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Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:38 am
by Kersare
<<Future Horizons, Ready Room, Day 20, 1730 hours>>
Personal Log ON:
Sometimes I really wonder how I keep it together. We've hit so many snags in this mission already, and we've barely scratched the surface - we're just now arriving at Celtron V. We've been sabotaged, followed, attacked... I'm sure there's more to come. With that B'rel class Bird of Prey, and most likely others as well, there's no doubt we'll be attacked again. We do have the USS Colt here, but I don't know how much help they'll be. Of course, the Malinche is a Prometheus class, and the MVAM may come in handy.. I suppose time will tell.
That senior staff meeting was...frustrating to say the least. I admit that when Petra asked 'P'ayanna dear' to 'toss' the PADD to her, I knew it wouldn't be merely tossed. I kept a straight face as best I could, but inwardly, I was laughing - I think at least half the people there saw it coming, but not Petra. Innocent, naive girl she is. P'ayanna is a good officer, although sometimes I wonder how half my crew is still alive with her around. If looks could kill.. Mark was being his normal paranoid self; of course I wouldn't expect any less from an Intelligence Officer. Jaran..good lord. He sure does have a temper, and an attitude. Overly confident as well. Hopefully he'll be able to keep it in check a little more in the future. At least they finally calmed down some once I spoke up. Jaran was still rather hot-headed, unfortunately. I don't think he liked the fact that I didn't stick with his plan - but I have to do what's best for the crew and the success of the mission.
The away mission, there's another concern. With these cloaked Klingon ships, I'm even more worried about them getting down there in one piece, let alone being successful. I truly think that if they work together they can accomplish it - they're all good at what they do, and with their skills combined, they should be able to handle it. Hopefully they can get that dampening field down so we can just beam them back up. Of course, Jaran and Petra will need to be able to get back up in the shuttle, which will be more difficult. With any luck, they'll all come back safe, with High Council Member Trelin (NPC).
What I just can't believe is the amount of new crewmembers I've gotten during this mission. I can't believe how many I got in the past few hours, for crying out loud. First was that Petty Officer,Dan Brewer. Apparently a Weapons Specialist. I haven't gotten to read his file yet in depth, just skimmed it. Looks to be pretty good though. I think he'll come in handy on the mission, so long as he survives P'ayanna... Then there's...erm..uh...well, it has lots of L's and Y's... Karsel'Lyn Lylylthanikarias or...something... I'll have to work on that one. What a tongue twister. Meh, I'll call her Lyn for now, much easier. Anycase, she's green. In color, not in experience. Seems like a nice enough young woman, and knowledgeable. In all honesty, I hope that Jaran sends her back up to the bridge. Not that her help isn't needed for the Away team really, but I'd like an experienced officer at the Helm during the rescue attempt in case the Klingons decide to attack us. I hear she's been promoted, then demoted a few times - will have to check her file. Then again, with this crew, I'm sure she'll fit right in.
If I don't have a unique crew, I don't know who does. Not one, but two ex-borgs. Cheetara seems more well-adjusted to life without the collective than Rebekah - we need to get her to stop using her Borg Id. Perhaps she could try talking with Cheetara or T'serra and try to work some of this out. Then there's P'ayanna who seems to always be ready for a fight, or to kill. Granted, she does her duty and does it well, and does a good job at keeping herself in check - she holds a high value to honor, which I think is good. Mark is paranoid. Very paranoid. Good officer though, and I suppose I wouldn't expect any less from an Intel officer. Jaran's got a bit of a temper, and then there's the odd fact that he's Bajoran, but follows the Pah-Wraiths... Not sure what to make of that. Sharon seems to be a nice, quiet girl. Petra. Oh my. WAY too happy and cheeful. I swear she skips around the ship. She does know what she's talking about though, Sciene-wise at least. T'serra has that unending love of chocolate, although she seems to spend a lot of time...well...I don't know where. I'll have to try to keep tabs on her. Mason's Mason. He brings up some interesting points, and makes sure to keep me out of harm's way. Good, although a tad frustrating - kinda miss away missions. Ah well. Jason's rather thorough with his work, which is great. I heard good things about him and Amanda. An ex-marine doctor, very interesting.
