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Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:08 pm
by Darkhelm
<<Celtron V, Day 1, 1410>>

Amanda and Adam (NPC) arrived just as the the two officers were pointing phaser rifles at each other. Luckily, the new one...Lang something Amanda remebered put her weapon down as Lylyl slumped against the tree.

"Hang on," Amanda snapped, rushing over to her. Adam went his own way toward the cockpit to check on Francie.

" bad is it?" Lylyl asked.

Amanda was busy looking at her tricorder; which wasn't exactly giving her the results that she wanted. Lylyl was hurt bad and needed to get back to the ship right away.

"How's Francie?" Lylyl asked.

Adam appeared out of the cockpit and shook his headin a solem manner.

"I'm sorry Lylyl but she's gone," Amanda said, as she placed an O2 field creator around Lylyl. "And we need to get you back to the Malinche."

It was then that her combadge beeped. "Darkhelm here, go ahead."

"Do you have an update on the situation?" Mason asked.

"Yes, Francie is dead and Lylyl is in critical condition I'm transporting her back to the Malinche for surgery right away."

"Surgery?" Lylyl asked weakly.

"Yes, you've got severe internal bleeding," looking at Langley. "I'm guessing you want to stay here."

"Couldn't hurt."

"Darkhelm to Malinche, three to transport directly to sickbay."


Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:09 pm
by Hunt
<<USS Malinche>>
<<Shuttle Bay ? Sickbay, 1415>>

=/\= Bridge to Hunt, they are beaming up now=/\=

?Acknowledged ensign tell the Captain I will be late coming down. I?ll be in sickbay. Hunt out.?

The XO stormed out of the bay rushing himself to sickbay, just as he walked in a large blue beam containing the away team had materialized in the center of the room. Two nurses and a doctor rushed over helping up Lylyl to a biobed.

Darkhelm quickly got dressed for the surgery and was in a complete haste to enter the surgical bay until Hunt stopped her.

?Do what you can for doctor you can report on what happened once the surgery is over.? Said Hunt as Amanda nodded walking with nurses talking on the way in.

Hunt moved into the next room where two guards had been standing.

?I want funeral arrangements made for Francie as soon as possible. No one enters sickbay until further notice. Hunt to Navdante report to sickbay on the double.?

=/\=Hunt to Kersare come in=/\=

?Go ahead.?

?Captain, Francie is dead Lylyl is in surgery now. Abubakar is not here yet request instructions.?

OFF: Tag Kersare and T?Serra

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:09 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1510, Day 1>

Amanda was moving with fluid grace, it wasn't long after Lylyl sustained her injuries that she was in the surgery suite. Thus far they had repaired her collasped lung and stopped the bleeding from one of her kidney's. A closer examination revealed that Lylyl would have been dead if not for the crash webbing.

Her heart was undamaged, which surprised both Amanda and Adam (NPC), they thought for surely there would be some sort of cornary contusion. Forantly for Lylyl she manage to avoid that fate. Finished with surgery Amanda closed the small wounds that she had made and then turned to Adam.

"Let's type and cross her for one more unit of blood, also I want to get a 10cc's of Cervaline onboard. After that let's draw a lab panel and then start a drip of Trioxin let's leave her sedated and on the ventillator for now."

"You got it doc."

Amanda walked out of the surgery suite, stripping off her gear. Once she was sufficently clean she tapped he combadge, openning a channel to Hunt as she was instructed to do so.

"Darkhelm to Commander Hunt."

"Go ahead."

"I've finished surgery with Lylyl; she's in stable condition. I was able to get to most of her injuries before things got to bad. She did lose a lot of blood though, I want to keep her sedated until we get that lab results back."


OFF: Tag all!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:10 pm
by Rayne
<<USS Malinche-B>>
<En Route to Sickbay, 1415, Day 1>

Strangly enough T'serra was already on her way to the sickbay when Hunt's voice came up on her commbadge.
=/\= "Hunt to Navdante report to sickbay on the double.?=/\=

"Acknowledged, Im on my way."

