Lost And Found (JM with USS Sentinel/Peacekeeper)

Posts for the USS Malinche's missions

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Post by Peters »

ON: <1945, Day 3, USS Sirion, Deck 6>

Quaid's eyes widened as 1, 2, 3... 6 Borg Drones rounded the corner, their cybernetic eye implants staring directly at the team as they moved together in a horrific looking military march.

"MOVE!" Quaid yelled at his shipmates and Sentinel colleagues as he drew his hand phaser and began to move away from the Borg quickly, but continued to face them.

Jack moved with the rest of the group, trying to keep an eye on the Borg, and more importantly, an phaser aim. The Borg weren?t moving fast, but they were relentless, he knew they wouldn?t stop and wouldn?t slow, they would just keep on marching towards them.

Peters groaned. "I hate Borg... I really do. But maybe we should split up into smaller groups. Give them more directions to chase us."

"Good idea," Quaid said as he began setting his phaser to overload. "Get to the next corridor junction!" With that, he threw his Phaser at the Borg's feet and began sprinting toward the rest of the team.

"Fire in the hole!"

The group sped round the junction and stayed close to the wall, waiting for the inevitable explosion that would soon destroy the better part of the corridor they were just in.

Quaid reached the junction and watched with the others as the Borg ignored the Phaser and stepped over it. He then grinned as one of the Drones stopped and turned to face the Phaser, which was emitting a high pitched wine. While the other 5 drones continued down the corridor, the 6th picked up the phaser...

Jake ducked for cover as the Phaser exploded in the Drone's hands, taking half the corridor with it.

Peters ducked down and covered his eyes as the phaser erupted. His ears were ringing a bit as he looked up again. "Just try not to bring the whole collective down on us, hmm?"

?Or the ceiling....? Jack added.

3 of the 5 remaining Drones took the brunt of the explosion and 'died' almost instantly. The Remaining 2 drones stumbled and fell to the carpeted floor. One of them was badly injured, its cybernetics sparking, its motors whirring. The remaining Drone struggled to its feet.

"Okay, so what now?" Jake asked, "We can't stay here."

"Split into two groups," Peters suggested. "Group one makes for the Computer core. Group two heads for the bridge. Both try to break the Borg control over the computer systems when they get there."

?If else fails, we blow them, would at least hinder the Borg's control,? Jack suggested.

"We're supposed to salvage the ship, not scuttle it," Peters retorted.

"We're supposed to live," Jack countered.

"Orders are orders... but I'm not risking my life and the lives of everyone on this ship for those orders. We go our separate ways. Peters, you and I will go and see what we can do with the Computer Core, Jack... you take a team to the Bridge and try and gain control from there... it's a long shot but it's the only shot we have. If it fails, we bail and destroy this thing," Quaid said with a scowl

?Sounds like a plan.? Jack nodded, before looking to the Intel team he had brought, ?Derrin, Fervin, Adams, you?re with me, and...? he waved vaguely at a handful of yellow clad officers, ?you lot too.?

Peters motioned to Akios. "Go with them. Keep the spooks out of trouble, and let me know if you have any luck breaking the Borg encryptions."

"And watch your backs... don't engage the Borg unless absolutely necessary," Quaid said as one of his Security officers handed him a hand phaser, which he gratefully accepted. "Well inform you when we reach Computer Core Control... let us know when you get to the Bridge."

?And I?d already bought it the ring...? Jack quipped, ?We?ll contact you once we get there, good luck guys and gals!? He motioned to his team to head down a corridor.

"Smart ass," Peters muttered as he turned back towards Quaid. "Computer Core is that way." He pointed in the proper direction.

"Okay, I'll take point," Quaid replied as he took one final look at the other team as they disappeared into the darkened corridor before grinning at Peters. "I sure hope you can pull something out of your ass with these computers, Peters."

"That sounds painful. My usual expertise is rabbits out of top hats," Peters quipped

"Lets go..." Quaid grinned, shaking his head as they headed down the corridor.

A few moments later, he turned to Peters "So what do you think was so special about that Drone?"

"I don't know." Peters thought back a coupe of ours and frowned. "It nearly ran me down in the corridor while the Captain was watching on the tricorder link, then all of a sudden she's telling us we need to catch it."

"Well she better have a damn good explanation for this... I know the Sirion's important, but risking our butts for the ship and a Drone that has a harder left hook then a Nausicaan on Orion Strength Enhancers, isn't exactly super happy fun time for any of us." Quaid sighed.

"That's quite descriptive. Speaking from personal experience?" Peters looked at his tricorder and then pointed. "We'll need to go up to deck two via that Jeffries Tube."

Quaid groaned. "Oh how I love the climbing." Along with some of his Security team, he forced the door to the Jeffries Tubes, open. Again, he took the lead and began to climb. "Once we get to Core Control, we'll need to run a diagnostic on the ship to see if we can salvage her before we do anything else. With all the power fluctuations, do you think you can do that Peters?"

"Not a problem. The computer system is intact... it's just over-run with Borg code... The Diagnostic system should be buried deep enough that it wouldn't be corrupted yet." Peters didn't bother to mention that even if the computer were useless, manual control could get the ship back to starbase, it would just require twice the number of crew the ship normally carried for it to work ideally.

"And how long would it take?" he asked, not wanting to overstay his welcome. Last time he did that he got himself and his SSWAT teammates 'assimilated'.

"Depending on how much of the system I have to sift through to find it, anywhere from a few minutes to an hour." Peters shrugged. Always best to pad your estimate JUST a little.

As he reached the deck they needed to be on, Quaid carefully stepped into the corridor to find it Borg free, aside from the dark lighting, the deck looked untouched. "We're here... and I think we're safe, at least for a while."

"Good. To your left... about ten meters down the corridor." Peters hauled himself up onto the deck, then stood. "I really don't like the idea of having my body stolen from me. Maybe I should put in for a nice tour at a shipyard for my next assignment."

"A shipyard? You don't strike me as the type of guy who'd stick around in one place for two long. You like to move around with your engines. How many dockworkers get to see their engines in action?" Quaid asked as they all headed down the corridor.

