Star Trek Exodus: The Adventure Begins...

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Star Trek Exodus: The Adventure Begins...

Post by Barrett »

It is the year 2394. It has been 19 years since the end of the Dominion War which ravaged the galaxy. The Federation and her allies, as well as all peoples of the universe are enjoying a time of peace and prosperity.

The Bajorans have been accepted into the Federation. A new area of space has been discovered, the Azarie Expanse, an area of fluidic space that has offered an multitude of successful and peaceful first contacts.

First contact has been made with the Maran Republic; a vast replublic containing dozens of new worlds and species, including the Marans; great warriors that are as gentle as they are strong.

Into this new era of peace sails the USS Exodus Resolute class vessel. They continue the mission, to find new life and new civilizations and to bodly go where no one has gone before...

But in the vast reaches of nothingness beyond our galaxy an ancient evil is stirring....

Thats teh basic premise for my new Star Trek short story series....the adventure begins in January!
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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Captain Fenton Kroll watched the ships zip by as the shuttle weaved its way through the orbital shipyards that hung in space around Mars. Fenton was nervous, this was going to be his first glimpse at his own command, the USS Exodus. As the small shuttle darted in-between ships and complexes, Fenton?s breath quickened every so slightly. He was anxious to see his new ship, to see what she could do. He itched to take her out of the system, to charge into the unknown.

It sent a jolt of excitement down his spine.

?We?re coming up on her now sir.?

Fenton nodded to the young ensign that was doing the driving and then leaned forward to get a better view. The shuttle darted over the saucer section of an Excelsior class ship in the middle of a refit before Fenton?s ship came into view. It was a breath taking sight.

The Exodus was brand new Resoute class cruiser. Containing the sphereical hull that tradtionally belonged only to the medical frigates before hand. The hull was some what smaller and sat on a sleek secondary hull. Warp engines flared gracefully from her aft section.

?She looks better then I imagined,? Fenton breathed. ?Have you seen any other members of my senior staff??

?I took over your operations chief and your chief medical officer yesterday.?

Fenton nodded, following the promotion of Rear Admiral Nerwal to flag admiral a number of his staff had been re-assigned. Nerwal did his best to try and get Fenton the officers that he requested but some of them were already moving on to bigger and better positions.

For his executive officer Fenton had chosen none other then the Hale?s former CMO, Amanda Darkhelm. Amanda was reluctant at first; mainly because she never really saw herself as command material. But Fenton needed her, she wasn?t afraid to speak her mind to him or any other member of the crew. It wasn?t until after numerous messages and a fair amount of badgering that Fenton had gotten her to accept the position.

He retained also Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett; who would serve as the ship?s operations officer. Joining them would be Adam Townsen; the Exodus?s head nurse and incidentally Jason?s life partner. After that though, the familiar faces seemed to end.

The shuttle contacted his ship, making the arrangements for them to come in for a landing. There was a soft bump as the shuttle touched down on the deck. Fenton clapped the young ensign on the back before starting toward the access door.

?Thank you for the ride ensign.?

?You?re welcome sir.?

Fenton descended the ramp, taking note that Darkhelm was already there waiting for him. She smiled, as she usually did. Darkhelm was an ex-marine and former chief medical officer aboard the Hale. She was tall, with an athletic build and fiery red hair. Her eyes were a piercing green, soft yet able to stare down the toughest competitors.

?Welcome aboard sir.?

They started toward the shuttlebay doors. ?Thank you Commander, I trust things are coming along nicely.?

?As good as can be expected we should be able to shove off in two weeks like we had originally planned.?

They walked out into the brightly lit corridor, techs hurried past them obviously on their way to something or other. Fenton liked the idea of his crew wanting to get underway early. The air aboard the Exodus still smelled brand new.

They entered the turbolift, indicating that they were headed toward the bridge. With a barely noticeable jolt the lift jumped into motion whisking them away to the bridge. They doors opened, admitting them to the bridge. It was virtually an identical to that aboard the Sovereign class. It was done in more muted tones then her other counterparts. Fenton inhaled sharply. He was looking at his bridge?his very own bridge.

