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Posted: Mon Apr 24, 2006 10:22 pm
by Soren
Day 0, 1320 hrs, Main Bridge

Soren was at the OPS station as the Senior Staff meeting took place. He smiled...there were actually advantages to not being senior staff. He did not have to get into unequal arguments with people who outranked him. Ah, bliss.

The chief looked over power consumption over the last half day. Hmm. He touched the intercom.

"Operations to Brig"

tag Treharne

"Sir, this is Chief Soren. Power consumption records report a significant power surge at about 0100 or so. The duty officer should have inquired. Do you need me to detail a maintenance crew of the cells???"

tag Treharne

Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 10:37 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>

Amanda wasn't happy. No matter how unqine they claimed to be Amanda was not going to be put through any wringers; she wouldn't amuse the Direidi no matter how different there methods were she didn't want to jump through hoops.

"Thats all well and fine," Amanda started off. "But I won't jump through hoops for the Direidi."

OFF: Just my reaction:-)

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 3:07 pm
by Grayson
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>


Amanda wasn't happy. No matter how unqine they claimed to be Amanda was not going to be put through any wringers; she wouldn't amuse the Direidi no matter how different there methods were she didn't want to jump through hoops.

"Thats all well and fine," Amanda started off. "But I won't jump through hoops for the Direidi."

"That what I'm trying say", said Grayson, serious. "The idea of get a team infiltrate isn't to 'spy' on the Direidi, but to let us know in advance what kind game they're planning. But, I guess we'll have to do the hard way and play their game."

He looked to his hands and muttered under his breath. "What's the point to have an intel deparment if you're not going be intelligent?"

OFF: And that's my reaction!

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:46 pm
by Langley
<<uss Malinche>>
<Sickbay, Bed 3, 1319,day 0>

Sam was sat up in her bed, a tricorder was sat by her side, compliments of a medical orderly leaving it to close to her in the Starbase. A small set of earphones had been wired into the speaker.

And so she had sat listening into the better half of the briefing, the hardest part had been finding an acess point into the ships systems, after that she had quickly cracked the codes to gain access to the internal sensors, after she had figured out the symbols that had streamed across the tiny screen, isolating the conference rooms audio was fairly easy.


"That what I'm trying say", said Grayson, serious. "The idea of get a team infiltrate isn't to 'spy' on the Direidi, but to let us know in advance what kind game they're planning. But, I guess we'll have to do the hard way and play their game."

He looked to his hands and muttered under his breath. "What's the point to have an intel deparment if you're not going be intelligent?"


Sam laughed, In her past, Intel Departments seemed to be the least intelligent.

They seemed, However, to make up for it in being some of the most cunning, underhanded people there was.... Well apart from some ferengi, But you wouldnt want to trust your life to one.

Sam sat there listening intently, waiting to see what else she could gleem.

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:30 am
by Barrett
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>

Jason nodded at Darkhelm's assestment of the situation. Like Amanda, he wouldn't be jumping through hoops for the Direidi...if they wanted him to do something they were going to get him to do it in a straight forward manner.

"I agree with Commander Darkhelm," Jason said. "Don't worry sir I won't disrespect the Direidi but I won't play thier games; at least not the way that they played the orginal Enterprise's crew."

"Maybe we're all just over-reacting to this," Brice responded. "They may have changed you know..."

"I hope they have," Grayson tossed in.

"Me too," Jason responded. "If you don't need us for anything else sir, I need to get back to operations."

"Go right ahead."

Jason nodded and headed out of the conference room, Darkhelm close behind him.

"You're feeling a little more then uneasy about this, aren't you?" Amanda asked.

"You have no idea," Jason sighed. His combadge beeped.

"Barrett here, go ahead."

OFF: Tag Soren!

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2006 12:40 am
by Thomas
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1319, Day 0>

After the breifing room, Brice headed toward sickbay to check on Warrant Officer Langely. He didn't know what happened to put her sickbay, although seeing as how she was a warrant officer it was his job to find out why. And he intended to do.

Nodding to Adam (NPC), who appeared to be looking over a chart as he entered the room. He noted that Langely took off some headphones and touched the tricorder that was next to her bed. She smiled at Brice.

"Good to see you are back among the land of the living," Brice smiled. He pulled a stool up to sit next to Langely's bed.

"Thank you sir."

"So, what brought you to the stations sickbay Ms. Langely?"

OFF: Tag Langely!

Posted: Sat Apr 29, 2006 2:02 am
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1319, Day 0>

Amanda made her way back to sickbay. She was still checking over the reports that the CMO had filed from the ship that had rescued her and brought her to the starbase. Entering, she found that Brice was already there, talking to her about something.

