Future Horizons
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Engineering, 0130, Day 4>
"Ummm, I can spare someone in a few hours sir," Jadan responded. "The drill we had earlier threw us all for a loop, I can get some one pu there at lets say...0400."
Jadan closed the channel, feeling miffed at himself and a little more miffed at Mason. He used to in charge of secruty and tactical and now people were calling him to fix squeaky chairs! There was just something about that did not make sense to the young Maran.
He shrugged off his annoyance and went back to studying the stack of PADDs in front of him.
OFF: Short but I have no idea what to do with him at the moment
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
<Engineering, 0130, Day 4>
"Ummm, I can spare someone in a few hours sir," Jadan responded. "The drill we had earlier threw us all for a loop, I can get some one pu there at lets say...0400."
Jadan closed the channel, feeling miffed at himself and a little more miffed at Mason. He used to in charge of secruty and tactical and now people were calling him to fix squeaky chairs! There was just something about that did not make sense to the young Maran.
He shrugged off his annoyance and went back to studying the stack of PADDs in front of him.
OFF: Short but I have no idea what to do with him at the moment
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
- Thundera
- Senior Staff
- Posts: 185
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:35 pm
- Location: Nasty Borg Bitch!
- Contact:
OFF: Anyone miss this Cyborg B-tch?
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<<CTO Office, 0145, Day 4>
Cheetara sat behind her desk vigorously working on some new attack plans. She had been going over the old ones and decided that they needed some work. While working on those plans, she started thinking about the new Cadet that would be joining the ship as her Assistant.
"A fourth year cadet, and Klingon at that. LIke we really need another one running around the ship" she muttered to herself
When she finally finished the new attack plans, she sent a copy to Kersare.
"Cheetara to Captain Kersare"
"Yes Lieutenant, go ahead"
"I've been working on some new attack plans that I believe will be more combay affective for this ship in and out of MVAM. I'm sending you the data."
"Thank you Lieutenant. I will look at them shortly when I get a chance. Why don't you sent a copy to Marcus as well and work with him a little bit on some of those ideas."
"Alright Captain. Just one more thing. When are we supposed to arrive at Starbase 52? I need to be prepared to receive this new CADET as my assistant"
OFF: tag!
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<<CTO Office, 0145, Day 4>
Cheetara sat behind her desk vigorously working on some new attack plans. She had been going over the old ones and decided that they needed some work. While working on those plans, she started thinking about the new Cadet that would be joining the ship as her Assistant.
"A fourth year cadet, and Klingon at that. LIke we really need another one running around the ship" she muttered to herself
When she finally finished the new attack plans, she sent a copy to Kersare.
"Cheetara to Captain Kersare"
"Yes Lieutenant, go ahead"
"I've been working on some new attack plans that I believe will be more combay affective for this ship in and out of MVAM. I'm sending you the data."
"Thank you Lieutenant. I will look at them shortly when I get a chance. Why don't you sent a copy to Marcus as well and work with him a little bit on some of those ideas."
"Alright Captain. Just one more thing. When are we supposed to arrive at Starbase 52? I need to be prepared to receive this new CADET as my assistant"
OFF: tag!

Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC 38997-A
OFF: okay, we've had some wild time changes here....try to let us know if you're jumping time ahead or backposting....also, if it's a time change of more than a few hours or it overlaps some important events (such as P'ayanna's arrival), please check with Mason or I first. thanks guys.
...okay, I'm gonna go ahead and post our arrival at SB52, so i spose this is a backpost.
<<Bridge, 0155, Day 4>>
Isabel was glad to hear that Cheetara had come up with some new strategies. Some fresh ideas could come in handy in the situation they were supposed to resolve as well. The real test would be to see what Marcus thought of the plans as well...Snapping her thoughts back to the present, Isabel answered Cheetara, "We'll be arriving at Starbase 52 in fiveminutes, Lieutenant. Meet Commander Hunt and I in transporter room 2 to welcome aboard Cadet P'ayanna."
"Aye captain."
Isabel turned to Mason, "Shall we head to the transporter room?"
"Sounds like a good idea. Captain, signal from base command. They are ready to commense beaming over of supplies and our new arrival," he informed her.
"Mr. Tamlin(NPC), let them know we're ready to have her and the supplies beamed over when they're ready. Ask them to beam over the supplies first though, that should give us time to get to the transporter room to greet her."
As Ryan went about informing Starbase 52 of the captain's request, Mason and Isabel headed to the turbolift. As the doors swished shut, Isabel collected her thoughts. She had received a more in depth report on P'ayanna a couple hours ago which seemed to indicate that the cadet showed a lot of promise. Isabel was interested to meet her newest officer, and imagined that Cheetara would be too.
A few moments later, the turbolift stopped. Mason and Isabel headed down the corridor to the transporter room to find Cheetara already there.
"Hello Captain, commander. Are they ready to beam her over?" Cheetara asked.
Isabel turned to the engineer at the transporter console. He nodded to her, "They're ready when we are."
"Energize." A moment later, a young klingon woman appeared. Isabel stepped forward to greet her. "Cadet P'ayanna, welcome to the Malinche. I'm Captain Isabel Kersare, commanding officer. These are Commander Mason Hunt, my executive officer and Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera, Chief Security/Tactical Officer."
OFF: Tag Cheetara, Hunt, P'ayanna, rest of the crew!

<<Bridge, 0155, Day 4>>
Isabel was glad to hear that Cheetara had come up with some new strategies. Some fresh ideas could come in handy in the situation they were supposed to resolve as well. The real test would be to see what Marcus thought of the plans as well...Snapping her thoughts back to the present, Isabel answered Cheetara, "We'll be arriving at Starbase 52 in fiveminutes, Lieutenant. Meet Commander Hunt and I in transporter room 2 to welcome aboard Cadet P'ayanna."
"Aye captain."
Isabel turned to Mason, "Shall we head to the transporter room?"
"Sounds like a good idea. Captain, signal from base command. They are ready to commense beaming over of supplies and our new arrival," he informed her.
"Mr. Tamlin(NPC), let them know we're ready to have her and the supplies beamed over when they're ready. Ask them to beam over the supplies first though, that should give us time to get to the transporter room to greet her."
As Ryan went about informing Starbase 52 of the captain's request, Mason and Isabel headed to the turbolift. As the doors swished shut, Isabel collected her thoughts. She had received a more in depth report on P'ayanna a couple hours ago which seemed to indicate that the cadet showed a lot of promise. Isabel was interested to meet her newest officer, and imagined that Cheetara would be too.
A few moments later, the turbolift stopped. Mason and Isabel headed down the corridor to the transporter room to find Cheetara already there.
"Hello Captain, commander. Are they ready to beam her over?" Cheetara asked.
Isabel turned to the engineer at the transporter console. He nodded to her, "They're ready when we are."
"Energize." A moment later, a young klingon woman appeared. Isabel stepped forward to greet her. "Cadet P'ayanna, welcome to the Malinche. I'm Captain Isabel Kersare, commanding officer. These are Commander Mason Hunt, my executive officer and Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera, Chief Security/Tactical Officer."
OFF: Tag Cheetara, Hunt, P'ayanna, rest of the crew!

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
"Energize." A moment later, a young klingon woman appeared. Isabel stepped forward to greet her. "Cadet P'ayanna, welcome to the Malinche. I'm Captain Isabel Kersare, commanding officer. These are Commander Mason Hunt, my executive officer and Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera, Chief Security/Tactical Officer."
P'ayanna never actually felt large, even among the DIvI', at least not until now. Even the woman who appeared to have been tainted by borg was much smaller than she, both in height and in musculature. Still, the woman was the only potential threat in the room, a fact that registered deeply in her conscience because she was not here to fight. At least not with these people.
"I am..." she began, searching for the proper way to express herself. She didn't know enough about the ship or its officers to be honored, but couldn't help but be pleased at the fact that she'd been specifically selected to go with them. Was there a combined word for pleased and surprised in the DI'vI' Hol? If so, it didn't come to mind. "I am ready for duty," she said, hoping not to seem like some foolish DoghwI' that could not speak her mind.
Suddenly realizing that her right hand was settled on the pommel of her Daqtagh, she pulled it away and to her side in a flash. They didn't need her Klingon-ness crammed down their throats just yet; there would be time enough for that whenever they gave indications that they'd forgotten that she was Klingon.
<tag all>
OFF: All of my contact info is in my profile here. I also inhabit OF fleet chat as much as I can. Cool
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
"Energize." A moment later, a young klingon woman appeared. Isabel stepped forward to greet her. "Cadet P'ayanna, welcome to the Malinche. I'm Captain Isabel Kersare, commanding officer. These are Commander Mason Hunt, my executive officer and Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera, Chief Security/Tactical Officer."
P'ayanna never actually felt large, even among the DIvI', at least not until now. Even the woman who appeared to have been tainted by borg was much smaller than she, both in height and in musculature. Still, the woman was the only potential threat in the room, a fact that registered deeply in her conscience because she was not here to fight. At least not with these people.
