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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:34 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1020, Day 1>

Amanda smiled at the new officer, though she had only had a chance to glance at her file, which was on of the many scattered about her desk, she had yet to actually meet her. Though the pheromone problem was not entirely unantcipated.

"I'll see what I can do about the pheramones, if you'll come this way."

They made thier way over to the biobed where Lylyl hopped up onto it. Amanda grabbed a tricorder and did a quick scan.

"As for the answer to your other question, I would love to...although I have a previous engagement," Amanda smiled. "But thanks for the offer, I could use a lift to the Ministry of Medicine though."

"Sure," Lylyl nodded. "So, can you od anything to help me with the pheramones?"

"Sure, it will take a while to replicate the proper drug but I should be able to give your body a natural boost. It won't be ready for a few hours though."


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:35 pm
by Barrett
<<USS Malinche>>
<Bridge, 1045, Day 1>

Jason, Joey (NPC), and Zero (NPC) continued their work on the damaged computer files. Soren, thier new boatswain was already hard at work on another one of the auxillary stations, making his damage assestment and repair list. Thus far Jason found the Denobulin socialable and competent. Something caught his eye on one of the un-manned science station. Frowning, Jason went over and had a look at the sensors.

"Something wrong?" Joey asked.

"Maybe," Jason responded. He tapped a few more icons before sitting down and running through another scan. The results were not as he expected...nor where they close to his liking.

"Joey, did they say anything about a nuetron radiation surge over thier south pole?"

"Um, no why?" Joey asked.

"Because they now have one...a fairly large one by the looks of it."

"Why didn't we detect it earlier?" Joey asked, getting up to join Jason at the science station.

"Good question," Jason responded. He tapped another set of commands into the computer and then got his answer. "I'm also detecting a large static field in the area, it must have been masking it from our sensors at first. Not a very good one though, if we had given it more then a cursory glance we would have seen it."

"Do we tell the captain about this?"

"You bet we do."

OFF: Tag cappy and all!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:36 pm
by Shandris
Karsel`lyn Lylyl-Llytherraias
Darkhelm wrote:
"Sure, it will take a while to replicate the proper drug but I should be able to give your body a natural boost. It won't be ready for a few hours though."

<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1020, Day 1>

Karsel`lyn nodded, "Okay, ma'am..... I'm sorry, it's a by-product of my pheremones, but may I ask you if you're single and available?"

She blushed a darker shade of green, "I'm so sorry, ma'am, doctor.... I... you're just a really nice looking woman and all.... I don't even know if you're like that.... oh hell, I'm sorry!"

Karsel`lyn was near tears now, horrified by her sudden lack of hormonal control. She didn't know anything about this woman, but here she was hitting on the senior officer, the ship's doctor.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:36 pm
by Kersare
<<Bridge, 1047, Day 1>>

Isabel walked out of her ready room, finally done with the paperwork that had to be done before she went down to Celtron V. As she did, she saw Mason watching her. "Yes, I know. I'm supposed to be on Celtron V already."

"Fifteen minutes ago, to be exact," Mason said.

"I was finishing up a few things; I'm heading down now, I promise," Isabel assured him. "I want you on your way down to Celtron V with the next group though, deal?"

He smiled, "Alright."

"Excuse me, captain?" Jason walked over to Isabel and Mason.

"Yes Lieutenant Barrett, what is it?"

"We were running some scans and found a large neutron radiation surge over the Celtronian south pole," he informed her.

That made Isabel pause. "Any idea on what's causing it?"

Jason shook his head, "Not at this time, no. We just found it and wanted to inform you."

"Alright, I want you to-," Isabel began.

Mason interrupted her, "Excuse me Captain, but you're supposed to be heading down to Celtron V. I'll keep tabs on the surge and we'll be sure to contact you if something arises."

Isabel sighed, "Okay. It's important to know what's causing that, but we also need to find out if there is any trouble brewing among the people down there. I'm hoping the two aren't related."

"We'll get to the bottom of it, " Jason promised.

"See that you do. Commander, you have the bridge."

Seeing Mason nod, Isabel turned and headed toward the turbolift. She sincerely hoped that the surge was some kind of strange anomaly and not related to some form of trouble on the planet. Then again, a part of her expected that something was going on with the people - hard to come to an agreement without someone feeling their toes were stepped on....then wanting revenge.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:37 pm
by Brewer
[Brewer's Quarters, 1030 Hours, Day 1]

"So what happened to her?" Daniel said over the communication.

"I've got no clue. All I know is that the Hale engaged some weird aliens, with some Romulan help, and that's the last anyone's heard from them." The green-collared man on the screen stated, a small glazed over look in his eyes.

"Look, I'm sure Mike's fine!" The Petty Officer tried to convience his cousin.

"So, Mum tells me that you've both been promoted?" Dan said urgently tryin to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, I'm a First Lieutenant, and Mike's a Sergeant. We both got the MXO gig too. Although mine's, kinda larger." Alexander replied, his distant look still evident.

