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Thundera, Cheetara
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:39 am
by Thundera
Mission: Future Horizons
Time: Day 20, 1705
Location: Tactical Office
Personal Log On:
The rescue mission briefing was a disaster. All the screaming and shouting gave me a headache. You would think that the crew would be able to work better with each other than that. P'ayanna throwing a padd across the room at Petra, Grayson and Abu arguing like no tomorrow trying to deface each other's rescue plan. I'm glad I'm not a man. They seem to have too much pride and arrogance. Granted I know that I can be very arrogant at times, it's not as much as men are.
I couldn't believe the way I got jumped on either. I was only making a little joke. Hell, I even laughed(which is rare). I guess the really don't understand the humor. I'm sure Harrison would have laughed at it. I wonder about that girl. She seems so distant from everyone. I don't think she's used to being an individual yet. The fact that she was in sickbay earlier for no real injury leads me to believe that she's going through post separation anxiety still. I could help her with that if she'd only talk to me. I don't understand what's wrong with her. I can barely get her to say two words to me. Plus the fact that she is still going by her borg designation bugs the hell out of me. I hope she gets used to her real name.
Oops, time for duty.
End Log.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:39 am
by Thundera
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<Bridge, Day 20, 1825>
Peronsal Log On:
This new weapons specialist seems to be smart. But I'm still one step ahead of him. It appears that he's already tried to access the computer and was denied. So he decided that he would get someone else to do it for him, but I stopped that one too.
He thinks he funny. Well, I'm gonna teach him a few things. He's gonna learn about this department and how I operate. Does he really think that this department or assignment will be a cakewalk? This is a state of the art battleship. Nothing should be easy, and I think he needs to learn that.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:39 am
by Thundera
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<Bridge, Day 20, 1855>
Personal Log On:
Preperations have been attended to. Weapons systems appear to be in perfect working order. Cheetara wonders what's gonna happen while the Captain's meeting is going on. She would feel much better is she was able to go with the Captain, but then who would run the ship? Besides, if something should happen, she would need to be there. P'ayanna is on the surface with Hunt, Petra, Darkhelm, Grayson, and Abu for the rescue mission, so that would limit them. She let out a deep sigh as she thought oh well.
Now this new Weapons Specialist seems interesting. He passed my little test for the most part. He still needs to be smoothed out around the edges. He seems to be a little high strung about things. He definantly needs to learn about watching his tone and attitude with Superior Officers. I'm sure P'ayanna will deal with that when she gets back. She seems to like to chew people up.
I wonder how things are going on down there. I wish there was a way to keep in touch with their progress throughout the away mission. I really don't like the looks of the odds and dangers that are appearantly going to be in their way.
The Captain's calling.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:40 am
by Thundera
ON:<<USS Malinche>>
<Corridors, Day 20, 1935>
Just leaving Sickbay, she began one of her personal logs.
I just left a meeting with one of the medical officers in sickbay. He seems to think that Harrison is having some medical troubles that they can't figure out. Now he's asking me if I'll go and talk to her. I'm not sure if I really should. After all, it's really none of my business and she never seems to ever talk to me. I don't even think that she likes me. We do seem to have some conflicting interests on the ship. It might just all be in my head. I'm gonna go try and talk to her like I told him that I would. Let's see if she warms up to me at all.
Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 12:40 am
by Thundera
ON:<<USS Malinche>>
<Tactical Office, Day 20, 2000>
Peronsal Log On:
My head is swimming with too many thoughts. I think I need to meditate. I just left from Harrison's quarters. Things with her seem to be deeper than she wants to let on. For some reason she's trying to isolate herself from everyone. I don't think that she's able to deal with the seperation anxiety very well. I remember when I had to do it. It was a very difficult thing. After years of being used to always having it there, it's just up and gone. But I know it's alot more difficult for her. I still have some background noises, but that's because of my telepathic abilities. For her it's just dead silence. But then again, it was terribly difficult to be able to control my abilities after returning to somewhat of a humanoid form. Especially at first, when I all I could hear was everyone's thoughts rushing into my head. I'm glad those dreadful times are over.
