Once Upon A Starbase

Posts for the USS Malinche's shoreleaves

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Post by Thomas »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Deck 8, 1045, Day 1>

"Dare I ask how things are going?"

"Could be better," Jason responded. He crawled out of the access hatch so that he could talk to Brice.

"I'm almost afraid to as this but is your status report done?"

Jason nodded, indicating a PADD that was laying next to the toolkit on the floor. He had been on his way to drop it off to Mason when this bit of repair work distracted him.

"Thanks, have you seen Soren around?"

"Check out engineering, as far as I know he was lending them a hand down there...why did my jolly operations officer do somethign wrong?"

"No, I just never really got a chance to visit with the enlisted personnel, thats all. I'm trying to get to most of them before they disembark for shoreleave."

"Probably a good plan."

"Is there anythign else that I can help you with?"

OFF: Tag Barrett!
Chief Petty Officer Brice Thomas
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Post by Treharne »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Starbase 10, 1045, Day 1>

"So there I was facing down at least four, five -"

"Dozen Jem'Hadar..."

"Hey, damn it, Drip, this is a good story," Nichoals Shea, a hefty Petty Officer 1st Class responded, visibly hurt by Lt.(JG) Roderic Treharne's sarcastic comment. The two were sitting in Starbase 10's bar with two other newly enlisted Starfleet crewmembers, their eyes wide with antcipation of the story from the Dominion War.

"Anyway," Nick continued, using his ham-like hands on the table to act out the fight with the Jem'Hadar in that cave years before, "This big old Jemmy comes at me like this-" A hand moved across the table, the Crewmen Recruits' eyes follow it as if it were dog biscuit and they were the dogs. "I don't panic...that is until I see his buddies coming round the corner of the cave, that's when I -"

"Hey," Roderic interupted, "As much as I too want to relive the glory days on the old Montie - or not on the Montie, as the case may be - I've got to go report in."

The two friends extended hands and shook, before parting ways. As he walked from the bar, Roderic could hear one of the young crewmen ask, "Are all officers like him?"

Nick chuckled, "Hell, no...he's no officer, he's an enlisted man dressed up like an officer. Back on the old Montie, Drip was my Petty Officer, and I listened to him, so you two better listen to me, because you could turn out like me or Drip..." the voice drifted as Rodierc moved farther away from the table.

The old Montie. He'd rather not remember those days: those were terrible days. Maybe not for the bright eyed and bushy tailed Crewmen Apprentice that Nick had been, but definately for Roderic.

Moving into the swirl of the people moving toward various destinations, Roderic headed for his new assignment: the USS Malinche. Not his first choice, but it was a starship. A lot better then being couped up on a Starbase; at least this way he gets to see the galaxy.
<img src="http://ussmalinche.kersare.net/images/yltjg.jpg">
Lieutenant JG Roderic Treharne
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Post by Kersare »

OFF: Alrighty everyone, I'm officially back from LOA. As you can see, we've acquired a Brig Officer - please welcome aboard Lieutenent JG Roderic Treharne. :) Also, Lylyl has switched characters to be our ACSec/Tac Officer, and once I've spoken with Navdante, I believe he'll be switching characters as well.

I'll be sending out an e-mail this week or next weekend with information regarding our next mission - I think you'll really enjoy it. As mentioned, it's based off of a Star Trek novel - 'How Much For Just the Planet?'. We should also be getting a new CEO this week.

Oh, I'm moving things ahead time-wise, but feel free to backpost or move things ahead to Day 2.

<<Isabel's Quarters, 1702, Day 1>>
Things seemed to be going fairly well thus far. Then again, it was a little more difficult for things to be going badly while docked. With the Malinche, one could never tell though.

She'd finished her report on the last mission and sent it in to StarFleet not an hour ago, and was relieved to have it done. Most likely the admiralty would be wanting more information on the Korsha and the R'teq'Ni, but the Malinche didn't have anything at the moment. Besides that, the Korsha seemed more a scientific or archaelogical mission; not something for the Prometheus class vessel.

The R'teq'Ni, for the time being, were out of their reach. Isabel had a feeling the Malinche might be sent to investigate the race further - and might even be asked to do so for their next mission, unless something else came up. Time would tell; thus far Isabel had received no orders for their next mission. That suited her just fine - shoreleave was a welcome distraction.

Mason and Brice had given her some of the departmental reports and she'd looked them over briefly. One or two were still missing, but she was sure they'd be acquired soon enough. Right now, nothing was too pressing that she couldn't go take a walk on Starbase 10 to relax a little. She only hoped some of her other crewmembers would do the same.