"Well, it would be! Exaclibur classes and Intrepid classes are, some what of a contrast in size." The Weapons Specialist chuckled to his Marine relative. "So, should I say anything to the crew? Because, quite a few bigs names on here are from her, and I'm guessing that they might have a slight interest in how it's doing.."

"No. From the way I found out, I'm taking it that Starfleet either doesn't know what's going on, or doesn't want people to know. Look, I've gotta go Dan, sorry. I've got all this executive officer crap to sort out, then I've got to go train the senior staff or something on how to shoot stuff. But I'll try and give you a ring whenever I can." The 1st Lt trailed off, cutting the communication behind him.

"Aww, poo." Daniel said to himself, facing a moral dilemma. First that his cousin was now MIA, and secondly wether he should make news of the Hale's disappearance public.

[Turbolift En Route To Deck 1, 1048 Hours, Day 1]

Brewer stood in the elevator and his mind did the equivilant of turning in a grave. He was unsure on wether he should discolse the information, so decided to place faith in Commander Hunt. But this too was sort of against what Alex has advised him to do.

Dan knew that the Captain and several others had beamed down to the surface for some shoreleave, but in his heart, the Petty Officer knew he didn't deserve to go at all, but for some reason, the crew were taking it in a form of modulation, with different parties planetside at different times.

The doors slid open, and Brewer was met with the face of Captain Kersare. Attempting to make his suprised look not come off as offensive, he smiled and walked out as she walked in. It was just that he hadn't expected to see her as she was already supposed to be down on the planet.

Walking across the open decking to the centre chair, Daniel cleared his throat as to attract attention. Although when the XO turned to face him, Dan's mouth opened, but he froze. This was the moment wether he decided on telling despite what was told, or not say anything and let the crew go merrily on it's way.

[Tag Hunt]

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:38 pm
by Barrett
<<USS Malinche>>
<Bridge, 1047, Day 1>

"Suggestion: Perhaps a closer look at the radiation surge would be a good idea."

There were times when Jason liked having Zero (NPC) around and how he could say what they were all thinking. Then again there were times when that was more of a curse then blessing really.

"What could be causing this?" Hunt asked.

"A number of things," Jason shrugged. "The biggest concern though is the fact that it could be an indication of an armed photon torpedo or more accuretaly a whole lot of photon torpedoes."

"Now that would complicate matters," Hunt said. "Could it be a storage facility of some kind?"

"Could be, but why would you want to store armed torpedoes."

"A good point," Mason responded. "Let me guess you want to take a shuttle down and see what you can find out."

"Makes sense to me sir, and they have given us unrestricted airspace access. Besides we can call it a topographical survey or something."

Mason seemed to mull it over for a minute. "Alright, but keep it quiet like and take one of the type 11 shuttles."

"Aye sir," Jason nodded. "Soren."

"Yes sir?"

"You're with me, come on Zero. Joey keep an eye on that source and let us know of anything around it changes."

"Yes sir."


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:39 pm
by Hunt
<USS Malinche>>
<Bridge, 1055, Day 1>>

Brewer stood face to face with the XO, he looked as is he had a million
question and problem looking to spue from his mouth and lips.

"Hello, Mr. Brewer what can I do for you today?"

<Tag Brewer>

It had looked like Mason wasn't going on leave at least not at the moment, he
was glad in a way once again reminding himself he wasn't good at organizing his
time off. Jason took off with Zero to investigate the surge. Captain Kersare had
beamed down with several others for r&r he literally had to pull her leg for to
leave the ship. Until either reported in all he could really do is wait and read
crew reports and statistical analysis.

Solec (NPC) alerted Hunt calling him over to the science station.

"You have something Ensign?"

"Yes sir further scans indicate heavy ionized gravimetric waves fronts in
the southern pole. By these levels it could make communications difficult.
Especially ship to shore."

"Is there anyway to break through them?"

The young man shook his head not wanting to give his negative answer to the
XO. Hunt nodded returning to the center chair.

"Stone (NPC) open a channel to the shuttle while we still can, continue
monitoring the shuttle's telemetry."

=/\=Malinche to Shuttle One, come in please=/\=

<Tag Shuttle Crew>

"We have picked up strong gravitmetric wave fronts in your area. Be advised
communications will break up in less than two minutes. Acknowledge" said Mason.

<Tag Shuttle Crew>

Mason was hoping that Kersare was enjoying herself so he decided to check in
on her and the first landing party.

=/\=Hunt to landing party come in=/\=

OFF: Tag all

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:40 pm
by Langley
<<day 1 0655(dawn) Northern Hemisphere, somewhere between the transition betwwen the rocky mountains and the rolling plains.>>

Sam woke to a Callari, a small songbird, singing its heart out on a nearby tree, she cursed the damn thing, then wriggled out her sleeping bag. Unzipping the door on her small tent, the morning air drifted through with a smokey aroma, the remnants of last nights fire.

Sunlight stabbed into her small sanctuary and she winced as the cold air hit her. Crawling out she smiled as the Grassy plains rolled out before her, there was the Celtronians equivilent of the buffalo wandering about.

This was what she had come for when she had arrived on shoreleave 2 weeks ago. after a few days learning some local traditions. It had been just the basics, like thanking Kalia for what seemed like everything.

