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Posts for the USS Malinche's missions

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Post by Former Member »


== Strategic Ops ==
== 1820 Hours, Day 18 ==

Within moments of the group stepping out of the room, the consoles around the room flashed to life. Marcus didn't need to tell his officers to get back to work: they already knew. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the room, seeing Barrett retreat down the corridor.

"Lieutenant," Marcus called out. Barrett turned to face Jonathan as his slowly sauntered toward them. "Can I speak with you?" Jason looked around for a moment before stepping away from the group and joining Marcus. "I apologize for my initial reaction."

"I can understand it," he said with a nod. "But we did save your database, you could show at least a little gratitude."

Jonathan bit his tongue. "Thank you. In the future, I would ask that you please refrain from breaking down my door."

Jason smiled. "No promises."

"I'll let you inform the captain of this," Marcus said with a curt nod, turning and marching in the opposite direction.

<< tag guys >>

Lieutenant J.G. Jonathan James Marcus
Chief Strategic Operations Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-B
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Post by Grayson »

<<USS Malinche>>
<<Intel Office, 1815, day 18>>

Mark was still looking over Ops request to get the Celtronians ships profiles, when hell broke loose. Several security alarms started to beep in his console. He dropped the padd he was holding and looked at the screen. Mike Derrin (NPC) looked at him, nervous.

Derrin: The saboteur again?

Mark nodded. As security precaution, and without proper authorization he had place several "traps" in the databases. If someone tried to access a specific file, the alarm would be triggered. Mark was very good with codes, that what made him be an intel officer.

Grayson: He's trying to copy the strat ops files. Wait a second... *Grins* Marcus disconnect the database. Clever guy. Computer encrypt intelligence files using Grayson 12 omega seventy code.

The computer beeped in compliance. That code was so tough, so damn hard to break, that would take days to someone to crack it. That would stop the saboteur of trying the same stunt twice.


Lyran (NPC): Strats Ops to Lt. Grayson.

Grayson: Grayson here. Yes, yes, I know, someone tried to hack your system.

Lyran: *surprised* How do you know that?!

Grayson: I wouldn't be a good intel officer if didn't know what's going on. I'm on it. Grayson out.


Derrin was looking at the data over Mark's shoulder.

Derrin: Hey, that is not right... The order to power up the array came from...

Grayson: The captain. Damn this guy good, he used Kersare's security code. How in hell he got that?

Derrin: Uhh... Maybe...

Grayson: *Interrupting* No, I hardly think the Captain is sabotaging her own ship. Don't be daft, Mike.

Mike sighed and stepped away. Mark snarled. The saboteur had escaped through his fingers. He tapped his console.

Grayson: The order to power up the array came from the... Well... the Mess Hall. Dammit, the saboteur redirected his commands at least 100 times. It will take forever to find out the real origin of the order and... Probably it will not give us his identity.

Derrin sat back on his chair. He looked worried. He has all the reason to be.

Grayson: Don't worry, Mike. I'll get the bastard. He will make a mistake and I will be there to put the cuffs on him.

Derrin: Cuffs? Phh... Stop reading that old detective stories, Mark. *Looks at his console* Ok, I have data on the Celtronian ships. Not big ships but they can overpower us if more than two attack us. Shields are not great, but their main weapon... Huh, Mark, you will find this interesting. They use polaron charged projectiles as weapons. That can go through shields and pierce the hull.

Mark raise his eyebrows.

Grayson: Not a good thing to find out. Forward that to Strat Ops, use an encrypted code. We don't want to let more people know.

Mike: Will do.

Mark nodded. He was expecting a calm evening, but things never went the way he planned. He had now, a saboteur to find out, and a highly confidential info coming in, from a source that couldn't be used without clearence of Intel HQ.

Grayson: *muttering* Next time I find out the guy that enlist me, he's going to get it.

They still were far from Celtron V, but things were looking bad already.

OFF: Tag crew.
Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
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Post by Former Member »

<Bridge, Day 18, 1830-ish>

P'ayanna looked over to Captain Kersare for orders of some sort. All the incoming calls to the bridge had managed to accomplish was to confuse exactly what was happening on the ship. There was something about Doctors going to a space and then an alleged infiltration to the ship's tactical database.

Saboteurs don't access databases, they corrupt them! P'ayanna broke protocols by walking away from her console, but she felt this was important. "Captain," she said.

Isabel turned towards P'ayanna, "Yes, what is it Cadet P'ayanna?"

"I regret leaving my post but this is urgent. We must wipe the entire database now." Her expression was one of earnest.

"Wipe the entire database? Now?" Isabel could see the seriousness on P'ayanna's face, but this was a massive concept. The entire database? "Why? Are you sure this is necessary? We're going to need those databases when we get to Celtron V."

