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Peters, Todd
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 10:45 pm
by Peters
<Blood and Iron>
<Begin Log>
I'm going to kill Abubakar. That's about the only way to sum up my feelings at the moment. I'd like nothing more than to shove him out an airlock into the cold of space.
Actually, first I'd make him clean up this damn mess he caused, AND THEN I'd shove him out the airlock. As if the damage he caused with that fancy schmansy shuttle he was flying wasn't bad enough, he managed to cause more, TWICE. It's been a really rotten few days. I'm actually wishing I was back in that courtroom on Direidi.
On top of the Sabotage done during Abubakar's mutiny, He just recently managed to blow up half the shuttle bay. I don't know how he did it, but virtually all of the equipment in there and 90 percent of the hull and deck plating in that section will have to be replaced. I haven't had this many repairs staring me in the face at once since I was on Starbase 60... BEFORE we moved to the new station.
Fortunately, the Impulse Manifolds and EPS transfer systems are fully repaired and just awaiting a test run. But the downside is, before we can run that test, we have to replace several Isolinear relays and two sub processors so the damn things have computer monitoring and control. If we weren't at a starbase it would take two weeks just to get started.
But, the last estimate I saw had us fully space worthy again in about 48 hours. But that was before Abubakar's hijinks with the shuttle bay. That job alone, using all of my available repair personnel, will take at least 5 days to complete. I've set priority on the critical systems in that area so that if Starfleet sends us out before work can be completed, it'll at least be down to work we can do in transit.
Still, I at least have Starbase personnel assigned to the rest of the repairs and the most critical elements I've already seen to myself. I need to get a report off to the Captain and get myself some shoreleave, before I go crazier than I already am.
<End Log>
Posted: Tue Mar 06, 2007 8:03 pm
by Peters
<Day 3, Begin Log>
The repairs finally seem to be mostly under control and I feel comfortable leaving things in the capable hands of the Starbase engineering staff. My own staff is still handling the repairs to the shuttlebay, but I've made sure to schedule everyone a few hours of leave time.
On the matter of the shuttlebay, it looks like Ensign Akios is making himself quite useful. Ensign C'eltor is quite impressed with his work ethic. He definitely seems to be eager to please and quite capable. I'm rather glad he got transferred aboard.
As for myself, I'm taking the opportunity to explore the base. I might even hit the gym for a game of pickup basketball. There will be no volleyball on this trip, though.
I'm also considering a souvenir hunt. Anything to keep me away from the Trial as much as possible. I'm hoping that the summary of the damage to the Malinche that I submitted will be enough for the JAG's purposes and I won't have to testify. I haven't been notified that I might need to yet, so I'm taking that as a good sign.
At any rate, the base, and a few hours off, calls.
<End Log>
Posted: Sat Apr 14, 2007 8:42 pm
by Peters
<Begin Log>
It's always exciting to be able to recognize a fellow officer for a job well done. I'd like to say it's always a pleasure to give someone a promotion, but I wouldn't know. I've only done it once.
On that end of things, however, Lieutenant C'eltor seemed pleasantly surprised. She obviously wasn't expecting it. But she did deserve it.
Beyond personnel matters, the repairs are nearly complete. All of the critical systems are back online and running at or near peak efficiency. There are several secondary systems still on the list for repair, however.
If we keep up at that same rate we've been going since we arrived at Starbase 259, the rest of the repairs should be finished within 36 hours. I just hope it doesn't all get blown to hell again as soon as we leave dock. A few too many of my assignments have gone that way in the past.
But on a more positive note, I did get to enjoy my day off. I ran into my sister, which I definitely wasn't expecting, and we had a good time catching up on what's happened with everyone the past few years. It was quite helpful in lowering my stress level.
I was also able to relax a bit in the gym and catch up on the Engineering gossip with one of my fellow Chief Engineers. It's been awhile since I was able to trade tall tales and play a bit of competitive basketball. All in all, it was a pretty good day.
<End Log>
Posted: Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:33 pm
by Peters
<Day 4, Begin Log>
I'm not sure what's more frightening, the idea of yet more sabotage aboard the Malinche or the thought of it being hidden well enough to avoid all conventional means of detection. When and if I figure that out, maybe it'll help me sort out the mess I've found myself in. I'm not going to hold my breath on that, though.
A Starfleet ship being deliberately sabotages is very rare in and of itself. In fact, I can think of only a half-dozen known events in the last half-century or so. But if what Akios and I are investigating is, indeed, an act of sabotage, then this ship has been sabotaged twice in a matter of days. That's not a thought I like entertaining.
