Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kersare »

<<USS Malinche, Bridge, Day 5, 0950>>

Isabel was seated in her chair on the bridge, a serious look on her face as she sat with her back straight and not resting against the back of her chair. Her ship was streaking through space, nearly at its destination. Little else had been gained from speaking with their prisoner and little else had occurred. Considering they were so close to their destination, Isabel was unsurprisingly on edge. They'd heard the reports of a Romulan vessel already and from the Temporal Agent - not to mention the attempted sabotage, she knew something was supposed to happen. Still, she did her best to seem calm so as not to overly concern her bridge crew.

<Corridor En Route to Bridge>

Cheetara had a busy couple of days with lots of upgrades and getting her new assistant familiar with how she expected her department to work. Not to mention a transfer request to third shift from a warrant officer so he could work on taking classes and becoming an officer.

It was time to head to the bridge and report to the Captain. She knew that time was quickly approaching to their destination. Cheetara tapped her badge. =/\=Thundera to Ensign Kai, I'm heading to the bridge. We should be arriving at our destination soon. Keep an eye on the lab, particularly astrometrics=/\=

<Deck 8, Section Alpha, Science Labs>

Bri, who was down in the Science Labs, tapped her commbadge to respond. “Understood, Lieutenant,” she said. “Ensign Kai out.” Bri went from the console she had been working on over to the main table in the labs. She brought up everything she thought she might need on the side monitors and left the main, center monitor for Astrometrics. If she needed to, she could always run down to Stellar Cartography for more in depth work. It was just down the hall from the Labs after all.


"Good morning Captain", Cheetara said making her way onto the bridge and to her station to begin checking the sensor readings for anything strange.

Isabel gave Cheetara a nod, "Good morning, Lieutenant." Admittedly she was anxious to hear what her bridge officers could tell her, but since Cheetara had just arrived, she decided to give it a few minutes first. For now they didn't seem to be in any immediate danger and their systems would alert them if they were.

Stacy Rabb wasn't sure how this was going to turn out. She'd never been in something like this, but then again, this was Starfleet. The ship was sailing smoothly through space, though sailing was not exactly the best term for what the Malinche did through space. Her panel was finally running smoothly, no glitches or anomalies finally. Her dressing down from the counselor still had Stacy hot under the collar. The threat of serious reprisal for throwing water into her junior officer's face was something still puzzling to her. She tried to block it from her mind and focus on the task ahead of her.

"Status reports," Isabel ordered, glancing over at Nora. No doubt her friend could pick up on her tenseness, her anxiety. "Anything on that potential Romulan vessel? And how far from Earth are we?"

From her position to Isabel's left, Dallas sat quietly in her hoverchair listening to reports around the bridge. One didn't have to be an empath to sense Kersare's tension.

Having remained silent and alert up to this point, Nora watched the proceedings with rapt attention. She had left her personal issues at the door, so to speak, and was now focused and calm, as eager as anyone to see the current threat to the Malinche and perhaps to Starfleet resolved as soon as possible. Consulting her small personal terminal, Nora reported back to Isabel, “At our present speed, we should reach earth within half an hour.”

"Flight status good Captain. No anomalies and warp stream is within normal parameters." 'Finally', Stacy said under her breath.

"All systems and power levels normal on my end, Captain," James replied as he punched in commands to make sure all areas of the ship had proper power levels.

Cheetara was sitting at her station monitoring the surrounding space looking for anything out of the ordinary that Tactical might miss. Moments later her console flashed with something very unusual. She turned around to face the Captain from behind. "Captain, there seems to be something weird in the distance. I haven't gotten an exact read on it yet, but I recommend caution as we approach", She stated calmly.

"Weird?" Isabel raised an eyebrow at her Chief Science Officer's description. Frowning slightly, she glanced down at her readout. Turning to Stacy, she ordered, "Lieutenant Rabb, drop us out of warp and then proceed at half impulse power." Slowing down the ship should at least buy them some time to figure out what was going on.

"Aye, aye Captain. Reducing speed to one half impulse." Stacy looked at her nav sensor panel. "Agreed Captain, there is definitely something out there, not sure what it is."

Cheetara turned back and tapped the comm to the science labs. =/\=Ensign Kai, are you picking this up? Any idea of what it may be. The reading are a little conflicting from here.=/\=

<Deck 8, Section Alpha, Science Labs, a few seconds earlier>

Lieutenants JG Sovak (NPC) and Masor (NPC) had been trying to adjust the sensors for better scans. However, it was difficult since the Malinche was traveling at high warp.

“I understand the difficulty Sovak,” said Masor. “But you’ve got to remember that nine years ago the Prometheus class received additional sensor pallets developed for the Luna class; thus, creating a redundancy in the arrays.”

“Yes,” answered Sovak, “But redundant arrays have little effect while at high warp.” The two were continuing their discussion when Lieutenant Thundera called down.

Bri looked at the Astrometrics display on the main screen at the table. “Aye, ma’am, we’re picking it up. We are attempting to focus sensor scans in that area.” She paused for a second as one of Commander Vora Kai’s memories came to her mind. “Standby, ma’am. I’ve an idea.” Bri re-adjusted the sensors to scan for a slight subspace variance in the general direction of the blip. “Kai to Thundera, we’ve detected a slight subspace variance at that location. It could possibly indicate a cloaked ship traveling at warp. If the other ship were to drop out of warp as we have, I could scan for tachyon particles. But that’s all I can give you right now. Kai out.” She sent the information to Lieutenant Thundera’s console on the Bridge as well as that of Lieutenant Masterson for confirmation or rejection.


Aaron had been monitoring the results of one tactical scan after another since he'd reported for bridge duty at oh-six-hundred that morning without much success. It was hard to believe a Romulan warbird could have made it this deep into Federation territory without being detected, even with their cloaking device, but then again...a Romulan saboteur had managed to sneak aboard the Malinche without being noticed. "Subspace variance confirmed," Aaron reported as the results of his latest scan began scrolling across the display, "It's definitely too defined to be background radiation and there's no way it could be coming from another Federation vessel. This could be what we're looking for."

Partly Isabel was relieved that they had found what they were most likely looking for, but the expression on her face grew more serious...she was also concerned what this would mean, exactly. They would have to be ready. "What are the approximate coordinates of the variance? Is there any way to be more sure of what it is without letting them know we're here and realize that they are as well? Anyone else with relevant information, report."

Karyn remained silent as she had no relevant information to report. This was the time for the dedicated bridge crew to provide the technical expertise she did not possess. Instead, she found herself watching Kersare and the rest of the crew. This was the first time she was truly seeing how they worked under pressure.

Cheetara was monitoring the subspace variance up ahead where a Romulan vessel appeared to be.

"Captain, a ship is decloaking. It's definitely a Romulan vessel; trying to classify", Cheetara stated calmly. "But there's something else as well. Seems there is a rift opening up a few kilometers in front of it."

Leaning forward in her chair slightly, Isabel said, "On screen." A few moments later, the image appeared before her....this could be what they had been waiting for. "Tactical, can you get us any information about that ship? And what about the rift, Lieutenant Thundera?"

"Romulan warbird, D'deridex-class," Aaron reported. He may not have been able to locate the Romulan vessel before it had started decloaking, but he had been able to recognize the warbird's distinctive signature even as it continued shimmering into existence before their very eyes. The Romulan commander was either very bold or very desperate to be abandoning his most valuable defense in the middle of the Federation's most guarded starsystem. As Aaron's hands danced across the surface of his console, bringing the Malinche's shields and weapon systems to full strength, he noticed there were no power signatures coming from the warbird's offensive systems. "She's not powered up her weapons," he said with some surprise.

It was not the first time that Nora had seen a Romulan vessel, but the sight was unnerving all the same, particularly since all signs seemed to indicate that the ship’s intentions were shadowy and nefarious, at best. Unconsciously imitating Isabel’s posture and sitting up straighter, she listened intently for Thundera’s report.

"Ma'am, it appears to be a temporal rift through time and space", Cheetara answered. "Some how they are generating it from a polarized subspace beam, almost like the Borg!"

James looked over at Thundera nervously as she gave her report. It puzzled him as to how the Romulan vessel was able to generate the rift. The most complex question to him was why there was a temporal rift and what the Romulans intentions of creating the rift. The nervousness that overcame him slowly subsided as he looked ahead at the observation screen. "Any idea as to why they are generating this rift," James asked cautiously, hoping someone on the bridge had a logical answer.

There was so much information being relayed back and forth around the bridge that it would have been difficult for even the most aware person to keep track of it all. Aaron did his best to tune out the less vital information while focusing on that which was more applicable to his own responsibilities. "The warbird's weapon systems are still offline...it almost looks as if they're channeling everything they have into creating that rift," he reported, "but the rift is starting to interfere with our tactical sensors. Attempting to compensate..." His fingers danced across the surface of his console once more as he tried to filter out the interference and maintain a clear sensor lock on the warbird.

Stacy's mouth opened wide, she'd never seen anything like this before. "If the Romulans can generate a temporal rift through time and space, we're in for a hell of a lot of problems."

Cheetara watched the readings closely. "Captain, the rift is stable. It appears the Romulans are starting to enter! We must stop them or follow them", she yelled across the bridge for everyone to hear.

"Shall I set a course to intercept Captain?" asked Rabb.

Taking a deep breath, Isabel glanced around at the bridge crew. She knew Stacy was right...if the Romulans did have a device that could create a temporal rift, they would be in trouble. At the moment, they had more pressing matters to concern themselves with though...they could deal with any other fallout later. Plus, she herself had been given a device to essentially turn back time - but it only worked once. Perhaps the Romulans' device was similar. "Lieutenant Rabb, set a course to follow them in; try to keep us out of their sight as long as possible. I don't want to be fired at as soon as we go through."

"Aye Captain. Course laid in and engaged, attempting to mask our signature."

Nora gripped the armrests of her chair tighter. They were following a rogue Romulan vessel into a temporal rift without any clue where it would lead. If that wasn’t a reason to hold on tightly, then Nora didn’t know what was. “The first chance we get, I’m going to go talk to our friendly saboteur again,” she said to Isabel, quietly enough so that the whole bridge wouldn’t overhear. “Perhaps a little Betazoid-style persuasion could convince him to tell us more about what his friends are hoping to accomplish...unless we're lucky enough to find out firsthand, of course.”

Isabel nodded slightly in agreement, "Good idea. I'd certainly rather find out before it happens to us, if at all possible. Feel free to take whoever you need with you..." They hadn't had much success with the saboteur thus far, but perhaps they could still get something out of him.

Glancing around the bridge, Nora noted that the people she might consider taking with her—Masterson, in particular—already had their hands full for the moment. Not wanting to waste any time, she decided to go to the brig right away to ask some questions on her own. “I’ll report back to you right away if I find out anything new. Good luck here, Captain,” the Betazoid said before she climbed to her feet and quickly headed to the turbolift.

The ship was shaking as they went through. Obviously there weren't prepared for anything like this. Cheetara held onto her chair. Cheetara yelled out to Masterson. "Lieutenant, do you think you could stabilize us a little better?"

There was little Aaron would be able to do when it came to stabilizing their passage through the rift aside from trying to find a shield modulation which might lessen the amount of turbulence they experienced. Even then, a good majority of their flight depended upon the piloting skills of Lieutenant Rabb and the random eddy patterns of the rift itself. "Adjusting shield harmonics," he announced as he made a few adjustments to the ship's shield grid. The turbulence seemed to increase for a moment before subsiding to a slightly more tolerable level.

OFF: To Be Continued.....

JP brought to you by:

Lieutenant Commander Nora Zeral
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant JG Aaron Masterson
Chief Security/Tactical Officer & Second Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant Stacy Rabb
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant JG James Davis
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Ensign Brianna Kai
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Karyn Dallas
Chief Counselor
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kai »

<<USS Malinche, Science Labs, Day 05, 0958>>

A lot had happened in the last few minutes. The possible detection of a cloaked vessel, though, was high on Bri’s list as the most stirring. She zoomed the Astrometrics screen out and saw that they were still on a course for Earth, however more slowly now. And a cloaked ship this far in wasn’t a good sign. Something was definitely going on.

Bri stepped back from the table and took a deep breath as she surveyed the main science lab. There was a little more hustle and bustle than usual as the science officers were more alert than usual. Every beep and chirp of a console got immediate attention. The routine stations were receiving less attention than normal. Not that they usually got that much anyway. And the experiments that could be put hold were done so.

Ensign Kai looked over to where Lieutenants JG Sovak and Masor (NPC’s) were working on getting a better scan of the area where they had picked up the subspace variance. The Vulcan and El-Aurian seemed to be arguing again, or least disagreeing. Brianna had never known a Vulcan to argue. But she suspected that if anyone could provoke a Vulcan into an argument, it would be an El-Aurian. She smiled and let the two continue with their discussion regarding the sensors for a few more seconds.

Bri walked up to the two women and put her hand on Lieutenant Masor’s shoulder. “Lieutenant Masor, I don’t believe there is anyone down the hall in Stellar Cartography. I need you to do down there and monitor our course as well as that region of space we found the subspace variance in.”

Masor looked at Ensign Kai and cocked her head to the side. “Why?” she asked simply. Lieutenant Masor had never understood how an Ensign, and a new transfer at that, had managed to attain to the Assistant Chief Science Officer’s position in their department. Needless to say, she was jealous and somewhat angry that she, nor anyone else for that matter, had been assigned the position.

Ensign Kai straightened up a little. “Because, the specialized room that is Stellar Cartography is where I need you and your expertise at the moment, Lieutenant. I can monitor it through the main table, but I am limited as to what I can do. Having you in the room will provide us with a better idea of what is going on around us and will hopefully give us a heads-up on any crucial events. Understood?”

Masor nodded. “Aye, ma’am. An Astrometrics officer in Stellar Cartography makes more sense than an Astrometrics officer in the Science Labs.” She then turned and headed out the door, still a little peeved that she had to do what an Ensign told her to do. But mostly at the fact that it made sense and she should have thought of it first.

Bri made a mental note at Masor’s exit and then turned her attention to Lieutenant Sovak. “And I would like you to continue monitoring the sensors and see if you can boost their effectiveness against a ship at high warp.”

Sovak nodded an affirmation. “I will,” she replied simply. Then turned her attention back to the incoming sensor scans.

Bri walked back up to the table and noticed that reports from Stellar Cartography were already rolling in. She smiled, glad that Masor had put her apparent displeasure aside. At least for the moment.