"I am..." she began, searching for the proper way to express herself. She didn't know enough about the ship or its officers to be honored, but couldn't help but be pleased at the fact that she'd been specifically selected to go with them. Was there a combined word for pleased and surprised in the DI'vI' Hol? If so, it didn't come to mind. "I am ready for duty," she said, hoping not to seem like some foolish DoghwI' that could not speak her mind.
Suddenly realizing that her right hand was settled on the pommel of her Daqtagh, she pulled it away and to her side in a flash. They didn't need her Klingon-ness crammed down their throats just yet; there would be time enough for that whenever they gave indications that they'd forgotten that she was Klingon.
<tag all>
OFF: All of my contact info is in my profile here. I also inhabit OF fleet chat as much as I can. Cool
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
OFF: Obviously you can back post, but I think we should move things along.
Also. Sorry for the lengthy post
<< USS Malinche >>
Ragna had spent the majority of his spare time in the past 8 days going through the manual remote navigation lessons aboard the holodeck. He avoided using Marcus' programmed lessons as much as possible, but he had to admit, Marcus had made some good ones. While the pre-programmed lessons were best at teaching functionality, Marcus' lessons were much better at teaching how to coordinate all the functions together.
Ragna had also looked into how the tactical patterns worked. Joe even decided to have a few subspace communications with a professor he actually got along with in the academy. That same professor just happen to have been one of the researchers for the tactical and navigational patterns used for the Multi Vector Assault Mode, and sent Joe a rather comprehensive list of patterns, how they were used, and which was better for certain situations.
Marcus had gave Ragna an impossible test that day he woke him up beamed onto the holodeck, but he was going to do his damndest to prevail. Ragna continually worked up starting at a simpler test, and as days went on Ragna was rapidly taking on harder challenges. He wasn't perfect, but he was definitely improving.
<< Holodeck, Day 12, 0725 >>
Ragna was sitting at the simulated helm, but everything around him was still. He was slowly tapping at the console, loading up another test of progress. Before he would allow himself to continue to future lessons, Ragna always made sure he tested that he knew his current skills to a degree.
While when he tested the combat simulations with Joshua Sychorski (NPC), Alexis Madar (NPC), and even occasionally Sara Lemans (NPC), Joe could not perform that well yet in combat on his own. Moving the ship was one thing, reacting to another ship was a whole different ball of wax, but together, his staff was getting much better at coordinating the tactical combat patterns with a different person on each simulated bridge.
The hard part was he had to make up the simulations for his crew as he went along. There were no preprogrammed multi-person simulations yet for Prometheus class ships. He did let his CONN staff go through the single person simulations as well, and while they went at nice pace, none were able to keep up with Ragna.
None of the tests needed intricate patterns yet, but he was already to the point where he was manually controlling all 3 sections of the ship at once, instead of just 2. Ragna fairly quickly finished the test, yet another obstacle course. Ragna was having no trouble with navigating three sections of the ship. It was when he had to deal with combat, where all three sections had to react dynamically that was still giving him trouble. Ragna sighed sitting back in the CONN chair as the simulated main viewer went blank. A clapping sound came from the back of the bridge.
Kersare: Well done cadet. You seem to be improving quite nicely. I guess Starfleet knew what it was doing when they picked you. What lesson are you on at the moment? A-13? A-14?
Ragna: *shocked at someone being on the holodeck* Uhh... Captain, I actually finished all 20 of the A series, and am up to B-3.
Kersare: *nodding with approval* Well done Mr. Ragna. You're already a few days ahead of schedule, congratulations. I hope you can keep this up, though even at your current rate, you still won't finish by the time we reach our destination. Still, I'm glad you've put such a high priority on your duty.
Ragna was still used to the Isabel that Marcus had programmed who cut him no slack. It was hard getting used to dealing with both, especially in rapid succession. He definitely liked the real Kersare much more than Marcus' version.
Ragna: Thank you very much Captain. I... I don't know what to say. It is my duty, and I also must admit the chance to be the pilot of such an amazing ship is quite a special honor. I put in all my extra hours just to try to prepare enough for when we get to Celtron V in case anything came up where we need to go into Multi Vector Assault Mode.
Kersare: Cadet, don't worry yourself so much. The ship still can automatically function according to pre-set attack patterns. But still, I am impressed, as I said keep up the good work.
Ragna: Yes Ma'am.
Kersare walked off the simulated bridge, taking her back to the actual corridors of the Malinche, and she walked off.
Ragna decided he wanted a new challenge, since the regular tests were still easy by the time he'd gone through the lessons.
Ragna: Computer load up M - V - A - M Test Marcus Omega 1, full difficulty setting.
Ragna hadn't tried this simulation since the night Marcus beamed him to the holodeck in his sleep. Ragna tried it again, this time not only trying to destroy the 4 warbirds, but also try to keep the simulated Malinche in tact. Ragna tried and tried again, each time, failing, occasionally even taking out 2 of the warbirds before being blown up.
Ragna: Computer, show me a simulated solution to this test.
Computer: This simulation is impossible with current tactical patterns.
Ragna hit his fist against the console. Ragna was rather furious with Marcus at this point, but wasn't so furious, he didn't realize that the computer said with current patterns. Ragna took a minute and after calming down, he tried again.
Ragna: Computer, predict best possible solution to this test.
The Computer beeped a few times then put turned the main viewer on, the simulated warbirds coming into view. The Malinche didn't move at all. The ship sat there, and was rapidly destroyed. Ragna was puzzled, as the bridge reformed, the main viewer again blank. Ragna was turning red again as his temper was coming back.
Ragna: *angrily* COMPUTER. What did you just show me?
Computer: The best possible response to the simulated test you gave.
Ragna: Computer, what is the best possible response to the simulated test?
Computer: All possibilities are equally good with current tactical patterns.
Ragna: Computer, list on this console all the current tactical patterns.
Upon The console in front of Joe a header came up, Current Tactical/Navigational Patterns, but nothing listed.
Ragna: Computer, where is the list?
Computer: The full list is shown upon your console.
Joe gritted his teeth, as he tried to clear his head for a minute.
Ragna: Computer, integrate all tactical patterns from the Main bridge with this simulation, then redisplay the list.
Computer: The list of Tactical and Navigational patterns have been transferred, list is regenerated.
Joe looked down, seeing no change at all in the list. He didn't like the looks of this. He knew he needed help, and he knew who probably could help him, but he loathed the idea of going.
Cadet Fourth Year Joseph Ragna
Assistant Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche-B
NCC 38997-B
Also. Sorry for the lengthy post
<< USS Malinche >>
Ragna had spent the majority of his spare time in the past 8 days going through the manual remote navigation lessons aboard the holodeck. He avoided using Marcus' programmed lessons as much as possible, but he had to admit, Marcus had made some good ones. While the pre-programmed lessons were best at teaching functionality, Marcus' lessons were much better at teaching how to coordinate all the functions together.
Ragna had also looked into how the tactical patterns worked. Joe even decided to have a few subspace communications with a professor he actually got along with in the academy. That same professor just happen to have been one of the researchers for the tactical and navigational patterns used for the Multi Vector Assault Mode, and sent Joe a rather comprehensive list of patterns, how they were used, and which was better for certain situations.
Marcus had gave Ragna an impossible test that day he woke him up beamed onto the holodeck, but he was going to do his damndest to prevail. Ragna continually worked up starting at a simpler test, and as days went on Ragna was rapidly taking on harder challenges. He wasn't perfect, but he was definitely improving.
<< Holodeck, Day 12, 0725 >>
Ragna was sitting at the simulated helm, but everything around him was still. He was slowly tapping at the console, loading up another test of progress. Before he would allow himself to continue to future lessons, Ragna always made sure he tested that he knew his current skills to a degree.
While when he tested the combat simulations with Joshua Sychorski (NPC), Alexis Madar (NPC), and even occasionally Sara Lemans (NPC), Joe could not perform that well yet in combat on his own. Moving the ship was one thing, reacting to another ship was a whole different ball of wax, but together, his staff was getting much better at coordinating the tactical combat patterns with a different person on each simulated bridge.
The hard part was he had to make up the simulations for his crew as he went along. There were no preprogrammed multi-person simulations yet for Prometheus class ships. He did let his CONN staff go through the single person simulations as well, and while they went at nice pace, none were able to keep up with Ragna.
None of the tests needed intricate patterns yet, but he was already to the point where he was manually controlling all 3 sections of the ship at once, instead of just 2. Ragna fairly quickly finished the test, yet another obstacle course. Ragna was having no trouble with navigating three sections of the ship. It was when he had to deal with combat, where all three sections had to react dynamically that was still giving him trouble. Ragna sighed sitting back in the CONN chair as the simulated main viewer went blank. A clapping sound came from the back of the bridge.
