LCARS database entry: Walok, planet IV, Savrok system

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LCARS database entry: Walok, planet IV, Savrok system

Post by Akios »

The fourth planet of the Savrok system was an oddity--a true binary planet. Two M-class worlds, nearly identical in size, revolved around their mutual center of gravity as they orbited the G-type star.

The system was only eleven light years from the Cestus system. Issues between the Gorn, the Tholian Assembly, and the Federation were the reason why it had first, remained undiscovered, and second, lain fallow until well into Earth's 24th century, despite the fact that the nearby Cestus system had been colonized for nearly a hundred years.

Long range scans had identified the presence of the dual planets, but because of their unusual configuration, they had been labled "unlikely to have a habitable environment." The Tholians had been the first to visit the system, but when all they found was a disappointing pair of low gravity worlds with unbreathable oxygen-nitrogen atmospheres, they had filed the data away and nearly forgot about it.

The data was passed from the Tholians to the Gorn during one of the Federation-mediated trade talks in the mid-24th century. The Gorns visited the worlds, but found the low gravity and average temperate climate distasteful. They likewise left and forgot the worlds.

The Walok data somehow found its way into Klingon hands a few years later. The system was of little interest to them; however, they knew of parties who would be interested.

Before the establishment of the Federation, Aurelia had spent a century as a Klingon possession. The aurelians had developed warp travel and had begun traveling to and trading with nearby worlds. These early forays into interstellar space had been noticed by the Empire, which had quickly capitalized on the aurelians' lack of significant space warfare capability. Circumstances in the years following the founding of the Federation had led the Klingon Empire to vacate Aurelia. Aurelia had quickly joined the Federation; nevertheless, Aurelia maintained (sometimes illicit) trade ties with the Empire throughout the 22nd and 23rd centuries.

Aurelia itself is a binary planet similar to Walok--twin worlds each with low surface gravity yet possessing dense atmospheres. Because of the unique nature of the planet, it had evolved a dominant lifeform that was both large and capable of flight. This uniqueness also meant that, except for its world-twin, Aurelia had had no significant opportunities for colonization.

It appears to have been the Empire's intention to trade knowledge of the Savrok system to Aurelia in exchange for political influence, both on Aurelia, and through Aurelia's presence on the Federation Council.

Somehow, before the Klingons could make the necessary overtures to the correct parties on Aurelia, a group of Ferengi came into possession of the data. Seeing what they viewed as an opportunity for immense profits, and being aware that the Klingons would soon close the door on that opportunity, the Ferengi immediately approached certain persons on Aurelia they believed would be in a position to close a deal with them for the planets.

Numerous versions of the events that followed have been reported. In short, when the Ferengi contacted the Aurelians, the Klingons almost immediately learned of it, and attempted to have the Ferengi killed before they could deliver the data to the Aurelians. Thanks to quick action by agents of Starfleet Intelligence and Aurelian planetary security, the Ferengi were not killed, and the data was turned over to the Aurelians, though the involved Klingons escaped. The Ferengi were paid a finder's fee, generous by Federation standards, though not nearly what the Ferengi had intended to demand.

Knowledge of the Walok data was not suppressed, and the prospect of a twin to Aurelia ripe for colonization caused a great deal of excitement. Aurelia requested that Starfleet send a ship to the Savrok system to confirm the data; this was done within a year. With the Starfleet survey data in it possession, Aurelia began planning the second major colonization effort in the planet's history.

Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
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USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Akios »

In 2369 [TNG season 6, DS9 season 1], Aurelia began its first major offworld colony with the opening of the Savrok IV binary planet (Walok) for colonization. Savrok IV is remarkably similar to Aurelia, although having fewer available metals.

The colonization program the aurelians embarked upon was ambitious: colonies would be established on both of the planets, each with an initial population of roughly 5,000. Although the Federation has handled larger colonization efforts, the Savrok IV colonization presented a number of logistical difficulties, including the system's distance from both Earth and Aurelia, as well as its proximity to Gorn and Tholian borders. A large part of the Federation's contribution to the effort was to assign several Starfleet vessels to the regions, both to provide standby assistance for the colonists and to monitor Gorn and Tholian activity in the area. Fortunately, relations with both those powers were cordial at the time.

Cestus III also contributed greatly, lending both logistical and technical assistance. However, the vast majority of the needs for transporting and supporting the colonists had to be supplied by Aurelia on its own.

Adding to the logistical difficulties was the fact that, after its recovery from Klingon occupation in Earth's 21st and 22nd centuries, Aurelia had not invested greatly in starship construction except for cargo vessels and small passenger vessels. Due to relocation efforts active in the Cardassian Demilitarized Zone, Starfleet trasnport vessels were not available at the time. In the end, Aurelia had to temporarily commandeer and modify a number of privately-owned and semi-private cargo vessels for use in transporting materiel and personnel to Savrok.

Despite these difficulties, the colonization of Walok proceeded smoothly until the outbreak of the Dominion War.

Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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