...Stupid darn thing won't work-
OH. Hi Dad! Just sending you a wave, lett'n ya know that I'm inbound from Vulcan. I guess when you get this you'll be taking some sort of cargo to some far flung colony in the Silver Zephyr. Hope the ol' ship is still hold'n together!
That's right, I'm com'n back to Earth. My posting aboard the Canberra was awesome. Really opened my eyes to how Starfleet operates. Really made a name for myself onboard too, Capt'n Douglas gave me high commendations, said I could make Assistant Chief Flight Officer in a year if i put my back into it!
...Which is why i'm sending you this, im coming back to Earth to reapply to the Acadmey: Engineering Division. I know you'll tell me that i'm simply side-tracking my career, but, I reckon it's the right move. I know i can fly any old show-horse freighter, heck, I've been piloting the Silver Zephyr since I was 12 years old sitting on your lap so I could reach the controls...but we had a lot of drills on the Canberra , it made me realise that I gotta know how to put an engine back together if she breaks. It'll make me a better pilot, that's what Lach reckons. He's out galavanting about the Horizon right about now on the Amazon. Lucky.
Anyways, I'll see you when you're back insystem. Say love to Mum for me!
Kaylee, Lauren
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
Kaylee, Lauren

Ensign Lauren Kaylee
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Re: Kaylee, Lauren
Ensign's Log,
I'm currently enroute to dock with the Prometheus-class Malinche. I reckon I got pretty lucky to pilot her, plenty of cadidates will be glaring my way about that.
Pretty keen to get a look at the Prometheus-class, too. She's top-o-the-line, and there ain't too many of them out in the Fleet. I'd better make sure i take this positing with both hands, and not let it go.
By the time I embark with all the medical supplies, and equipment and new recruits, Malinche will be headed for Ivor Prime, dropping off some supplies or some such... dare say I'll be debriefed when I get there.
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango
Ensign's Log,
I'm currently enroute to dock with the Prometheus-class Malinche. I reckon I got pretty lucky to pilot her, plenty of cadidates will be glaring my way about that.
Pretty keen to get a look at the Prometheus-class, too. She's top-o-the-line, and there ain't too many of them out in the Fleet. I'd better make sure i take this positing with both hands, and not let it go.
By the time I embark with all the medical supplies, and equipment and new recruits, Malinche will be headed for Ivor Prime, dropping off some supplies or some such... dare say I'll be debriefed when I get there.
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango

Ensign Lauren Kaylee
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Re: Kaylee, Lauren
Departure +2 days
Ensign's Log, supplimental.
The Capt'n put us on Yellow Alert today. Everyone's chatt'n about some cursed Expanse that we're travelling pretty close too.
Then the Capt'n decided that we were better off braving the Expanse than flying through an Ion Storm...and im keen to agree with her. 'Remember the time Dad and I flew the Silver Zephyr through a .5 class Storm, the ol' girl didn't like it one bit...apparently this one we're passing out on is somethin' like a class 8!
ENCYPT K-15715-Tango
Departure +2 days
Ensign's Log, supplimental.
The Capt'n put us on Yellow Alert today. Everyone's chatt'n about some cursed Expanse that we're travelling pretty close too.
Then the Capt'n decided that we were better off braving the Expanse than flying through an Ion Storm...and im keen to agree with her. 'Remember the time Dad and I flew the Silver Zephyr through a .5 class Storm, the ol' girl didn't like it one bit...apparently this one we're passing out on is somethin' like a class 8!
ENCYPT K-15715-Tango