Deciding to give the two of them time to chat, Amanda headed for her office and sat down, logging on and checking her messages. She was pleased to find one from Dr. Beveraly Crusher...well please would have been the relative term. Exstatic was a better word for it.


To: Lt. Commander Amanda Darkhelm
From: Commander Beverly Crusher
Subject: Borg Nanoprobes

I'm please to report that your latest incarnation of anti-Borg nanites showed great succcess in our studies. Though they were not able to completely stop the Borg nanoprobes from assimulating the subject in our test; they did slow the rate of assimulation by nearly 45%.

This allowed our medical teams to revive and disconnect those infected with the nanoprobes with speed and ease that would have been otherwise unheard of. Your bio dampners also show great prospect. I am sending you a copy of the data we collected. Please keep up the good work.


Amanda was beside herself with excitment; thier idea actually worked. She couldn't believe it. Shutting down the terminal she took a deep breath. As happy as she was, she knew that she had work to do...starting with the medical reports of one Samnatha Langely.


Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 12:33 am
by Soren
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>


"Me too," Jason responded. "If you don't need us for anything else sir, I need to get back to operations."

"Go right ahead."

Jason nodded and headed out of the conference room, Darkhelm close behind him.

"You're feeling a little more then uneasy about this, aren't you?" Amanda asked.

"You have no idea," Jason sighed. His combadge beeped.

"Barrett here, go ahead."

"Chief Soren here, boss. Reporting status now that you are out of your meeting. At about 0100 this morning there was an exceptional power surge from the brig. I have made inquiry to see if there is a maintenance requirement there. Additionally the recording computer has had a couple of very minute skips in it. I believe it might have been tapped into from here onboard, but there is no knowing who or from where. There wasn't enough interruption to trace. Might be worthwhile to advise Intelligence that we might have an eavesdropper. That's the latest, sir."

Old Friends!!

Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 5:37 pm
by Thundera
ON:<USS Malinche>
<Executive Office, Day 0, 1400>

With the staff meeting over, Cheetara went to her office to finally contact Rebekah to find out how her transfer went. Sitting behind her deck, she flipped up the computer console and began sending a visual transmission.

Two had not left her quarters to head to the holodeck to work on the program. Her computer was beeping and she stopped to discover who was trying to call her.

"Two of Nine, Adjust Tertiary UniMatrix Zero here," Two said.

Cheetara heard the familiar voice and wondered what was going on. Rebekah hadn't been using her full destination in quite a long time. "What's going on over there? What's wrong with you Rebekah?"

"This ship is definately not the Mali, Cheetara. Like on the Mali, I am not the only former Borg on the Katana," Two told Cheetara.

Cheetara pulled up a manifest to see the crew compliment of the Katana. "I see", she mumbled to herself."So why are you using your full destination again?

"I do not know," Two told her.

"So have you met or talked to the other former borg yet?" she asked knowing that she most likely hasn't talked to her

"I have. I asked her if she needed a regen chamber. Pumyra told me that she did not require one," Two told her.

"Well I think that you might want to have a good heart to heart with her. She was my mentor years ago. She can be very helpful for you, more than I was able to."

"I will," Two told her.

"So how do you like your new position? I'm sure it must be quite different for you. After all, you aren't just in charge of the engines anymore." Cheetara asked

"It is very different. I miss working on the engines. I've got a station on the bridge. It's hard to hide on the bridge," Two agreed.

"Do you think maybe that's part of why you're reverting your personality with everyone?" she asked in a counselor way

"I do not think so. This ship is so different from the Mali. I have my own quarters. I have to sit on the bridge. I do not think that the CO trusts me," Two said.

"You don't think he trusts you? What would make you think such a thing? I highly doubt he would have an officer on his bridge, much less his ship if you didn't have any trust"

"I could be assisting in engineering. But instead, I am sitting on the bridge. It was not an efficient use of my knowledge," Two told her.

Cheetara could understand this logic, but wondered if Rebekah was looking at the whole picture. "That is true Rebekah, but try looking at things this way. If there is a problem on the ship, you'll be the first one to know about it and able to help fix it. Also, you will be working with Engineering cooperatively anyway. So you aren't being taking away from there. Just given more responsibility to enhance it."

"I wish I could spend more time in engineering. I do not like having people looking at me all the time," Two said.

"The next person that stares, tell them 'Take a picture, it will last longer', and watch the reaction." Cheetara paused and chuckled. "It can be quite effective. But don't do it to a superior officer but it can be considered very rude."

