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Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:41 pm
by Kersare
<<Bridge, 0955, Day 2>>
"That looks messy," he said, sitting down. "So, what's going on?"
Isabel's fingers moved lightly over her console as she transferred the data over to Jason, "Ion storm, directly in our path."
“Looks to be a pretty big one too,” Jason responded, he tapped a few keys on his own display. “Category 8 and growing, on the Hale we encountered a category 4 once and we had no choice but go to through it, nearly tore the ship to pieces.”
"Well, I certainly don't think we want to go through it. I know Ivor Prime needs the medical supplies, but if we're to check on the Romulan Neutral Zone we also need to have the Malinche severely damaged," she replied, standing.
“If we do end up finding some surprises in the Neutral Zone, it’ll be easier to deal with if we aren’t putting ourselves back together again,” Jason commented, although he knew the same thoughts were already going through Kersare’s mind as well. “And no offense to the Romulans but I have always found them to be full of surprises.”
Walking down the few steps to the Operations and Flight Control consoles, Isabel turned to Marco, "How much of a detour would we have to take to avoid the ion storm, Mr. Tupalov?"
Marco made a final mesmorising look at the flight display before looking over his right hand to the navigation menu; he saw the Ion storm represented by a red circle, a bloody big red circle. "One moment Keptin," he replied, pulling up the data on the storm so far; direction, speed, growth and plotting its probable life-span. "At present heading we would likely intercept the" he said, pointing at a spot on the nav map over 26 hours away. "...but if we were to avoid it completely, with room to spare..." his voice trailed off as he calculated the new potential course "....three days, maximum Keptin."
“Even if it adds a few days, it’s better the risking us and the medical supplies by going through it.”
"Keptin" Marco spoke up, indicating the thick dotted curved white line on the nav map that represented the potential new course, it peeled off of the solid line that showed their actual course. Marco groaned inwardly, an Ion Storm or the Bermuda Triangle.
She nodded, frowning, "That would take us into the Taevon Expanse...."
Jason whistled. The Hale had been through the expanse at one point a well; again with less then stellar results. The unpredictability of the region along with the, well, ghost tales for lack of a better word met that a lot of vessels steered clear of it. Jason brought up a display of the expanse on his own station before turning to look at Kersare. “Looks like they just finished a survey of the area; its probably safer then trying to get through that ion storm,” Jason said. “If we stick to the mapped out routes shouldn’t be an issues, unless of course you are all afraid of ghosts,” Jason smiled.
Marco wheeled round to face the XO; "Ghosts are things of little boys tales and the village idiot, sir" he replied. 'Ghosts...' he scoweled at the XO mentally, 'stupid boy...'
"So we'd be delayed by a few days, but there's at least a chance that we won't suffer damage. If we go through the ion storm, we know there'll be damage," Isabel said, thinking aloud. Clasping her hands behind her back, her eyes took in the ion storm on the Main Display.
'Sound out your command rationalisations like a cadet' Marco thought to himself, rolling his eyes, noticing how quickly Kersare had interjected after Marco's comment; probably trying to keep him out of trouble.
“Agreed,” Jason nodded.
"Better surely to face mister Barret’s...ghosts, than to tackle something that actually exists, no?" Marco asked.
Isabel turned back to Marco, "How much longer would it take us if we avoid the Taevon Expanse as well?"
"Hmmm" Marco replied, charting a course all the way around the expanse. "Keptin, there's an extremely narrow window between the expanse and the storm, however if the storm swings even minor bit in that direction we will be caught in it..." he finished his calculations " go around least eleven days, not allowing for ghosts."
“I’m not sure Ivor Prime can wait that long,” Jason said. He knew that going through the expanse was risky but so was wasting time with the medical supplies.
"I agree, Ivor Prime could wait a few more days, but avoiding the Taevon Expanse takes too much time. I think we'll have to chance it," she replied. Her mind made up, Isabel said, "Mr. Tupalov, adjust our course to take us through the Taevon Expanse to avoid the ion storm."
Marco authorized the commands on the console and the solid line gradually moved across the screen to join with the dotted line, he adjusted down the speed for the immediate turn and pushed back up again once they were on course.
She started to turn back towards the command chair, but paused to address Marco again, "How long until we'll reach the Expanse?"
Marco set a waypoint at the edge of the expanse and read back the information. "Thirteen hours Keptin," he replied shortly.
Nodding, Isabel took her seat in the center chair. Hopefully she wasn't making a mistake. She knew some ships got through the Expanse unscathed, but others... They'd find out soon enough.
Marco looked for a while at the nav map, looked at the little flashing insignia that was Malinche thundering ever closer towards the red outline of the Taevon expanse. He figured now would be a good opportunity to read up on the expanse and so called for a replacement to the conn, he needed a coffee....
OFF: Tag crew!
JP brought to you by:
Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Warrant Officer First Class Marco Tupalov
Chief Flight Control Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 9:05 pm
by Barrett
OFF: This is a backpost
<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck 1, 1910, Day 1>
Jason watched as Nora took her seat; there was something about her that put him at ease. The doors opened to admit Schulz, who looked considerably more relaxed then he did when Jason first saw him on the bridge...although compared to the ensign earlier, anyone would have been more relaxed.
"Welcome to the party Will," Jason smiled.
Will faltered a moment before returning the smile. He wasn't used to anyone aboard the Malinche calling him Will yet, let alone a superior officer. "Glad to be here," he replied, procuring himself a beverage and finding a seat.
Jason could tell that the use of his first name startled him, although he wasn't all that surprised.
"How was your day?"
"Not bad," Will replied, feeling the ocean breeze against his face and hearing the surf crash against the beach, "But it's not over yet...I have the night watch tonight. The captain thinks I need more command experience, I guess. Nice set-up you have here."
"Command experience is always a good thing," Jason smiled. "Is there something that I can get you to drink?"
"I think this lemonade is good enough for me," Will said, taking another sip, "What's on the menu for the evening? I've got three hours until my shift and I plan to enjoy them."
"Wise man," Jason smiled.
He gestured for Will to head over toward where a large buffett of food was setting out. Truth be told, Jason had sort forgot what all it was that he had made; but the long table had plenty to eat on it. Fresh fruits, salads, a various assortment of breads, three kinds of soup, and several choices of meat were laid out.
"Its sorta of buffett be honest I think I made so many different things I sorta forgot what I did make."
