, putting her hands to her side now and leaning back slightly "I mean, other then ex-borg?"

"She's a human. Just your average human female. She's fit and healthy and has a healthy career in science."

"Could it be that something Psychological is triggering this?" Josephine asked, knowing that most doctors never really looked beyond the physical "I know that some humans are very prone to physical symptoms when dealing with mental problems"

He stopped reading the data on the tri-corder for a moment to lock eyes with her, widening his in agreement. "I'm very sure it is. I can't find any physical way it would have re-generated her nano probes." He went back to scanning the information. "You could be onto something there, not only that the virus was neurological - it did play havoc with the brain." The readouts finished downloading.

"If you would have access to her most current psych eval I might be able to help..." Josie replied smiling a bit, being glad she might be able to help, or at least try " as clean as a star whistle?" she asked leaning over a bit to look at the console, as a Counsellor her Medical knowledge was above average and she knew what most of the Latin gibberish meant.

He nodded, placing the tri-corder down onto the bed beside her with the readouts. "Everything's fine. Your vitals are perfect and your brain in a nice condition too." He smiled, showing he was joking a little. "Do you exercise often?"

"Less then I used to..." Josephine admitted "...but when I do it's usually in the holodeck with some new kind of weird spot that's in the database..." she shrugged a bit " brain has never been in good health..." she leaned over, joining in on his joke.

He grinned, pleased she was sort of bonding with him. He hoped to work closely with her. He just wanted to look over a couple of other physical matters - he reached over to the diagnostics bed and scraped a metallic stool over the floor, plonking it down in front of her so they sat at eye level. With his right hand he clasped her chin lightly. "Close your left eye, please." He asked, peering into her right as she did. He noted that she seemed a little confused and explained. "I know it's rudimentary...but sometimes it's easier to just check everything out for yourself rather than trust your computer." He sat back a little. "And now close your right."

Josie smiled a bit "If you say so..." she did as he asked her "...from what I've read though, you're due for a Psych eval..." she opened both her eyes "...why is it that people avoid annual evaluations like the plague?"

He gazed into her right eye, tilting her head slightly into the light. Her pupils were fine - the red ring's of a full trill weren't present though although he was aware that she wasn't joined. Then with a quick motion he let go of her and sat back on the stool. "I'm not sure to be honest...I've never really been good when it comes to remember anything. I'm quite absent minded."

Josie smiled a bit "Do you want to talk about it?" she asked, a bit more mockingly then she had intended.

"Nah - it's more stupidity than a mental problem." He grinned, then rubbed his hands together. "It's interesting that you're half trill. Was it your mother or your father?"

"Mother..." Josephine responded, smiling a bit more radiant now. He seemed to still like her even after that lame joke of hers "...but I was raised fully on Earth and all that... my brother has more physical features of a trill... the only thing I have is the cold hands" she explained, putting her hand on the back of his to prove her point.

He frowned slightly and muttered a soft "Ouch" at the coldness before moving his hand away a little bit, then he grinned again, glancing at her. "You take after your mother - that's the irony. But your external features are that of the standard terran or human. Although like most Trill examples you are healthier. Your skin glows, your eyes sparkle and your hair is usually perfect. Your calnn spots are very faint - but if you were hosting a symbiont they would be much more apparent."

Josie shook her head a bit "There's no chance of that now is there" she responded, knowing that she was both to late now to even be considered and the process would most likely filter her out on account of not being full Trill. "But then again, I never aspired to that" she shook her head a bit "the one who would be doing such a thing would be my brother..." she looked away from the Doctor a bit at the memory "...but he will never have that chance now"

Cameron cocked his eyebrow, his gaze turning slightly. "He won't have that chance? Why not?"

"I don't know if you have heard about the USS Pegasus..." Josie sighed a bit, she should have never brought her brother up, it was going so well " was the vessel he served on. After going missing into a mirror universe for about two months it returned only to receive another assault by the hands of a malicious computer virus... they lost 53% of their crew..." she didn't dare to look the man in the eyes, afraid she would cry " brother was among the majority that didn't make it"

"I...I'm sorry." He felt like an idiot for pursuing it. He should have realised what it was. Although it was forward he reached for her hand and clasped it lightly - supportingly. "But here's to this, Josie. You experience everything a human experiences twice as much, You're emotionally powerful and you'll live to a very old age as a healthy individual. Believe have the opportunity to have children, you can bare your lifestyle longer and raising a family is much more awarding than hosting a trill symbiont." He grinned still jokingly but half serious.