I hope we can complete this mission successfully. I'm interested to meet this Tekel Orsad that's on Celtron V already, helping the So'Kra. I'm rather interested to meet the Celtronians and see their planet, to be honest. Hrm, I wonder if we could convince Tekel to come with us. Could always use another Intel officer - double the officers, double the sources. Can't be a bad thing. I can try anyway.
I have an odd feeling that something is off about what's going on down there, but I don't know what, or why I get the feeling. We'll find out soon enough. What really intrigues me though is that wormhole. Petra said it goes to space beyond Romulan and Klingon borders. An unexplored area of space... Could be interesting if we get to go and see it.
Anyway, I need to be on the bridge, so off I go.
END Personal Log
You Can't Judge a Planet By Its Dilithium
Posted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 8:35 am
by Kersare
<You Can't Judge a Planet By Its Dilithium>
<<Hotel Direidi, Kersare's room, 1345, Day 3>>
Personal Log ON:
I forgot how frustrating it can be to be Captain. To me, it's simple... StarFleet ordered the <i>Malinche</i> to go to Direidi and look for the missing survey team and the <i>Sirion</i>. The end. That is our mission.
But some of the crew... Just because the Direidi are a little different in their beliefs and seem to be in good spirits, certain members of the crew seem to be very distrustful. They don't try to hide it either. They signed on to be StarFleet officers - this is their job, and they never used to complain....not when we were on Celtron V, not about the Marans...
I keep wondering what happened to the sense of adventure, the excitement for going somewhere new. I've never been here before but I find it to be a beautiful place with very welcoming people. If the crew continues like this, I just hope we aren't sent on any more diplomatic or first contact missions...
On the other hand, a good portion of the crew does seem to be enjoying themselves, or at least simply doing their duty without complaint. I think Mark and Sara are enjoying this to an extent, though if I know Mark, he's probably got some form of undercover mission going on under my nose. I don't really appreciate it, but as he's an Intelligence officer, I can understand it. Todd seems to be enjoying Direidi. Then again, he likes history and knows a lot about the planet and its people.
What rather alarmed me was finding Cheetara as I did. Someone knocking her out doesn't make much sense... Why her? Why not any of the rest of us? It leaves me wondering who did it. I'll be sure to be on my guard. I'd rather not alarm the others - they're skeptical enough.
Hopefully we can find the survey team and ship within a few days. I believe the crew could use a shoreleave, though I'm not sure where yet...
Personal Log OFF
Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 11:02 pm
by Kersare
<Blood and Iron>
<<Kersare's quarters, 2005, Day 1>>
Personal Log ON:
Today has been one of the longest I've had in awhile. Granted, the mission on Direidi was rather long, but at least it kept me guessing. The only things on today's list were reading through reports, reading through crew transfers, reading through damage reports, and meeting my new officers.
The new officers seem rather promising at least. Cameron I've known for awhile now. He seems to be doing well, and I'm sure he'll do well aboard the Malinche. It'll be good to have him around again. His Assistant Chief Medical Officer, Thea, seems like a very caring woman. Strong-willed as well. I was a bit surprised that she made a meal for me, but she is a doctor, after all. Jack should bring a good balance to the Intel department. He seemed to have his head on his shoulders.
Josephine is a pleasant woman, though I can't say I'm looking forward to having a session with her. My experiences with counselors have been...difficult. I know they're only trying to help, but many times talking about things is like opening up old wounds. I know that Derek will come up, and considering what happened during the last mission, I suppose he should...I just wish the subject could be left alone.
Our new Chief Security/Tactical Officer is quite competent in his duties. I was rather impressed by his service record. The only thing that troubles me about him is his wish to see Jaran dead. Under the circumstances, I can see where he's coming from to a point, but I also understand that Jaran has a very tortured soul.
There are still a few new officers I have to meet, which I'm sure will happen soon. For now, my head already feels like it's spinning. So much has happened.
I'm still not sure which crewmembers were killed when the shuttle exploded during Jaran's escape. Of course, that's partially because I don't know which ones were apprehended on Starbase 259. I'm sure James will be getting back to me on that shortly.
