Chief Security and Tactical Officer's Log... Stardate 60975.4
It's been a long time since I looked into the eyes of malice and hate... It's been a long time indeed. The last time I saw that mixture of hatred and dispassionate destruction in a person's eyes I was being fired on aboard the Dragoon and the eyes were those of the Jem'Hadar. That's not to say that I don't believe the Bajorans a people incapable of hate. There's certainly no love lost between them and the Cardassians I can tell you that much for certain. This Jaran guy though... there's a wire loose or something in this guy's mind. He's unhinged. Captain wants to play nice and rehabilitate him. Typical attitude of our day and age. I suppose I'm the last of a dying breed that still sees problems with that. Sometimes people are just so broken you can't fix them. When something is that badly damaged, what do you do? You throw it away. You get rid of it. Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only one who feels like that.
Computer, end recording...
Chief Security and Tactical Officer's Log... Stardate 60975.6
Sometimes it helps to clear your head. A little JD doesn't hurt. Certainly clears a few sinus passages in the process. This situation with Jaran is quite trying. I don't know how to deal with this... Sometimes I think I'm overanalyzing things. Maybe I am... Guess I better get back to work.
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Benson III, James Samuel
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
Benson III, James Samuel

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B
Chief Security and Tactical Officer's Log... Stardate 61384.5
The trial has progressed... I wish the news was better than that and that this was more of an open and shut case, but it seems that the defense has a far stronger position than anyone anticipated. This trial seems to have gone from an open and shut case to a very very deliberative one.
Many of the senior crew members who knew and worked with Jaran have either transferred off the ship to new assignments, and were thus unreachable, or, as incredible as this may seem, moved to defend him. Sovereign, Hawkins, even the CMO Doc Fairbairn even seemed to be reluctant to condemn him. I begin wondering just how this psychopath has endeared himself to all the members of the crew to the point that they rush to his defense.
The trial's final phase is commencing...
End Log...
The trial has progressed... I wish the news was better than that and that this was more of an open and shut case, but it seems that the defense has a far stronger position than anyone anticipated. This trial seems to have gone from an open and shut case to a very very deliberative one.
Many of the senior crew members who knew and worked with Jaran have either transferred off the ship to new assignments, and were thus unreachable, or, as incredible as this may seem, moved to defend him. Sovereign, Hawkins, even the CMO Doc Fairbairn even seemed to be reluctant to condemn him. I begin wondering just how this psychopath has endeared himself to all the members of the crew to the point that they rush to his defense.
The trial's final phase is commencing...
End Log...

Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Security/Tactical Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B