Why Did You Join the Malinche?

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Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Kersare »

Okay, so, the topic is fairly self-explanatory...

Why did you join the Malinche?

How did you hear about us? Did you see an ad or banner (where at?)? Did someone recommend it? Did you know someone already onboard? Were you just looking for a position and the Mali had it open?

Once you found the Malinche, what convinced you to join? The simm format (PBBB)? The posting? The ship class? The other characters?

I'd like to see what everyone has to say - perhaps it will also aid me in deciding where to concentrate on recruiting.

I'll start off with how I chose the Malinche... I'd been simming for around 6 months or so and some fellow crewmembers on the ships I was on suggested that I get a command of my own.

Looking through the open ships in the Fleet I was in at the time, I checked out the various ship classes to start. Of the ones that were open, the Prometheus stood out to me - I was intrigued by the idea that it could separate into 3. I also liked the ties to Mexico (La Malinche....though not always regarded in the best light).

So....I applied for command of the Malinche in July 2004 and....here I am. :)
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Re: Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Rho »

I actually found it by searching Google. I can't remember all the variations or words I used, but I was eventually taken to a database of sorts that listed a bunch of banners. I just started clicking on them until I found one that appealed to me. That's how I found Horizon Fleet.

I had the following criteria for choosing a sim:
1) Play by Bulletin Board. Yes, it is number one. And, yes, I have tried SMS. My inbox was inundated with 15 or more messages daily. That alone left a sour flavor in my mouth as it ended up taking me more time than I had to respond to all of them.
2) Intel Department. I just like Intel. I'd had this character stewing for a while and was looking for someplace to fit her in.
3) Good stories and Commanders that aren't afraid of plot twists from other writers.

That's when I came across the Mali; PBBB, an Intel department, and weird power problems with ghosts who were possessing crewmembers. I also liked the way the crew interacted in and out of character and the freedom to use NPC's. So I joined and the rest is history. Thanks for the fun times…looking forward to much more!

Let me say, I have nothing personally against SMS. It's just that I haven't come across one yet that won't fill my inbox and schedule. :)
Last edited by Rho on Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Lieutenant JG Alexis Rho
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Re: Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Peters »

The CO sweet-talked me. :)
Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
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Re: Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Steele »

I had come back from a year in Micronesia as a student missionary to find that the place I had originally had Aaron at had died off. I poked around in Bravofleet but didn't find anything that appealed. Then like Rho I did a search and found H-Fleet.

As for the Malinche in particular. It had open slots in science was a play by forum and was more or less active with many key positions filled. Also wanting to carry on some character development from DS7 it was a bonus that there was a counselor onboard. This was in the middle of the Borg mission and that combined with having to reconcile two different fleet histories proved to be an interesting challenge.
Lt. Aaron Steele
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Re: Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Zeral »

Before I joined the Malinche, I had only been involved in roleplaying through a few different forums. Those forums began to fall apart in rapid succession and, feeling somewhat alienated by the few remaining members (most of them already knew each other from other roleplay endeavors), I found an advertising link to the Malinche and took a look. The format was totally foreign to me (I had never heard of JPs, for instance) but my love of the Star Trek universe had me curious. Once I saw that there were openings in the Counseling department, I felt brave enough to apply, although I was not really sure if I'd even be accepted or not.

It took me a few tries to get used to using JPs, but once I did, I became a big, big fan. The camaraderie between both the characters and the players made me feel really comfortable and I loved that there were so many ways to develop a really solid character.
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Re: Why Did You Join the Malinche?

Post by Davis »

Okay, I know this thread is basically dead, but I wanted to give my reason why I joined....

I saw the site on another forum I was on and my inner Trekkie wanted to go investigate. When I heard that our CO was someone I have simmed with in the past, I wanted to get in on the action.

Big thanks to the captain :)
Lieutenant JG James Walker Davis
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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