T'serra quickened her pace and in about five minutes she reached the door just outside Sickbay before she stepped inside.

<Sickbay, 1420, Day 1>

Quietly looking around for a minute T'serra stood near the doorway before she noticed Cmd. Hunt. Quickly she made her way over to him then spoke. "Ensign Navdante reporting as requested. What can I do for you commander?" T'serra wasn't really sure why she had been called for but she knew it had it's importance and since she had already been heading here she would have been needed anyways.

OFF: Tags Hunt.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:11 pm
by Grayson
<Forest, 1408, Day 1>

Grayson and Barrett ran, shots being fired just and a lot of celtronians behind them. The situation was dire and the worse was that the comm badges were being jammed.

"Come on, Barrett, move it", said Mark.

"I'm moving, Grayson, just shut up", was the reply.

They were silent again, trying to stay alive. But, they were starting to get tired. Mark knew that one mistake and both would be killed without a chance of telling the Malinche of what they knew.

The ran down a hill, making the celtronian lose their track for a moment. Mark and Jason arrived at the bottom of the hill, only to find a river. A deep one.

"Dammit, we will never cross this river before the uglies arrive here. We will be shot on the way", said Mark, his mind already considering another options.

Barrett appeared to be doing the same. The sounds of the enemies started to become louder. Mark brought his phaser up.

"Lieutenant, You need to cross. I'll hold them and give time enough to get out the jamming and call for reinforcements."

"No, Grayson, we stay together", said Barrett.

"We don't have time to play hero here, Barrett. Come on, move it."

"I won't let you behind to get killed. Let us face them together".

Mark sighed, frustrated. That was Barrett's maran side speaking. That was all he needed now. "You don't even have a weapon on you, Jason. please, go" pleaded Mark.

But it was too late, the celtronian spotted them. Five, at least. Mark glanced Barrett, who looked pretty damn heroic.

"Alright, Lieutenant, we don't have a choice anymore. I know you're good in hand to hand combat. If you get close enough, I know you can take them. So, I'll draw their fire and you get their flank."

Before the plan could get implemented, Barrett eyes widened and he ran towards Mark. Without knowing the reason, Mark was pushed away by Jason and fell ont he ground.

A disruptor fire hit Jason straight the stomach. On the ground, Mark was horrified. Jason Barrett had taken the shot that was directioned to him. Anger boiled in Mark.

But, Barrett was still alive. He was holding his stomach. Blood poured from the wound. He moaned. A gut shot was extremely painful.

Mark got up, in rage, "It's war you want?! I'll give a WAR!" yelled him.

He started running towards the celtronians, firing his phaser as he went. One shot, one dead. The celtronians appeared to get spooked by the madman running alone to face them. Their shots started to lose precision.

As Mark started to closed their postion, he brought up his knife. It was not a simple knife. But a knife Mark carried since his mission on Cardassia. It was the knife that he used to kill a lot of enemies, to do things he didn't want to remember.

He shot again and again, hitting their enemies. When he was close enough of the celtronians, He slashed the nearest enemy. Time started to move slow and after awhile a Mark lost track of the time. All that mattered was the enemy and kill them.

When he finally stopped and focused again, his uniform was tattered, some lesions on his face and some cuts on his body. The knife on his left hand was pretty bloody and the phaser on the right hand was empty.

He looked around and there was not celtronian standing. He got spooked. He had never lost his control like that. He looked down the hill and saw Barrett on the ground.

He ran to him and grabbed him. Without much to think, Mark slapped his badge. The jamming was dead, along with the celtronains.

"Grayson to Transporter Room, we have a man down!! Emergency transport! Transport directly to sickbay, NOW!", yelled him.

"Y-yes, sir", was the reply. Whover was, got very intimidated with Mark's tone of voice.

The sound of transport was like a music to Mark. He just hoped Barrett didn't die.

OFF: tag Barrett and people in Sickbay. Wounded on the way!

