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Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 8:28 pm
by Fairbairn
<<Sickbay Central Office, 1728 hours, Day One, USS Malinche>>

Numbing concern, constant worry and a sense that something wasn't quite right with all that had been planned. And this time Cameron wasn't thinking about the upcoming mission. In fact he was relatively happy to be a part of the process and had already begun preparing sickbay for emergency transfers of both Borg infected personnel and perhaps simply survivors with basic injuries and energy depletion. He could handle it and truthfully he figured his staff could too.

He just had to cross-check his figures with the chief medical officer aboard the Sentinel just to ensure that she had the same capacity to handle such a situation that he did here on the Malinche. But his thoughts were lying with Yrel and her general silence throughout the briefing. Her composure and her posture were changing and all of a sudden he could just sense an agitated discomfort in her. It worried him. And all he could really think about was when he was going to get the chance to see her next and actually spend some time talking to her, caring for her. Just being affectionate all over again. Hell, he enjoyed it.

Then of course there was the meeting with Marco. He planned to meet the COB at 1800 hours and that would be soon, he had a fantastic little holodeck problem retained from the medical storage facility on Garna that would allow the Chief to see the real effects of the pro-toxin in his system. The Doctor figured it'd be a pretty nice surprise for the mean spirited COB. For now he just had to bide his time in his office and treat those with the minor complaints. Effectively Cameron never really seemed to consider coming off duty or not. Sticking to the regular shifts was just far too...boring.

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2007 4:18 am
by Akios

<USS Malinche Main Engineering, MD01 1700>

Dinner conversation with the other junior engineers had been facinating for Akios. A missing ship, a trip to Direidi, a Borg encounter, and a mutiny, all in the span of a few days.

Returning to Engineering, though, he was bothered at a number of inconsistencies that he hadn't been able to clear up. Once he was back at his station, he began looking at the official reports that he could get access to.

The mystery only deepened. According to the reports, the Direidians had known of Sirion's disappearance, but there didn't appear to have been any investigation of what they had known. Only limited attempts had been made to determine what the Borg ship had been doing, and these attempts had apparently been abandoned when a shuttle carrying out the majority of the investigation had been damaged by a dark matter encounter. If the Science Department had made any investigation of the dark matter phenomenon itself, there was no record he could find.

Part of the problem was that most of the senior staff had been offship during these events. The CFCO had filed no reports, and was now on his way to a Federation penitentiary following his courtmartial (or was dead, if rumors were to be believed). The CSTO had been reassigned, and while Akios hadn't expected to be able to access his reports, if the man had still been aboard there would have been a chance that Akios could have asked him directly.

The Operations report commented on problems the sensors had had operating in the planet's vicinity. Apparently no solution had been found, and the COO was another officer no longer on the Malinche.

Fortunately the CSO hadn't changed. Lt. Sovereign had been in command during much of the mission. Maybe he'd have a chance to pick her brains. However, since Lt. Peters hadn't returned from the staff meeting yet, he had to assume that Sovereign was unavailable as well.

There were also some unexpected gaps in the Engineering reports. Granted, the mutineers had caused a great deal of damage in a short time; it wasn't entirely surprising that some things had been left out of the reports, but he still wanted to follow up on them. Lt. C'eltor had gone off duty and he didn't want to disturb her. If he had a chance, Akios would try to talk to Lt. Peters once the CEO was back from his meeting... in the worst case, he'd be able to talk to one of them in the morning.

He might be off on the wrong tangent anyway. His whole line of reasoning was based on what he'd heard, that Capt. Lansky and the other rescued members of the Sirion crew had come aboard just before the ship departed from Starbase 259. For all he knew, Malinche could just be ferrying them to their next ship assignment. Nevertheless, it did seem likely that they were resuming the search for the Sirion.

In the meantime there was one lead he could follow up on right away.

He'd learned from his crewmates that there was a Direidian on board--the captain's new yeoman, Britny. Akios didn't know if she'd be willing to talk to him, but there was no harm in asking.

From his workstation, he contacted the yeoman.

"Hi," he said once the human's face appeared on the panel, "I'm Ens. Akios from Engineering. We haven't met, but I was talking to some of the other engineers, and someone mentioned that you're from Direidi."

<Tag, Britny>

"I've been going over reports on Malinche's mission to Direidi, trying to get up to speed. I've come up with a few questions, and for at least a couple of them, you seem like the most likely person to have the answers. Have you got a few minutes?"

<Tag, Britny>


Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:13 pm
by Hawkins
<USS Malinche, Deck 7, MD01, 1734>

Jack was deep in thought as he walked down the corridor, he barely even acknowledged the ubiquitous crewman with the D on his chest as he dashed past, what was odd was that it wasn?t the meeting that was on his mind, it was the ticking his combadge now seemed to be making and the wonderful hail he received in the meeting that was occupying his mind.

The meeting itself had been fairly routine, well as much as a meeting about Borg could be, he had read about the Borg of course but never had occasion to come into contact with them, ultimately his line of work wasn?t one that found itself undertaking missions against the Borg, there wasn?t much about them that Starfleet intelligence could discover. In his mind this was a good thing, it meant he might have the time to mount his extra-curricular investigation into Jarans demise.

It also gave him the time to do something else, begin thinking of a way to get back at Marco, he knew the computer hailing him with the time during the meeting and the noise that was now following him down the hallway were the chiefs doing, and he had every intention of getting him back.

He arrived at his destination, an equipment locker, and stepped through the now open door, he removed his combadge and placed it on the replicator, hit the reclamation button and watched the ticking badge vanish into nothingness.

After replicating himself a new badge he exited the room and began to head back to his office, he needed to get some coffee and give some serious thought to how to pay his new friend back?

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 7:27 pm
by Starbase 386 Crew
<U.S.S. Sentinel, Conference Room/Turbolift, 1705, Day 1>

Megan had remained fairly quiet during the briefing. Listening to everything that was being said and trying to get a read on the people around her. So far it was quite clear that they were capable officers. Lieutenant Quaid especially caught her attention. Though she had never worked with him, she had worked several times with different SSWAT teams and had heard his name in passing. Her high-level security clearance codes still held, and she made a note to dig deeper into his file.

She was fairly certain Quaid had never heard of her but preferred it that way. She?d worked with men like him before, strong and talented in combat, equal amounts of knowledge and experience, formidable soldier types. Most of them tended to underestimate her, with the notable exceptions of those who had worked with her. Since Megan tended to allow people to believe she was just a Science, or now Operations, Officer until such a time where her other skills were needed, she would continue to try and stay under the radar so to speak.