I'm willing to show the one who sent us the message about their whereabouts some leniency, and I'll do what I can during the inquiry and court martial. The others...I'm not so sure what will happen. Stripped of their ranks and duties perhaps, demotion at the least, I would think.
I'm not sure it's the wisest choice, but I do believe I'll go talk to Jaran to see what he was thinking. Perhaps after that, I'll have some more insight into the situation and his thoughts regarding what happened. I can then see if the intruder that was aboard earlier when we were hit once again, can confirm or deny Jaran's story regarding what happened on Starbase 259.
Somehow, I don't think this shoreleave will be all that relaxing for me...
Personal Log OFF
Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2008 8:45 pm
by Kersare
<Lost and Found>
<<Captain's Ready Room, 1750, Day 3>>
Personal Log ON:
It's been a long day already...a long mission already, yet I have a feeling it'll get worse before it gets better. Tensions are high, which isn't surprising considering our adversary.
I suppose I'm handling things fairly well - I've been doing alright at keeping my feelings in check and have kept my mind off of Derek (NPC) as much as possible. It's difficult to completely do that though, considering the similarity of the situation to that day...
Anyway, our newest Chief Medical Officer seems competent and pleasant. Hopefully she'll stay longer than our last few. Unfortunately her first mission with us isn't the easiest, to say the least. We'll see how things go when she works with Mason.
The...visit..from the Sentinel crewmembers was interesting. Even considering the short amount of time I spent with them, I get the impression that working on that ship is anything but dull. They seemed friendly enough, and a bit more relaxed and light-hearted than my crew.
Of course, since Derek's death I haven't exactly been the picture of ilght-heartedness or all that relaxed. Perhaps I should have some more sessions with Nora....maybe speaking with her will help me heal more and regain some of the old Isabel. I'll make a note to do so once this mission is over.
I'm anxious to hear back from Todd and Turuas'ta. I'm curious as to whether they've found James' away team and I've been hoping to get a communication from the soon with visual/audio from the Sirion. I know standard protocal is for the Captain to not go the away team, but part of me feels compelled to do so. At least with an audio/visual link I'll be able to see what they see - and help to determine the extent of the damage.
I'm hoping that we will find more survivors or that we'll be able to help some of those who were assimilated - time will tell. I'm sure StarFleet will be interested in whatever we do find.
Time to get back to the bridge..
Personal Log OFF
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 11:56 pm
by Kersare
<Lost and Found>
<<Isabel's quarters, 0030, Day 4>>
Personal Log ON:
I think of all the missions I've been sent on with the Malinche, this one has been the most taxing. I suppose it's not all that surprising considering this mission deals with the Borg - any mission involving them is bound to be a major headache and very dangerous. However, a small part of me had hoped to find the Sirion adrift with no...surprises...aboard.
Of course, the Sirion has been anything but unsurprising. For that matter, the nebula hasn't exactly been predictable, but it is a nebula after all.
The one positive thing is that the number of Borg on the Sirion has been decreasing, from my understanding, which means we should be able to get it ready to take back soon. Well, relatively soon at least.
Everything else, however, has gone wrong. Of everything, I think Borg on the Sentinel and finding Derek have been the most devastating news. Considering what James mentioned the last I spoke with him, I'm wondering if the Borg are only acting erratically on the Sirion due to interference from the nebula; they seem to have no problems assimilating the Intrepid Class starship, anyway.
Speaking of which, I've had Communications trying to hail the Sentinel for hours, to no avail. At least nothing decipherable. I'd like to send a team over there, but I'd rather not send a second team to a second ship... When I last left the bridge, we still hadn't heard from the away team. Granted, that was a couple hours ago, but I was supposed to be notified of anything significant.
I've been trying to sleep least an hour or so now, but the continual thoughts running through my head prevent it. I'm as wide awake now as I was this afternoon. The first thoughts were of Derek...or the drone...I hope the Doctor finds out his true identity soon so I'm not left wondering. Nora gave me quite a bit to think about - that kept my mind busy for awhile... Now though I'd rather forget about Derek. I've been even more of an emotional wreck since seeing him - I suppose it really started when I learned of this mission, however. I have to try to stay focused, so I've been distracting myself with everything else.