PS: Barrett gave the ok to have him shot, btw.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:11 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1410, Day 1>

The whine an emergency transport filled sickbay as Jason and Mark appeared. Jason appeared right on the trauma/main biobed, Mark at his side. Adam (NPC) face went white when he saw Jason laying there.

"Jason!" Adam yelped.

Amanda needed help but what she didn't need was Adam getting distracted...and considering the nature of his relationship with Mr. Barrett that only met that things were going to get all the more stresful for him. The EMH was activated, rising an eyebrow at Jason.

"Having a special on trauma today doctor?" Troy (NPC) asked.

"Mr. Grayson get Adam out of here," looking at the wound that was not clotting. "Dammnit, what the hell happened?"

"Some sort of phaser with a built in anticoagulation factor," Troy responded.

"Jason, Jason can you hear me?" Amanda asked, moving to the bed of the bed.

"Heartrate is erractic," Chelise (NPC) said.

"It's not clotting, not even with the regeneration sheild," Troy pointed out.

"Chelsie hemopak now," by this time Rob Zacharias, another nurse had shown up. "Rob, I need Zytropine now!"

Zytropine was a very potent clotting agent.

"IV's are in," Troy reported. "His O2 saturation and respiratory status are dropping."

"Intubation kit, now!"

Amanda moved as if she was on the wings of angels, inserting the breathing tube seconds before the monitor began to wail in alarm. One look showed them thier worst feat.

"He's in v-fib, cardio and synaptic simulators now!"

Rob tossed the devices to Amanda who placed them.

"Charging! Everyone stand clear!"

Amanda delievered the jolt as Jason's entire body jumped.

OFF: Will he survive or won't he?

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:12 pm
by Hunt
OOC: Sorry for the misuse any of any character in this post and the big leap ahead just trying to move Hunt's team down to the surface.

<<USS Malinche>>
<<Sickbay, 1415, Day 1>>

?Ah ensign good, the Captain wants us down on the planet right away for landing party detail. It seems there are populated areas that need to be sifted thru for any current rumors or sightings. Are you up to the task?? asked the first officer.

<Tag Navdante>

?Grand report to the shuttle bay on the double with your gear, Abubakar will be fetching us within the next ten minutes.?

<Tag Navdante>

One piece of news brighten his day when he heard Lylyl was going to be ok, Mason followed behind her by a few mins getting everyone ample time to assemble. The deck plates started to rattle a bit as the dock master called from overhead.

=/\=Attention shuttle craft five now on approach, please stand clear=/\=

Hunt watched as the small shuttle covered in nothing but smoke glide its way onto the target mat. The doors opened up with Lieutenant Abubakar standing a firm.

?Someone call for taxi?? he said hoping to break the serious looks of all boarding the shuttle.

?Sure did, we heard of the nice planet down below take us there my good man.? Mason said in kind taking his seat while the others laughed at the small conversation.

Abubakar started punching in commands to the console in front of him, within seconds the shuttle was well underway down to the planet. Kersare would finally be glad Mason was down there after long last. Mason just didn?t want her to think he was avoiding the clean air and open space she knew how fond he was of both.

The trip in was a little rough to be sure, but the shuttle made it down to where Kersare and her team was. Cool air crept its way through the tiny cracks of the door as it opened, Mason for one began to put on his professional face before meeting up once again with Kersare.

?Ah Captain there you are, landing party delta ready. What populated areas are we being assigned to. Those in the shuttle are most eager to stretch their legs.? Said Mason helping two security officers carry out equipment.

<Tag Kersare>

OFF: Tag Kersare and Navdante

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:13 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1410, Day 1>

"Still v-fib," Troy said.

"Continue cardiac massage," Amanda ordered. "Open those fluids wide up!"

Activity buzzed around fallen Starfleet officer. Amanda caught breif glimspes of Adam (NPC) and Mark Grayson standing back and out of the way. The doctors and nurses moved with precision and speed, doing thier best to beat back the hands of death that were slowly closing around thier shipmate.