Sitting by the dying remnants of the fire she tossed on some dried moss, followed by some twigs, within a few minutes Sam had the fire going again. Picking up her Reproduction Winchester rifle, she went out to kill her something for her breakfast.

<<30mins later>>

Sam returned to the campsite and hung the Ero up. Pulling her knife out she knelt down in front of the deer like creature.

"Kalia, I give thanks to you for being so generous during my stay here, I am not one of your children, but you have welcomed me to your family. I Will Always remember you for your kind caring nature." Sam closed her eyes and bowed.

A low rumble of thunder came from the very far south. Sam turned to look. There wasnt any clouds so she was safe for now. Turning back to the Ero, She started to figure out how she would cook it.

<<end time 0745>>

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:40 pm
by Barrett
<<Shuttlecraft, 1055, Day 1>>

Jason, Soren, and Zero (NPC) sat in the command cabin as they started to come down through the atmosphere. Jason was at the helm controls, with Soren watching thier sensors. They had just recieved a message from Commander Hunt about the gravameteric waves in the area, although this would make thier job difficult, it wouldn't make it impossible. Adjusting thier heading slightly they broke through the cloud layer, banking to the left.

A massive white landscape opened up before them. Sun glinted off the ice and snow covered landmass.

"Comment: I would make sure you pay extra attention to piloting the craft. It would be most unforante if we were to crash in this rather inhospitable environment."

"Is that concern I hear in your voice Zero?" Jason asked, adjusting thier heading again.

"Answer: Merely a suggest, I would survive an enounter such as that but your frail meatbag bodies would not."

"Is he always like that?" Soren asked.

"Yes," Jason responded.

"We're coming up on the source of the signal now, its directly ahead about 400 meters or so."

"Alright, prepare for a landing."

The shuttlecraft slowed to a crawl as they put down on the surface. Jason shut down the main power systems and then put the engines on standby. He stood up and went to the aft cabin area, grabbing the thermal suits that were stored there. He tossed one to Soren.

"Come on, looks like a nice day for a hike, wouldn't you say."

A few minutes later they were outside the shuttle, sealing it behind them.

"Let's go find out what this thing is."


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:41 pm
by Shandris
Karsel`lyn Lylyl-Llytherraias
<<Corridor, 1055, Day 1>>

Karsel`lyn stepped out of the turbolift, and without warning, crashed into someone. Someone pleasantly soft, and wonderfully fragrant. She felt her hormone's race, and looked up from the deck to see who she'd knocked over.

Startled, Isabel stepped back. She hadn't expected someone to be exiting the turbolift. After regaining her composure, Isabel smiled as she recognized Karsel`lyn, "Good morning."

Karsel`lyn grimaced a bit as she sat up, "Damn, sorry, Captain. Did you need a ride planetside? I've got my personal runabout, which I was going to take dirtside for a little bit of rest and relaxation, I'm sure you know the drill."

"Actually I was heading down to the planet. I was going to just beam down, but a ride would be appreciated, thank you," Isabel smiled.

Lyn stood up and scratched the back of her head, "I'd be happy to give you a lift, Captain. Anything for a pretty lady," she blushed again, kicking herself mentally for letting her hormones control her mouth.

Isabel paused a moment at the 'pretty lady' comment. That was a little unexpected... Isabel nodded and then gestured for Lyn to go ahead of her, "Lead the way."

Karsel`lyn nodded, turning towards the shuttle bay, and started walking. She slowed down enough to allow the Captain to walk alongside her, "Sorry about the pretty lady thing, Captain. You're a very attractive woman, and.... well...." she blushed an even darker shade of green, something she was doing with irritating regularity, lately, "I prefer women to men, and stuff. I'm sure you understand what I mean?"

Lyn stopped at the shuttle bay, in the corridor, and opened the doors, "After you, Madame Capitane."

Grinning, Isabel nodded, "I understand." She wondered what Derek would have thought of what Karsel`lyn had said, then pushed the thought from her mind. She entered the shuttle bay, walking ahead a few feet then pausing for Lyn, "Is anyone else coming with us?"

Lyn shook her head, "I asked Doctor Darkhelm if she's like to come along, but she's busy fixing up some medication to tame my pheremones, which are giving me a headache. I should know better than to ever 'hit on' my commanding officer, as that got me demoted back during the War. Bloody Admiral got uppity when he walked in on the Captain and I....."

Isabel quirked her eyebrow. One thing was for certain, Karsel`lyn was anything but shy, "So you'll be returning to the ship to retrieve the medication?"

Lyn nodded, "I'll probably head up real quick to get medicated, and fetch Doc Darkhelm down planetside. Then I'll be heading back down. Was thinking of doing some camping out in the mountains, and wanted some company. You up for some camping, when you're done with your command duties?"

"I appreciate the offer. I'll have to see how things go when I get to the planet though; there have been rumors of trouble," Isabel replied. In truth, some camping would be nice, but her first duty was to check out the possibility of any trouble on the planet.

"I'm not a doctor or counselor, Captain," Karsel`lyn sighed as she strode to her runabout, 'Dove's Cry', "but even the Captain needs to take some R&R. I'm sure the Counselor, the Doctor, and the Ex-Oh would all agree with me."