<A few minutes later>

The main table started beeping as did a few others' consoles in the science labs. Ensign Kai looked down to find a decloaked Romulan ship emitting some kind of beam. At the opposite end of the beam, at aperture was opening.

She tapped her commbadge, “Lieutenant Masor, status,” she said. The reply came immediately.

“Initial scans show it to be a temporal rift. I’m sending the information to you right now and will keep you informed. Masor out.”

Things were getting more interesting every moment.

Bri had been monitoring their situation from the main table since the Romulan ship had decloaked. According to what she saw, the Malinche was altering course to follow the Warbird. Kai was glad that she was buried in the Science Labs as this was most likely not going to be the first place the Romulans would fire upon. To have her first assignment aboard a warship start with an open space battle wasn’t comforting to her at all.

A few minutes later, the ship started shaking and a few officers fell to the floor. Bri caught herself before she hit her chin on the edge of main display table. She pulled herself up and noted that the Stellar Cartography screen showed them entering the rift.

“Hold on everyone! It looks like we’re going in! And get those unsecured experiments stable before they fall we lose them!” she yelled.

All NPC's played by Brianna Kai
And that's what happens when you cut and paste! :oops:
Ensign Brianna Kai
Assistant Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kersare »

<<USS Malinche, Holo-deck 1, Revised Timeline – Day 1, 2037>>

The dinner with Arron had gone as she had expected. She was glad that she had decided to give him that second chance. But now she was ready for some ‘Bri time’ in the holo-deck. As she stood before the panel searching for a specific holo-novel favorite of hers, a passing Ensign whistled. She nodded and continued searching as he kept on walking. Bri was already dressed in her gown and attire for the ball at Netherfield.

“Oh, here it is,” she said. She tapped the panel for her holo-novel Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. That particular era of ancient Earth’s Great Britain, as well as the gentlemen thereof, had a draw for her. They were different in their manners and mannerisms. They were different in their deportment with ladies. “Computer, activate program and begin at chapter eighteen.”

“You may enter when ready,” said the Computer.

Ensign Kai, or in this case Miss Elizabeth Bennett, walked through the doors and into the drawing-room at Netherfield. A few heads turned and she received some nods of welcome and smiles. Her gown was elegant to say the least and appropriate for the Regency period in which her holo-novel was set. The gathering along the bodice was fanned out and decorated with intricate embroidery, which also adorned the sleeves. The skirt had lines running up and down which were decorated with small spots of glossy material. Instead of being gathered, the back part of her skirt was pleated. Overall, Kai’s gown was made up of a cream colored overlay and a lighter colored, almost white, underskirt. The bottom of the overlay had the same intricate embroidery as the bodice and sleeves.

There were clusters of British officers in their Regimentals and the standard high society people of the day. Bri continued with the storyline as she searched for Mr. Wickham only to come upon his friend Denny.

<Outside holodeck>

Since Caleb (NPC) had to work that evening, Britney(PNPC) decided it might be a good time to explore something on the holodeck. Had some of her other friends been free, she would've invited them along, but they already had plans. On her way, she'd tried to decide what program to use, but eventually decided to just go in and perhaps look at a few options first.


Eager to see what she could find, Britney rushed inside the holodeck, only to abruptly stop dead in her tracks. Her eyes widened as she took in the scene before her. Obviously someone else was already using the holodeck. Part of her didn't want to intrude, but she was quite intrigued by the characters in their beautiful, intricate clothing. After a few moments, Britney realized they were giving her puzzled looks...though she wasn't in uniform, she was certainly not in the proper attire.

Bri was talking with the Charlotte Lucas character regarding Mr. Darcy, when Charlotte let out a slight ‘oh my.’ Bri paused in mid sentence and looked quizzically at Charlotte, who nodded in the direction of the door. Bri turned to see a young lady standing there. Then it hit her that someone from the ship had walked in.

“Computer, freeze program.” When the action ceased, Bri walked over to the young lady. “Hi, I’m Brianna Kai. Sorry about their reaction. They don’t usually see many ‘foreigners’ in their homes,” she said smiling.

Britney glanced around a moment before giving a small smile to the other woman, "That's alright...I'm afraid I neglected to check to see if this holodeck was in use before just barging in. I'm Britney Liras...Captain's Yeoman and Morale Officer. I'm sorry about interrupting..."

“Oh you didn’t interrupt. I’d actually enjoy some flesh and bone company for a change. If you don’t mind, that is.” Brianna offered a friendly smile to Britney. “I realize it’s a bit of a shock,” she said, gesturing the to frozen world around her, “but you’re welcome to join me.” Bri realized that she hadn’t yet told Britney where she worked. “Oh, and I’m the Assistant Chief Science Officer. But we're off duty, so 'Bri' is perfectly fine.”

Smiling, Britney replied, "Bri it is, then. And I think I might take you up on your offer. Back on my homeworld we did a lot of acting, in a sense, though more like our own plays....no holo characters." Her sapphire eyes took in the scene once more before she turned to the officer, "I don't think I recognize this one though... and I'm afraid I'm not appropriately dressed."

“Well I can’t wait to see you in action, then. The book is Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen. It was written during the Regency Period of ancient Earth and takes place in a country called Great Britain. This is the posh society of the day with a few of the middle class tossed in as well. I’ve just started chapter 18, but that doesn’t mean we have to stay with the storyline. I’m all for tossing in a twist or two.” She smiled at Britney. “And for clothing, we’ve got two choices. We could always have the computer create some holographic clothing over your own clothes or I might have something real back at my quarters. Which do you prefer?”

"It sounds quite interesting! Maybe another time we could try for some real clothing...since we're already here, how about we have the computer create something for me? Would you like to make a suggestion?" Britney asked, smile spreading across her face. It seemed that it would be an interesting evening after all...and perhaps she would make a new friend as well.

Bri smiled widely, happy that she would have another person join her in one of her favorite holo-novels. “Yes, next time we’ll have to get you a real gown or dress. I have lots. And I might be able to have one tailor made for you however you want it. You could keep it then. In the meantime, how about this.” She gave the computer some instructions and an approximate size as she had tried to guess Britney’s. Once it shimmered into place on Britney, Bri asked, “How does it feel?”

A smile spread across Britney's lips as she replied, "That would be fantastic, Bri! I've not had a...well, costume I suppose, since I left home." Her eyes watched excitedly as the dress appeared. It had embroidery similar to, but not the same as what was on Bri's dress and was a deep blue color, accented with silvery grey. "Beautiful," she said, quietly. Turning back to her new holodeck partner she said, "So what will we be doing?"

“Well, normally, this is the part in the story where Mr. Darcy and myself have our first dance and he doesn’t speak very much. The Elizabeth Bennett character is very vocal and free with her opinions. So she begins the conversation, or at least tries to.” Bri paused for a second and considered another thought. “Or we could forgo the current story line and introduce Elizabeth’s childhood friend, Adelaide Barton, to her friends. Then we could do the dance or see how the computer has the characters respond to a newcomer from Miss Bennett’s past. Personally, I think option two would fun.”

"I like that idea," Britney replied. "Is there anything else I should know before jumping in? Something about Adelaide's personality or her relationship with Elizabeth? Or just play it out my own way and see what happens?" She felt a bit of a thrill at the idea of getting back into one of her old past times.

Bri grinned. “Why don’t you just play it out your own way and we’ll see what happens. I’ll go ahead give you a little background so you’re not going in totally blind and then set the novel up with the computer. So, Miss Bennett and Miss Barton have been very close friends since they were little. Elizabeth was twelve and Adelaide was ten. They lived only three and a half miles apart from each other and visited frequently. When Miss Bennett was sixteen, the Barton family moved to Kent and the two girls kept in touch with letters. Oh, and both of the families were upper middle class.” Bri then took a few seconds to reprogram the holo-novel and tell the computer to let it just play out.

Bri then looked at Britney, a wide smile crawling across the Trill's face. “Ready?”

Britney grinned, "Yes, let's get started!"

“Computer begin program,” announced Bri. The piano forte resumed playing and the looks on the patron’s faces became more relaxed as they realized that this must be one of Miss Bennett’s friends. Bri smiled at Britney and then at Charlotte Lucas, who took note of the subtlety and walked over.

“May I introduce my childhood friend, Miss Adelaide Barton, of Kent.”

As the other woman walked over, Britney smiled, "Pleased to meet you. I've been looking forward to meeting the people Elizabeth has been telling me about in our letters. And this," she added, gesturing around the room, "is just lovely."

Charlotte smiled kindly. “A pleasure to meet you as well, Miss Barton. Elizabeth has mentioned you also when we’ve talked. It is indeed nice to finally meet you.”

Bri picked up as the trio entered the Assembly Hall, “And as far as the house, welcome to Netherfield, the country home of one Mr. Charles Bingley.” Bri gestured to the sitting tables where Bingley was entertaining Jane. “And he can be found there, with my sister, Jane.” A slight smile crept across her face and then disappeared as her cousin, Mr. Collins (NPC), approached. His lack of good sense and his strange combination of servility and self-conceit made the character an odd mixture of tragedy and comedy.

Distress had returned to Elizabeth as Mr. Collins had already taken her for the first two dances. At least that’s how it would’ve been. For Brianna knew it could be completely different now.

“Oh, my dearest cousin,” said Mr. Collins. “I see that you have brought someone else along. Very good, very good, indeed. As the Lady Catherine de Bourgh is fond of saying, ‘Have no friends equal to yourself.’ She is indeed a brilliant person. Oh, your name would be?”

Giving the man one of her most charming smiles, Britney replied, "Adelaide Barton. Elizabeth and I are childhood friends." Her eyes flicked to Bri's for a moment before returning to Charlotte's cousin. "I'm so very excited to be here; everything is so beautiful and it is great to meet new people."

“It most certainly is good to meet new people. And I can’t think of anyone else…oh, well, other than the Lady Catherine De Bourgh…that I’d rather meet than friends of dear Elizabeth.” Mr. Collins would have went on and on and on had Bri not stopped him.

“Mr. Collins, I do believe I hear the music beginning,” Bri said in the hopes of changing the subject.

“Oh, right, yes. And I do believe that I had the first two dances with you,” replied Collins. “Oh, that is, unless your dear friend, Miss Barton, doesn’t mind you being gone.” He looked over to Adelaide.

Bri raised her eyebrows and widened her eyes as she shot a quick glance toward Britney.

Britney took note of Bri's expression and quickly moved closer to the Trill. Sporting a charming yet ever so slightly pouty look, she said, "Surely you wouldn't want to separate two dear friends who only just reunited and still have so much catching up to do... A charming man like yourself could certainly have the honor of dancing with any of the lovely ladies here; there's plenty of time for many dances."

Mr. Collins was surprised by the reply, but in a good way. “Oh, well you are most certainly a lady of keen observations and kind speech. You are correct in every way, Miss Barton.” The funny little man turned his attention to Bri. “Dear Miss Bennett, I shall collect my dances with you later, if that pleases you.”

“Oh Mr. Collins, it pleases me greatly that you have seen how I have so missed my dear friend. My thanks to you for allowing us to catch up these many years.” Bri curtsied and dipped her head.

Mr. Collins bowed deeply in response and dismissed himself, followed by Charlotte.

Bri turned to Britney. “Oh I thought he would never leave! He has threatened to dance with all of my sisters, excluding Jane. I doubt he has the courage considering Mr. Bingley’s interest.” Bri decided to stay in character. After all, it would strange if she didn’t. “Shall we adjourn to that bench?” she asked Britney.

"All it takes is some flattery and common sense....especially if one can find a way to point it out such that the man has figured it out himself," Britney said, winking. "The bench sounds like a splendid idea." Looping her arm through Bri's, she carefully made her way over to the bench her new friend had mentioned.

Bri sat down and scooted over. They were out of earshot of the other guests. Well, so long as they whispered. Bri leaned in and spoke, “So, you’re a bit of actress, huh?”

A hint of a smile played across Britney's lips as she shrugged slightly, "You could say that. It's...sort of one of our specialties on my home planet. We like to put on plays and do some acting. That's how I first met the Captain and the crew of the Malinche."

Bri nodded and laughed a little. “Pardon the expression, but what planet are you from? I don’t mean anything by it. Just where are you from? I've never heard of acting being the specialty of any people group on an entire planet.”

"Well, we all have our own jobs as well...acting is a past-time really, though some concentrate on it more," Britney explained with a slight chuckle. "I'm from Direidi. Do you know of it?"

“Only somewhat,” replied Kai. “I’m familiar with the abundance of dilithium, but I don’t know much about the people or the culture.” Then she smiled, “Which can make for a pretty unbalanced science officer. Why don’t you tell me a little more about yourself and your planet.” The lovely piano music around them continued as they went on talking.

Britney smiled, "Direidi was a colony world started in the 2250s by mostly humans and some other Federation races who were rather fond of the arts. They liked to have plays and participate in other sorts of entertainment as well. At the time, it was near the end of some trade routes and didn't get many visitors...at least, not until dilithium was found. Both the Federation and the Klingons wanted it...in the end, after a rather encompassing performance by the Direidians with the Klingons and Federation participating, the two were allowed to jointly mine the dilithium. Few know the full extent of the performance, but rumors spread, of course and Direidi was visited more often. The original settlers' love of the arts has been passed down, though the society has evolved since then. I worked at the Direidi Hotel and also participated in some of the entertainment...at least, until the Malinche arrived. I was rather curious about life outside of my homeworld and asked to join the crew, which Captain Kersare graciously allowed."

Bri sat there and listened intently. “It all sounds so wonderful and interesting. Do you have or know of any holo-programs about Direidi that we might use? I’d sure love to see it. Of course programs don’t do the real places any justice, but still… Oh, and I would need a guide.” She smiled at Britney.

"I think I might have seen one or two...maybe I could check them out more, personalize them a little, and then show you sometime?" Britney replied, already coming up with ideas as she smiled at Brianna. Few others had shown a whole lot of interest in her homeworld, so she was actually pretty excited about it.

“Sounds like a plan, then. I look forward to it.” About that time, the pianist stopped playing and the dancers came off the floor. Mr. Collins straightway headed for Brianna. “It looks like it’s time to get back into the game.”

“I trust we have allowed you two ladies ample time to reminisce,” said Mr. Collins. Turning his attention to Bri, “Dear Elizabeth, would you grant me the honor of having the two dances to which we previously agreed?”

