Red Alert! Full power to shields and weapons!!" cried Jordan Ross as she moved towards her seat.
"Mr. Christie, divert all power to defensive systems," said Tyler from the XO's seat.
"Where did those Romulans come from?" Lieutenant Turim asked.
"I've got no bloody idea," replied Operations Officer Owen Christie. "That's why they are such a deadly threat."
"Tyler, take the helm!"
"On it, Captain!" Tyler called as he made his way to the conn.
Tyler was nervous but he called to Ensign Roberts' mind to extract all his knowledge of the helm. Despite the fact that he had been trained as part of jhis command training, Tyler needed the young helmsman experience.
Captain Ross climbed into her chair from the deckfloor. Damn plasma torpedoes, she thought. Their shields, no matter how upgraded, did not serve as a defense against Romulan torpedoes. She wondered how they managed to get past their new sensors but then pushed that thought out of her mind and brought herself back to the present. "Tyler, are you ko down there?"
"Yes Jordan, I am. I will be just fine," he lied through his teeth but made it sound convincing. Tyler was a master of the 'poker face' as it were. He could fake out even the best players. His friends held a poker night on Thursday nights every week and he loved playing with them.
He loved every thing about the crew and his friends but he knew he would have to leave soon. He had been thinking about transferring for quite sometime now and had found the perfect post for it; Astrometrics Officer on the USS Malinche. Depsite the ship being a dedicated warship, he knew that they needed a good cartographer so he applied with it after speaking to Jordan, of course.
And this was the defining moment. He didn't like being on the bridge when his ship is under attack. He had most definitely made his mind; he was transferring pending his new captain and his current captain's approval.
Fear is Your Worst Enemy
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
Fear is Your Worst Enemy

Lt JG Tyler Elbrun
Astrometrics Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B