She opened the door to the runabout, and stepped to the side to allow Isabel to enter, and followed the Captain inside. The inside of the runabout was a bit more cramped than the stock Danube it once was, as it had been heavily modified, and all that equipment took up a lot of space.

The interior, however cramped, was a mixture of purples, mid-to-dark blues, and dark greens, and rather plush. Lyn looked to the Captain to gauge her reaction to the vessel.

Isabel nodded, "Thank you for the concern, and I will do my best to relax. However, this is not simply shoreleave, this is a mission given by StarFleet and I must follow through with it." As she entered the runabout, Isabel's eyes ran over the interior. It was rather nice for a runabout, personally purple wasn't one of her favorite colors, but it looked good with the color scheme.

Lyn led Isabel to the cockpit, and gestured to the copilot's seat, which, like the remainder of the vessel, was nicely cushioned. She climbed into the pilot's seat, which unlike the rest of the ship, was simple and very utilitarian. She'd pulled it out of a scrapped Peregrine ages ago.

She strapped in after sitting down, and began to activate the runabout's systems. She turned to look at the Captain, "Might want to strap in, Captain. This girl has kick, especially when she first launches."

"I always do," Isabel smiled, strapping herself into the chair. After doing so, she looked over at Lyn and waited for the launch.

Lyn waited for the bay doors to finish opening, and lifted the shuttle up on her repulsors. Grinning as it inched forward towards the gaping maw of space before them, she waited til mere feet lay between them and space, then kicked the impulse engines in to maximum rated power, shoving the ethereal rudder to port and banking the runabout in a hard dive towards the planet. She shrieked happily as they took flight, and yanked the control stick back to slow their dive, decreasing thrust and firing reverse thrusters, to keep them from bouncing off the planet's atmosphere.

She spared a glance over at Isabel, "Sorry, ma'am. I love to fly, and it gets the better of me, sometimes."

"That's quite alright. It's always nice to see someone enjoying their work," Not only that, but Isabel knew that crew generally performed better when they were doing something they liked. "How long will the flight take?"

"That depends, darlin`," Lyn replied, "on how hard a ride you'd like. I've dialed down the SIF's on this girl, to better mimic flying a fighter. I can get us there real fast, but the ride would be a bit like flying in a Peregrine."

"Pilot's prerogative," Isabel replied. As long as she got to Celtron V, she didn't overly mind. "How do you like the Malinche?"

Lyn kicked in maximum rated power to the Impulse engines, and the ride became rather hard, while not bumpy, the G-forces from their turns were much more easily felt. She looked over at the Captain, "I love it, ma'am. It's a nice ship, and has a nice crew that's as strange as I am. So people don't single me out so much as in previous assignments.?

Isabel grinned, "Yes, the crew is rather....unique. Everyone is quite skilled though, and they work together pretty well. I wouldn't trade any of them." Isabel meant every word; she felt truly blessed to have the crew she did. It would be nice to be able to be closer with them, but it was more difficult as she was a CO, and things were pretty hectic most of the time.

"It's just that people still keep me at arm's reach," Lyn sighed, "which is just like it was during previous assignments. I miss being close to someone, to share myself with them. People seem to be bothered by the fact that I'm green. I guess it?s just not easy being green."

"Don't worry, I'm sure that won't last. We've had Bolians aboard before, back when I first got command. The mission was somewhat hectic, but now that things have settled down some it'll give the crew a chance to get to know you better. You did talk with Dr. Darkhelm, didn't you?"

Lyn nodded, "I did. She's a beautiful woman, too. Nice, at that. It's sweet of her to take more of her time to come up with the serum I need to help with the pheremones."

"And I'm sure I'll get settled in. I just hope I'm able to make some friends..... or more..." she added with a conspiratorial wink at the Captain, "wouldn't mind entertaining you on occasion, either. Good company is exactly that, and I have to say that you assuredly qualify."

Lyn frowned, as the woman's strong body chemistry had the little green pilot feeling..... wanting, in a womanly sort of way. But she couldn't push that, not so quickly. Damned pheremones were playing havok with her hormones, and this wasn't helping much. Not that she'd mind spending time with this wonderfully delicious woman.

"Well, she is the ship's doctor. She's quite good too. And I wouldn't worry too much about finding friends; people here tend to be fairly friendly - you could talk to Ensign Navdante, for one." Isabel thought she noticed Lyn watching her. It was a little unsettling, but Isabel shook off the feeling.

Lyn frowned, "I'm none too fond of seeing counselor's, really. I keep getting referred to them, supposedly because I'm an insatiable nymphomaniac who'd sleep with anything with two legs."

She sighed, "I'm just tired of being alone, really. I would love to find that one person to love, so I wouldn't be accused of sleeping around, and so I could have someone to be with, to dote upon, and have that emptiness filled."

She made a quick, squeaky noise, "Oh, sorry, ma'am. I don't mean to suddenly dump my life's problems on you like this. How about you? Are you married? Single? Looking? Anything good going on in your life?"