Kersare: Well done cadet. You seem to be improving quite nicely. I guess Starfleet knew what it was doing when they picked you. What lesson are you on at the moment? A-13? A-14?
Ragna: *shocked at someone being on the holodeck* Uhh... Captain, I actually finished all 20 of the A series, and am up to B-3.
Kersare: *nodding with approval* Well done Mr. Ragna. You're already a few days ahead of schedule, congratulations. I hope you can keep this up, though even at your current rate, you still won't finish by the time we reach our destination. Still, I'm glad you've put such a high priority on your duty.
Ragna was still used to the Isabel that Marcus had programmed who cut him no slack. It was hard getting used to dealing with both, especially in rapid succession. He definitely liked the real Kersare much more than Marcus' version.
Ragna: Thank you very much Captain. I... I don't know what to say. It is my duty, and I also must admit the chance to be the pilot of such an amazing ship is quite a special honor. I put in all my extra hours just to try to prepare enough for when we get to Celtron V in case anything came up where we need to go into Multi Vector Assault Mode.
Kersare: Cadet, don't worry yourself so much. The ship still can automatically function according to pre-set attack patterns. But still, I am impressed, as I said keep up the good work.
Ragna: Yes Ma'am.
Kersare walked off the simulated bridge, taking her back to the actual corridors of the Malinche, and she walked off.
Ragna decided he wanted a new challenge, since the regular tests were still easy by the time he'd gone through the lessons.
Ragna: Computer load up M - V - A - M Test Marcus Omega 1, full difficulty setting.
Ragna hadn't tried this simulation since the night Marcus beamed him to the holodeck in his sleep. Ragna tried it again, this time not only trying to destroy the 4 warbirds, but also try to keep the simulated Malinche in tact. Ragna tried and tried again, each time, failing, occasionally even taking out 2 of the warbirds before being blown up.
Ragna: Computer, show me a simulated solution to this test.
Computer: This simulation is impossible with current tactical patterns.
Ragna hit his fist against the console. Ragna was rather furious with Marcus at this point, but wasn't so furious, he didn't realize that the computer said with current patterns. Ragna took a minute and after calming down, he tried again.
Ragna: Computer, predict best possible solution to this test.
The Computer beeped a few times then put turned the main viewer on, the simulated warbirds coming into view. The Malinche didn't move at all. The ship sat there, and was rapidly destroyed. Ragna was puzzled, as the bridge reformed, the main viewer again blank. Ragna was turning red again as his temper was coming back.
Ragna: *angrily* COMPUTER. What did you just show me?
Computer: The best possible response to the simulated test you gave.
Ragna: Computer, what is the best possible response to the simulated test?
Computer: All possibilities are equally good with current tactical patterns.
Ragna: Computer, list on this console all the current tactical patterns.
Upon The console in front of Joe a header came up, Current Tactical/Navigational Patterns, but nothing listed.
Ragna: Computer, where is the list?
Computer: The full list is shown upon your console.
Joe gritted his teeth, as he tried to clear his head for a minute.
Ragna: Computer, integrate all tactical patterns from the Main bridge with this simulation, then redisplay the list.
Computer: The list of Tactical and Navigational patterns have been transferred, list is regenerated.
Joe looked down, seeing no change at all in the list. He didn't like the looks of this. He knew he needed help, and he knew who probably could help him, but he loathed the idea of going.
Cadet Fourth Year Joseph Ragna
Assistant Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche-B
NCC 38997-B
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
== Jonathan Marcus' Quarters ==
== 1800 Hours, Day 12 ==
Marcus sat reclined on his couch having shed his uniform for more comfortable clothes. Soft classical music played in the background as he looked over a PADD. Without realizing it, he had started to hum the tune playing in the background; when he realized it, he quickly stopped himself. The door chime rang through the entire room, and after silencing the music and setting his PADD on the glass table, he stood and ambled across the room, tapping on the console in the wall and opening the door to reveal Cadet Ragna. The cadet looked him up and down with a smirk. Jonathan sighed and stepped to the side, beckoning the young man into his quarters.
Ragna: So *this* is what you do all day?
Marcus: *through clenched teeth* As you were cadet. *Ragna snaps to attention* I will not take any lip from the likes of you. You are a cadet, nothing more. If I so much as here another snide comment, I will make *sure* you never see active starship duty again. Do I make myself clear?
Jonathan's tone and sharp response caught Ragna off guard; he was visibly stunned by the scolding he had just taken. Marcus caught a glimpse of his face: one of shock.
Marcus: Dr. Walker limited me to 6 hour duty shifts until we arrive at Celtron V; says I need to take it easy, whatever that means. So I've been catching up on reading and spending time in several mind-numbing holodeck programs.
Ragna: What about situations concerning ship safety? Would there be any precedence for more than 6 hours of duty then?
Marcus: You've got my attention.
Ragna handed Marcus the PADD in his hand and let him read through it carefully. The report told him everything he needed to know about the situation he had discovered in the holodeck earlier that day. If there was anyone onboard who knew more about MVAM than he did after all his training, it was Marcus. The man's eyes flew over the report once, twice, a third time before he rounded the glass table in the center of the room and sat down on the couch.
Marcus: How did you find this?
Ragna: *hesitantly* Running your simulations.
Jonathan's gaze shot up to the cadet.
Ragna: Your simulations have been ... stimulating.
Marcus: Can I assume that means you've died a few times?
Ragna: I've lost count.
Marcus: *reading the report again* Don't worry cadet, you're a fine pilot, you'll do fine.
Ragna: Thank you, sir.
Marcus: Anyone can read a report, tell me what it all means?
Ragna: Permission to speak freely?
Marcus: You've never felt the need to ask before. *nods*
Ragna: The last time I ran simulated battle drills with the computer augmenting my piloting, everything worked fine. I was able to pull everything from the database without a problem. That was ten days ago.
Marcus: So what's happened in the last ten days that would change that?
Ragna: The only thing I can think of is our MVAM drill.
Marcus: *laughing* You're saying an MVAM drill is responsible for this? There is no way, because no one touches the navigation and tactical maneuvers database during a drill. It's an absurd accusation, cadet.
Ragna: You're right, no *one* touches that database, but the computer creates the uplink between the secondary and tertiary sections, like it would in an actual separation sequence. Something had to have happened in that uplink.
Marcus: Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?
Ragna: I'm afraid so, sir. I think we've been sabotaged.
Dun dun dun!!
Tag: crew
Lieutenant J.G. Jonathan James Marcus
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
== Jonathan Marcus' Quarters ==
== 1800 Hours, Day 12 ==
Marcus sat reclined on his couch having shed his uniform for more comfortable clothes. Soft classical music played in the background as he looked over a PADD. Without realizing it, he had started to hum the tune playing in the background; when he realized it, he quickly stopped himself. The door chime rang through the entire room, and after silencing the music and setting his PADD on the glass table, he stood and ambled across the room, tapping on the console in the wall and opening the door to reveal Cadet Ragna. The cadet looked him up and down with a smirk. Jonathan sighed and stepped to the side, beckoning the young man into his quarters.
Ragna: So *this* is what you do all day?
Marcus: *through clenched teeth* As you were cadet. *Ragna snaps to attention* I will not take any lip from the likes of you. You are a cadet, nothing more. If I so much as here another snide comment, I will make *sure* you never see active starship duty again. Do I make myself clear?
Jonathan's tone and sharp response caught Ragna off guard; he was visibly stunned by the scolding he had just taken. Marcus caught a glimpse of his face: one of shock.
Marcus: Dr. Walker limited me to 6 hour duty shifts until we arrive at Celtron V; says I need to take it easy, whatever that means. So I've been catching up on reading and spending time in several mind-numbing holodeck programs.
Ragna: What about situations concerning ship safety? Would there be any precedence for more than 6 hours of duty then?
Marcus: You've got my attention.
Ragna handed Marcus the PADD in his hand and let him read through it carefully. The report told him everything he needed to know about the situation he had discovered in the holodeck earlier that day. If there was anyone onboard who knew more about MVAM than he did after all his training, it was Marcus. The man's eyes flew over the report once, twice, a third time before he rounded the glass table in the center of the room and sat down on the couch.
Marcus: How did you find this?
Ragna: *hesitantly* Running your simulations.
Jonathan's gaze shot up to the cadet.
Ragna: Your simulations have been ... stimulating.
Marcus: Can I assume that means you've died a few times?
Ragna: I've lost count.
Marcus: *reading the report again* Don't worry cadet, you're a fine pilot, you'll do fine.
Ragna: Thank you, sir.
Marcus: Anyone can read a report, tell me what it all means?
Ragna: Permission to speak freely?
Marcus: You've never felt the need to ask before. *nods*
Ragna: The last time I ran simulated battle drills with the computer augmenting my piloting, everything worked fine. I was able to pull everything from the database without a problem. That was ten days ago.
Marcus: So what's happened in the last ten days that would change that?
Ragna: The only thing I can think of is our MVAM drill.
