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Horizon Fleet Annual Award Nominations - DEADLINE SOON!

Posted: Thu Feb 07, 2008 8:34 pm
by Kersare

I'm very excited to say that we are quickly approaching HF's 1 year anniversary. As such, that means we'll be giving out Annual Awards.

All nominations must be sent to me ( dpa[at] ) between February 1st and February 10th.

Here are the guidelines:

Simm of the Year - Normally this would be chosen from the 12 Simm of the Month winners, however, since we'll only have 2 by the time we're selecting Annual Awards, any ship that has been active (CO graduated from Academy and had 6 crew) for at least 1 month will be eligible.

Post of the Year - Normally this would be chosen from the 12 Post of the Month winners, however, since we'll only have 2 when selecting Annual Awards, each CO may nominate ONE post or JP written in the past year.

CO of the Year - May be nominated by any Fleet member (A CO cannot nominate him/herself). Nomination should be accompanied by written explanation of why the nominee is deserving.

XO or Character of the Year - Nominated by COs. Nomination should be accompanied by written explanation of why the nominee is deserving. Sample posts may be provided.

Once I've received the nominations, I'll compile them, submit them to the FC & COs, then open polls for them.

Winners will receive one of the following:
[a] An ad for their simm written by a qualified FC member
1-3 graphics for their website created by a qualified FC member
[c] A FC member to be a guest writer for their simm (ranging from 1 post ? 1 month of posting, depending on need of the simm and/or availability)
[d] A request made by the CO of the winning simm which is deemed reasonable by the FC

Also, if anyone has suggestions on other contests or activities to help celebrate our one year anniversary, please e-mail me.

Please also send this message to your crews so that they'll be aware of the Annual Awards (and so they can potentially nominate YOU for CO of the Year!).

Remember: All nominations must be sent to me ( dpa[at] ) between February 1st and February 10th.

Thank you!

Vice Admiral Kailani Livian
DPA Director
Horizon Fleet