Monthly Reports
Posted: Wed Jan 31, 2007 11:49 pm
January 2007
Ship Name: USS Malinche (199)
Commanding Officer: Captain Isabel Kersare.
Ship's Website:
Ship's Status: Operational
Crew List:
Lieutenant Todd Peters
Chief Engineering Officer
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
Commander Mason Hunt
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
Chief Flight Control Officer (Helmsman)
Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign
Chief Science Officer
Ensign Lynn Quarterstaff
Medical Officer
Ensign Hac Tredon
Assistant Tactical/Security Officer
Lieutenant Cameron Fairbairn
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
Lieutenant (JG) Debora Angelini
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Chief Petty Officer Thea Saunders-O'Dell
Assistant Medical Officer
Lieutenant (JG) Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Assistant Intelligence Officer
Ensign Sara Rayne
Infiltration Specialist
Crew Information:
Total Crew: 16
New Crew Since Last Report:
Crew Removed Since Last Report:
Crew Promotions Since Last Report:
No rank promotions, but Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign is now also my Second Officer (finally found one!)
Simm Information:
Current Mission Title: Blood and Iron
Mission Description:
The Malinche docks at Starbase 259 to receive new blood in the form of crew members and some extra iron before venturing forth to shape the future of the Federation.
Coming up: Court Martial of Lieutenant Abubakar with guest star from JAG
Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 55
Major Website Updates:
Just the standard...manifest updates, etc.
Website or Ship Awards won (if any):
What have you done this month to improve the quality of your sim?
Kept the storyline going and gave crew ideas as far as what to post about. I\'ve been trying to keep people involved as best I can, especially with several people on LOA/missing.
Misc Information:
Additional Comments:
Posting was lower this month than last, but I attribute that mainly to having around 6 people either on LOA or missing for most of the month (1 just came back from LOA this week, 1 will be getting removed if he doesn\'t post in the next week-ish, 1 got stabbed, 1 had her father die, 1 was sick/in the hospital, and 1 has been having computer issues). So, really I had about 10 crewmembers actively posting. Luckily 4 of the 6 are pretty much back to full capacity, so that should help.
Otherwise, things have been going well. I\'m hoping to get our new mission started in February
Ship Name: USS Malinche (199)
Commanding Officer: Captain Isabel Kersare.
Ship's Website:
Ship's Status: Operational
Crew List:
Lieutenant Todd Peters
Chief Engineering Officer
Captain Isabel Kersare
Commanding Officer
Commander Mason Hunt
Executive Officer
Lieutenant Mark Grayson II
Chief Intelligence Officer
Ensign Turuas'ta Akios
Engineering Officer
Lieutenant Jason Barrett
Chief Operations Officer
Lieutenant Abubakar Jaran
Chief Flight Control Officer (Helmsman)
Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign
Chief Science Officer
Ensign Lynn Quarterstaff
Medical Officer
Ensign Hac Tredon
Assistant Tactical/Security Officer
Lieutenant Cameron Fairbairn
Chief Medical Officer
Lieutenant James Samuel Benson III
Chief Tactical/Security Officer
Lieutenant (JG) Debora Angelini
Chief Diplomatic Officer
Chief Petty Officer Thea Saunders-O'Dell
Assistant Medical Officer
Lieutenant (JG) Jonathan "Jack" Hawkins
Assistant Intelligence Officer
Ensign Sara Rayne
Infiltration Specialist
Crew Information:
Total Crew: 16
New Crew Since Last Report:
Crew Removed Since Last Report:
Crew Promotions Since Last Report:
No rank promotions, but Lieutenant Yrel Sovereign is now also my Second Officer (finally found one!)
Simm Information:
Current Mission Title: Blood and Iron
Mission Description:
The Malinche docks at Starbase 259 to receive new blood in the form of crew members and some extra iron before venturing forth to shape the future of the Federation.
Coming up: Court Martial of Lieutenant Abubakar with guest star from JAG
Approximate Number of Posts this Month: 55
Major Website Updates:
Just the standard...manifest updates, etc.
Website or Ship Awards won (if any):
What have you done this month to improve the quality of your sim?
Kept the storyline going and gave crew ideas as far as what to post about. I\'ve been trying to keep people involved as best I can, especially with several people on LOA/missing.
Misc Information:
Additional Comments:
Posting was lower this month than last, but I attribute that mainly to having around 6 people either on LOA or missing for most of the month (1 just came back from LOA this week, 1 will be getting removed if he doesn\'t post in the next week-ish, 1 got stabbed, 1 had her father die, 1 was sick/in the hospital, and 1 has been having computer issues). So, really I had about 10 crewmembers actively posting. Luckily 4 of the 6 are pretty much back to full capacity, so that should help.
Otherwise, things have been going well. I\'m hoping to get our new mission started in February