Bri looked at Britney, smiled, rolled her eyes, and whispered, “Have fun.” Standing, she turned her attention to her unpleasant suitor. “But of course Mr. Collins,” and held out her hand. As Bri followed Mr. Collins to the dance floor, she turned and smiled at Britney.

Chuckling as Brianna was led away, Britney turned and noticed a young blonde gentleman practically right next to her. He seemed rather nervous as he stammered, but finally held his hand out to her. Realizing he was attempting to ask her to dance, she rescued him from having to say anything more by smiling and nodding. Britney allowed herself to be led out to the dance floor, an amused grin on her face as she looked over at Brianna as the two couples twirled around the dance floor.

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Ensign Brianna Kai
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Crewman Britney Liras (PNPC)
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Thundera »

ON: <<USS Malinche, Personal Quarters, Revised Timeline – Day 3, 0610>>

Cheetara had only been asleep for a few hours after dealing with Nassir and Blake. She was hooked up with her implants recharging while she tossed and turned as memories flooded her mind from her 'past' life. Sweat was pouring out of her as she slept and relived these memories. Finally she woke up in a cold sweat.

"NOT AGAIN", she yelled sitting up quickly while her eyes began to focus. "Computer, time?"

The computer chimed, "The time is 0615 hours"

This is not getting any better. I hope things will settle soon with the counselor's help, she thought to herself. She began disconnecting herself from her bed so she could get up and begin her morning routines.

She went into the bathroom, and got into the sonic shower to clean up the sweat that came out from her body. She wondered why all these dreams had been coming back into her mind. She had always had dreams before, but they seemed to be getting worse, and more intense. After she was done her shower she went and put on a clean uniform and went to grab a bite to eat from the replicator.

"Eggs over easy with a piece of light toast and two sausage links and a glass of orange juice", she ordered at the replicator while thinking about what she needed to get done today.

A moment later the food materialized in front of her. She grabbed the plate of food with the glass of orange juice and headed over to her table to eat. While she was eating she happened to glance over to the other side of the room and saw her message light flashing at her computer terminal on her desk. She wondered who had sent her a message. There was only a few that would. When she was done, she returned her dishes to the replicator and went to see who left her a message.

"Computer, display message. Authorization Cheetara alpha three pi eight", she said to authorize her private message. The message popped up and she began reading.

Dear Cheetara,

I am sorry that I haven't written in a while, but have been quite busy. I have been reassigned as the CO of USS Scorpio. It's a Prometheus Class upgraded with the latest technology. We have been assigned to patrol the Breen/Federation Border. Let's just say it's rarely a dull moment.

I hope you are doing well. I heard that you have gone back to the Malinche. I'm glad for you. I know how much you liked it there before. So what have you been up to? It's been awhile since I've even heard from you. I'm sure you are as busy as I am.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Cousin Tigra

The message ended and a tear slightly began to form in the corner of her eye. It had been awhile since they talked, or even got to see each other. She typed him a message back giving him some details of where she had been. Even though she couldn't tell him what she had been doing during the time she was gone from the Malinche. She also told him about her return and what has been going on with her dreams and feelings. As well as how she hoped they could see each other soon. Then she sent the message back to him.

When she finished her morning routines, she headed to the Science Office to begin her normal duties.

Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Zeral »

<<USS Malinche, Brig, Day 5, 1040>>

The journey from the Bridge to the brig was a short one, but with the ship rumbling and rocking for a good portion of that trip, Nora couldn’t help but feel relieved once it was over. Nodding to the brig officer on duty, the Betazoid stepped briskly through the cell block to the holding cell where the Romulan prisoner was being held, examining him closely through the force field for a moment with both her eyes and her telepathic senses.

Having been confined to the holding cell aboard the Malinche for several days R'daek had become intimately familiar with it's confines and having lost interest in counting the variations in texture on the tiny room's ceiling he had taken to pacing. He would sleep for a short time and then arise to continue pacing, striding the short length of the room and thinking. It was in the middle of one such session that the visitor arrived, the light haired Terran who had accompanied the Malinche's Captain during their interrogation attempt days prior. For once since his arrival R'daek welcomed the visit.

Although she’d been present when he had been initially interrogated, Nora frankly didn’t know what to expect of the Romulan. She suspected, however, that she'd have a better chance of getting an actual response out of him if she began calmly and carefully, gauging the situation until she had a better idea of how to proceed. Keeping her face carefully blank, she addressed him clearly. “Good morning. I’m Lieutenant Commander Nora Zeral, and I’m the Executive Officer of this vessel. I’ve come to speak with you for a few moments.” Her words were neutral, even bordering on polite, but she was by no means effusive.

"Yes, Zeral," R'daek repeated, his tone evenly matching his visitor's. He surveyed Nora briefly before turning away to continue his pacing. "I remember you. Speak as you wish, I am listening..."

She had his attention at least, which was definitely a start. Nora had half expected him to ignore her. Watching him as he paced, she chose her words carefully before she spoke again. It was all a matter of testing the waters, finding out which sort of phrases caught his attention and which were best to avoid. “I’m sure you can imagine why I’m here. I’d like to ask you a few more questions, and I’m hoping that, now that you’ve had some time to yourself, you’re ready to be a little more forthcoming.”

R'daek turned back toward Nora as he reached the far wall of his cell and with eyes on her's he began slow steps in her direction. He smiled to himself at her words, how little she or any of the other Terran's understood of his people amused him, or perhaps the amusing part was that the Federation seemed to think that it knew everything, which was obviously not the case. "I'm sure that you are, the situation that you and your Captain find your selves in can't be an easy one to grasp. Tell me, what is it that you want to know now?"

He found her pathetic. That much was obvious, and hardly surprising. Far more interesting to the telepath was what he didn’t think about her: as far as she could tell, he didn’t realize that she was a Betazoid but thought that she was some sort of a generic human. It was an easy enough mistake for him to make. The stereotypical Betazoid had dark hair and olive skin. Nora, with her fair complexion and blonde hair, had neither. If she played her cards right, perhaps she could use his misconception to her advantage. “I want to know everything that you know,” she answered honestly. “But I’ll start with an easier question. What is it that you and your comrades hope to achieve?”

"As a military woman you should understand well the chain of command, yes?" R'daek replied without pause before turning to pace away from Nora again. "You should then also be familiar with the concept of compartmentalization. You Humans have an old saying that seems as relevant now as ever 'loose lips sink ships', in other words, a loose end can endanger a mission. I am no loose end I assure you, I only know what I need to know to play my role in the grand play. I have no answers for you."

“I find that very hard to believe,” Nora returned. “If I’m any judge of character—and I admit that I have my faults—you strike me as a man of vision, a man who is passionate about what he believes in. Whatever reasons your leaders had for sabotaging our ship, you obviously agreed with them. You don’t seem like the sort of person who blindly follows orders just for the sake of following orders.” Watching his back as faced the opposite wall, she continued, “So what is it that’s driving this mission of yours? That much I’m sure you can tell me. “

"Ambition," R'daek replied fervently as he spun about and strode briskly to stand facing Nora only an inch from the force field separating them. "A desire for power and for the universe to know that we, the Romulan people are it's rightful heirs. We are not an insensitive people, we do not wish to kill for the sake of it, we are not Klingon or Breen, we are a proud people who have been scorned and who's time has come. There are many who would lie down and submit to outsiders but they have lost their way, it is up to the strong among us to remind them of their heritage. To restore their pride in their ancestry."

Nora was silent for a moment as she considered his impassioned speech. “So I was right,” she said slowly and with a little awe. “You are a visionary man.” In truth, she thought that he was more of a borderline fanatic, but she kept that opinion to herself. “Your planet and your people have been visited by many hardships. What makes you believe that your plans will restore their greatness? And what does our ship or the Federation in general have to do with any of this?”

"Everything," R'daek said plainly, his eyes taking on an intensity that they had not shown before. "The Federation is an affront to the Romulan Civilization and rightfully should never have been created. A conglomeration of weak races who having not the power or the ingenuity to take care of their own affairs, consigned their existence to the likes of you and the Vulcans. Pathetic... But that will change soon!"

“You’re striking against the Federation,” Nora said slowly, meeting his fervent gaze unflinchingly. That much was plain, but anyone could have assumed that much. He still wasn’t giving her the information that she needed, and with the ship even now hurtling itself into the void in pursuit of the Romulan ship, time was growing terribly short. “How? How will that change soon? What is it that you and your comrades plan to do?”

"We're going to set things right," R'daek grinned. "We will succeed where others have failed."

“I see. And that's all that you're going to tell me, isn't it.” It was becoming entirely clear to Nora that the prisoner had no intention of offering her any useful information. His answers were truthful, at least to his line of thinking, but he knew as well as she did that they were not the answers that she was looking for. Emotionally and physically worn, fearful for the crew and growing irrationally angry at the way he underestimated her, the Betazoid looked him squarely in the eyes for one moment longer before suddenly turning away.

R'daek's smile faded slightly as he was left wondering what was happening, the shift in the Terran's demeanor was subtle yet clear to one trained to see such things.

Taking a few steps back through the cellblock, Nora addressed the brig officer. “Ensign, you’re excused for a few moments. I’ll call for you if I need you.” It was clear that the man was skeptical at this order, but having little choice, he nodded in acknowledgement and left the brig. As she returned to stand before the prisoner once more, her body language now exuded that she was through with playing games. “All right then. If you’re not going to tell me anything useful, then we may have to change the way that this game is played.”

R'daek could sense the direness in Nora's voice but he couldn't help but grin again, who did the Terran think she was fooling? Starfleet would never stand for the kind of interrogation that would be required to garner further information and they both knew it. "You have me curious now, how is it that you are going to intimidate me into being more forthcoming?"

“The fact is that you’ve made a critical error.” Nora stated, encouraged that she had at least made him look at her twice, even if temporarily. “You’re under the erroneous impression that I’m human. I’m not. I am, however, a full-blooded Betazoid, and an unusually powerful telepath at that. I had hoped that you would decide to be more forthcoming, as you say, on your own. I don’t want to resort to extreme measures, but I’m afraid that you’re leaving me with very little choice.”

R'daek swallowed hard as he stood corrected but his training allowed him to maintain his composure even as his heart sank, he had judged his visitor wrong indeed. He had encountered empaths and telepaths before, had even been trained to resist their mental advances but it was a skill he had never been forced to put to the test. "Perhaps you are as you say but I can't believe that you have the nerve to do something so, invasive..."

She didn’t, but Nora was not about to show it. He was nervous now, forced to reevaluate her just as she’d hoped. If she could convince him that she was indeed a ruthless sort of telepath, then she never would have to resort to anything…invasive. The very idea turned her stomach. But she was desperate and determined, and more than ready to put on the show of her life. “That would be your second critical error, then,” she replied crisply. “Just as you are so devoted to your cause, so am I so devoted to my friends, my crew, and the Federation itself. If this is what it takes to secure the safety of this ship, then so be it. I must warn you, though; if you force me into this, it will not be pleasant for you. That much can’t be helped.”

R'daek reflexively took a step back toward his bunk and his bravado quickly fading his nervousness began to show, "you wont do it..."

Mirroring his movement, Nora took a step closer until she was as close to the force field as she could get. “But you don’t know that, do you? Make this easier for both of us and tell me something that is actually useful,” she demanded, continuing her charade as a ruthless interrogator.

R'daek was no longer certain of himself, the telepath could already have begun pressing upon his consciousness and he would not know it. Was she already in his head or was she simply bluffing him? He honestly had little information for her but if she didn't believe him she wouldn't be convinced until she had searched every recess of his mind, would there be anything left of him after such an intrusion? Confused and for the first time in his life a little afraid R'daek said the first thing that came to his mind, "Jeffries Tube 37 section 9..."

Feeling a surge of triumph and relief, Nora stepped back from the force field. “Thank you for your time,” she said by way of dismissal, already turning on her heel to go. Tapping her commbadge, she stated, “Zeral to Masterson. I have some more information from the Romulan prisoner that I need to investigate. I’ll need a small security detail to meet me in Engineering.” Without a backwards glance, the Betazoid strode into the hallway, reinstated the brig officer at his post, and hurried on her way to Engineering.


A JP brought to you by:

R'daek (PNPC)

Played by:

Provisional Lieutenant Setak
Chief Medical Officer

Commander Nora Zeral
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kersare »

OFF: This is a backpost.


<<USS Malinche, Lounge, Day 3, 2215>>

Having settled himself comfortably at a table set close to a viewport, Nestor Livius (NPC) calmly gazed out at the stars streaming past. It was growing rather late, but the El-Aurian did not sleep much as it was, and found himself rather restless, besides. His preparations for the upcoming symposium were certainly driving him to distraction, but there was something else that was bothering him, something that he could not quite place. So it was that the historian found himself in the ship’s lounge, thankful for the change of scenery as he sat quiet and alone, sorting through his myriad of thoughts.

Kiaran (NPC) was helping to clean the tables in the lounge; the waitresses had taken care of most of them, but she had excused them a little while ago since there hadn't been many customers. Truthfully, the entire staff worked a bit too hard. They had a limited amount of staff for the Lounge, which meant that the actual food and bar services were only open at certain times. Still, they made do. The El-Aurian looked up to see what else needed done when she spotted their guest sitting next to a viewport. Walking over, she approached the fellow El-Aurian and gave him a warm smile, "Good evening, sir. Is there anything I can do for you?"

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise,” Nestor said warmly, recognizing Kiaran for what she was immediately. The El-Aurians had been scattered far and wide across the universe long ago, and it was always a pleasure for him to meet another of his kind. “I hope that I am not here too late. I came less for the food and more for a change in scenery, but I can find a new place to haunt if you’re trying to close for the evening.”

"No, no," she chuckled. "The lounge is here for everyone to enjoy. Just because we don't serve food and drink all the time doesn't mean people aren't welcome. I've seen my share of officers and guests alike here at even later hours, I assure you. Getting tired of your quarters perhaps?" Kiaran could certainly understand that. It was something of a disadvantage, perhaps...she worked in the Lounge, so it couldn't be different scenery for her...and other members of the crew had parts of the ship to visit that she wasn't authorized for.

Folding his arms across his chest, Nestor regarded her with a wry smile. “You might say that. This is a marvel of a ship, and my quarters are quite nice, but I’ve spent far too much time in them as of late. The term ‘cabin fever’ comes to mind,” he chuckled.

Kiaran nodded and gave a knowing smile, "Certainly understandable, Ambassador. Is there anything I can get for you? Something to drink or eat?" It wouldn't be that difficult for her to manage. Besides, it was her job to make sure all her guests in the lounge were looked after.