Marcus: *laughing* You're saying an MVAM drill is responsible for this? There is no way, because no one touches the navigation and tactical maneuvers database during a drill. It's an absurd accusation, cadet.
Ragna: You're right, no *one* touches that database, but the computer creates the uplink between the secondary and tertiary sections, like it would in an actual separation sequence. Something had to have happened in that uplink.
Marcus: Wait, are you saying what I think you're saying?
Ragna: I'm afraid so, sir. I think we've been sabotaged.
Dun dun dun!!
Tag: crew
Lieutenant J.G. Jonathan James Marcus
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
<Day 12, 1830>
It had been over a week since her arrival on Malinche and she still felt somewhat like an outsider. That both dismayed and disgusted her, as the implications were troubling. As far as P'ayanna was concerned, it meant that these DIvI' were uncomfortable around true warriors and that was cause for concern.
Perhaps, she admitted, there would be no need for warriors when they arrived at Celtros V. There was a chance that diplomacy, alone, would prevent battle between the So'Kra and To'Ma and Malinche would be successful. It was a fool's chance, but a chance, nonetheless.
Was that her purpose here? As far as she could tell, somebody had put her here, on this ship, for a reason. For the blood in her Klingon veins, she could not decide why. Combat readiness was a distinct possibility. While Malinche had a Strategic Operations officer to fight the ship as it broke into many pieces, there was little focus on deck-by-deck fighting.
She continued down the narrow main passageway, running her hands along the bulkheads and smacking any access panels to ensure they were securely fastened. She also listened for the sounds of Malinche so that, in time, she would learn to be able to aurally determine if anything was amiss. Security meant far more than arresting criminals and killing invaders; she felt responsible for the safety and security of every single DIvI' on the ship.
There was another reason to bring in a new security officer, though it didn't come to her mind right then. If there was any suspicion of foul play, command would get a new security officer on that vessel at the earliest opportunity. Ostensibly to fill a manning requirement on that ship, the purpose was to get fresh eyes on the deckplates.
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
It had been over a week since her arrival on Malinche and she still felt somewhat like an outsider. That both dismayed and disgusted her, as the implications were troubling. As far as P'ayanna was concerned, it meant that these DIvI' were uncomfortable around true warriors and that was cause for concern.
Perhaps, she admitted, there would be no need for warriors when they arrived at Celtros V. There was a chance that diplomacy, alone, would prevent battle between the So'Kra and To'Ma and Malinche would be successful. It was a fool's chance, but a chance, nonetheless.
Was that her purpose here? As far as she could tell, somebody had put her here, on this ship, for a reason. For the blood in her Klingon veins, she could not decide why. Combat readiness was a distinct possibility. While Malinche had a Strategic Operations officer to fight the ship as it broke into many pieces, there was little focus on deck-by-deck fighting.
She continued down the narrow main passageway, running her hands along the bulkheads and smacking any access panels to ensure they were securely fastened. She also listened for the sounds of Malinche so that, in time, she would learn to be able to aurally determine if anything was amiss. Security meant far more than arresting criminals and killing invaders; she felt responsible for the safety and security of every single DIvI' on the ship.
There was another reason to bring in a new security officer, though it didn't come to her mind right then. If there was any suspicion of foul play, command would get a new security officer on that vessel at the earliest opportunity. Ostensibly to fill a manning requirement on that ship, the purpose was to get fresh eyes on the deckplates.
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
== Captain's Ready Room ==
== 0900 Hours, Day 13 ==
Kersare sat behind her desk listening to Jonathan inform her and Mason about what he and Cadet Ragna had stumbled on. There was noticeable concern creased across her forehead as she listened intently. Hunt's expression was equally concerned. Neither of them said anything until Marcus had finished explaining what had happened.
Kersare: And you're sure it was sabotage?
Marcus: Yes, ma'am. Cadet Ragna and I spent the evening doing all the research and there's no other way this could have happened. The navigational and tactical maneuvers database is an indpendent system, someone needed to go out of their way to do this.
Hunt: But who?
Marcus: I wish I knew. My best guess is that it happened while we were at dock undergoing repairs and upgrades. The security systems would have been turned off and would have allowed easy access to the database. However, not everyone onboard took shoreleave.
Kersare: How many people had access to the Malinche while she was in dock.
Hunt: Including our crew and the repair teams, somewhere around 250.
Isabel's face twisted into a noticeable frown; Jonathan could see the wheels in her head spinning over and over, just like his had done for the last few hours, but nothing came of it. Her gaze slowly rose to Marcus, then swept over to Mason.
Kersare: Suggestions.
Hunt: First and foremost, we need to get that data back. It's my understanding that because it's an independent system we don't back it up.
Marcus: Correct.
Hunt: So we need to rebuild that database. I think that should be our number one priority, especially before we get to Celtron V. The last thing we need is a broken ship.
Kersare: Agreed. Mr. Marcus, since you're our resident tactician, I want you to head that up. Work with Cheetara and Cadet Ragna as necessary, but I want that database back up and running by the time we get to Celtron V. Mason, I want you to talk to Jadan, see about backing up that database from now on and have him check the rest of the systems onboard, just in case our friend got to any other areas.
Marcus and Hunt nodded at the captain's orders. The room fell silent as they all contemplated their next move.
Hunt: I think we should have the counselor start questioning members of the crew, just in case our saboteur is still aboard.
Marcus: *as Kersare nodded* I think our new cadet could be of some assistance here. I think it'd be wise for her to start security sweeps of the ship, just as a precaution. And with your permission, captain, I think it'd be wise for Lieutenant Grayson to make a few calls back to Starfleet Intelligence.
Kersare: Agreed. I want you to restrict information to department heads only, and if it needs to go further, it's need to know only. *both men nodded* Dismissed.
Tag: crew
Lieutenant J.G. Jonathan James Marcus
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
== Captain's Ready Room ==
== 0900 Hours, Day 13 ==
Kersare sat behind her desk listening to Jonathan inform her and Mason about what he and Cadet Ragna had stumbled on. There was noticeable concern creased across her forehead as she listened intently. Hunt's expression was equally concerned. Neither of them said anything until Marcus had finished explaining what had happened.
Kersare: And you're sure it was sabotage?
Marcus: Yes, ma'am. Cadet Ragna and I spent the evening doing all the research and there's no other way this could have happened. The navigational and tactical maneuvers database is an indpendent system, someone needed to go out of their way to do this.
Hunt: But who?
Marcus: I wish I knew. My best guess is that it happened while we were at dock undergoing repairs and upgrades. The security systems would have been turned off and would have allowed easy access to the database. However, not everyone onboard took shoreleave.
Kersare: How many people had access to the Malinche while she was in dock.
Hunt: Including our crew and the repair teams, somewhere around 250.
Isabel's face twisted into a noticeable frown; Jonathan could see the wheels in her head spinning over and over, just like his had done for the last few hours, but nothing came of it. Her gaze slowly rose to Marcus, then swept over to Mason.
Kersare: Suggestions.
Hunt: First and foremost, we need to get that data back. It's my understanding that because it's an independent system we don't back it up.
Marcus: Correct.
Hunt: So we need to rebuild that database. I think that should be our number one priority, especially before we get to Celtron V. The last thing we need is a broken ship.
Kersare: Agreed. Mr. Marcus, since you're our resident tactician, I want you to head that up. Work with Cheetara and Cadet Ragna as necessary, but I want that database back up and running by the time we get to Celtron V. Mason, I want you to talk to Jadan, see about backing up that database from now on and have him check the rest of the systems onboard, just in case our friend got to any other areas.
Marcus and Hunt nodded at the captain's orders. The room fell silent as they all contemplated their next move.
Hunt: I think we should have the counselor start questioning members of the crew, just in case our saboteur is still aboard.
Marcus: *as Kersare nodded* I think our new cadet could be of some assistance here. I think it'd be wise for her to start security sweeps of the ship, just as a precaution. And with your permission, captain, I think it'd be wise for Lieutenant Grayson to make a few calls back to Starfleet Intelligence.
Kersare: Agreed. I want you to restrict information to department heads only, and if it needs to go further, it's need to know only. *both men nodded* Dismissed.
Tag: crew
Lieutenant J.G. Jonathan James Marcus
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
<<Ready Room, 1000, Day 13>>
Isabel was concerned about Jonathan and Joseph's findings. The thought of someone sabotaging her ship did not sit well with her. Although she doubted that any of her senior staff had been the cause of it, she was unsure as to who else it could be. Since Cheetara was working with Marcus on rebuilding the database, P'ayanna was the natural choice to do security sweeps. She was new to the Malinche and could investigate with fresh eyes. Isabel tapped her comm badge, "Cadet P'ayanna, this is Captain Kersare, report to my ready room immediately."
"On my way," came the relatively flat voice of Kersare's new assistant chief, who was, unbeknownst to Kersare, at the aft end of the ship.
It took a good eight or nine minutes for her door to chime, which made Kersare wonder what she'd interrupted. Not that it mattered; potential sabotage was not a thing that could wait. "Come," she said.