"I know and entire civilisation that would disagree with that statement" Josie smiled looking up a bit at the Doctor "and don't be sorry"

"Yeah? Well I've worked on many species over my years - and I'm a bloody brilliant doctor." He really meant that. Hardly in a sense of arrogance. "And I can tell you that all the other civilisations in the galaxy disagree with THEM." He offered a wide smile.

Josephine shook her head a bit and smiled "how I wish my mother could hear you now..." she then frowned a bit "...or actually no... I don't... she would probably smack you in the face" she shrugged a bit "That was all?" she then asked, wondering if the check up was done.

He nodded. "Yup - that's all. Your vitals, your neurals, your blood and of course there's my own curiosity." He continued to smile. "I wanted to test your reflexes in your eyes - sure enough you're emotionally charged. That was where my Trill questioning came from. It's nice to know a little patient history."

Josie nodded "So you don't use that silly undersized hammer for the knees anymore nowadays?" she joked a bit, knowing that if people were going 'old school' they usually checked the reflexes in the knees with a, to her, silly looking triangular hammer.

He chuckled slightly. "Nope, no pointy little hammers around here." He shrugged. "Besides we know you reflexes are fine, luckily the extra work on the holodeck keeps you attune. But you are just a WEE bit underweight it seems, or perhaps that's just your body shape...ack I wouldn't worry about that kind of thing, you're still fit as a fiddle."

Josephine blushed a bit at that, it was not the holodeck, she knew that, it was the salads and healthy food combined with the exercise. Well at least she had lost weight since her last check up "Thank you doctor..." she slid from the bed and put out a hand to shake his "...if you ever feel mentally unfit or are dangerously close to becoming just that please visit me"

He took her hand at shook it lightly standing up. "I certainly will." Then it suddenly clicked again. "Oh that reminds me..." He trailed off as he wandered into his office and collected the PaDD he had been studying, handing it to her. "Take that away and have a read over it, it has all the information on my patient on the starbase. I'd like you to come with me tomorrow to get some psyche input."

"I...ehm..." Josie looked at the PADD a bit "...I'll see what I can do" she then concluded, sounding a bit more confident.

He cocked his head and smiled supportingly. "Nothing too solid, you don't have to be involved. I'd just like you're opinion seen as how we'll be working together for the next year or two at least."

"One can only hope..." Josie smiled at the doctor before heading to the door "...I'll see you around Lieutenant..." she stated a bit hesitantly before activating the doors of sickbay by stepping just another bit closer "...Goodbye..." she added.

He shook his head and smiled politely. "I hate Lieutenant - it's Doctor and that's that...and I'll see you later, make sure you take care."

"I'm sorry doctor..." Josephine blushed a bit, giving a slight bow, stepping backwards out of sickbay. She almost tripped over her own feet as she turned around and tried to speed up at the same time. Just when she recomposed herself the doors closed behind her. "well done Josie... now he surely thinks you're a mental case" she whispered to herself before walking around the corner, almost walking into someone. The face of the officer betraying that he had heard her before she rounded the corner. She walked even faster now, her office wasn't far away, she would be safe there.


Doctor (Lt.) Cameron Fairbairn
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche

Lieutenant Josephine Armand
Chief Counselor
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

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Post by Quarterstaff »

<<Star base, Day 1, 1827>>

Now that she had eaten, It seemed to Lynn a good idea to wander about, maybe make a trip to the docking bay and watch the engineers. The red head deposited her sandwich carefully away, making a note to eat it latter if the urge ever struck her and was off! ?Maybe I can find something new to keep me busy??

Twenty minutes later the red head was buried in books. It seemed that along the way she had discovered a Library. Each book was beautifully preserved, sorted and filed in such a neat and orderly fashion that she was afraid to touch the smooth spines, least she disturb the work that had gone into the process. Her eyes darted from each spine, looking for a sigh of anything she might find familiar.

? AH! Mark Twain!? There was a moment pause as her hands slipped the book from its spot and cradled it in the nook of her arms. Lynn went back to searching, this time sliding one hand over each of the spines, tracing letters and mouthing the titles.