Nestor leaned back in his chair as he contemplated her question. He really hadn’t come searching for food, but there was one thing that did sound appealing at the moment. “Now that you mention it... If it’s not too much trouble for you, I could really use a good cup of coffee. The replicator is truly a wonderful device, but it doesn’t quite capture the headiness and gusto of a nice, strong cup of coffee,” he said, smiling ruefully. Many things had come and gone over the course of his long lifetime, but one thing remained the same--caffeine was still the driving force of academics everywhere.

"Of course, a cup of coffee it is," Kiaran replied, "I'll be back once it's ready." She headed back to the kitchen - now deserted. A coffee pot was sitting on one of the counters and she quickly pulled out the needed items to start the coffee brewing. In the meantime, she pulled out a tray, one of the sugar bowls, spoons, and a small creamer pitcher. True, not everyone wanted the extras in their coffee, but she'd rather bring it and not need it.

Left to his own devices while the lounge manager attended to the coffee, Nestor let his thoughts wonder where they would. The solitude of the lounge was certainly soothing, and the quiet here was somehow more pleasant than the silence of his quarters this evening.

When the coffee was ready, the El-Aurian poured it into two mugs and carried the tray back out. Setting it expertly on the table, she smiled, "Here you are, Ambassador. I brought cream and sugar in case you want some as well." Picking up the other cobalt blue mug, she lifted it and breathed in the aroma.

Taking up his own mug, Nestor braved a sip of the hot brew and nodded his approval. “Excellent, just excellent,” he said, some relief evident in his voice. “Why don’t you join me for a moment? It occurs to me that we haven’t been properly introduced, and meeting new people is something of a hobby of mine,” he smiled genially. “You already know who I am, of course, but I’ll introduce myself all the same. Nestor Livius, Ambassador and an official historian for Starfleet.”

"I'd love to join you,' Kiaran answered. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ambassador. I'm Kiaran Tyvial, Lounge Manager on the USS Malinche. How long have you held your positions, if you don't mind my asking?"

“Not at all, not at all,” Nestor assured her. “I’ve been a member of Starfleet longer than most realize, nearly since its inception. Not everyone is comfortable with El-Aurians and their long lifespans, however—you understand, I’m sure—so I’ve kept a low profile up until the last twenty years or so. It was much easier collecting stories and doing my research before they made me an ambassador, come to think of it,” he added, sighing wistfully.

Nodding in understanding, "I certainly do understand... Of course, I think that now people are more uncomfortable with Trills - particularly joined Trills - than with our people. And some of the Officer Exchange programs seem to have ruffled some feathers at times... Do you find that people are less willing to open up to you with your official position then? I would have thought that with the historian title as well it would put them more at ease..." Of course, some people were difficult to figure out, even to Kiaran.

“It’s not that, necessarily,” Nestor replied, pausing a moment to take a healthy sip of his coffee. “But I’m afraid that most of my time is no longer my own. Although it was never really my intention, my life’s work as a historian has garnered quite a bit of attention over the last few years. This is not the first symposium I’ve been a part of, and it certainly won’t be the last,” he chuckled. “Still, I don’t mean to complain. I do get to meet any number of fascinating individuals in my travels." He looked at Kiaran speculatively. "You must hear plenty of stories yourself. This ship seems to me to be a remarkable little vessel, full of some remarkable people, if I'm any judge."

She had no doubt that he had met his share of very interesting people in his travels. It also seemed to her that Nestor would make quite the storyteller. "I think any lounge manager, waitress, or bar tender would be full of stories," Kiaran chuckled. "But yes, the Malinche is quite the ship. We've had quite a few adventures, even since I came aboard. We've dealt with the Borg, spirits, Direidians..."

Nestor couldn’t help but laugh at that. “Yes, the fearsome Direidians,” he commented with an amused smirk. “Fascinating collection of people on that planet, I understand, though I tend to focus more on the history of Earth and its people specifically anymore.” By his very nature, the El-Aurian was interested in all species, cultures, and forms of life, but somehow his experience with humans and their allies in Starfleet had become the heart and soul of his research over the centuries.

"One of the Diredians actually decided to join us; I"m not sure if you've met her...the Captain's Yeoman and Morale Officer, Crewman Liras," Kiaran explained. "She's a lovely girl, quite curious unsurprisingly. But anyway, yes, the crew's experience on Direidi sounded like it was quite...entertaining." A smile playing across her lips, she picked up her mug and let the warm coffee flow down her throat - just what she needed.

“I wonder,” Nestor said slowly, his voice becoming more somber, “if you could answer a strange question for me. I’ve noticed a…well, a disturbance aboard this ship, as it were. Though I’m not sure what it is yet, it seems to me that two very different paths are beginning to unfold. As I perceive it, the outcome could very well affect countless lives.” He did not mean to trouble Kiaran with his observations, especially after just meeting her, but as a fellow El-Aurian, he felt comfortable in confiding in her. The El-Aurians were a curious species, if Nestor did say so himself, able to sense things in a way that defied most perceived notions of understanding. This strange sense of foreboding had been troubling him since he arrived on the Malinche, and he could not resist seeking the second opinion of someone who could possibly see things as he could.

At his words, Kiaran's mood grew more somber and serious. If any of the others aboard the ship had had the feeling, they hadn't mentioned it to her. Interesting, then, that Nestor would, considering they had only recently met. "I have felt a disturbance as well," she admitted slowly. "I actually felt it to some extent while we were still at the Starbase. At first, very strong, then the feeling lessened, but now it has increased once more. What exactly it will mean for us I'm not sure, but something is happening."

The ambassador nodded solemnly, his eyes growing distant as he considered the matter. It was an interesting development that he was not the only one feeling the disturbance, though it changed very little. Whatever was coming, he could not see it yet, only wait for its arrival. “Time will tell,” he remarked with a sigh, reaching for his mug once more. “Thank you for sharing your impressions with me. It is always a pleasure to meet another El-Aurian in my travels.”

"Indeed it will," she agreed, picking up her mug to finish off her coffee. "No need to thank me, Ambassador. It's nice to be able to speak with someone who understands such things. Our people often have a different view on events; it's not always easy living and working amongst those who are quick to action. Though it does lend itself to interesting times," Kiaran noted with a smile.

“Ah, that it does, that it does,” Nestor readily agreed, chuckling quietly. History itself was proof enough of that; the infamous exploits of many of Starfleet’s best and brightest came to mind. “Well, I’m afraid that I’ve kept you here long enough. If I have another chance, I’ll come by again. Perhaps then we can share some of the stories we’ve gathered in our individual travels.” It was something of an El-Aurian pastime, sharing the tales they’d heard and collected throughout their journeys. Even better was having the chance to exchange those fascinating tales with others like themselves. Being no exception, Nestor always relished the opportunity to do so.

Kiaran smiled, "Not at all; it's been a pleasure speaking with you, Ambassador. If you have time, I'd love the chance to share some stories; we both have quite a few, I imagine." Standing, she motioned towards his mug, "May I take your mug? Or would you like me to leave some more coffee for you?"

Nestor shook his head. “No, that’s all right. I’d best be returning to my quarters now anyway. I have much to think about,” he said, standing as well. “Thank you again, Kiaran Tyvial. I expect that I’ll be seeing you again in the future.” With one last friendly smile, the ambassador turned to leave the lounge, his customary robes fluttering behind him. He had the mysteries of the universe to ponder tonight, and he intended to get started right away.

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Ambassador Nestor Livius (NPC)
played by:
Lieutenant Commander Zeral


Kiaran Tyvial (NPC)
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A

played by:
Captain Isabel Kersare
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by N'rass »

<<Engineering, Day 5, 1002>>

L'Randil came into the main engineering room with her hurried slight limp, looking around to the various stations for a feel of how things were going. She had been at a power coupling repair elsewhere for damage control.

Working at her station, C'eltor (NPC) glanced up curiously as the console let out a beep. Her eyebrow raised as she looked at the request; though she generally prided herself in remaining calm due to her years, the El-Aurian couldn't help but feel a pang of nervousness. Glancing over her shoulder, she called out, "Lieutenant N'rass, you might want to see this..."

The Caitian moved to her side to look at the display. Her tail flicked tensely but subconsciously as she read it, then she pointed to the right of the screen. "Keep an eye on the confinement fields, they have been varying a bit." L'randil glanced back toward the core, then to her comrade. "What is the report since I was out?"

"Well, ma'am, the bridge is requesting additional power for the shields, stabilizers, and various other systems to compensate for going through a temporal rift, it seems. I can easily boost power and monitor the systems, but it will likely be a sensitive process. It's very likely that we'll need damage teams ready," C'eltor explained, as calmly as possible, to her superior.

L'Randil rolled her feline eyes with a sigh. "The system is already taxed enough. The teams are already in position, so let's see what this thing can do then."

C'eltor nodded, "Yes ma'am." From the console, she selected the systems requested and then looked for others where she could re-route some or all of the power. It took a little bit of doing, of course, but she managed to find nearly enough power to compensate. Her eyes surveyed the systems, looking for the last five percent of power....the holodecks. They wouldn't be considered crucial during something like this. The El-Aurian re-routed the holodeck power to the stabilizers and reported, "Power has been re-routed to the requested systems, Lieutenant. I'm bringing them up for monitoring now."

"Good. I'll pull it up in upper controls. The injectors have been making a bit more high frequency whine than I care for. Have we heard from S'erak lately? He was supposed to be working on that but I haven't seen him yet." She looked around and scratched her right ear slowly. "As crazy as things have been around here I could swear my memory is getting foggier."

"Actually, ma'am, he did mention that issue at breakfast this morning and said he planned to take a look at it. I can't say I've seen him since then, though," C'eltor explained to the chief engineer. It certainly wasn't like the Vulcan to not show up...perhaps he had had a theory to test out elsewhere or was called away to work on something else? She turned slightly and glanced around. A slight smile crossed her face as she saw the Vulcan walk into Engineering, apparently pouring over a PADD. "There he is, Lieutenant. He walked in a few moments ago..."

L'Randil turned an ear toward the direction of the approaching Vulcan, then turned to face him fully. "Ah, there you are." She said with a smile, then crossed her arms.

"Good morning, Lieutenant," S'erak answered. He gave a quick nod to C'eltor before turning his attention back to L'randil. "I received your message regarding the injectors and began work on them. The work requires the assistance of an additional engineer as well as some special diagnostics tools so the proper adjustments may be made, ma'am."

"Understood." She said simply, though thinking to herself that she could have done it on her own if she was better at climbing ladders. Her mind then turned back to the device that they found earlier. "We can get to that later then. I have a project in the secure lab if you follow me." The Caitian motioned and they began to walk. "C'eltor, page me if the status changes, I won't be far."

"Of course, ma'am," C'eltor replied quickly. Giving both the engineers a nod, she turned her attention back to the console before her. She did feel she would be able to handle it, of course, but the situation made her a little nervous nonetheless.

The Vulcan nodded to acknowledge the Chief Engineer's request. He returned C'eltor's nod before turning to follow the Caitian. Though it seemed illogical to interrupt his current duties, he knew something of importance must have come up if L'randil wanted him to deviate from his assigned work.

When the door shut, there was already another engineer working on a terminal. She had been working on a detection parameter on the screen, then turned to the other engineers. "Sarah Mertz, pleased to meet you." The blonde human lieutenant said with an energetic nod.

GIving the woman a measured, yet respectful nod, the Vulcan replied, "Likewise, Lieutenant." He didn't recognize the young woman; perhaps she had come aboard before they left the starbase. However, the name was slightly familiar; perhaps she was simply on a different shift or perhaps she had recently joined the crew. Regardless, he was intrigued to see what she might be working on.

L'randil pointed to the display then looked at the tall human. "Have you made any progress yet?"

"Not yet." Sarah replied. "The challenge is trying to detect something that we don't know exists." She turned back to her display. "Although we do pretty much know something exists out there that is messing with the injectors, but I don't know what it would be. Do you have any thoughts, S'erak? I think the injectors are only a side effect of something else, but what could do that?

S'erak paused to contemplate the Terran's question. It was most certainly a conundrum...but it also seemed unproductive to create something if it was not actually needed. Still, he knew it was expected that he would be a team player and theorizing did not hurt anyone. "My initial thought would be that it is either some kind of particle or spatial anomaly that is causing the issues if we cannot ascertain a cause within our own systems."

The Chief engineer smirked and patted the two on the back. "I'll let you two to it, page me if you make any breakthroughs." The caitian knew something was amiss, but Sarah had approached her with the theory independently. Normally a rabbit trail but this time the rabbit seemed a bit more significant.

Sarah nodded, though apparently consumed in a high energy thought process. She began to explain her process to her new partner as L'randil exited the room to return to the main task at hand.


JP by

Lt.Jg. C'Eltor (NPC)
Power Systems Specialist


Ens. S'erak (NPC)
Impulse Systems Specialist

Played by

Cpt Isabel Kersare
Commanding officer
USS Malinche


Lt. JG Sarah Mertz (PNPC)
Sensor Systems Specialist

Lieutenant JG L'Randil N'rass
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Zeral »


<<USS Malinche, Engineering, Day 5, 1100>>

As Nora made her way to Engineering immediately following her meeting with the Romulan prisoner, she was already beginning to regret the questionable tactics she’d used to interrogate him. She had never truly intended to use her telepathy against him, but she knew just as well that even threatening to do so was questionable in the extreme. But now was not the time to evaluate her actions. If there was even a chance that the information the Romulan had given her would give the Malinche and its crew an added edge in the current conflict, Nora was determined to seek it out.

The mood in Engineering was tense when Nora arrived. With all the crewmembers dressed in services yellow, it was difficult to tell whether or not the crewmembers from Security had arrived. After a brief look around the room, the Betazoid determined that she was the first to arrive. Her assumption was seemingly proven correct a few moments later when the main doors hissed open, revealing two new crew members that she did not immediately recognize. “I take it you’re the Security officers I requested? Thank you for coming so quickly,” she said, stepping forward and offering them a brief smile.

Dana Toril (NPC) nodded, "Yes ma'am, we are. I hope we didn't keep you waiting too long, Commander." Ever cautious, she let her eyes move quickly about the room, looking for anything of concern. She could feel the tension and stress in the room, but it wasn't anything more than she usually felt. The Betazoid turned her attention back to the Executive Officer and her fellow security officer.