Will could feel his tastebuds watering as he looked over the table of food. Taking another sip of his lemonade, he turned back toward the crashing surf. "Maybe in a few," he said, "Right now I want to meet who else is here."
"Mingle away, just make sure that you eat something before you go. I'd hate to have all this food go to waste," Jason smiled.
Will laughed...this party had been a good idea afterall.
A JP by:
Lt. JG William "Will" Schulz
Chief Operations Officer
USS Malinche
Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 10:54 pm
by Quaid
<Day 2, 10:15, Main Bridge, USS Malinche>
Jake stepped onto the Bridge to find everyone busy at work, he sensed a slight tension in the air as he approached his station, relieving Ensign Stone.
Running his hand over the mission log display, he noticed that their course had changed. "Is there a problem Captain?" the Lieutenant asked as he ran several sweeps with his internal, external and tactical sensors.
Isabel turned to face Jake, who was on her right at the new Security/Tactical station, "An ion storm was detected on our initial course setting, so we had to adjust. Unfortunately this one will take us slightly into the Taevon Expanse and likely delay us two or three days."
"The expanse? Not exactly an ideal place for a Federation ship to be," Quaid replied with a furrowed brow. "I've heard some stories over the years that definately put me off from making it my vacation spot."
"I didn't like the idea either, but the alternative would have delayed us around a week; Ivor Prime can't wait that long," she explained.
"I recommend we go to yellow alert. The crews of the few ships that made it out of there mentioned they received damage that can't easily be explained," Jake replied. "Some believe the expanse is inhabited by creatures, others believe the expanse IS a creature. Being so close to the Elyshan border however, I want to be prepared for anything."
Isabel nodded, "We won't reach the Expanse for approximately another thirteen hours. Once we get closer, we'll be going to yellow alert."
"Then I suggest we begin the security drills and weapons tests I had scheduled for the next few days, now ma'am," Quaid replied. "I'd hate for us to enter the expanse without fully testing the new Tactical and Security systems."
In all the excitement, Isabel had nearly forgotten about the drills and tests Jake had wanted to do. "Go ahead, Lieutenant."
"Aye Captain," Jake said as he began typing commands into his console. "If my calculations are correct, I can run a test of the phasers, torpedoes and shields within 3 minutes, although we'll need to drop out of Warp and switch to simulation mode. There won't be any need to activate Multi-Vector-Assault-Mode as the data from this weapons test will be sufficient in the determination of our tactical readiness."
Isabel turned slightly to face Marco, "Mr. Tupalov, bring us out of warp." As the ship slowed from warp speed, the Main Viewscreen changed from streaks to single stars all around them.
"Activating simulation mode. Phaser power reduced to minimum power, photon and quantum torpedo warheads disarmed," Quaid said aloud as he read from his tactical display. "Starting Phaser firing cycle now."
One by one, the Malinche's mighty Phaser Arrays shot out streams of phased energy, its orange clow reflected off the pristine hull elegantly.
"Firing data coming in now..." Quaid said as he routed the information to the Captain's control panels. "It looks good so far, the computer's compensating for the phase variance in the energiser coils as predicted."
She watched the weapons tests, then turned to her console as Jake transmitted the data. He was right, thus far everything looked good. "Excellent."
"Phaser cycle complete. Phaser targetting and firing efficiency figures are coming in," Quaid smiled proudly, his work was paying off. "97.2 percent."
"Certainly an improvement over our last percentage," Isabel said. Looking at the last efficiency figures, it appeared the Malinche had been at only 89%. Of course the tests hadn't been run on a regular basis, so it might not have been quite that low recently.
"Yes ma'am, we're well above average," Jake replied, his eyes remained locked on his Tactical display. "Torpedo cycle engaged."
The two forward and two aft firing torpedo launchers proceeded to spit out several Photon and Quantum torpedo cases which guided themselves toward preprogrammed sensor ghosts. Like before, the orange and blue lights reflected off the hull beautifully.
Jake's fingers hit a number of keys in rapid succession. "I'm not detecting any problems here either. Each torpedo proceeded toward their ghost targets as expected."
Isabel nodded, "Everything seems to be checking out."
"The torpedo casings self destruct systems are activating as planned. And I've charged the shield grid with a low level kedion pulse," Jake explained, “a short burst of anti-lepton radiation from the deflector dish should send the pulse coursing through the shields to test their strength and recharge rate."
Isabel's fingers tapped at her console, bringing up the deflector controls. Quickly she programmed in a three second burst of anti-lepton radiation and activated the command, "Radiation burst your way, Lieutenant."
"Thank you Captain," Jake replied with a smile as his tactical display lit up like a christmas tree for a few moments. "Shield efficency at 99.1 percent accross the board. recharge rate as expected. Shield efficiency has returned to normal."
"Good," she said. They'd certainly need the shields in the Expanse...
"Tests complete... obviously I'll go over the data and correct any anomolies in time for our arrival at the expanse," Jake smiled, "You can resume your course when ready."
Nodding, she turned back to Marco, "Resume our previous warp speed and course to Ivor Prime, Mr. Tupalov." Isabel saw him nod and adjust the settings from the Flight Control console.
"Would you like surprise security drills or shall we discuss a pre-arranged schedule?" Jake asked as simulation mode was deactivated and the weapons systems returned to their pre charged status.
"You could always do both," she smiled. "Surprise drills keep them on their toes, pre-arranged ones generally allow for more details to be looked at."
"Yes ma'am. Shall we discuss it privately?" he asked. She was cunning, he'd wanted to do just that but felt that it was the Captain's decision to make so he could only offer recommendations.
Her eyes did a quick sweep of the bridge; everything seemed normal for the time being. Standing, Isabel nodded towards her Ready Room ahead and to the right of her. Once she saw that Jake was going to follow, she started in that direction, "Lieutenant Barrett, you have the bridge."
The doors slid closed behind them, cutting them off from the eyes and ears of the Bridge crew. "Thank you for the opportunity to run my tests Captain," Jake said with a smile as he stood before her desk.
Looking around briefly, Jake noted how roomy Kersare's new Ready Room was. 'I should get her a plant or a picture or something..." he thought.
"Of course Lieutenant," she replied, "As you pointed out, it wouldn't have been wise to enter the Expanse without doing so anyway." Isabel took a seat in the small chair and table grouping and gestured to the other chair for Jake.
Smiling, Jake sat down and placed a PADD on the table. "No it wouldn't... that's why I want to make sure the crew's ready too. That's why I think we should look into improving morale as well as improving response times."