I may try resting another hour or so, but then I'll likely give up and just head back to the bridge. I want to find out if there's been any news from the Sentinel or Away team.
God be with us all...
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Sat Sep 11, 2010 1:18 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 17 - Inferno's Light>
<<Ready Room, Day 13, 1100>>
Personal Log ON:
Of all the things we could've found when we arrived at Athos III, I certainly didn't expect this... Perhaps an issue with their communications array or some small crisis that prevented them from contacting StarFleet. Maybe even some kind of natural disaster.
This, however, was anything but natural. At least, that's my initial feeling. I'm fairly confident that the away team will confirm that, though. The sheer magnitude of the damage done to the planet indicates to me that some form of weapon was used. What exactly it was or who did it, I have no idea. I'm sure StarFleet will want a full report about it, regardless.
Of the various possibilities, I can't quite put my finger on who could be responsible, which would be the first step towards finding out what happened here and why. Even though we're near the Cardassian Border, I have a hard time believing they would have done something like this. I wouldn't completely count them out at this point, but still. Even if the Romulans weren't so fragmented I can't see them coming over here to test out a weapon; they'd be more inclined to test it within their own borders so as to not draw more attention to themselves.
The more I think about it, I suppose it is more likely that the Cardassians were responsible, given their proximity to the colony.
I don't know, something just doesn't add up. I can't quite put my finger on it. I try to reason the whole thing out in mind, but... I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what the away team comes up with. Hopefully whatever they find will give us more clues as to what happened and how.
On another note, Lieutenant Hansen is no longer with us. As far as I know, he had no warning about it either, but a runabout showed up with orders that Sean had to leave. It would be nice if I had some idea as to why that had happened as well, but it appears that mysteries are all around us this mission. It's a shame, really. I thought that Sean would work out well on the Malinche, but for now we'll make do. James should be able to handle most things, although Operations is somewhat new for him.
I hope we get some answers soon, but being an Engineer for years I know that it's rarely that easy. It's much more likely that we'll end up with more questions, at least at first.
Time to head back to the bridge...I want to be there in case something else happens or the away team returns.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 8:52 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 17 - Inferno's Light>
<<Ready Room, Day 15, 0830>>
Personal Log ON:
I'm happy to say that I have found out that Setak was able to find a cure and Ryan (NPC) will be alright. He's still being monitored in Sickbay, but since the cure has been given to both him and Setak, we have no more need for quarantine. While never having to deal with the virus again would be preferable, I'm hoping we're able to find more of Setak's research so that we can report it and the cure to StarFleet.
I'm afraid that to do that, we'll have to be able to access the records on one of the Mirror Universe ships. Whether we can do that from the Malinche or if an away team would have to be sent, I'm not sure. I'll make sure we're prepared for either option. And the opportunity will likely come soon. I've already discussed the situation with Jason and Aaron; we'll be going after the Mirror Universe ships in the next few hours.
If that isn't enough, I do still have the matter of Setak to deal with. He did earn some of my trust by coming up with the cure... But I don't know that that's enough. We know so little about him, and that can be dangerous. On the other hand, perhaps he could be an asset to us, especially in Sickbay. Technically, we're obligated to ensure he gets back to the Mirror Universe. However, I have sent an inquiry to StarFleet to see what would need to happen in order for him to stay - particularly if he claims asylum. I think that might be likely, considering those he was with essentially left him to die.
For the time being, I've given him temporary quarters. Sirak (NPC) has been tasked with keeping an eye on him if he decides to move about the ship, and there are always at least two guards outside his door if he's in his quarters. I simply can't take any chances, especially since we'll soon be engaging the Mirror Universe vessels.
I should head back out to the bridge; there are still some final preparations that need to be taken care of before we leave.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Sat Aug 27, 2011 1:06 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home>
<<Isabel's Quarters, Day 1, 1800 hours>>
Personal Log ON:
Well, it's certainly been an interesting day to say the least. Obviously I was concerned about the events that delayed our departure yesterday, but then there was the special visitor, suggesting sabotage. Until then, I just wanted to see repairs completed so we could get on to our next mission, but now we really must get to the bottom of what actually happened. I don't know that it will be an easy task, but the crew is certainly capable. We've gotten ourselves out of some pretty difficult situations, so I'm sure we can handle this.