The fact they were giving main engineering yet another search did not surprise Mike (PNPC) in the slightest. He had, of course, been present when they'd taken the Romulan saboteur into custody and he could see how stressful this whole situation had been for Aaron, to say nothing of his fellow shipmates. If there was anything they were able to do to help this investigation, he was all for it.

“I’ve just spoken to the Romulan prisoner who attempted to sabotage the ship a few days ago,” Nora said, filling them in quickly. “The only information he was willing to give me was Jefferies tube 37, section 9. I verified with the computer that we can access that conduit from here.” Stepping closer to the security officers in an effort to keep their conference relatively private, she continued, “I don't know what, if anything, we might find there, so I’m sure you understand why I’m anxious that we proceed with as much caution as possible.”

"We've been over the entire engineering bay several times already, commander," Mike said slowly, "If there's anything there, he must have hidden it pretty well." truth was, they had been searching for anything out of the ordinary without knowing specifically what or where to be looking for. Hopefully the commander's information and a fresh pair of eyes might turn up something new.

Hearing Nora's further explanation, Dana's eyes widened slightly... Partly she was surprised the Romulan was willing to give up any information at all, considering the previous interrogation she'd heard rumors about. And partly she was concerned about what exactly might be at the location. "I certainly agree...it's anyone's guess what might be there. For all we know, it could be some kind of bio weapon or bomb or..."

"...or anything," Mike interjected, remembering some of the possible scenarios he and Aaron had brainstormed, "but we aren't going to know for sure until we look. If it is a weapon, any time we waste guessing is that much less time we have to find it and disable it."

Still not feeling overly good about the situation, Dana nodded, "Well, I suppose we should get started. Did you want us to inform the Chief Engineer, or has she already been informed, ma'am?"

“She’s aware of the situation, yes. She and her fellow engineers will see to their work here and have been advised to stay well away. In the meantime, we’ll have full access to the conduit while we conduct our investigation.” Nora assured Dana. It was clear to her that both officers were cautious and competent, which was a relief considering that Nora had never actually done anything like this.

"Well, since you already looked into the location, why don't you lead the way, Commander," Dana suggested. Though she liked to think she knew the ship fairly well, she couldn't claim to be an expert regarding every jeffries tube...which would probably disappoint Lieutenant Masterson if he knew. She left her phaser in its holster for the time being and gave the other security officer a nod.

Nodding, Nora stridently pushed aside any misgivings that she might have had and began to lead the way. She had only entered Jeffries tubes a handful of times in her career, and most of those occasions had been part of simulations, but she was ready and even eager to confront the situation head on. The entry they needed was set back a ways, a fair distance from the controlled but frenetic action near the warp core. Swinging the square hatch open, she glanced back to her companions to ensure everyone was ready before crawling inside.

Mike entered the crawlway immediately behind the Executive Officer, trying his best to peer over her shoulder as they shuffled along. Anything hidden in such a confined space was going to be difficult to find until they were right on top of it. Then there was the slight matter of figuring out how to deal with whatever it turned out to be once they did find it...

“We shouldn’t have very far to go,” Nora said as they crawled steadily along. “Whatever the Romulan saboteur has hidden back here, he must not have had very much time to stash it away.” She only hoped that this wasn’t some sort of a trap—she certainly wouldn’t put it past the man. But he had seemed sincere when he had imparted the speck of information, and not at all as though he had something more sinister in mind. Either way, they would very soon find out.

In her mind, it probably boded well for them that it wasn't stashed very well. If it had been a bomb, he likely would have placed it much more carefully. Still, Dana wasn't going to let her guard down just yet. She was currently behind the other two officers and was trying to stay aware of her surroundings, lest they miss something important.

"Lucky for us," Mike muttered, pointing over the commander's shoulder toward something only a short distance ahead. At first glance, the object was barely noticeable, as if it was nothing but an ordinary piece of service equipment. Perhaps it was how ordinary it looked that made it seem so out of place now.

Dana moved forward slightly - much easier since they had come to a junction. "I think you're right...that panel does seem to be a bit off. As if someone hurriedly put it back. Perhaps this is where the saboteur hid something?" It was as good a guess as any, she thought. "Would you like me to open it, ma'am?"

Glancing behind her at Dana, Nora’s first instinct was to tell her no. While she hoped that there wasn’t anything truly dangerous hidden there, she still didn’t want to put anyone other than herself at unnecessary risk. But she knew that she had to trust the security officers to do their jobs. Moving as far to the side as possible to allow Dana to pass, the Betazoid nodded. “Go ahead. Just be careful.”

"Of course, Commander," Dana answered as she moved forward, past Nora, so that she was positioned in front of the panel. Though she tried her best to appear calm, she certainly wasn't - most likely Nora could pick up on that. Dana just wished that she had a medical officer here to scan for any potential biologicals, in case they did get hurt or there was a biological weapon. Probably she was simply worrying too much though. Gently, she placed her fingertips around the edges of the cold metal panel - no tools needed since it wasn't even on properly - and slowly pulled it off, setting it next to her. "Well...it didn't immediately blow up; probably a good sign," she said quietly.

"Its a start at least," Mike agreed.

Nodding slowly, Dana said, "Alright, now to see if there's anything clearly out of place." Turning back to look at Nora she further explained, "I'm not an engineer ma'am...if it's not something fairly obvious, we may need to ask one of them to take a look for us."

“Understood,” Nora said, offering her fellow Betazoid an encouraging smile. She was aware of Dana’s nervousness, but remained confident that the woman knew what she was doing. “I have a feeling that it might be more obvious than we think,” she added, going on a hunch. “Considering how long the saboteur was actually onboard before he was caught, I don’t know that he would have had much of a chance to cover his tracks here.” Of course, she had no way of knowing that. She only hoped that she hadn’t misread the situation completely in her haste to get to Engineering, leading herself and her fellow crewmembers into something truly unpleasant.

With one more glance back at the other two, Dana took a deep breath and looked inside the panel. Hearing nothing beeping, she felt a bit more confident that they wouldn't be blown up. A day you weren't blown up was a good day... The Betazoid tilted her head slightly as she noticed something, "Well...that doesn't seem to belong," Dana commented out loud as she reached in and carefully pulled something out. "The design does seem to be Romulan...though not like something I've seen before, ma'am," she said as she turned to show them what she had found.

“It looks harmless enough,” Nora remarked, a mixture of relief, triumph, and curiosity turning through her. It was exciting enough that the Romulan hadn’t lied to her or led them into a trap, not to mention the fact that they now had something that was potentially useful. Just how useful, she couldn’t say, but after running a few diagnostics, they’d all have a better idea of what they were dealing with. “May I see it, please?”

"Of course, Commander," Dana replied quickly. Taking one last look at it before handing it over, she then offered the device to the Executive Officer.

Turning it over in her hands, Nora examined it with an inexpert eye. She was no engineer, but she wanted to see it for herself all the same. “I confess that I’m not really sure what it is either. Someone in Engineering or Operations should be able to shed some light on what this is, unless either of you has any other guesses. A communications device, perhaps?”

After glancing at the other security officer, Dana shrugged slightly and spoke, "Well, it doesn't seem like it's a weapon. I could see it being some form of communications device...though it seems more advanced, perhaps? Or maybe just some new technology we've not seen from the Romulans before - a prototype maybe. I'm sure Engineering could likely explain what it is, as you've suggested."

“Very good,” Nora nodded, a tad distractedly as her mind was already spinning with all the possibilities the device held. “Back to Engineering it is, then.” Glancing up from the object in her hands back to the two Security officers, she offered them a sincere smile. “Thank you very much for your assistance. You’re welcome to join me while I unravel this mystery with the engineers, if you’d like.” Keeping the object wrapped carefully in her hand, the Betazoid turned around and began the short trip back to Engineering, expecting that her two companions would follow behind.


A JP brought to you by:

Ensign Dana Toril (PNPC)
Security Officer
Played by Capt. Kersare

Ensign Mike Kepler (PNPC)
Security Officer
Played by Lt. Masterson

Commander Nora Zeral
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kersare »

<<Bridge, Day 5, 1042>>

Isabel's knuckles turned white as she gripped the sides of her chair. Aaron's adjustments had helped to calm their passage through the rift, but it was still not exactly comfortable. Other than some looks of nervousness amongst her bridge crew, everyone seemed unharmed. Isabel's attention was now drawn to the main viewscreen.

Earth was before them, seemingly even closer than before. The Romulan vessel they had followed was proceeding forward, somewhat slowly, to their aft...it seemed to be looking for something. Isabel already knew where they had ended up...or at least she was fairly certain. There was always the chance that they had ended up somewhere...somewhen else, though. "Reports! Confirm where and when we are...let's also start some passive scanning to try to find what the Romulans are looking for."

"Everything still normal here, Captain. No major fluctuations in power of any kind," James reported. His eyes were glued to the main viewscreen. He had almost forgotten what Earth looked like and was very pleased to see the planet after such a long time.

Even with the modified shield harmonics, the turbulance of their passage through the rift had forced Aaron to grip the upper edge of his console for support. He slowly released his grip as the first status reports started coming in from all over the ship. Those areas most affected were only reporting minor injuries and a few systems negatively affected by interference from the anomaly. Nothing seemed to give any indication of serious threat to the Malinche or her ability to continue pursuit of the warbird.

Satisfied there was no immediate danger from within the ship, Aaron proceeded to turn his attention outward toward the warbird and surrounding space. "The warbird is moving away from our starboard flank," Aaron reported as he studied the sensor readouts, "but there's something weird going on..."

"Weird?" Isabel asked, puzzled. "Define 'weird' for me, Lieutenant...what are you picking up on?" Considering where they were and when they were, any number of things could likely be described as 'weird'. Or bad, for that matter. Definitely at least odd. Thus far, there wasn't much of the scenario that wasn't troubling, even if she didn't know - basically anyway - what was happening.

"We're right in the middle of Sector 001, ma'am," Aaron replied, "there should be tons of communication signals, vessel activity, sensor networks...but I'm not getting any of that."

Isabel frowned and nodded slowly. From what the Temporal Officer told her, she knew that Romulans wanted to stop Kirk from saving Earth. There were only two options...either they were already in 1986 or the probe had disabled the other vessels and communication signals. "Can you confirm the presence of Spacedock and some of the other main areas we should be picking up? Who knows when in time the Romulans have gone..."

"McKinley Station, the San Francisco Yards, Spacedock...they're all there," Aaron continued, his console chiming with the completion of another sensor sweep, "The metallic signatures basically match, but sensors aren't reading any of the usual energy signatures..." His voice trailed off as he consulted the results of his latest sensor sweep which only seemed to confirm his growing suspicions. There was another signal contact clearly visible to the Malinche's sensors that was neither Romulan nor Federation. "Captain," he said slowly, "there's something else out there...and it's big."

Although appearing outwardly calm, Karyn was trying to brace herself mentally for a potential battle, assuming the "something else" was an enemy vessel. No matter how many times she'd experienced ship to ship combat from the bridge or sickbay, it always caused her anxiety and a certain degree of nausea.

"Captain, confirming the strange signatures......and there is something large, really large....it's emitting something I have never seen before." said Stacy Rabb.

"There appears to be some kind of probe", Cheetara added while running scans. "It's unclear as to what it's origin is so far"

Stacy was still staring at the sensor readings. "The probe appears to be cylindrical in shape, nothing that conforms to known space vessel configuration. It's not Romulan, Klingon, Breen, Dominion, or even Ferengi. I don't know what it is Captain."

Dallas' sense of anxiety increased slightly upon hearing the news, but it was also mixed with a sense of anticipation. "Might it be from a friendly source?"

Hearing the comments from her bridge crew reporting in, Isabel asked, "Can someone verify what year it is? Any change in what the Romulan warbird is doing?" If the Romulans had found the Bounty, she would have a lot more to worry about... Either the crew would have to stop the Romulans right here and now, or they would have to follow the Romulans wherever they went. Of course, having the probe close by would be an even worse fate.

Cheetara had been running scan after scan trying to figure out what was going on. Her readings weren't making any sense. She ran a diagnostic to make sure they weren't malfunctioning. Nothing was showing incorrect with the sensors. "Captain, we appear to be in the 23rd century", Cheetara paused for a moment trying to get a better estimate. "I'd say we're in 2286, to be precise."

Isabel nodded; as she suspected. "The Romulans' intentions are becoming more clear... 2286 is when the probe caused major disruptions and nearly destroyed Earth. The Romulans are likely trying to stop Kirk and the crew of the Bounty from saving the planet. We need to find the Bounty before the Romulans, but be prepared to follow them if more time travel is needed. Masterson and Rabb, work on a sweep of the area; Thundera - work on some calculations in case we have to try a slingshot around the sun...or another solution...Davis, help Thundera if you can." Her gaze moved to Karyn, wondering what the counselor was thinking about their current predicament. She didn't want to ask outright and instead watched as her crew jumped into action.

Stacy slowly moved her hands across her board. "Aye Captain." She thought about leaving her station and heading to the back of the bridge to work directly with Masterson, but thought better of it. If this Romulan changed course and plans, she would be needed at the helm to get them out of trouble quickly. Instead, Stacy sent Masterson a quick communication, board to board. She then began a sweep of the area, tying in her nav computer with the main deflector array to enhance sensor capabilities.

The Chief Flight Control Officer's message immediately appeared on one of the displays Aaron was using to monitor incoming tactical sensor data and he tapped out a quick acknowledgment before turning his attention back to the task at hand. While he was more than a little concerned about their close proximity to the alien probe, the captain had made it perfectly clear dealing with whatever the Romulans had in mind took greater priority. Trying to find a single Klingon Bird-of-Prey amidst all this interference wasn't going to be an easy task though. He decided the best place to start was his own tactical readings. If he could locate a stable sensor discrepancy among them, it might very well lead him to the Bounty's location.

Ensign Barin (NPC) hurriedly walked onto the bridge. The Chief Operations Officer, Lieutenant JG Davis, had contacted her and asked her to take over for him on the bridge. It seemed he was feeling rather awful and, after seeing him, she could believe it. The Bajoran gave him a quick nod and took his place. Her eyes glanced over at the Chief Science Officer as she asked, "Lieutenant Thundera, is there anything I can do for you?"

Cheetara looked at the operations lady oddly. She was sensing something weird indeed, but didn't know how to describe it. "Not right now ENSIGN", Cheetara told the lady. Her old security intellect started to kick it and wondered why a Systems Maintenance Officer would be summoned by the Chief Operations Officer to take over his station instead of the Assistant Chief, or even a regular Ops Officer.