"I share your concern, Captain, but saboteurs do not simply access databases. It is faster to wipe and rebuild than to find malicious code." Surely, the captain wouldn't let them risk having the computer fail during battle, the precise time that it was most needed.

Isabel considered what P'ayanna suggested. Obviously it was important to make sure nothing else in the database was compromised. And it wouldn't be good for the databases to fail if there was a conflict. "Very well, we will wipe the tactical database. However, I require the database to be restored prior to our arrival at Celtron V." Isabel could imagine that the DHs wouldn't be very thrilled about this...

"I believe that it can be accomplished," she said. "Remember, you have ordered daily backups, so we should have information as of last night."

Isabel nodded, rather glad that P'ayanna had ordered the backups. "I'll let the DHs know immediately. Thank you cadet." As P'ayanna moved back to her station, Isabel headed to her ready room to send out the latest orders.


Joint Post (of course)
The Captain, as herself, and brisub as
Cadet P'ayanna
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Post by Kersare »

<<Bridge, 1837, Day 18>>

Isabel started towards her ready room. She still didn't like the thought of the Klingon vessel watching them, but there was little that could be done about it at the moment. Right now their top priority was getting the database wiped, then restoring it before they got to Celtron V. As she nearly reached the doors to her ready room, Isabel turned to Mason, "Join me Commander."

Having the Klingons watching the Malinche's every move was un-nerving to say the least. Mason traveling behind Isabel watching her sit down while he stood in front of her desk. "You asked to see me Captain?"

Isabel nodded and gestured for him to have a seat. "One moment Mason, I want to get these new orders about the database sent out first."

Isabel tapped at her console quickly and deliberately, sending out the message a few minutes later: 'Attention all Department Heads, As of this moment, all of you are ordered to completely wipe the databases you have. Once you have completed this, you are to rebuild the database using the most recent backups you have. I want all databases restored before we arrive at Celtron V. -Captain Kersare'

Isabel turned to Mason, "I must say that what's been going on has me rather nervous. I don't like the fact that this Klingon ship has shown up, and I don't like the fact that my ship has been sabotaged. Do you have any thoughts on any of this?"

He pondered for a moment, the image of the Klingons hovering about out there was pulling his attention somewhat in the opposite direction of what he was about to say. "I'm not sure Captain, Klingons are not known for playing games they have some purpose here. I couldn't even venture as to what it might be."

Isabel knew he was right. The Klingons rarely did things merely for the heck of it; usually there was some purpose. "The only thing I can think of is that it relates to Celtron V or our mission there....or else they have an interest in someone or something on this ship. I have a feeling their intentions will be made known to us soon enough, which is why I put us on yellow alert. Do you have any suggestions on further precautions we should take?" Isabel watched Mason as he contemplated her question.

The options here were limited at least for now, Mason thought. Wha ever the Klingons' intent they were not in any hurry to carry it out. "For now Captain I would recommend staying at yellow alert, post guards at sensitive areas of the ship and restrict outgoing communications to only you and myself. We should have Cheetara keep our aft sensors on constant surveillance. We should also have her scan for any additional subspace distortions, granted I know they could be anything but one can never be too careful when it comes to the Klingons."

"Actually our new Science department could handle the sensors and scanning for the subspace distortions...but they could work in conjunction with the Security/Tactical department on this. Good suggestion Mason, " Isabel smiled. "Have you met any of our new Science or Engineering crewmembers?"

"No, I haven't. To be honest there hasn't been enough time with everything going so far. Perhaps we should put a little get-together later on for everyone to meet the new crew members?"

"I suppose that will partially depend on what little surprises our saboteur, the Bird of Prey, and the Celtronians have for us... It's certainly possible though. Could you go find Ensigns Mavose and Riker from the Science department and give them their orders? Also, go see how Ensign Harrison is doing in Engineering. I have a few things to take care of, then I'll catch up with you, " Isabel stated. Pausing, Isabel added, "Ensign Kai should be made aware that she should be listening on all channels for anything regarding Celtron V, the saboteurs, or the Bird of Prey as well."

"I'll get right on it, I'm sure engineering would just love a visit from the XO. No doubt they are in the middle of a re-alignment or something."

Laughing, Isabel grinned at her Executive Officer, "I wouldn't doubt it. I'm sure they wouldn't mind a visit from you, though, Mason. Although Rebekah may not be thrilled about going through all that code looking for evidence of the saboteur. Necessary, though. Thank you Mason."

Mason left the ready with PADD in hand, somehow he found the unexpected suprise visits to any department a bit humorous. It was a sure way to keep everyone on their toes .