Isabel blinked. "Well, first off, T'serra enjoys making friends, not just counseling people. And there's no need to apologize. As for myself, I was married, but my husband was killed in an away mission nearly a year and a half ago. As for good things in my life, I'd say the Malinche and her crew would be at the top of the list."

"I'm sorry about your husband," she frowned. But then the infectious Lyn grinned, "I'm glad we rate so highly in your eyes, Captain. I'm..... well...." she sighed, "I'm happy that you would view me as a part of your crew, instead of the outsider most Captain's usually see me as, or as some male Captain's thought, as a casual bedmate."

"Besides, being seen highly by eyes as pretty as yours is good enough for me," she grinned over at Isabel, "And I'm sorry if I seem like I'm coming on a bit hard, darling, but these pheremones are killers on my hormones."

"And you've got a smell to you..... a heavenly scent, I must say," she blushed, "that has my heart pounding."

Isabel chuckled, "You don't need to apologize, I understand. And I would never think any less of you, or think of you as an outsider. You are a part of my crew, you are important, and don't let anyone tell you different."

"I won't, Captain," Lyn looked away as the shuttle continued on it's ever-shortening flight path, "but it's going to be hard, I must admit, to serve aboard with someone like you around. Not that I'm wanting to transfer, but it's going to be a challenge."

"I believe you'll be just fine," Isabel smiled. She saw the planet getting larger by the moment. "Where exactly will we be landing?"

"There's a landing platform next to the building you need to get to, Captain," Lyn replied softly, almost as if she didn't trust herself to speak. Her emotions and hormones were STILL playing havok with her, and she didn't want to say something untoward.

Isabel frowned slightly, seeing Lyn quieted. "Great, thank you. When you come back down, why don't you see who else will join you and perhaps we can explore some together?"

Lyn nodded, "Alright, Captain. I'll do that. I want to see if I can get Doc Darkhelm to join us. She seems like a nice woman. I'd love to spend some time with you..... and the doctor too, but I think I'd enjoy getting to know my Captain better."

"Wonderful. If you can find others as well, that'd be great, if not that's fine. Just let me know when you've arrived." Isabel smiled.

"Alright, Captain, darling," she injected a hint of familiarity in her words, and quieted as she set the vessel down on the landing pad, a light bump being heard, but not felt, as Lyn expertly set the runabout down. She pressed a button on her restraints, and stood smoothly.

She looked over at the Captain, and her fingers found the catch-release to the woman's restraints, and she released the Captain from her belts. She offered the woman a hand, "Madame Captain?"

Isabel took Lyn's hand and stood up, "Thank you Lieutenant. It was a pleasant flight, and nice to get to talk with you." She smiled, "I need to be going for now, but I'll hear from you soon?"

Lyn nodded, "Yes, you will. If I may, ma'am, may I know your first name?"

"My apologies, I'm Isabel."

Lyn nodded, "Okay. Isabel. A cute name! I'm Karsel`lyn, but please, just call me Lyn. Everyone else does."

"Very well Lyn. Safe flight back," Isabel smiled and started off to her next destination.

OOC: A JP with:

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:42 pm
by Darkhelm
OOC: Some back post...

<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1020, Day 1>

Amanda could clearly see that Lylyl was upset; although Amanda didn't know why. Smiling warmly, Amanda put her hand on Lylyl's arm.

"Don't worry about it, I'm not going to phaser you down. Thanks for the offer but I'm not really looking for that sort of relationship. But don't worry about it, its been said before."

<Sickbay, 1045>

Amanda finally let out a sigh as she finished the last of the crew physicals. Finally, she was done. At the moment though she didn't even want to know what the levels of caffeine were in her system. No doubt thath Adam (NPC) would have strangeled her for working mostly through the night and without much sleep.

She breifly considered going down to the planet; but then realized she couldn't partake in anything if she was passed out. So, she decided to head back to her quarters for some much needed rest.


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:43 pm
by Hunt
<<USS Malinche>>
<<Bridge, 1100, Day 1>>

It was a with relief that the shuttle and its crew made it down to the surface safely, it would be sometime before they were able to get back to the ship since the fronts grew and intensity every five minutes. The computer had told him it the next window would be in the next few hours. Communications were at a minimal so he was able to set up a data link to the shuttle on aboard computer. It would send that information to the crew's tricorders.

Leave was definately out of the question, with the Captain on the surface someone needed to mind the store and besides Mason didn't have any plans. Somehow the Malinche began to shake a bit, everyone around the bridge looked to the other with puzzlement because the ship was in a high orbit from anything that could cause that.

"Report!" screamed Mason sitting in the center chair.

"Sir, those fronts are giving off echos of sorts nothing to worry about. I do recommend we increase our orbit just to be on the safe side." said Marletti(NPC)

"Understood, Ms. Madar(NPC) increase our orbit but keep us within comm range of the teams on the surface. Locate the Captain and relay our progress to her." ordered Mason.

OFF: Tag all

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:43 pm
by Thundera
ON<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck 1, Day 1, 1055>

Cheetara had just finished with a training program that she had made up incase of encounters with the borg. Although tired from the exercise, she thought maybe she should go up to the bridge and see what was going going on and headed for the nearest turbolift.