<<Starbase 10, Just outside the Malinche, 1722>>
Isabel, still in uniform, paused slightly to take a look at her ship. The surface gleamed, though she could see the damage that would be getting repaired shortly. Teams were already working on it, and she nodded to them politely.

One of them, seemingly in charge, stepped forward and addressed her, "Good evening Captain. I'm Lieutenant Fred Greenham(NPC) - in charge of the repairs to your ship ma'am."

She smiled, "Good to meet you Lieutenant. I trust it's not too much work for you?"

"Not at all. We'll have her back in top shape in no time. Taking a stroll on the starbase?" He switched a PADD from one hand to the other as he was handed another PADD by a young ensign.

"I believe so, yes. I love my ship, but a change of scenery is good from time to time," Isabel replied.

"Indeed it is. I'd recommend the gardens or Promenade, ma'am. There's some really good food in some of the bars, or cafe's if you'd prefer," Fred informed her.

"Thank you, I'll keep it in mind. Contact myself or my Executive Officer, Commander Hunt, if you need anything. I just lost my Chief Engineering Officer, though I believe another one is lined up," she said.


With that, she headed off down the corridor, in search of the Promenade.

<<Starbase 10, Promenade, 1737>>
Seeing the Promenade and the variety of people on it brought a smile to Isabel's face. Looking back on it, she probably should have changed out of her uniform - she was on shoreleave after all, and some people might be intimidated by her rank. Isabel had a friendly nature, and enjoyed meeting people, though she did try to be professional while on duty.

She walked slowly, her eyes taking in the scene and trying to decide where to go. Remembering she hadn't eaten anything since breakfast hours ago, Isabel
decided stopping for food would be first on the list. Silently she contemplated where to eat...so many choices. As Fred had noted, there were bars, cafes, restaurants...

A smile spread across her face as she heard music coming from a restaurant nearby. Spotting a table near the Promenade side of the restaurant, Isabel took a seat. A menu was already on the table, so she picked it up and glanced through. They had quite a bit to offer, but Isabel had made up her mind by the time the waiter came over.

"Good evening ma'am, may I get you something to drink, or are you ready to order?" The young man smiled at her, waiting politely for her response.

"Yes, I'd like an orange Italian soda, an order of breadsticks, and fettucini alfredo, please," she replied. It had been awhile since she'd had some good Italian food, and something told her this would be a good place to change that.

He nodded, "Right away. I'll bring your drink and the food will follow shortly."

"Thank you," Isabel said, handing him the menu. She watched him leave for a moment, then turned to watch the passers-by while she waited.

OFF: Tag to whomever
Captain Isabel Kersare
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Thundera »

ON:<<USS Malince>>
<Security Office, Day 1, 0820>

Cheetara turned to Shandris. "Right through here", Cheetara said pointing to door on the opposite side of the corridor.

Cheetara walked in behind her and then sat at her desk.

"Welcome aboard", Cheetara said flatly. "I wasn't able to really look up your background, so why don't we start with you telling me a little about yourself??

Shandris sat down as Cheetara did, without smiling. She'd never encountered the Borg before, but had heard horror stories. She felt a little unnerved being in the presence of a Borg.... well, she was ex-Borg, but the mere sight of the prosthetics on the woman's face were oddly bothering her.

?Well.....? Shandris sighed, not sure what to say, ?I'm from a planet outside of Federation space. Siddheil, as my people call it. The average Siddheil has pitch-black skin and bright white hair. But over the past few centuries, more and more of our people started to change.?

?See, we live underground, normally,? she sighed, ?and apparently, there's a large amount of some sort of radioactive ore underground, as well. The radioactivity wasn't an issue until we began to find this metal and began mining it. Then... skin and hair colours began to change amongst children born. It didn't affect adults, but newborns and young children, to about eighty years of age. We're also a long-lived species, the average adult living to about eight-hundred years of age.?

She paused a moment to wait for Thundera's reaction, then continued, ?Another thing about my species is that we are very psionically.... active. Many of the 'high-born', the nobility, are powerful telepath's. As were my parents. But..... I was not gifted as such.?

Cheetara listened intently as Shandris spoke trying to get a feel for the new officer. She was intrigued about this race and knew should would do some research on them later. "That sounds a little odd that you did not inherit the telepathy gits of your parents. But in some cultures they tend to skip a generation as well."

?Instead,? she explained, ?I was born with a talent for psychokinetics, or as some call it, telekinesis. I can move things as small as a pebble to as large as a Razor-class fighter or a good-sized boulder. I can also use the kinetics to push things, pull things, or even put holes in things, if I feel a need to. I don't do it often, preferably. It's what's led me to become a Security officer. I'm not strong, Lieutenant,? she admitted, ?but I can usually avoid getting struck, and can fight back with the kinetics I was born with.?