Still, their current mission might not allow for that. The Borg were one of the only major threats she had never encountered before. Most of her assignments had been one-person or small group missions, and the Borg were never one-person, small group assignments. Speaking from a person in her position, she needed to set up a staff meeting and get the Sentinel as ready as possible. She considered contacting the Operations department on the Malinche, but with no head of the department, that could be construed as trying to take charge, and she didn?t want that.

Speaking from a person with her skills and experience, she needed to get down to the holodeck and make sure she was as ready as possible. While she continued to train regularly to keep her combat skills up and to grow and expand her abilities, Quaid was exactly right; the Borg were not to be taken lightly, and she needed to be ready for anything, both from a departmental, technological standpoint, and from a physical, combat-ready perspective.

As the meeting broke up and the image of the Malinche?s crew vanished, Megan left in a bit of a hurry to get started. She only had a set amount of time until the dinner, which she was looking forward to even less with all the things she had to do, and Megan was determined to make the most of the time she had and then get out of dinner as fast as possible to give herself more time. Once in the turbolift, she tapped her commbadge. ?Garrett to Ensign Anderson. Have all Operations department heads meet me in the Ops Office in fifteen minutes.?

Pretty soon, most of the officers in her department would be crawling all over the ship, running scans, making adjustments, improving performance, and making repairs. This ship would be ready if she had anything to say about it.


Lieutenant Megan Garrett
Chief Operations Officer
USS Sentinel, NCC-74673

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 9:30 pm
by Roh
On: <<USS Malinche, Corridor, 1715, Day 1>>

Lieutenant, jg Trayven Roh had just arrived on board the Prometheus-class USS Malinche still in his red uniform. He had just been transferred off the USS Kanji and found himself here not really knowing why. Technically he hadn't even set foot on the Kanji. He knew that he was to report to Captain Isabel Kersare and give her his orders. So he decided to ask the computer where she was located. When it answered that she was on deck 5 section 21-Beta, he made his way to the nearest turbolift and gave it the location.

After the meeting, Isabel had taken a few moments to collect her thoughts, then had left the conference room. She felt she should have a conversation with Jacob, her new Chief Flight Control Officer - just watching him during the meeting, it seemed he was more suited to Security than piloting the ship...

Spying a beautiful woman coming his way as he got off the turbolift, Roh decided to ask her where he might be able to find Captain Kersare. But then he noticed her rank pips and felt it would be good to introduce himself. "Captain, I am Lieutenant Trayven Roh and I believe this is yours," Roh said handing her the padd he way carrying.

Isabel blinked as a young man, seemingly in his twenties and in a red uniform, addressed her and handed her a PADD. Quirking an eyebrow, she took the PADD and began reading.... Apparently StarFleet wasn't sending her on the mission without a Chief Operations Officer. The sudden departure of Jason had shaken her a bit. Her eyes turned to Trayven, "Welcome aboard the Malinche, Mr. Roh. Why are you wearing the wrong colored uniform?"

"My apologies, Captain. I was unaware I was in the wrong uniform having just come out of command for the Kanji. I will change it immediately," Roh said embarrassed

"I see... I suppose it doesn't matter at the moment - just be sure to get the proper uniforms before you officially go on duty. My apologies as I haven't seen your service record, but have you worked in Operations before?" Isabel watched the young man. The purple eyes were interesting - a color she hadn't seen before.

"Yes Captain, I have served in Operations before on the Damocles but only as a junior officer. But I feel that it will be just like riding a bicycle; once you do it, you never really forget. When did you want me to get started, sir?" Roh asked his new CO.

Isabel quirked an eyebrow. StarFleet had sent her someone with no experience as a Chief Operations Officer...when they would be dealing with the Borg. Hopefully he was correct in his assessment. "We're scheduled to have dinner aboard the USS Sentinel at 1830 hours, which you should attend - the Sentinel has a Chief Operations Officer who you'll want to meet so you can coordinate with her. In the meantime, I'd suggest you get settled into your quarters and I'll send you information from the joint briefing we just finished."

"I apologize for not getting here for that briefing. It was beyond my capabilities what with having to wait for a shuttle to ferry me to the starbase. Grant you, I am making no excuses for just having gotten here, just stating the facts, sir, ma'am, Captain. Which do you prefer?" he said sounding like a bumbling buffoon and blushing to same color as his uniform. "I will be ready by 1830 hours on my word." Roh said.

"Ma'am or Captain will do fine while on duty," she smiled. "I imagine reading up on our current joint mission will keep you a bit busy this evening, unfortunately. If you have questions, feel free to ask myself or one of the other Senior Staff. I imagine you'll want to meet those in your department in the morning; you'll have a bridge shift tomorrow," she said.

"Just what I needed, I have been looking forward to getting my own staff since the Kanji just had me in the Strategic Ops department," Trayven said.

He at least seemed eager, Isabel could give him that. "Have you ever served aboard a Prometheus class, Mr. Roh?"

"No Captain, I have not. This isn't my first battleship, though. I used to serve on an old Monitor-class dreadnaught, the USS Damocles. Captain, one more question before I get out of your hair. May I inquire as to where my office is or at least the departmental conference room is? I only want to know for my meeting with my staff in the morning. I realize that not every member of the staff has an office," Tray said the Captain Kersare.

Isabel smiled. He seemed a bit nervous, not that she could blame him. "You have an office, Lieutenant. It's on Deck 11, near the Main Deflector Array. Your quarters are on Deck 5A. Anything else I can do for you?"

"No, ma'am. I believe that will do it for now," Roh said to his new CO with a smile.

"Good," Isabel gave a slight nod. "Glad to have you with us, Mr. Roh. Good luck; let me know if you need anything."

"Of course, Captain. Thank you and I look forward to serving with you. Now, I need to get to my quarters and get settled in before the dinner with the Sentinel and replicate my new uniforms. I'll be sure to find either you or another member of the senior staff if I have any questions."


a JP by

Captain Isabel Kersare
CO USS Malinche


Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:14 pm
by Peters
ON: <USS Malinche Transporter Room, 1800, Day 1>

Peters entered the transporter room and nodded to the operator on duty... Chief Anita Thompson, if Peters remembered her name right.