I feel bad for Harrison. I can sense that she wants friends, and thinks she has them. But how can she really consider her roommates friends when they really don't see each other. All of them work different shifts and in different departments. Granted, I'm not one to talk about having friends with not having htat many myself. But I choose to be the way I am. The only thing I really require is respect from people. And for the most part, I have it from most crew members. I think I'm going to go talk to T'serra about Harrison.
End Log.
Posted: Tue Mar 07, 2006 3:51 am
by Thundera
ON: <<Celton V>>
<Planet Surface, Day 1, 1600>
We've been following the tracks that could be Harrisons. This is a very strange place. I no longer have any communication with the Captain or her team. It's starting to worry me. How can I do my duty of ensuring the safety of the ship and crew if I can't locate none of them. Brewer is starting to pluck my nerves some. Especially when he comes out trying to question my actions in a round about way without actually doing it. It seems as if he thinks that I don't notice it. He's going to be in for a surprise once we get back to the ship and finds out he has to clean out all of the armories. (Cheetara giggled)
I really hope that we can find Harrison before it's too late and something horrible happens to her. She can be a pain sometimes, but I can understand why. She's still so newly out of the collective and having a hard time adjusting. I just don't understand why she hasn't expected my help that I've offered time and again. Maybe after we find her, save her butt, and get back to the ship, the she'll realize I'm not really a 'monster' and accept the offer to help. I wonder if she'd like a regenerator like I have? That way she wouldn't have to stand up while regenerating and sleeping. I think that may help out her somewhat of a disposition.
Posted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 1:39 pm
by Thundera
OFF: this is for the end of the mission. It will help in understanding what I put in my shoreleave post
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<Personal Quarters, Day 1, 2330>
I have just come back from Main Engineering where I had been talking to Ensign Harrison. She has informed me that she has to the ship but won't tell me exactly why. I thinks it's a little strange. There seemed to be a hint of sorrow in her voice as we talked. I wonder if maybe some of her 'emotional walls' have begin to come down. I must admit that I myself wish she didn't have to leave. I feel as if I was finally starting to get through to her. I wonder if maybe it was her emotions that were coming out and scared her to run. I remember how that can be. I've done it myself.
I seemed to have promised her that I would help out in Engineering when I could. I'm not sure how that's gonna be possible with all the work that I need to for my department. I still have not gotten a replacement for when P'ayanna was transferred out. It's not like I really need one though. I'm very efficient in my job. I'm sure I'll find time to help out until a replacement is found for her. Well, tomorrow's a new day. And I need to get some rest and regeration. Night.
Posted: Mon Mar 27, 2006 6:40 pm
by Thundera
ON:<<USS Malinche>>
<Holodeck 2, Day 1, 1030>
Cheetara had been putting together a list of programs that she would do with the training. Cheetara really hated dealing with alot of new personnel at one time. She wondered if Shandris would live up to her expectations. She began thinking of when P'yanna was aboard with her. P'yanna had some strange ethics from Cheetara's point of view, but then again, most people do. She wondered how long it would take her to get used to Shandris, and if Shandris would ever get used to her.
CADETS! she began thinking. Oh how much trouble they can be. She wondered why she ever agreed to training them. Granted she didn't have much of a personal life anyway, especially with Harrison and T'serra gone. But she did want to try and relax a little while on shoreleave. She had thought about actually going onto the station for a while and see if there was anyone who might want to do some friendly jousting in a holodeck.
She looked at the time. It said 1045. Just another hour and they'll be here. I hope they are ready for some real training. I'm sure that they aren't gonna know about my talk with Monal. It'll be a great surprise for them.
End log.