"Don't worry about your strength for now. There are plenty of exercises that will be done here with the security crew that will help you learn about self defense and build up your strength."

She offered the woman a quirky smile, ?Any more questions??

Cheetara raised an eyebrow at the quirky smile from Shadris's question. "Not right now. But his some things you need to know." Cheetara paused as she handed a padd to Shandris. "There is a small office for you through those doors over there. You will also notice a complete list of your duties and responsibilites as to how I run this department. I expect them to be followed out as they are. Also, you are to report to holodeck 3 at 1200 for the beginning for the cadet training that Commander Hunt asked for. Welcome aboard. You are dismissed and I will see you on the holodeck."

Cheetara watched as Shandris got up and left. Cheetara did notice how Shandris seemed to be a little a little unnerved. She hoped the feeling wouldn't last that long for the sake of the department.

OFF: JP Done By:

Lieutenant Junior Grade Shandris
Asst Chief Tactical/Security Officer

Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
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Post by Thundera »

ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<Security Office, Day 1, 0845>

With Shandris gone, she knew that she still had to contact Lieutenant Monal(NPC) about the training of the cadets.

"Let's get this over with" she mumbled to herself as she tapped the buttons on her desk console to contact him.

A few minutes later the connection was established.

"This is Lieutenant Monal, how can I help you?" he said.

"Greetings, this is Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera. Chief Tactical/Security Officer of the USS Malinche" she answered.

"Why hello there", he replied in a friendly voice. "I guess you're contacting me to deny my request for the cadet training right?" He gave a chuckle at the end.

Cheetara didn't really see the humor in his sarcasm and continued on. "Actually, I've agreed to the training. However, I have a few problems with these guidelines you've that you want followed."

"And why is that?" he asked.

"Because as far as to my methods of training, these guidelines will hinder them. You have too many safety protocals, and the methods of defense fighting that you are asking for won't do any bit of good during real combat. How do you expect me to train them? Give them a stick and tell them to go pop a balloon?"

Cheetara realized that she may had over dramatized with her last statement, but she knew she had to get a point across. She watched as the Lieutenant's face changed to a more serious note.

"Listen here Lieutenant, these are still young cadets with no experience. This training is to help them get acquainted with starfleet security regulations in real training simulations. Those guidelines are precisely for that matter. Futhermore.."

Cheetara cut him off before letting him finish his dreary speech. "Now you listen Lieutenant. First of all, I don't like your tone. Secondly, I know how new the cadets are and what the exercises for." Cheetara paused for a brief second and changed her tone a little. "However, with all due respect. If you want me to train them, you need to forget about these guidelines and trust my judgement. I'm sure it will be a much better outcome for them as well as starfleet. And the way I see, you really don't have any room to argue unless you want to wait for another vessel to come."

Monal gave a brief sigh knowing that Cheetara was right in the fact that there wouldn't be any other vessels coming by for quite some time. After a few moments of dead silence, he spoke up. "Alright then. Have it your way. But should anything happen to any of those Cadet's, you will be the one to answer any charges that may come up."

"Agreed. You can send them over here at 1145. My training will begin precisely at 1200. You have a good day. Cheetara out."

Cheetara closed the link and got up from her desk knowing that she had many preperations to make for the cadets coming over.
Lieutenant Cheetara Thundera
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche NCC 38997-A
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Post by Barrett »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Deck 8, 1045, Day 1>

"Actually, I think I have things well under control cheif."

"You sure about that?"

"Positive, though if I need you then I know where I can find you....well the computer will no where to find you."

"Right," Brice nodded.

Jason smiled at the chief before he turned around and headed out of the corridor as Jason went back to access panel. Personally, he just wished that they could have all the repairs done already; he sorely needed a vacation.

"Barrett to engineering."

"Soren here sir."

"I've finsihed the repairs to the EPS system on deck 8, she should be ready to go."

"Understood sir, I'll let the new cheif engineer know when they come onboard."

"Thanks, I'm going to head off to the bridge if you need anything else let me know."

"Understood Soren out."

Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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Post by Soren »

*Main Engineering*
Day 1, 1048 hours

"Barrett to engineering."

"Soren here sir."

"I've finsihed the repairs to the EPS system on deck 8, she should be ready to go."

"Understood sir, I'll let the new chief engineer know when they come onboard."

"Thanks, I'm going to head off to the bridge if you need anything else let me know."

"Understood Soren out."

Chief Soren checked off an item on his PADD. That EPS conduit was one of the last on the list. The others served some non-essential systems.

