Staff and Crew Opinions

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Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Rho »

I was reading Memory Alpha's section on SI to refresh my memory and noticed a link at the bottom for something called Section 31. I guess I missed the DS9 episodes. Apparently there is a set of four novels out, too. It looks a little weird to me to see something like that in Starfleet. I guess it's pretty much what Memory Alpha described. Still....

So, what's everybody's honest opinion on it? I noticed it didn't seem to be in any series with the exception of a couple of DS9 episodes and a few novels.

Lieutenant JG Alexis Rho
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by N'rass »

I would say that with most government class hush-hush agencies, mystery is plausible as long as it's within reason.
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Peters »

Obviously it exists...


Contrary to the way I've seen some simmers handle it, it should only be known about by a few select admirals or government officials and those few officers who have come in contact with them directly. We're talking maybe a few hundred or thousand people across all of Starfleet, tops. (And in my opinion, Starfleet personnel number in at least the multiple millions, if not billions).
Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Rho »

Good points. Thanks a bunch for the enlightenment!
Lieutenant JG Alexis Rho
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Hansen »

I know this thread isn't exactly a fresh one, but I thought I might add my two cents worth on the subject.

Like Peters said, it's not going to be very large and some players use it in completely the wrong way and in a way that says that everyone knows about them.

However, in my opinion, Section 31 could add a very strong twist on things. It would definitely be something that would have a person being secretive but not being overly so.
Lt. Sean Hansen
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Rho »

Thanks! Nice pic by the way. One of my favorite shows outside of Star Trek.
Lieutenant JG Alexis Rho
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Staff and Crew Opinions

Post by Barrett »

I am strangely addicted to NCIS...
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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