More disturbing still, I have no idea who would have done this. Nor do I know why. And perhaps most disturbing of all, I have no idea how it was done. One doesn't simply walk onto a starship without authorization, after all.
To get aboard and back off the ship without being noticed would require extensive knowledge of the Malinche's security protocols. To plant the emitters would require knowledge of the ship's layout and systems. To put it simply, either whoever did this knows the Malinche as well as the crew does, or they have at least one Starfleet officer on their payroll.
Those aren't very pleasant thoughts, either...
<Eng Log>
Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:16 pm
by Peters
<Lost and Found>
<Begin Log: Day 3>
Do you ever have one of those days you knew you should have stayed in bed? That would be today for me. The Malinche was operating in Multi Vector Assault Mode in order to have better coverage and tactics if the Borg attacked, and everything was going fine until, out of the blue, the systems on Beta section started going haywire.
The people in charge decided to recombine the ship in order to help out the Beta section and get the situation under control. That idea flew like a lead balloon. Virtually as soon as we'd docked cascade failures started occurring all over the ship, including life support failure in Main Engineering.
I have diagnostics running, assuming I can believe what the computer's telling me, and it looks like the shields are still up and life support is stable on the decks that haven't already had failures, but I need to get that confirmed very quickly. There's only a couple of hours worth of breathable air aboard once life support goes down and we only have enough support suits for 10 percent of the crew. Everyone else would have to head to emergency shelters. Those, of course, are only good for 12 hours at a stretch.
In a worst case scenario we could always evacuate all but a skeleton crew to the Sentinel, but that would make this one hell of a crappy rescue mission. It's almost enough to drive an engineer to drink.
I should have just stayed in bed this morning...
<End Log>
Posted: Sat May 17, 2008 8:35 pm
by Peters
<Begin Log, Day 3>
A ship full of empty corridors and Borg is not the best way to keep one's mind at ease. The Nova class doesn't carry a large crew at the best of times, and the Sirion was running light for her last mission, but it still feels entirely too empty for my tastes. The last Starfleet officer other than Akios that I saw was Mister Schulz, or, as I call him, the luckiest Ops officer in Starfleet.
Still, we have a job to do here and I've managed to keep most of my attention fixed on that. The Captain's idea of adopting a pet Borg, on the other hand, is not my idea of a good time. Sure, I'd love to be able to rescue the assimilated people on this ship from the Borg, but couldn't we come up with something to do them all at once, rather than nabbing one out of the middle of them?
That seems just the sort of thing that will get their attention... and not in a good way, either. There has to be something about this particular drone. Either that or the good captain has gone of the deep end while I've been off the ship. Out of respect for her, I'm leaning towards theory A.
Which means I need to hurry up and figure out how to capture this drone without killing it... him. Can I just have one day where I can just do nice, easy systems diagnostics, rather than ending up in potential combat zones? I started in science for a reason.
<End Log>
Posted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 10:32 pm
by Peters
<Begin Log, Day 4, Early>
God I wish I could have a nap. Unfortunately, there are still at least a few drones on this ship and if I take a nap I could wake up assimilated. Plus, I need to find some of the other people on this ship and compare notes. I know the ship is salvageable, the main computer core intact, and that we're winning the battle against the Borg on this ship, but I have no idea what else is going on, who, if anyone, has been lost, or why the communications are down.
Maybe I should give the communications another try. It's been a little while since I attempted to contact anyone.... Nope. That didn't work. That means they're still down. God I'm tired. I've been awake for nearly 21 hours straight now, and for us mere humans, that's not exactly healthy. And it really doesn't help my concentration.
Where was I? Right... Need to get to the bridge. It's the closest place to where I was... Did I mention I'd left the computer core? Any way... The bridge is the closest place That I know would have Starfleet people at it. I think the security guys Quaid stuck me with are getting tired of hearing me talk into my PADD. Hey! I see you rolling your eyes at me!
Tired, cranky... and I feel like I haven't showered in weeks. Thankfully I don't smell that way... or at least, if I do no one's told me I do. When I get back to the Malinche I'm going to take myself off duty for a day and just sleep. Scratch that... shower... then sleep.
We're almost to the bridge. Hopefully when we get there we can figure out how to restore communications and get this extermination party organized in some form. I really wish I knew what had happened to Quaid and Hawkins...