"I'm detecting clotting factors, still way to low though."

"Another dose of Zytropine, 10cc."

Rob nodded injecting the drug.

"Still no change in heart condition, activity in the cerebro cortex is dropping," Troy reported.

"Dammnit, we're not losing him... 25cc of Acetylcholine, let's get some Xyserazine going too. You've got to stay with us Jason."

And the hands of death continued to close around the trauma suite.

OFF: Tag All!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:13 pm
by Grayson
<USS Malinche>>
<<Outside Sickbay, 1410, day 1>>

Adam (NPC) tried to escape Grayson's grip twice before Mark pushed the young against the bulkhead. "You heard the doctor, crewman. Stand down!"

Adam shook his fists angrily, "This all your fault, he got shot because of you!"

"Yes, he did. He saved my life", said Mark, truthfully.

Adam eyes misted. "I can't lose him. Not now, not this way".

Mark, who already knew the nature of Adam and Jason's relationship, felt sorrow for the nurse. "Look... Adam, Jason is not going to die. He's a tough half human half maran and we have one of the best doctors of the Quadrant".

Mark tried to put conviction in his words and Adam appeared to buy it. Deep inside, Mark's own fear of Barrett's death were tormenting him. "Adam, let's wait outside until the doctor comes to say he's going to be alright."

"He has too", said Adam, tears streaming along his face.

Mark didn't know what to do. He patted the nurse shoulder. "He will, I'm sure. I owe him my life. I intend to retribute the favor."

Both men turned their eyes to the Sickbay door's.

"Dammit, Jason, stay alive", thought Mark. For the first time in years, he sweared. "If he dies today, I will be going down and I'm going to destroy that planet with my bare hands. The culprits will pay and suffer before I kill them. I promise on my honor".

OFF: Tag all.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:14 pm
by Langley
<< 1413 Fighter crash site>>

Sam looked on in disbelief at what she had just seen. She couldnt believe the tenacity of the medical staff on her new posting, and made a note to try not be wounded in the future.

They had been there a minute ago, and now they were gone, leaving the fighters navigator sitting where she had, apparently died.

Sam swore under her breath as she walked over to the fighter. There was some discarded medical dressings by the fuselage. She hopped up onto the remnants of the wing and over to the navigator.

The body was slumped forward, resting against the flight harness. Sam slid her hand over the persons face, closing the lifless eyes to make the person seem more restfull.

"You there, Put your hands up!" A voice called out. "Put them where we can see them, Do as we Say, And you wont be hurt fed!"

Sam raised her hands and slowly turned around. There was 6 men and 2 woman walking out of the woods "I am not Federation, I was walking through the woods, Then this monstrosaty just about killed me when it crashed, I came to look for things i could sell on."

The group kept their weapons trained on her. They didnt seem impressed, then one of them called out. "We Detected Transporters, You came down then!"

"That was a federation medical team, They took away the pilot, but left the dead copilot, I was going to bury her take what i wanted then leave..."

"Get down here, Were taking you with us federation"

Sam made another note to kill the two medicl personnell who had got her into this. she jumped off the fighter and slowly walked over to the party before turning round and placing her hands behind her back.

"Theres A pistol in a hip holster on my right. The rifle over there by the pack is loaded, pull the lever on the right side up and back to unload it." She waited for them to cuff her

The Unknown persons attitude unsettled them. Federation types didnt often act like this, They certainly didnt dress like her or carry weapons like her. One of the ladies walked forward and cuffed Sam, Before taking the weapon out of her holster.

"Now remember, Do as i say, you wont be harmed." The Man gently pushed her forward.

Complying she walked.

<<off 1420>>

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:14 pm
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1420, Day 1>

Cardiac massage.


Poeple running back and forth.

Barrett is shocked again.

Shocked again.

Heartrate is still erractic.

Drugs are slammed through the IV lines, hoping that they can restore order to his rapidly detoriating state.