Isabel nodded as she folded her hands on the table, "I'm sure you'll have them ready. How have they been doing since our last mission?"
Jake thought carefully for a moment before speaking, "I'm not sure about the rest of the crew, but the security department's morale is low. I'm doing my best to keep them busy with the Tactical and Security systems, but we lost good people to the Borg, which brings me to my next problem."
"Go on," Isabel said, raising an eyebrow. Honestly she didn't expect morale to be very high under the circumstances, but perhaps she would talk to Nora about that...
"It's our 'guest'. Some of my people are resistant to being posted outside his quarters," Jake explained. "And I'm sure you're not happy about having a heavy security presence around every time you go for a visit."
She was a bit surprised by this, but glad Jake was bringing it up. Giving an apologetic smile, "I was going to talk to you about that actually."
"I won't lie to you, I'm not happy that he's onboard, but I can understand why you want to keep him close," Jake explained, "I'm willing to reassign the guards and have security monitor his movements using the internal sensors."
"I would appreciate that," Isabel said. Derek had actually been making some progess, but still, nobody knew how much of a 'recovery' he would make. All the same, she didn't see a reason to start an arguement about the matter, so she left her response simple.
"I must still insist that anyone going in the room is accompanied by security officers who will wait outside," Jake continued in a soft tone, "the security field must also remain active."
Isabel nodded, "Understood. Would you have objections to me taking him to the holodeck, assuming I keep the security guard escort and a temporary security field is put into place? I think having the access would increase the chances that he regain more of his memories." Though she was Commanding Officer, Isabel also wanted to make sure Jake knew she respected his opinion. This was a new experience for her at any rate, and she trusted his expertise...she just didn't want the precautions to hold Derek back from potential progress.
"Alright... I'll be happy with that too," Jake smiled. "If all goes well, we can arrange to have him visit the lounge or the other rec areas."
"Thank you; I appreciate it," she said. The subject of Derek was still a difficult one for her; she slowly rubbed her thumb against her opposite hand. "Was that all you wanted to speak to me about?"
Jake tapped a few keys on his PADD and aimed it at the desktop viewer. "I've uploaded the drill schedule to your personal database. Would you like to be surprised with the unscheduled drills too?"
"Yes, that would be fine."
"Very good ma'am. I better go call off the guards. Do you have an idea of when you'd like to visit Derek or take him to the holodeck next?" Jake smiled carefully.
"I'll likely visit him after my shift and I think it would be best to wait until we're safely out of the Taevon Expanse before taking him to the holodeck...too much uncertainty while we're there," she replied.
"Understood, I'll be sure not to spring a surprise on you while you're visiting him then," the Lieutenant replied before standing, "Permission to return to duty Captain?"
Isabel stood as well and nodded, "Permission granted."
A Joint Post By:
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:33 pm
by Peters
ON: <USS Malinche Main Engineering, Day 2, 1020>
"We're doing WHAT?!" Peters exclaimed as the status report scrolled across his screen. Half the heads in Engineering snapped in his direction at his outburst. Peters waved them back to their work, then read the rest of the report.
He admittedly didn't like Ion storms and didn't want to have to patch the Malinche back together yet AGAIN, but if half of what he'd heard about the Taevon Expanse was true, it wasn't something he wanted to mess with either. Still, the storm looked like it was a big one, which would exchange the direction of their course change. The other way would take them an extra week at least.
"Akios," Peters called, "I need you to look up the engineering logs from the USS Townshend and the USS Akula. I need every note, every log entry, and every repair log dealing with the damage they took while in the Taevon Expanse. And I need it by tomorrow."
The Aurelian did his bird-ish version of a nod and walked away briskly. Peters looked around the room and tried to think quickly. They had a matter of hours before they'd be at the edge of the Expanse. The actual length of time depended on how hard Captain Kersare decided to push the engines on the way there. Any preparations he was going to make needed to be made by the time the entered the expanse.
"Altin!" Peters waved the Cadet over.
"Sir?" Altin asked with a gleam in his eye. Peters could only guess what was going through the younger man's mind.
"Take Poll and D'Vhal and start getting extra reinforcement to the power conduits routing to the SIF systems. Also, come up with some good auxiliary routes in case we lose any of the primaries."
"Aye sir!" Altin said enthusiastically and turned to leave.
"Don't let it go to your head," Peters called after him with a smile. At least the youngster enjoyed his work.
Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 12:00 pm
by Masterson
ON: <<Main Bridge, USS Malinche, MD02, 1404>>
Will emerged from the turbolift, refreshed and ready for duty. He had had the good sense to get some rest the afternoon prior to his night shift. True, he had been forced to rework the ops scheduling, but it had been worth it. The command experience was something he was interested in.
He approached the ops station and placed his hand on the shoulder of the young ensign who was manning it. “I’ll take it from here, ensign,” he said.
“Aye, sir,” the ensign replied as she secured the console and slid out of the chair. Will could almost see the relief in the young woman’s face as she made her way to the lift, glad to be off the bridge and out from under the scrutinizing watch of the senior officers.
Shaking his head, Will took a seat and scanned the readouts scrolling across his station. Inputting a few commands, he initiated a low-level diagnostic of all systems, which was routine for him. Will took a moment to glance up at the stars racing past on the main viewscreen as the Malinche streaked through space at warp speeds. He looked down at his console to see that they were not where their original course would have taken them, though the ion storm was still on sensors.
Will leaned over to the helmsman and asked, “Where are we headed?”
“Taevon Expanse,” the young man replied, shuddering a bit and lowering his voice to a barely audible whisper, “Personally, I think the captain’s crazy.”
“I don’t follow,” Will said, confused at the man’s reaction.
“Don’t tell me you haven’t heard of the Taevon Expanse, sir,” the helmsman said, surprised, “Very few that go in ever come out.”
“I don’t exactly believe in ghost stories, crewman,” Will said, rolling his eyes in disbelief.
“Suit yourself,” the crewman said, returning his gaze to his console. His tone sounded as if he expected Will to be struck down by some ghostly monstrosity for his blasphemous unbelief.
Will shook his head again. They’re telling too many stories to young people these days, he thought to himself. Adjusting his sensor resolution, he decided to take a closer look at that ion storm. It wasn’t every day you saw one and he wanted to be sure that they weren’t going to run into it anyway.