I'm hoping that L'Randil and James will come up with some more information about what exactly went wrong and why. They may be able to figure out how the person got into our system - or however they did it - as well...which would certainly be good to know. To be honest, the types of issues we were having seemed rather odd to begin with and definitely unnerving. At least we didn't have a chance to leave and then have them occur.
It would seem that Devon came aboard just in time as well. I think his previous experience with investigation will be quite beneficial given the current situation, but also in general. SIrak (NPC) is, of course, trained in investigation as well, but having two crew who are familiar with it is even better, in my opinion. Which reminds me, I need to finish brushing up on that incident from Starbase 10 that Devon was involved in solving. It certainly seemed like quite the mystery, so I'm interested to know more. Between the information from L'Randil and the information Setak just told me about, I think Devon will have some good leads.
Speaking of Setak, he seems to be adjusting fairly well considering he's from the Mirror Universe. My guess is that Karyn will want to speak with him....well, most of us really... It'll be different having someone else in Counseling rather than Nora, that's for sure. Anyway, back to Setak. I realize his impression was that a Vulcan did a Vulcan neck pinch on the crewmember, but I have a sneaking suspicion it was a Romulan, considering the circumstances. If that was the case, my guess is that whoever the attacker was, they're no longer on the Malinche as they only needed to delay as and they have thus far succeeded in that. Most likely the attacker is no longer on the base at all, but perhaps he or she stuck around to ensure that things went as planned. I'm sure Devon will want to question the crewmember and see where he was assigned...if the attacker rendered him unconscious so that he or she could take over and fulfill their plan, perhaps they needed access to the precise area the crewmember was assigned to. Then again, maybe I'm over thinking this.
So many questions and pieces to the puzzle, but we still need answers and to put everything together to know what really happened. Then we can set things right...well, I can, I hope. I'll try to relax some this evening and see what updates Nora can get first thing in the morning.
Personal Log OFF
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2011 11:18 am
by Kersare
<Mission 19 - Another Voyage Home>
<<USS Malinche, Isabel's Quarters, Day 2, 0800>>
Personal Log ON:
Normally I'd already be on the bridge by now, but I wanted to take some extra time this morning to go over the information that Devon sent last night. I read through it before getting some sleep, along with the various other reports, but wanted to have a chance to let the information digest, so to speak, before really delving in. I must say that I'm rather impressed he was able to essentially finish the investigation so quickly.
I'm glad to see that the Crewman has been cleared of any wrong doing. Obviously if he was unconcious he couldn't have been the one to do it, though I'm not particularly comfortable with the fact that he was incapacitated to begin with. The timing is unsurprising... It would have been extremely difficult if not impossible to make a switch during a shift - or so I would hope.
As far as I know or have heard, there haven't been any adult Vulcans who haven't been able to perform a neck pinch properly, or at least none that would have the talent to carry out a mission such as the one that the saboteur took. So, Ican only see two possibilities here...either the saboteur was not a Vulcan or the saboteur was a Vulcan who deliberately messed up the neck pinch to throw us off. I'd still find it exceedingly difficult to believe that a Vulcan would so something like this though.
I would say that the third item is a logical conclusion... Technically though, as long as the person had knowledge of Federation ship systems in general, they would likely be able to adapt enough to cause issues for us without being knowledgeable in the Prometheus class itself. Having the knowledge, or at least studying up on it, would be crucial however. Not knowing it could add enough time to the operation that the saboteur could've been caught, after all.
This last item gives me more pause than the others, in a way. It could be that he had been keeping tabs on the Malinche's repairs; that would have been a smart thing to do. However, given the circumstances, I find this slightly less likely. I was only told a day ago by a Temporal Agent that things were amiss... Theoretically, I could have been warned before the sabotage happened, but I was not. Perhaps the agent didn't know the specifics though, and thus we needed to investigate. In any event, if a Temporal Agent came to me later on to clue me in, it stands to reason that the saboteur was given specific information right before their mission - or the saboteur could be from the future.