Things are not looking up as the spectre of death hovered over the trauma suite. Amanda and her team were doing all that they could to revive thier fallen comrade but things weren't looking up at the moment. Almost 10 minutes had gone by since Barrett had been brought to sickbay.

Amanda and her colleages were covered with blood now, the clotting products they were using barely working....something had to be done...

Another 10 minutes go by...still nothing. And now, looking at all the faces in the trauma bay Amanda knows what she must do.

"Cease cardiac massage," she choked on the words. "Disconnect the monitors, there's nothing more that we can do for him."

She took a deep breath, tapping her combadge and openning a channel.

"Darkhelm to Kersare."

"Go ahead."

"We have a KIA, Lt. Jason Barrett."

OFF: Tag All!

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:15 pm
by Thundera
<Surface, Day 1, 1410>

Cheetara and Brewer had gone over to check out the weird object while Amanda had been called away. The approached it cautiously.

"What do you think it is?" Brewer asked.

Cheetara looked at it quizzically. "I'm not sure. I've never seen anything like it."

As they got closer, Cheetara noticed a jet black ooze forming a puddle on the ground next to it. As she looked closer, she noticed that it was running out from a large gash in the side of it. She saw Brewer starting to get closer

"Careful Brewer, we don't know if that thing is still functioning"

He continued to get closer as if he wasn't paying her any mind.

"Lieutenant, look at this", he called over

Cheetara went over and kneeled beside him looking at the object strangely.

"What in the....?" Cheetara started asking without even finishing

"My sentiments exactly. It's quite odd. It appears to be nothing more than a..."

"MACHINE!" Cheetara exclaimed cutting Brewer off. "Well that would explain the black liquid. It must be oil."

"But still, what kind of technology is this? " Brewer asked a little puzzled

Cheetara stared at it trying to find a way to recognize the technology.

"It honestly doesn't look too advanced. From what I can see, the most advanced part of it would be the outter metallic casing that is housing all of the components inside of it", she answered. "We need to inform the captain."

Cheetara tapped her commbadge.

"Thundera to Kersare, I have news of the weird object"

"Go ahead Lieutenant"

"From closer examination, it appears not to be advanced technology. The interior is made up of various gears and mechanisms requiring oil for lubrication and sustainment. However, it has been mixed with something more advanced because of the outter metallic casing. I am unaware of what kind of metal or where it came from," Cheetara explained.

<tag Kersare>

"Of course Captain. We'll get right on it. Cheetara out."

OFF: Tag Captain.

Posted: Wed Dec 21, 2005 11:16 pm
by Grayson
<<USS Malinche>>
<<Sickbay, 1421, day 1>>

Adam (NPC) finally escaped Mark's grip and entered the room.

"Dammit, Adam!" said Mark, following him inside.

As soon he entered, he stopped in his tracks. Darkhelm's body language said it all. He was dead.

Dead, trying to save Mark's life. He kept his expressionless, as he walked towards the doctor. By that time, Adam let an anguished yell as he tried to approach Barrett's body.

Amanda Darkhelm held Adam and said something Mark didn't hear. Seeing that was helping, she just jammed a hypo in Adam's arm and the young man colapsed. "Probably a sedative", concluded Mark.

With help of another nurse, Darkhelm put Adam on a biobed and turned to face Mark, who was looking at Barrett's body. The damage had been extense, but it appeared... He had bled to death.

"What happened?", asked Darkhelm.

"Celtronians in secret base. Well-armed. Jason and me escaped and he got the shot that was for me." Mark's voice was devoid of any emotion. Inside, though, he was already planning his revenge. "The captain knows?"

"I just told her. Now, Lt, sit down and let me see your wounds."

"Not now. I have other things to do".

"I'm not asking." Darkhelm's tone of voice was pretty much scary.

Mark looked at her sternly. Then, sighing, he sat on a biobed.

She started treating him. "You look a mess, Lt."

"You should see the other guys", said Mark, distant.