The engineering crew was still moving around like bees in a hive, following the maintenance and repair protocols as amended by Soren. Environmental control was perfect now, calibrated for the various life forms that the Malinche supported. The intermix formula for matter and antimatter had been balanced, and should provide the highest efficiencies for warp travel. Still, those confounded M/AM injectors were still not quite right. Sure, they were within StarFleet standards, which Soren could recite from memory. But the Malinche had been in uncommon situations, and the boatswain would have been happier if the injectors had slightly better alignment.

Still, things were going all right, and the starbase's crew were all over the exterior repairs. There might be time to do this right.

"Engineering to Operations, Chief Soren here."

"This is Ops, Chief."

"Requesting about 12 hours on the Engineering Simulation Computer. I'd like to run some simulations on our warp injectors."

<open tag>
Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Soren
USS Malinche
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Post by Darkhelm »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 0845, Day 2>

"In conclusion it seems that the symbiote managed to create a temporal wave that actually traveled back in time, effectively replacing Barrett before he died. It seems that the symbiote has the ability to exert an extensive amount of chrontin particles that allowed for this to happen. Since his incident, Lt. Barrett has completely recovered and is showing no adverse signs of the re-animation process."

Amanda closed the file and then leaned back in her chair, letting out a loud sigh. So far the shoreleave had been nothing but work for her. She intended to change that later today though, hopefully she would be able to get out of sickbay for a few hours and head down to take some time off at starbase. She heard it had an excellent resturant that could serve pretty much about anything that you asked for.

Shutting down and locking out her computer she stood and replaced her coffee cup in the replicator. Heading out of the sickbay she waved goodbye to the EMH's that were on dury and into the corridors of the Malinche.

OFF: Tag to whoever!
Lieutenant Commander Amanda Darkhelm
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USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Barrett »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Barrett's Quarters, 1045, Day 2>

"So, what do you want to do tonight?" Adam (NPC) asked.

"I don't suppose that you would go for just sitting around doing nothing?"

"Jace, we have a whole starbase at our disposal...do you really think that I would want to just sit around and do nothing."

"I was sort of hoping that would be the case...although I should have known that it wouldn't be."

"What about taking in a holonovel of two? There has to be something out there that you want to try."


"Why don't you think about it," Adam smiled. "I'm going to head down to sickbay and get to work on inventorying those supplies. See you at 6:00."

Jason waved him goodbye just as Joey (NPC) was coming into the room.

"Hey man, whats up?"

"Nothing...you want to go check out the base...I need to get out of here for awhile."


<Lounge, 1115, Day 2>

"Joey, can I ask you something?"


"When you were first with a girl how did you know what to do...I mean did you just take all that locker-room talk and...well you know."

"Sort of why do you...ohhhh having issues with Adam, are we?"

"Not so loud," Jason snapped. "I mean its just that our physical relationship hasn't exactly been blossuming as of late. I mean sure we've kissed but beyond that...well....nothing has really happeend."

"You're both showing remarkable restraint."

"You have no idea," Jason sighed.

The doors to the lounge openned up, admitting several Malinche officers. Jason looked up, those that walked in saw him and Joey and headed over to where they were sitting.

OFF: Tag to whoever wants it!
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Soren »

Main Engineering
Deck 5, 1130 hours, Day 1

"Reset simulation, computer." said Soren again.


Chief Soren had been at it for about half an hour now, testing and retesting various angular confinements for the matter/antimatter injectors. The Prometheus warp containments were unique to StarFleet designs. There were three separate reaction chambers along the core's height or Z axis. During normal operation matter feeds in via injector at the top of the core and antimatter through another injector at the bottom, as in any normal warp core. The M/AM streams pass directly through the upper and lower reaction chambers and continue down to their meeting point in the central chamber. The objective was to provide warp dynamic efficiencies when the vessel separated.

But unless the injectors were aligned with the shortest possible path from matter to antimatter to meet in the median chamber, the entire effort was for naught, providing less fuel efficiency and shortening the life of the dilithium by adding wear to the lithium atoms.

"They will align." Soren said to himself. He hardly heard the crewman come up behind him.


Soren turned quickly, startled. His head puffed to three times its size, and the crewman, startled in his turn, took steps backwards. In an instant, the Denobulan's head was back to normal.

"I'm sorry, crewman. You nearly scared the fluids out of me. What's cooking."

"Well, chief, I've finished the ODN tracing. No anomalies. Could I catch my shoreleave?"

"You up for rotation?" Soren checked a PADD next to the SIM computer. "You are...lucky stiff. Have fun."

"Thanks, Chief."

"And don't sneak up on me like that...I use this heart!"

"Right, chief."