<Bridge, 1105>

Walking onto the bridge she headed over to her station noticing that Hunt was sitting there in the command chair.

"Morning Commander. Anything exciting going on?" she asked knowing the answer would be a no. "Well I'm gonna go grab some R and R, call me if you need anything."

Cheetara walked away and headed for the tubolift deciding that she would just grab a bite to eat before heading to her BIR.

<Mess Hall, 1130>

Cheetara had been sitting there for a few minutes eating in a blank daze. She had nothing on her mind, and couldn't think of a thing that she wanted to really do since her morning training was already done. Her daze was broken as a shadow came over her.

"What can I do for you?" she asked looking up from her plate before even knowing anyone was there.

OFF: Tag anyone

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:45 pm
by Langley
<<Location Small town, approx 8miles from sams last known location. 1139 hours>

Sam walked down the street, with a backpack slung diagonally across her back by one strap and her rifle wrapped in a hessian sack hung from her other shoulder. the rain fell steadily, A small rivulet fell from the front of her hat and down the front of the ankle length brown leather coat.

Karina looked outside the small window of the temple, watching the rain fall. Another day of rain, just like yesterday. As she was about to go back to her work, she noticed someone coming down the street. Normally it wouldn't have surprised her, but the stranger's clothing was quite out of place compared to everyone here. Must be a visitor of some sort. She opened the carved wooden door, "Would you like to come inside?"

Sam looked up at the voice and smiled as she saw it was a member of the temple. "I wouldnt want to encumber you from your duties ma'am." she tipped her hat towards the lady, sending a small waterfall cascading to the ground.

Karina smiled, "I assure you it is no trouble. We welcome everyone here, please come in." Stepping to the side, she held the door open for the young woman.

Sam walked to the door into the temple, just before entering the temple however she removed her hat and jumped up and down a few times to try get most of the water off. "thank you, ive been walking for hours. The names Sam, Sam Langley." she held out a hand and smiled warmly at the female.

Blinking, Karina's mind raced...what was Sam holding her hand like that for? Then she realized, it was this woman's form of greeting. "I am Karina, a priestess here," she replied, holding her hand up, palm facing the visitor. "This is our greeting...I am unsure of yours...," she continued hesitantly. While the Celtronians could be very warm and generous, the hand up gesture was used for greeting people formally, or for those they didn't know very well. By placing their hands with the palms just slightly apart, it showed respect for the other person.

Sam swore to herself. All the dealings she had done when she first arrived had been informal with people used to outsiders. What in hell should she do. her mind raced through all the possibilities, thinking of the factors involved. The greeting was like many found throughout the galaxy, the hand raised. However Karina's hand was slightly forward of her body, nearly in the middle of them. Sam did likewise, holding her hand up just infront of the priestess's. She hoped it was right.

Karina smiled; Sam was a quick learner. "Very good. Welcome to Celtron V. May I ask what you were doing out in the rain? Were you looking for something?"

Sam Sighed in relief. "Thank you, I was camping out on the plains for the last 2 weeks. Ive led a..." she paused trying to figure out how to word it. "Chaotic life. I needed to find myself." Sam tried to subtly look round at her surroundings.

She nodded, "It is very important to know yourself." Karina smiled as she saw Sam looking around. The temple wasn't luxurious - it was a place to worship Kalia. However, it wasn't plain either. Beautiful carvings adorned the wooden structures of the building, tapestries hung from the walls, and one of the windows was of stained glass.

"I still do not know if i have suceeded however, however with Kalia's help, i have come closer." Sams eyes were drawn to the large stained glass window.

"I am glad to hear this, Sam," Karina replied. "You can take a closer look at the window if you'd like."

Sam started to walk forward, then stopped suddenly, sling the rucksack off her back she rested it against one of the wooden columns. "will it be safe to leave this at the door?" she plucked the hessian clad package of her shoulder.

Karina nodded, "Yes, anything in here is safe."

"I wasnt sure if it would be allowed in here." Resting it against the rucksack, she walked quickly to the window, Gingerly she outretched a hand to touch it. The transitions between the colours was seemless, but it must have been centuries old. "How old is this temple, This glass is amazing, there's no join between the colors. On Earth we didnt get this advanced till the mid 21st centuary."

"The temple is about 124 years old, but that window is newer. Some are very skilled with glasswork," Karina informed her.

"Kalia must be very proud that her people are so devoted to her to make such works of art such as this." Sam pulled herself away from the window to face the priestess.

"Kalia is glad to see us using our gifts to the fullest potential." Karina smiled at Sam. She turned as she heard the temple door opening. A young man walked in, his dark wavy hair falling just above his shoulder. "Mallik, what brings you here today?"

"I suppose not," Karina smiled. "Mallik, this is Sam, she has been visiting our planet. Sam, this is Mallik, a friend of mine."

"Pleased to make your aquaintence Mallik." Raising her hand as Karina had. "I was just admiring the Devotion Celtronians have towards Kalia."