Isabel watched her Executive Officer leave. As an afterthought, the Captain sent an additional message to Ensign Harrison, informing her about checking into the wiped databases. She then tapped her comm badge, "Lieutenant Marcus, please report to me ASAP. Kersare out." His recent restrictions on Astrometrics had been troubling her and it was time to talk to him about it...

While she waited, Isabel headed onto the bridge, looking for Ensign Kai. Instead, she found Ensign Tamlin (NPC) at the Communications console. "Ensign, where is your department head?"

Blinking, the ensign looked up in surprise at the Captain, "Her shift hasn't started yet, she should be here shortly."

"Ah, thank you. I want you to keep your ears peeled on any communications. Also, let her know I have an assignment for her when she arrives," Isabel told him. Ryan nodded as Isabel turned back to the bridge, waiting on Jonathan and any further updates on their situation.

<<Outside Science Labs, 1855>>

A few moments later, Mason found himself entering the science labs. Mavose and Riker were huddled up in a corner of the room studying the latest sensor data. He tried to creep in without disturbing them but he accidentally knocked over a glass vase which shattered on impact with the floor.

OFF: Tag Science department, Kai, Harrison, Marcus, etc.

JP by:

Commander Mason Hunt
Executive Officer

Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Kersare »

<<Bridge, 1845, Day 18>>

Isabel was still on the bridge, hoping that Jonathan would show up soon. Most likely he was still working on some things, or even wiping the database so they could rebuild it once again. In eithercase, he hadn't shown up yet.

Sighing, she started wandering around her bridge, casually watching as her bridge officers worked. As the turbolift doors opened, Isabel looked up to see Rachel(NPC) enter the bridge.

"Hello Ensign, where's Lieutenant Marcus?"

Clearing her throat, the young woman walked up to the Captain, "He's getting the database wiped Ma'am, and getting some reports ready for you."

Isabel nodded, "So he sent you up here to tell me this?"

"Yes, he did. Is there something that you need me to give him, or tell him? I can take care of it if you wish, " Rachel informed her.

Smiling, Isabel shook her head, "Thank you Ensign, but no. I'll send him a message. Could you just make sure that he looks for it? It's rather important."

"Of course. I'll go tell him now."

The Ensign headed back to the turbolift as Isabel returned once again to her ready room. Tapping at the console on her desk, Isabel started the message to Jonathan.

To: Lieutenant Jonathan Marcus
From: Captain Isabel Kersare
Subject: Restrictions to Tactical Astrometrics

Lieutenant Marcus,

As of this moment, the following orders shall take effect. Keeping in mind the current situation regarding the Malinche, I will allow you to keep the guards outside of Tactical Astrometrics. However, if a Department Head, Assistant Department Head, Commander Hunt, or I require entrance, it will be granted. These orders will be in place until further notice.

-Captain Kersare

After reading through it once, Isabel sent the message to him. She knew that tactical astrometrics needed to be secure, however the restrictions he had put into place seemed rather excessive to her. If someone was injured, medical needed access, if something were in need of repair, engineering needed access, and so forth. Also, it seemed clear that the saboteur was going after their databases, which could, as had been already proven, be accessed without being present in tactical astrometrics or wherever they wanted information from. Keeping this in mind, it would make more sense for the saboteur to continue hacking into the databases, as opposed to risking getting caught by actually going to the center of the information and sabotaging it from there. Not that they might not try, but still. All Department and Assistant Department Heads had already been made aware of the situation, anyway, so why should they be restricted from access to areas?

That out of the way, Isabel stood and left her ready room. She was beginning to feel a little cooped up, and so, remembering her talk with Mason earlier, decided to go find him. Since it hadn't been that long, Isabel decided he was probably still in the Science Department. That would be her first stop, then she'd probably take Mason with her to Engineering, then perhaps to Operations. Of course, considering all the twists and turns that had been occuring lately, one could never know if they'd actually reach their intended destination.

<<Outside Science Labs, 1904>>

As she stood outside the science labs, Isabel realized she hadn't gotten to meet either of her new science officers. It upset her a little, for she liked to be able to personally greet all incoming officers, however given the circumstances it hadn't been possible.

The doors swished open, and she found Mason, Petra, and Paul just standing up. Curious, she walked over to them, "Did I miss something?"

Clearing his throat, Mason was the first to answer, "I tried to come in quietly so as not to disturb them and I ended up knocking something over. We were just cleaning it up."

Isabel laughed, "Well, I guess you gave them a surprise, didn't you?" Seeing him nod, she turned to the two ensigns. "Hello, I'm Captain Isabel Kersare; I apologize for not being able to properly welcome you aboard til now. Ensigns Mavose and Riker, I presume? How are you finding things here?"