"Can I help you, sir?" Thompson asked with a puzzled look. She'd been expecting Senior Officers to appear, but not for another 20 minutes or so, and certainly not the Chief Engineer bearing tools.

"I'm just here to run a quick diagnostic on the transporter. Malfunctions are rare, but we had one in the holocomm systems earlier. Don't want to lose the ship's command staff on their way to dinner... especially since I'm going along for the ride." Peters smiled. "Wanna help?"

"What do I do?" Thompson asked with a smile.

Peters set his equipment case down on the transporter platform and opened it. He tossed a spanner to Thompson. "First," he said, "you open that panel so I can plug in the diagnostic tool."

Peters pointed to the panel he was meaning as he pulled the diagnostic unit out of the case. Turning the unit on, he walked over to the control console and plugged in the scanner unit inside the panel that Thompson had opened. He set the diagnostic unit down on the console as it began to beep its way through its test program.

?And now,? he said, turning back to Thompson, ?We wait for a few minutes.?

<10 minutes later>

?No, no? you should play the skip card? drive Ensign Krieger nuts??

?But he?ll try to get back at me the next time someone reverses play,? Thompson replied.

?But if someone reverses play, you can hit Monroe with that Draw Two? and goodness knows he needs the cards if you want to win,? Peters said. Just then the diagnostic unit beeped shrilly. Peters looked at it and nodded. He?d expected as much.

?Well,? he said as he unplugged the sensor module from the underside of the console, ?The transporter gets a clean bill of health. Our record at Uno, on the other hand??


Chief Petty Officer Anita Thompson (NPC)
Transporter Operator
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
As Played by Lt Peters

Posted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 11:25 pm
by Quaid
<<USS Malinche, Quaid's Quarters, 17:30 Hours, Day 1>>

A soft acoustic guitar melody echoed against the walls of Jacob Quaid's new quarters as he continued to unpack his belongings. Things hadn't turned out quite as well as he'd hoped. The experience and training he had received while assigned to Starfleet Special Weapons And Tactics had already been called into use on his first day aboard.

Not only was he going to face-off against the Borg and not in a holodeck, but also he had to point out the seriousness of the situation the crews of both ships were in.

Fearing the worst, he opened the case first. Inside was a type-3 compression rifle with a modified scope, trigger mechanism and pulse emitter. Also inside were a weapons maintenance kit, a type 2 Phaser, a type 1 Phaser, several grenades and an assortment of PADD's. He discarded the empty cargo container and was about to open the next one when his door chime chirped.

"Yes?" he said politely before the door to his quarters automatically slid open.

Isabel walked into Jacob's quarters, hearing acoustic guitar music and taking note of the various weapons on his bed. He certainly didn't seem like a Flight Control Officer to her... "Good evening, Lieutenant."

"Captain Kersare," Quaid said, a tad surprised that his new CO had come to visit so soon, he'd barely begun unpacking. "Computer, music off."

The room went deathly silent for a moment before he spoke again. "Please excuse the mess? haven't had much of an opportunity to unpack yet."

She gave a slight grin, "I didn't expect you to be fully unpacked, Mr. Quaid." Her eyes went back to the weapons, as her expression grew more serious. "I wanted to speak to you regarding a few things during the briefing."

"Of course," Quaid replied, ~She must not have liked my run-in with Captain Lange, ~ he thought.

Pausing a moment to collect her thoughts and decide how to phrase them, Isabel spoke, "I've not yet had the chance to review your service record, but judging by the assortment of weapons on your bed and your contributions during the briefing, I'm curious as to how much experience you have in the Flight Control department...."

"I see..." Quaid said as he cleared some items from an armchair before offering it to the Captain. "I apologise if I made you doubt my piloting abilities Captain. But having served as a member of Starfleet Special Weapons And Tactics for 7 years, when you hear the word Borg, you feel the need to offer whatever assistance you can," he explained.

Isabel held up a hand, "I can certainly understand your wanting to contribute with the knowledge you have. With a mission like this, we can use that, even with Chief Security/Tactical Officers. I just don't want them to feel like their authority is being overridden."

"It wasn't my intention to step on any toes Captain. As I said, I want to work with the Security Chiefs of both ships, not command them. I know you and Captain Lange both have fine Security officers but they haven't trained like I did. When I told you I faced the Borg, I meant it. Those holodeck programs were so real that one of my team members almost died," he said before he began to search through his belongings.

"I can appreciate that, Mr. Quaid, and I don't question your knowledge in that area or your willingness to provide assistance. I merely inquired as to how much experience you have in Flight Control, seeing as you're technically assigned as my Chief Flight Control Officer," she said. Isabel was all for people being well-rounded and able to help out in other departments as needed.... It was just that she also wanted to be confident that her Senior Staff was highly proficient with the job they were assigned.

"Ma'am, with all due respect. You've known me for 5 minutes and you can't judge my piloting skills until you've put them to the test," Quaid replied, pausing his search for a moment. "Aha!"

Isabel raised an eyebrow; it seemed Jacob got offended rather easily. "Lieutenant, I'm not judging your skills. Look at it from my perspective though... If you were Captain of a ship, and I came in as your Chief Medical Officer, but during a briefing I kept giving suggestions for
Engineering based on some of my past experience, wouldn't you want to know what kind of experience I had as a Chief Medical Officer?"

He looked at Kersare for a moment, they both already knew the answer to the question, so he decided to prove to her he was more than capable of piloting the Malinche, no matter what fate threw at them. "Here's a PADD with a number of combat manoeuvres that some friends of mine and I developed while I was training to be a pilot. Most of them had been plotted to specifically throw off the Borg. With a ship like the Malinche, these will be of some use if we happen to run into a cube or a sphere," Quaid replied. "Now I will be happy to run you through some of the simulations that we developed to test these out."

Quaid remained calm, it was obvious that the Captain was worried that she had been sent someone with less piloting experience then a fourth year cadet and rightly so given his need to advise both the Malinche and Sentinel crews on how to prepare to face the Borg. And he hoped she didn't take what he said as arrogance, he knew full well he wasn't the best pilot she could hope for but even so, he knew he would surprise her when push came to shove.

Isabel took the PADD from Jacob and nodded. "I'll take a look at it. I don't mean to offend you, Mr. Quaid, but I also have to look out for this ship and her crew. Have you ever piloted a Prometheus class while in MVAM?"

"I logged a lot of hours in various Holodecks Ma'am. I've completed 57 different holodeck simulations both in and out of Multi Vector Assault Mode, I passed all of them within a 96% success rating," he explained.

