Blood and Iron

Posts for the USS Malinche's shoreleaves

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Post by Hawkins »

<<Starbase 259, Deck 46-Habitiation, 1457, MD02>>

Jack looked around the corner and down the darkened corridor, he had contacted Ops on the Starbase and been told this entire section was closed down for refurbishment, it also meant the internal sensors were offline, it made this the perfect place to hide.

He carefully stepped over the piles of equipment littering the featureless floor and drew the Type-2 Phaser from his side, he glanced down and set the weapon to its maximum stun setting and approached the door. He had decided against alerting station security to what he was going, if this was the person who had arranged his assignment on the Malinche he didn?t want to run the risk of some security officer ruining his chances to find out why.

He stood at the door and slipped the sling off his injured arm, dropping it to the floor with a soft flutter. The room was a family suite, meaning it would have several rooms inside and while he has already checked the basic layout he was unable to scan the inside of the room, some kind of dampening field preventing his tricorder reading past the bulkhead.

He stood to the side of the door and entered the override command for the door which promptly slide open smoothly, he spun round quickly with his phaser held high. Jack found himself staring into the deserted main living area, the room was clad in darkness, the only light coming from the large window revealing the internal dock of the Starbase, from here he could clearly see the unique lines of the Malinche.

He stepped into the room, looking and sweeping his phaser around as he used his other hand to reach up to activate the lights, an activity that proved fruitless. Jack moved slowly and cautiously further into the darkened room, listening carefully for any trace of who might be in the room as his eyes adjusted to the dark.

He moved down the corridor, lit faintly only by computer panels and reflections from the outside, checking the smaller children?s rooms as he went, he approached the final room down the corridor, the master bedroom, the only room in the suite with a closed door.

All of a sudden Jack heard a soft thud from inside, he immediately pressed himself up against the side of the door and pressed the button to slide it open, taking a deep breath he readied to burst through in to the room?

To be continued?
Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Akios »

<<Shuttlebay, Deck 9, 1630 MD2>>

Removing the wall panels along one wall of the shuttlebay had revealed a section of plasma conduit that had been compromised by the explosion, though not badly enough to rupture it. Ens. C'eltor had decided to replace it entirely, and Akios had worked with the starbase Engineering team that had pulled the damaged conduit and installed its replacement.

"How about this time, Ensign," CPO Morris (NPC) called to Akios for the third time.

The Aurelian studied the readings on his engineering tricorder as he ran the device over a section of the newly-installed conduit. He reset the scan, and checked again. "I'm sorry, Chief, the readings are still off."

"Let me see that damn thing," the chief said, walking over and reaching for the tricorder.

Ens. C'eltor took notice of the older man's exasperated tone, and walked towards them. "Is there a problem, Chief?" she asked.

"No, sir," Chief Morris said, studying the tricorder's screen and tapping its controls. "Just a strange reading is all. Could be a faulty device," he said, waving the tricorder for emphasis.

"I was running a standard resonant EM scan on the new conduit," Akios said, "you know, making sure there are no anomalies before we reinitialize the plasma flow in this section. But I keep getting a strange fluctuation in the scan."

"The tricorder doesn't show the fluctuation's source, sir," Chief Morris said to C'eltor, "and since this entire wall section is depowered, I'd say it's not a problem with the new conduit. It must be coming from somewhere close by, but in my opinion it doesn't affect the repairs we've done. I'd like your okay to go ahead and repower this section."

C'eltor thought for a few seconds. "There's nothing urgently needed in this section, Chief. Move on to the next section for now. Ensign Akios, I'd like you to get a Sciences tricorder and see if you can trace the source of that fluctuation. If he can't find anything in an hour though, Chief, go ahead with bringing the section back online."

It only took Akios a minute to retrieve the necessary device. He set the tricorder for general EM scanning, and began looking for the fluctuating signal that the Engineering tricorder had picked up. After waving the device around for a minute, he headed towards the pressure doors leading back into Malinche's corridors.

<Tag, anyone investigating the cause of Rayne's collapse.>
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Abubakar »

ON: Morgue. U.S.S Malinche. 0715. Day 02.

The door swished open and flooded the room with a light that seemed to cling on to the heavy, swirling cooling vapours of the small and dark room.

The invasion of this new light startled Jaran, his eyes darted towards the source ? carefully scanning the hole in the room. Two large men stepped in and grabbed his underarms, hoisting him up into a standing position.

He was stiff and couldn?t stand easily, the freezing cold had made him seize up and he ached all over, even more intensely where the men grabbed him.

?Have a nice night you bastard?? snarled the man to the right. ?You?re gonna pay today?? he added.

Jaran painfully and slowly moved his head round to look at the bearded man who was dragging him down the corridors of the Malinche. He said nothing, he just stared at him, there were no words that Jaran could even think of to say.

He was angry with himself, burning anger, that he had allowed himself to be so weak as to allow guilt, remorse, to creep into his brain. Like tendrils boring through his skull. He had gone and hidden behind his wall again, the wall that men like him put up so they could protect themselves, the one that made them hard, made them not care anymore. He suddenly found himself thinking how well Lieutenant Grayson had made his wall. And couldn?t understand why Hawkins refused to build one.

He was cashiered into a storage room where he became aware he was actually pretty filthy. His uniform was damp from the air in the morgue, his hair a mess, he hadn?t shaved for three days and it was showing. The sudden change in temperature was causing him to shiver violently, and he sweating profusely now, he could feel his dirty uniform sticking to him.

?Get dressed? the man who had been on his left commanded, pointing to a uniform folded up on the floor.

?To hell with that? he thought, still having not spoken a word. He stood as tall as his cold, aching muscles would let him and stared in silent defiance at the man who came moving towards him.

?Get?dressed?? he was commanded again. He turned and smiled at the angry Lieutenant in front of him.

?Yeah?? Jaran answered, finally. ?Being thrown into a courtroom looking like this is more Romulan isn?t it?? He bent down and picked up the uniform. ?And there?s gonna be civilians in there, we don?t want to let the family image down now, do we?? Jaran said, coldly, probing his guard.

?You wouldn?t know a thing about family?? the man answered back, locking eyes with Jaran. ?If you did? you would understand what you?ve done to those people in that gallery.?

The epitome of himself, Jaran touched the guys arm as he turned away. ?And?what if I told you?? he began in a whisper, ?that I don?t give?a fuck?? He smiled, cruelly and waited for the pain of the punch.

The Lieutenant didn?t give him the satisfaction, instead he just stared into Jarans eyes, and Jaran stared back. He saw in the Lieutenants eyes, an emotion he could recognise, but one he didn?t want to revisit.

?You really are an animal?? The Lieutenant whispered, one eye noticeably brimming with a tear. ?Get dressed? he added softly, moving to stand outside the room, shaking his head in disbelief.

Abubakar picked up the clothes and changed into them, when he finished he took a moment to touch the two pips on his collar, and then ran a finger along the line and half of medal bar miniatures that were only worn on formal occasions, such as this one, he was admittedly surprised someone had gone to the effort of attaching them. He left his finger a tip on the final one for a moment, the one that represented his ?outstanding valour? on Inferno Planet, the one that kick-started his decline. Or maybe it wasn?t, maybe it was stepfather beating the shit out of him that made him start to build a wall, or hearing the screams of his mother that heard once, can?t ever be erased. ?Screw it? he thought, projecting anger, his best defence mechanism, at those thoughts of the past.

He stepped out of the room, standing tall, proud. He extended his arms and irons were placed on them.