"Actually, I was a science officer until four years ago. I dabbled in Quantum Mechanics and Warp Drive theory in the Academy." Peters chuckled. "Fate played a joke on me when my ship's Chief Engineer and most of the engineering staff were killed in one shot... I volunteered to help out... and ever since Starfleet's been giving me Engineering posts."

"They must know something you don't" Quaid grinned. "Up until a few years ago, I was a member of an elite security team, although we spent most of our time training for when races like the Borg decided to make an appearance, we did some good. We liberated some POWs from Breen camps, assisted on some hostage 'negotiations' that sort of thing. Then I tried my hand at piloting for a while, but never quite managed to get out of the gold uniform."

"And here you are." Peters motioned to the side. "Here we are."

"Okay, keep clear while we breach the door... this place could be crawling with Drones," he explained as his security team took up their positions while Quaid opened the doors control panel and began to swap around some isolinear control chips. Within minutes, the door opened to an untouched Computer Core Control Room. The Security Officer's burst into the room, taking defensive points around it.

"Okay, I think you can come in now." Quaid said as he looked to the door, his weapon still in hand.

"Now that you're done playing soldier, I'll be glad to get to work on the computer system. Give me a few minutes to start digging." Peters sat at a nearby console and started tapping in commands as a look of concentration came across his face.

Quaid grinned and tapped his commbadge. "Team 2, this is Quaid, Team 1 has arrived," he explained.

"Tell them that if they want any of the punch and cookies we're having, they'll have to come down after they're done on the bridge.' Peters grinned and went back to his work.

Quaid frowned, Jack hadn't responded yet. "Quaid to team 2, respond please." He waited a few moments, and there was still silence on the line. "Quaid to Team 2, Jack please acknowledge."

"Think maybe they got lost?" Peters asked.

"How hard is it to find the Bridge of a Federation Starship... ANY Federation Starship...?" Quaid replied with a raised eyebrow, "They could have bumped into our pale skinned friends."

"Well, there was that one time in the Voyager logs where the ship got... well, twisted is probably the best term..." Peters shrugged. "If you want to go find them, feel free. I'm staying here."

"Okay, keep working... keep me informed about your progress," Quaid replied as he headed for the door. "Watkins, you're with me." he said to a junior security officer. "The rest of you stay with Peters and guard this room."


A JP With

Lieutenant Jacob Quaid
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B


Lieutenant, JG Jack Hawkins
Acting Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Hawkins »

<USS Sirion, Deck 4, MD03, 2016>

Jack awoke but he couldn?t see anything and felt something pressing down on him, he tried to shake the cobwebs out and pushed the collapsed bulkhead off of himself before trying to stand up, he didn?t think anything was broken and unsteadily got to his feet

He surveyed the rest of the corridor, it was dark, only a few emergency lights were working but a damaged ODN conduit was sparking casting the hall in occasion flashes of light, it seemed that part of the corridor had collapsed and what was left looked like it was about to, the bulkheads to his left had all been blown off or several damaged when the explosion happened.

--When the two teams had separated his group made their way along the port side of the deck, much of the area was given over to crew quarters and they were hoping that the Borg wouldn?t have much need for that section. They managed to get there only meeting a couple of Borg on the way; the team had then managed to make it up two decks before running into a problem.--

Jack stumbled over the debris, tripping on several damaged beams that had fallen from the ceiling in the process and falling back to the floor bringing him face to face with a Borg corpse, he recoiled in horror and scrabbled back his feet. There had been four members of his team with him and as he stood in the corridor he couldn?t see any of them, he reached down for his combadge and only found what was, essentially, a broken broach.

--They became pinned down, Borg were coming but luckily for the team they were near a transporter, they managed to close a door in to corridor to hold the Borg back and made it to the transporter room. They had managed to beam the bulk of their team to the relative safety of deck two but the pad crashed shortly after, leaving the four remaining members to try and hold the Borg off and try and find a different way out.--

After another spark Jack saw a hint of yellow from under a beam, he struggle over and lifted some debris out the way, he didn?t need to take a pulse to see the ensign was dead?.

He didn?t know his name, this poor ensign had followed Jacks orders and helped to try and save the lives of the other teams and died in the process, and Jack had never even bothered to learn his name?

--With the Borg only a door away the remaining members of the team, Jack, Derrin and two security personnel had decided to at least buy those that had beamed away some time by destroying the corridor, they planned to rig the EPS conduits in the section to blow and then take refuge in the transporter room. As it turned out the Borg had other ideas and four of them came marching through the now open door, the first four were quickly dispatched by phaser fire but after that more appeared in the doorway and they had already adapted to the weapons.--

The corridor creaked and sparks showered down as Jack walked along looking for an exit or a way out, it was then that he caught site of the name from his department half buried under conduit and next to one of the Borg bodies.

He quickly scrambled over to the Ensign, knelt and tried to check if he was ok, it was dark but even with the reduced light Jack could see Derrin was not ok, he was grey and already had some implants erupting from his skin, as Jack took a step back in shock his eyes shot open?

--With the Borg baring down on them and their weapons useless Jack gave the order to fall back and blow the conduits, but the overload happened far too fast, before any of them had made it back to the room and explosion rocked the corridor After that everything went black...--

Derrin was standing over Jack before he knew what happened, he tried to stand but the Borg forcefully shoved him backwards to the ground against the wall, he grabbed for his phaser but only found an empty holster. The Borgs dead eyes had replaced those of the man Jack had know up to a few minutes ago and as Jack lay helpless on the floor, those eyes were locked on him?
Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Akios »

<USS Sirion Deck 2, MD03, 2030>

At the sight of the approaching Borg, Akios didn't wait for orders. Grabbing his toolkit, he drew his phaser and hurried back down the corridor to the next junction, checking the side passages for other approaching Borg. "Clear!" he called back.

Obviously, the jamming had been less than successful.

He fell to the back of the group as they split up and moved forward, following the Intel team as Peters had ordered. He'd left the modified tricorders and base unit behind. They were still running, generating the jamming that was supposed to isolate the drone they'd captured, but which was now preventing them from reaching their ships. IF they could stay free long enough, they'd exhaust their power supplies. "Sir, I can try to get us back in contact with the ships, but it'll mean sacrificing another tricorder."