"I would suggest taking those in your department and running through the holodeck simulations on this PADD, and also through some in MVAM. We may need it... If you let me know when you'll be working on this, I'd like to have the chance to observe, if you don't mind," she requested.

"Of course not, you can observe any time you like," Quaid said before pausing and taking a deep breath. "I apologise for the way I reacted to your questions... you have no reason to believe in my abilities yet and that's understandable. But I assure you, my skills as a pilot and as a security specialist tend not to mesh too often. I wanted to leave my time with SSWAT in the past but there are times when I need to call on those skills... it won't happen again unless you ask for my input."

She nodded, "I can understand why you reacted as you did. I can respect you wanting to leave your time with SSWAT in the past, but if you feel you have something valuable to add, please feel free to do so. If that's the case in a briefing again, just try to have at least one question regarding Flight Control, hmm?" Isabel smiled, she hoped to ease some of the tension - there'd be plenty of that later...

"Of course ma'am," Quaid replied, smiling a little. He could already tell that he liked the way Kersare ran her ship and cared for her crew. He always considered it both a gift and a curse when meeting new CO; from the first meeting he could tell that they would or wouldn't get on. Luckily, he knew he could work with Kersare.

"So you're aware, we're to beam over to the Sentinel for dinner at 1830 hours - dress uniform. It will be the Senior Staffs of both ships," Isabel informed him. "Any questions, or anything I can do for you, Lieutenant?"

"Well? regarding the dinner, I was wondering if I could skip it if that's okay. I have a lot of work to do and after what happened during the meeting with Lange?" Quaid paused, he was going out on a limb, he knew that much, but he hoped Kersare would at least consider his position, afterall? he hadn't even finished unpacking yet, and he had simulations to plan, meetings to prepare for and a ship to pilot.

Isabel listened to Jacob's entire request and paused to think on it a moment. "I'm afraid you can't skip the dinner. We'll be working closely with the Sentinel's crew, and this dinner will be an excellent chance to start building those working relationships. I also don't think Captain Lange will hold anything against you." Seeing her words sink in, she then continued, "However, I am also willing to compromise. You can leave the dinner early, after being there an hour - that should give you time to eat, which you would need to do anyway, and some time to get to know the Sentinel crew. Deal?"

"Deal," Quaid replied with a brighter smile. No one could ever say that Captain Kersare wasn't a fair woman, considering the shaky start to their working relationship; he was a little surprised at how she reacted to his request. "Thank you Captain."

She nodded, "I know you have a lot to prepare for, especially since you just came aboard. It makes sense."

"I'm sorry, I'm not being a very good host... would you like something from the replicator?" Jake asked apologetically. Even though he still had a lot to do before the quarters he was assigned could become his own, he knew he would prefer some company and since Kersare was his first and only visitor thus far, he thought it best to ask her.

"No thank you, Mr. Quaid. I'm afraid I need to take care of a few things before the dinner. Another time perhaps?" Isabel looked at him. Though it had been a rough start, she had a feeling he could end up being a good friend. His encounters with the Borg hadn't been real, technically, but she hadn't dealt with them in person either...yet. However, the loss of her husband to the Borg was very real.

?Of course,? Quaid grinned. He was a tad disappointed but he understood that her duties had to come first.

She smiled. "I hope you enjoy the Malinche. Go ahead and try to get settled more before dinner - you'll have time to prepare for the mission after dinner. I'll see you in Transporter Room 1 at 1820."

?Thank you Ma?am. I?ll see you then,? Quaid replied as he watched her head out of his quarters and into the corridor beyond.

~Now? which container did I put my dress uniform in???~


A JP by

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC 38897-B


Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:33 pm
by Starbase 386 Crew
ON: <USS Peacekeeper Mess Hall, 1810, Day 1>

Lange walked into the Mess Hall and looked around. The small ?Galley? area was closed off, as was his private dining area. They were masked by a decorative paneling that had been replicated and put up along the bulkheads for the occasion. Most of the tables had been moved and connected together to make one long banquet table. The lounge area of the Mess Hall had been reconfigured to act as an after-dinner conversation area, and more chairs and an extra couch had been added to accommodate the extra personnel.

As Lange looked at the place settings on the table the doors opposite him hissed open and Kilana entered. He looked up and smiled. ?Hi,? he said casually. ?Coming to check out the preparations??

She grinned, "It is one of my jobs. I take it that's what you're doing too?"

Lange chuckled. "You caught me, I was curious. Plus, I wanted to make sure everything looked nice and fancy to impress our friends on the Malinche. Ship's pride and all that."

"You thought I'd arrange something less?" Kilana quirked an eyebrow at him teasingly. While she had technically taken some suggestions from the Lounge Manager, a good portion of it had been her idea.

"Not at all," Lange replied quickly, "but, being the curious person that I am, and the person who invited the guests, I just had to peek at it to make sure." Lange walked over and hugged Kilana as he spoke.

She laughed, "Well, I suppose since you've given me three jobs to do I can understand you wanting to check on it. What do you think?"

"I think if we didn't have to feed the crew in here on a daily basis it'd be nice to keep it this way." Lange looked around. "The paneling can certainly stay, though. Or we could try painting a similar design on the bulkheads when we take them down."

"We'll see what we can do. I could talk to the Lounge manager about it later, anyway. What time are we expecting the Malinche crew?" Kilana figured it would be any time now, but you never knew..

"In about fifteen minutes. We'll probably want to be in the Transporter room a few minutes before the beam over, though." Lange looked around the Mess Hall again. "Want to head down there now?"

After a last quick glance around the room, she nodded, "I think that's a good idea. Probably better to be there before the guests."

"Naturally." Lange smiled and half-bowed at the waist, gesturing towards the nearer door. "After you, milady."

Kilana laughed, it seemed a bit out of place for James to be calling her 'milady', though it was kind of nice. "Okay, off we go," she nodded to him and headed out the door, turning left.

Lange followed and, seeing no other crewmen in the corridor, casually wrapped one arm around Kilana's waist. "Enjoying covering in Engineering?"

"Absolutely. I've missed doing real Engineering work. Not that I don't enjoy being a Yeoman and Chief of the Boat, but..." her voice trailed off. She was a little surprised, though pleasantly, by James' arm around her waist. Somehow he didn't seem like an arm around the waist kind of person.