It took a good 20 minutes of walking before they entered the secure area that prisoners were kept in on the Starbase. Jaran and his two guards stood outside a large and thick looking door. It slowly opened, Jaran felt the ?structural integrity? of his stomach give out as he caught sight of the stand.

?If you don?t burn for this, you?re dead anyway.? The guard on the left muttered.

?I know?? Jaran answered, stepping forward and onto the walkway up to the stand. The chatter of the courtroom died to a total silence as he walked what seemed like an endless distance to the stand, a metal device stood where he was to stand, locked into the floor. The guard on the left pulled on his irons and locked them in to the device.

He scanned the gallery, lots of people he didn?t know, most wearing Starfleet uniforms. Some civilians though, some crying, some just with burning anger in their eyes.

He caught sight of some of the Malinche officers sitting together, the Captain, Lieutenant Sovereign, Benson and the doc?. Even Hawkins. ?Kosst, protect me?? he muttered.

?All rise? called the court usher as the Judge entered and took his seat, he cast a wary eye over Jaran.

Everyone sat when the Judge, an Admiral, sat down himself. ?Lieutenant Jaran Abubakar?? he began.

?This is it?? Jaran thought.

Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
The Anti-Lamb 666
Flying Monk-eh
U.S.S Malinche

"It is easier and more effective to destroy the enemy's aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt his flying birds in the air." - General Giulio Douhet
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Post by Abubakar »

ON: Courtroom. Starbase. 0800. Day 02.

Rear Admiral, Judge Advocate General, James Clarkson entered the circular chambers from the door behind his chair on the raised platform.

"All rise" the usher called, James didn't really care much for protocol and his annoyance showed on his stern face.

He took a second, fron his point of view, to look at the chambers - the circlular room was dominated by an upper gallery of a rather dense collection of Starlfeet members and some civlillians, no doubt the familes of the poor men Jaran had killed. 'Allegedly killed' he had to remind himself.

To his left was the prosecution, to his right the defence, and center front was the witness stand with Lieutenant Jaran standing center back in the dock.

"Lieutenant Jaran Abubakar..." he started, the look of loss on Jarans face was not missed by Clarkson. "You stand here today under several charges of the most serious nature. Today we seek justice, and you ARE innocent until proven guilty." He looked sternly at the gallery, feeling like he just spat on the families of the dead men.

Jarans heart was pounding, he felt himself going red. His ear was itching terribly but he could do nothing to stop it.

"The charges are as follows:" Clarkson said sharply
"Resisting arrest
"Two counts of assault, namely Nurse Applegate and Petty Officer Raines
"Firing on a Starfleet vessel
"Theft of a starfleet vessel
"Destruction of starfleet property and vessels
"Gross Misconduct
"Deliberate wounding of Starlfeet personnel

Clarkson let the last one hang in the air, the prosecution was certainly going all out - and in all honesty he didn't see the Lieutenant as having a choice but to plead guilty. Most likely some kind of insanity plea by the defense.

Jaran felt like someone was kneeing his groin every time another charge was read out, and with each one came the emotional memories of the events that had produced the charge. He looked up at Kersare, as if she would be able to tell him what to do, he already knew he had no way of getting off - so he had to plead guilty, not because he gave a damn anymore, but because there was no other choice.

"Do you wish to make seperare pleas??" Clarkson asked, needing to know if there were one or more charges to recieve a different plea than the others.

That was what got to him, Kersare would damn well know that he was only pleading guilty through a lack of options rather than a choice. He looked back down to the judge, he felt a lump in his throat as images of his missions on the Malinche came back to him. He remembered the looks on the faces of Lieutenant Grayson, Commander Hunt and Ensign Crazy when he had to freefall them into an LZ on Celtron V - an experienced pilot he himself had fought down vomit, let alone what the others went through on that 500% engine output 90 degree snap turn, it was a happy memory.

He remembered his brief but happy conversation with Kersare when he came to Dieredi and he stepped out from round the corner, he remembered the laughs they'd had in that conversation. Jaran remembered being dumbstruck by Ensign Kai's beauty when he bumped into her on the turbolift before Celtron... all happier times.

"I don't want this to end..." Jaran said meekly, the two guards looked at hiim.

"Lieutenant?" Asked Judge Clarkson, a stern querying look on his face.

Jaran shook his head and then exhaled deeply and tried to compose himself. "Not guilty, Admiral." he answered defiantly. There was an increase in the murmers from the gallery.

Clarkson looked at the Lieutenant and nodded, not quite sure why he hadn't gone for the lesser sentence that he knew would be offered for a guilty plea. "Very well, I hand over to Chief Warrant Officer Lassister of the prosecution."

He took one look at the thin and pasty looking Captain Saxon, his defense, and knew he was doomed...


Also starring
Rear Admiral of the office of the Judge Advocate General James Clarkron
Presiding Officer
State vs. Lieutenant Jaran Abubakar
Last edited by Abubakar on Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
The Anti-Lamb 666
Flying Monk-eh
U.S.S Malinche

"It is easier and more effective to destroy the enemy's aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt his flying birds in the air." - General Giulio Douhet
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Post by Kersare »

OFF: Backpost getting Sovereign & Kersare to the Court Martial

<<Corridor, 0734, Day 3>>

Isabel walked quickly through the corridor towards Yrel's quarters. She'd promised to stop by on her way to the court martial, and wanted to be sure to get there early. Part of her was dreading what was to come, but little could be done about it now.

Slowing down as she reached Yrel's quarters, Isabel stood a bit straighter and rank the doorchime.

The idea of sleeping in late was what delighted Yrel after such a laidback and carefree yesterday. That of course came to a halt with the court martial to come and the bright and early placement of it. Standard to Starfleet, of course, but it's wasn't any easier. She had better hoped to sleep in than be thrown into the mess that was the judgement of an officer's actions.

'Or soon to be officer, at that,' Yrel thought grimly.

When the doorchime rang, Yrel was in the midst of getting fine tuned in uniform, for upper brass was going to be there and she wanted to look the part of her role(s). She hadn't put the uniform jacket on when the doors opened at her call and there was the captain.

"Good morning, Ms. Sovereign," Isabel nodded to her. "Are you ready to go?"

"Uh, just a second," she replied, grabbing the jacket and disregarding perfecting her hair. There was likely no pleasing the higher ups, so it wasn't worth the effort. Once the jacket was on and zipped up, she nodded. "This is a day I never wanted to come, me at a court or otherwise."

"It's certainly not a pleasant process, but a necessary one in some cases," Isabel remarked. As a Captain, this was her second attendance at a court martial.

They left Yrel's quarters and made their way at what Yrel thought was a brisk pace. Twenty-six minutes to hell, was what it amounted to. They couldn't be late.

"Who's going to be in attendance?" Yrel asked, really meaning 'is there going to be a big mob or protestors, or a little one?'.

Isabel shook her head, "I'm not entirely sure, to be honest. We'll be there, of course. Britny (NPC) may join us... Jaran specifically requested that Lieutenant Benson not attend, so I don't think he'll be there personally, though a representative of the Security/Tactical Department may be. Nobody has actually verified that they'll be there though."

"They're probably trying to forget the incident at all cost, let alone attend something that'd just resurface their feelings."

"To be honest, I think I'd be a bit more comfortable if there are less people. Court martials aren't exactly wonderful experiences, and I'd rather it be over with as soon as possible. Considering the nature of Jaran's crimes though..." Isabel sighed. "Also, if his other accomplices were found, I'd imagine they would be there as well. At least one of them did
help us find them, so I'd think he would get off a little easier than the others."