The door opened to admit P'ayanna, who was as rigid and aloof as she'd been on day one. "You called, Captain?"
Isabel looked up from a PADD on her desk. "Yes, I did. Come in and have a seat."
P'ayanna looked at the chair as if it were something with thorns on it and then back to her captain. "I would prefer to stand," she stated in a voice that made it sound like much more than a simple preference.
"Very well. I'm afraid there isn't much time for pleasantries. Before I get to the point though, I would like to know how you're settling in to the Malinche and if there's anything you need." Something had told Isabel that P'ayanna was not one to want to have a seat, so she wasn't very surprised with the cadet's answer. From what she had heard, the new Malinche officer had been making rounds on the ship already, which pleased her. It was partly this knowledge, and partly the knowledge that the saboteur had already done most of the damage they could now that the staff was aware of it that allowed Isabel to make the inquiry about P'ayanna's settling in. Isabel liked getting to know her crew and making sure everything was in order.
"My quarters are acceptable," she stated. They were a far cry better than anything she'd had, aside from the temporary room on the starbase, which would give her more opportunities to maintain her weapons training. She looked about the Ready Room for any signs that would tell her the reason for being summoned here. Surely, her captain had better things to do than call Cadets in for a discussion about how their move was proceeding.
Isabel nodded, noting the less than detailed response. Hopefully Isabel would get to know P'ayanna a little better later, but now was not the time. "Good to hear. I'll get to the point. It has been brought to my attention by Lieutenant Marcus and Cadet Ragna that there has been an act of sabotage on the Malinche. Our navigational and tactical maneuvers database has been compromised. Currently we are working on getting that information back and checking the rest of our systems. This information has been deemed classified. Department heads have been notified and others are solely notified on a need to know basis only. You are being informed because I want you to begin intensive security sweeps of the ship. If you find anything out of the ordinary or anything indicative of sabotage, you are to notify me immediately."
P'ayanna stared for a moment or two. "If this petaQ could do these things," she began, "then other systems are at risk." It was no small matter to tap into the tactical systems of any warship.
Isabel looked up at P'ayannna, her face serious. "Yes, other systems are at risk as well. Either someone did this while we were in Spacedock during our last shoreleave, or someone on this ship is responsible. Either way, we need to protect the systems and try to find out who is behind it. Currently I'm more concerned that our systems be restored and protected. We need everything to be in working order when we arrive at Celtron V."
P'ayanna placed her right hand on her Daqtagh as she thought this through. "Although I understand this thinking," she began, "it is unwise to assume the jagh is not still on Malinche." She'd never been good at speaking deferentially and had been rarely called on it. "There are two approaches we might take. The first is to lock down access, which will alert this yIntagh that we are aware of his cowardly acts of sabotage."
Isabel grinned inwardly; she had been hoping that P'ayanna would speak up and give suggestions. Many captains might have chastized the cadet, but Isabel would rather hear her staffs' opinions. "Obviously alerting the saboteur is not preferential. I don't want to go as far as to say that the saboteur is not on the Malinche, and I agree we need to be ready to deal with it. What is your second idea?"
"It will not be a popular course of action," she said, "but it will enable me to track other attempts. We maintain normal access and perform daily level two diagnostics. They will tell us when any changes were entered. If we couple this with a daily backup of information, we will be protected."
Considering P'ayanna's words, Isabel sat silently for a few moments. This idea would certainly not win any awards with her Senior staff. She could imagine their reactions upon merely hearing the suggestion... However, it seemed that this would be a wise decision. "I like your suggestion. I'll notify the Department heads that it will go into effect immediately. I want you to oversee this and the security sweeps. Any other thoughts?"
P'ayanna wondered if she were interested in the depth of anger she felt for whoever had done this. "This is a grave dishonor," she stated, not sure what else to say. She'd rather gut herself than betray her ship and crew, as would any true Klingon.
Isabel paused at what the cadet had said. At first she wondered if she meant it was a dishonor that this had been allowed to happen, but then decided P'ayanna most likely meant it was dishonorable for someone to do, remembering how highly Klingons value honor. "I agree. It's hard to believe someone would do these things, and I must say that I'm rather curious as to why they would."
"Perhaps you have many enemies." It wasn't the DIvI' way to overtly take out competing officers in this manner, but there were some who would do things like that. "Or, perhaps, there are some who do not desire that we succeed in this mission." That was a grave charge, P'ayanna knew, as it might imply that very senior officers were thwarting Malinche's efforts.
"I personally am not aware of any enemies, but then again, I doubt they would openly admit it. As for some that would not want us to succeed...that is a possibility. Perhaps they want the Celtronians to go to war with each other. Or perhaps one of the factions is afraid we'll support the other and are trying to prevent that. They could have inside help from someone in StarFleet, but I certainly hope that is not the case. It could be someone completely independent. At this point, there's simply no way to know."
P'ayanna nodded, her hand gripping the hilt of her Daqtagh as she pondered destroying whoever had done this thing. "Then I will find ways to know," she stated. She now had an enemy to ferret out.
Isabel watched P'ayanna's hand go to her weapon. Hearing her words, the Captain had a feeling that she wouldn't be disappointed with the addition of P'ayanna to her crew. She showed determination. "I certainly hope you do. Keep me informed on any developments."
P'ayanna stood there, waiting for more instruction or for a dismissal, not caring which.
"That is all cadet. Thank you. I want informed of anything you find out." Isabel nodded to her, then smiled, "Glad to have you with us. Dismissed."
P'ayanna gave a sharp nod of assent and stiffly exited the ready room with something that she lacked when she'd entered: a purpose.
Isabel watched P'ayanna leave, then turned back to her desk. It seemed their newest addition would be a valuable asset. Now to break the news to the department heads about the daily level two diagnostics...
OFF: Tag crew!!
JP by
Fourth Year Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche, NCC 38997-B
Isabel was concerned about Jonathan and Joseph's findings. The thought of someone sabotaging her ship did not sit well with her. Although she doubted that any of her senior staff had been the cause of it, she was unsure as to who else it could be. Since Cheetara was working with Marcus on rebuilding the database, P'ayanna was the natural choice to do security sweeps. She was new to the Malinche and could investigate with fresh eyes. Isabel tapped her comm badge, "Cadet P'ayanna, this is Captain Kersare, report to my ready room immediately."
"On my way," came the relatively flat voice of Kersare's new assistant chief, who was, unbeknownst to Kersare, at the aft end of the ship.
It took a good eight or nine minutes for her door to chime, which made Kersare wonder what she'd interrupted. Not that it mattered; potential sabotage was not a thing that could wait. "Come," she said.
The door opened to admit P'ayanna, who was as rigid and aloof as she'd been on day one. "You called, Captain?"
Isabel looked up from a PADD on her desk. "Yes, I did. Come in and have a seat."
P'ayanna looked at the chair as if it were something with thorns on it and then back to her captain. "I would prefer to stand," she stated in a voice that made it sound like much more than a simple preference.
"Very well. I'm afraid there isn't much time for pleasantries. Before I get to the point though, I would like to know how you're settling in to the Malinche and if there's anything you need." Something had told Isabel that P'ayanna was not one to want to have a seat, so she wasn't very surprised with the cadet's answer. From what she had heard, the new Malinche officer had been making rounds on the ship already, which pleased her. It was partly this knowledge, and partly the knowledge that the saboteur had already done most of the damage they could now that the staff was aware of it that allowed Isabel to make the inquiry about P'ayanna's settling in. Isabel liked getting to know her crew and making sure everything was in order.
"My quarters are acceptable," she stated. They were a far cry better than anything she'd had, aside from the temporary room on the starbase, which would give her more opportunities to maintain her weapons training. She looked about the Ready Room for any signs that would tell her the reason for being summoned here. Surely, her captain had better things to do than call Cadets in for a discussion about how their move was proceeding.
Isabel nodded, noting the less than detailed response. Hopefully Isabel would get to know P'ayanna a little better later, but now was not the time. "Good to hear. I'll get to the point. It has been brought to my attention by Lieutenant Marcus and Cadet Ragna that there has been an act of sabotage on the Malinche. Our navigational and tactical maneuvers database has been compromised. Currently we are working on getting that information back and checking the rest of our systems. This information has been deemed classified. Department heads have been notified and others are solely notified on a need to know basis only. You are being informed because I want you to begin intensive security sweeps of the ship. If you find anything out of the ordinary or anything indicative of sabotage, you are to notify me immediately."
P'ayanna stared for a moment or two. "If this petaQ could do these things," she began, "then other systems are at risk." It was no small matter to tap into the tactical systems of any warship.
Isabel looked up at P'ayannna, her face serious. "Yes, other systems are at risk as well. Either someone did this while we were in Spacedock during our last shoreleave, or someone on this ship is responsible. Either way, we need to protect the systems and try to find out who is behind it. Currently I'm more concerned that our systems be restored and protected. We need everything to be in working order when we arrive at Celtron V."