A young man stood from the command chair. He had dark blonde hair and smoky grey eyes. He was well built; turning to both Amanda and Fenton he offered a smile.

?Welcome aboard Captain.?

?Good morning Lt. Barrett. What?s the report??

?At the moment our biggest concern is the starboard power coupling, it keeps shorting out. The engineers and Ras?kra are trying to track down the problem at the moment. He swears he?ll have it ready by the time we depart?or shed the blood of the coupling?s manufactures; something of that nature I believe sir.?

Fenton looked taken aback by that comment until he remembered that his chief engineer was a Caitan. A humanoid, he had what looked like the head of a lion and then a humanoid body, spare the tail. If Fenton recalled his personnel files correctly, Ras?kra had white fur with golden eyes. Some may have found the Caitan?s appearance un-nerving but he knew that the alien was top of his class at the academy and had come highly recommended from his previous ship. Fenton made a note to go and see him later that day.

Jason was of medium height; although his uniform contained a defined and well built body. Fenton had seen Jason?s tactical prowess in battle more then once and the results were disastrous for those that were in his way.

?Don?t worry sir, took me a while to adjust to his comments sometimes.?

Fenton laughed. ?Might take us all awhile, are the rest of the senior staff aboard yet??

?Almost, your tactical officer is down in the holodeck beating the crap out some Klingon?s, I have him some time off he spent all night long working on squeezing some extra punch out of the phaser banks.?

?And he chose to go to the holodeck at that time??

?Apparently,? Jason shrugged.
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Ship type: Light cruiser
Length: 363m
Width: 146m
Height: 124m
Crew complement: 304
Max. speed: Warp 9.96
Weapons: 6 Type X Dual Capable Phaser Arrays, 4 Rapid fire torpedo luanchers

The Resolute class is a novel starship type with a size between the Intrepid and the Sovereign class. With so many ships lost with all hands throughout the centuries, passive security was one of the primary design objective at Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards. The spherical main hull is detachable. While not threatened by antimatter explosions, plasma leaks in the nacelles are a frequent reason for the destruction or severe damages of starships. This is why the whole nacelle assembly may be jettisoned too. The main bridge is not attached to the outer hull as in conventional Starfleet ships, but is located on decks 15 and 16 in the center of the primary hull, well shielded against direct hits. The Resolute class is also the first starship type with two separate and independently operational warp cores, one for normal operation and the second one as a redundancy system. The second warp core is usually in a stand-by modus, and is able to kick in only 10 seconds after it is requested.

Like all Federation vessels of the era the Resolute class is equipped with dual capable phaser arrays, allowing the vessel to fire with beams and pulses of energy. Additionally, the focusing emitters have been upgraded allowing for more energy output and effectively doubling the damage able to be dealt with phased energy weapons.

The Resolute class comes equipped with the latest impluse drive system; allowing her a great deal of manuverability as well.
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
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And to start things off the Wolfe Class!


The Wofle class was created as the Federation experienced a sudden boom in expansion and exploration. During the early 2380's the Federation found herself on the forefront of exploration once more; with massive amounts of space and new discoveries openning up to them every day. Seeing as how the fleet would be stretched thin, Starfleet brought back a design that was easily manufactured and even more easily built.

Using the basic layout of the first warp 5 vessel, Starfleet created the Wolfe class light cruiser. These ships would be able to full-fill mapping and short range exploratory missions, freeing up the larger vessels for more important duties. They would also be used for patrol and police duties as well as for planetry defense.

Equipped with moderate shielding and type IX phaser arrays; they would have firepower that was a little stronger then the Intrepid class before her upgrades. They were also equipped with the latest sensor and torpedo systems.

Ship type: Light cruiser
Length: 245m
Width: 136m
Height: 45m
Crew complement: 215
Max. speed: Warp 8.75
Weapons: 5 Type IX Dual Capable Phaser Arrays, 3 Rapid fire torpedo luanchers
Lieutenant Commander Jason Barrett
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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