Then things had gone from bad to worse, but the transporter room they'd reached had been operational. However, instead of beaming everyone back to Malinche, Hawkins had ordered him to set up a point to point transport to Deck 2. Well, orders were orders.

When they materialized everyone took up defensive positons, but after a minute, Hawkins and the others hadn't appeared.

"We need to get up to the bridge and try to scan for them," Akios said to the others. Looking at Mikaela, he said, "You just came from the bridge, right? How many Borg were in there? If they're able to get past the jamming, they'll probably be reacting the same way as the Borg near Engineering."

Speaking of which...he tried his combadge, but still couldn't get through. "I don't know if it's the jamming from the tricorders or just local interference. If it's the tricorders, they should exhaust their power packs in another fifteen minutes or so. If it's other interference, the bridge is our best bet for getting hold of Malinche and Sentinel."

<tags, Bridge group>
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Kersare »

<USS Malinche, Corridor, 1944, Day 3>>

After pacing on the bridge a few minutes following her meeting with Raven, Isabel had decided she needed a break from the bridge. Her emotions were too tied up with everything going on and soon enough things would be even more complicated. Considering the current situation, she felt it might be a good idea to stop in to the science labs. A good portion of the Science department had been working on finding a way to improve sensor readings through the nebula - which could be quite important if another Borg vessel were in the area.

It hadn't helped that Cheetara asked to step aside for the rest of the mission - it had become too difficult for her to work with Borg so close and likely she was rather nervous about being re-assimilated. Regina had apparently come down with some form of illness or had been injured - the message from Sickbay hadn't been overly clear. So that left the top two positions in the Science department empty...or at least it had. Isabel had already asked Sovak (NPC) to temporarily assume the Chief Science Officer role - the Vulcan had done so before and had Isabel's trust. Assistant Chief would hopefully be taken care of shortly.

Isabel paused a moment outside the door to the science labs to compose herself. She took a deep breath, then walked in. Though she'd only seen Aaron a few times since he transferred to the Malinche, Isabel recognized him standing on the other side of the room.

<Science Lab, 19:41 hrs>

"Computer, display results from the sensor scans from time index 17:30 to present." Aaron was focusing on sensor scans on the nebula and finding a way to enhance the resolution. By comparing the scans from the past two hours, Aaron was hoping to find a pattern in the results that would allow the Malinche to achieve clear readings of the Nebula.

As he waited for the computer to display the results, Aaron's thoughts drifted back to a counseling session he had with Dr. Mitchell while stationed on Starbase Atlantis. The counselor had expressed concern over the seemingly heavy amount of work that was required of Aaron.

?"Does it bother you that your talents are needed or do you feel as though you are being overworked? I suppose that I am asking you whether or not your life has always been so, well, let us say, out of your control. In saying that, I do not mean that you are totally overwhelmed, nor are you particularly bothered by it, but I would appreciate your comments."

Aaron settled back into the chair. "That's a lot of questions at once; however, I will do my best to answer them. My life hasn't often been, out of control, as you put it. During the war, when you didn't know what the next day, much less the next hour, would hold; things were chaotic. In a way things felt that way when we left Mars after my mother's death. It's a different type of stress with the present situation. I know almost exactly when the nebula is going to reach its peak and what its effects are. This firestorm has kept me extremely busy, mainly in the Ancient Documents Room or the Sagan Lab. It's not that I'm bothered by my talents being needed. I hope that's of some help."

Dr. Mitchell jotted down some notes on his PADD. "Yes, of course, every word you say is helpful, Aaron. I was not attempting to overload you with questions. I wished only to know if the duty schedule for your position was attributing to any new stress?

Aaron's thoughts were brought back to the present with the Captain's entrance to the science lab. Aaron made his way over to the Captain. "Captain Kersare, what brings you to the science lab?"

Isabel gave a brief smile to the science officer, "Good evening, Mr. Steele. I was wondering how things were coming along?" She decided not to get into her real reasons just yet, and she wanted to see how everything was going without Cheetara and Regina.

"Things are coming along as well as can be expected. There's nothing quite like the Borg for incentive to finish a project in a timely fashion." Aaron's answer was slightly vague on purpose.

Nodding, Isabel's eyes briefly scanned the room before settling back on Aaron, "I'm sure everyone is working hard. Any idea on when we might be able to test some of these out?" Considering the situation on the Sentinel, not to mention the Sirion, she hoped their idea would help with the sensors around the nebula. She didn't like the idea of a Borg vessel sneaking up on them.

Aaron brought the Captain's attention to the computer console he was just working at. "As they taught us at the DLI and in my Intel training, it's not always what you find but what you don't find that is important. I'm hoping that by comparing the scans from the past few hours we can find that missing piece of the puzzle that's preventing us from getting a clear scan. As for a timetable, if all goes well we hope to take another scan of the nebula no later than 21:00 hours."

"The sooner the better," Isabel replied. "For all we know a Borg vessel may be in the nebula - I'd rather know than be surprised." Hesitating a moment to collect her thoughts, she continued, "How are you getting along here on the Malinche, Mr. Steele?"

It was a fairly standard question for a commanding officer to ask of new crewmembers, but Aaron felt there was a little more meaning behind it considering present circumstances. "I must admit I didn't expect to encounter the Borg on my first mission, but I guess that's what I get for signing on to a combat oriented ship. Dr. Mitchell would probably think I've been working too hard, but this is one of those circumstances where you are forced to work longer hours than normal."

"Are you having a difficult time with the longer hours?" Isabel knew everyone had their limits....and if Aaron was at his limit it would be better that he get some rest. She'd taken a look at his personnel record before coming to see him; that was the other thing that worried her - his PTSD.

Aaron shrugged his shoulders. "I survived the Dominion War, invasion of hostile aliens, and terrorist attacks among other things. Don't worry Captain, I know my limits and will do my best not to exceed them."

She nodded. Might as well go ahead and ask. "As I'm sure you're aware, Ms. Sovak will be our Acting Chief Science Officer. Given your experience, I would like to place you as Acting Assistant Chief Science Officer, if you're willing to accept the additional responsibilites."

Aaron's first thought was that the title had to be one of the longest in Starfleet. Humor aside Aaron gave the idea some serious thought. Depending on how things went it could become a more permanent position which couldn't hurt. "I have no problem with the extra responsibilities the new position would place on me Captain. I accept."