Yrel let out a light chuckled, more sarcastic in nature than anything. "Basically the difference between death and life in prison?"

Isabel paused a moment, looking over at Yrel, "Not necessarily. It'll partially depend on who's presiding over the court martial. Also, the crewmember who helped may have just gone along to sabotage the mutiny and keep tabs on Jaran. Without talking to him, I don't know, but it is a possibility. If that's the case, he could get off with no prison time."

"Depends on how the defense for that crewmember plays on it then," Yrel nodded.

"Unfortunately, all the speculation in the world won't give us our answers, only attending the court martial will. Then again, I'm not sure if I want the answers that'll give me either," Isabel admitted. She thought back about Jaran, and her meeting with him in the Detention Facility. "Jaran's a good officer, when he's not sabotaging his own career. There's more to him than meets the eye, that's for sure."

"That's what the prosecution will say too," Yrel sighed. "No offense."

Isabel nodded, "None taken. It'll be interesting to see how it all plays out." The pair stepped into a turbolift, "Deck 422." Good thing she looked up what deck the courtroom was on...the Celestial class starbases had, in her opinion, an insane amount of decks. It made her glad she was Captain of a ship rather than a starbase...

"It's times like this when I think It'd have been better for me to have stayed home," Yrel sighed again, this time at the prospect of what kind of legal 'fighting' was about to play out in front of her. "It was a whole lot more simpler than this..."

"I'm rather glad you are here. Though I can understand feeling that way. However, I'd like to think that being on the Malinche will be a good experience for you," Isabel replied.

"An experience it's been already, Captain. I imagine it's going to be even more so soon enough," Yrel tried to conceal her excitement over her hopeful future, although it was awefully tempting to rub her belly.

"Hopefully it will be a good one, overall," Isabel replied. Looking at the wall, she noticed they'd arrived at their destination, "Here we are. Let's see what awaits us..."

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign
Chief Science Officer & Second Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Hawkins »

OFF: Backpost to conclude what i started and to catch up time-wise


<<Starbase 259, Deck 46-Habitiation, 1503, MD02>>

Jack quickly scanned around the room, once again light only from the large window, he noticed no-one in the room, only a bag on the bed. He moved cautiously to the bed, just as he approached there was the recognizable sound of a forcefield activating around him, he quickly whirl round noticing a man standing in the door way he just came through.

?Well now, I expected something better from the great Jack Hawkins?? the shadow-y figure walked forward, their body walked into the shaft of light from the window, his face remained shrouded in darkness.

?You seem to have me at a disadvantage, you know my name but?? Jack kicked at the forcefield, much like he did earlier in the cell, ?how about you tell me who you are and what you?re doing here??

?Jack, Jack, Jack, you?ll find out the answers to your questions when the time is right, and that time isn?t now, I just wanted to be able to stand here and look you in the eyes, so in the years to come I might be able to say, ?I knew him when??. We have big plans for you Jack, I hope you enjoy the long game??

?You know I?ve never been one for the long game, its why I?ve always preferred hockey to baseball.? Jack prodded around the narrow field with his elbow, gradually turning away from the door and motioned up to his combadge.

?Don?t waste your time Jack, I?m no amateur, I disabled the comm system, and I know you well enough to know there?s no-one coming to find you, you wanted me alone.? The shadowy figure placed a PADD down on the table next to the door, ?A gift, for you, you?ll know what it means when the time comes.?

Jack glanced towards the table and was about to reply when he was startled by a shuttle passing close by the window, he looked back to the doorway and found the mystery man was gone. He was both confused and annoyed at himself, he knew it was a trap but he came down here anyway wanting to see who was turning the wheels. All he had done was found more questions than answers.

He gingerly walked forward finding the forcefield had vanished as quickly as the man, he picked up the PADD the display showing simply two words for now, ?Tempus Fugit?.

<<USS Malinche, ACIO office, 1430, MD02>>

Jack sat down in the chair, he had been to Ops on 259 and had their entire crew and passenger manifest, it was a long and probably pointless task, but maybe he would see a name that would stand out. He picked up the coffee he had just replicated and prepared himself for a late night, ?Oh well, time flies??

<<ACIO Office, 0700, MD03>>

Jack was awoke abruptly by his combadge informing him that Jarans trial was about to start as he had requested the previous day, he quickly surveyed the desk, 5 empty cups of coffee and a lot of PADDs littered the desk, he had only made it through half the list by 2am, the rest would have to wait, and so would tidying.

He rose from the chair, wincing as his shoulder moved in its sling, he would have to run to his quarters, have a quick shower and then find his dress uniform and make it to the court room, and God knew what deck that would be on. As he left his eyes glanced at the PADD propped up on the desk.

?Tempus Fugit?

OFF: there, all caught up now :)
Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Grayson »

[[Runabout enroute to The Malinche, 1600, Day 2]]

Mark looked outside the windon and admired the space and its stars. It wouldn't be long to get back to the Malinche. Several hours, but it was a lot less if they were taking the regular transportation.

He noticed that Adam (NPC) was asleep on his chair. It was good moment to talk to Jason.

"Barrett, I think its time we talk about your visions" started Mark. "My line of work normally doesn't deal with this kind of thing, but your own words about the ships destroying Earth were alarmingly similar to the sightings in Maran Space.... That being said, do you know why are you having this visions? Did you have any while we were on Maran?"

Jason sighed. His visions had been going on for awhile now; dating back to his days on the USS Hale. Truth be told he had never really come to completely understand them or what they met. He was curious as to why Mark was fishing for information regarding his visions.

"I didn't realize that intelligence was interested in visions," Jason remarked with a half smile. "But no, I didn't have any while we were on Maran. The last ones I had we were on looked like a massive battle was being fought on the ground."

Mark leaned back on his chair. "Against my good judgement, Barrett, let me tell what I know about your 'condition'. Your brain was influenced by your connection to your friend Jackson (NPC) years ago. He was a special sort. He had visions of the future.... But for him, it was a controled situation. When your minds merged or whatever its term there, you got his gift ... Only your brain wasn't ready for that. Which explains why you having this kind of uncontrolled, unpredictable visions. Intel has been monitoring your welfare."

Jason quirked an eyebrow in Mark's direction. He had no idea that Intel was keeping such close tabs on him, although he probably shouldn't have been all that surprised.

"I wish I could tell you more about them but I can't....for all I know they could be nothing more then flashes into my imagination."

Mark sighed, tired. "At first, I thought that exactly the same. But when your visions started to make connection with the reality, I went looking for more information. In Maran less than one percent of the population have this vision power. You know what happened in the last couple of years? Ninety percent of them killed themselves and the other ten percent went crazy. The Maran Health Ministery didn't know what to think...."

He took a PADD from his pocket. "Take a look. You'll see that in all cases the person involved had a vision before killing herself or going crazy. There's not details on what they saw in their vision. But..." Mark hesitated. "But... Look what was found in the home of one of them. "

Grayson showed a drawning. The scout ship was in the middle of the paper and two people, among alien corpses were facing the scout ship. "Tell me this isn't us after we took out the Reman camp."

Jason was stunned too see that picture. Looking at it reminded him of something that Jackson has once said about the future always being in motion.

"It certainly looks convincing," Jason said, swallowing hard. "But even if these visions are foretelling the future there's not much that I can do about it."

"Understand, you're the only one with the visions now. If you can control it, you may be able to see something that will help us change the future. The Marans don't see their people die and we don't want to see Earth and the Federation in shambles." Mark paused. "For now, Barrett, I need you to read the reports, do your job the best way you can. If the visions come again, I need to know. We need to prepare for what's coming."