Of course, I can't discuss any of those theories with my crew. They aren't supposed to know about the issues with the timeline that we'll be tasked with fixing. It's a shame really, as they would likely be able to help me even more if they knew... And really, how much could it hurt? I'm the one going back in time with that device to help prevent the sabotage, after all. They shouldn't remember anything.
The Agent was quite clear though... Maybe there'll be some residual effects from 'resetting' things and that's why I can't tell them. Anyway, having the knowledge is a burden, as I'd rather just be honest with my crew. I suppose, though, that Captains and other higher-ups in StarFleet have to keep certain information to themselves, at least for a time.
At least they'll get to know what our real mission is, according to the Temporal Agent. I won't have to hide that from them. Of course, I imagine it would be rather difficult to hide the fact that we're going back to twentieth century Earth. Perhaps I should start doing some planning on that as well. The crew may not be able to know about it, but that doesn't mean that I can't get a jump start on it...
I think I'll call a staff meeting for this afternoon to discuss the sabotage. In the meantime, I'll catch up with the various shakedown reports, brainstorm some ideas for our true mission, and figure out how to contribute to the meeting without giving anything away.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 7:14 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 20 - Answers>
<<USS Malinche, Ready Room, Day 1, 1345>>
Personal Log ON:
I find myself in a difficult position yet again.Some, of course, are easier to deal with than others. Attempting to keep the peace between Marco and Jonathan a few years ago, with their childish pranks on each other, seems preferable by comparison. Even making the decision to allow Setak to remain on board as Chief Medical Officer was simple compared to this.
The situation with Setak has had me reflecting on my time as Commanding Officer and the various challenges I have faced. There were trying times and difficult missions. But the only things that could possibly be more difficult than this would include dealing with the Borg and the trial and assassination of Abubakar Jaran. Losing crew to the Borg was terrible, though to some extent not unforeseeable. We mourned their losses, though the Malinche was not as hard hit as the Intrepid class Sentinel.
More difficult for me was dealing with Jaran's actions and death. At that time, I kept my distance from much of the crew... Mostly it was the department heads that I knew better, and that included Jaran. He seemed to be a troubled soul anyway, but I was shocked when I found his actions resulted in the deaths of several of my crew. I had given him a chance, he abused it, and several people paid for it. Despite what he did, I felt more like I failed him and his death was horrible.
Now I'm put in a vaguely similar position. I went out on a limb helping a troubled soul and giving him a place amongst my crew. Of course, in this case nobody was killed, but that was likely only because Nora and Dana (NPC) were there. One could consider it an....overzealous apprehension, but still the violent act worries me. What if one of the crew or a civilian were to say the wrong thing and provoke him? Would he attack them? I must put the crew first.
I don't mind giving people a chance...and I will, in some cases, give more than one chance. And I still feel that Setak can be helped; I just have to figure out the best way. I had a conversation with Sirak (NPC) earlier and she suggested a trip to Vulcan to help him control his emotions, to put it simply. I'm not sure if he'd be willing to do so, nor do I have any guarantees it will work.
Regardless, I think I'll know more once I actually speak to Setak. Until then, I can't make a final decision in good conscience.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Mon Jun 24, 2013 9:47 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 20 - Answers>
<<USS Malinche, Ready Room, Day 10, 0730>>
Personal Log ON:
I think shoreleave has been going fairly well. The Malinche seems to be essentially ready to go, other than a few minor things that need adjusting. I told James to make sure he took some time off, so hopefully he's doing that. Our new crew seem to be fitting in well thus far. Aurora seemed particularly interested with jumping right into things and Alister was keen on looking into the situation with the Romulans. I'm hoping that some of the rest of the crew have introduced themselves to the new crew as well.
Thus far I have received no word from Sirak or Setak, so I have no idea what is happening. I am still hoping that the Vulcans can help him. Of course, he would still need to attend some form of counseling when he returns...if he returns. Later today I'll send a message to Sirak to see what I can find out. As we still haven't gotten our new orders, there is a decent chance they might return before we leave.