Stacy watched as Lieutenant Davis left the bridge and Ensign Barin took the Ops console. She thought it was very strange for the Operations Chief to leave his post at such a time, then realized as she looked at him he appeared horrible. Perhaps he was coming down with something contagious. 'Na, not on the bridge, not on the ship. The ship's sensors would have recognized it and quarantined him.'

Cheetara remembered hearing something about a saboteur that had been on board. It was also strange how the Chief of Operations just suddenly got sick. Cheetara sent a message to sickbay noting about Davis's condition and asking for extra tests to check everything out. Cheetara might not be security anymore, but that wasn't gonna stop her from looking into anything suspicious. Even if now she had to do it from a science perspective.

With no response from the Science Chief, Nostra watched the events on the bridge from her place at the Operations console. This certainly wasn't her usual work and she was a bit nervous about it, but she would do her best. She had been too young to be involved with the Resistance on Bajor, but she had seen how brave they were...surely she could exhibit those characteristics. Pondering her options, she slid her fingers along the console and then typed in a command to have the computer search for relevant information on the slingshot around the sun or time travel.

Karyn, suddenly feeling superfluous in light of the others' activities on the bridge, decided to check the crew's status on the panel beside her hoverchair. "Medical reports no injuries, Captain."

Looking over at Karyn, Isabel gave the woman a slight smile and nod as she replied, "Thank you, Counselor. That's something in our favor at least." She then leaned over and more quietly added, "I know that not everyone wears their emotions on their sleeves, but if you notice any potential issues, please let me know. Most of the bridge crew are fairly experienced, but considering we've traveled through time and...well, I'm a bit more concerned."

Karyn nodded. "Of course, Captain." Thus far, everyone appeared to be working together smoothly. She was relieved to see even Stacy Rabb was behaving herself in light of their initial meeting.

Stacy tried to recall her history, wishing now she'd paid better attention all those years ago at the Academy. She'd thought spending too much time on the past only brought up bad memories. Stacy recalled then Admiral Kirk and his command crew doing a slingshot maneuver around the sun and entering some sort of time vortex, going back to the year 1986 and bringing back two humpback whales to save the planet. Too bad she hadn't paid enough attention to recall Captain Spock's calculations. For that, she would need to rely on Lieutenant Thundera, the Chief Science Officer, for the current calculations that would send the USS Malinche on the same course as the SS Bounty. Stacy sent a quick message to the Science Chief, asking if she had the calculations to coordinate with flight control.

Stacy scanned the area around earth's sun. She spotted the captured Klingon bird of prey that Kirk and party were aboard. She also discovered the Romulan vessel closing in on the SS Bounty. "Captain, I have discovered Admiral Kirk's ship; it's preparing to slingshot. The Romulans are right behind them. I'd say from the signatures, they are preparing to follow Admiral Kirk. Orders Captain, shall we follow?"

Leaning forward in her chair, Isabel felt her heart beat faster. "Have the Romulans fired at them, Lieutenant? Or are they simply following?" Overall, the answer wouldn't change what they were going to do, but she would rather know, regardless. "And yes, once Lieutenant Thundera has finished the calculations, we'll need to follow them. Try to stay far enough back that the Romulans don't see us though. Inform me when ready."

"No Captain, they haven't fired. It looks like they are preparing to simply follow the Bounty into the slingshot effect." Stacy narrowed her sensor scanning to the Romulan ship's energy distribution, borrowing some information from the ops console. "Wait, Captain, they are powering up their weapons systems. I believe they are going to attempt to destroy the Bounty. I detect power re-distribution to weapons systems."

Though not entirely surprised, Isabel still frowned at the news, "Plot an intercept course, Lieutenant Rabb. We can't let them destroy the Bounty. Mr. Masterson, ready our weapons and prepare for combat. I want to avoid it if possible, but our primary goal is to protect the Bounty. Should it become necessary to fire, take out their weapons systems and then their engines."

Cheetara had been observing and working on a new set of variables to use with the slingshot maneuver. Since this is a different ship than that was used, it would be a little different. She was listening to everything going on at the same time. Cheetara forwarded some weak spots of the Romulan vessel to the tactical console. "There you go Masterson. That should help you."

The rapid-fire exchange of information would have been a little confusing to anyone who might have been watching from the sidelines, but there was no denying its efficiency. Aaron had no difficulty incorporating the science officer's observations into his developing tactical plan. His biggest concern at that very moment was whatever the Romulans had planned for the Bounty. The Malinche was more than capable of handling whatever the Romulans could throw at them, assuming they stayed far enough away from the probe's interference, whereas the Bounty was an old Klingon bird-of-prey, even by twenty-third century standards. She wouldn't last long against a fully armed warbird.

Nostra glanced down as her console beeped. Apparently the computer had found the information regarding calculations for a slightshot maneuver. Specifically, it included instructions on what systems would be the most taxed during the slingshot. The Bajoran forwarded the calculations she had found to Cheetara's station, noting that some variables might need modified to take into account the Prometheus class systems. Frowning slightly, she also sent a message to engineering regarding where she would need more power.

Cheetara looked at what Nostra sent her. Cheetara took some of the equations into consideration as she finished her computations for a new slingshot maneuver with a Prometheus Class ship. "Captain I'm ready. Sending instructions to helm and engineering. Rabb, coordinate with N'rass down in Engineering. This has to be PRECISE!"

"Confirmed Lieutenant." Stacy received the computations for the tricky maneuver and tied her console into Lieutenant N'rass control board in Main Engineering. This had to work right the first time, there was no room for error. The computations obviously had to have been redesigned to allow for the variables inherent with the differences between a Klingon bird of prey and a Starfleet Prometheus cruiser. "Rabb to N'rass, I've tied the flight control into your computers. I'm ready up here."

<Main Engineering>

The Caitian engineer tapped in confirmation as she hovered between a few displays around the second level of engineering to monitor the power feeds. She glanced to her assisting crewmen and replied. "Ready here as we will ever be." She sighed and closed her eyes for a moment to calm her anticipation. Her tail flicking fervently gave away her disposition however.


Isabel glanced down at the controls on the left side of her chair and selected the Main Viewscreen control. The image that appeared showed the Romulan vessel as well as the Bounty. She had to wonder if Kirk realized exactly what was following him and if it would change what would happen in the past. Then again, the Romulans were still a fair distance away and the Bounty was preparing to slingshot.

Before their eyes, the Romulan vessel fired their primary disruptor at the Bounty in a flash of vivid green. At the last moment, though, the Bounty began their slingshot and narrowly missed being hit. Kirk and his crew had made it out of their time - presumably back to the twentieth century. However, that would now leave the Malinche to deal with the Romulans.

Aaron's hands danced across the surface of his console, even as the green energy of the Romulan disruptor beam continued to fade away into nothingness. "Romulans' warbird now turning on us, captain," Aaron announced somewhat unnecessarily given everyone could see the Romulans' vessel clearly on the forward view screen, "and something tells me they're not in the mood for company."

"Lieutenant Masterson, take out their weapons first, then their engines. I don't want them destroyed though, if at all possible," Isabel ordered, fingers gripping the armrests on her chair tightly. "Lieutenant Rabb, be ready for evasive maneuvers. And everyone be prepared to make a pass at the slingshot around the sun.... Fire at will!"

Stacy thought to herself, 'evasive maneuvers AND slingshot maneuver, oh yeah, it's just like riding a bicycle right? Just a couple of easy turns, whew.' She ran her fingers across the flight conn, setting a pending evasive maneuver ready but being sure to not change the current settings prepped for the slingshot move. "Aye Captain." She watched the viewscreen eagerly, waiting for the phaser bursts to shoot out from the Malinche like some kind of ghostly fingers that reach out into the darkness of space and scare the crap out of you.

Despite the fact the alien probe had rendered nearly every Federation asset in the system inoperable, Aaron knew how important it was for him to neutralize the Romulan ship with as little impact or visibility as possible. He quickly selected a few specific targets before pressing his thumb to the firing switch. "This should get their attention," he muttered mostly to himself.

Hearing Aaron announce that he was firing, Isabel watched on the main viewscreen as the phaser bursts shot from the Malinche. They definitely had the Romulans' attention now... The first few rounds of fire chipped away at the Romulan vessel's shields, weakening them so that the weapons systems could be targeted. Unfortunately, it seemed the Romulans were ready to fire on the Prometheus class vessel.

Stacy knew this was going to happen. No self respecting Romulan commander was going to get fired at and not return fire. This was going to be tricky, but not impossible. "Engaging maneuver alpha zeta four." The ship lurched just a bit as inertial dampeners seemed to work overtime, not adjusting quick enough to the sudden change in the ship's direction and heading. The lurch was minimal, but enough that Stacy felt it and thought the rest of the bridge crew had felt it too.


L'randil braced her hand on the wall next to her for a moment. "Keep it nice up there..." The Caitian muttered while looking up. There were times she wished engineering had windows to see what was happening. At least the systems were holding up as she scanned the displayed stats.


With Stacy's piloting skills, the Malinche seemed to be in as good a shape as it could be in Isabel's opinion. Aaron was still targeting the opposing ship as best he could, chipping away at their shields and then, their weapons systems. If he could just take those out, they would be in a much better position to tell the Romulans to stand down...

Another volley of golden energy issued from the Malinche's phaser banks, racing across open space to impact several points along the warbird's weakening shields. A few of those golden beams managed to find their way through to the vessel's hull where they left behind scorched hull plating and sparking conduits. Disruptor beams and plasma torpedoes fell silent almost instantly and Aaron did not need the sensor readings scrolling across his screen to tell him what he already knew. "Enemy weapons are offline," he reported with some satisfaction.

Stacy observed the Romulan warship as the tactical officer made good use of his skills and the position of the Malinche to make some great strikes on her shielding, finally taking out enough of the shields for just long enough to make an impact on the Romulan weapons system.

"Excellent!" Isabel exclaimed, relieved that the enemy weapons were now inoperative. She was about to ask the Communications Officer to open a channel to the Romulans, but frowned as she saw it change course. Based on their trajectory, she could only assume that they were going to attempt to follow the Bounty. Apparently the firefight had given them the time to make calculations and they were, unsurprisingly, trying to reach their goal. The Romulan vessel streaked through space, hurtling towards the Sun. "We have to follow them; everyone prepare for the slingshot maneuver...engage when ready."

"Aye Captain." said Lieutenant Rabb. She ran her fingers across the entire flight conn panel. She had to switch from evasive maneuvers to prepare the ship for the slingshot around Earth's sun that would hopefully propel them into the past, into the correct past that is.

Isabel had to admit to being a little nervous...having never performed a slingshot maneuver before. As far as she knew, the Malinche would be the first Prometheus class vessel to attempt it. The Romulans really left them with no other choice, though. She tapped her comm badge, "Kersare to Malinche Crew and visitors... We are following a hostile Romulan vessel back in time via a slingshot maneuver to protect another ship and our history. All hands report to emergency stations immediately."

The Malinche hurtled toward the sun, steadily increasing speed. Isabel glanced down at the readout to her right; they were nearly at the Prometheus class vessel's emergency warp speed...Engineering would not be happy. She gritted her teeth as she watched their warp speed continue to climb; beneath her feet she could feel the ship rumble ever so slightly with the stress of such high warp; not everyone would notice it, but being an Engineer Isabel did. And then they were beyond warp 10, entering time warp as the ship broke away from the sun's gravitational field...

OFF: Tag crew for individual posts about the experience if you wish....I'll post a starter for when we arrive in the 20th century & contact you regarding our roles in that time period.

JP brought to you by:

Karyn Dallas
Chief Counselor
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant JG L'randil N'rass
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant Stacy Rabb
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A


Lieutenant JG Aaron Masterson
Chief Security/Tactical Officer & Second Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Setak »

OFF: This is a back-post taking place on MD02


<<USS Malinche, Sickbay, Day 2, 0800>>

Before she could even think about getting any work done for the day, Nora was determined to check on her friend Julie Dormand (PNPC), if only for her own peace of mind. The former counselor was still coming to terms with all that had happened since Dr. Dormand had tried to take her own life the day before. The fact that she had very nearly succeeded before Nora and Setak arrived to stop her did not make matters any better. A visit with Dr. Dallas had helped Nora set herself to rights, but a significant amount of guilt still burned inside her as the Betazoid continued to wonder if she could have done anything more to prevent the near-tragedy.

Tired after a restless night, Nora put on a brave face all the same as she stepped inside Sickbay. After a quick glance around the room, she saw that Setak was busy with another crewmember. Not wanting to disturb him, she quietly crossed the room to the biobed where Julie lay, still asleep. Sighing quietly to herself, Nora idly put her hand on the side of the bed, quickly losing herself in her thoughts as she stood silently by.

Although busy finishing up Crewman Lekoora's (NPC) monthly checkup Setak was not unaware of the Commander's presence, quite the contrary, he had been expecting her arrival since he had started his shift. He was having a difficult time reconciling the emotions that his colleague, Julie Dormand's self transgression had brought about and he was keenly aware that Nora was far closer to Julie than he was. Nora's difficulty was likely in excess of his own by the Vulcan's estimation and he wasn't looking forward to updating the Commander of her friend's condition.

Distracted, Setak dismissed the crewman without looking back to her, causing the young Bolian woman's own gaze to fall on the Commander before finally turning toward the room's door. Setak didn't hear the door close behind him as he walked toward the biobed that Julie rested on, stopping just behind and to the side of Commander Zeral. Although he remained silent he made sure that his footfalls had been obvious enough that Nora could hear him approaching.

Pulling herself from her thoughts at Setak’s approach, Nora angled her body to look back at the Vulcan. “Ah, good morning, Setak,” she said, offering him a small smile. “I hope I haven’t interrupted your appointment with that crewmember. I was hoping to check on Julie before I went back to work today.” Her voice was calm and collected, but it masked the real dread that she felt inside. She had every hope that Julie would make a full recovery, but she needed to hear it from Setak first if she was ever going to gain any true peace of mind.

"Crewmember?" Setak asked as he looked over his should realizing suddenly that Lekoora had excused herself. "Oh, right. We were finished anyway." Setak paused to look over at Julie before he went on, "Doctor Dormand is in stable condition and my opinion is that she will make a full recovery..."

Something in his tone of voice disturbed her. The way he had lingered on ‘opinion,’ as if nothing were really set in stone, did little to assuage her fears. “Setak?” After their experiences the day before, Nora had unconsciously begun dropping the title of ‘doctor’ when she addressed him, as if she believed they were somehow closer now than before. “You can tell me. I want you to tell me everything. I’m relieved that she’s stable, but whatever you think the future holds for her recovery, I need to hear the truth. Please.”