OFF: Tag Mavose, Riker, and Hunt Also, Marcus is on LOA for now, and asked that we not use his character...so if you need something from Strat Ops, use one of the NPCs
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Harrison »


Two had wiped and then started the reloading of the programs for the database in Engineering and decided to go to the bridge. Too many things could go wrong there. She would be there only for help, if anyone needs her. If they don't, then she would be back in Engineering really fast. Her assistant could manage without her.

She got off the 'lift and silently walked onto bridge. Everyone was busy working, doing exactly as she had done in Engineering a few minutes earlier.

"Here goes just about everything I guess" she said under her breath just as she erased her entire database. It was probably best to get someone more senior to check her work. She looked around the bridge and her eyes fell upon who she thought was an engineer. "Excuse me, please?" she said shyly.

Two walked over to where one of her three roommates was hard at work. "What can I help you with?" she asked.

Sharon smiled at the lady who came over. She was new but Ensign Kai thought the woman looked familiar, she had yet to even unpack her things in her shared quarters yet so it was no surprise that she didn't know the lady. "I'm sorry to disturb you" she looked at the pips on the lady's collar and added "sir". "Can you just confirm that the database has been successfully wiped please?"

Two went over and touched the computer panel, asking it to call up something in the Vulcan language. She spoke to the computer, which under normal circumstances would respond in Vulcan. "Live long and prosper." That was something that every Vulcan said and was understood by everyone. No words came out. Not in Standard. Not in Vulcan. Not in English. Two turned and faced the chief Communications officer. "It has been successfully wiped clean."

Kai felt a little stupid, seeing how simple it would have been to check herself. "Thank you sir. I'm sorry, I could have checked it myself. I feel a little stupid now." she could feel her soft cheeks flushing red and a few specks of nervous sweat in her temples.

"There is nothing to feel stupid about. You wanted to ensure that the database was wiped. Wiping a database is not something that they really talk about at the academy. I just tested it," Two told the very nervous Kai.

Kai nodded hurridley. "Thank you" she said sheepishly. "My assistant informed that Captain Kersare has an assignment for me. I think I should contact her to find out what it is." she said, half asking if she should or not.

"I would do that," Two agreed.

Kai nodded in acknowledgement. She turned off the Universal Translator, there was no sense in powering a currently redundant system. She pressed a small circle button at the side of her console, "Ensign Kai to Caotain Kersare. My assistant informed you have an assignment for me?" She hoped none of her intense trepidation about talking to the Captain had crept into her voice.


Ensign Sharon Kai
Chief Communication Officer


Two of Nine
Ensign Rebekah Harrison (Two of Nine)
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USS Malinche
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Post by Kersare »

<<Science Labs, 1906, Day 18>>

Isabel laughed, "Well, I guess you gave them a surprise, didn't you?" Seeing him nod, she turned to the two ensigns. "Hello, I'm Captain Isabel Kersare; I apologize for not being able to properly welcome you aboard til now. Ensigns Mavose and Riker, I presume? How are you finding things here?"

Paul looked his new Captain over, This was his first ship and he didn't want it to be his last. feeling his hands starting to sweat and that little voice in the back of his head shouting for him to say something, "Captain it's an honour to serve with you." *Come on Paul you could of came up with something better than that to say* said the little voice.

Smiling at her new Astrometrics Specialist, Isabel replied, "An honor to serve with you as well, Mr. Riker. What do you think of the science labs?"

Paul looked around the lab then back to his new CO, "A lot better than I'm used to Mo'om. Everything's easy to get to, well apart from the database." he give a little grin just to let the Captain know he was making a joke. "Captain do you know when the database will be up and running 100%?"

Pausing, Isabel considered the question. Obviously a valid one, but difficult as well. "Well, all the databases were completely wiped and need to be rebuilt...You should be able to do that from the most recently archived ones, from yesterday. If you need any assistance, I'm sure one of the Engineering Staff would be happy to help." Turning to Petra, Isabel addressed her, "How about you Ensign? What do you think of the labs, and the Malinche?"

Petra looked at Kersare. "Well, they're not as powerful as the ones back at the Academy, but I suppose that's to be expected. I think they'll definitely be adequate in everyday functions and I'm sure we can upgrade them within time, with your permission, of course ma'am." Pausing for a moment, she caught her breath. "In fact, there was this one time where some friends and myself back at the Academy tried upgrading the holodecks in our dorms... that was a project I'd soon forget. It went completely and utterly wrong, but I doubt you'd want to be hearing about that, ma'am."

Isabel smiled, supressing a laugh. It seemed that her new Chief Science Officer had quite a bit of energy... "We can discuss upgrades once you've proposed them to me. For now I believe concentrating on rebuilding the database and the current mission will be enough." Isabel looked over at Mason, who had been quiet up til now. "What do you think Mr. Hunt, should we hear about this holodeck project?"

