Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Please refer to this thread for information & updates regarding Mission 17. In addition, if you have any questions, suggestions, etc please post them here.
For starters, our basic timeline:
Shoreleave (Mission 16: The Waiting Game) - 20/21 days
Shoreleave Day 21 = Mission Day 1 (Mission 17)
Day 1: Departure from Starbase 386 at 1400 hours
Day 1 - Day 7: Travel to the Cardassian Border
Day 7 - Day 9: Patrol Cardassian Border
Day 10: Malinche receives new orders
Day 10 - Day 13: Travel to Athos III (planet near the edge of the Badlands)
Day 13 - Day 16: Assess & Complete mission
More information regarding Athos III and the Mirror Universe (MU) to follow...
For starters, our basic timeline:
Shoreleave (Mission 16: The Waiting Game) - 20/21 days
Shoreleave Day 21 = Mission Day 1 (Mission 17)
Day 1: Departure from Starbase 386 at 1400 hours
Day 1 - Day 7: Travel to the Cardassian Border
Day 7 - Day 9: Patrol Cardassian Border
Day 10: Malinche receives new orders
Day 10 - Day 13: Travel to Athos III (planet near the edge of the Badlands)
Day 13 - Day 16: Assess & Complete mission
More information regarding Athos III and the Mirror Universe (MU) to follow...

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Here are some ideas on what you could be working on from Day 1 - Day 7 while we're on our way to the border.
Flight Control - Flying the ship, practicing various flight scenarios in the holodeck (MVAM, attack patterns, etc) to get familiar with a Prometheus class vessel
Operations/Engineering - Make sure all systems are running smoothly after the upgrades/refit at Starbase 386; feel free to come up with some issues that need worked out if you'd like.
Security/Tactical - Security drills/training, research the various ship classes we might run into along the border. Potentially coordinate with Intel on what information there is regarding activity along the border
Intelligence - Look into information regarding activity along the border, info on the Cardassians, pirates, etc. Coordinate with Sec/Tac
Science - Look into possible spatial anomalies we could run into during our patrol. Potentially coordinate with Flight Control and/or Sec/Tac regarding any anomalies that could create problems. Could have someone in Science interested in the badlands & researching that (we will end up there, so this would be good info to have...or it can wait til we get orders to go to the colony near the edge of the badlands)
Medical/Counseling - Routine Medical/Counseling duties (physical/mental exams as needed; attend to injuries, etc). Continue work with McCarty. Also believe Steele was having some sessions with Counseling, which could be continued.
If you need additional suggestions, please ask. Hopefully this will give you some ideas of what to work on before we arrive at the border.
Flight Control - Flying the ship, practicing various flight scenarios in the holodeck (MVAM, attack patterns, etc) to get familiar with a Prometheus class vessel
Operations/Engineering - Make sure all systems are running smoothly after the upgrades/refit at Starbase 386; feel free to come up with some issues that need worked out if you'd like.
Security/Tactical - Security drills/training, research the various ship classes we might run into along the border. Potentially coordinate with Intel on what information there is regarding activity along the border
Intelligence - Look into information regarding activity along the border, info on the Cardassians, pirates, etc. Coordinate with Sec/Tac
Science - Look into possible spatial anomalies we could run into during our patrol. Potentially coordinate with Flight Control and/or Sec/Tac regarding any anomalies that could create problems. Could have someone in Science interested in the badlands & researching that (we will end up there, so this would be good info to have...or it can wait til we get orders to go to the colony near the edge of the badlands)
Medical/Counseling - Routine Medical/Counseling duties (physical/mental exams as needed; attend to injuries, etc). Continue work with McCarty. Also believe Steele was having some sessions with Counseling, which could be continued.
If you need additional suggestions, please ask. Hopefully this will give you some ideas of what to work on before we arrive at the border.