Lange gave Kilana a soft squeeze with his arm, then let her go. "Well, we might be able to work something out where you spend more time with that and less on other things in the future. I certainly want my crew to be as happy as possible."

"Really? Some kind of regular duties in Engineering?" Kilana looked over at James. She'd become used to simply doing what was needed, not necessarily what she really wanted to be doing.

"We can talk about it after this mission. Maybe get our new Chief Engineer's thoughts if we have one by then. I certainly think it would be easy enough to do, though," Lange replied. He smiled down at her.

She returned the smile, "Thank you James, I really appreciate it." The two rounded a corner, then approached the Transporter room doors, "Here we are."

They entered the Transporter Room and Lange nodded to Petty Officer 1 Kayla Oren. "Miss Oren, has the Malinche signaled yet?"

"No sir," Oren replied, "But it's still a couple minutes to the scheduled transport time."

"Did you run the transporter diagnostics I requested earlier?" Kilana had thought it wise to order them, rather than have problems when the Malinche crew tried beaming over.

Oren nodded. "Yes, Chief. Everything checks out. I don't anticipate any problems, but I'm prepared for any that may arise."

"Good," Kilana smiled. She turned to James, "Is anyone else coming down to meet the Malinche crew, or will they be meeting us in the mess hall?"

"That's up to them," Lange shrugged. "I made attendance compulsory, not greeting at the transporter pad."

She nodded. "Looks like we'll be the greeting committee." Hearing a bleep from the console she looked at Kayla, "Is that them?"

Oren looked at her panel and nodded. "The Malinche is energizing her transporter. Receiving matter stream."

Lange tugged downward on the hem of his jacket and moved into position in front of the transporter platform. "Here we go."


Petty Officer 1st Class Kayla Oren
Transporter Operator
USS Sentinel NCC-74673
As Played By: Captain Lange

A JP With:
Chief Petty Officer Kilana Nira
Chief of the Boat, Acting Chief Engineer, & Captain's Yeoman
USS Sentinel NCC-74673
Captain James Lange
Commanding Officer
USS Sentinel NCC-74673
Task Force 22, Horizon Fleet

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:29 pm
by Roh
<<USS Malinche, Roh's Quarters, 1800, Day 1>>

As Lieutenant Roh watched his chronometer pass from 1730 to 1800, he knew that he should start getting ready for the dinner that all the senior staff were to attend. He walked to his closet and looked for his dress whites and then remembered that he had to replicate new ones. "Computer, one dress uniform in Operations color," Roh said. Once the replicator completed its task, Tray took the uniform out of the replicator. He changed into the new uniform and took a look at himself in his floor length mirror and said, "I look damn good!"

Roh was nowhere near as vain as some of his friends were but at least he knew good when he saw it. He wondered what the Sentinel crew would be like. He had already read through the mission parameters and knew that the ops officer on the other ship had more experience running a department than he did so he would defer to her greater knowledge. Roh was very much looking forward to meeting her.

Roh turned around when he heard a little scratching at his leg and saw Phobos and Diemos, his pet ferrets. They were only 6 months old and had yet to learn that scratching on pants was not permissible. He reached down and picked them up and told them "No". He looked to his chronometer once more and saw that it was 1815 so he set the ferrets down in their cage and left for the transporter room the senior staff was assembling in.

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2007 12:24 am
by Fairbairn
<<Holosuite 1, USS Malinche, 1801hours>>

Cameron wasn't the biggest fan of the holodeck, he had an uncanny ability to write incredibly descriptive programs but that was always put down to imagination. He glanced around the empty space and decided it was better to get his test subject first. A slight flick of the comm badge and with the beep he spoke. "Fairbairn to Tupalov, Marco I'm in holosuite one if you'd like to join me."

Marco cringed and rolled his eyes. He tapped his own badge, heavily in annoyance. "It is 1800" he replied in an irritated tone of voice, turning on heels back into the turbolift. A plate of Sausage and potatoes in the mess would, clearly, have to wait. He far prefferred the idea of that than the pretensious drivel the Officers would be 'dining' on aboard Sentinel.

Cameron strolled around the holodeck and then began reeling in his commands. "Computer - activate Starfleet security program Alpha Six. Initiate difficult setting level five." Difficult enough for the average security recruit. The image faded around him and then settled to reveal a gymnasium, a set of training grounds and equipment around him. Then the door whisked open, Cameron turned and offered a sly smile of greeting towards Marco. "Ah, Chief. I almost thought you weren't going to make it. Come on in." He said, removing his teal jacket and slinging it onto a nearby rack.

Marco stopped just barely on the other side of the doorway as the large door slid shut and clicked into place behind him. His eyes cautiously fell over the gym equipment, then to the Doctor's far too happy face. "Medical fitness standard assesments are usually performed with ALL of the Seniors present, sir" He said dryly. "Will they be attending soon?"

Cameron nodded and raised a finger. "All will be revealed in good time, my friend, that much I promise." Cameron stepped round a floor mat used for take down training and gestured to the room itself. "You're familiar with this test, right? It's adapted for security recruits when they sign up to join a department. You study takedown, martial arts, control's all about your reflexes. You can fight, Marco, right?"

Marco felt his inner chest tighten as he become angier with every word the Doctor said, he had a good mind to damn well prove he could. "Da" he grumbled.

Good." Cameron stepped away from the mat to the back wall of the room briskly. Announcing with that heavy Scots accent: "Computer, activate program!"

An arm in loose white robing flew at him mid-materialisation, he raised his right arm to block it and landed a kick onto a chest with his right leg, the arm flew away form him and he allowed his left leg to go, dropping the Russian to the floor where he rolled into a crouch, giving him a second to survey the scene. The first attacker had hit the floor and dematerialised, and the other two came at him, fast. Marco made for the left one, and dived for the right at the last second, catching him off balance he threw an elbow into his opponents throat and punched the original target in the face, and again, and a third time right on the nose. He turned back to the target grasping his throat and launched a sharp kick into the groin, following through with another to the face as he doubled over in pain. The last target came again, and Marco ducked, he grabbed the ankles and shoved his shoulder into the stomach, creating leverage to flip the target over his back, he landed on the floor and Marco jumped down, trapping the head between his knees before he twisted his hip and muscular thighs, snapping the neck. He breathed heavily and stood up as the target dematerialised between his feet. "And the point of that was?!" Marco demanded angrily, flexing the fingers on his left hand, taking it in his right as he did.