As for myself, it appears I'll be making a trip down to Earth. Luckily this time it will be present day Earth... Anyway...Derek suggested that we go down to the planet today. Some would consider it home, but I was raised on a starship. Derek wasn't raised on Earth either, for that matter. But, Earth is where we met, at StarFleet Academy. My guess is that our trip will involve a visit to Academy or some of the sights around San Francisco. I think it will be lovely; I'm interested to see what he has in store for us.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 11:04 am
by Kersare
<Mission 21 - Bad Medicine>
<<Ready Room, Day 2, 1930>>
Personal Log ON:
It had all seemed to be going fairly well tonight…how could things have turned out so wrong? Sure there were a few tense moments and Doctor Brun (NPC) wasn’t exactly on his best behavior, but never in my wildest dreams would I have expected to see one of my guests die. Regardless of the circumstances, it’s still difficult to see it happen, but it’s even more unsettling and shocking when it happens suddenly...without warning.
The whole situation is rather suspicious. From where I was sitting, it seemed that Doctor Keel (NPC) just collapsed and died shortly after eating some of his zabu stew. I trust those who were preparing the meals, but could it really be as…simple…as him having a bad heart? Janor was a young doctor who, to my limited knowledge, had no history of heart problems. An unknown allergy perhaps? If he hadn’t had the zabu stew before, maybe he had a deadly reaction to something in it? The only other thing I can think of is that he was poisoned, but I have no idea how that could have happened.
What I do know, though, is that I want answers. I don’t want to arrive at Betazed while we still have questions about this. If it isn’t simply a pre-existing medical condition or allergy, we have a killer amongst us and I don’t want that person to be able to escape. I’m sure that Setak will work quickly to find the cause of Janor’s death. Since he returned from Vulcan, he does seem to be more focused, which will be helpful. Between Aaron and Alister, I trust that if Janor’s death was not natural, they will get to the bottom of it.
I highly doubt I’ll get much sleep tonight. I asked Britney (PNPC) to find out who we need to notify of Janor’s death, but for now I want to hold off on doing so until we at least determine a cause of death. Perhaps I can have Karyn help me do the notification as well… I imagine she may be busy after this incident though.
Personal Log OFF:
Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Fri Feb 28, 2014 6:44 pm
by Kersare
<Mission 21 - Bad Medicine>
<<Isabel's Quarters, Day 3, 0200>>
Personal Log ON:
It turns out I was right; I won't be getting much sleep tonight at all. I was having trouble falling asleep to begin with, but then C'eltor contacted me... It seems someone has hacked our systems. For what purpose, exactly, is still unclear. Whoever did it apparently went to the holodeck to do so, which seems a bit odd on the surface, but I suppose that with a holographic world around you, you'd be better able to disappear if someone came in while you were hacking.
With the sudden death of the doctor, this hacking incident certainly makes me even more suspicious that his death was no accident. There are a number of things that don't seem to add up though. Why the need for hacking our systems? If Janor's (NPC) death was natural, someone hacking us seems unnecessary... If his death was actually murder, hacking the systems would certainly make us suspicious. And besides, if a murderer had planned to kill him, wouldn't they have come prepared? And if they were prepared, again, why the need to hack our systems?
I can only see a few possible reasons for someone to hack our system... Maybe one of the new crewmembers doesn't trust some of the others or a crewmember that was aboard didn't trust a newcomer. I've not really seen someone hack a ship's systems just to look into something like that, though. Perhaps someone is trying to sabotage the ship, but if so, I would think we would have already noticed some kind of malfunction... It could be that someone went where they shouldn't have and wanted to erase any record of themselves being in that area - that may or may not be related to Janor's death. The only other reason I could see is that someone replicated something - perhaps that poison I thought of earlier or some kind of drug that would kill him?
It's unnerving, not knowing. I hope that Siri and C'eltor can shed more light on what systems were hacked and what was modified...or who did it, even. That may give us some answers. I've already ordered a complete set of diagnostics be run on all ship systems, just in case the hack was meant to sabotage the ship.
I'll see what kind of progress there is once I start my shift. For now, I've sent an encrypted message about it to Nora, Sirak (NPC), and Alister.