P'ayanna placed her right hand on her Daqtagh as she thought this through. "Although I understand this thinking," she began, "it is unwise to assume the jagh is not still on Malinche." She'd never been good at speaking deferentially and had been rarely called on it. "There are two approaches we might take. The first is to lock down access, which will alert this yIntagh that we are aware of his cowardly acts of sabotage."
Isabel grinned inwardly; she had been hoping that P'ayanna would speak up and give suggestions. Many captains might have chastized the cadet, but Isabel would rather hear her staffs' opinions. "Obviously alerting the saboteur is not preferential. I don't want to go as far as to say that the saboteur is not on the Malinche, and I agree we need to be ready to deal with it. What is your second idea?"
"It will not be a popular course of action," she said, "but it will enable me to track other attempts. We maintain normal access and perform daily level two diagnostics. They will tell us when any changes were entered. If we couple this with a daily backup of information, we will be protected."
Considering P'ayanna's words, Isabel sat silently for a few moments. This idea would certainly not win any awards with her Senior staff. She could imagine their reactions upon merely hearing the suggestion... However, it seemed that this would be a wise decision. "I like your suggestion. I'll notify the Department heads that it will go into effect immediately. I want you to oversee this and the security sweeps. Any other thoughts?"
P'ayanna wondered if she were interested in the depth of anger she felt for whoever had done this. "This is a grave dishonor," she stated, not sure what else to say. She'd rather gut herself than betray her ship and crew, as would any true Klingon.
Isabel paused at what the cadet had said. At first she wondered if she meant it was a dishonor that this had been allowed to happen, but then decided P'ayanna most likely meant it was dishonorable for someone to do, remembering how highly Klingons value honor. "I agree. It's hard to believe someone would do these things, and I must say that I'm rather curious as to why they would."
"Perhaps you have many enemies." It wasn't the DIvI' way to overtly take out competing officers in this manner, but there were some who would do things like that. "Or, perhaps, there are some who do not desire that we succeed in this mission." That was a grave charge, P'ayanna knew, as it might imply that very senior officers were thwarting Malinche's efforts.
"I personally am not aware of any enemies, but then again, I doubt they would openly admit it. As for some that would not want us to succeed...that is a possibility. Perhaps they want the Celtronians to go to war with each other. Or perhaps one of the factions is afraid we'll support the other and are trying to prevent that. They could have inside help from someone in StarFleet, but I certainly hope that is not the case. It could be someone completely independent. At this point, there's simply no way to know."
P'ayanna nodded, her hand gripping the hilt of her Daqtagh as she pondered destroying whoever had done this thing. "Then I will find ways to know," she stated. She now had an enemy to ferret out.
Isabel watched P'ayanna's hand go to her weapon. Hearing her words, the Captain had a feeling that she wouldn't be disappointed with the addition of P'ayanna to her crew. She showed determination. "I certainly hope you do. Keep me informed on any developments."
P'ayanna stood there, waiting for more instruction or for a dismissal, not caring which.
"That is all cadet. Thank you. I want informed of anything you find out." Isabel nodded to her, then smiled, "Glad to have you with us. Dismissed."
P'ayanna gave a sharp nod of assent and stiffly exited the ready room with something that she lacked when she'd entered: a purpose.
Isabel watched P'ayanna leave, then turned back to her desk. It seemed their newest addition would be a valuable asset. Now to break the news to the department heads about the daily level two diagnostics...
OFF: Tag crew!!
JP by
Fourth Year Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche, NCC 38997-B

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
<<<USS Malinche>>>
<<Inteligence Office, 1100, day 13>>
Mark couldn't say he was surprised by captain's orders of dialy diagnostics level 2 to all departments. When JJ Marcus had informed of him of his findings earlier, Mark kick himself for not checking all crewmembers files more thoroughly than the usual checks.
But, then, again at the time there was no reason to suspect of some foul play. Most of the crew had come from other ships and had been cleared. Others had came directly from the Academy. Which meant, the saboteur, if there was one, was a sleeper agent. A good one.
Mike Derrin (NPC) had started to review the crew files again, looking for discrepancies. It was going to be a long and difficult process, but, needed to be done.
Mark had his own orders. Contact Starfleet Inteligence and talk with the director of Counter espionage, Hiro Watashi (NPC). Hiro was an old friend which Mark trusted. Not completely, because that would be stupid. But, he knew Hiro enough to know if the man knew something about the Malinche situation.
Grayson: Computer, connect me to Starfleet Inteligence department. Commander Hiro Watashi. Just inform that Lt. Grayson wants a word with him.
The computer beeped in compliance. That would take several minutes. Mark looked at his padd. Why the saboteur would expose himself now? What was the reason to do something drastic as deleting MVAM strategies, manuevers and such? The only answer Mark had was an obvious one: The spy wanted to stop the Malinche mission at Celtron's.
The computer beeped again. Hiro aparently had accepted his call. The screen blinked and Hiro's face appeared. He looked prosperous.
Watashi: Mark! What a surprise! I thought after our last meeting you had hold a grudge against me.
Grayson: *Grins* Me? Holding a grudge because you didn't give me the info I needed? No way. I found what I was looking for using another source.
Hiro's smile flinched for a second.
Watashi: Well, good for you. So what can I do for you?
Grayson: We had an act of sabotage here in the Malinche.
Hiro's eyes became slits.
Watashi: Sabotage? Do you have a suspect?
Grayson: Not yet. I just found out. The Strat Ops and the Helm officer found that some of the ship's data were wiped out. It was something that didn't have a backup.
Mark transmitted the data he had about the incident.
Hiro nodded. He started to work on his console.
Watashi: That is a surprise, Mark. The person who did this is proficient in computer's science and knows the ship's structure enough cover his tracks. I assume you're checking the crew files all over again?
Grayson: *Nods* Yes. Most of them are experiencied officers, already cleared. The others are fresh out of the academy. The last group are new, na?ve and very susceptible to corruption. I will check them first.
Watashi: I hope you're right, Mark. I'll start my own inquiries. If you find out the agent, let me know. And if he or she is a sleeper agent, we may have a serious security breach.
Grayson: I know... I'm also trying to find out if there's any way this sabotage could be done from outside the ship.
Hiro shook his head.
Watashi: I hardly think someone had the ability to break in a prometheus class ship system from the outside. It's one of the most advanced ships of the fleet.
Grayson: *smile* It's a big galaxy, Hiro. Maybe you spending too much time behind a desk.
Hiro grinned.
Watashi: Maybe, Mark. Look I have a meeting in two minutes. I have to go. Keep me informed.
Grayson: Will do. Grayson out.
The screen went black and Mark scratched his chin. Now he couldn't complain about the inactivity. When the saboteur was thrown in a brig, Mark would have the priviliege to interrogate him.
The thought almost made him smile. He looked at his pile of reports and sighed. No rest for the wicked.
OFF: tag crew.
<<Inteligence Office, 1100, day 13>>
Mark couldn't say he was surprised by captain's orders of dialy diagnostics level 2 to all departments. When JJ Marcus had informed of him of his findings earlier, Mark kick himself for not checking all crewmembers files more thoroughly than the usual checks.
But, then, again at the time there was no reason to suspect of some foul play. Most of the crew had come from other ships and had been cleared. Others had came directly from the Academy. Which meant, the saboteur, if there was one, was a sleeper agent. A good one.
Mike Derrin (NPC) had started to review the crew files again, looking for discrepancies. It was going to be a long and difficult process, but, needed to be done.
Mark had his own orders. Contact Starfleet Inteligence and talk with the director of Counter espionage, Hiro Watashi (NPC). Hiro was an old friend which Mark trusted. Not completely, because that would be stupid. But, he knew Hiro enough to know if the man knew something about the Malinche situation.
Grayson: Computer, connect me to Starfleet Inteligence department. Commander Hiro Watashi. Just inform that Lt. Grayson wants a word with him.
The computer beeped in compliance. That would take several minutes. Mark looked at his padd. Why the saboteur would expose himself now? What was the reason to do something drastic as deleting MVAM strategies, manuevers and such? The only answer Mark had was an obvious one: The spy wanted to stop the Malinche mission at Celtron's.
The computer beeped again. Hiro aparently had accepted his call. The screen blinked and Hiro's face appeared. He looked prosperous.
Watashi: Mark! What a surprise! I thought after our last meeting you had hold a grudge against me.
Grayson: *Grins* Me? Holding a grudge because you didn't give me the info I needed? No way. I found what I was looking for using another source.
Hiro's smile flinched for a second.
Watashi: Well, good for you. So what can I do for you?
Grayson: We had an act of sabotage here in the Malinche.
Hiro's eyes became slits.
Watashi: Sabotage? Do you have a suspect?
Grayson: Not yet. I just found out. The Strat Ops and the Helm officer found that some of the ship's data were wiped out. It was something that didn't have a backup.