Jason sighed heavily. For once in his life he would have liked things not to be put on a such a grand scale. He didn't have the first clue about how to control the visions; they always seemed to pop up at the worst time in the world...and never when he wanted them too.

"I don't know if I can control them Mark...but I'll do my best to get any information out of those reports that I can."

Mark nodded in agreement.

"Now, I'm going to go lay down, think you can handle things here?"

Mark nodded again. As Jason left him alone in the cockpit, Mark Grayson sighed. There was so much that could be said and couldn't be said to him. His visions were no doubt important... But only to a few number of people in the Omega Agency. The Marans, a few of them, trusted Mark enough to believe in his theory and only some intel officers, not the brass, thought Mark's idea made some sense.

In way, Mark was alone. It was hardly the first time. All he needed was to trust Jason to be honest about his visions. Mark needed proof to gain more resources.

OFF: to be continued.

A JP brought to you by

Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
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Post by Hunt »


At first Mason looked around the bridge and was beginning to experience the same exact feeling that he had been on the bridge at that moment once before. He had been there waiting for Kersare to arrive his neck was starting to bother him from all of the neck tossing from left and right he had been doing.

He had forgotten that she was involved with the court martial, in fact he was beginning to wonder if he would ever get the chance to meet up with the CO.

Soon Mason found his thoughts focusing on Rayne being alone in sickbay being constantly hovered by nurses and doctors. Although the offer of taking the ?Dawn? out was more than tempting he felt Rayne should be the one to fly it. ?Shuttle bay this XO Hunt, I want the remaining shuttles in the bay moved to bay two. We will need to make room for a new craft. Guards are on their way down no one is to enter the bay with the express permission of myself or the CO.? said Hunt.

Mason didn?t believe it to be any harm for bringing the ship on board, plus it would give Kersare a chance to see it up close and personal instead of looking at it from a view port window. The ?dawn? sort of reminded the XO of the delta flyer once used by the voyager crew except this new craft had the ability to hide inside a sun?s corona and regenerative shielding.

The XO got up from the center chair and paced around the bridge a few times mainly trying to distract his mind from the anticipation of flying the ?Dawn.?

OFF: Tag Anyone
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Post by Akios »


<<Junior officers quarters, Deck 4A, 0515, MD03>>

In the morning Akios woke with aching muscles and an empty stomach and banged his head against the overhead before he remembered he now occupied an enclosed bunk in his shared quarters aboard a Prometheus class starship. "Khehh..." he hissed, rubbing his forehead, while a questioning sound coming from the bunk below told him he had at least partially awakened Drochlo (NPC), the Zakdorn engineer he shared quarters with. "It's nothing. Go back to sleep," Akios said, rubbing his eyes and climbing down from his bunk.

He looked around their quarters twice before he remembered that there was no replicator. In fact, the night before he'd pulled the diagrams and blueprints for this deck, Deck 4A, Section 3, compartment 12. There were EPS feeds in two of the walls that would support a replicator, but routing a basis matter conduit here without arousing suspicion would be nearly impossible. If he went through with it, he'd probably have to run the replicator off a storage tank, which he could install under the deck plates, and doing that without the cooperation of Ens. Drochlo would also be near impossible. He'd need to wait and feel out his roommate before he tried anything.

He was pretty sure he still had some travel analgesics, if he could just find them. He'd been a little less than organized when he'd unloaded his carryalls into the limited storage space he had here. Pulling open a few drawers, he found the tube of pellets, along with a half-empty tube of nutrient solution. He swallowed a couple of the pellets and gulped the nutrient solution, hoping it would keep the medication from upsetting his stomach.

Checking the chronometer, he saw that it was only 0530. While he was sure Lt. Peters would mind if he reported early, Akios decided to get a real breakfast first and some exercise to loosen up his sore muscles. The ship's directory said there was a gym one deck above, and the mess hall was on the deck above that. He dressed in exercise togs (not knowing yet how this ship's crew would react to an Aurelian's "casual attire", which was no clothes at all) and made his way to the mess hall.

The mess hall was nearly deserted. He replicated a large bowl of oatmeal, a plate of fatty tuna sashimi, a fruit cup and a mug of Cardassian fish juice, and chose a table near the ventilation return duct. Though it had never bothered him, he knew that some humans objected to the smell of fish juice.

While he ate, he thought about the strange electromagnetic disturbance he'd detected in the shuttle bay. He spent an hour crawling through the jeffries tubes that ran through the wall section where he'd picke up the signal, but he hadn't been able to localize it. The source had to be somewhere close by, but no matter where he'd gone, the signal hadn't gotten any stronger. It was almost as if there were multiple low-power sources blanketing the section, but even then he should have been able to find something. He'd reported his failure to C'eltor, and she'd decided to leave it for later investigation. Getting the shuttlebay back into operational condition was the priority. They'd made good progress on that. When Akios had left, they'd been waiting for the station to deliver an assortment of deck, wall, and hull plate segments to replace ones that had been damaged.

After eating he made his way to deck 3 and looked for the gym. There were a few more people there than had been in the mess hall, but Akios didn't have any problem finding a space for himself.

Back at the Academy, during his freshman year, Akios had had a hard time coping with the various physical training requirements. He'd still been adjusting to Earth's gravity then, despite taking treatments to accelerate his muscle development. Hand to hand combat training had been especially difficult. Aurelians were more prone to bone fractures than most other species in Starfleet, so he'd also had to be careful about that. It was something he'd been told to expect when he'd applied to the Academy. There were few Aurelians in Starfleet, and all had had similar difficulties.

Fortunately, his brother Kal'lital had already been at the Academy for two years by the time Turuas'ta entered, and had gotten through the same training with the help of one of the combat instructors, Lt. Bergeron. The lieutenant had studied a variety of martial arts styles from a number of worlds, and had worked with Kal'lital to develop a fighting style suited to Aurelians, based on those various martial arts. He'd proposed his fighting style as an option to fulfill the hand-to-hand requirement, though at the time he was still developing it. The Academy Commandant had granted provisional acceptance, pending a more complete development of the style and approval by the Academy Board. The Board had approved the fighting style and added it as an official curriculum option the year before Turuas'ta had entered the Academy.

Turuas'ta had benefitted a number of ways from his brother blazing the trail before him, even though Kal'lital had studied to be a doctor and Turuas'ta, an engineer. Kal'lital had decided not to put up with the problems other Aurelians had faced in Starfleet. In addition to pushing for the hand-to-hand option, he'd improved the Aurelian replicator template for uniforms, found a human tailor in San Francisco who'd been willing to learn to make dress uniforms for Aurelians, added a couple dozen really good replicator templates for Aurelian foods to the standard database, and made several corrections to the Starfleet medical database entries for Aurelians. All that Turuas'ta had managed to do was refine the environmental suit modifications for Aurelians. It was no wonder to Turuas'ta that Kal'lital had graduated third in his class, and had gotten a choice starship posting.

Of course, that had all been before Kal'lital had nearly been killed.

After half an hour of practicing Bergeron's katas, the stiffness in Akios's muscles was gone. When he returned to his quarters to clean up and get into uniform, Drochlo was still asleep, though that didn't last long, since Akios instructed the computer to play Japanese 'no' music while he got into the sonic shower.

Drochlo was gone when he got out of the shower, and the computer was now playing Bynar tone poems. He shut off the music and got dressed, first putting on the body stocking he wore in place of standard undergarments (another innovation his brother had gotten accepted), later strapping on the harness with his antigravity unit over his shirt, and finally pulling on his boots. He stopped to renew the droplets of polymer he had on his clawtips (which was much more convenient to him than keeping his claws blunted), and headed back to the shuttlebay. With a little luck, they'd be completely finished by noon.