Isabel smiled, "Good, thank you Mr. Steele. I'd suggest getting together with Ms. Sovak to see what she could use your assistance with. I know you're busy, so I'll leave you to your work, but before I go, are there any questions you have?"

"Not that you would be able to answer Captain."

"Alright, thank you Mr. Steele. Let me know when you've gotten the sensor modifications complete," Isabel replied.

"Don't worry, you'll be the first to know when we get a workable sensor scan of the nebula."

Isabel nodded, then headed towards the door. Hopefully Aaron would be letting her know very soon. She hated the idea of being blind with Borg on the loose.

After the Captain left, Aaron turned his attention to the scientists and engineers in the room. "All right people. You heard the Captain. She wants sensors ASAP!"

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant JG Aaron Steele
Acting Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Zeral »

<<USS Malinche, Zeral's Quarters, MD03, 1845>>

Truth be told, Nora was more than a little surprised to hear Hunt's voice. Good thing she hadn't opted for that third glass of wine. Setting down her wine glass, she even began to regret her choice to have two glasses of wine in the first place. Still, she was all right to work, more relaxed than before, even, and she happened to like Hunt to boot. Of course she'd help him with whatever he needed. Her bath could wait.

=/\= Absolutely, Commander. Would you like to come to me? =/\=

"Yes, it just take me a few mins to gather my padd's." he said feeling a sigh of relief. His cabin was a mess to say the least and he didn't want anyone to see it.

He always made it a habit to lock his cabin doors with a security code, since his earlier days as an Lieutenant on earth. Former classmates he had the fortune of later being friends with would always play practical jokes on him by taking things from his room and putting them in odd and rather weird places around the complex where he had been staying. Walking down the corridor he smiled remembering the good ole times.

"Deck 7,? said Mason rushing to put the padds into the small black case before the lift arrived at his destination.

It was he had noticed that the images and sounds he was experiencing from the Sirion crew had at least for a brief few moments disappeared while he was thinking of his friends. Somehow it struck him that the two may some how be linked together.
The lift eventually slowed allowing him to exit. He was a bit nervous but he took in a deep breath and pressed the door chime waiting to be let in.

Nora, on the other hand, had fortunately had little opportunity to let any clutter collect in her quarters. She just managed to straighten up the few odd items that had been tossed haphazardly onto the floor in her haste to unpack and to run a brush through her long hair before the door chimed. "Come in," she called, moving to meet him at the door. "Welcome to my humble abode, Commander," she greeted Hunt.

"Feel free to make yourself comfortable. Can I get you anything to drink?" Nora thought back again to her recent glasses of wine, finally beginning to see some benefit to them after all. She was feeling remarkably calm thanks to them, especially after a frazzled day spent in Sickbay. Perhaps later on she would indulge in that third glass.

"No thank you, perhaps in a little while. I just had something to eat and drinking may make me a bit sick. I just want my stomach to settle." He said rubbing his stomach and then his forehead.

"So, to what do I owe the pleasure of your visit?" the counselor smiled. "Have you been seeing any more of those images you told me about? With all of the excitement today, I haven't had a chance to check on you."

"Well, I have been having those same strange voices and images when I go to sleep and sometimes when I am on duty. Images of the Sirion crew and voices screaming for help makes me wake up or just have a cold sweat. Strange enough this has not happened before at least not this bad?" he said feelin the nausea fade away.

Settling into a chair, she regarded him closely for a moment, a flash of concern in her eyes. " Do you think it's possible that what you're experiencing is a kind of, well...how do I explain this?" She paused, smiling apologetically as she collected her thoughts.

"As a telepath, there have been moments in my life when I've encountered something similar to what you're experiencing now; hearing voices, seeing people who aren't really there, even witnessing events that are long past. I finally determined--with the help of a counselor, coincidentally--that they were what I can only describe as psychic resonances, occurrences often involving trauma or distress that somehow leave an imprint. It's been some time since I've had any episodes of that kind, but there are similarities between what I've seen before and what you're seeing now."

Hunt nodded his head in pure confusion. He knew his family indeed had a past history of having telepaths that skipped just about every generation but these voices and images were too strong to be what the good counselor was talking about. Although he was never a closed minded person he was open to ideas and thoughts but this idea of being a telepath was strong with him.

?I hear what you are saying but and I?m sure you have read my personnel file about my family.?

"Yes, I have," she confirmed. "What really concerns me is whether or not the images and voices you're hearing are from the past, or actually reaching out to you from the present. I'll be completely honest. I'm not really caught up on the rescue mission so far. I've met with Sirion survivors today and I understand some of our crew is over there now, but that's about as far as my knowledge of the situation goes. Things were a little hectic in Sickbay today."

Her next question was even harder to put into words than the first. She decided to put it bluntly, asking him, "Do you feel that you should act on the things they're telling you?"

?No I don?t but I feel we really need to answer this question about my background. The Captain needs answers from me and right now I don?t have any.?

"Fair enough," she smiled. "In that case, there is something we can do. I can use my own telepathic powers to see if you have any of your own. It's a Betazoid technique similar to a Vulcan mind-meld, and generally it takes some preparation. But since I won't be delving too deeply, we could try it now if you like." This was a service Nora had offered only a handful of times in her life, almost always in the capacity as a counselor. Generally it was used to help someone uncover a suppressed memory or something to that effect, but she had no doubt it would work in this instance as well. All that she needed was Hunt's trust and permission.

?Very well, proceed.? Said Mason taking in a deep breath and trying to hold still.

OFF: To be continued?

A JP by

Commander Mason Hunt
First Officer
USS Malinche NCC 38897-B

Commander Nora Zeral
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Akios »

<<USS Sirion, Deck 2, MD03, 2035>>


"No, I'll tell you what we're going to do," one of Hawkins's men suddenly said. "First of all, we're not going to stay here another minute, none of us. The Borg may be taking control of the transporter right now, and even if they don't, the Borg on the bridge may have detected our transport. Two of us," he indicated himself and one of the other Intel officers, "are going to make our way back to where we last saw the Chief. The rest of you make yourselves scarce, and work on getting to the bridge. I'll leave Ensign Firvan with you--he's got the skills you need to get into the Borg protocols. Aurelian, you said that the jamming signal should shut down in fifteen minutes? I'll try to contact you then. Let's move everyone!"