Perhaps I should give up on trying to sleep and just read a book...
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Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2014 11:47 am
by Kersare
<Mission 21 - Bad Medicine>
<<Ready Room, Day 3, 1715>>
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I must say that the recent updates on the investigation are troubling... On the one hand, I am glad that Doctor Setak found out the true cause of Doctor Keel's death. It certainly gives us a direction to go in considering the nature of the poison. Not that I would want anyone murdered, but the revelation that the poison was not intended for Doctor Keel makes his death even more tragic. He certainly seemed to be a bright young man with a promising future that has been cut short.
I know how careful the lounge staff typically is, but I have a difficult time believing any of them were involved. If I had to guess, I would say that the killer planted the poison ahead of time somehow and the wait staff simply mixed up the dishes...easy to have happen since both doctors ordered similar meals. Of course, Doctor Brun's order was a bit more particular, but still. I don't know all that much about Doctor Brun, so I'm not sure why he would have been the least not yet.
The issue of having someone hack into our systems is no small matter either. Obviously there's a level of expertise involved and the person would have needed to study the Prometheus-class layout to determine which locations would suit his or her needs. We really need to determine what systems were hacked and what was altered - it may be important to the investigation.
Speaking of the investigation, I just read Lieutenant Masterson's report on Lieutenant JG Roen. Normally I wouldn't ask to have new crew vetted, but under the circumstances I felt it was necessary...especially since she's the new Assistant Chief Security/Tactical Officer. I want to have her assist with the investigation, but had to make sure she couldn't have been involved. It seems that her record is clean and her whereabouts have been accounted for since she came aboard, so I'm going to meet with her to bring her up to speed. I'd like to have her work with Lieutenant McKeon on questioning the other doctors. I may have her touch base with Sirak as well, since Sirak was present for the questioning of Doctor Banks.
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Re: Kersare, Isabel
Posted: Thu Jan 25, 2018 9:00 am
by Kersare
<Mission 23 - Back For More>
<<Barcelona, Kersare Residence, Day 2, 1900>>
Personal Log On:
Although I initially put up some resistance to the idea of actually taking shoreleave while we're docked at Spacedock, I'm glad I ended up doing so. I've only been here in Barcelona at my parents' home for about a day, but I have to admit that the city has some beautiful and interesting features. Having grown up on a starship, I didn't really expect them to find a place to live on a planet, much less Earth. I suppose it makes sense though...they aren't officially assigned to any specific ship and I'm sure it's nice to have plenty of room all to themselves. Plus, I remember Gabi (PNPC) mentioning awhile ago that they had gotten curious about genealogy and as it turns out, some of our ancestors were from Spain.
Today we did some sightseeing around the city and we're going out for dinner in a little while. I think we may visit Seville as well while I'm here, time permitting. My parents have also suggested that I visit Starfleet Academy; it's changed over the years, according to them, and they think I might be interested in some of the changes. I'm considering heading to San Francisco tomorrow or the day after. If memory serves, Derek and Viradia (PNPC) are in the area...perhaps I should contact them and see if they'd like to get together.
I am starting to wonder when I'll hear from Starfleet about our new crew and our next mission. I'm sure Awen (PNPC) will let me know if and when anything comes through for me. We have only been here two days thus far. I'm sure we'll be on our way to our next mission within the next week...preferably with additional crew.
Awen has been doing a great job as Acting Executive Officer while also taking care of the Security/Tactical department, but I hate to have people covering multiple departments. Truth be told, Awen could be in charge of her own ship and do well at it, but I think she enjoys what she does now. Come to think of it, Starfleet did actually hint that they had found us a new Chief Medical Officer - someone familiar, even. We've had quite a few different ones over the years, so I'm not quite sure who it might be.
Well, time to go for now. I'm not entirely sure where it is that we're eating, but Mom and Dad assure me that the food and atmosphere are excellent. Thus far I've not been disappointed, so I'm inclined to believe them. We may wander around the city afterwards or go see a show of some sort; it should be a nice evening. Part of me does still miss the Malinche - she's my home, after all, and has been for nearly fourteen years - but I'm going to enjoy my time here while I can.
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