"Lieutenant Dormand suffered a mild stroke," Setak began after deciding to give Nora the details at face value. His voice had a factual, unwavering confidence in it but also carried a hint of concern. "It is not uncommon for Humans who suffer the amount of emotional stress that Julie has to be afflicted as such. Due in part to the stroke and perhaps because of ongoing subconscious stress Julie is currently in a mild comatose state."

Nora listened stoicly as he explained the situation, resolutely facing the facts as calmly as possible. The news of the mild stroke was troubling to hear, not to mention the fact that her friend was now in a coma, but the Betazoid remained calm, albeit concerned, as she waited for Setak to finish his explanation.

After a brief pause to let Nora absorb his words Setak continued, "while on the surface this may sound frightening I can assure you that these things are a normal biological response to extreme stress. Our readings show that Julie has normal high level brain functions and that she has suffered no permanent brain damage. However, the science of the conscious mind is still very inexact and I would be making a gross overstatement if I told you that I knew exactly what was going on 'in there'. The fact is, that while Julie will survive this, short of taking more... Invasive measures, if and when she comes out of her coma is entirely up to her."

Letting out a slow sigh, Nora nodded. She knew perfectly well that there was no way of telling what was going on ‘in there’—Julie and Julie alone had to fight her own battle with her personal demons. It sounded as though the strength, or lack thereof, of her will to live and to carry on would determine the true outcome here. “Thank you for telling me,” she said, quietly and sincerely. Looking to her friend, she reached out and took her hand, squeezing it gently. “Julie’s strong. She’s endured a long and silent battle, but I do believe that she’ll come back.”

Setak hoped that Julie would return as well and from a medical standpoint it was highly possible but considering the manner in which Julie got into the situation the Vulcan was ambivalent. "The odds of her recovering are good," he managed.

Without taking her hand away from Julie’s, Nora turned back to look at Setak once more. “And how are you holding up, Setak? Yesterday was troubling for everyone involved, and I know I didn’t take it very well, which surely didn’t help."

"As well as can be expected," Setak replied vaguely. "All things considered. Don't dwell too much on your reactions, I am sure that they were quite natural, you didn't cause anyone and stress that they wouldn't otherwise have encountered."

“Well, that’s both logical and fair,” Nora agreed. She was still a little worried about him, seeing as his response hadn’t been particularly reassuring, but she knew that pressuring him about his feelings wouldn’t help either. “Have you at least gotten some rest since this whole mess began?”

Setak wasn't used to others being as concerned with his well being as Nora had been and he wondered if she was that way with all of the ships crew. As the ships counselor she must have been and its likely that her counseling training played a large part in her attitude toward him but he was unsure at times. Nor was he sure how exactly he felt about the concern, was his fatigue so obvious? "I haven't been back to my quarters but I maintain a small domicile in my office that can be used when needed. I am fine, I assure you. I just want to make sure that Doctor Dormand is getting the care she requires, I have come to trust my staff but many new Julie personally and are a little too close to the situation to function without duress."

It was not particularly difficult for Nora to sense his unease with her line of questioning. Sometimes she had to remind herself that he didn’t know her very well, and that he came from another world—another universe, in fact—entirely. All the same, she couldn’t resist adding, “You know, Setak, I’m technically a doctor too. Remember how you suggested that I take the day off after Julie…well, after? Now it’s my turn to give you my professional opinion,” she smiled softly. “You’re taking wonderful care of Julie, there’s no doubt about that. Just remember to take good care of yourself as well. That means getting more than the occasional nap in your office,” she said, her words somehow pointed and gentle at the same time.

"Of course," Setak said with a slight smile. "It is notoriously difficult to make an accurate diagnosis on ones one problems and harder still to recommend to one self a viable treatment. I will take some time off as soon as I can."

“Good,” Nora smiled, relieved to hear him agree. The room seemed lighter again somehow, and she was still smiling when she turned her gaze back to Julie. “Julie,” she said, her voice warm and strong, “you’re in good hands with Dr. Setak. But you already knew that, I suppose. You have, after all, been working with him for a little while now.” Sighing, she squeezed her friend’s hand again before continuing, “I have to report to duty now, but I’ll be back again soon to see how you’re doing. Please remember that your friends and family love you. We can’t wait until you’re back with us.”

Setak remained silent as Nora finished up with Julie, part of him wondering if it would be more proper to give the Commander some space but he was rooted to his spot.

Nora slowly removed her hand from Julie’s, hoping against hope that her friend could somehow hear her even in the depths of her coma. “All right, Setak, I’m off to the Bridge then. Just keep in mind what I said, and take some time for yourself when you can.” Before she turned for the door, she added with a grateful smile, “And thank you again, for everything. I really do believe that Julie’s in good hands here.”

Setak nodded and accepted Nora's compliment as graciously as he could, he had never really received such kind words and was still becoming accustomed to them. Alone again in the sickbay the Vulcan took another set of readings from the biobed's display and turned to his office. He would get some rest but he still had no intention of returning to his quarters, he wanted to be present if Julie awakened, wanted to be the one to welcome her back to consciousness. But that was his hopeful side, his pragmatic side was simply waiting for the alarms to sound, that side of Setak wanted to be the one to bear the sole responsibility should the worst happen.


A Joint Post brought to you by:

Lt. Commander Nora Zeral
Executive Officer
USS Malinche

Lieutenant Setak
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Rabb »

<<Bridge, Day 5, 1048>>

The Malinche was hurling through space, exceeding warp 10, a speed Starfleet engineers said was not possible and was supposed to tear the ship apart. She was holding steady, though Stacy felt some pounding here and there. The heat shields were holding, but they were at maximum. It seemed all she could do to keep her head atop her shoulders. Stacy was just trying to maintain sitting upright. The pull on her body was immense, and she believed the rest of the crew must be going through the same thing.

As they went through time warp, strange thoughts seeped through her mind. Stacy saw herself in a sort of wave pool, naked and alone, hurtling down to the bottom, finding it mossy and murky. There were strange sounds all around her, sounds that she had never heard before. Stacy almost felt like she was about to lose her mind and reached up to hold her temple with her left hand. She had a massive headache and it pulsated through her entire head, as if her brain was going to explode and ooze out her ears.

She heard sounds of her crew mates. 'I should have never left him there', 'slow to impulse', 'Captain, we've been discovered'....sounds of men and women Stacy worked with. Though she hadn't been on the ship very long, Stacy already could recognize the voices, or did she? What was she hearing...sounds of the past or of the future?

The wave pool was replaced and she suddenly found herself slowly walking through an open field of wheat. There was a lone oak tree in the middle of the field, its main branches creeping outwards just high enough to not be reached. The sun was bright, but not too hot. Looking down, Stacy found herself in a sunflower print sun dress, wearing throwback cowgirl boots. She ran her fingers through her long hair, realizing her hair was down. It was as if everything was in slow motion, even her actions. She began walking towards the tree, as she noticed something moving in the low wheat that surrounded it.

Time seemed to be creeping along and it took Stacy what must have been hours to reach the tree. Feeling exhausted, she leaned against the tree, only to feel a hand griping her right wrist, rather tightly. Looking up, she was startled to be staring into the cold calculated eyes of a Romulan officer. She tried to loosen the grip and get away from the Romulan, but his grip tightened. He started to grin and the sun gave way to clouds. The air grew hot and stiff. The Romulan began laughing, an evil harsh laugh. It was punctuated by an erie sound coming from a wooded tree line that suddenly appeared on the horizon.

The Romulan began to change shape and appearance. Though changing, the grip on her wrist remained the same. Stacy could do nothing, she could say nothing. It was as if her voice was frozen, unable to break the barrier that somehow smothered her. She turned away, not wanting to face whatever it was the Romulan was becoming. She heard a cackle and felt the hand griping her become cold and clammy. Daring to turn back to face her captor, Stacy gasped at the sight. Instead of a Romulan officer as her captor, Stacy was now being held by what she could only think of as something from a nightmare, a pudgy scraggly white haired five and a half foot tall old woman. She appeared blind in her left eye and her nose must have been broken at some point in her life. She had only a few teeth in her open mouth and the tongue was moving from side to side, as if she were anticipating a juicy morsel.

She was dressed in worn and tattered clothes and Stacy suddenly smelled a sickly odor, coming from a large boiling pot that appeared behind the old witch. Somewhere deep inside, Stacy gathered the strength to break free from the old woman's grasp and with her other hand struck the old woman. The witch reeled back from the strike, but then cackled again, striking Stacy with a clawed hand and ripping the sun dress off her shoulders. Now half naked and cut on her right shoulder, Stacy attempted to strike the witch again, only to pull a muscle as the witch disappeared.

The sun came out again as the clouds disappeared. Stacy frantically looked around but saw no sign of the witch or the boiling pot. The treeline on the horizon that had been dark and gloomy disappeared. All was as it was before, then she looked down. There were three long deep scratches on her, starting at her right shoulder and ending just above her right breast. There was another set of scratches on her abdomen, stretching the length from her right side to the left side. Her sun dress was still torn and had fallen down around her waist. Blood was dripping everywhere and Stacy felt light headed.

Just as Stacy was about to drop to the ground, she was brought back to reality on the Malinche.

"What....the.....hell?" was all she could utter.
Lieutenant Stacy Rabb
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Kersare »

<<Bridge, Day 5, 1108>>

As the Prometheus class vessel re-emerged in the 20th century, Isabel's fingers gripped the armrests of her chair. Her eyes moved slowly back and forth, taking in the scene on the bridge. Many of the others seemed to be doing the same... As she gained her bearings, she called out clearly, "Activate our cloaking device...we don't need anyone spotting us. Mr. Masterson, keep an eye out for the Romulan vessel or the Bounty. Lieutenant Rabb, once Security/Tactical has had a chance to do some scans around here, bring us into a standard orbit around Earth. Lieutenant Masterson, you have the bridge."

Giving a nod to him, she stood and walked over to her ready room.

<Ready Room>

As the door closed behind her, Isabel took a deep breath. Certainly the circumstances were less than ideal, but she had faith in her crew nonetheless. The good news was that they had at least partly disabled the Romulan vessel, but she doubted that would stop them for long.

Isabel slowly started pacing the room as she collected her thoughts. A few things had to be done first. Tapping her comm badge, she said, "Kersare to N'rass... Please prepare a report on our current status - any damage we've taken, time needed for repairs, and any issues or concerns regarding the fact that we're currently in the 20th century. Please send it as soon as it's ready...we'll be having a briefing in a little while." Upon hearing confirmation from L'randil, Isabel closed the connection.

To her knowledge, Engineering shouldn't have been affected by their presence in the past. However, she hadn't seen a full report on any damage or issues that had arisen. With Engineering addressing that issue, it was one less thing for Isabel to concentrate on for the moment.

On her next pass near her desk, she took a seat and pulled out her PADD. Time for a list... As Isabel pondered their situation, she started entering the information into the PADD.

--1. Find and protect Kirk's crew
--2. Protect the Bounty
--3. Find Romulan Vessel; negotiate and/or capture ship
--4. Find/stop Romulans should they go to the surface

Those would be their main goals. For the first one, they would undoubtedly need to blend in with the locals of the time. Surely their uniforms would make them stand out...and some of the races currently on board would definitely stand out. They could make time for a clothing and perhaps hair change, but to also have the medical department changing someone's looks would be too time consuming. Once again, she tapped her comm badge, "Kersare to the Intel Department and Kartil...We will need some disguises appropriate for this time period. Mr. Kartil should be able to provide historical references and Intel should be able to come up with disguises. Please get these ready as soon as possible. If there are any issues, contact me...Kersare out."

As for how to locate Kirk's crew...that she was less sure about. She knew the very basics of what happened to Kirk's crew, but not the details. Frowning slightly, Isabel started another search through Federation databases. Within seconds, she heard a series of beeps and noticed a specially encrypted section that hadn't been there before... She entered her access code and was surprised to find specifics on the exact coordinates for Kirk's crew during their time in the twentieth century. At the bottom of the entry, a special message:

"Captain Kersare; I thought this information might be helpful. Use it wisely. Good luck. -Lieutenant Levkova"

Of course, the Temporal Agent. The consequences of failure would indeed be quite dire, so apparently she had wanted to give Isabel every possible advantage.

With the new information, Isabel began plotting out a strategy for protecting Kirk and his crew...

Team 1: Lt Rabb, Ens Thornton (NPC), WO2 Tilden (NPC)
Team 2: Lt Cmdr Zeral, Ens Toril (NPC), Prov Lt Setak
Team 3: Capt Kersare, Ens Kepler, Ens Kai

Kirk, Spock visit whales - Team 3
Sulu looks for helicopter - Team 1
Chekov, Uhura look for nuclear vessels - Team 1
McCoy, Scott look for whale containment options - Team 2

Kirk dinner with Dr. Taylor - Team 3
Chekov, Uhura board Enterprise - Team 1

Chekov in hospital - Team 2

Kirk, McCoy, Taylor rescue op for Chekov - Team 2 & 3
Sulu, Scott prepare whale tank - Team 1

Looking over the list again, Isabel slowly nodded to herself. For the time being, at least, it would do. She could get feedback during a staff briefing and make adjustments as needed. As she looked over her initial list, Isabel made a note to also find a volunteer to keep an eye on the Bounty. Even with it cloaked, they couldn't take the chance that the Romulans would ignore it. Perhaps a...what was the term...hobo? undercover would do the trick.

With much of the senior staff on the planet, she would need to leave Aaron in charge of the ship...between him and Cheetara, they could work on finding the Romulan vessel. And since nobody from Ops would be coming along, they could assist as well. L'randil could make sure the ship was in optimal condition to attempt time warp again. And of course, additional calculations would need to be run... Isabel made more notes, while it was fresh in her mind.

The last concern was finding the Romulans while on Earth. They might not go to the trouble of fully concealing their true race, but would likely figure out some way to mask it. Perhaps she could speak with Setak about that concern...

Her eyes moved methodically over the information she had compiled. It wasn't perfect, but it was the best she could come up with for now. Isabel tapped her comm badge, "Kersare to Senior Staff. Briefing in Observation Lounge, one hour. Kersare out."

OFF: Tag crew. Please note that we are skipping the actual meeting to save time. If you feel your character would have brought up concerns, suggestions, or issues, please PM me with them. Based on the information above, you should be able to have your characters (or NPCs in your departments) preparing to go down to the planet.