Mark transmitted the data he had about the incident.
Hiro nodded. He started to work on his console.
Watashi: That is a surprise, Mark. The person who did this is proficient in computer's science and knows the ship's structure enough cover his tracks. I assume you're checking the crew files all over again?
Grayson: *Nods* Yes. Most of them are experiencied officers, already cleared. The others are fresh out of the academy. The last group are new, na?ve and very susceptible to corruption. I will check them first.
Watashi: I hope you're right, Mark. I'll start my own inquiries. If you find out the agent, let me know. And if he or she is a sleeper agent, we may have a serious security breach.
Grayson: I know... I'm also trying to find out if there's any way this sabotage could be done from outside the ship.
Hiro shook his head.
Watashi: I hardly think someone had the ability to break in a prometheus class ship system from the outside. It's one of the most advanced ships of the fleet.
Grayson: *smile* It's a big galaxy, Hiro. Maybe you spending too much time behind a desk.
Hiro grinned.
Watashi: Maybe, Mark. Look I have a meeting in two minutes. I have to go. Keep me informed.
Grayson: Will do. Grayson out.
The screen went black and Mark scratched his chin. Now he couldn't complain about the inactivity. When the saboteur was thrown in a brig, Mark would have the priviliege to interrogate him.
The thought almost made him smile. He looked at his pile of reports and sighed. No rest for the wicked.
OFF: tag crew.

Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
<Passages, Day 13, 1100>
...I personally am not aware of any enemies, but then again, I doubt they would openly admit it...
It had been almost thirty minutes since P'ayanna had departed the Ready Room and those words still grated her. There were only two ways to take the statement and she'd completely disregarded the first possibility; Captain Kersare was no DoghwI', and, therefore, would not simply assume she had no enemies. Barring that, P'ayanna was left with one conclusion: her enemies were gagny nuch petaQpu': @#$^ coward #@$#!
Cowards were the most difficult enemies to find, as they would do anything to pretend to be something other than an enemy. They would hide behind lies and deceit and would strike without showing their face to their enemy. It meant that they needed to be killed, not deterred. Even if she could not legally do this thing, she would wish to.
Almost reaching the Security Office, her mind drifted from that of a Klingon warrior to that of an investigator. Her hands were tied by many things, most of which were caused by the need to keep from alerting her target, but she was not completely nullified by them. For instance, she could begin to search for the most telling clue of all: motive.
Motive would tell her many things. It would help narrow the list of suspects, for instance, which would allow her to focus her attention on those that remained. While it would seem that she had no suspects, she had quite the contrary: she had a galaxy full of suspects. At this point, only Captain Kersare and P'ayanna, herself, were above suspicion.
P'ayanna stopped outside the door to security and frowned. She would proceed as if Kersare were above suspicion but, if all else failed, she knew that she'd have to face the possibility that the woman was responsible and was only taking action because some of her crew discovered her treason. It wasn't something she gave much credit, but she had to leave Kersare's culpability in the realm of the possible.
As the doors opened, she realized that she had her work cut out for her. "Chief Adams," she barked. "Your men are lazy. Conduct a security sweep of all spaces with complete reports of all findings. You have ninety minutes to complete this."
"But..." Adams didn't want to take on the Klingon, especially since her temperament was an unknown. "I'd need more personnel."
"Many are in their bunks like lazy targhmey. Wake them and begin."
"Understood," he replied. Familiar with Klingons, he knew that any dispute would be pointless.
"Ninety minutes," she said again, emphasizing the point. "Qapla'." She smiled behind the stern facade that she wore. They would attribute the unexpected searches to her Klingon heritage and would grumble about it to the others. None would suspect that she was searching for a traitor in their midst and, in days, few would even see the additional unplanned sweeps as unusual.
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
...I personally am not aware of any enemies, but then again, I doubt they would openly admit it...
It had been almost thirty minutes since P'ayanna had departed the Ready Room and those words still grated her. There were only two ways to take the statement and she'd completely disregarded the first possibility; Captain Kersare was no DoghwI', and, therefore, would not simply assume she had no enemies. Barring that, P'ayanna was left with one conclusion: her enemies were gagny nuch petaQpu': @#$^ coward #@$#!
Cowards were the most difficult enemies to find, as they would do anything to pretend to be something other than an enemy. They would hide behind lies and deceit and would strike without showing their face to their enemy. It meant that they needed to be killed, not deterred. Even if she could not legally do this thing, she would wish to.
Almost reaching the Security Office, her mind drifted from that of a Klingon warrior to that of an investigator. Her hands were tied by many things, most of which were caused by the need to keep from alerting her target, but she was not completely nullified by them. For instance, she could begin to search for the most telling clue of all: motive.
Motive would tell her many things. It would help narrow the list of suspects, for instance, which would allow her to focus her attention on those that remained. While it would seem that she had no suspects, she had quite the contrary: she had a galaxy full of suspects. At this point, only Captain Kersare and P'ayanna, herself, were above suspicion.
P'ayanna stopped outside the door to security and frowned. She would proceed as if Kersare were above suspicion but, if all else failed, she knew that she'd have to face the possibility that the woman was responsible and was only taking action because some of her crew discovered her treason. It wasn't something she gave much credit, but she had to leave Kersare's culpability in the realm of the possible.
As the doors opened, she realized that she had her work cut out for her. "Chief Adams," she barked. "Your men are lazy. Conduct a security sweep of all spaces with complete reports of all findings. You have ninety minutes to complete this."
"But..." Adams didn't want to take on the Klingon, especially since her temperament was an unknown. "I'd need more personnel."
"Many are in their bunks like lazy targhmey. Wake them and begin."
"Understood," he replied. Familiar with Klingons, he knew that any dispute would be pointless.
"Ninety minutes," she said again, emphasizing the point. "Qapla'." She smiled behind the stern facade that she wore. They would attribute the unexpected searches to her Klingon heritage and would grumble about it to the others. None would suspect that she was searching for a traitor in their midst and, in days, few would even see the additional unplanned sweeps as unusual.
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
ON: Thought it might be nice to see our Klingon interacting with our resident Maran....
<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck, 1130, Day 13>
The fourth Klingon warrior fell to the ground in a heap. Jadan was getting a good workout this morning; he twisted around, his leg coming across the face of another Klingon and sending him flying off course.
"And I thought you were made to be a challenge?"
As if on cue the doors to the holodeck opened, leaving Jadan standing amongest the bodies of 10 Klingon warriors. He could tell by the outline of the person in the door who she was.
He made a small Klingon bow as she entered the room.
"Good morning cadet."
OFF: Tag P'ayanna!
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck, 1130, Day 13>
The fourth Klingon warrior fell to the ground in a heap. Jadan was getting a good workout this morning; he twisted around, his leg coming across the face of another Klingon and sending him flying off course.
"And I thought you were made to be a challenge?"
As if on cue the doors to the holodeck opened, leaving Jadan standing amongest the bodies of 10 Klingon warriors. He could tell by the outline of the person in the door who she was.
He made a small Klingon bow as she entered the room.
"Good morning cadet."
OFF: Tag P'ayanna!
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
He made a small Klingon bow as she entered the room.
"Good morning cadet."
P'ayanna did not know this man on sight, but the signs of the borg were on his body. That meant that he was Lieutenant Jadan. "I thought this deck was empty," she stated, all the while wondering at the combat skills needed to defeat ten warriors.
"Usually is," Jadan responded. "Engineering was feeling cramped. Glad to have you onboard though, what do you think of the crew so far?"
P'ayanna shrugged. "DIvI' chaH," she said, meaning that they were Federation types. That statement carried a lot of connotations with it. If he knew Klingons, he'd know what she meant. Otherwise...
"They're a good crew... effective, more bite then they let on."
'We shall see,' she thought but didn't say. She was not in the mood for a one-way conversation with some nuch that hid behind his rank insignia. Instead, she simply nodded. "How is it that you defeat these warriors?" He seemed to small to do such a thing.
"Intensive training and skills... and the fact that I am Maran might have had something do with it... a small something," Jadan added. "I've seen my Bajoran officer Nevin do pretty close to the same amount of damage."
"mreh," she replied, as she had little more than disdain for most b'jornganmey. carDaS was a weak world, full of weak peoples, yet they'd forced b'jor into submission.
"Ah, thats right...forgot about the vaunted Klingon view of the Bajorans," Jadan's smile was tight one. "Still he's one of the better fighters on this ship....so, what are you doing down here?"
P'ayanna scowled, figuring that he could think whatever he liked of the b'jorngan. History spoke loudly enough; as a people, they were weak and worthy of nothing but scorn. "Perhaps he is a rare exception," she said. "As for my purpose, I am performing my duties."
"You mean the sabotage, yeah I just got word from her. Apparently we get to do daily level 2 diagnostics."