<open tag>
Chief Warrant Officer Second Class Soren
USS Malinche
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Post by Peters »

ON: <<Starbase 10, Promenade, 1751, Day 1>>

Isabel watched as the waiter returned with her fettucini and breadsticks, which were nice and warm, judging by the look of them. He placed both in front of her before stepping back and smiling, "Is there anything I can get for you, ma'am?"

"No, I believe I'll be fine for now, thank you," she replied. He nodded and turned to go to another of his tables as Isabel smiled. She picked up her fork and began eating slowly, savoring every bite. Periodically looking around at the others on the Promenade, Isabel noticed it getting a little more crowded - probably people getting off their shift or heading for dinner.

Peters walked along the Promenade, looking at all the shops and periodically glancing at the padd he held. "No, no, and no. Where is that restaurant?" He looked along to his right again, then finally spotted it, 20 meters further down. "Aha."

Walking in, Peters looked around. The station's computer had said the Malinche's CO was in here somewhere. He looked around and spotted the only woman in a Starfleet uniform in the entire restaurant. Well, it was worth a shot. He walked over and stopped by the Table. "Captain Kersare?"

Isabel looked up from her meal, a little surprised, "Yes, I'm Captain Isabel Kersare. And you are....?"

"Lieutenant Todd Peters, Ma'am. I'm your new Chief Engineer."

So this was the new chief engineer she'd been told about. "Pleasure to meet you," she smiled and continued, "We're off duty, so please just call me Isabel. I just began eating, why don't you have a seat?"

Peters pulled out the chair opposite Kersare and seated himself. "Thank you, ma-- uh, Isabel. May I?" He pointed at the basket of breadsticks.

Isabel nodded, "Please. Actually we could get the waiter back over here if you'd like to have some dinner; company is always welcome, and I like to get to know my crew anyway."

"Well, I haven't eaten yet, to be honest. I think I'd like that." Peters smiled. He wasn't used to his COs being this accomodating with their time. None of his previous commanders had been so friendly right up front except Captain Dea.

Seeing the waiter at a nearby table, Isabel waved him over. The young man came to the table and asked politely, "Is everythig alright ma'am?"

"Everything's absolutely delicious. Mr. Peters here just joined me and would like to put in an order though. Oh, and can we have some breadsticks when you get a chance?" Isabel figured that the small basket of breadsticks wouldn't suffice for both meals.

"Absolutely," the waiter smiled. He turned to Todd and asked, "And what would you like sir?"

"I'll have what she's having, thank you." Peters smiled at the waiter, then at Kersares, taking another breadstick.

The waiter nodded and smiled, "Of course. I'll bring it right out with the breadsticks and drinks."

Watching the waiter leave, Isabel smiled back at Todd, "So, Mr. Peters, when did you arrive, and where did you come from? My apologies, but I only recently learned I was getting a new Chief Engineering Officer and didn't receive any information about you."

"Well, ma'am," Peters picked his padd back up and tapped a couple of keys on it, then turned it around and slid it towards Kersare," "I arrived just a few minutes ago. My previous assignment was at Utopia Planitia, and before that I was the Chief Engineering Officer aboard Starbase 60 for 2 years. My full service record and orders are on that padd."

Taking the PADD, Isabel let her eyes slide across it, reading quickly to get an idea of Todd's experience. "I take it you enjoy Science as well as Engineering," she commented.

"Yes, I do. History as well. But you don't get very far in Starfleet as a Historian. Well, at least not serving on Starships."

"This is true. I must say with your experience you'll be a great addition to my crew. Our former Chief Engineering Officer was beginning to work on repairs before she left, and my boatswain, Chief Soren was helping out as well," Isabel told him, taking another bite of her fettucini then washing it down with a sip of her Italian soda.

The waiter returned with Peters' food. Nodding his thanks, Peters took a couple of bites. "You're right, this IS delicious. At any rate, I'll be getting aboard the ship this evening, so I'll be able to check on my department's status and get acquainted with my people tomorrow."

"Wonderful. Once you've checked on things, you're welcome to the standard shoreleave as well. I'm not quite sure when we'll be assigned our next mission anyway," Isabel admitted. It was nice to have some company, Isabel enjoyed people and when some saw her captain's pips they automatically decided she was unapproachable. "Are there any questions I can answer for you?"

Peters took a few more bites of his pasta as he thought about it for a moment. "Well, nothing comes to mind off hand. I'm sure I'll be able to find you should I have any later, however."

She nodded, "My door's always open. I take it you like Italian, Mr. Peters?"

"Well, my favorite has always been Chinese, but I like a good bit of Italian food. That and Trill... now they know how to cook."