"Never say 'Resistance is futile' to anyone in security," Two told her.

Cheetara got puzzled at that statement. "Why would you say that to anyone?"

"I do not know why I said it. I had just been awakened from a regen cycle, thirty minutes after it started. I was tossed into the brig," Two told her.

"Tossed into the brig?!" she said quite intrigued and pissed at the same time.

"I had been out of contact for a time when a murder occurred. Since they could not verify where I was, I was under suspicion. I got shot and then shoved into the brig as if I was guilty. I got called all sorts of names," Two told her.

"Now I understand about the trust issue. I want you to go and talk to Pumyra as soon as possible, but before this day is out. And don't think of that as an order, but friendly advice."

"I am not sure if that will be possible, Cheetara, but I will try," Two told her.

"I'll send her a subspace message to her ask for her to set some time aside if you think that will help" Cheetara said knowing that Rebekah probably just didn't want to go talk to anyone.

"No. I will take care of it," Two told her.

"Alright, I trust you will keep your word", she said as a panel beeped on her desk. "I need to get going Rebekah. Keep in touch with me from time to time. As Vulcans say, Live long and prosper."

"I will talk to you when I can," Two told her.

"And do tell Pumyra I said Hello. It's been a long time since I've talked to her." Cheetara added

"I will. Two out," Two said, closing off contact with Cheetara.

The visual went blank and Cheetara made her way out to the bridge.

OFF: A JP done by

Lieutenant(jg) Rebekah Harrison
Chief Operations Officer
USS Katana NCC-65819


Posted: Mon May 01, 2006 5:18 pm
by Shandris
<Day 0, 1405>
<<Corridor, USS Malinche>>

Shandriis didn't run. She'd been sidetracked by her duties, and was late for her initial posting physical. While Shandriis was not a 'modest' woman, she also did not like invasive procedures being used about her body. She'd.... been through that, before.

Opening the door before her, she took a deep breath, and released it in an audible sigh, and stepped inside...

<Day 0, 1410>
<<Sickbay, USS Malinche>>

Shandriis looked about, not seeing too terribly many officers or staff about, and none of them had red hair, as the Chief Medical Officer was purported to possess. She swept her bright blue eyes about the large chamber, and finally discovered what appeared to be the CMO's office.

Depressing the chime, she waited impatiently until she was bid to enter. Stepping in, the violet-skinned woman looked to the desk, and the pretty red haired woman there, "Lieutenant Junior Grade Shandriis reporting for a physical, as ordered, Doctor... ma'am. I apologize about my tardiness, but sometimes duty cannot wait."

Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:00 am
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, Day 0, 1405>

Amanda smiled. She knew the call of duty all to well.

"Right this way, don't worry about being late. It happens to the best of us sometimes."

Shandris nodded and hopped up on the biobed that Amanda had indicated. She grabbed a tricorder and started with a few basic scans, which all came back normal. She grabbed a hypospray next and held it to Shandris's neck, taking a small blood sample.

"I've looked over your files from your last posting and you seem to be in pretty good health, I want to look through your blood that I drew though. It shouldn't take to long; you're more then welcome to wait here."

Shandris nodded as Amanda walked over toward her office. Walking in she found that Adam (NPC) was right behind her, PADD in hand.

"I found something strange in Crewmen Langely's blood work," Adam said handing the PADD to Amanda.

Amanda looked through it...arching her eyebrows when something caught her eye.

"Well, well, isn't this interesting."

"Orders?" Adam asked.

"Run a series 7 tissue scan, bones, muslce, fatty tissue, I want everything scanned throughly."

"That could take a few hours...not sure she wants to wait aroudn that long."

"I'm sure she doesn't...but she doesn't have a choice."


Posted: Tue May 02, 2006 1:13 am
by Barrett
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>

Jason didn't really want to talk to Grayson; even more so after there meeting.

Jason tapped his combadge. "Understood, I'll see if I can track anything down."

"It might be advisable to run a sensor sweep of the sensitive areas of the ship, see if we can pin down anything."

"Sounds like a good idea," Jason nodded. "I'll get a schedule drawn up right away. I'll contact Grayson and let him know. Also lets keep an eye on the subspace transciever array; if someone does try to transmit something I want to know about it."

"Understood, Soren out."

Jason tapped his combadge again. "Lt. Barrett to Mr. Grayson."

OFF: Tag Grayson and Soren!