"Oh, I think it might be an interesting story, I think we have a bit of time to hear it, unless she's already told Mr. Riker, " Mason responded

Paul looked at his COs in confusion, "Story? I've not heard any story." He hoped his tone and manner wasn't too out of line on this ship, not many people understood just how British he was.

Petra grinned from ear to ear. "Nope, I haven't told anyone the story yet." She drew in a deep breath and relaxed. "Well, it all began when my friend, Jenny Klemins, was trying a new program that she had made for her Science Major. It was awesome! Like, oh my God... it was absolutely perfect... unlike our professor who was a total knob -- but please don't tell him I said that." Grinning even more, she rubbed her hands together. "Well, as she was testing it out, she hadn't realized that she was using a holodeck that a few of us had been working on, trying to improve it's overall operatability and User Interface - also for the same Major. So, with her program in full swing, we didn't know that she was in there when we activated our new modifications." Laughing, she could feel tears beginning to stream down her cheeks. "Her program completely inverted itself... and she was after having a few drinks herself. She ran out of the Holodeck crying because it was to be handed in the next day and she thought it was completely ruined. It took several hours to calm her down and show her that he program was fine. It was actually our new interface. It was so complex that it actually turned her programming inside out... still not sure how to fix that minor problem."

Isabel tried to keep a straight face, but started laughing. She could remember some of the mischief she and her friends at the Academy had gotten into as well. "So you can do programming as well, Ensign Mavose? I take it you'll have no trouble with the database then."

Still smiling, Petra looked at he Commanding Officer. "Oh, I wouldn't say that. Well, I can program - but not to any extent as most people would think. I mean, let's face it, programming is only fun when the code does what you actually want it to do. In fact, there 'was' this one time when my brothers, Dalte and Rivlis, were programming new food into the replicators back home. Instead, they ended up erasing the entire database and no matter what was ordered, the computer would replicate a mud pie... Mom had quite the time cleaning the house up after that one." Catching her breath, she finally finished. "As for the database, I think that with some work we won't have any problems."

Once again Paul looked around the lab, then fixed his eyes on Petra. "Fixing the database is fine and well Petra as long as your brothers don't come on ship, *he laughed* how did you fix the problem with the replicator? That's what I want to know. It's my understanding that Trill don't really like mud that much"

"Well..." she began, "I can't really recall, but after dad nearly forced them to eat a pie each for all the mess mom had to clean up they ended up calling in someone to fix it professionally... it was either that or replacing the entire system."

Looking first at Mason, Isabel then looked over to Petra and Paul, "So have either of you found anything of interest in the path to Celtron V, or at Celtron V? Or even more information on the wormhole there? Or have you not had enough time here to assess the situation as of yet?"

Seeing this as his chance Paul held up his hand. "Captain, I wouldn't mind taking a look at Celtron's Sun when we get within range. I believe it may hold an answer to why this Wormhole is here. Stable wormholes are rare to say the least and I've been looking over a little data I already have on it. If I could get more info about the Sun it would help alot." Paul handed the Captain a PADD. "When you have time Captain have a look, I think you'll find it interesting. As of now though I've seen nothing on our path that needs my attention."

"Very well Ensign. Thank you. You're welcome to get some better scans of the Celtron's sun once we're in range. Ensign Mavose, do you have anything to add?", Isabel asked.

Petra shook her head. "That pretty much hit the nail on the head."

"Good to meet the both of you. We'll let you get on with your work. Keep me informed of any new developments, " Isabel informed them.

Mason smiled at them, "I think you'll do a great job. I'm glad you're here with us."

Paul smiled "Captain, I'm glad to be here."

Petra giggled. "It was nice to meet you Captain."

Smiling, Isabel and Mason nodded to the Science officers, and started out of the room. Isabel was pleased with the science officers. Both seemed to be eager to get work and she felt they'd be good additions to the crew. She looked over at Mason, "To engineering then?" Seeing him nod, she led the way to engineering. "What did you think of our new science officers Mason?"

OFF: Tag Mason, rest of crew

A JP by:

Ensign Petra Mavose
Chief Science Officer


Ensign Paul Riker
Astrometrics Specialist

Captain Isabel Kersare
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USS Malinche NCC-38997-A
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Post by Grayson »

<<<USS Malinche>>
<<Intel's Office, 1930, day 18>>

Mark didn't like it of Kersere's orders of wiping his department data. Mainly, because all that data didn't have backup. The information on it were to sensible to keep in another different file. Plus, that was no way someone could have corrupt that files. Not with Mark's security coding in place. To encrypt a file was easy. But to apply an encryption three times more complex than the standart encryption used by Starfleet it was hard enough.