The Doctor stood stock still, examining the readings on a medical tricorder. He was still programming different methods of analysis but he had the readings he needed. Without looking up he lifted a hand and beckoned the Russian over to have a look for himself and as the breathless man stepped beside him he explained how the readings came though. "Your neural kinetics are standing level at nine point zero, giving you enough girth to judge your attackers speed, match it and counter a response." Cam looked away from the readings and pointed to Marco's head casually. "Beyond reflexes your neural feed has expanded extremely with a flow of adrenaline which allows you to act sharply and with a sense of purpose. It generally makes you more intelligent towards the incoming situation. Those brain waves show you to be healthy, toned...actively fit. That puts your health and your fighting skills at top range. Would you agree you're in good shape?"

"Nostrofnia" Macro muttered sarcasticaly under his breath. He was pumped up enough to not care; "Want to go a round and I prove it 'o you!?" he challenged, perhaps more aggressively than he'd have liked, whacking the tricorder out of Fairbairn's hand and locking eyes with him.

Cameron maintained his level head, expecting as much. He immediately retaliated by slamming his arm into Marco's chest, happy to have caught the older man off guard as he slammed him into the nearby wall. However the doctor was no fighter - certainly not to the extent of the Chief and before he received a sound beating he quickly removed a hypospray from the back of his belt and pushed it into his assailiants neck, injecting the same pro-toxin component of opium and bidragate that Tupalov himself was addicted to. He just hoped it would be enough to reach the seratonin and then release the right amount of dopamine into the system. Quickly Cam stepped away before he received a blow to the face and watched as the drug took effect on Marco's internal system.

Marco grabbed the Doctor', it wasn't there. His head swam as what felt like every drop of blood surged into his brain. "Fuc.." he started as he stumbled forward, bending over before losing his balance and falling to his knees. "" He produced some primal growl as the drug surged through his body. Marco's eyes rolled back and he fought to keep them straight. What seemed like hours passed and he managed to, just about, regain control of his motor funtions and stood back up. His eyes still doing odd things, and his head at Warp 10 - just the kind of feeling he got whenever he injected himself. "Point? You bastard!"

Cameron grabbed Marco's shoulders immediately with restraint and pushed him to sit on the floor, resting his back against the wall. "When you take a dose, roughly what time of the day do you take it?" He asked carefully.

Whenever" he mumbled, remembering he was pissed at Fairbairn, he flew a punch which caught him straight in the jaw, though Fairbairns head barely flinched, he tried again and couldn't think where he'd put his arm. A pathetic attempt of an old man who couldn't even regulate his own strength.

Cameron winced but obviously didn't manage to duck the blow. Luckily the angle had the mans fist just brush across the doctors face. He sighed and without restraint sat down beside Marco, parallel to him and stared at the cieling as he spoke. "Don't you see the difference that stuff does to your system? Sure it feels good and stops the cold turkey symptoms but bloody hell, Marco..."

Marco snarled and glared at the Doctors eyes, at least he tried to, he couldn't quite hold the stare. "I won't go looking for fight with drug in me." he growled out,trying to push Fairbairn away but meeting nothing but solid resistance from the Doctor, whom he was sure was having to put minimal effort into pushing against Marco's hands.

"Give it a rest, will ye?" The Doctor snapped. "You're always so angry, so volatile. It's like all you can think about is how much people have pissed you off recently. Know why? Because you're hooked on this crap that's brewed up in a Terillian laboratory and sold for latinum." Cameron suddenly stood up and sighed. "I've got plans tonight, I just wanted to give you a reference into what you're doing to yourself. I'll see you around, Chief." And with that he left, pure and simply stepping out of the holosuite and leaving the program running while the drug settled into his patients system.

Marco's eyes roughly followed the Doctor as he left, jumping between the man and the floor, the wall, anything, unable to completely focus. He felt a surge in his stomach and a sharp taste in his throat. The vomit coming up as stuck and he tried to cough, not quite managing it, no control. As the doors closed Marco tried to raise his hand to get Fairbairn's attention, the sudden shift in weight caused him to slump over to the right, his stomach surged again and he couldn't clear his throat. He croaked through the blockage in his throat, and banged his open hand on the floor, to attract...nobody, there was nobody there.

JP by:

Chief Petty Officer Marco Tupalov
Chief of the Boat/Auxilliary Flight
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 1:57 am
by Akios
ON: <USS Malinche, Britney's Quarters, 1707, Day 1>>

"Hi," he said once the human's face appeared on the panel, "I'm Ens. Akios from Engineering. We haven't met, but I was talking to some of the other engineers, and someone mentioned that you're from Direidi."

Britney (PNPC) froze as the face of a bird showed up on her display. She'd
just been going through some of the newest transfer orders when it had bleeped. "Hello; yes, I'm from Direidi. What can I do for you?"

"I've been going over reports on Malinche's mission to Direidi, trying to get up to speed. I've come up with a few questions, and for at least a couple of them, you seem like the most likely person to have the answers. Have you got a few minutes?"

"Yes, I have a few minutes. I'm not sure how much help I'll be, but I'll tell you what I can," she smiled.

"Thanks," Akios said. "Well, everything centers around something I saw in one of the reports. It mentioned that a flash or explosion had been seen, and that your people connected that with the disappearance of the Sirion. Do you happen to know any details about where or when the flash was seen, and whether someone saw it in the sky or on a sensor system?"

Britney thought back to the time when the Sirion away team was on Direidi. "Well, I'm sorry to say I didn't see anything, but I did hear a few people talking about it... They were outside at the time and saw something in the sky, though they had a hard time describing it. It was a bit more distinctive as it happened at night, from what they said."

"So, it wasn't necessarily an explosion, then, but something big enough to be seen with the naked eye...that's a start. Sorry, don't let me interrupt."

"After that night, and, from what I heard people say, after what they witnessed, there was no other contact from the Sirion. That's probably why some Direidians connected it with the Sirion's disappearance," she answered.

"I see. Still, it's a lead. Did anyone happen to mention what time it was when they saw the phenomenon? And if anyone happened to mention what part of they sky they saw it in, that would be really great."

While he was speaking, Akios tapped away at his console. On a different screen he had a stellar cartography diplay up. He quickly configured it to display using Direidi's coordinates as the point of origin, at the stardate reported for the last contact with the Sirion.

Britney paused, trying hard to remember what she'd heard. "It must've been earlier in the evening...after the sun went down, but before 10pm - that's when I was on my break and heard them talking. I don't know exactly what direction, but it was to the East of the main Direidi city."