The two Intel men moved away, opened a Jeffries tube hatch and climbed in. The hatch closed behind them.

"I guess we'd better move," Akios said, motioning to the others and starting down the corridor. The Intel man might have been brusque, but Akios couldn't argue with his logic, and besides, the man had been a JG and had had a phaser rifle. Akios wished he'd gotten the man's name, though he wasn't sure whether it was to commend him to Quaid, or to complain about him.

(OOC: I haven't been able to find a usable deck list for the Nova Class, so I'm making stuff up. If there's an actual deck list available somewhere, let me know.)

Deck 2 was small, though, smaller even than an Intrepid's second deck. That didn't leave them many places to hide in, if the Borg came looking for them. While the Intrepid Class had its mess hall on Deck 2, and the Galaxy Class had either junior bridge officer quarters or the captain's and XO's quarters depending on when it was built, the Sirion had science labs on its second deck.

"Unless someone has a better idea," Akios said to the others, "I suggest we barricade ourselves in one of these labs and see if we can access the internal sensor network from there, and find out what's going on with the Borg on the bridge before we try to head up."
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Hawkins »

<USS Sirion, MD03, 2010>

Quaid and Watkins were sprinting down the corridors now, they had tried to reach Jack and his team via communicators several times to no avail. With their weapons drawn and at the ready, they expected the worst. Then suddenly the ship lurched violently.

Supporting themselves against a bulkhead, Jake turned to Watkins, "That was an internal explosion!" The two security officers began running down the halls again and rounded a corner to find the corridor completely destroyed, EPS conduits had blown out, there was little in the way of a light source, except for flickering emergency lights and their wrist lamps. The amount of debris stopped them from running any further, they had to walk from there.

It wasn't long before Quaid could make out a shape in the distance... it was humanoid, and it seemed to have a raised foot, it looked as if whoever it was, was trying to step over something?

As they got closer, Watkins realised that whoever it was, was wearing a Starfleet uniform. "Hey you," he called out when they got about 10 meters away. The Starfleet Officer turned to face them, and Watkins eyes went wide "Oh my god... sir!" he turned to Quaid, but he was already moving forward, a beam ripping down the corridor from his phaser.

The phaser beam impacted against Derrin's chest, knocking him back some. A second close-range blast hit the freshly assimilated Starfleet Officer on the leg, forcing him to the floor. He was still alive but struggling to get to his feet. Quaid stood over the new Drone and aimed for his head. "I'm sorry..." he said as he watched Derrin continue to turn into a drone.

Jack?s eyes widened when the phaser stuck Derrin twice and he breathed a sigh of relief as the drone was dropped to the floor, it wasn?t dead but it allowed his to scrabble out of the way, ?Better late than never!? He said from the floor.

Quaid fired his Phaser, hitting Derrin right between the eyes. The drone's squirming body was now lifeless. "Tell that to Derrin," Jake replied as he holstered his Phaser and turned away.

Watkins walked over to Jack and offered him a hand, "You okay sir?" he asked.

Jack took the hand and hauled himself up, ?I?ve been better...?

"Well there's no point in sticking around here," Quaid said bitterly, "I should go find your team, you two should go back to Computer Core Control."

Jack glanced across at the body of Derrin and then to the body of the nameless security officer before replying, more to himself than to Quaid of Watkins, ?Nope, no point...?

He looked up at Quaid, ?If it?s all the same I?d rather help tag along and help track down the rest of the team, they were my responsibility...?

"Are you up to it?" Jake asked as he looked Hawkins over.

?I?ll be fine, just a little burnt and bruised with some ringing in my ears other than that....? Jack replied. He wasn?t as fine as he let on the day was certainly taking its toll on him, in fact ever since he had been assigned to the Malinche he felt like he?d been battered daily.

"Well, just for the record, speaking as Security Chief I disagree with your decision," Quaid explained, "But as someone who hopes to be your friend some day, I could use the help. Let's move."

The group started back the way that Quaid and Watkins had arrived, with the conduits the powered it destroyed there was no point even trying the transporter, ?Anyone have a weapon going spare??

"Watkins, give him your hand phaser. Since the Borg have already adapted to our current frequencies, activate the retune cycles," Quaid said, as Watkins handed Hawkins his hand Phaser before tapping several controls on his rifle.

Jack took the phaser and altered the settings before placing it in his holster and nodded his thanks to Watkins.

"So where did your people go?" Quaid asked as they began to head back up the corridor to find a new route to the Bridge.

?We used the transporter and beamed them up to deck 2 but somehow I doubt that pad is ever going to work again...?

"We can probably get to them the same way if we find another Transporter room," Quaid replied as his eyes continuously scanned their surroundings. "Are there any other Transporter Rooms on this deck, that you know of?"

?It?s a Nova-class, I?d be surprised if they had another, let alone on the same deck? Jack said as they squeezed through the remains of the corridor.

"Then I guess we'll have to do it the hard way and find a jefferies tube," Quaid explained with a sigh, "I think there's a tube access point up ahead."

The team had emerged from the damaged part of the corridor and approached the access point when Jack heard the same banging they had heard when they attempted to capture the drone coming for down an adjacent corridor, ?I say we get out of here, all agreed??

"Sounds like a plan!" Watkins said, his Phaser rifle pointed in the direction of the sound.

"I'm all for that," Quaid replied, as he picked up his pace, looking for the jefferies tube access point.


A JP by

Lieutenant Jacob Quaid
Acting Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B

Lieutenant Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
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Post by Steele »

20:37 hrs
Science Lab 1
USS Malinche

?Ensign, have you completed the simulations yet?? Aaron half expected the reply he got to his question, although it wasn?t what he preferred.

?No sir, not yet. They should be done in the next ten minutes. I inputted the wrong data for the last simulation so I had to redo it. It won?t happen again I promise.? The young Bajoran seemed as if she feared for her job.

Aaron gave what he hoped was a calming smile.
?No worries Karina, that?s why we do this when we have the time. When did you notice your mistake??