Isabel smiled, "That they do. Any particular area of history interest you? And would you prefer I call you Lieutenant Peters or Mr. Peters or...?" She didn't want to seem too forward, but liked to know what her crew was comfortable with.

"I'm not picky about the name, ma'am. I prefer Military history in general... lately I've started reading up on my Starfleet history."

Quirking an eyebrow at him, she replied, "No need for the ma'am, just Isabel is fine. What parts of StarFleet history?"

Peters chewed his food for a moment, swallowed, then answered. "Well, right now I'm working on the Constitution class 5 year missions. I'm up through the Enterprise's contact with the Dereidi. I don't know if you've read anything about that, but it was quite a, well, strange mission." He nibbled slightly on one side of his lower lip, not sure how much detail she wanted.

"I've read a little, but nothing in depth, please go on," she smiled before taking a bite of her breadstick.

Peters swallowed another bite of Fettucini. "Well, the Dereidi were human colonists... but they had cheap and outdated equipment, so they ended up sitting on a HUGE stockpile of Dilithium. A Federation scout and a Klingon ship found it at the same time. The scout managed to retreat and draw the Klingons away from the planet, and they encountered the Enterprise, which was testing some new technologies nearby."

Peters paused to take a drink of his Italian Soda. He looked up to see how Kersare was reacting to the story thus far.

Isabel nodded, she'd heard about the dilithium and that a Klingon ship and Federation scout found it on Direidi at about the same time. "New technology?"

"Basically inflatable phaser targets designed to look like starships, Klingon cruisers, romulan birds of prey, that sort of thing. Something we'd use a holoprojector for these days, but back then Holo technology was dodgy at best." Peters smiled. He enjoyed talking about history.

"Ah, right. Please continue," Isabel said smiling. It seemed that Todd was feeling a little more at ease talking about something he liked. She also enjoyed history and learning new things if nothing else, so it was quite interesting for her as well.

"Well," He said, "This is where it gets interesting. The Enterprise and the Klingon ship, the Fire Blossom, are both assigned to go take delegations to the planet to convince them that their respective sides should be allowed to mine the dilithium. But the Dereidi were a step ahead of the game." Peters paused for a couple of moments to finish up his pasta.

Seeing Todd finishing his fettucini, Isabel realized she'd been listening so intently she'd been neglecting hers. After another bite of a breadstick, she started back on the pasta. She was almost afraid to ask what happened next, the situation certainly seemed...unique..."A step ahead, hmm?"

"Well, the Dereidi had figured out what they were sitting on, and they'd seen the scout and the Klingon ship in orbit... so they made up such a series of absurd situations that the Klingons and the Enterprise crew didn't know which was was up... Everything from mixed up beam-down coordinates to a midievil chamber of horrors show. In the end, they made both sides agree to jointly develop the planet and split the dilithium."

Peters finished off his soda, wondering idly if Kersare would want him to go into more detail about the individual situations. He'd read the file several days ago, so not everything was fresh in his mind.

"Impressive what they accomplished. Any particularly interesting absurd situations?" Apparently the Direidi were rather creative in the way they solved things, Isabel decided. She could only imagine what they would have come up with.

"Well, my personal favorite, and the one I remember the best, was the two of the Enterprise crew got into a scuff with two of the Klingons. But rather than letting them brawl it out, the Dereidi maneuvered them into playing a game of golf, and part of the golf course was on a supposed military firing range."

"Oh my, and how did that turn out?" Military firing range and fighting Federation/Klingon crew...that certainly couldn't be a good combination. Isabel waited to hear more.

"The Enterprise crewers and the Klingons ended up working out their differences peacefully, faced with what they thought could be a mutual threat." Peters smiled. "What a concept, huh?"

"Most definitely," Isabel returned the smile. "The Direidi seemed to have been quite clever with dealing with others. Quite unique, at the least." She was enjoying the conversation; it was relaxing and took her mind off the ship.

"Yeah. I think they called it 'Plan C.' C being as in Comedy. I seem to remember one of them being quoted as saying the only thing they feared was an enemy that didn't have a sense of humor."

Isabel nodded, "Sense of humor can be a powerful thing." Isabel chuckled quietly, remembering some of the adventures she'd had with her sister. Todd certainly seemed to know quite a bit about history.

"Yes, yes it can." Peters glanced at the classic-style watch he always wore. "If you'll excuse me, though, Captain, I think I'll go find my way aboard the ship and get unpacked. Thank you for letting me join you."

"Of course, get settled in. If you need anything, I believe Commander Hunt, our Executive Officer is still on board, as well as Chief Soren and some others. Or you're free to contact me as well. I hope you enjoy being with us, Mr. Peters," Isabel smiled and stood up, extending her hand.