Ensign Lauren Kaylee
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Re: Kaylee, Lauren
Departure +3 days
Something really strange is going on. There have been a lot of system failures and comprises. The Bridge crew had to narrowly avoid an asteroid field within the Expanse. It's got a lot of people shook up.
The Engineering Crew and DC Teams have been working around the clock, trying to reconfigure and fix problems. Saw some guy booting a Console, muttering about 'gremlins not existing', but he seemed pretty tired and ticked off...must be the Chief Engineer... I should probably approach him, offering help. I can't help with the computers and EPS problems, but at the very least I could lend a hand with the propulsion systems... I might approach someone in the Mess Hall later about that.
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango
Departure +3 days
Something really strange is going on. There have been a lot of system failures and comprises. The Bridge crew had to narrowly avoid an asteroid field within the Expanse. It's got a lot of people shook up.
The Engineering Crew and DC Teams have been working around the clock, trying to reconfigure and fix problems. Saw some guy booting a Console, muttering about 'gremlins not existing', but he seemed pretty tired and ticked off...must be the Chief Engineer... I should probably approach him, offering help. I can't help with the computers and EPS problems, but at the very least I could lend a hand with the propulsion systems... I might approach someone in the Mess Hall later about that.
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango

Ensign Lauren Kaylee
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Re: Kaylee, Lauren
Ensign's Log, Supplemental
Ive just managed to recaliberate the onboard navigational sensors on the Malinche, with the help from Lt. Dorram. So now that we're seeing and fly'n straight, I would think that it's time to get the hell outta here.
However, the Capt'n has ordered us to return to the asteroid field within the Expanse, where all our troubles first started occuring.
Now that I think about it, this actually makes sense, if we know where the problem began, we can fix our current problems- plus, it gives us too good an opportunity to set a trap for whoever planted that crafty algorithm into the flight command processors.
Another interesting thing to note, that we should pass onto the Capt'n, is the high concentration of polaric energy within the rift. Lt. Steele, the ships Chief of Science pointed its presense out to me in Stellar Cartography, and it fits the culpret profile in several ways:
1. high concentrations of polaric ion eneregy is extremely volatile, and unstable, and it can create subspace distrubances - that explains the subspace rift tat nearly destroyed our ship earlier! This also explains why this area of space is so dangerous, and why so many ships have gone missing
2. The residule polaric radiation can affect our sensors, which, in conjunction with the saboteurs algorithm, explains why our nav bearings have gone all snow-stormy.
This is a very big discovery, Steele and I have gotta pass this on to the Captain, straight away!
Steele also pointed out to me the Schiller Rating for the Expanse, which I took into account- such a high concentration of asteroids will make for some interesting flying, but I'm confident I can coax the Malinche through- she hasn't let me down so far!
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango
Ensign's Log, Supplemental
Ive just managed to recaliberate the onboard navigational sensors on the Malinche, with the help from Lt. Dorram. So now that we're seeing and fly'n straight, I would think that it's time to get the hell outta here.
However, the Capt'n has ordered us to return to the asteroid field within the Expanse, where all our troubles first started occuring.
Now that I think about it, this actually makes sense, if we know where the problem began, we can fix our current problems- plus, it gives us too good an opportunity to set a trap for whoever planted that crafty algorithm into the flight command processors.
Another interesting thing to note, that we should pass onto the Capt'n, is the high concentration of polaric energy within the rift. Lt. Steele, the ships Chief of Science pointed its presense out to me in Stellar Cartography, and it fits the culpret profile in several ways:
1. high concentrations of polaric ion eneregy is extremely volatile, and unstable, and it can create subspace distrubances - that explains the subspace rift tat nearly destroyed our ship earlier! This also explains why this area of space is so dangerous, and why so many ships have gone missing
2. The residule polaric radiation can affect our sensors, which, in conjunction with the saboteurs algorithm, explains why our nav bearings have gone all snow-stormy.
This is a very big discovery, Steele and I have gotta pass this on to the Captain, straight away!
Steele also pointed out to me the Schiller Rating for the Expanse, which I took into account- such a high concentration of asteroids will make for some interesting flying, but I'm confident I can coax the Malinche through- she hasn't let me down so far!
ENCRYPT K-15715-Tango

Ensign Lauren Kaylee
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B