?Not until the simulation was almost complete, so I let it finish why??

Aaron moved to where he could get a close look at the computer console.
?Download those results into a PADD as well, some of the greatest discoveries in human history were made by mistake. We can learn as much from our mistakes as our accomplishments.? Noticing the tired look on Karina?s face, Aaron glanced around the room and saw similar looks on most those working in the lab. He made his way over to where Sovak was working.

?I think we should give everyone a five minute break.?

?In case you?ve forgotten Lieutenant, the Captain wants those sensor upgrades yesterday, as you humans like to say.? The remark was said in the matter of fact way that was typical of Vulcans.

Aaron kept his tone respectful.
?No I haven?t forgotten, but think of it logically. A tired crew makes mistakes more easily which in a situation like this could be dangerous. Just five minutes, these upgrades could cause damage if done wrong. I?ll take full responsibility if these five minutes turn out to be critical.?

Sovak walked to the middle of the room instead of directly addressing Aaron.
?Listen up everyone. Save your work and take a five minute break.?

Most complied quickly but a few hesitated until Sovak made it an order.

21:12 hrs

It had taken a little longer than anticipated, even without the short break, but the sensor modifications were finally completed.

=/\= Lt. Steele to bridge. I think we?ve got you partial sensors. It should be enough to safely plot a course out of here. =/\=


Lt. Aaron Steele
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Masterson »

ON: <<Operations Office, USS Malinche, 2030, MD 03>>

Will set the padd he had been focused on aside and rubbed his eyes. For forty-five minutes, he had been going over the reports that had piled up before his arrival aboard the Malinche. Summers (NPC) had kept up with most of it, but Will thought he could glean some idea of what had transpired.

=/\= Summers to Schulz, =/\= he heard the operations officer call over the comm. system.

?Schulz here,? Will replied, ?What is it??

=/\= You?re presence is needed on the bridge, sir, =/\= Summers explained. Will rose and headed for the door to the office.

?On my way,? Will replied as he stepped out into the corridor.

<Main Bridge>

A few moments later, Will stepped out of the lift and onto the bridge. He caught sight of Summers at the operations console, which took up one half of the continuous station at the front of the bridge. The main viewer showed the same soupy mess that Will had gotten used to seeing whenever he looked out a window.

?What is it,? Will asked, taking the seat from Summers, who stood next to him, one hand on the console.

?We just heard from the Sentinel, they found Borg aboard,? Summers explained in a low voice, ?The captain wants us to see if we can do anything about improving our sensor resolution so we can get a clear scan of her and see how bad it is. The nebula keeps interfering with our scans and the Sentinel crew can?t get much working over there.?

Will started working at the console for a moment, then looked up at Summers. ?I?ll see what I can do about it,? Will told him. Summers nodded and headed off as Will turned back to his station and continued making adjustments. If he was right, he might be able to shed a little more light on the subject. Hopefully all the bugs were out of the system or this was going to be a short gig.

Lieutenant (JG) Joey Summers (NPC)
Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Played By: Will Schulz

Lt. JG Aaron Masterson
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The Brightest Star in My Sky

Post by Foster »

[USS Malinche, Raven Foster's Quarters]


The lights were low in Raven's cabin as she sat crosslegged on her favourite chair, leaning forward on her desk. She waited anxiously for the conection to be made. The distance and the nature of the call had required pulling a few favours, but nothing would have stopped the young woman from keeping this promise.

Finally the picture began to flicker and a face appeared, one that Raven didn't recognize. The face belonged to a relatively average looking woman whose eyes seemed a touch too big for her face. She wore the universal and utilitarian clothing of a home caregiver, and she smiled when she saw the young woman. "Ahh, I was told to expect your call," she said, her voice low and somehow incongruous to her face. "One moment," she said and stepped out of range of the visual pickup.

As Raven waited, the view shifted slightly to the left, focusing on a bed where an old man lay, propped up slightly so as to face the pick up.

His weathered features seemed to light from within when he saw Raven. "'ravennik," he said softly, using her family name, one she reserved for a select few. A slow smile spread across his features.

Though she had expected this, the fraility of the man shocked the young woman. It seemed to her such a crime that such a powerful and vibrant man could be struck down so early in his life. "Hello Papa," she said softly, holding back the urge to cry. Raven hadn't seen her father in over two years, and it had been a year since he had been diagnosed with a degenerative nerve condition. "How are you feeling?"

The older man smiled warmly, but there was a weariness in his eyes that seemed to grip Raven's heart like a cold vice. "I'm doing well. What about you? Have you lost your wandering spirit and settled down?" he asked, amusement sparkling his dark eyes.

The young woman pretended not to notice his attempt to change the subject, and smiled sheepishly. "Never Papa. You know me, I can never settle down. There's just so much to see out there," she said with a hint of enthusiasm.

Her father grinned then, and for just a moment he looked years younger. "My beautiful 'al'dyn nous'", he murmured.

Raven blushed and a single tear found its way down her cheek. "'Little wing'. You haven't called me that in a long time Papa," she said very softly, and at once she knew the time had come. A numbness seemed to settle on her.

The old man nodded. "There are many things I have not done in a long time 'ravennik. I haven't told you how much I love you, and how very proud I am of you."

"Papa--" she began, but her father raised a hand.

"Please, let me say this. The doctors say I have possibly a few days, maybe a week at most," he said finally.

Raven felt as if the artifical gravity around her had gone haywire. Somehow she stayed upright, but part of her wanted to go and hide beneath a blanket until this nightmare was over, like she did when she was a little girl. She remembered the nights during thunderstorms when she would hide beneath her bed, terrified of the loud noise. Each time her father would hide with her, showing her that it was ok to be frightened, and that it wasn't so bad if you weren't alone. At this moment, Raven felt very very frieghtened, and very, very alone. Suddenly her father's words broke her from her reverie.

"What was the first thing I ever taught you?" he asked, his dark eyes seeming to bore through to Raven's very soul.

"You taught me that I must always be true to myself, that to do otherwise was to be disrespect myself and the Spirits themselves," she said almost automatically. The numbness still hung there, but the young woman was finding it easier to focus now that the initial shock had worn off. Truthfully, she had known this day was coming, but it always seemed comfortably in the future.