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 8:33 pm
by Steele
Day 2
17:30 hrs
Mess hall
“What do you think sir?” asked Ensign Ward (NPC) as she took a seat across from Aaron.
“You mean about our detour? I’ll admit the expanse has a reputation akin to the Bermuda Triangle but it’s a risk we’ll have to take.”
“What is the Bermuda triangle? I’ve heard a lot of crew members mentioning the triangle but am unsure as to the comparison.”
Aaron set down his fork to concentrate on the conversation.
“The Bermuda Triangle is an area of ocean on Earth famous, or infamous, depending on your point of view, for causing aircraft and ships to mysteriously disappear. Apparently there are also stories of ships disappearing in the expanse without a trace. “
“Apparently?” It seemed an odd response to the question.
Aaron shrugged.
“I say apparently because I’m not familiar with this area of space, having spent a good portion of my career in or around Cardassian territory. The way I see it there has to be a logical explanation to whatever is going on in the expanse, if indeed it deserves the reputation it has acquired.”
“And if there is something odd going on? After all as an A&A officer one of the first things they teach us is that most stories/legends have a grain of truth in them.”
Reyna noticed other crewmembers were listening; apparently she wasn’t the only one with questions.
“In that case, I guess we’ll have first hand knowledge of what is occurring in the expanse.”
That was enough information for the young Trill who let the conversation die off and went back to her supper.
Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 10:55 pm
by Zeral
<<USS Malinche, Corridor, 1858, Day 1>>
Nora left her quarters with a bounce in her step, smiling to a passing crewman as she made her way to the turbolift. She was genuinely pleased with the way her day had gone. Against all odds she had managed to keep most of her appointments without having to reschedule them—even after Lieutenant Laurent’s (NPC) appointment had gone so long—and a sense of accomplishment left her practically glowing.
She had changed into a simple dress before heading to Lieutenant Barrett’s little get together, having decided that it was a party of sorts, after all. Arriving at the holodeck, Nora went straight inside before she had any second thoughts. Met by a lovely beach scene, she padded across the sand towards Jason and Adam, impressed by the delicious looking food laid out on a nearby table. “This looks wonderful, Lieutenant,” she told Jason as she approached. “I’m not early, am I?”
"Never too early around here," Jason smiled.
He guided her over to the bar area where Adam (NPC) was busy tossing various bottles in the air and catching them again; Jason knew that Adam had put himself through medical school by tending bar, apparently he still remembered some of his old tricks.
"Have a seat," Adam smiled.
"Wow, I didn't realize that we had a world class bartender on this ship," Nora smiled.
"How else do you think that I got through medical school," Adam smiled again.
"What can we get you?" Jason asked.
Her temporary distaste for alcohol had cooled over the past few days, but seeing as she still wasn’t much of a drinker, Nora responded, “Just a glass of white wine, please. I’m a lightweight.”
"You're in good company," Adam smiled, nodding toward Jason. "He's not that much of a drinker either. For as hearty as you Marans are I would think that you would be able to handle your alcohol."
"I'd shut up if were you," Jason said, handing Nora her requested glass. "Just because I can't pound them back like a fratboy like doesn't mean that I am against kicking your ass in front of everyone here."
"You wound me," Adam smiled again.
"Remind me what it is that I see in you again?"
"Great pecs, rippling abs, and an oh so great personality."
Jason rolled his eyes before turning back to Nora.
"So, how are you liking life on the Malinche so far?"
“It’s certainly been exciting,” Nora remarked, thinking of her tumultuous first two days aboard the Malinche. “But I’m very happy to be on a ship again. My last assignment was land based and, well, let's just say I found out first hand that my heart belongs on a ship.” She paused to take a sip of her wine, enjoying the feel of a cool breeze blowing by them.
"How about you? Are you happily settled in?" she asked Jason with a grin.
"It would have helped if he," Jason said, indicating Adam. "hadn't rearranged the whole place while I was away. I can't seem to find anything in my quarters anymore."
Nora chuckled. She’d never shared her quarters with anyone herself but she could well imagine what Jason meant. “It must be wonderful for you to be together again,” Nora commented, hoping she wasn’t sounding too much like the counselor that, admittedly, she was.
“Adam, how are things in Sickbay? Is Dr. O keeping you on your toes?”
"More often then you would think," Adam replied. "I mean what is with the CMO's on this ship. First we had an ex-marine and now Dr. O. I swear Starfleet likes to send us the interesting ones."
"Life would be pretty boring without it, wouldn't you say?"
"It would be wonderful for us to be together again if some of us hadn't developed a rather nasty habit while they were away," Adam stated, looking at Jason.
"You know what, the snoring...I mean seriously you sound like a targ in heat when you sleep now."
"Oh knock it off, you are scaring her," Jason stated, indicated the rather amused look on Nora's face. "You mentioned that you were stationed planetside once, where?"
“New Athena,” Nora answered. “There was a colony of humanoids there with some interesting telepathic powers. Being a telepath myself, I thought it would be interesting to join in the research there.” And it had been interesting, to a point. But not nearly as interesting as life aboard a Federation starship, she had discovered quickly.
"It’s always interesting with him around," Adam responded, jerking a thumb toward Jason.
“Well, I’m going to grab something to eat. Everything really does look fantastic, you two.”
"Enjoy yourself, that’s an order," Jason smiled.
A JP brought to you by:
Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Acting Executive Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 1:15 am
by Zeral
<<USS Malinche, Zeral's Office, 1348, Day 2>>
Lounging back in her chair, feet propped up on her desk, Nora found herself following a very familiar routine as she burned through a stack of PADDs. At the sound of the doorchime, she called out distractedly, bidding whoever it was to come inside.
“Hard at work, Doctor?” Jacob Trelani (NPC), Nora’s fellow counselor and friend stepped into her office, exuding his typical easy-going temper and bringing with him a calming presence. He had taken to visiting Nora whenever he had a free moment, and she was beginning to enjoy his harmless conversation and welcome his freely given advice. Even a counselor enjoyed talking to a counselor, it seemed.
“I put off my work last night to spend some time on the Holodeck at a little get together,” she confessed with a guilty look, keeping hold of a PADD as she rose to meet Jacob by the door. “There’s no rest for the wicked.”
“You, wicked. Right,” Jacob laughed.