<End Log>
Posted: Wed Dec 31, 2008 10:14 pm
by Peters
<When in Rome>
<Begin Log, Day 2, 2200>
We're less than an hour from entering the Taevon Expanse. The engineer in me is dreading the moment we cross into the expanse. I know most of what we know about this region of space is just rumors and superstitions, but we do know that at least 3 Starfleet ships have disappeared after having traversed this area.
Still, the scientist in me is more than a little excited at the opportunities. In nearly a century of Starfleet presence in this area of space, no one has thoroughly explored even part of the Taevon expanse... or at least, they haven't survived to report about it. We could be the first ship to definitively say what's in this region.
I know my people weren't happy about the increased shifts, but they certainly understand why it's needed. I'll have to make sure to give them all a bit of extra leave time at our next layover to make up for it. I don't want them to think I'm a mean old codger, after all.
Getting the duty shifts worked out is a bit harder than I would have thought, though. I'm having to assign skeleton crews to some of the more basic tasks to get enough people on Damage control. At least it should only be for a couple of days or so. Some of the systems can operate for weeks without the maintenance that we give them daily, so we should be ok.
<End Log>
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Fri Jul 31, 2009 10:23 pm
by Peters
<Day 4, 1200>
Begin Log:
Murphy seems to be off my back, at least for a little while. The Impulse Reactor we turned into a miniature warp core while escaping the subspace rupture gave us a bit of a scare, but we were able to get it shut down and locked out of service within an hour. The surge of power coming from the reactor had burned out some of the control circuits, which meant that it wasn't receiving shut down signals. That took awhile to diagnose, but once we had it figured out, it was a simple matter of rerouting the commands through a set of auxiliary circuits.
I'm not sure how long the reactor will be out of commission. It's going to need a complete strip down and refurbishment, new shielding, new control circuits, the whole works. The job would go a lot faster at a starbase, but we likely won't be near a starbase for at least another week or so. I've already started a team working on it, and I'm hoping the bulk of the job will be complete by the time we reach Ivor Prime. But that depends on the rest of the ship's systems behaving themselves.
So far today we're having good luck on that score. There's a few oddities still lurking in the systems, but most of that is stuff that Ops will have to track down. I don't do software. Or at least, I don't do software when I've got hardware to worry about and am dead tired. *Yawn*
Wow... speaking of tired, I think it's high time I got some uninterrupted sleep. It's only been, what, 53 hours since I was able to get more than a catnap? Ugh...
End Log.
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 10:21 pm
by Peters
<The Waiting Game>
<Day 2, 1600>
Begin Log:
Where to start? Well, I had a meeting with Lieutenant Breland at the shipyard yesterday afternoon. The schedule currently calls for the Malinche to move from her current mooring at 386 to a drydock at the shipyard three days from now. Depending on how quickly our upgrades can be installed she'll be there for roughly two weeks.
Fortunately, both for us and for the starbase's quartermaster, the refit is minor and won't require the crew to be removed from the ship. It does mean that the engines will have to be taken offline for several days. Most of my staff will be on shore leave for large portions of the refit, and I'm working up a duty schedule to keep suitable staffing while still allowing everyone time off.
In other developments, I've come up with a plan to entertain some of my fellow crew mates. Lieutenants Masterson and Hansen and some others have agreed to come to the first event on the agenda, which I've billed as an exhibition of a very popular game from Earth. We'll be in the holodeck tomorrow morning, using a program I based on some of my old entertainment files and a holoprogram I found in 386's database. It should be a lot of fun.
We'll see how long it takes the others to get the joke. If all goes well, it should be quite entertaining for all concerned. At the very least, it should give me an idea of how to proceed in the future. For now, however, I need to finalize that duty roster.
End Log:
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:47 pm
by Peters
<Mission 16 - The Waiting Game>
<Day 8, 1330>
Begin Log:
I can't believe my luck! I'm going to have the chance to work on a Constitution class starship for a few days. Granted, it's mostly modifying her systems for short-term use, but this is like getting to actually watch all those adventures we had to read about in History at the Academy.
I've heard that one time when asked by Captain Kirk if he ever relaxed, Montgomery Scott looked up from a technical journal and replied "I am relaxing." That's how I feel right now. Some people might think I'm getting myself into extra work unnecessarily, but this is going to be fun... not because it's easy, but because it's a dream come true.
Of course, before I can really get to work helping with fixing up the Sentinel I need to pick a team of my engineers and see if they'll be willing to see if they can set up a holo-emitter network on the Sentinel's hull and create a program for either disguising the ship or projecting decoy opponents. I think Lieutenant Schulz would probably welcome the distraction... beyond that, C'eltor is always up for a challenge and D'Vahl should be up for a bit of guile... he is, after all, a Klingon.