In his mind, the order made sense, but to assume that the Malinche's whole database was corrupt was to accuse the Security Department of incompetency, a thing Mark was sure they weren't. He wiped the basic intel database. The rest was way too secure to be corrupted or even access withouth his knowledge. He bet his career on that. For security reasons he copied that files to an individual padd. He would store that padd inside a box, with a level 10 force field around it.

His mind returned to the mission. As far he could assess, the Celtron system didn't have anything that really worthed enough for the Klingons. Nothing, except, it's strategic position near the Neutral Zone.

"Well, no one can accuse Klingons of being stupid", thought him, looking over the database wiping.

His console beeped. He looked over. He got stiff. It was from HONORED ONE. He tapped several keywords to unlock the encrypton, then he used one more security code, to certify the origin of the message. It was good.

He, then opened the file and read it. It was only a few words.

"Grayson, you honor me with you request. The High Council does not approved any ships to follow the Malinche and, does not know which ships are in the area. I'll be checking about the cowardly P'taks that are following you. Q'pla! HONORED ONE"

Mark sighed. Rogue Klingons? Things couldn't be more trickier than that.

Mark slapped his badge.


Grayson: Grayson to Kersare. Can I have a minute?

Kersare: <<INSERT>>

Grayson: Roger that. Grayson out.


He got up and served himself of a glass of juice. The night, it appear, would be long.

OFF: Tag Kersare.
Lieutenant Commander Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897
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Post by Darkhelm »

<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck 1945, Day 18>

Amanda's armed burned, parrying another blow by the Klingon's incoming blade. Behind her lay two downed Klingons, she was trying hard to ignore the sweat that was running down her brow; making it hard to concentrate on the large very upset Klingon in front of her.

She was pretty sure the words that were coming out of his mouth were less then flattering. Her katana blade knocked another blow aside. Amanda took a step back, allowing the blow to go wide again. She shifted her weight forward, slicing through the Klingon's head. The image disappeared.

"Wow, I thought you weren't all into this violence," Adam (NPC), stated, looking around.

Amanda smiled at her nurse. "I needed something to work off some steam....what are you doing here."

"Going to give the mountain a climb...you care to join me?"

"Might be good, I think I was getting sore anyway....these things take a lot out of me...more then they used to. I must be getting soft."

"Alright, might want to holster that thing....I don't want any body parts getting whacked off by it."

Amanda put the katana back in the ornate case that she carried it in. After calling up the new program they looked at the large mountain that loomed before them.

"After you ensign."

"By all means Lt. Commander."

OFF: Tag All!
Lieutenant Commander Amanda Darkhelm
Chief Medical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
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Post by Former Member »

<Bridge, Day 18, 2030>

After an endless stream of complaints and issues related to the extra diagnostics, P'ayanna finally received reports that all were complete. It should have signaled the restoration of lounge and holodeck privileges, but it did not. Instead, the department was busy restoring the databases to where they were before the intrusion. While that was a good thing, P'ayanna was still disturbed that there had been any need. Somebody had taken a vested interest in seeing to it that Malinche did not succeed in her mission.

Even more disturbing was that the evidence seemed to point to Klingon involvement. Who were these dishonorable yIntagh? They hid behind their So'wI' and, therefore, showed their cowardice for all to see. Even the more passive of the DIvI' would have no respect for such cowardly acts and P'ayanna was truly embarrassed.

Tapping more commands into the tactical console, she could take some satisfaction in the fact that the ship's weapon systems were up and functioning. While most systems were degraded, USS Malinche was able to defend itself. It made her wish that the toQDuj that was shadowing them would risk open battle. She would enjoy being at the controls when Captain Kersare destroyed them.

Looking up at the system clock, she realized that she had over three hours of watch to go. After that, she would train her body for battle and then rest. Resting was an important component in battle readiness and not one she'd forego without reason.
Cadet P'ayanna
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USS Malinche
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Post by Hunt »

<USS Malinche>
<Engineering, Day 18, 2035>

?They seem to have heads about them, well spoken individuals who will eventually become good additions to this ship.?

Isabel could not believe what she was hearing she was looking for a more laid back answer she had hoped Mason was not reverting back to his former self so to speak. However she knew that was not going to happen she knew him too well and besides the look on his face was one with many questions but few answers.

This journey to Celtron V was creepy to him in a way, although he couldn?t figure out why. Isabel grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to the side of the corridor.

?Mason, what?s wrong. Is everything ok?? said Isabel nodding as crewman walked passed her and the XO.

?Nothing really, I suppose its just this mission to Celtron V. We have many missions before and I have had this feeling before but this time it seems more impressed on my nerves for some reason.?

Captain Kersare smiled briefly, she understood and could relate. She too was feeling a bit uneasy for this mission but being the Captain she would dare not reveal it to any including her XO.

?Listen, I want you to relax. We should be arriving soon and I will need my key officers on their feet. You should stop by sickbay see if on of the doctors can give you something??

