Hunt, Mason

Personal log reflections regarding events during missions or shoreleave

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Hunt, Mason

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First Officer's Log Supplemental:

Today i begin to make my rounds to all the departments. I must say that this crew has perfomed magnifantly under the leadership of Captain Kersare. Each with his or her own unique personality created a bond that i personally feel will never be broken. We are currently docked at starbase 10 my uncle is the station's chief engineer.

Although we havn't talked in years, I do look foward to seeing him again. Many of my family has asked about him since they do not get a chance to venture out in space very much.

They miss him since he was the holding our family together during all of the past major conflicts within our family over the past thirty years.

Also I am looking forward to the station replemat, i hear they have a great klingon resturant aboard.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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You Can't Judge a Planet By Its Dilithium

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First Officer's Log Supplemental:

The search for the Sirion crew is still on going at best. Two of our away personnal have been seriously affected by these EM fields also something native to this planet. Captain Kersare believes the Sirion crew are safe where ever they maybe however I remain skeptical that someone indeed is playing games with us.

I have not heard from Rayne for sometime which leaves me worried. It was been nearly hours now and she has not returned. Both Peters and Grayson have ben arrested for crimes both the CO and I know they could not have committed keeping in mind there is no direct evidence linking them to the crimes.

The Captain has gone off to the Diedri Library to hoping to dig threw any legal prescendence to get our officers off the hook. Having seen the Diedri language up close I envy the task she has ahead of her. Those EM fields are what's bugging me. Having scanned this area numerous times i'm starting to wonder if this entire area is endless with them.

The federation weapons signature that was found not is boggling the mind of our CO also myself. It was a good size signature to cripple any ship. However the Sirion was not just any ship she was one of our own.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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First Officer?s Log Supplemental:

With a stroke of good luck we have so far rescued a man and a woman whose identies remain unknown to us. Not less than a few minutes ago we discovered a puzzle of sorts with doors that seem to react to emotion in order to pass threw them. We passed threw a red door that led us into a room of panels that give off musical and flashing colors.

I would be lying if I said I wasn?t more worried of not passing these little tests but we must press on.

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Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Post by Hunt »

First Officer's Log Supplemental:

At long last the barrier of not knowing what to do on my time off has ended. It must have been that talk between myself my cousin. Every XO should be setting an example and I must admit to having be a bit lax in that department as of late. Today I am going up to the Captain to see if she would mind joining me in exploring this base. From what I hear its not like any other and it has food you could go nuts over.

Just recently I had received a letter from home, my uncle is trying to buy up all the horses on our farm just to race and breed them. My family never wanted to do that the horses are a part of my family and he knows that he just likes to start trouble now and again.

Anyhow, I am looking forward to our next visit to earth. My promises to make me her special peach and walnut pie with whipped cream. That only should make the trip worth wild.

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Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Personal Log Supplemental:

I am on my way to go and see Rayne. She had been in sickbay for I don't know how long and I am sure she would welcome a friendly face and some good conversation. The Dawn has been on my mind for the past few days I just hope she doesn't get mad at me for not getting her idea of the craft to the skipper.

End Log.
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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First Officer?s Log Supplemental:

With the arrival of the other federation ships the search for the Sirion and her crew moves forward. Its just a matter of time now with everyone working pretty much day and night that we will find the ship and rescue her crew.

This entire situation has me a bit alarmed for what reasons yet I cannot say. The data we have so far has been picked apart so many times that I can only offer one possibility to which I am on my way to see Sovereign now about.

Since this mission began it has been rather difficult to speak with the Captain and I don?t wish to stand over the shoulders of the department heads since they have their work cut out for them they don?t need their XO breathing down their necks so to speak.

I normally would have her ear and we would talk just to catch up on ship operations but this whole ideal has taken that apart and I am not sure when that will go back to normal.

End Log

Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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First Officer?s Log Supplemental:

These past few nights have left me with close to little to no sleep what so ever. I am starting to wonder if that has anything to do with my recent visions, and sounds that continue to float around in my mind whenever I think about the Sirion and her crew.

Starships don?t often go missing nor do their crews, but with time and some patience I know we will find the ship and her crew. Nothing on the survivors we picked up yet. Still waiting on the scans on their escape pods hopefully they can tell us something about what happended to the ship.

Here I am in sickbay waiting for our new counselor to help me deal with what is going on in my mind perhaps some of it will be useful in finding the Sirion.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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First Officer?s Log Supplemental:

It has been sometime since I last made of one this, I must admit to have lazy in maintaining and entering my logs on a daily basis. However over the past few days things and events seem to get interesting each and minute.

The images and sounds within my mind have ceased at for the moment anyway. I still can?t make heads or tails of what they meant and what bearing they have on this mission.

One thing is for sure if we do go on leave, I plan to take advantage of it to the fullest.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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Post by Hunt »

First Officer Log Supplemental:

Repairs to the Malinche are going fairly slow at best. Which is to be expected considering the amount of power and systems down and lost. So far we have power to some stations including my own however its not enough to get accurate read outs threw out the ship.

The entire crew is working around the clock I am confident we will with a combined effort we get this lady to back to her normal self in no time.

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Commander Mason Hunt
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First Officer Log Supplemental:

The countdown of minutes and seconds seem to be growing close together with each passing hour. We are attempting a full restart of ship's systems and power.

It is our hope that if successful we will have a better understanding what is happening to us and to get our teams aboard the Sirion.

I am looking foward to joining the away teams however I also must admit to being a bit on edge for going over and stepping foot in unknown waters so to speak.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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Post by Hunt »

First Officer's Log Supplemental:

Where to begin. Its not often i speak or express my true and personnel feelings about missions but as they say there has to be a first time for everything.

This mission is unique beyond any standard definitions any expectations i or the crew may have had. To be honest i think it has brought a whole new level of tolerance and patientence.

It feels like the atmosphere around the Malinche has somewhat tighten maybe its because of the amount of stress and excitement or nerves being seriously tested. For me it has brought a closer insight to the inner works and personalities of this crew and the foundation in which we stand on.

If my uncle was out here with me he would probably say that was fun and that i should take full advantage of what it brings to the table. I find myself thinking that he would have been right. Not many crews get to participate in missions like these so i do consider myself lucky.

This crew and her Captain are the most dedicated and hard working crew in the fleet and i am honored to be serving with them.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Post by Hunt »

First Officer?s Log Supplemental:

Tension are high on the Malinche, although every crew member has shown with pride that they can get threw this difficult mission even with being on edge. Then there is myself, being the XO I must put on that brave exterior of strength and firmness. Even I would have to admit to myself that out of many other times while on duty this is the most hardest ever.

Over the past few weeks I have noticed an increase of morale and friendship with everyone aboard. To me that is important if we are to make it threw. We have just come in contact with the USS Sentinel from which contact was lost for a good few hours with at the same time trying to contact them.

After this mission is over perhaps command will grant us meaning both crews extended shoreleave. Both crews will need to vent and off load the essence of borg off of their minds. In recent days I have noticed that the CO has been a bit more of edge than rest of the crew. Granted she is the Captain but its not just that it seems she is on a mindful battle.

One that has borg on one side and her on the other. My family has never had any recent experiences with borg so I can?t imagine what she is feeling right now. All I can do is provide that strong bone of support when she needs it and be there.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Post by Hunt »

First Officer's Log: Supplemental

I must say that in the face of the true danger, the crew if the USS Malinche have performed with honor and distinction. The borg have been both now and in the past an enemy without reason and compassion but this crew made up for both and I am very proud to serve with each and everyone of them.

End Log
Commander Mason Hunt
First Officer
USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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