P'ayanna shrugged again, not caring to hear his sniveling. He should know how to follow orders by now and, if he didn't, he was beneath her. "Perhaps if this crew were more vigilant, then there would be no need," she told him as she opened a console and scanned the holomatrix for signs of tampering. It was a long shot, but she had nothing but time to sort this out.
Jadan smiled to himself, so she was a typical Klingon. Would probably do some of the crew good, Nevin would thrive on the challenge as would most of his engineering staff. If she expected this crew to simply cower away from her then she had another thing coming. "I'd prefer another approach, at least all they got was the data... and didn't blow us all to bits."
"Assuming that this petaQ is not still among us," she growled, more focused on tricorder readings than the discussion. In truth, she was more than a little interested to see what she could learn from him but she did not want that to interfere with her quest to find the saboteur.
"Good point, if he is I have a feeling he won't last long... or long enough to cause any more damage. Personally, I'd like nothing more then to catch him myself."
"A feeling we share," P'ayanna told him, turning from the open panel for a moment. "I do not want to alert this chemvaH that I am searching. That is the reason for these extra diagnostics. If he is aboard, and we do find him, then perhaps the extra work will be worthy."
"True, perhaps. I better let you get back to work Cadet, keep up the good job though."
"And one day, I will learn how you defeated these warriors," she said.
"Perhaps you will, until then. Good morning cadet," and with that said, Jadan walked out of the holodeck.
P'ayanna watched him go. Highest on her list of suspects were the ex-borg because she could not ever rule out the possibility that they could be tampered with through their remaining implants. It was unwise to have them on any ship for that very reason.
Joint Post
LT Jadan and...
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
He made a small Klingon bow as she entered the room.
"Good morning cadet."
P'ayanna did not know this man on sight, but the signs of the borg were on his body. That meant that he was Lieutenant Jadan. "I thought this deck was empty," she stated, all the while wondering at the combat skills needed to defeat ten warriors.
"Usually is," Jadan responded. "Engineering was feeling cramped. Glad to have you onboard though, what do you think of the crew so far?"
P'ayanna shrugged. "DIvI' chaH," she said, meaning that they were Federation types. That statement carried a lot of connotations with it. If he knew Klingons, he'd know what she meant. Otherwise...
"They're a good crew... effective, more bite then they let on."
'We shall see,' she thought but didn't say. She was not in the mood for a one-way conversation with some nuch that hid behind his rank insignia. Instead, she simply nodded. "How is it that you defeat these warriors?" He seemed to small to do such a thing.
"Intensive training and skills... and the fact that I am Maran might have had something do with it... a small something," Jadan added. "I've seen my Bajoran officer Nevin do pretty close to the same amount of damage."
"mreh," she replied, as she had little more than disdain for most b'jornganmey. carDaS was a weak world, full of weak peoples, yet they'd forced b'jor into submission.
"Ah, thats right...forgot about the vaunted Klingon view of the Bajorans," Jadan's smile was tight one. "Still he's one of the better fighters on this ship....so, what are you doing down here?"
P'ayanna scowled, figuring that he could think whatever he liked of the b'jorngan. History spoke loudly enough; as a people, they were weak and worthy of nothing but scorn. "Perhaps he is a rare exception," she said. "As for my purpose, I am performing my duties."
"You mean the sabotage, yeah I just got word from her. Apparently we get to do daily level 2 diagnostics."
P'ayanna shrugged again, not caring to hear his sniveling. He should know how to follow orders by now and, if he didn't, he was beneath her. "Perhaps if this crew were more vigilant, then there would be no need," she told him as she opened a console and scanned the holomatrix for signs of tampering. It was a long shot, but she had nothing but time to sort this out.
Jadan smiled to himself, so she was a typical Klingon. Would probably do some of the crew good, Nevin would thrive on the challenge as would most of his engineering staff. If she expected this crew to simply cower away from her then she had another thing coming. "I'd prefer another approach, at least all they got was the data... and didn't blow us all to bits."
"Assuming that this petaQ is not still among us," she growled, more focused on tricorder readings than the discussion. In truth, she was more than a little interested to see what she could learn from him but she did not want that to interfere with her quest to find the saboteur.
"Good point, if he is I have a feeling he won't last long... or long enough to cause any more damage. Personally, I'd like nothing more then to catch him myself."
"A feeling we share," P'ayanna told him, turning from the open panel for a moment. "I do not want to alert this chemvaH that I am searching. That is the reason for these extra diagnostics. If he is aboard, and we do find him, then perhaps the extra work will be worthy."
"True, perhaps. I better let you get back to work Cadet, keep up the good job though."
"And one day, I will learn how you defeated these warriors," she said.
"Perhaps you will, until then. Good morning cadet," and with that said, Jadan walked out of the holodeck.
P'ayanna watched him go. Highest on her list of suspects were the ex-borg because she could not ever rule out the possibility that they could be tampered with through their remaining implants. It was unwise to have them on any ship for that very reason.
Joint Post
LT Jadan and...
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1300, Day 13>
Brad was in his office, looking over the latest information from Starfleet Command. Among his most interesting messages was one from Amanda Darkhelm, apparently she would be coming aboard the Malinche....as his partner in the endeavor. Not that he minded her being around, after all seeing her interact with Marcus would have been entertaining.
He had heard several stories from the Hale about how her demenoar had gotten the best of Nerwal on more then on occasion...even the ships Klingon Marine offcier. If she could handle those two, then those on the Malinche should be cake.
Apparently she would be bringing her head nurse, Adam (NPC) with her...and another interesting note stated that they would also be gaining Jason Barrett.
He closed the window and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on his desk. They were fast approaching thier mission grounds, although Brad's role here would be rather limited as well.
OFF: Not sure what to do...so yeah!
Lieutenant Commander Brad Walker
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
<Sickbay, 1300, Day 13>
Brad was in his office, looking over the latest information from Starfleet Command. Among his most interesting messages was one from Amanda Darkhelm, apparently she would be coming aboard the Malinche....as his partner in the endeavor. Not that he minded her being around, after all seeing her interact with Marcus would have been entertaining.
He had heard several stories from the Hale about how her demenoar had gotten the best of Nerwal on more then on occasion...even the ships Klingon Marine offcier. If she could handle those two, then those on the Malinche should be cake.
Apparently she would be bringing her head nurse, Adam (NPC) with her...and another interesting note stated that they would also be gaining Jason Barrett.
He closed the window and leaned back in his chair, propping his feet up on his desk. They were fast approaching thier mission grounds, although Brad's role here would be rather limited as well.
OFF: Not sure what to do...so yeah!
Lieutenant Commander Brad Walker
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
- Posts: 169
- Joined: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:48 pm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Engineering, 1340, Day 13>
Jadan was back in engineering, over seeing the diganostics. So far, they had not uncovered anything all that unusual. Something on Nash's board caught his attention, prompting Jadan to look over.
"Something wrong?"
"I'm not sure," Nash (NPC) responded. "I've been looking at the secondary processor core for the communications arrays, take a look at this."
Jadan looked over his shoulder. Now, that was odd.
"Looks like a carrier wave, but where is it coming from?"
"I wish I knew," Nash responded. "Its not orginating for the Malinche...at least not from any of our communciation systems that we are aware of."
"A sleeper signal?" Jadan asked. That did not bode well, his mind was alreayd flying into action with the possible implications. "Can you triangulate it?"
"I can try," Nash responded, hands flying over the consuel. "How did the digansostics miss this?"
"I have no clue, got anything yet?"
"It's a short range signal, somewhere within I would say 500 meters of the Malinche..."
"We're being followed!" Jadan snapped, his hand slapping his combadge. "Engineering to bridge."
"Bridge here," Mason responded.
"Sir, we've located a sleeper signal hidden in the communications array, its a short range signal....we're being followed by someone."
OFF: Ok, so I got bored of just sitting around....
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
<Engineering, 1340, Day 13>
Jadan was back in engineering, over seeing the diganostics. So far, they had not uncovered anything all that unusual. Something on Nash's board caught his attention, prompting Jadan to look over.
"Something wrong?"
"I'm not sure," Nash (NPC) responded. "I've been looking at the secondary processor core for the communications arrays, take a look at this."
Jadan looked over his shoulder. Now, that was odd.
"Looks like a carrier wave, but where is it coming from?"
"I wish I knew," Nash responded. "Its not orginating for the Malinche...at least not from any of our communciation systems that we are aware of."
"A sleeper signal?" Jadan asked. That did not bode well, his mind was alreayd flying into action with the possible implications. "Can you triangulate it?"
"I can try," Nash responded, hands flying over the consuel. "How did the digansostics miss this?"
"I have no clue, got anything yet?"
"It's a short range signal, somewhere within I would say 500 meters of the Malinche..."
"We're being followed!" Jadan snapped, his hand slapping his combadge. "Engineering to bridge."
"Bridge here," Mason responded.
"Sir, we've located a sleeper signal hidden in the communications array, its a short range signal....we're being followed by someone."
OFF: Ok, so I got bored of just sitting around....
Lieutenant Jadan
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B