<<En-route to shuttlebay, 0730>>

Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Benson »

<<USS Malinche, Sickbay, Day 3, 0824>>

James walked in to sickbay. He was looking for Doctor Fairbairn, but then again he didn't exactly expect to find the good doctor since he'd been working his tail off for the past few days. His eyes searched the medical ward and alighted on a woman laying on one of the bio beds.

Sara lied there trying to decide what to do once she was allowed to leave sickbay. She really didn?t socialize with the crew that much preferring to spend her time alone usually. It wasn?t that she really wanted to do that but she really couldn?t let herself get attached to anyone, after all in her line of work those things caused more problems then it was really worth.

After sometime Sara noticed the Security chief, whom she had met earlier enter the room apparently looking for someone. She didn?t know who but that didn?t really matter since he was looking over towards her now.

"And what are you doing here may I ask Ensign Rayne?" He asked her, smiling gently as his eyebrow cocked.

"Oh I seemed to have a bit of a dizzy spell, and I have been waiting here for someone to run some tests before they will let me leave." Sara simply gazed back towards the man's eyes as if she was looking deep within the person to decern why he was there within the room. It was an almost haunting gaze yet there was also a smile on her face.

"I hope you feel better soon." The Texan said with a smirk.

"Wouldn't do for this ship to have no Intel department." He said, alluding to the fact that the rest of the department was rather busy.

"Well without Mr. Grayson around things do seem to have been less exciting then usual then again I haven't really done much durring the time I have been here except draw unneeded attention from the paranoid Intel chief." Sara was grinning now knowing Lt. Grayson was bound to hear about what she said.

He chuckled and nodded.

"Say... You wouldn't happen to know anything about this whole Jaran bit would you?" He asked her.

"I happened to be away from the ship at the time of his mutiny and I only recently returned." She replied.

"Damn..." He said with a frown. The only people who knew about it directly seemed to be the CO and Jaran himself.

"About the only thing I could tell you was he had something to do with that craft down in main shuttlebay." Sara winked at him then tossed the PaDD that had been sitting next to her to him. The PaDD simply displayed the word Arrowhawk on it. "Have fun with that, Im sure it will help you with your investigation." She smiled then took another PaDD from the counter nearby.

"If this helps bring that murderer to justice... then I'll definitely be buying you dinner." He said with a smile as he took the PADD.

"It might help but maybe not in a way that you'd think then again it might just lead you around in circles. Still its all I can do to help right now." Sara smiled back before speaking again. "By the way how goes Mr. Jaran's Court Marshal? I'd be over there if it wasn't for having to wait around in here." She asked curiously.

"The fact is that it doesn't go well... the Prosecution is having difficulty rounding up witnesses. Everyone who was to take part is either dead or allready contacted.. everyone I've spoken with doesn't know much about it." He said.

"Well the only other thing I can say is Mr. Jaran was part of the Intel community once, which is why they are having such a hard time. If you think about it he might have planned for this happening. I mean it's something I would have done had I been in his place." Sara said slightly tilting her head to one side.

"Believe me... the thought's crossed my mind more than once that all the officers that had the most to know about this were transferred off." James said.

"Well like most cases like this Intel is involved on some level, not that I couldn't find out why but you can be certain someone in Intel is watching." She said in a almost mysterious manner.

"Well then... I'll take you up on that." Said James, being deadly serious.

"When Fairbairn checks you out of here. Report to me." James gave her the order.

"Well I guess that will give me something to do, though I do have some business with the XO once I am free from this place. I'll see to it I drop by once I've finished with him." Sara said with a slight smile. "Just remember though Intel likes to keep it's secrets to itself." Once again she was speaking mysteriously.

"Intel may keep secrets, but if there are innocent Starfleet lives ended because of secrets... I'll go to the Starfleet Security Chief himself and get Admiral Chekov to order your secrets into the open." He said with a glare.

"Fortunatly enough for me I don't have any secrets worth keeping, but I am probly the best person for bringing them to light. All that matters is how deep you are willing to dig into things. Think of me as the otherside of Intel, the side that uncovers the secrets. I'll warn you though someone isn't going to like anyone digging around if they are trying to cover it up." Sara said glaring back.

"If someone doesn't like it... you send 'em to me. I've got a way of making people liking things..." He said sinisterly.

"And let you have all the fun?" She said with a laugh. "Trust me if I send them to you they will already like it by the time they see you." Sara smiled at him and just shook her head. "Most security people I know don't take well to the intel mind games but I can see your different. Just don't let Mr. Grayson get you into one, he is better at them then I am." She said tilting her head again.

"I don't play games I can't win. Discretion... that's the better part of valor." He said with a nod as he reached up and casually pushed a piece of hair out of face.

"Sometimes it is better to loose, after all you learn from your mistakes if they don't kill you. The trick is knowing which ones will kill you and how to avoid them." Sara said darkly.

"Napoleon didn't lose. He fought his battles, but he chose his battlefields. When the choice was no longer his, he lost." James said.

"I choose my battles so I always win... If I can't... that's when I'm in jeopardy of losing." He said.

"Sometimes no matter how we choose we still end up loosing in the end. The universe isn't black and white like most people think of it as, even Mr. Grayson would agree with me on this but unlike him I don't think of it as just gray I think a little red, green, purple, and blue fit in just as well." Sara smiled. "Still if you want to win make sure your Intel is accurate, and don't fight in the..
snow." She laughed again then smiled.

"Never underestimate a Russian winter, never underestimate a Klingon, and never cross an intelligence agent." He said with a slight smirk and winked at her.

"Those are very good things to live by. Then again I tend to do the last part quite alot." Sara smiled back.

James smiled and reached down to squeeze her hand.

"Rest up, then report to me Ensign... we have justice to serve." He said.

"All in due time Lieutenant, I still have to take care of some important issues with the XO. But justice will be served to those who deserve it." Sara smiled then went back to her PaDD. Indeed someone was going to answer for things, who didn't really matter right now.

James nodded and turned walking away from her and out of Sickbay.


Ensign Sara Rayne
Infiltration Specialist
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Abubakar »

<<Courtroom, Starbase 259, 1230, Day 3>>

After the Judge had called a recess for lunch, Chief Warrant Officer Third Class Arthurt 'Art' Lassiter strolled back into the courtroom for the prosecution. He waited for the defense counsel and defendant to return as the reporters shuffled in a little at a time.

Captain Saxon shuffled back into courtroom with three PaDDs in his left hand, lunch had been a brief affair and he?d spend the entire time trying to find out exactly what Lassiter had planned in terms of witnesses ? if his findings were correct then he had little to worry about.

Jarans restraints were once again locked into place in the device, he had found it extremely difficult to stand there for over three hours just whilst the charges were clarified and the opening statements were thrown out. He looked at Kersare again, who was just sitting back down. When she locked eyes with him he immediately looked down.

Clarkson stepped into the room and court rose, he motioned for them to be seated. "Mister Lassiter, the floor is yours" he said to the Warrant, he wondered how the man was doing; being pitted against a Senior Officer and all

Lassiter stood and exuded calm cool competence and confidence. The southern Georgia lawyer may have been a junior officer, but it didn't mean he wasn't capable. It was often that judgment on the behalf of his opposition that led to his victories in court.