Peters shook the offered hand, smiling. He then held a datacard against the reader on the table, it plinged, showed an itemized bill on the display closest to his seat, then went blank. He pocketed the card, then turned.

"Good evening, Captain." He walked out of the restaurant and turned down the Promenade towards the docking bay the Malinche was moored at.

Isabel watched him leave, nodding to herself. Todd would be a good addition to her crew. He was certainly friendly enough, polite, and seemed rather knowledgeable. She would enjoy getting to know him better and seeing what he would accomplish. For that matter, there were a couple other new crew as well, if her memory served....she'd have to meet them at some point. For now though, she was going to enjoy a little more time off; she turned and headed for a walk on the Promenade.


A JP with

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Lieutenant Commander Todd Peters
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Treharne »


[USS Malinche, Bridge, 1125 HR, MD 01]

Roderic, moved uneasily across the Bridge toward the XO?s office, a large duffel over his shoulder. He?d expected, of course, to report to Lieutenant Thundera, but she was unavailable. That left the executive officer, whose name Roderic didn?t even know. Not the best way to get started on a new ship, he thought. Best way to exist was to be invisible - not be known to either the CO or the XO. It stunted promotion through the ranks, but Roderic never really cared for that sort of thing.

Pressing the panel next to the XO?s office door, the new Brig Officer waited patiently for the call to enter.

Hunt had just finished up his third cup of coffee for the morning, that was unusual for him because it only took two get started. Then again he thought back on why he drank so much as the reason was that he had a pile of paper on his desk the most he had seen since being assigned to the Malinche. The door chime drew his attention from his work long enough to answer the door.

"Come In."

?Good morning, Sir. Roderic Treharne, Lieutenant (JG), reporting in. I couldn?t find Lieutenant Thundera,? the odd name moved uncomfortably in Treharne?s mouth as he stopped in front of the XO?s desk, ?Someone told me to come to you instead.?

"Welcome aboard Lieutenant, have you had a chance to settle in?"

Shaking his head, Roderic assumed an at-ease position, ?No, Sir. Just came aboard, I don?t even know where my quarters are yet.? Reaching into the bag he?d set at his feet, Roderic pulled out the PADD with his personnel files and handed it across the desk to Hunt, adding (as if it needed explanation), ?My records.?

The XO looked over picking up the padd sipping on the coffee. A few moments later he looked up at Roderic, "At ease, Lieutenant. Have a seat."

?Thank you, Sir,? Roderic responded grabbing a chair and sitting down stiffly: his back remained straight and his hands rested on his knees. ?I never take it as a good sign whenever I have to report directly to the XO. The mindset of an enlisted crewmember doesn?t die easy.?

"That's understandable; in fact I was the same way when I reported on board as Captain Kersare's first officer. Would you care for a cool drink?"

?No, Sir.? Roderic?s stiff body eased a bit, a long with the edge on his voice, ?You think after all the years we?ve had in Starfleet, we?d be better off at this sort of thing.? Small talk was not one of the skills Roderic possessed, probably why he?d never managed to find a steady girlfriend.

"Well everything seems in order here, what made you transfer to the Malinche? According to this you served with distinction at your last post." Hunt was just trying to see what kind of man he was not trying to give him a hard time. He could see that Roderic was a bit uncomfortable.

Shrugging, Roderic considered the question. When he?d applied for transfer, Roderic told himself it was for his career, being the Assistant Brig Officer wasn?t exactly going places, but then again, neither was a Brig Officer. ?Change of pace, I suppose, Sir. I haven?t been on a stationed on a starship since the Dominion War.?

"I see, well one thing is for sure you have found that pace here (he said laughing) it?s a great place to be if you want adventure and to expand yourself." He tapped on the console where the computer brought up the list of available rooms. "Your new quarters on deck four section thirty two baker cabin one five nine. Since the ship is not due to depart for a bit you can use the time stroll about the ship meet your fellow crew mates. The CO is not aboard, but if you wish you can go settle in and join me in the mess for a bite to eat and a drink?"

Heaving himself out of the chair, Roderic picked up his bag, ?My pleasure, Sir. How about an hour then?? Eating with the XO? Great, what would come next? Dinner and tea with the CO? Sometimes, Roderic really missed the enlisted life, why did he ever get involved with this officer stuff?

"Sure in one hour, take your time though it was nice meeting you and I will see you in the mess. Dismissed."

Standing, popping to attention for just a moment, Roderic grabbed his bag and headed out the door. Maybe this new assignment wouldn?t be that bad. Of course, he had yet to meet this Lieutenant Thundera?