If I can draft a couple of the junior engineers to help with the installation, those three should be able to have something really great worked out before the Sentinel has to depart to begin the wargame. And it will benefit the Malinche too, as they’ll all get some practice in coming up with solutions and implementing them quickly.
End Log
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2010 11:58 pm
by Peters
<Inferno's Light>
<Day 4, 2100>
Begin Log:
I'm happy to see that Ensign N'Rass is interested in working her way up the Engineering ladder. She's a very skilled officer when it comes to shuttles, but I think she has the potential to be just as good with Starship systems. In fact, if she's given a few years she could easily have my job... and she'd probably do it better, since she's coming from a maintenance background... application, rather than theory.
With that said, I don't want to overburden her too soon. I've assigned he to work with Lieutenant C'Eltor for the next few days, as I know C'Eltor will not give her more than she will handle and will be honest with me in critiquing the ensign's performance. That will give me a better idea who to have her work with next, though I will probably keep her with C'Eltor for the next few weeks. If all goes well this mission should be a quiet one and Ensign N'Rass will have time to get a good handle on the Malinche's power systems.
Yes, I know... when has a mission on a ship I've been assigned to ever gone as planned? Even discounting Starbase 60, there was that debacle with the Direidi, the hunt for the Sirion, the deal with the crew of the Rome... and I don't even want to talk about the mission that got me into Engineering...
I suppose I should probably make sure C'Eltor is ready to have Ensign N'Rass around during an emergency. On this ship you never know when the next one will be and I'd rather not have any issues because of an oversight in planning.
End Log
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Sun Oct 31, 2010 11:27 pm
by Peters
<Day 14>
Begin Log:
One of these missions we're going to have a nice, quiet time in Engineering. No battles, no computer malfunctions... no ghosts...
At least, that's what I keep telling myself. So far I haven't had a mission yet where something crazy didn't happen. Admittedly the Direidi thing didn't have anything to do with Engineering, but it was still crazy.
I've had members of the Engineering staff working overnight to pull the damaged subprocessors out and try to salvage whatever parts they can from them. Some of the components of those units simply aren't replicable, so we'll have to use our spare parts stores to rebuild them. I'm hoping we have enough of the non-replicable spares to replace everything that needs it, but if we don't we may have to take some non-essential equipment offline in low-traffic areas. I'm sure a few conference rooms can do without replicators and lights for a few days, if need be.
The good news is that only one of the docking clamps took any direct damage, and the ship can operate with up to four clamps in either set not locked, as long as they aren't all in the same cluster. Depending on how well we're able to repair the system we may need to take the docking process a little slower and more careful than usual, but we won't have any problems with the docking other than that. Of course, I'd rather be able to run several test runs first, but I doubt if there will be time for that.
For now I'm planning on running based on holodeck simulations only. If we can run one or two live tests that will be great, but I'm going to assume that it won't be possible for now. Plan for the worst and you won't be unprepared, after all.
End Log.
Re: Peters, Todd
Posted: Tue Nov 30, 2010 11:57 pm
by Peters
<Day 15, 1000>
Begin Log:
The Universe hates me. That's the only way I can explain it. The docking systems SHOULD be operational right now, but they're not. In fact, they seem to be perversely taking PLEASURE in not working, just to spite me.
I've already told the Captain it's going to be awhile longer before she can have her ship back in one piece. She wasn't exactly thrilled at the news, but she seemed to take it well. Of course, now we're going hunting those mirror universe ships... and since the docking systems aren't working we're going to be trusting an awful lot in the flight control department's ability to do close-range formation flying.
And that reminds me, I need to keep a close eye on the cloak. We haven't used it in a long time and, while it's been getting all the usual maintenance, I really haven't had an opportunity to run a full diagnostic after that funny business in the Taevon Expanse. If it doesn't work the captain's going to want my head on a platter.
So, like I said, the Universe hates me. That's OK, though, I can deal with that, since it's nothing personal. I just hope that we can get the docking systems fixed soon... and I REALLY hope we don't have a repeat performance of the last engagement. I don't want to have to put half the ship back together again when I just finished doing that...
Of course, I say that every mission... and every mission I have to fix systems I didn't even remember existed until they were broken, destroyed, or possessed by ghosts. What is it with this ship anyway?
Why, oh why, didn't I do like my mother told me and go into botany? Botany is simple... and not many people want to shoot at pretty plants...
End Log.