?Demon in the Freezer?.Andromeda Strain?? Both of the medical novels looked exciting. Maybe she would find time to indulge in a few new books?Lynn had already grown bored with the collection of fantasy novels she had recently acquired and was looking for something fresh. Her hands lifted both and began flipping through the pages, mind devouring the words that she caught in brief glances. ?Well, I?ll be a twice skinned, fat cat? This doesn?t look that bad.? She mused half aloud.

?Interesting choice of words. Can I help you?? A deep voice interjected. Lynn flinched, her hand moving away from where it had been exploring the cover of the next book. She looked very much like a child caught with her hand in a cookie jar.

? AH.. Yes? I beg your pardon, I was just looking for something to read.?

There was a chuckle from the salt and pepper haired man (NPC) who had spoken. ?I don?t think that will be a problem.?

Smiling back timidly, Lynn rolled her eyes and closed the story.

?Looking for anything specific, Miss??

She shook her head. ? Just browsing. I was wrapped up in the book when you came over, this one seems -? Lynn rolled her tongue around her mouth, looking for the word. ? - Graphic. A good book.?

?Let me tell you about a good book? The man (NPC) persisted and settled into a move comfortable stance. ?It was back when I was a younger man, a different man?before the war when my life was consumed with a love of literature. I would dive into works and live off of them, almost like you where so consumed a few seconds ago. Then-?

Lynn pinched her lips together briefly and leaned forward to listen, still caressing the books in her arms. She had the feeling this was the beginning of a very long story.

Ensign Lynn Quarterstaff
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Post by Hunt »



Mason was on his way to find kersare little did he realize all he had to do was tapp on his comm badge to find out where she was. It was just as well he needed to get out of his office to streach his legs. The corridor was quiet since most of the crew had gone aboard the base for leave. Time was passing by slowly and he still had no idea what to do on his leave.

The lift slowed allowing the first officer out onto the bridge. It was quiet and serene left with only a few crewman manning it. "Excuse me ensign where is the Captain?" asked Mason hoping she was around. "She is in the ready room. Do you wish for me to call her for you?" asked the Ensign.

"No no that's alright but thank you please carry on." said Mason walking up to the ready room door. The door chime sounded Mason was standing there waiting to be let in.

OFF: Sorry for the short post Tag Kersare Possible JP?
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Post by Grayson »

[[ Starbase ]]
[[ Shuttle deck, 1950, Day 1 ]]

Jason and Adam arrived, albiet slightly late. Part of it was due to the fact that he had just been hit with the latest upgrade specs while trying to leave his quarters, which he quickly had to forward to Joey (NPC.) After doing that, Jason collected Adam and they made thier way to the shuttledeck.

Jason couldn't shake the feeling that something more was going on, something that Grayson wasn't telling them. Though that didn't really surprise him, at least not given most of the intelligence types that he knew. Entering the shuttledeck he saw Grayson standing there, looking slightly annoyed.

"He doesn't look to happy," Adam whispered.

"He never does, come on lets get this over with."

Jason nodded to Mark, noting that he had been promoted since last time they spoke.

"Lt, I see that congratulations are in order."

Mark shrugged. "Depend on whom is saying it", he said,cynically. "But in your case, I thank you", he added. Mark gestured to the shuttle. "I hate to rush you two, but we should go. We have a quite a long trip, as you well know, Lieutenant."

Jason nodded, heading up the ramp, Adam behind him. Mark was the last to come up the ramp, sealing the hatch before taking the pilot's seat. He started the launch sequence.

"Traffic control indicates that we are cleared to depart," Jason reported. "Moorings are clear and shuttledock force field is down, ready when you are."

Mark nodded and eased the shuttle off the deck and then opened her up, causing her to rocket out of the landing bay and into open space. Jason had to admit that he wasn't all that ware of Mark being such a good pilot; then agian he realized that there was probably a lot about Mark that he didn't know.

"Course plotted for Maran."

"Warp engines are online."

Mark nodded and put the ship into warp.

[ Maran Space, 1800, day 2 ]

The trip, that normally would take two days, only took 16 hours. Most of the time, Mark kept to himself, as he watched Adam talk about everything and look excited to know the Maran Republic. If only he knew how troubling things are starting get there...