Her father nodded. "What about the second thing?" he asked softly, and for the first time Raven could see his composure slipping. The young woman realized guiltily that this must be as hard for him as it was for her.

When she tried to repeat the words, her voice craked as her composure crumbled. "You... you told me that I'd never truly be alone... as long as I had the stars."

He nodded again, the tears flowing now. "Yes I did, because I knew then as I know now, that you would always be the brightest star in my sky." He paused a moment to regain his compsure. The effort seemed to age him before Raven's eyes, and that made it harder to watch. "I've always had trouble telling you how I felt. I wanted to tell you how you've made your mother and I so proud, but I never knew how," he said, and his tone held a note of apology.

Raven's eyes widened at the realization. "But Papa, I always knew how you felt. You didn't need to say it," she said, and paused, suddenly unsure as to what to say.

Suddenly a shadow passed over her father and Raven knew that the caregiver had returned. A momentary flash of protectiveness came over the young woman, as if she thought the nurse was taking away her last moments with her father. She bristled at the intrusion.

The old man nodded at the nurse and smiled at his daughter. "I should rest now, but we will hopefully speak again 'ravennik," he said, though both knew it was a lie. Raven placed her hand on the screen as the tears poured down her face. "Good bye al'dyn nous," he said before the screen faded to darkness.

In the lingering dimness of the cabin, a very tiny voice could be heard, echoing many nights beneath the bed, though this time there would be no companion to fend off the thunder.



Chief Petty Officer Raven Foster
Chief of the Boat/Shuttle Maintenance Specialist
USS Malinche
Chief Petty Officer Raven Foster
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Post by Kersare »

<<USS Malinche, Corridor near Brig, 2053, Day 3>>

Nervously tapping her thumbs against her fingers, Isabel walked through the corridor, a knot in her stomach. Derek (NPC)....or the drone....whichever he turned out to be, had been beamed aboard. She hadn't gone directly back to the bridge after meeting with Aaron - which was mostly why she had only just found out.

Isabel's mind raced with dozens of questions... Was it really Derek? What had happened these past years? How did he get assimilated - one of the away team members specifically said he'd killed Derek to save him from being assimilated? Could anything be done for him? Would she ever get back the Derek she knew and loved?

Finally she arrived at the door to the Brig. Isabel was a bit nervous that he was in the Brig - could they properly treat him from there? Of course she was getting ahead of herself, first she had to find out if it was indeed Derek. Biting her lower lip slightly, she walked in.

Erasmus looked towards the door when it opened as did the security officers in the room, at least those that weren?t keeping an eye on the Borg drone, the Borg drone that was currently, and unexpectedly, pacing its cell....

As Isabel's eyes slowly moved around the room, she spotted the doctor in the corner. Though she desperately wanted a closer look at the drone, part of her also didn't want to know. If it were her husband it would be a bittersweet reunion... She made her way to the man in the teal uniform, "Good evening Doctor."

?Captain, welcome to our humble abode...? The doctor said with a smile before consulting the readings on a nearby terminal.

Isabel waited a couple minutes as the doctor looked over the terminal, hoping that perhaps it would reveal something useful. "What can you tell me about the Drone?"

?Moments after he was beamed over he was able to overcome the sedative, we had prepared for it but it wasn?t something we were expecting.? Erasmus used the console to bring up a diagram of the cell and surrounding area, ?We?ve managed to dampen the signals from and to the collective, but we?re not sure how long we can mask the transmissions.?

"What do you think the chances are that we could un-assimilate him?" Isabel's eyes flicked over to the drone. She was aching to be closer to him, to find out if he was actually Derek, but she didn't want to go over there until she knew more and could prepare herself.

?Well need to knock him out again first, after that I should be able to get a better look at see what the situation is, but as you know there have still be comparatively few successes freeing individuals from the collective.? The doctor turned to the captain, ?Even if we can free him physically, mentally that man may be locked inside his head for the rest of his life...?

Isabel nodded slowly, she knew it was a long shot at best, but she couldn't help but try. She wandered over to the cell, staying back a few feet and simply watching the drone. He seemed a bit disoriented - likely due to the lack of information from the Collective. Moving closer, her eyes stayed on him.

Erasmus followed her to the cell, ?We?re planning on using the EMH to administer another sedative, hopefully that should knock him out with the minimum risk to a member of the crew...?

She remained quiet a few more minutes when the drone suddenly stopped his pacing and turned slowly towards the two officers. Isabel felt a chill as his one human eye and one ocular implant pierced them; she closed her eyes and for a moment pictured her husband. As she let her eyes open once more, she turned to Erasmus, "When you get a better look, could you also run a DNA test?"

?I can run one, but unless they are a federation citizen, or used to be, then there won?t be a match in the central database at Starfleet medical...?

"Of course. I believe you will find his DNA in the database, Doctor. Is there anything you need?" She turned back to look at him, doing her best to keep her emotions in check.

?Time, and for those of you upstairs to make sure we don?t get any more Borg pestering us...? He turned and smiled politely to the Captain and noticed the concern in her eyes, ?Is everything ok Captain??

Isabel produced a brief smile, "I'm hoping it will be; we'll see. I'll do my best about the Borg, but they are the Borg, so I can't make any promises. I don't want to hold you up, Doctor, so please let me know when you get those results back and if you find out any other relevant information."

?Will do Captain, you?ll be the first person I call.? He tried his best to give a reassuring smile.

Nodding, Isabel replied, "Good luck, Doctor." With one last glance at the drone, she turned and headed out of the Brig. She stopped just outside, her heart pounding. Perhaps it was time to pay a visit to the counselor.

OFF: Tag Zeral!

JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant Commander Erasmus Brooker
(PNPC of Lieutenant JG Hawkins)

Captain Isabel Kersare
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The Delicate Sound of Thunder

Post by Foster »

OOC: Just clueing up this short Raven chardev arc. Nothing interesting to see here.

[USS Malinche, Holodeck 2]


Raven stood alone on the cliff's edge, staring out at the night sky of her homeworld. Tears still ran down her cheeks, but they had lessened somewhat while she stood there. She was overlooking the city of her birth, the myriad lights seemingly a reflection of the partial view of the stars above.