That was a little disappointing. Akios had been hoping for something more precise. "Well, that narrows it down a little more," he said, entering the additional parameters. "Is there anything else you remember that might have been related to what was seen? Any kind of unusual interference with equipment or communications?"

She shook her head sadly, "No, I'm afraid I don't...I'm not sure what time it happened so it'd be hard to tell anyway. The lights blinked a couple times around 7 or 8 pm, but it wasn't anything out of the ordinary - tends to happen when we have extra people around. And, I wasn't around any equipment or communications devices that could've been effected. Sorry I couldn't be more help."

"Well, thanks for your help, I really appreciate it," Akios said. "With a little luck, I might turn up something in the ship's sensor logs that was missed before. If you think of anything else, anything at all, would you let me know?"

"Absolutely. I hope you find some answers, Mr. Akios. Let me know if there's anything else I can do," Britney replied. She smiled and nodded to him as the screen went blank. Now what had she been doing....

Akios leaned against the console after the communication ended. That had been a lot less productive than he'd hoped.

He returned to his duties, monitoring the warp core, while he took the scant information he'd collected and tried to poke and prod it into something useful. What he finally came up with was disappointing--a cone that spread out from a representation of the planet's surface. Combined with the orbital data that Sirion had transmitted back to Starfleet as part of their standard arrival report, he was still left with a large chunk of space. It was something, though. He accessed Malinche's sensor logs from the ship's previous mission.

...and was surprised to find that there was more data than he'd expected to find. A _lot_ more. Someone had done intensive scans of the orbital area he was interested in, something that hadn't been mentioned in the reports he'd read.

He ran a search on the computer for any analyses that might have been done on that data before. In one cache he found a set of temporary parameters, and running them on the scan data produced an orbital simulation, starting from the recorded data of Sirion's orbit, but deviating wildly as the flight path first deviated in what looked like an evasive pattern, dove into the planet's upper atmosphere, and then headed on a line out of orbit.

He studied the data. None of this had been mentioned in the reports he'd read. Had Starfleet put a security lid on the previous mission's data? It wouldn't be unheard-of. Starfleet Command was skittish about anything involving the Borg, and the Borg had been involved in the last mission.

Anyway, this gave him something to go on that he hadn't had before. There was an entire layer of crew reports that he hadn't searched, because the mission reports, in theory, would contain the same information, organized and summarized. Since they didn't, at least as far as his access went, he would have to look deeper, and the simulation he'd uncovered gave him a time index he could use to greatly narrow the search.

His search started getting hits almost immediately--reports filed by the shuttle pilots who'd been sent out to patrol and then suddenly recalled, except one shuttle that had detected a vessel at the edge of sensor range; reports filed by crewmen who'd handled the Sirion wreckage that had been discovered; reports from Science officers who'd been reviewing sensor data that Malinche had collected... it turned out that Malinche had discovered a great deal more than he'd originally realized. It seemed like they'd already done everything short of actually finding the missing ship and its crew--and then, apparently, had returned to Starbase 259 because of the mutiny and the damage that had resulted. Tagged out just short of home plate...that had to have been hard on the crew.

Secondary to all this, he also uncovered a pile of reports that explained to him just how the interior of the ship had suffered so much damage. The ship had been buzzed by an unknown vessel coming out of warp, which had caused an emergency warp shutdown and widespread damage to the EPS system. The EPS damage, including ruptured conduits throughout the ship, had damaged associated systems. Followed by damage when the mutineers escaped, it was no wonder the captain had ordered the ship back to starbase for repairs, rather than risk a direct confrontation with the Borg.

Akios straightened up and stretched, checking the chronometer, and was surprised to see it was only 1820. That wasn't nearly as late as he'd thought it would be. He'd turned up a lot of info in a relatively short period of time. There were still some things he wanted to figure out, such as what the Direidians had actually seen, since a ship being fired upon wasn't that hard to describe. But, overall, most of his questions had been answered, and he'd probably found out all he could without talking to the actual persons involved. Speaking of which, he was also kind of surprised that he hadn't seen Lt. Peters yet. The lieutenant seemed like the kind of officer who checked on Engineering if he'd been away before going off shift.

"Computer, locate Lt. Peters," he said.

+"Lieutenant Peters is not currently on the Malinche."+ came the reply.

"What in the world?" Akios muttered.

+"Please restate the question."+

"Not you, comupter," Akios said, and turned when he heard a stifled laugh. Ens. Hackerson (NPC) was at a console across the compartment.

"I heard that the senior staff were going to the other ship for dinner," she said. "Guess the rumor was true."

"They occasionally are," Akios sighed. "Looks like my questions will have to wait until tomorrow."


A JP by:

Crewman Britney Liras (PNPC)
Captain's Yeoman
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
(played by Captain Kersare)


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:01 pm
by Starbase 386 Crew
ON: <USS Peacekeeper Mess Hall, 1730, Day 1>

After the conclusion of the joint staff meeting Blake walked out of the conference room and to the rear of deck 1. He leaned back against the bulkhead for a few seconds to contemplate how he could best spend the time he had before the diner. Of course this proved more difficult since it was revealed the Sentinel and Malinche would most likely come into contact with the Borg.

However he was soon able to focus his mind on the present and decided to head down to oversee the repairs of the vibration he had located earlier. If they were going to face the Borg everything needed to be in pristine condition. With that he headed to the rear Turbolift and headed down.

Following a short ride in the Turbolift and a not so short trip through the Jeffries Tubes, Blake arrived to find his repair team as well as two engineering officer working to repair the vibration. He was then informed that it was simply going to require the replacement of the power converter for that section to complete the repair. Now that his time was freed up he quickly headed for his quarters this way eh work and change.

As Blake walked into his quarter he checked the time and saw that he was running behind schedule. He would now be unable to meet the Malinche crew in the transporter room but would most likely be able to beat them to the mess hall. With that Blake headed over to his dresser and pulled out his dress uniform, which he had not worn in a long time.

As he was getting dressed Blake began to work ?Computer, access Starfleet database files pertaining to the Borg? moment later the computer chimed in compliance ?then download all data regarding eye-witness testimony, phaser and shield modification, and all data pertaining to drones? a second chime soon followed ?alright then send all of this data to Officers Sorele and Rodriguez with the instructions to begin studying the data and that I will be meeting with them to explain everything? the he computer chimed one final time.