?No, its ok I believe engineering is down this way, ma?am(Saying with a joking smile as she lead the way).?

The doors to the engine room opened up slowly allowing engineering personal leave with equipment beds filled with dityium tanks and warp core replacement parts. Oddly enough neither one had every seen engineering this busy before not even when Jadan was around. Isabel and Mason walked over to Chief Harrison where she was handing out repair assignments.

?Well, you all have your assignments. Get to it.? Said Harrison turning around being a bit startled by Isabel and Mason?s appearance.

Mason stepped forward only to see all the engineering levels were full barely for anyone to walk around or for him a get a good look of what was going on.

?I would ask how you are doing Ensign, but that would just be silly given by all this activity. On the other we need a ship that is operational at one hundred percent. What?s your status?? asked Mason.

<Tag Harrison>

An engineer dropped a hypo spanner that cracked a piece of glass on one of the upper landings.

<Tag Harrison>

?We will leave you to it then Harrison, Mason let?s go. Oh and Harrison I need your latest report before we reach the planet.? Said Isabel walking out with Mason.

The two entered the lift and headed back to the bridge, once there they took their seats.

?Captain, any idea when we will reach Celtron V?? asked Mason.

OFF: Tag Kersare and Harrison
Commander Mason Hunt
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USS Malinche NCC 38897-B
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Post by Harrison »


Two could not believe this engineering section. Tools were misplaced and some were missing. The simplest things were being done in a haphazard manner. She had everyone come down to Engineering to do some cleaning and putting up of the valuable tools. Her attention, she thought, should be dealing with the database reload.

?I would ask how you are doing Ensign, but that would just be silly given by all this activity. On the other we need a ship that is operational at one hundred percent. What?s your status?? asked Mason.

Two consulted her PADD where the statistics of the database reload was blinking. They were at 88% complete. The Mali was not out of the woods yet.

"We are 88% complete wtih the reloading of the databases. Most of them are from yesterday. Two of them are from two days ago. I expect we will be finished with this in less than two hours," she informed the senior command.

An engineer dropped a hypo spanner that cracked a piece of glass on one of the upper landings.

"There are times when I wish we had fewer people with butterfingers and more with decent grip. If you will excuse me," she turned to walk away.

?We will leave you to it then Harrison, Mason let?s go. Oh and Harrison I need your latest report before we reach the planet.? Said Isabel walking out with Mason.

"You will have it on your desk in less than three hours."

She left to assist with the repairs that the spanner had done to that piece of glass.


Two of Nine
Ensign Rebekah Harrison (Two of Nine)
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Post by Harrison »


<USS Malinche>
<Engineering, Day 18, 2235>

Two was starting to get tired. She had put in a long day in Engineering between the deletion of the databases and then the reload. Then Ensign Butterfingers had not helped the matter by breaking the glass.

Two had told the ensign that the dropped spanner could have done more damage than just breaking a piece of glass. What would have happened if it had been dropped onto someone's head four decks below and killed the unfortunate person? What would have happened if it had fallen into an engine? She reminded the ensign about the gloves that she could get if she needed something to ensure her grip on the equipment. They had special gloves that absorbed the sweat from hands.

Then she had to finish up the report and a few recommendations about the database backups for the captain. The first was the report she had promised the XO. She was cutting her time close; the glass had taken longer than she had originally thought it would take. The upload was complete with no reported problems...YET!! She could see that changing in the morning when all of the chiefs arrived back at their duty stations and found the problems. It was going to be another long day, she thought.

The report was sent 45 minutes later. It was getting later and later. She still a lot of work to do. From time to time, she would leave her office to check on the progress. Engineering was starting to look more ship-shape than it was when she first walked in.

To: Captain Isabel Kersare
From: Two of Nine
Re: Recommendations

Dear Captain,

I thought of some things that we could do to insure that we always have a backup copy of our systems. Not every department had backups. I had to remove the files from Intel since some of them had not been wiped. If a virus had been in those files and the files not removed, then we would have had the same problem until EVERY file had been removed and then uploaded again.

1. Every department makes a daily backup at 0000. This copy is to be kept in their department.
2. Once a week, a weekly backup needs to be created at 0000 every Sunday. This is to be kept in either Engineering or with the captain or XO. Granted, this will not be effective if the ship is destroyed, but having a good backup in one location should end some of the problems we had with "lost backups."

She read it and then reread it. Sounded good and logical to her. One department really didn't have a good backup. One department had lost its only backup. Two had been not been happy to recreate the entire backup, but it had been done. When she hit the "send" button, she leaned back in her chair to reflect on that day.