Nora just smiled, gesturing for him to take a seat while she practically collapsed into her chair. She'd come to realize that most of her colleagues found her perfectly harmless, a petite psychologist without a mean bone in her body. She wondered if she would ever escape that common impression. Calm and serene she may have been most of the time, but she'd yet to have a difficult patient on the Malinche. She wasn't all sugar and spice and everything nice.
All right. Mostly. But not all.
“There are an awful lot of ghost stories floating around today,” Jacob remarked, settling onto the couch across from her. “Almost all of the appointments I’ve had today have had something or other to say about ghosts and phantoms.”
“Our new course is certainly getting people excited,” Nora agreed. “Better ghosts than the Borg, I’d say,” she added, sighing over the PADD in her hands. “My last appointment…didn’t go so well. There’s never a cut and dry approach to counseling those who survive encounters with the Borg.”
Jacob nodded sympathetically. “Now, call me curious, but exactly what is your take on ghosts?”
“Ghosts?” Nora repeated, finally setting her PADD down with a half smile. “Interesting question, Jacob. I have my opinions, but I’m not really sure you’d believe some of them.”
“So you do believe in them? Ghosts and the like, I mean?”
“Yes, I suppose you could say that. I’ve had an experience or two that has made me a believer.” Jacob stared back at her wide-eyed, waiting expectantly for her to continue. When she didn’t, he urged, “Ghost encounters? When? Where?”
Nora laughed at his enthusiasm, somewhat relieved that her admission wasn’t met with blatant skepticism. “First when I was ten. I, well, had a visit of sorts from my grandmother.”
“You don’t say. And I’m guessing she’d already passed away?”
“She passed away when I was nine,” Nora verified. “Call me strange, but I actually don’t see that as any sort of extraordinary occurrence. Plenty of people experience communications with loved ones who have passed on. And she was a very powerful telepath, even for a Betazoid. I sometimes wonder if that had something to do with it.”
“Wow. All right then, I won’t press for more personal details,” Jacob grinned, ever the gentleman. “But you said that was the first…”
“Right. The second wasn't very long after that, when I was travelling with my parents on their diplomatic missions. We actually went to Earth for a few weeks to visit one of my father’s old friends. We stayed in a very old English manor house.”
“Say no more,” Jacob said with a wave of his hand. “I think I can guess. Bumps in the night, shadowy figures lurking in doorways, steps on the stairs when no one else is around…”
Nora grimaced, suddenly remembering all too keenly some of her experiences she’d had there. Psychic disturbances, her parents had called them for lack of a better explanation. It had made some sense, seeing as her telepathic abilities had begun to develop just before their visit to Earth. Yet she had never forgotten the strange occurrences she’d experienced there, and she likely never would.
“I’m not sure if I believe we’ll meet any sort of phantoms in the expanse,” she added as an afterthought. “Then again, you really never can tell. But what about you? Do you believe in ghosts?”
Steepling his fingers, Jacob took a long moment to think over the reciprocated question. “I don’t really know, Nora. My specialty is psychology, right? But I still think of myself as a scientist sometimes, you know? It’s hard for me to believe in superstitions and old wives’ tales. But from what everyone’s been saying, maybe we’ll find out when we get to the expanse, huh?” He raised his eyebrows conspiratorially.
“I guess so. We’ll talk then,” Nora promised.
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:49 pm
by Kersare
<<Isabel's Quarters, 1708, Day 2>>
After finishing her bridge shift, Isabel had gone back to her quarters. As soon as she walked in, her confident, strong demeanor vanished. It was replaced by a sadness, a helplessness. Her shoulders slumped and she sank into the couch.
She didn't know what she was doing anymore. Ever since she saw Derek on the Main Viewer she'd lost perspective. Now here she was, sending the ship into the Taevon Expanse while her recently de-assimilated husband was locked in his quarters.
Cradling her face in her hands, Isabel shook her head. The decision to go into the Taevon Expanse was sound - something any other Captain in her place would have done - wasn't it? She'd looked at the options - certain damage by the ion storm, a delay of at least a week when the medical supplies were needed as soon as possible, or the Expanse - and had chosen what she felt was the best choice. Jason agreed with her even.
So why did she still question it?
Britny (PNPC) had told her about the rumors at lunch. People were wondering what Isabel was thinking, heading into the Expanse. The Expanse was known to not be safe, so why take them there? They were concerned.
Isabel couldn't blame them, but she'd had to make a choice. Hopefully she made the right one.
Perhaps she should go see Derek (PNPC). She had told Jake that she would, and now that she didn't have to have a Security Officer accompany her, she could speak to him privately.
Moving to her closet, Isabel looked through her clothes until she found what she was looking for - a nice pair of pants and a shiny green one sleeve shirt. Reaching behind her head, Isabel released her long locks from the bobby pins that had held her hair in a twist while she was on duty.
Satisfied, she turned and left her quarters.
<Derek's Quarters, 1722>>
Isabel walked into the room quietly and paused just inside the door. Derek was standing by the opposite wall, apparently looking at a painting she'd hung there a few days prior.
Suddenly he turned around; apparently he'd heard her come in. He seemed to relax a little at the sight of her though - perhaps her visits weren't a waste after all, she was now a familiar face to him.
"Hello," she said simply. Last time she tried, he still didn't recognize his actual name, so she decided it best to just not call him anything specific for the time being.
He cocked his head slightly to the side, "What is the meaning of this item?"
"The meaning?" Isabel walked over to the painting. It was from a 22nd century artist and showed the Aurora Borealis in stunning colors. " was something the artist saw and enjoyed. Because he enjoyed it, he wanted to depict it and share it with others."
"What is its purpose?"
How could she explain the purpose... Isabel looked from the painting to Derek, "The purpose is to show others the beauty and allow them to enjoy it."
He turned back to the painting and looked at it again, then moved to the bedside and picked up the picture there. Turning to her, he asked, "What is the purpose?"
Isabel moved closer and gently took the picture out of his hands. Smiling sadly, she ran her fingertip over the picture. It was a picture of them on the night they were engaged. "This is a photograph - people take photographs of special events and people, so they remember them."
"What is the special event of this photograph?" He looked at her, perplexed.
Hearing him ask her was a crushing blow for Isabel. Sure, he was asking, but he apparently didn't recognize the connection between herself and the woman in the picture...and he apparently didn't remember it. "The people in the photograph had just gotten engaged to be married. The man proposed to the woman."
Derek seemed to accept this, then pointed to the woman, "What is this one's designation?"