Remember, everyone going to the planet needs a cool 80's disguise. ;)

N'rass - let me know via PM or write a post regarding the report Isabel asked for
Setak - perhaps a JP about Isabel's concerns regarding the Romulans
Zeral - perhaps a JP about the device
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Dallas »

OFF: backpost

<<USS Malinche, Holodecks , Revised Timeline Day -1, 2100>>

Stacy was now very pissed off, not in any mood at all to be messed with. Her search for Lieutenant Flanders had gone awry. Just as she reached the holodecks, her communicator went off. Her little shipboard spy had just informed her that Flanders was boozing it up in the officer's lounge. Stacy was headed for the lounge. She wasn't sure if getting thrown in the brig on her first night was a good idea, but she was prepared to give Flanders a piece of her mind.

Karyn, meanwhile, was in the lounge enjoying a quick cup of raktajino. It was amazing how a slight change of scenery could affect one's mood, and in Dallas' case, a move out of her comfortable, but somewhat isolating office, had done wonders. She just felt better being among the crew, and she couldn't deny it gave her an opportunity to casually observe them unobtrusively.

People generally were on their best behavior if they were aware a counselor was around. Karyn had learned over time many people assumed counselors were on the prowl, looking for people to analyze or judge. She had managed to counter this belief among crews she had served a good amount of time with, but she also recognized her position with Starfleet Medical made that difficult.

Stacy trekked her way to the officers' lounge. By the time she reached the doorway, her face was almost as red as her uniform. As the doors slid open, she took a deep breath and paced herself, walking steadily and surely. Flanders shouldn't be too hard to find, after all, how many drunk Deltans could there be on the ship? She would have to find out what was going on with him. She'd heard a great many things about Deltans and this certainly wasn't one of them.

Stacy walked over to the wall adjacent to the door. She began scanning the room, looking for the bald head that would be waddling back and forth.

Karyn wasn't an empath or a telepath, but after so many years of clinical practice, she'd developed her own sixth sense when it came to people. Thus, she sensed the other woman's presence before she actually saw her. When she finally looked in the appropriate direction, it wasn't difficult to see the officer in question was steamed. Karyn considered intervening, but an angry officer in the lounge was not exactly an emergency. She sat back and quietly waited to see what was about to transpire. Would she see professional restraint or something entirely?

"Ashh I was shayeing", Flanders spilt his drink all around him on the floor as he was swinging his right arm around in the air, "you just don't forget all doosh years of....of....of..." Flanders belched and turned around just in time to see Lieutenant Rabb staring at him. Fortunately for him, he'd avoided spilling any of his drink on his new superior officer.

Stacy, for her part, was working on keeping her cool. She didn't want to come off looking like a hot headed power hungry despot in her first few days. "Lieutenant Flanders." Stacy folded her arms in front of her, nostrils flaring and eyebrows furrowed.

For Flanders, recognition set in after a few seconds, which was a few seconds too long. He attempted to snap to attention, sitting his drink on the table next to him and waving his arm in an attempted old style salute. "Lieutenant....Frabb. Ma'am." Flanders wobbled from side to side.

Karyn watched the exchange with a mix of concern and fascination. Why was Flanders getting sloshed on duty? Would his superior officer care?

"Mr. Flanders, you're drunk." Stacy looked on the tables close by and observed a tall glass of water. She grabbed the glass and quickly drenched Flanders, watching as the water fell over his bald head, into his eyes and down onto his uniform.

"Damn," Karyn muttered as she moved to intervene. She had hoped to sit back and watch a professional exchange, but instead she was afraid she was going to have to play referee. "Is there a problem, here?"

Stacy didn't even turn to look at the new person coming up to interfere with the situation. "Not sure who you are, but I'll thank you to stay out of this." She stared at Flanders, waiting for some kind of reaction. "Well Flanders?" Stacy put her hands on her hips, glaring at Flanders.

"I think you might want to re-think that after we talk," Karyn replied dryly. When Stacy looked her way, she offered, "I'm Counselor Karyn Dallas, and I think it'd be a good idea for the two of us to speak privately. There's an urgent personnell matter that needs your attention," Karyn added, hoping the other woman would gather she wouldn't take no for an answer. "I'm sure a security officer would be happy to escort Mr. Flanders to your office to await further punishment."

Stacy looked around and realized she'd let her anger get the best of her. She noticed an off duty security officer near the door. She motioned for him to come over. "Petty Officer, please escort Mr. Flanders to the brig."

Flanders had a puzzled look on his face and meekly followed the security officer. Stacy watched them walk towards the door and looked back at the counselor. "Shall we take care of that....ah...urgent matter?"

Karyn nodded silently and led Rabb back to Karyn's office where they were certain not to be disturbed. When the doors closed behind them, Karyn turned toward Rabb and regarded her coolly. "Is there any particular reason I shouldn't be turning you over to security right now for assaulting Mr. Flanders? Before you answer, I'd advise you to think twice before blaming his inebriation for your sober reaction to it."

Stacy was taken aback. "Excuse me? Now I'm being dressed down by a counselor? What kind of ship is this? How I deal with drunk idiots in my department is my business."

"Not if it involves assaulting officers," Karyn replied evenly, "especially in public. You might want to watch your tone with me, Lieutenant. I may only be a counselor to you, but I can still remove you from duty if you're unfit, and your actions back there aren't in your favor."

"Seriously? You would say I am unfit for duty because I dressed down a junior officer in public." Stacy turned away from the counselor, took a few steps and turned back, facing her. "What kind of universe did I wake up in today?"

Dallas' tone remained even despite her growing irritation. Rabb was quite close to insubordination. "Tossing water onto a colleague, even a subordinate who's drunk, is considered assault and battery, in most any universe. As I said, I understand you were upset with Flanders, but how you handled your feelings was inappropriate at best and criminal at worst. Either way, I think we need to talk about what led to your reaction."

Stacy realized this chick was serious. Stacy thought she would have a serious conversation with someone about just who this counselor thought she was. For now, Stacy decided to play it cool and sat down.

"I get you were angry," Karyn began, when she realized Rabb wasn't going to offer anything more. "What I don't understand is why you chose to deal with your anger the way you did. You could have sent Flanders to the brig and put him on report or given him a verbal tongue-lashing, but you chose to assault and batter in public. Why?"

"Well, it always worked for me in the past and I just have a thing for making a scene. And...if you're going to make a big deal about a drink being splashed in someone's face, then you'd better be prepared to hit all the lounges and mess halls on a daily basis during off duty hours; because every gal who throws a drink into a man's face is committing a crime."

"I think I'll focus on the offenders who are department heads for now," Karyn returned easily. "It tends to be a deterrent for the junior staff. Getting back to your behavior, tell me what you mean by having a 'thing' for making a scene?"

Stacy started twirling her hair in her fingers. "Wow, you are really literal aren't you. I was being sarcastic."

"Of course you were," Karyn replied. "What do you mean when you say you have a thing for making a scene?"

"Wow. Really? Seriously? I just said I was being sarcastic. I don't make a scene, they just happen when I am around stupid people."

"I don't appreciate the 'wow', 'really' and the 'seriously' in your response, Lieutenant. That 'I'm smarter than all of you' tone and choice of words may work to intimidate your juniors, but it's not going to fly with me. I'll tell you right now it's not a good idea to pretend you don't know what I'm talking about, either. We both know that isn't true. Now, as I see it, you have a choice. Either you agree to see me regularly to address this poor choice of behavior and I tell the Captain you're working to make amends for what you did, or I tell her what happened in the lounge and I recount this conversation with all of its eye rolling, sarcastic detail. Really. Seriously."

This counselor was really full of herself, but Stacy decided she should play along for now, to see what the game was. "Well, it looks as if I have no choice. Either sit in the brig for no reason or come see you all the time to share my feelings about my childhood."

Stacy stood up, walked away from the couch and shook her head. She stopped and turned around to face the counselor. "You know, I thought this was going to be some kind of touchy feel good counseling session, not an inquisition. If this is your style counselor, you really should change departments. I'm sure Security could put your skills to better use. As it is, I see that I have no choice but to follow your orders. Is that all? May I return to my quarters?"

"I take in what I get and I respond accordingly," Karyn replied with a shrug. "If you wanted a touchy feel good conversation, you should have dropped the attitude and the sarcasm. You chose not to, and in doing so, you clearly chose not to have a touchy feel good talk. All choices have consequences. Just because you don't like the consequences, it doesn't mean you don't have a choice. You can choose to see me or you can choose not to see me. What's it going to be?"

"Well I guess I will be seeing you, won't I?"

"That's entirely up to you," Dallas replied. "I guess I'll know what you decided soon enough."

Lieutenant Stacy Rabb
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997

Karyn Dallas
Acting Chief Counselor
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by N'rass »

<<USS Malinche, shuttlebay, Revised Timeline Day 5, 0900>>

The morning shift was beginning to get their stations opened and ready for the pending day's worth of work as Roen Anara walked into the bay with her normal cup of hot raktigino. A few conversations got quiet as she walked by, a typical reaction that mostly made the blunt Bajoran smirk.

She took a sip of her drink as one of the crew Chiefs handed her a padd to scroll through. "Good work, Anders. How soon can you have this one ready to fly? I have a feeling the bridge might be ordering both of these out today."

"It should be done soon. We are doing final calibrations on the sensor arrays now. The other runabout will get calibrations after that." He said with a trying to impress tone.

Anara raised an eyebrow and looked between the two crafts then back at her subordinate. "Why can't you calibrate the two simultaneously like we usually do? We are in a potential hot scenario and at the very least it's downtime. You know I can't stand downtime."

"Yes, Sir." He replied. "The problem is the second sensor signal unit is offline. We don't know why but ever since we left the station our test equipment has been acting up. It's almost as if someone was using it while we weren't looking."

"I would rather not think about that right now Lieutenant. If you can expedite the process do it, but only if you can trust the equipment. It's lives we are talking about after all."

"Understood." He nodded and turned back to the work crews as Anara turned to go back to her office. The door hissed shut behind her, silent and dark for a moment before she commanded the lights on and settled into her desk chair. Once settled back, she tapped her badge. "Roen to N'rass."


"Yes?" L'randil responded with a lean on the engineering handrail as she looked at the core. It had been a while since the conflicted pair had reason to exchange words. The caitian had been glad for the change of pace from being an Ensign under the Chief to being a department head of rank. It did make her curious, though that she paged the engineer.

"I have some problematic test gear down here. Do you have any available techs to send down to check it or take it up to the lab?"

L'randil smirked, then looked around to see how her manpower was looking. She was tempted to say everyone was busy, but she knew that she was the available tech. "I'll be down in a while, but some of those machines need to be done at a starbase."

"Sooner the better. Roen out."

Once the channel closed, the caitian muttered "Back into the lion's den."

WO2 Roen Anara(PNPC)
Shuttlebay Manager
USS Malinche
played by: N'rass

Lieutenant JG L'Randil N'rass
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Re: Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home

Post by Dallas »

OOC: This is a backpost.

<<USS Malinche, Counselor Karyn Dallas' Office, Day 1 Revised Timeline, 0900>>

"Unless I think you're a danger to yourself or others, Jenni, anything you say to me will be kept in confidence," Karyn reassured, the fearful energy practically radiating from the Ensign in waves. Dallas had no idea what had brought Thorton to her office this morning, but whatever it was seemed to have her petrified. The young woman didn't appear to have slept much recently and seemed to Karyn on the verge of tears. "Whatever it is, I promise to help."

Jenni smiled a little, nodding and wiping a tear away. She looked at the office for a minute, scanning one side then the other. She sat down opposite Karyn and clasped her hands tightly in her lap. Jenni couldn't help but rock back and forth a bit.

"Take your time, Jenni. There's no rush. I can see you're really upset about something."

Jenni looked up at the counselor a moment then looked back down at the floor, staring at a spot she found on the carpeting. Karyn probably had never noticed it, or had she deliberately left it there to see if any of her clients would focus on it?

"Did you have an argument with someone? Maybe something work-related?" Dallas was grasping at straws, but she thought it was a good bet it was something work-related if Thornton was missing work to come here.

"Well, Stacy, I mean Lieutenant Rabb, she helped me yesterday with this problem, well, at least with one end of it....well, I mean part of it's gone...." Jenni wiped away a few tears there were smudging her mascara.

She looked up at Karyn and tried to compose herself. "It started some time ago, on another assignment. There was this guy..."

"Go on," Karyn encouraged gently. "Take all the time you need."

"Well, you see, he, ah...we...dated for a time." Jenni wiped away more tears and tried to compose herself again. "We dated for some time. We were assigned to the same duty station and flew shuttles on a daily run. Things seemed to be going good at first, and I thought maybe he might be the one guy for me. Then, well, then it happened. On a particular assignment, our shuttle lost warp drive and we had a major system malfunction. We were stranded for a long time, and he....well he..."

Jenni leaned forward, her head cuddled in her arms and swaying a little from side to side.

There were certain experiences Karyn and her sister Kate needed no words to understand. It was like their own nightmarish form of telepathy or empathy, good for only certain horrors. It was Karyn's own experiences that naturally drew her to help in specific situations, but it was that same understanding that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up and her stomach roll.

"You can say it, Jenni. I promise you're strong enough," Karyn encouraged firmly with confidence years of only her own healing could give her.

Jenni looked up at Karyn with tears pooling up her eyes. She could barely see through the pain and anguish. "He raped me....he raped me...." She looked down again at the floor, then held her head in her hands. Slowly, Jenni let out the words that she had welled up inside her for too long. "He raped me...." She started crying harder, sobbing so that it hurt inside her chest, making Jenni think her heart would burst.

Despite knowing what was coming, probably before she was even consciously aware, Karyn felt a lump form in the back of her throat. It took her a couple of beats to find her voice and when she did, it was full of emotion. "I'm right here, Jenni. I'm not going anywhere." Dallas resisted the urge to touch Thornton, lest she startle the girl, and instead, she leaned in a bit closer. She knew Jenni just needed to get the emotions out, the specifics of Karyn's comforting words not entirely important.

Jenni was such a ball of emotions. She wanted to scream, yell, cry, laugh and fall apart all at the same time. This was the first time she'd really gotten it out. Even when she told Stacy what happened, she didn't go into detail.

OFF: JP brought to you by:

Ensign Jenni Thornton (NPC)
Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche
played by: Lt Rabb

Karyn Dallas
Acting Chief Counselor
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A