As the dermal regenerator worked over Mark's skin, he thought why Jason Barrett did what he did. Mark was far from being well seen by the crew. Most of them didn't like an intel oficer like him. Still, he had been saved and Jason Barrett had died.

Darkhelm noticed Mark's silence. "Are you alright, Grayson?"

"No. But I'll be", was his response.

Yes, he would be alright after he killed everyone of that bastards down at that base. He would make them pay. He promised himself. It was time to dark deeds and unlawful actions. It was time to Revenge.

OFF: tag Darkhelm.

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:25 am
by Darkhelm
<<USS Malinche>>
<Sickbay, 1425, Day 1>

Amanda was numb. Chelsie (NPC) was with Adam (NPC) as he looked down at the unmoving body of his friend...and lover. She oculdn't fathom what was going through his mind, first the loss of his parents and now this. Grayson didn't look much better for wear, although his physical wounds were mending nicely, he was distant...and Amanda could see anger smoldering behind his eyes. A raging inferno was burning in his soul and she had deep pity for whoever or whatever it was that would suffer the brunt of that fire.

"I'd like you to stay for a few minutes, let me run some quick scans."

Grayson nodded, not taking his eyes off the body that now had a sheet drapped over it. Adam was crying softly, resting his head on the shoulder of Chelsie. Amanda thought about calling Joey (NPC) down but she knew he would be busy on the bridge.

"Commander Darkhelm."

Amanda touched her combadge. "Go ahead."

"You're needed on the bridge."

"What for?"

"You're the highest ranking officer still onboard," Joey said. "And we appear to have some what of situation developing."

"I hate it when you say that," Amanda looked at Grayson. "You, come with me. We're on our way."


"Alright, whats going on here?"

Joey nodded toward the screen. "A little bit ago we detected some strange readings near the weapons cache that Jason was investigating, looked like it could have been a launch of some kind."

"Luanching what?" Amanda asked. She didn't have the heart to tell him about Jason, at least not yet.

OFF: Tag All!

Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 6:01 pm
by Grayson
<<USS Malinche>>
<<Bridge, 1430, day 1>>

Mark followed Darkhelm quietly. In his mind, everything could happen at that point. He forced himself to focus on the situation at hand.

As soon they got out, Darkhelm took over the situation.

"Alright, what's going on here?"

Summers (NPC) nodded toward the screen. "A little bit ago we detected some strange readings near the weapons cache that Jason was investigating, looked like it could have been a launch of some kind."

"Launching what?" Amanda asked.

Obviously, no one knew about Jason's demise. "Good", thought him, "Keeps them focused". He considered the situation. Before he could go down and seek his revenge, the ship came at first.

"Guess who's the target, Doctor", said Mark, approaching the Ops console."Summers, activate the tachyon grid. I bet there's a missile or something of the genre coming at our direction, cloaked."

Summers looked at Darkhelm, who nodded.

"Scanning.... But, I doubt they would use a missile to hit a ship of this size", said him.

Mark considered the Ops officer words. "Maybe you're right. Could be worse... Dammit. We could be facing a ship."

"We don't know that yet", said Darkhelm, "Let's not start throwing mad theories, Lieutenant."

Mark conceded the point. Whatever it was, he was sure the... Celtronians or whoever that being were, they were trying to destroy the Malinche. "I believe we should contact the Captain".

Amanda Darkhelm nodded. "Right. Comm, contact the Captain. Tell her our status".

The Comm officer (NPC) tapped the system. He looked confused. "The whole System is being jammed. I can't seem to pinpoint the origin".

"And I can't seem to pinpoint any of our crew positions anymore", said Summers.

"Are you saying the captain and the others are alone down there, without communication and no chance of beaming up?", asked Mark, fearing the worse.

He didn't want an answer for that. "Lt. Commander, if your permission, I would like to take a security team and going down via shuttle. I have a feeling things are a step away to become bloody".

OFF:<tag Darkhelm and everyone else>