Isabel looked into his eyes at the question, surprised, "Her name is Isabel." She watched him closely; at the mention of her name she thought she saw a spark of recognition.
"Your designation is Isabel," he said. He looked again at the picture, then back at her, "You are the woman in the photograph."
Nodding, she said quietly, "Yes." She was nearly holding her breath in anticipation. Could it be he was remembering? Isabel pointed to the man in the picture, "His name is Derek."
Derek looked confused for a few moments after she said it, like someone who's forgotten something but is trying to remember. He pointed to the man in the picture, "Derek?"
"Yes, his name is Derek," Isabel replied. Then she looked at him, "Your name is Derek."
"No, our designation is Four of Seven," he said. The curious look was out of his eyes now, replaced with the coldness of a Borg stare.
A tear was forming in her eye, she could feel it, but she did her best to ignore it. At the same time, she wanted to take him by the shoulders and shake him and tell him over and over that his name IS Derek until he believed her. Deep down though, she knew it was no use. "I'm sorry," she said quietly.
He didn't move from the spot he was at and would no longer look at her. Defeated, she placed the photograph back on the nightstand and headed for the door. Isabel glanced back at him from the door, and, not seeing a chance, quietly stepped outside.
Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 11:39 pm
by Kersare
<<Corridor, 1802, Day 2>>
Lt. Quaid stepped off the turbolift near the guest quarters. With his shift on the Bridge over for the time being, he made it a point to make further preparations for the first drill. He asked the computer were Lt. Weaver and Ensign Morris where and learned that they had escorted Captain Kersare as ordered, she'd gone to visit Derek.
He rounded the corner leading to the liberated Borg Drone's quarters just as a teary eyed Kersare stepped out. Looking at the dumbfounded Security Officer's he said "You're relieved," before activating the security field and returning his attention to the Captain. "Captain..."
Isabel's heart stopped a moment as she saw Jake. Her face reddened slightly; she was embarrassed to be seen upset and out of uniform - normally she never left her quarters out of uniform. Quickly she dabbed away the tear that had been forming and did her best to muster up her official demeanor, "Good evening Lieutenant..."
"If I may be so bold, you look like you could do with a drink," Jake replied carefully, refraining from placing a hand on her shoulder. "I was gonna head to my quarters for a snack... would you like to join me?"
In truth, he was probably right. A drink would help her relax. But what she really wanted was to just go back to her quarters and be alone. Maybe a few hours of that would get her in better shape for their entry into the Expanse. But if she went to her quarters by herself, she was more likely to just want to avoid everyone for the rest of the night, which she simply couldn't do. Isabel nodded, "I appreciate the offer, thank you."
Luckily, Jake's quarters weren't that far... closer than Isabel's anyway. He knew that she wouldn't appreciate looking vulnerable to her crew so this was the best bet, the scuttlebutt would stop there and then because Weaver and Morris wouldn't say anything. They walked in silence, he wasn't going to force her to talk to him as a woman like Isabel Kersare would speak her mind when she was ready, he'd learned that in their short time working together.
"How are the security drill preparations coming?" Isabel was still shaken by what had happened, and by being seen in such a least asking about the drills was a safe subject.
Jake smiled softly, "They're going well Ma'am, we'll likely run the first drill during delta-shift.”
She nodded, "Sounds good. Hopefully all goes well."
"It should, the crew have been on their toes lately, what with recent events," Jake replied as they arrived at his door. Hitting the control, the doors slid open and Quaid stepped asside, "After you."
Isabel nodded and stepped inside Jake's quarters. Once inside, she stepped in a little further, then waited off to the side for Jake to enter. She didn't usually go to her crewmembers' quarters - generally if she needed something, she found whoever was in charge and on duty.
While the Malinche was docked at Starbase 386, Jake had found some time to decorate his quarters with a few photo's, a collection of Starfleet weapons dating back to the days of the NX project, a few trinkets and statues, just a few things to give his cabin a homey feel.
"Would you like to freshen up?" Jake asked as he proceeded to remove his uniform jacket. "The Water Closet's through that door there... otherwise, please take a seat."
Not wanting to draw further attention to herself, but also keeping in mind that she'd still need to trek to her quarters, Isabel headed for the bathroom. Heading straight for the sink, she turned on the water and splashed her face, taking deep breaths. She patted her face dry on a towel, then looked at her reflection in the mirror. Time to pull herself together. Isabel calmed herself, then headed back for the main room, giving Jake a brief smile before taking a seat.
"Now, what would you like to drink? I have some scotch? bourbon perhaps? vodka? Although he didn't drink that often, he had a small collection of wines and spirits for 'special occasions'. A habit he picked up after his first few SSWAT missions.
Isabel considered the options a moment, "Vodka, please." She'd never really taken to bourbon and wasn't really in the mood for scotch. Not that she drank much anyway, really...
Jake smiled and proceeded to pour a nicely sized glass of clear liquid for his CO before pouring himself some scotch. Handing Isabel her drink, he carefully said "I take it your visit didn't go well..."
So much for avoiding the subject. Then again, it was difficult to totally avoid it when he saw her walk out of the room. Isabel took a large sip of her vodka, then replied, "Not at the end, no."
"It's early days Captain," Jake replied softly, "There have been very few sucesses when it comes to liberating drones from the collective because the families and friends tend to try and force those separated from the Borg into rejoining society and remembering who they really are all to quickly."
Jake didn't have a lot of experience himself, but ever since their encounter with the Borg and Derek's subsequent liberation, he'd done some research on the subject. "I know it's hard to just sit back and wait but for now, that's what you have to do."
"I'm not trying to push him. I put some things in his room that might help him remember and I go to visit him, but that's it. He is starting to remember, but it's a slow process. I know it's going to be slow. It's just hard to see him make progress, then regress," she said. Trying to work with Derek and being with him without truly being with him was frustrating. But at times it was also frustrating to have others tell her to not expect too much. She sighed.
"Captain... Isabel," he started boldly, "We haven't known each other all that long but I can tell how much you love that man... or what he was. Any progress is good progress. But if I'm honest, having hom aboard is a mistake. You're trying to hold onto what he used to be, trying to help him remember your time together before he was assimilated. To someone whose been violated as much as he has, looking back isn't a good thing."
Normally she was even-tempered, but now Isabel found she was having to bite her tongue. "Looking back at the period of time he was assimilated isn't a good thing, but there isn't anything wrong to looking back to a happier time. I can't just sit by and do nothing."