"Your honor... we have heard the list of charges read in this court for the record. The fact of the matter is, that our prime witness cannot be present here today, or any other day in this courtroom. Our primary witness cannot swear an oath in open court to tell the truth. You see your honor, the primary witness in this case is sitting in dock right now in this very Starbase. It's the USS Malinche-B." Arthur stated and looked poignantly at Jaran as he stated the name of the ship.

"The very ship that Jaran injured with his actions. The very same ship who's internal security sensors will map out and detail without prejudice, his actions." Lassiter continued.

Jaran looked at Lassiter as he rambled on, at the mention of his ship he looked down again, he loved that vessel - and wounding it was something he was far from proud of.

Saxon took notes as his opposition went on, if this Non-Com was spouting off personifications of a Starship, then he definitely had little to worry about

"This is a court concerned with facts your honor. Facts that are provable and empirically gathered in nature. The people of Starfleet Command respectfully submit Exhibit A, which is this PADD," said Art, walking over to the table and picking up a PADD from his briefcase, " with the sensor logs of the Malinche-B at the time in question."

Saxon rose, "Objection." he called. "This can not be the raw data and I suggest possibility of tampering, I ask it be stricken pending verification." Saxon locked eyes with Lassiter.

"Mister Lassiter," Clarkson began. "Can you prove that this data is legitimate, and un-tampered with?" He tapped notes into his Padd - hoping that for Lassiters sake he could trump Saxon right there and then, otherwise this was going to be an awfully short case with a murderer back on active duty. 'Impartial!' Clarkson scolded himself.

"I can your honor, if you would like, we can go to the main computer core itself and extract the data again if it would please the court." Lassiter said confidently. All the codes would match up.

Clarkson nodded thoughtfully, he was going out on a questionable limb here, but he put his PaDD down and looked to Saxon. "Overruled" he said. Looking back to Lassiter Clarkson instructed him to "continue".

Jaran looked in disbelief as the Judge dismissed Saxons objection, he shook his head as Saxon sat down. 'You bastard' he thought, picturing Bensons smug face - he had to have been the one to supply the data, and he would have made sure the codes were synched. But the internal sensors were offline for a considerable period during the whole thing, Benson would know that Saxon couldn't point out the possible false evidence without practically stamping 'guilty' on Jarans forehead.

"Thank you your honor." Said Art with a smirk.

"That evidence being submitted, I would like to call the prosecution's first witness as deposed in this court's session briefing. Lieutenant James Benson." Art said. Benson stood and walked forward to take the stand and confirm his identity.

"Shit..." Jaran whispered. If looks could kill, Benson would be having his nuts savaged by Targs with blunt teeth at that point.

Saxon was surprised to see Benson, he knew the Lieutenant was going out of his way to collect evidence, but didn't think there was any way he could actually be called as a witness, he quickly loaded up the Lieutenants service record.

The service record was nearly spotless, including several major commendations for bravery and sacrifice during the Dominion War. He had even received tactical valor medals for leading ground battles, truly earning his nickname of the Texas Bonaparte. James sat in the chair and Art Lassiter smiled at him.

"Mister Benson, would you please confirm for the court what your position is aboard the Malinche-B?" He asked.

James nodded and spoke.

"I am currently serving as Chief Security and Tactical Officer under the command of Captain Isabel Kersare." James stated clearly.

"Excellent Mister Benson... And would you please point out for the court, who it was that was remanded to your custody for the charges of insubordination, mutiny, etc.?" Art asked. James pointed directly at Jaran and stared at him.

"And when you deposed Mister Jaran, where was he at first?" Art asked, looking at Jaran.

"Sickbay in Starbase 259." Benson said with a nod.

"Sickbay... why was he there?" Asked Lassiter.

"I was informed he was there for injuries received during his escape from the Malinche and during his capture back aboard this starbase." Benson related.

"I see... And was he under any medication or therapy when you spoke to him?" The Georgia Lawyer asked.

"No sir. Medical cleared him to be deposed. Doctor Artana signed off on the court order." Said Benson with a sharp nod.

"I see and this... here is your initial deposition of Mister Jaran?" Asked Lassiter, taking another PADD from his briefcase, handing it to Benson. The Texan looked it over and nodded.

"It is..." Said James.

"I see... And was he under any medication or therapy when you spoke to him?" The Georgia Lawyer asked.

"No sir. Medical cleared him to be deposed. Doctor Artana signed off on the court order." Said Benson with a sharp nod.

"I see and this... here is your initial deposition of Mister Jaran?" Asked Lassiter, taking another PADD from his briefcase, handing it to Benson. The Texan looked it over and nodded.

"It is..." Said James.

"Would you please read from here down?" Asked Lassiter, pointing to a certain section of the text of the PADD.

"'Operation Green Inferno' Jaran said. 'Ahhh yes... the debacle that made the Chernobyl disaster on Earth look like a campfire.' I responded. 'And you've got no regrets at all?' I asked Jaran. He then responds shakily as he stated 'The needs of the many...'." Said Benson as he read off the testimony from their initial interview and Lassiter held up his hand.

"Your honor... Operation Green Inferno was a highly controversial and very traumatic experience for all those involved even to the top levels of command. over 95% of the individuals who survived said Operation came out with severe mental trauma and have never returned to active duty. In the coming testimony, the prosecution will present said testimony showing that Jaran's own mental status is that of a pathological lying murderer. Someone who knew the difference between right and wrong, but chose the wrong willfully, and after the major SNAFU of Green Inferno, should never have been re-activated for duty." Said Lassiter as he handed the PADD over to the judge.

"Your witness Captain." Said Lassiter, handing over to cross examination.

Saxon sat there stunned for a moment, he quickly tried to shake it off and stood up with the PaDD - it would appear that the course of the battle had now been turned, he would have to systematicly pick off every single witness, piece of evidence and testimony that came to the floor.

"I wouldn't be serving Starfleet through the Dominion War and the Shinzon Crisis if I didn't sir." James nodded to Saxon.

Saxon nodded and paced. "I see Lieutenant...would you consider yourself a patriot?" he asked

"Again sir, I wouldn't serve the Federation if I wasn't." Benson said.

"Objection your honor, the witness' political views of the Federation and Starfleet have been clearly established. This line of questioning has no bearing on the case at hand." Lassiter said, standing.

Saxon turned to face Clarkson; "How far one is willing to go to uphold those views is relevant, your honour. Lying about the actions of someone this patriot would consider a traiter is -"

Clarkson cut him off. "Sustained" he ordered. "We are interested in facts not opinions Captain, continue..."

Saxon looked back to Benson and then up at Jaran, who was clearly trying to work out what was going on.

"Let's go back to the Dominion War then Lieutenant, as you so proudly served in it... A traumatic period, no?"

"It was a war sir." James nodded.

Saxon smiled, mockingly. "Yes Lieutenant, we are aware of that." He moved closer to Benson. ?How did you find your time on the Dragoon?? he asked, looking Benson in the eyes.

"I enjoyed it for the most part sir. The Dragoon was a good ship." Benson answered. Lassiter stood and frowned at the Captain.

"Objection your honor... I fail to see the relevance of Mister Benson's service record to the current proceedings." Said Art.

Clarkson looked to Saxon, "I trust there is a point to this, Captain?" he asked

Saxon turned to face the judge and nodded. "There is sir." he answered simply.

"For your sake..." Clarkson began. He exhaled and waved his hand, "continue..."

Saxon turned back to Benson. "You lost a lot of friends when the Dragoon was destroyed Lieutenant..." He walked back over to the defense desk. "Didn't you?" he asked, picking up a PaDD and slowly walking back towards the witness stand.