Two interrogations. Well, she couldn't really call what P'ayanna had done an interrogation; more like friendly concern. But Grayson's really bothered her. The captain, who was the supreme leader of the ship, had never questioned her loyalty or her "race". Maybe this was something that she needed to ask the captain about.

Ensign Rebekah Harrison (Two of Nine)
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Malinche
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Post by Former Member »

<Quarters, Day 18, 2300>

Winded and lathered in sweat, P'ayanna stepped through the rapidly opening doors to her quarters. She still had yet to meet either of the new arrivals, but they were not here. Only the ex-borg, Harrison, was present.

Making her way to the outboard, she placed her betleH where it belonged and then grabbed a hand towel to wipe sweat away from her eyes. "Have the others arrived?"

"Sharon Kai has arrived. I assisted her by checking her databases earlier tonight," Two told P'ayanna. "The others I do not know."

"It makes no difference," P'ayanna told her, moving to an open area and practicing lunges. She had long arms and legs, which gave her an excellent striking range, especially with a longer weapon. Now, however, she was simply working on her form and was not holding a weapon. "So long as they are quiet while I rest."

"I do not know when they will come back her to sleep. It's the middle of the night. I am sure that they will be going to bed when they get here," she told her roommie.

P'ayanna hopped up and began pounding out pull-ups. She was slowing down, tired from having beaten her body in the gym and on the holodeck. Halfway through the set, she said, "I prefer to know those who are sleeping in the same room. It would be unfortunate if they were to startle me like DoghwI'." In fact, it was very important that they know not to shake her awake and other such things.

"They should be here sometime tonight. Everyone, you know, has different work cycles and sleep cycles. I am sure that they know not to wake anyone up without some way of alerting us to their presence," she said.

"Do you ever speak to Vulcans? Compared to your speak, they are interesting," P'ayanna growled, dropping from the ceiling and starting in on more pushups.

She watched her roommate with undisguised interest. "I have talked to several Vulcans at the Academy. I found them to be fascinating."

"They speak in obvious terms and add nothing," P'ayanna stated, to conversations." She paused in the up position to laugh. "You do know that it is bad if a Klingon thinks she has better conversational skills, 'a'?"

"I do not know what a Klingon thinks. I am not a mind reader, nor do I pretend to be one."

"mreh," P'ayanna grunted, flipping herself up and onto her feet. I tried, she told herself. It wasn't her fault that she'd been saddled with a roommate who was about as interested as wet cardboard.

Two wondered about P'ayanna's routine. She went into the bathroom and picked up her hair brush to brush her hair. She had seen lots of women do that. There were times that she wished she was human. She was not human. She had missed a lot of her childhood when she was Borg. She felt like she had to be the most boring person in the universe.

Her roommate completely out of mind, P'ayanna began the slow, tai-chi-like moves of the moqbara. It was a soothing set of excercises, originally created to calm the inherent Klingon rage and bloodlust, though many called it a martial art.

The martial art, called ghopSuv, used some of the fluid motions of moqbara, but included many offensive moves. While a good workout, it was not a good idea to practice just before bed. P'ayanna's goal was to slow her heartrate, not elevate it.

Joint Post
Rebekah Harrison aka 2 of 9 and
Cadet P'ayanna
Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche
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Post by Former Member »

ON: Science Labs
<<Mission Day 18; 2250 hours>>

"So then, I told the Vulcan Instructor that his logic was flawed and he very nearly got angry... closest I ever got!"

Riker and Marletti chuckled as Petra concluded her interesting story about trying to make Vulcans show even the slightest touch of emotion. A sound of beeping could be heard in the background. "Ma'am, the database appears to be restored." announced Solec as she stood up from her console, looking directly at Petra.

Petra looked at Solec and smiled sweetly... she knew that Solec's look wasn't regarding the Database restoration, but for the comments she had made about trying to make Vulcans show some sign of emotion. She sighed inwardly, now that Solec's own defense would be heightened... but she'll make her crack, sometime. "It's about time! As soon as we let Engineering know that our database is online we can close shop for the night and get a fresh start tomorrow at 0800 hours."

She watched as the rest of her staff left the Lab, waving energetically to each of them as they left. As soon as the door swished to a close behind the last of them, she typed up a quick message for Engineering to confirm the restoration of their database. Within moments, she was on her way to her quarters, confident that her belongings were already waiting for her there.

After a quick walk from the Science Lab to her quarters, she was soon walking into her quarters to find two of her roommates already there. A Klingon and a Human... with Borg Implants! 'This is going to be FUN!' She thought to herself as the door swished close behind her.

She put on her biggest smile and giggled. "Hiya! I'm Petra! Guess we'll be sharing the same quarters! I can't wait to get to know you both!"

OFF: Tag to P'ayanna and Harrison from your giddy roomie!

Ensign Petra Mavose
Chief Science Officer
USS Malinche