She reflected on her father's words and a warmth spread through her, banishing the chill of night. When she had left her cabin, the young woman knew there was only one place she could go, and only under these conditions. As Raven waited, the endless dance of nature played out before her, readying itself for the Great Performance.

Finally a flash lit the sky to the south and a sound, so perfect in it's simple majesty, bathed Raven in it's primal fury. Far stronger than anything heard on Earth, the sound had a physical force, fluttering Raven's clothing and tingling her skin. Even as the tears flowed, even as her heart cried out in pain and loss, the young woman threw her head back and smiled as she felt the wash of sound roll over her. "Thank you Papa," she whispered.

As if in answer, the sky rumbled across it's length, and Raven revelled in the sound that had once frightened her so long ago.

The sound... of thunder.


Chief Petty Officer Raven Foster
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Post by Peters »

ON: <USS Sirion, Computer Core, Day 4, 0134>

Peters woke with a start and the first thing he noticed was that something was beeping loudly very nearby. After taking a moment to get his Bearings, he realized that it was the console he'd fallen asleep over that was making the noise. As he checked the readout on the panel, the events of the last few hours came rushing back to him.

"Well, that's good news at least," Peters muttered as he read the diagnostic report. The Security personnel that Quaid had left with him were in a small group near the door, warily eying it as if it were a snake pit. "If I'm not careful I'm going to end up talking to myself."

According to the diagnostic, 85% of the ship's systems were still operational and virtually all of the software was not compromised by the Borg. What little of the systems had been compromised were still safely backed up, so they'd be able to restore full computer functionality to the ship in fairly short order, once they removed the Borg, that is.

"Peters to Quaid," he said, tapping his commbadge. Silence answered. He tried again, and this time got a strange buzzing sound back from the open comm channel. "Dammit, the tricorder jamming should have long since gone offline."

With a few quick keystrokes, Peters had tapped into the Internal sensors. He was careful not to change any settings, lest he tip the Borg off to where he was. According to the sensors there were roughly 40 lifeforms aboard, 17 of them showed Borg signatures. He couldn't localize where any of said lifeforms were, however.

As far as the jamming went, it was completely different in subspace signature from the trick Akios had set up with the Tricorders. And that meant one thing. "The Borg are jamming us."

"Huh?" One of the security officers swung his head around to look at Peters. Peters held up a hand to hold of questions while he pondered the best course of action. The field was small enough to only encompass the Sirion, but without knowing where it was being generated from, he'd have to search the ship.

The best way to do that was with internal sensors. But if he did a concentrated sensor sweep from here, he'd let the Borg know where he was. If he could get to engineering or the Bridge, he'd be able to use the main science tie-ins to access the sensors and thus be able to override the access tracking system.

He had told Quaid that he'd stay in the Computer core, but he hadn't said how long. With the barest glimmer of a second thought, Peters stood and shut down the console. "Pack up, boys. We're heading to the Bridge."

OFF: Please note that I moved time forward a bit.
Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Hunt »

<<USS Malinche, Bridge, 2053, Day 3>>

Still feeling the unnerving aspects of the mission, Mason sat on the bridge tapping his fingers being absolutely on edge as to what was coming next. Trying to keep his mind focus, he brought the ship's comm logs just to make sure everything was in order.

Just as he was about to turn off the monitor, a message flew in over the speakers.

=/\= Lt. Steele to bridge. I think we?ve got you partial sensors. It should be enough to safely plot a course out of here. =/\=

"Steele this is Commander Hunt, that is a negative on the course just yet. How were you able to boost the sensors?"

OFF: Tag Steele(JP?)
Commander Mason Hunt
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Post by Starbase 386 Crew »

ON: [Deck 4, Transporter Room 4, USS Sentinel, 0015, Day 4]

Lange paced impatiently back and forth across the deck as Doctor Sheppard and the transporter operator fiddled with the canister carrying the Nanites. Lange had wanted the things sent over several hours before, but small details kept getting in the way. They'd had to devise a way to get the nanites into the atmosphere aboard the Sirion... then they'd found that the container the nanites were being stored in while the medical staff had been working on them wasn't fit for transporting the things.

In short, it had been one frustrating delay after another and Lange was growing more tense by the minute. The last report he'd gotten indicated that there were now as many as 40 members of the Sentinel's crew assimilated and the Borg controlled everything below Deck 8. Security had managed to set up a barricade on Deck 8 that the Borg hadn't yet broken through, but Lange wasn't counting on that holding more than another hour at best.

As it was, if they didn't get the nanites sent to the Sirion soon, Lange was going to call the whole test off and just vent the little critters into the Sentinel's air supply. Just as Lange considered, for the fifth or sixth time, calling an end to the whole thing, Sheppard looked up. "I think we're ready sir."

"Good. Let's not waste anymore time," Lange said as he motioned towards the platform. He hadn't taken more than two steps towards the control booth when the lights in the room dimmed and the panel suddenly went dark. "That can't be good. Status?"

Petty Officer Oren keyed the console back on and tried tapping in a command. An error signal came back and she tried again. Another error. "It looks like we've been locked out, Captain. All Transporter functions have been locked down from... Main Engineering."

"Damn it!" Lange swore as he turned back towards Sheppard. "Looks like we're going to do that test a bit closer to home than we planned on, Doc. Get that canister to Environmental control and put it into the circulation system. I'll head to Sickbay and get whatever's been made while we've been fooling with that one and bring it down there. Go."

Lange ran out the door of the transporter room at a full sprint. He barely heard Sheppard run down the corridor in the opposite direction as he made for the nearest turbolift. When he got there he nearly slammed into the door as he skidded to a halt. Tapping the manual call panel, Lange swore again as the lift failed to respond. Looked like he'd have to take the hard way to sickbay.


Doctor Gabriel Sheppard (NPC)
Chief Medical Officer
USS Sirion
As Played by Captain Lange


Petty Officer 1st Class Kayla Oren (NPC)
Transporter Operator
USS Sentinel
As Played by Captain Lange
Captain James Lange
Commanding Officer
USS <i>Sentinel</i> NCC-74673
Task Force 22, Horizon Fleet
This is a post by a member of Starbase 386's Crew