A JP by:

Cmdr. Mason Hunt,
Executive Officer

<img src="http://ussmalinche.kersare.net/images/yltjg.jpg">
Lieutenant JG Roderic Treharne
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USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Silent and bored.

Post by Rayne »

<<Starbase 10,Promenade , 1755, Day 1>

Sara sat quietly outside a small restaurant all to herself, she wasn't really hungery but she had nothing better to do right now. Sure she could just report in to her new assignment but then again she wasn't real sure of her assignment. She had met Lt. Grayson once before durring the dominion war though she was sure he wouldn't know who she is anyways, after all she had been in disguise when they met, nor would he even have access to her carrer files except the ones that didn't need to be classified restricted level S5. Sara had been part of a special Starfleet secret operative network simply known as SFI:9 back in the war, but now she would be taking a position on the prometheus class starship known as the U.S.S. Malinche. She just wondered what to do with her delta flyer, either she would have to leave it at the starbase or find room for it on the Malinche.

The delta flyer had served a great purpose durring her war-time service and she didn't feel like letting it go yet, though given the chance to grab one of those new Arrow-Class runabouts she found out about Sara would dump the delta flyer and go about modifing the runabout to her liking she just needed some black sensor jamming paint and that would do it for the outer hull.

For awhile Sara continued to sit alone before she noticed the captain from the Malinche walk by. "Captain Kersare." she thought to herself, "Well this makes things easier doesn't it." she said silently to herself before standing up to catch up with the captain and report in to her instead.

OFF: Tags Kersare
Ensign Sara Rayne
Acting Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer

USS Malinche-B NCC-38897-B

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Post by Thomas »

<Lounge, 1115, Day 2>

Brice headed over to where Jason and Joey (NPC) were sitting. He had worked with them both during thier last mission and had taken a liking to the two fo them at once. Then again, he didn't really know anyone else on the Malinche. Getting to know his own warrant officers was something that was easier said then done. They tended to bury themselves in their work. He hoped that this shoreleave would give them some time off...although he wasn't sure that they were going to take it.

"Good morning, what are you two up too?" Brice asked, sitting down.

"Having a discussion about Jason's love life...or lack there of."

Jason looked like he wanted to punch Joey in the face; given his martial talents Brice knew that wasn't going to be such a good thing should he actually go through with it.

"Why thanks so very much for blurting out my personal information you idiot," Jason snapped. "I should let you pay a visit to Commander Darkhelm."

"Its ok," Brice smiled. "So, what are you guys doing today?"

OFF: Tag Barrett and crew!
Chief Petty Officer Brice Thomas
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USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Treharne »


[USS Malinche, Treharne's Quarters, 1148 HR, MD 01]

The mirror shot back the round faced Roderic, lines from age just starting to appear in his face. Grabbing a towel he wiped off the rest of the water from the cold spray he'd thrown on his face, before heading back into the living room of his quarters. His simple duffle sat alone, propped up in the corner, it's contents yet untouched.

He was on a starship again.

That simple thought plagued his mind. Sure, he'd done his cadet cruise, like everybody else, but somehow that was different. The ship, the USS Pulasky, rarely went anywhere outside of Federation space during those few weeks Roderic was aboard. And then came graduation, and then came his assignment to Starbase 71.

The issue wasn't that Roderic hadn't been on a starship since the Monte; the issue was that he hadn't been assigned to a starship since the Monte. In the thick of Starfleet life, seeking out danger, instead of danger coming to you; every day a new twist, each twist a chance of disaster. Each disaster a possibility of ending like the Monte.

Strange how memories and experiences like that stayed with a person all through the years. Even today, standing in this room, Roderic could tick off a couple dozen names of Starfleet crew he'd served with on the Monte, some he'd known well, others just a face and a name.

It was those 'others,' those people with only a face and a name to go with them, no other memories, that bothered Roderic. If the Montpelier had survived the Dominion War and none of those people died, Roderic wouldn't recall any of them. But the ship hadn't survived, and neither did they. Now, their faces were permanently etched his mind.

Roderic supposed it wasn't his own skin that concerned him, not really. Sure, he'd rather live then die, but if he really was afraid of that, he'd have left Starfleet and settled on Earth long ago. No, what really scared him was adding more faces to that museum of his mind.

Leaving his lonely bag still propped in the corner, Roderic headed out the door and for the Chief of Security's Office. Though he'd technically reported in, Roderic didn't feel the comfort of being settled, but maybe talking with the CSO would help out.
<img src="http://ussmalinche.kersare.net/images/yltjg.jpg">
Lieutenant JG Roderic Treharne
Brig Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B