Posted: Sun Apr 30, 2006 3:12 pm
by Thundera
ON: <<USS Malinche>>
<Conference Room, Day 0, 1320>
Cheetara sat there and listened as her idea was shot down by members of the crew after she had tried to incorporate every idea into one. She knew of how twisted the Direidi could be with other cultures. She perticularly wasn't fond of having to go there. She knew her job consisted of protecting the ship and the crew by whatever means ordered, and that's what she planned to do. She was sure that Kersare would come to a rational decision from the ideas posted. She really just couldn't wait until the meeting was over because there was someone that she wanted to contact to find out how they were doing.
Posted: Sat Aug 05, 2006 2:43 am
by Thundera
<<Hotel Direidi>>
<Conference Room, 1730, Day 3>
Cheetara sat listening to everyone as she gave out ideas and opinions. She was very concerned about what was going on. She wondered if she would truly be able to withstand the effects of the EM Fields. She figured that as long as her back up node enhancers were working that everything would be ok.
Then she thought about the visions she was having. She wondered if in fact that they could be used to help find the Sirion Crew and the missing ship. If by some way that a communication was trying to come through but 'bouncing' off of alterior echoes. She had not fully developed her Betaziod abilities, but had accomplished alot in the past years. They were growing more and more each day. She thought that maybe the EM Fields were helping to disable some of the mind nodes to allow the abilities to grow, however it was at an alarming rate of what she was not used to. She only hoped that the 'visions' would become helpful in solving the mystery.
Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:23 am
by Thundera
<Basement Warehouse, Day 3, 2210>
I'm getting tired of all these games. They are immoral and primitive. However it was interesting to play the chess game. I can't wait until we can find the rest of the missing members and get back onto the ship. I can only imagine what will happen next. I wonder what the captain, or starfleet for that matter, is going to think of our reports when we finally get out of here. Only time will tell.
Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 5:04 pm
by Thundera
Lost and Found
Day 2, 0800
Science Office
Cheetara sat in her new office. She couldn't believe everything she'd been through. It was great to be back aboard her old ship even though not at her old station. She knew the challenges that were to await her in this new position, and was ready to conquer them.
Rest is what she really needed. A break from everything going on. Borg, Borg, and more Borg. That's all that she seemed to deal with. It was bad enough that she was trying to get her humanity back, but how did people expect her to do it when all they wanted was for her to keep going back to her forced roots.
If they only knew, she thought. I'm gonna be the belle of the ball once I finish with my experimental procedures. No longer will I have these pieces of machinery on my face and body. No longer will people know that I was a Borg. It may take a few years, but I will overcome and shock the universe. She ended the log and went about her duties
Posted: Thu Jan 10, 2008 4:19 am
by Thundera
Lost and Found
Day 3, 1402
Gamma Bridge
My mind is a jumble. Many thoughts of the past are running through it; making me relive parts of the past. "We are the Borg" and screams from those being assimilated echo in the back of my head as usual when any Borg mission comes. I now know why Starfleet command let me come back here.
I can't help but wonder, "why me?". Why am I the one they always send. Out of all the people in Starfleet. Out of the other former drones like my prodigy Pumyra, why only me?
With the sensor array completed, she watched for anything abnormal. Well, in this case, more abnormal than usual
Posted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 5:41 pm
by Thundera
Lost and Found
Day 3 1530
Jeffries Tubes
I can't believe what is going on around here with the ship and all it's problems. Not to mention the fact that now we have a sabator aboard. As if this mission wasn't difficult enough.
I can only imagine what the captain is going to think with this information. I hate to be the one to be the bearer of bad news. All this confusion and I have to add more to it. I really hope that this will be a misuderstanding.
Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:57 pm
by Thundera
Lost and Found
Day 3 1700
Turbo Lift
I can't believe all this commotion on the ship. Well hopefully things will get back to normal with the algorithms fixed. Now I get to go meet my new assistant and start figuring out this Dark Matter Theory. This should prove for some interesting conversations between her, Sovak and I.
Ugh, this turbo lift is starting to make me a little queezy.
*Mental Note* -- Remember to report this to the engineering teams.