Posted: Wed May 03, 2006 10:24 am
by Hunt
<<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room 1, 1322, Day 0>

Mason left the conference for his office. With all the different opinions and tension levels he couldn?t get an word edge wise but also felt that all points had been covered and discussed at length.

He had his concerns about the Diedri but mainly kept them to himself. He had skipped breakfast all together and heard his stomach growl. What he wouldn?t give for his aunt famous apple pie and some whipped cream.

To at least try to get himself prepared he just reviewed the conference notes. Needing to stretch his legs Hunt decided to stroll around the ship until he was needed.

OFF : Tag Anyone

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 1:15 am
by Kersare
<<Ready Room, 0958, Day 1>>

As Isabel took a sip of her hot chocolate, her eyes breezed over a few PADDs regarding last minute changes in departments. Nothing major, just a few minor notes. Noticing the time out of the corner of her eye, Isabel set the PADDs down on her desk, stood up, and walked to the door.

The doors swished open, giving Isabel a view of the bridge. She nodded to those she passed on the way to her chair.

<<XO's Office>>

It seemed the amount of paper would never end, there had been so many padd?s on his desk that he couldn?t even see the lcars monitor which showed the ships overall schematics.

He along with the senior staff was not at all enthusiastic about the mission but like always orders were orders and he never went against that motto. By now he had his third cup of coffee that he knew was going to keep him up all day and possibly night long.

The XO left his office for his shift on the bridge, he saw Kersare looking about in a stern but concerned look.


Seeing Mason enter the bridge, Isabel waited for him to make his way over. "Good morning Commander, I believe it's time we were underway for our next adventure," she smiled.

?Indeed, Captain. All stations all divisions this is the bridge. Prepare for immediate departure.(Looking down at his console) All decks show green Captain.?

It always gave the XO a thrill when ever the Malinche left dock into the depths of space on a new mission. This time around it just wasn?t there and he felt for the first time worried.

"Open a channel to Starbase Docking Command, Ms. Holtman." Isabel waited, then saw Caitlyn nod, "Docking Command, this is USS Malinche, we're ready to depart. Thank you for your hospitality."

"Malinche, this is Docking Command, good having you. Please proceed with standard StarFleet departure regulations," a deep voice replied.

Isabel turned to Joshua, sitting at the Flight Control console, "Mr. Sychorski, when you have notification that docking clamps have been removed, engage the departure procedure. Once we've cleared the Starbase, set a course for Direidi at warp 8."

"Aye Captain."

Upon hearing the response, Isabel walked back and sat in her command chair, Mason following suit. "Any thoughts, Commander?" she asked him quietly as she watched Joshua pilot the Malinche.

The question alone caused him to pause even stiff up a little.

?Not so much thoughts more like deep suspicions and reservations. I would be lying if I said like any other to many humans mysteries are a part of life some worth seeking out and finding clues but this one has stay away written all over it.?

Isabel listened, then shook her head slightly, "I think everyone is getting much too concerned over nothing. The Direidi are Federation members, they aren't going to harm us. They may put us through a few of their...situations...but really those are just the Direidi brand of a Holodeck adventure. I wish everyone would lighten up. The only real potential danger would be dependent on what happened to the Sirion." Watching Mason, she added, "Besides, what happened to everyone's spirit of adventure?"

OFF: Tag to Hunt (JP?) & rest of crew. Let's see some more posts!

JP brought to you by:

Commander Mason Hunt
Executive Officer
USS <i>Malinche</i> NCC-38897-B


Posted: Fri May 12, 2006 5:39 pm
by Soren
Communications Array, Day 1, 1000 hrs.

Soren never got tired of going to warp. He loved the subspace particles that cast a rainbow image as real-space was bent to shift the ship's location in 3-dimensional space. But this was no time to wax poetic over warp physics.

The boatswain's last discussion with his chief was firmly in mind:

"Sounds like a good idea," Jason nodded. "I'll get a schedule drawn up right away. I'll contact Grayson and let him know. Also lets keep an eye on the subspace transciever array; if someone does try to transmit something I want to know about it."

"Understood, Soren out."

Well, Soren had set a monitor worm that would burrow into any message, incoming or outgoing, that did not have fully authorized StarFleet headers. A telltale would come up if any department or individual sent more than a statistically normal number of messages. And he had set them before they went to warp. Any spy would have advised their spymasters that the ship had left warp, he thought, but nothing came by. Ordinary, fully authorized traffic. The Denobulan wondered if they had a spy aboard or just a busybody.

Soren could not spend all the time he wanted here at the array. The Science section was underpowered and he wasn't sure why. He made his way to the turbolift, and he would have the monitor worm do its job.