After putting his shoes on Blake headed out of the door and down the corridor at a fast pace in an attempt to beat everyone for the Malinche and the Sentinel crew that had greeted them to the mess hall.


Lieutenant JG Blake Daggerd
Chief Tactical Officer
USS Sentinel NCC-74673

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:02 pm
by Starbase 386 Crew
<U.S.S. Sentinel, Mess Hall, 1815, Day 1>

The Operations staff meeting had gone well, and as she walked through the doors to the mess hall, Megan knew that most of her staff was hard at work on the tasks she had given them. Now if only she could be working as well? Glancing around the room, she recognized Commander Davenport, although she found it strange that he wasn?t greeting the Malinche senior staff with the Captain. He was circling the table apparently examining the place settings.

Otherwise, the Mess Hall was fairly quiet, a few crewmen here and there working on the meal or checking to make sure everything was set up correctly. She was offered a drink by a waiter but declined politely. Megan wasn?t fond of loosing control, especially in a situation like this. That and she wasn?t actually supposed to drink anything alcoholic as it was.

At that moment, the doors opened and a slightly out of breath Lieutenant Daggerd entered the Mess Hall. He skidded slightly to a halt and looked around the room before appearing to relax. Megan smiled to herself as he must have thought he was late. If she hadn?t set an alert for when the meeting had to end, she most likely would have been late as well.

Megan was tempted to sit down, but it always seemed like these events required a lot of standing around and talking, except during the actual meal of course. At least this time she?d come prepared with an addition dose of Vertazine to the one she?d already taken. The last thing she wanted to do was lose consciousness and pass out at one of these things?again?

The last time she?d passed out, she had knocked over an entire bowl of some sort of punch that had ended up all over herself and one of the visiting diplomats as well as created such a bad stain on the carpet that they?d had to replace it. Not to mention the fact that the story was practically a legend on the Victory, and she had still been trying to live it down when she?d left. She?d rather avoid creating a scene here on her new ship so soon.

A different waiter came around and offered her a drink. Megan declined again, but this time decided to order something else so as to not look so conspicuous without one. ?A Til?amin froth, please?? she requested, as the waiter nodded and went to get the beverage for her. It was one of the few drinks that she knew and enjoyed that was popular among adults but non-alcoholic.

After the waiter returned with her drink, Megan took a sip and glanced around the room again. It appeared that everyone was, like her, waiting for the arrival of the Captain and the Malinche?s crew. Megan only hoped they would get here soon, because they sooner they were here, the sooner she could get back to work.
Lieutenant Megan Garrett
Chief Operations Officer
USS Sentinel, NCC-74673

Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:02 pm
by Starbase 386 Crew
[USS Sentinel, Lounge, 1834, Day 1]

Rhys stood looking out the window, attempting his best to stay hidden in the corner where he held his drink. But one person seemed to know where he was.

"Hey brother," Rhyanna said, hugging his shoulders, and smiling at him.

"Hey sis," he said, attempting to return the smile. Rhyanna noticed this, and frowned slightly.

"Is this mission really getting to you that badly," she asked. Rhys thought for a moment, then shrugged.

"I don't know, it's nothing that should bother me... or, at least, the things that are bothering me shouldn't be the things that do. If that makes sense... I think I'm confusing even myself." He shook his head, taking another sip of the red-colored drink in his hand.

"What's the matter, Rhys," his twin asked, suddenly looking very concerned. Her brother usually was not like this. He shrugged again, saying nothing for a while, watching the stars streak past, small blips momentarily seen then lost and forgotten as the ship sped through space.

"I don't trust the Malinche, crew, for one... heard some bad things about her captain when I was back on the base. A show boater... likes to make a name for herself, pushing others aside. Then again," he said with an afterthought, "Lange's the same way. Which makes a dangerous combination. These two are gonna end up butting heads fierce, then lookout." He laughed.

"That's not what's really bothering you, though," Rhyanna said, all too knowing. "What aren't you telling me?"

Rhys looked at her, catching her eyes and looking very scared.

"I have a really bad feeling about this mission. I can't shake it. But there is something that is telling me that this will not end well. For any of us." He looked back out the window. "And no matter what, I can't make that feeling go away." He threw back the rest of his drink.

"I don't know," he continued, setting the glass down. "Maybe we won't find anything... but maybe we'll find too much."

Rhyanna nodded slowly. "You think either Captain will let that happen, though?" she asked optimistically.

Rhys looked at her. "They may not have a choice." He glanced once more out the window, then kissed his sister on the cheek, and walked back to the bar.

Rhyanna looked out the window. She didn't tell her brother she felt the same feelings. She hoped these crews were good enough to get them past whatever awaited them out there.


A (pseudo) JP between:

Lt. Cmdr Rhyanna Monroe (PNPC)
Field Services Representative
StarFleet Medical - Counseling Division

as played by your cheese-obsessed pilot:
Lt. Rhys Monroe
Chief of Flight Control
USS Sentinel
as played by

Posted: Mon Aug 06, 2007 9:02 pm
by Roh

USS Malinche COO's quarters Day 1 1800 hours

Trayven Roh was in his quarters going over the mission specifics and enjoying a rakatijino. He was glad he had accepted this assingment; Chief of Ops on a starship with a long and proud legacy as this one was a dream come true. Despite not having been to the Bridge yet, he was enjoying his time on the ship.

Roh set the PADD containing the mission specifics to the side and picked up the one with the Ops roster. He was glad that he had an almost full crew. He knew he would have to meet with them in the morning in his office to discuss the new schedule of Bridge duty. He wanted to give all of his officers Bridge time.

Roh picked up his coffee mug and went back to reading the PADD with the mission on it. He wanted to be up on what the mission was all about and be able to ask insightful questions of the Sentinel crew especially their Ops officer.

There came a chime at his door and he told the person to enter. And in walked Lieutenant Joey Summers. "What can I do for you, Mr. Summers?" Trayven asked.

"Well Lieutenant, I was wondering if you had chosen an assistant yet?"

"Not as of yet and I'm not entirely sure if Captain Kersare has been interviewing for the position," Roh said.

"Oh ok. I would like to be considered for the interim. I have Bridge experience as well," Summers said.

"Thank you, Lieutenant. I will be letting the staff know tomorrow at 9:00 at the staff meeting," Roh said with finality in his voice.


Lieutenant, jg Joey Summers (NPC)
Operations Officer
USS Malinche