"The Dragoon was obliterated during Operation Return led by Captain Sisko under Admiral Ross' approval. We lost a lot of ships that day and a lot of excellent 'fleeters." James replied professionally.

Saxon inwardly winced. His best hope to discredit Bensons integrity and suitability as a witness laid in his next hand of cards. "Do you remember..." he began, handing over the PaDD to Benson with a picture on the screen "... this little girl, Lieutenant?" Saxon locked eyes with the Lieutenant, he was aware he was perspiring.

James closed his eyes and drew a deep breath.

"Yes sir..." James only responded and Lassiter frowned at the Lieutenant's obvious stress increase.

Saxon didn't break his stare. "And what happened to the little girl, Lieutenant Benson?" He hoped that the rest of the courtroom, especially Clarkson, had noticed Bensons sudden change of composure.

"She was murdered by the Jem'Hadar." James said quietly, almost a murmur.

Saxon drew in a deep breath, "this is something that has clearly stuck with you Lieutenant. Do you not blame yourself at all?" Saxon tried to sound sympathetic, silently praying for the answer he wanted - this was the make or break of his argument.

Jaran stood in disbelief at the way Saxon had handled Benson, he locked the information about a girl on the Dragoon away, to use at a later stage.

"I didn't shoot her... I won a medal for trying to save her life... It was the Jem'Hadar... they killed her, not me." Benson said slowly and deliberately. It was what the counselors after the incident had continually pounded into his brain.

"I didn't ask if you shot her, Lieutenant Benson." Saxon said, an air of danger on his voice. "Without the counselors you blame yourself for her death, Lieutenant Benson?" He cautiously allowed himself to relax a little, Benson had given him the hole he needed, and the longer Saxon could keep him on the stand like this, the better.

"Sir, as an officer in Starfleet, everyone under my command trusts me with their life. Civilians trust me with their safety. I refused that medal I won because I didn't save her. She had been shot and was dead by the time I could get her to medical help. Do I blame myself? Sure, in some measure... but was there anything I could have done differently? No sir. I did everything I could." James said with a nod.

Saxon smiled, outwardly with compassion and inwardly with triumph. "I'm sure you did Lieutenant." he began. "Your honour" he said, adressing Clarkson. "I put to you, that Lieutenant Jaran may be mentally unstable due to the horrific things he has seen..." Saxon turned to face the wider court. "But that he is no more a..." he picked up his notes and read "?pathological liar? than Lieutenant Benson here is."

He put down his PaDDs. "The majority of the Dragoon survivors too, never returned to active duty, and niether should Lieutenant Benson in his current" Saxon guestured to Benson "mental state. How can the testimony of a pathological man be held in good faith, when as a self confessed patriot, he would do *anything* he could to move against somone he considers a traitor." Saxon took a breath.

"I ask you to consider, that Lieutenant Benson in his current state would have no qualms about lying to a court to win another victory for Starfleet." He looked to Benson. "That is it, isn't it Lieutenant? Putting a 'traitorous murderer'" he quoted Benson, "on a 'rock', is one more victory isn't it? One more to make up for the defeat on the Dragoon with that little girl?"

Saxon again locked eyes on Benson.

"OBJECTION YOUR HONOR!" Yelled an outraged Art Lassiter, slamming his hand on the table in front of him.

"The Defense is CLEARLY trying to shift this court's attention away from his client and on to a perfectly capable officer with an honorable service record by throwing false accusations of perjury and badgering him on the stand!" Lassiter said, narrowing his eyes at Saxon while Benson only steeled his gaze and remained impassive.

Saxon wheeled around. "Not true!" he protested forcefully. "Lieutenant Benson is no more in control of his actions than Lieutenant Jaran. His testimony is not credible, and his personal feelings towards my client render him biased!" He picked up a PaDD again. "a traitorous murderer you are, sanctimonious son of a bitch, I was wrong to call you a rat... it's an insult to rodentia everywhere." Saxon strung off a list of quotes from the audio logs.

Clarkson held up his hand. "Enough!" he called. "Captain Saxon, I trust you have no further questions?" it wasn't so much a question.

"No your honor." Saxon replied.

"Your honor, I move that the last part of mister Benson's testimony be stricken from the record. Mister Benson's remarks during the interrogation are well within the limit of Starfleet Justice standards, and there is NO evidence that Mister Benson has lied on this stand in this courtroom, thus his testimony is as valid as Captain Saxon's pips." Arthur said, standing and speaking coolly.

Saxon got in there quickly. "Your honour, this was not an interrogation. If it was, then Lieutenant Benson had no business discussing Green Inferno with my client during it."

Clarkson looked between the two men and exhaled deeply. "Mister Lasitter, on this occasion I must agree with the argument made by Captain Saxon. Lieutenant Benson has showed dogged determination to incriminate Lieutenant Jaran, and has repeatedly made insulting comments to him. I agree a level of plausible bias. Lieutenant Benson, you may step down."

"Your honor, if every witness who has personal feelings against mutiny is dismissed and their testimony called into question then everyone who's ever served in any fleet throughout history is biased. Mutiny is an offense for a reason and Benson is an arresting officer of the court. Captain Saxon has stepped over the line in insinuating that Benson's career has been one based on revenge and for nothing else than his sake, so that he is not prevented from promotion in the future for Captain Saxon's disparaging remarks." Lassiter said, nodding to Benson as the Chief Security Officer stepped down and calmly walked out of the court room.

Clarkson nodded nodded as Lassiter spoke and watched Benson leave, he chanced a look up to Jaran - who appeared stunned. "Call your next witness Mister Lassiter" he said.

Saxon returned to his seat, silently proud. He swore he saw a fickler of a smile on Jarans lips.

"The prosecution would like to call Captain Isabel Kersare to the stand." Art Lassiter said. He may have lost that battle, but this Georgian talked fast for a Southerner and had more than just one ace up his sleeve.

A JP by...(wait for it...)

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

also playing:

CWO3 'Art' Lassiter


also starring:

Vice Admiral Office of the Judge Advocate General Vice Admiral Clarkson
Presiding Judge
State vs Jaran


Captain Saxon

even FURTHER starring and played by:
Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
The Anti-Lamb 666
Flying Monk-eh
U.S.S Malinche

"It is easier and more effective to destroy the enemy's aerial power by destroying his nests and eggs on the ground than to hunt his flying birds in the air." - General Giulio Douhet
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Post by Fairbairn »

OFF: (Brief backpost to track before the day's trial.)

ON: <<Sickbay, Medical Office - 0714am, MD02>>

Cameron bustled into the medical office, pulling off his light blue surgeons coat and throwing it on the back of the chair. He spent the next five minutes raking through the four storage cupboards until he found what he wanted - a Starfleet duty uniform jacket. He slid it on, cursing silently all the while, and from his pocket removed his two rank pips of Lieutenant and pinned them onto his blue collar. 'There...' He thought 'Now I look the part I suppose.' Slowly he took a deep breath and sat down in the chair, reading a nurses report. He'd have a good five minutes before he had to make his way round to the trial and figured the best way to eat up this time would be trying to figure out how busy his day was going to be. He noted that Ensign Rayne was still inscribed into sickbay and added his order for her to receive her neurological testing, a relaxive stimulant and to be sent on her way. He also added the advice that she avoid the shuttlebay where the incident occurred - leaving a smiley face at the bottom of the footer. He sighed and was continuing to read when the door softly swished open.