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Ideas for Days 10 - 12 while on our way to Athos III.
Flight Control - Flying the ship, practicing various flight scenarios in the holodeck (MVAM, attack patterns, etc) to get familiar with a Prometheus class vessel
Operations/Engineering - Make sure all systems are running smoothly after the upgrades/refit at Starbase 386; feel free to come up with some issues that need worked out if you'd like.
Security/Tactical - Security drills/training, prepare combat & away team scenarios, scan for other vessels. Potentially coordinate with Intel on what information there is regarding Breen activity, the colony, etc
Intelligence - Look into information regarding Breen activity, Athos III, the colony, etc. Coordinate with Sec/Tac
Science - Look into & scan for any anomalies on our way to the badlands & regarding the area of the badlands we'll be in.. Potentially coordinate with Flight Control and/or Sec/Tac regarding any anomalies that could create problems.
Medical/Counseling - Routine Medical/Counseling duties (physical/mental exams as needed; attend to injuries, etc), prepare for injured colonists and/or survivors needing medical/counseling help. Continue work with McCarty. Also believe Steele was having some sessions with Counseling, which could be continued.
If you need additional suggestions, please ask. Hopefully this will give you some ideas of what to work on before we arrive at the border.
Flight Control - Flying the ship, practicing various flight scenarios in the holodeck (MVAM, attack patterns, etc) to get familiar with a Prometheus class vessel
Operations/Engineering - Make sure all systems are running smoothly after the upgrades/refit at Starbase 386; feel free to come up with some issues that need worked out if you'd like.
Security/Tactical - Security drills/training, prepare combat & away team scenarios, scan for other vessels. Potentially coordinate with Intel on what information there is regarding Breen activity, the colony, etc
Intelligence - Look into information regarding Breen activity, Athos III, the colony, etc. Coordinate with Sec/Tac
Science - Look into & scan for any anomalies on our way to the badlands & regarding the area of the badlands we'll be in.. Potentially coordinate with Flight Control and/or Sec/Tac regarding any anomalies that could create problems.
Medical/Counseling - Routine Medical/Counseling duties (physical/mental exams as needed; attend to injuries, etc), prepare for injured colonists and/or survivors needing medical/counseling help. Continue work with McCarty. Also believe Steele was having some sessions with Counseling, which could be continued.
If you need additional suggestions, please ask. Hopefully this will give you some ideas of what to work on before we arrive at the border.

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Somehow I doubt we'll reach the planet, but as it contains three oceans I'm working with engineering to make sure the Tenochtitlan is ready for launch. 

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
An Away Team will be sent to the planet once we arrive....there'll be more details on that later. Right now I'm waiting for some more JPs to get finished up so there won't as many backposts.

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
For clarification the Malinche has NOT crossed over into the Mirror Universe. The other ships crossed over into our universe from the Mirror. I had it backwards but a conversation with the Captain cleared it up. 

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
When I responded to the current JP in the works somehow it only got sent to one person. I'll add in my 2 cents and send it out to everyone this time. 

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
I've looked over the previous posts but can't find the answer.
Did we ever specify the type of radiation being emitted from the mirror ships
Did we ever specify the type of radiation being emitted from the mirror ships

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
No, we didn't specifically name what it was, just that there was an odd radiation signature that we ended up matching to MU items.

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
Gotcha, thanks.
On a different note; Captain, your Mirror Universe information is incorrect. Hoshi could not have been empress in 2154 as that was one year before the Defiant showed up. Memory-Alpha dates the events of Ent. Mirror episodes as occurring in 2155.
On a different note; Captain, your Mirror Universe information is incorrect. Hoshi could not have been empress in 2154 as that was one year before the Defiant showed up. Memory-Alpha dates the events of Ent. Mirror episodes as occurring in 2155.

Lt. Aaron Steele
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
Re: Mission 17: Inferno's Light Discussion
I don't particularly count ENT as much of anything (ick), but the R&D Director aka Peters tells me that Season 1 of ENT was 2151, meaning that Season 4 would be 2154. Hence, the MU information is fine. Even if we went with Mem Alpha, it could be that their version is early 2155, so 2154 would be close anyway.
Really, we're just trying to establish a timeline of events for the version of the MU that the Malinche sees. There are actually varying theories about the MU and there are really likely an infinite different versions of Mirror Universes, so things could happen at different times (or not at all) in some of them. I know other ships in HF usually different versions (some similar to ours, some completely different, etc).
Really, we're just trying to establish a timeline of events for the version of the MU that the Malinche sees. There are actually varying theories about the MU and there are really likely an infinite different versions of Mirror Universes, so things could happen at different times (or not at all) in some of them. I know other ships in HF usually different versions (some similar to ours, some completely different, etc).

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A