The comm system became alive. Two small and yet powerful fighters came along, to provide some kind of security check. That was unexpected which meant that Maran's were taking serious precautions and probably starting with their usual isolacionism policy.

"Unidentified shuttle. Report your destination and cargo."

Mark looked at Jason. "Alright, it's time to give our clearence codes. Take the controls, Lieutenant and try to fly casual."

Jason had to quirk his eyebrow at Marks last comment, he assumed that the Marans knew that they were coming. Taking control he looked out the viewport to see the large disk shaped Maran Vengence heavy crusier come into view. With two large fins coming out the aft end of the disk, the ship was impressive bristling wiht the Maran version of disruptors.

"Transmitting clearence codes now," Mark responded.

It seemed liked forever had passed until the Marans responded.

"Codes accepted please preceed on this vector."

Mark nodded calmly. "Alright, Lieutenant, just punch in the vector coordinates and relax. We're going to land right in the Capital and then we're going to meet with the Federation Liason here in Maran. Oh, just one thing... Try not to stare him for too long...", said Mark enigmatic.

The Shuttle made the approach easily and in a matter of minutes they landed at one of the main shuttle's pads of the spaceport.

"Alright, here we go... I would suggest to let me do the takling, but I'm sure you're just going ignore my request.", said Mark.

Jason shot Mark an annoyed look. Of course he wanted to ask some questions, Amanda could be in real trouble. He would be tempted to pull rank but after his promotion, both Mark and Jason held the same rank.

"I'll follow your a point. My only job here is find out whats going on with Amanda, personally I don't care whether you help me with that or not, understand?"

Mark dismissed Jason's statement with a hand wave. "Whatever, Barrett. Trust me or not. Right now, I just need you to follow my lead. After this, you're free to search Darkhelm... But, I just want to warn you that your usual sources aren't going to be as enlighting as they used be. Things are not what they seem around here."

Despite Jason's dislike of Mark, he knew that he was only doing his job. Although at the moment his job seemed to also include annoying Jason to know end.

"I'll take that under advisement."

Grayson didn't replied; instead, he opened the shuttle ramp and moved outside to meet the Maran official and his escorts.

When the ramp hit the ground, Jason was greeted by a breeze of fresh air. The air on Maran always carried with it a tropical scent, something that Jason sorely missed when he was reminded of it. Striding toward thier ramp was a Maran official, dressed in the usual black Maran naval uniform. It was all black, with silver lining the shoulders and then the middle of the uniform short.

"I'm Commander Ronin Talleck, welcome to Maran Mr. Grayson and welcome back Mr. Barrett and Mr. Townsen."

Jason nodded a greeting as Ronin shook hands with all the Starfleet Officers.

"I have a hovercab waiting for us, the director wants to see you all right away."

"Director of what?" Jason asked.

"You'll see in due time, now if you'll follow me please."

OFF : To be continued...

A JP brought to you by

Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
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Post by Barrett »

[Maran Intelligence Offices, 1945, Day 1]

Jason had to admit that the last time he had been on Maran the atmosphere was a lot more relaxed. As they made thier way toward the main office away from the hovercab, he could almost feel the tension mounting in the air. The sky was bright as usual but there seemed to be a lot less traffic then he had remebered.

Thier guide walked ahead of them all, nodding to the guards that were standing near the entrance to the large marble building. Jason had never been this close, only seeing it from the air a few other times. He followed Ronin inside, thier feet beginining to click on the stone floor.

Jason took notice of the lack of gaurds, although he knew that they were being watch. He also knew that as alone as they all thoughty they were that was far from the case, the Marans were as bad as the Romulans when it came to the spying business...or maybe as good as the Romulans was a better way to put it.

"Where are we going?" Adam (NPC) asked, looking around the main lobby.

"That will be answered momentarily."

Jason arched an eyebrow at comment, although he didn't say anything else, stepping into the lift with everyone else. They rode up for what seemed like forever before finally stepping into a corridor that was lined with bright blue lights. Ronin lead them down the corridor and then to another room, this one adorned with couches.

"If you will all please have a seat," Ronin said. "I have to make some arrangements for your accomadations."

Ronin disappered through another door.

OFF: Tag Mark!
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A