Thea was still dispensing her words of wisdom when she began to enter the office ??.and next time you decide to work two shifts on top of each other without eating I will personally restrain you to a dining table and force feed you Ensign.? Entering the office she turned back to look straight ahead only to notice Cameron. ?Morning sunshine, Coffee?? She asked breezily walking over to the replicator being as she was never one for pomp and ceremony. Even though she had never met her new Senior officer.

Cameron glanced up, noting her presence and smiling. Just from her attitude and manner he decided right then and there that he liked her. Who she was, though, he was unsure - although he was positive he could make a few guesses. "Um, no thank you - I'd love a milky cup of tea though." He said, dripping his accent all over the place.

?Big strapping man like you and you are sticking to tea? I don?t know.? Thea walked over to the replicator and ordered the drinks. ?Normally I would touch the replicated stuff myself, but needs must.? Perching on the edge of the desk she thrust out a hand in Camerons direction. ?Thea Saunders-O?Dell, bet we?ll stick with Thea, the double barrelled surname is just a bit of a mouthful.?

His smile spread into a grin as the cup was placed on the desk and he accepted her hand. Excellent, it was his department XO. And she was...lovely. "Cameron Fairbairn. But Cam'll do fine." He said softly, shaking her hand. "And YOU are in for a busy morning I'm afraid, Thea." He sighed as he took his hand away and took a sip of his tea.

Taking a slug of her own drink she smiled at Cam. ?I worked on one of the busiest hospital stations in the fleet back in the war, I don?t think a Starship can possibly be any worse than that.? Thea remarked. ?So, what do we have today??

"I'm going to be in court today so it's you, surgery and whatever you can pull from the nurses we have." He handed her the PaDD. "We've got three physicals, shouldn't take long, a patient who needs a neural test, no doubt two or three emergency problems and there's a bout of the common cold going around the Starbase."

Thea took the offered PaDD. ?No rest for the wicked. Well the physicals aren?t a problem at all and I can get one of the nurses to run the neural test, it?s hardly the most taxing thing in the world.? Thea drained her mug and placed it upon the replicators recycle plate. ?I personally think you have the harder day.? Thea knew all about the court martial, if anything there wasn?t a single person in the quadrant who didn?t.

Cam sighed yet again and nodded, running a hand through his sharp blonde hair. "You're telling me..." He muttered. "I've been here a little over a couple of days now. I don't even see why I'm getting involved."

?The joys of being a member of the senior staff. I?ll just stick to being your lackey. I get all the good stuff and none of the getting kicked in the teeth.? She replied with a smile and heading towards the door. ?Oh, on a side note. I?m having a little bit of a get together in holodeck two. Not tonight, tomorrow night. I?m cooking, you will be there, and you?ll bring a bottle of wine.? With that stated Thea walked back into the main area of sickbay.

"Well, I guess I can't argue with that. I?ll be there, I may even bring company" Cameron added following her as he prepared to leave, he then remembered how awkward he felt in the full uniform and grimaced, gesturing to himself. "I suppose I'd best be off - how do I look?" He asked tentatively.

?Like a man who?s being forced to appear in court.? Thea replied before setting to work.

Cameron smiled and left, but not before picking up a diagnostic PaDD revealing the test results from Jarans? primary diagnostic in sickbay. They may prove useful during the day.


JP by:

CPO (Dr.) Thea Saunders-O'Dell
Assistant Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche

Doctor (Lt.) Cameron Fairbairn
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche

"Some patients, though conscious that their condition is perilous, recover their health simply through their contentment with the goodness of the physician." - Hippocrates 460-400 B.C.
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Post by Barrett »

[[USS Malinche]]
[Barrett's Quarters, 1030, Day 3]

Jason needed to stretch his legs and get in the shower; they had just returned from their rather odd trip to Maran...and that was something that was still weighing heavily on his mind. Even worse was the silent treatment that he seemed to be getting from Adam (NPC), who hadn't really said anything since they had gotten back. Jason knew that he was still upset by what had happened on the planet.


"I don't want to hear about it Jason."

Jason sighed heavily before walking toward him, he tried to embrace him in a hug but Adam shifted away.

"Adam, we need to talk about what happened..."

"No we don't....or rather we don't right now. I need to clear my head, get a few things straight. You did things down there Jason...things that I never thought you were capable of."

The words stung Jason deeply, like someone had taken a red hot knife and plunged it deep into him.

"I'm sorry."

"I know," Adam sighed, his face finally sofening some. "But I can't forget wha you did, at least not right away."

"Is there anything that I can do to help?" Jason asked. Although he suespected that he already knew the answer. Adam could be very stubborn when he wanted to be and Jason knew that this was going to be something that he was very stubborn about.

"Just give me time."

"Alright, I think I am goign to stretch my legs and walk around a bit."

Adam nodded and then disappeared into the bathroom. Jason watched him go and then sighed heavily, wandering out into the corridors of the Malinche.

OFF: Anyone want to run into him? Just a warning though, he'll probably want to talk about his troubles with Adam so be prepared:-)
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Sovereign »

<<Courtroom, Starbase 259, 1150, Day 3>>

While the court was in recess for lunch, Yrel tried to stop her head from spinning after a long morning of legal babble that she felt she had been a complete waste. Waht formality for what should be a straightforward process of evidence examining and, if needed, determination of punishment. No doubt an arguement of that would ensue, but at least it'd be done with promptly. What was with all this human bullshit?

'The things I had to give up while leaving home,' she thought.

Her choice of food for lunch had been more fruist and vegatables with a hint of grain. Very dull compared to ellaborate piles of "stuff" the others ordered up, but it was best for nurturing the womb, if all had gone to plan.

She was just about to sit down on when she noticed a PADD had been placed in her chair, with the words "Please read, Beautiful" in pink. She looked around, nervous all of a sudden. Was he here? Was that sleeze here? She took the PADD and slowly sat down, trying not to call attention to herself. Tapping the controls the display turned to a slightly long message.

Dear Yrel,

You said something about dinner before? How about tonight, after this morale sucking court martial? 1900 hours.

Good, I knew you couldn't resist. Wear something casual. I'll meet you at holodeck one.

- Cameron

Yrel peered over at Doctor Fairbairn as he was in the midst of small talk with a couple others in attendance, and smiled.
Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign
Chief Science Officer
& Second Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Akios »

<Shuttlebay, 1130, MD03>

"I think that about wraps it up here. Good work everyone, and thanks to the crew of SB259. Let's break for lunch!" Ensign C'eltor (NPC) announced.

Singly and in groups the engineers who had been making repairs in Malinche's shuttlebay headed out. There had been no major setbacks today, and with repairs going smoothly, they had completed all the major repairs on schedule. There was still cosmetic work that needed to be done, as well as minor adjustments and tweaking, but unless there was another explosion, the Malinche's shuttlebay was operational again.

Akios exited the shuttlebay through its heavy double pressure doors with the team he'd been working with that day, a large toolbox slung over one shoulder. They entered the turbolift, heading for Malinche's mess hall. However, when the others left the turbolift car, Akios stayed inside. "I'll catch up with you," he said. "Just want to drop this off and clean up first."

Once the turbolift doors closed, however, he didn't tell the turbolift to take him to Engineering. Instead he instructed it to take him to his quarters on deck 4A.

In his quarters, he opened the toolbox and removed several pieces of equipment he'd scavenged from the damaged sections they'd removed from the shuttlebay. They were slightly damaged, but he'd be able to recondition them. They were the first steps towards setting up a replicator in his quarters.

He hadn't approached Drochlo yet, but he was pretty sure the zakdorn would agree if approached correctly.

Having dropped off his illicit parts, he returned the toolkit to Engineering, and then made his way to the mess hall.
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B