<<Bridge, 1148, Day 3>>
?Captain, we have established standard orbit. Transporter room standing by now awaiting your orders," Mason said.
"Is the entire away team down there?" Somehow Isabel doubted it, especially since she and Mason were still on the bridge.
He nodded, "All of them but us."
"That's impressive." She looked over at the communications officer, "Send a message to the Direidi letting them know that we'll be beaming down shortly."
"Aye captain."
Isabel looked over at her Executive Officer, "Well, off to the transporter room." With a final look around her bridge, she walked over to the turbolift with Mason and headed down to Transporter Room 2.
<<Transporter Room 2, 1157>>
Upon stepping into the transporter room with Mason, Isabel looked at the group of assembled officers - Brice, Mark, Samantha, Sara, Jason, Soren, Cheetara, Roderic, Todd, and Amanda. They were all there. Whether they *actually* wanted to be there was the better question, but at this point it didn't matter. They were going.
"Good afternoon everyone, I hope you're all hungry as it appears the Direidi are serving lunch for us. I see that you each have a bag as well, those will be sent directly to the hotel coordinates that we were given once the twelve of us are beamed down. We'll go in three groups of four - Myself, Ms. Thundera, Mr. Peters, and Ms. Darkhelm will be the first group, Mr. Hunt, Mr. Grayson, Mr. Barrett, and Mr. Treharne will be next, and Mr. Thomas, Ms. Langley, Ms. Rayne, and Mr. Soren will be in the last group." Isabel looked around to see that they had caught her instructions, and saw them moving to the assigned beaming down groups.
She then continued, "I know some of you are more than leery about going to see the Direidi, but try to remember that they are Federation members and would not intentionally harm us - they're not known to be hostile or dangerous. Also keep in mind that our mission involves the USS Sirion and the safety of their crew. I expect that all of you shown full diplomatic courtesy to the Direidi for the duration of our stay." Her eyes met with each of her officers' to make sure her point was clear.
"To the surface then," Isabel said, then stepped onto the transporter pad. "Energize."
<<Direidi, Planet Surface, 1204>>
Isabel, Cheetara, Todd, and Amanda materialized on some sort of raised platform. The platform was in the middle of a grassy field, with an identical platform to the right of it. In the distance were a series of rocky hills, and in front of those was a town full of small buildings and one rather impressive structure.
The large structure looked rather similar to a Gothic castle in many respects, with a touch of Victorian mansion and part of a greenhouse thrown in for good measure.
As she was starting to get used to the scenery, the other two parts of her away team beamed down next to them. Isabel was just getting used to the planet when a huge crowd of people in bright clothing started pouring out of the greenhouse-like portion of the huge building....and they were followed by a brass band. The entourage stopped about twenty feet from the platform as the band began to play. Shortly thereafter, the crowd began to sing:
"We thought that you might like
A warm welcome to our home,
So though we'd really rather
That no one came around,
We thought that we'd oblige you
And bid you welcome to our town.
So welcome to Direidi,
Please stay long as you will,
Since we've nothing to be hiding,
You can stay at our hotel,
And don't worry 'bout the bill.
If you want for anything
While you're visiting here
Please don't hesitate to tell us,
For we are the best of hosts
Despite the way the sell us.
And welcome to Direidi
We must say once more,
It isn't easy to say all this
And keep an even score.
You may stay long as you wish,
We won't show you the door,
We might even be able to help you
If you tell us what you're looking for.
For now let's go and eat
We'll show you our hospitality,
'Cause there's nowhere in this system
Quite like our Direidi."
During the 'Welcome song', as Isabel decided to call it, she watched with interest and amusement. If nothing else, the Direidi certainly were entertaining, though that probably wouldn't make any of her officers feel any better.
She looked over at Mason, "Well, I suppose I'll answer that one best I can.."
Taking a breath, she began:
"We thank you for your welcome
We've heard a lot about you,
I'm sure Direidi we'll enjoy it
Much as we like the view.
We're all ready to eat
So just show us the way,
We're looking forward to what you're serving
And what you have to say."
As she finished, Isabel smiled and gave a slight bow as two of the Direidi stepped forward, a man and a woman.
"Thank you for the kind reply. I am Emily(NPC), and this is my husband, Kyler(NPC)," the woman smiled.
Isabel returned the smile, "Thank you for the warm welcome Emily. I am Captain Isabel Kersare of the USS <i>Malinche</i>. Pleased to meet you. I believe you received word of our mission."
"Ah ah ah," Kyler said. "No business talks while stomachs are rumbling. The food's all ready - eat, then talk." He then gave her a curious look, "Why are you pleased?"
"As you wish," Isabel said. "I'm pleased because I enjoy meeting new people."
"Then you should be very pleased indeed," Emily replied. "There are almost sixteen thousand of us here on Direidi."
Isabel blinked, "Yes, I suppose I will be rather pleased then...Let me introduce my crewmembers first though, if you would." Seeing Kyler nod, she went through and introduced the eleven others. She looked back at them and nodded, "I believe we're ready - lead the way Kyler and Emily."
Smiles appeared on their faces as they turned and headed back through the crowd, which politely parted to allow Kyler, Emily, and the <i>Malinche</i> crew through.
<<Direidi, Dining Hall, 1215>>
Kyler and Emily led them into the glass portion of the intricate building, where several tables were arranged with seats. Nice stonework was along the walls, which were also adorned with tapestries.
"Come in, come in," Emily urged. "Find a seat, any seat you like!" She then turned towards what Isabel could only guess would be the kitchen, "Lunchtime!"
As she did, the doors burst open and waiters and waitresses poured out, carrying trays with a wide assortment of foods on them and placed them on the table. As soon as they had, they set to work pouring drinks for the entire luncheon crowd, then retreated back to the kitchen with a nod to Emily and Kyler on the way.
"Enjoy everyone!" Kyler announced, raising a glass.
"Why were there two platforms?" Isabel asked Kyler once he'd sat down.
His eyes slid over to hers, "One was for you, the second is for the other group."
"Other group?"
He nodded, "A group of Klingons will be here before dinner, something about some testing regarding their mining operations here awhile back."
"Interesting..." Isabel picked up her placecard....it was in Klingon. She looked over at Mason, tilting the placecard so he could see it, "Well, we certainly won't be bored, will we?" Shaking her head slightly and grinning, she started filling her plate.
OFF: Tag crew! Feel free to backpost if you'd like or do some reactionary posts to this one... I'll move the luncheon along in a few days or next week at the latest.