"I'm not telling you to sit back and do nothing, but I don't think that it's the right time to look back on your past with him," Jake replied calmly, "Instead of trying to help him heal by forcing him to face what he was, why don't you try and show him what he can be?"
"I'm not trying to force it. Did I put a few things from our past in his room, yes. But I'm not going there and showing him photo album after photo album, telling him stories of our past. I'm letting things come as they may," Isabel replied.
"And in the process, you're going to find yourself leaving that room with tears in your eyes far more often," Jake stated before taking in a mouthful of scotch.
Isabel looked over at Jake, then back at her vodka. Obviously she wasn't going to change his mind. He wasn't in the situation and really he hadn't known her that long. She respected his opinion on Security/Tactical matters, but this was different. "I appreciate your concern, but I'll be fine."
"Will you?" he asked, "After what happened just now, I'm not so sure. Everything I've done, everything I've seen.... men and women held against their will, mutilated bodies of innocent victims... some of them children... I've never seen such a pained look as the one I saw on your face as you left that room."
Taking in his words for a moment, Isabel decided she'd had enough. She placed her glass on a nearby table and stood, "I believe it's time for me to go. Thank you for the drink. I'll be putting the ship on yellow alert once we drop out of warp."
Standing just as quickly, Jake placed his glass down, "Isabel... Captain! Wait... please. If you won't talk to me, then talk to someone... I'm worried about you and how this is taking a toll on you." Jake then proceeded to retrieve a PADD from the table that the Captain placed her glass on.
This is a compilation of everything I've read about liberated Borg... medically based or otherwise. There are stories written by family members, and by former Borg themselves, as well as doctors, counselors and scientists. If I can't help you, maybe this can," he then offered her the texts.
Isabel paused a moment and took the PADD he offered her. She looked at him silently, gave a brief nod, and left his quarters. For now she was tired of talking to people and tired of hearing everyone's opinions on how she was and what she should or shouldn't do. Now she needed some time to herself.
Jake flopped back down onto his couch and sighed "Great... try to form a friendship with her and I end up forcing her out of my quarters... Jake, you're an idiot!"
OFF: JP brought to you by:
Lieutenant Jake Quaid
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:59 pm
by Steele
Personal Quarters
07:25 hrs, Day 3
“…congrats on the new position; I’ll have to talk my boss into letting me do an interview.”
Aaron was talking with David Babienko (NPC), a childhood friend who had taken a job with the FNS. Over the years they had done favors for one another; which often involved providing information the other person found useful, with the knowledge that the favor would be reciprocated at an undetermined point in the future.
“You know how to contact me if you get the go ahead for the interview. So tell me, what information do you want from the science realm?”
David’s face grew serious.
“Actually I’m not looking for any information. I came across some information that I felt you should know before it hits the general news feeds.”
“It concerns Sarah doesn’t it?” Aaron cut David off who gave no concern over the interruption.
“That’s correct. The information is sketchy at this point, but apparently they were sent to track down the Tempest somewhere in the Gamma Quadrant. At 02:00 this morning, the Sentry sent a message indicating they had the Tempest on sensors. That was the last report received and all attempts at communication failed. When the Phalanx arrived just over an hour ago there was no sign of either ship. If I may ask, how’d you know it concerned Sarah?”
“About four hours ago I was awoken by a dream in which the Susquehanna suffered a warp core breach and was destroyed with all hands. I figured it was just nerves and didn’t think much of it. Sarah recently transferred from the Susquehanna to the Sentry and we’ve got our hands full since our flight path takes us through the Taveon Expanse. Now I know it’s more than that, thanks for letting me know. Somehow it makes bad news easier to bear when delivered by a friend If any good stories come out of our trip through the expanse you’ll be the first to know.”
“You got it pal, now if you’ll excuse me I have a few sources to pin down. Talk to you later.” David cut the link leaving Aaron alone with his thoughts.
Posted: Tue Dec 30, 2008 9:09 pm
by Masterson
ON: <<Main Bridge, USS Malinche, MD02, 1524>>
Joey (NPC) was still getting used to the new bridge layout. If there was one thing he liked about it, it was the new color scheme. In comparison to the previous design, the bridge seemed more homely and natural. Tapping a few controls on his console, he noticed that there was a slight fluctuation in the lateral sensor array.
“Nothing to worry engineering about,” he muttered to himself as his hands danced across the board to isolate the anomaly. Sure enough, just as he thought, it was a slight variance in the sensor alignment. Within twenty seconds, he had it corrected and the fluctuation was gone.
He had never been to the Expanse before. The little he knew about it came from officers’ stories and Academy legends. Still, the entire atmosphere of the ship had him on edge. As he watched the stars on the main viewport, he wondered what really did wait for them in the Expanse. Lt. JG Schulz had insisted that it was a bunch of, what did he call it, “codswallop”? He seemed to think that there was a perfectly rational explanation and didn’t seem worried in the slightest.
A majority of the crew did not seem to share his optimism. They were convinced, and had managed to get him thinking, that there were ghosts in the Expanse. Joey shook his head to clear these thoughts and ran another scan of the ion storm to make sure it hadn’t altered course. At least they didn’t have to go through that…
Lt. JG Joey Summers (NPC)
Operations Officer
USS Malinche
Played by
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:13 pm
by Kersare
<<Isabel's quarters, 1831, Day 2>>
The door had barely shut behind her before Isabel flung the PADD across the room, then flung herself onto the couch. She lay in the darkness several minutes and then sobs began to rack her body.
She was alone now; there was no need for the strong fascade she'd been desperately trying to maintain for the past weeks. It all came flooding out - the pain, the guilt, the helplessness. Isabel could hold it back no longer.
Finally the sobs subsided and she was left feeling empty.
She had failed him, over and over. She let him go on the away team despite her misgivings, she didn't try to make sure he was really dead, she didn't try to find him, and even now she was failing him. Nothing she did made it right.
The logical part of her kept trying to convince her to not blame herself - it wasn't her fault. He'd been doing his duty, as the Captain ordered. She couldn't have known he was alive. Only time and God could heal him now.
Still, she couldn't help but feel responsible. He was her husband. She should be able to do something - she had to. It was her fault, she had to make it right.
Slowly Isabel sat up. Her eyes blinked back tears. No wonder she didn't have any friends. The burden of responsibility for her crew weighed heavily on her and it was her burden to bear alone. She couldn't allow anyone to get too close, lest they find out how weak she really was, lest they discover her guilt.
