<Mission 21 - Bad Medicine>
Linara began her day like any other, with a groggy stretch and walk to the replicator for her cup of mocha. She did not bother getting into her uniform or even looking into a mirror until it kicked in, since mornings were not her thing. The data Padd on the other hand was a fixture and she scrolled it intently studying reports and briefings relevant to her day. As the caffeine began to kick in, she put on her uniform and straightened her short hair to a more orderly style. From the mission brief that was forwarded, it seemed like a busy time was coming, so she made her way to the office with a sigh.
<<Security office, Day 1, 0825>>
Personal Log ON:
"This ship is very different from the Thunderchild, well that's an understatement. The corridors are lettered different and the crew is different." The Bajoran leaned back and sighed. "That isn't a bad thing though. No flight deck bay doors and rumbling under my office at all hours of the day. I have yet to see a jet-jockey prancing down the halls." The last remark made her smirk and turn in her chair a little. The office was still pretty sparsely decorated, though the idea of her own office was itself invigorating. "So far I have not met any senior staff, but the day is young. From the looks of the files here this may be an intense mission. What was that human saying?... Let's roll."
Roen, Linara
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
Roen, Linara

Lieutenant JG Roen Linara
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A