He smiled and raised his hand as well, "Glad to meet you Sam. Yes, Kalia is very important to us." He looked over at Karina, "Are things alright here? Nothing odd going on?"

Karina studied Mallik's face carefully, "Everything's fine. Why do you ask?"

Mallik shrugged, "Probably nothing, don't worry Karina."

Sam looked at the two of them. Something was up, No matter what this Mallik Said. "I hope it is nothing to do with me. As i told your friend Karina, I do not wish to encumbre anyone with my being here."

Turning to Sam, Mallik shook his head, "No, I don't believe it has anything to do with you. A Federation starship is in orbit of the planet, as it has been for a day or two. Some are simply not pleased with how the negotiations went."

Sam raised her eyebrow. Negotiations? She had a gut feeling this was going to wreck her leave. "What were the negatiations about? Is Celtron V trying to join the federation." Sam decided to play the unknowing tourist.

Mallik glanced at Karina, then back over at Sam. "The To'Ma wanted to open up the wormhole, and the So'Kra did not. The USS Malinche came to help with negotiations, as we were close to war. Yesterday the negotiations were finalized."

"I take it by your tone, The To'Ma fared better than the So'Kra." Now she new she wouldnt be left in peace, the Mali was to be her next tour of duty. She was surprised the captain hadnt already made contact.

"The negotiations were fair. Limited access to the wormhole was granted; not what we were hoping for, but things could have gone much worse..." Mallik actually thought the limited access was a good idea, although some from each side didn't agree with him.

"Now, being in the north, that would make you So'Kra, and..." She pretended to think. "you are the more devout of the two religions, And would not want the wormhole opened, am i right?"

Karina nodded, "That is correct Sam. However, it has kept peace, and we like to think that Kalia has decided it is time to expand our future horizons."

"So there are members in the So'kra society that can compromise by reading it like that, but what of the unwaivering?" Sam almost felt a pang of guilt lying to the two celtronians. She didnt even know what was going on and she had managed to stumble into it.

"Some are having a more difficult time than others. Some rumors of trouble have arisen, especially where the two factions are closest, but I'm not sure what exactly is going on. It is still early though," Mallik admitted.

Sam knew she had to make contact now, She needed orders, A bigger view of the picture. What she was hearing was not good. The word Jihad kept popping to mind. "You obviously have much to talk about, I wont keep you any longer, I Thank you for your hospitality." Sam now realised she didnt know the custom for saying goodbye.

Karina smiled, "You're welcome Sam. Come visit us again if you like. May Kalia bless your days."

Sam simply bowed before picking up her belongings and headed to the door. Replacing her hat on her head she thought about the vacation she had had. The waking up at dawn had provided the most spectacular sunrises, similarly the dusk had brought even better sunsets, with the redest sky she had ever seen.

Stepping out into the rain she found it ironic it had started the day her vacation seemed to end. she walked down the main street and turned into an alley. Fishing out a communicator headset out her pocket, she looked around.

Hooking it around her ear and fastening the microphones coller around her throat, she took another visual assesment. All clear. Powering it up it ran through a checklist, telling her when everything was checked ok.

=/\= USS Malinche, This is Warrant Officer Samantha Langley, Intelligence Corps.=/\= Another look round and then she spoke in a very low tone that the microphone would pick up but almost nothing else. =/\=My ID Number is Alpha-Gamma-Niner-Feta-Two-Three, 1 to beam up.=/\=

Sam looked around, wrapping a scarf around her neck, she walked towards the back of the alley and sat on a box.

<<ooc anyone on the ship wanting a jp just pm me or use my yahoo im addy>>

This post brought to you by

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche
NCC 38897-B


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 10:46 pm
by Kersare
<<Celtron V, Celtronian High Council Chambers, 1112, Day 1>>

After Lyn left her on Celtron V, Isabel headed directly to the Celtronian High Council Chambers. Her relaxation wouldn't begin until she'd talked to the members of the High Council and discovered if the rumors were true. Granted, she was more likely to find information from the general population rather than those in charge, as those in charge would want to try to reduce any panic that might arise. That could come later, though, when more of her crew arrived on the planet.

Walking into the building, Isabel was greeted by a young Celtronian woman. "Captain Kersare?"

Isabel smiled and nodded, "Yes, that would be me."

"I am Nara Kirlan (NPC). The High Council asked me to escort you to them," the young woman said.

"Please lead the way then."

Nara turned, her medium length dark hair flowing across her shoulders as she did. "This way."

The building was made primarily from some kind of green stone. The lobby that the two women just left contained a beautiful black stone fountain. Various stone sculptures, tapestries, and paintings adorned the walls and hallways.

As they approached a set of double doors, Nara slowed down and moved to the side, "They're in here, Captain." She opened the left door and gestured for Isabel to proceed before following her.

Isabel entered the room, seeing six of the seven High Council members seated at a half moon shaped table. She quickly noticed the missing Council member was Garshon Trelin (NPC) whom her crew had rescued the day before.

Nara walked to the center of the room, "High Councillors, this is Captain Isabel Kersare, of the USS Malinche."