Her eyes turned to where the PADD had fallen - her eyes now accustomed to the darkness. Isabel didn't need to read the reports. She knew what htey contained - heart-wrenching stories of liberated Borg returned to their families, but never the same as they once were. There weren't many, overall, but a few cases of sucess did exist.
Holding her head in her hands, Isabel sat quietly, then began something she had not done since her husband's funeral - she prayed. Isabel clasped her hands together and whispered her prayer, "I know it has been a long time, Lord, and I pray you forgive me. I can't do this alone... God, I know You have plans for us all, but please do not leave him in the darkness. Give me the strength, wisdom, and courage to make it through this. If it is not Your Will that Derek return to me, please grant him peace. I trust in You to look after us. Amen."
As isabel finished her prayer, she felt lightened of her burdens. Her memory was brought back to not long ago, when Derek had called her by her name. When he said it, a joy had filled her heart.
Perhaps there was still hope.
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 7:57 pm
by Kersare
<<Britney’s Quarters, 1800, Day 2>>
Britney (PNPC) had had a hard time deciding which outfit to wear to her first dinner with Caleb (NPC). An hour before he was to come get her, the Direidian had laid out all eight of them, trying to choose the right one, if there was such a thing. Eventually she’d settled on the first dress she had seen, the red dress with red and gold bodice.
After getting dressed, she’d pulled some of her blonde locks into a loose bun, leaving the rest to sweep over her shoulders. Britney smiled at her reflection in the mirror, then sat on her bed to wait. Though she’d tried to politely refuse, Caleb had insisted on coming to her quarters to escort her to his.
The doorchime rang; she went to greet him herself. Britney saw him suck in his breath and take her all in. He gently lifted her hand and twirled her around to get the full effect.
“You look lovely,” Caleb finally managed. Bringing his other hand out in front of him, he presented her with a single red rose.
Britney blushed, smelling the rose, “Thank you.” She pulled him inside for a moment while she replicated a vase with some water, then placed the rose in it.
He nodded to her, “Shall we?”
<Caleb’s Quarters, 1808>>
When Britney and Caleb had arrived at Caleb’s quarters, everything was ready. The lights were slightly dimmed, candles on the table making up for the semi-darkness. He led her to her seat, pulled it out for her and pushed it back in once she sat down.
“Champagne?” He motioned to a bottle chilling on the table. “Or I could get us some wine or whatever you’d like instead,” Caleb offered.
“Champagne will be just fine,” she said.
After pouring them both a glass, Caleb served the meal, and then sat down. “Keeping busy since we left the Starbase?”
“Mostly, yes,” Britney replied. “Though the Captain doesn’t seem herself lately…”
“I imagine finding her husband was difficult for her,” he said, taking a bite.
She nodded, “More than we could guess, I think. I’m not sure what kind of progress there’s been with him, if any. I suppose that maybe it’s like a relative having amnesia and them not remembering anything.”
Caleb passed Britney some warm rolls before replying, “Could be. Do you know anything about the Expanse, Britney?”
“No, we didn’t hear anything about it on Direidi – at least I didn’t. Is it as bad as some people say?”
“I’ve not been there. I’ve heard some stories, but that’s it,” he shrugged. “I don’t see that we had much choice though anyway. I’ve been through ion storms; they’re definitely not something I want to deal with. The ship would take damage for sure.”
Britney tapped her lips, “I’m sure the Captain did what she thought was right. If we can take on the Borg, I imagine we can survive the Expanse.”
“Absolutely,” Caleb agreed. He was still a bit nervous around her, butterflies in his stomach and all, but he couldn’t help but be drawn to her. Their meal finished, he nodded toward an open spot in the room, “Care to dance?”
A smile spread across her face, “I’d love to!” Since she’d come aboard the Malinche she’d not gotten to actually dance, especially not with a partner. It had been one of her favorite pastimes on Direidi, though.
Practically jumping out of her chair, she grabbed Caleb’s hand and pulled him over to their makeshift dance floor. Gently she placed a hand on his shoulder and let him take her other hand while he wrapped his other hand around her waist.
Caleb smiled at her – apparently he’d have to remember to ask her to dance more often. “Having a good time?”
“Of course,” she exclaimed, her eyes shining. “Good thing too, since I still owe you seven more dinners,” Britney teased, laughing.
He joined her in laughter. His time on the Malinche was turning out a lot more enjoyable than he’d originally thought.
Warrant Officer 2nd Class Caleb Corrin (NPC)
Warp Systems Specialist
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Crewman Britney Liras (PNPC)
Captain's Yeoman
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
played by:
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 8:28 pm
by Kersare
<<Bridge, 2235 hours, Day 2>>
Isabel stepped onto the bridge, her head held high. Apparently she’d just needed some time to herself to calm down. Either way, her crew needed her now and she would be there for them.
She moved smoothly across the bridge to her seat and sat down. “Flight Control, report.”
“We’ll be dropping out of warp in five minutes, ma’am,” the Flight Control Officer, a young betazoid woman, answered.
Tapping at the console to the right of her, Isabel brought up the critical information from the past few hours. Nothing very exciting really, but that would change once they entered the expanse.
Soon the other Senior Staff members would be arriving to the bridge – Isabel had specifically asked that they be on duty for the first part of their journey into the Expanse. A few were already there, and a few wouldn’t be joining them – namely Todd and Oliver.
Isabel leaned back in her seat and waited until she saw the streaks on the Main Screen slow, then diminish into stars.
She tapped her comm badge, “Attention all crewmembers, we are now twenty minutes from the Expanse. From now until the time we’re out of the Expanse, we will be at yellow alert. Kersare out.”
“Yellow Alert,” she ordered. “Turn the audibles off after two minutes.”
So far, so good…but they hadn’t entered the Expanse yet. Isabel could see it, looming ahead of them. Actually at the moment, it looked quite beautiful and peaceful. It didn’t look very foreboding, but appearances could be deceiving.
A bit restless, Isabel stood and moved over to one of the Science Officer’s stations. Her eyes moved over the information on the display. “Anything?”
The Science Officer shook his head, “Not right now, ma’am. I’ll be sure to let you know if there is.”
She nodded, and then moved back to her chair. Hopefully all would go well and they would deliver the supplies with minimal delay. Soon enough they would find out what the Expanse held for them.
OFF: Tag crew! Tupalov & Steele - let me know if you're up for a JP