"Thank you Nara. You may leave us now," one of the councillors instructed. Once the woman left, the High Councillor addressed Isabel, "Welcome to Celtron V, Captain. We are grateful for your assistance in the negotiations, and are pleased to meet you. I am High Councillor Toram Yiltna." The Celtronian man, who looked to be middle-aged, smiled at Isabel.

Isabel returned the smile, "Good to meet you Councillor Yiltna. We were glad to be of assistance. If I may ask, how is Councillor Trelin doing? I noticed he is not here."

An older woman, her hair in a braid, responded, "Councillor Trelin is resting at his home, Captain Kersare." Before Isabel could voice any concern, the woman raised her hand, "Do not worry, he is under guard. Allow me to introduce myself and the rest of the Councillors. I am Retia Ilmer(NPC). You already know Councillor Yiltna... The rest are Dortia Dilav(NPC), Berak Poli(NPC), Xert Horin(NPC), and Sila Cortian(NPC)."

Each Councillor nodded in turn, then Retia continued, "We have already given you and your crew leave to take some relaxation on Celtron V, and the negotiations have been finished, so what else may we be of assistance with?"

Isabel let her eyes meet with the eyes of each Celtronian as she spoke, "I come to you to seek any information you may have regarding some trouble here."

Dortia spoke in a quiet, yet clear, voice, "What kind of trouble are you referring to, Captain Kersare?"

"I'm not entirely sure myself, but I have been informed of some reports of trouble here," Isabel replied. She noticed Xert and Sila exchange a glance before looking back at her.

"As you can imagine, some are not happy with the way the negotiations went. Some are interested in revenge, and some are unhappy that no fighting occurred," Xert said with a serious look. "Councillor Cortian and I are from the central area of Celtron V...We have heard a few accounts of something strange."

"Strange?" Strange wasn't exactly what StarFleet had described to Isabel, but it could lead to something...

Sila nodded, "Yes. A few of the So'Kra have come to us, saying they have seen strange flying metal objects. Thus far it has only happened when a person was alone, and wandering in one of the forests. These objects have not attacked anyone, so we cannot assume they are dangerous. It could be some form of scientific research."

"But it might not be. Have you taken any steps to confirm the presence and function of these objects?" Isabel didn't really like the sound of this.

The larger man, Berak, spoke up, "The To'Ma would never create something hostile. It doesn't even make sense. The people say they're no larger than a baby, dull silver, roughly oval shaped, but they seem to be able to change shapes. And who's heard of a flying metal object like that?"

"Someone obviously created it, or it wouldn't be there, unless it's some form of native species, which I somehow doubt," Isabel replied. "Don't you think this should be investigated?"

"Of course," Toram said. He hesitated a moment, looking at his fellow Councillors, "We were hoping you could help with the investigation. We understand you and your crew are supposed to be relaxing, it's just...we've not encountered something like this previously."

Isabel nodded, "We would be happy to help. I'll get more of my crew down here immediately to help with the investigation. Would it be possible for the information you have to be made available to them?"

"Absolutely, we just want this resolved. Let us know if there's anything else we can do," Toram told her.

"Thank you. If you'll excuse me, I'll get my crew working on it right away," Isabel said.

Retia nodded, "Please do. Good luck, and may Kalia bless your days."

"And yours," Isabel replied before leaving the room.

<<Outside Celtronian High Council Chambers, 1142>>

Isabel tapped her comm badge, "Kersare to Hunt."

"Hunt here, what can I do for you, Captain?"

She sighed, "A situation has arisen here. Some reports of flying metal objects that need to be investigated."

Mason paused, "Flying metal objects?"

"I just found out myself. I'm going to contact Mr. Grayson, and I'd like you to come down with some members of the Security department. The High Councillors are providing all the information they have, which I'll transmit to the Senior Staff. Have Engineering and Ops look through it to get their insight," Isabel said.

"Actually Lieutenant Barrett and Mr. Soren aren't here right now, they're checking out that radiation surge," he informed her.

Isabel paused, rethinking her orders, "Alright. Have them look at it when they return. I'm afraid it'll be difficult to determine much until we find one. Contact me when you and the others arrive."

"Absolutely Captain. I'll keep you informed on what we find out. Hunt out."

Probably one of the worst parts of this situation was how little information they had to go on thus far. She'd have the Security/Tactical officers see what they could find when they arrived. For now she needed to contact Mark. Isabel tapped her comm badge again, "Kersare to Grayson."

"Grayson here."

"Mr. Grayson, I'm transmitting some information from the Celtronian High Council about some mysterious objects that have made some appearances here. I'd like you to have a look at it. Once you have, I'd recommend coming down to the surface to investigate further, probably with some others from your department." In truth, Isabel wasn't sure if Mark would have better luck coming down to Celtron V, or with his contacts, but she thought it was worth a try.

"I'll get to work on it right away," he replied. "Grayson out."

Isabel looked across the street, spotting a small eating establishment with tables outside. She sat down, waving a waitress away. Now all she could do was sit and wait for Cheetara and the others, although it was possible she might hear some rumors.... Isabel just hoped they could things resolved quickly.

OFF: Tag crew! If you need some ideas on what to do, please ask. :)