Lieutenant Commander Tyler Elbrun sat in the center chair while Captain Ross was off the Bridge. This ship started out as his dream ship, Lieutenant, junior grade in 3 months and First Officer 4 months after that. But after 3 years as FO, there was a slight change; Captain Hennessey had left and Captain Ross was a much different commanding officer.
Captain Ross was almost a taskmaster compared to Hennessey. Ross was always micro-managing everything that went on aboard the Pegasus. She constantly berated Captain Hennessy-Harding for leaving her with such imbeciles in charge of the ship. Tyler took great offense to that statement since he was the one running the ship in the interim and he made the mistake of telling Ross that one day. Jordan Ross told Tyler that his days on the Pegasus were numbered.
Then came the mission that would change every member of the Pegasus's lives forever. They were sent to the Archer Expanse where they were promptly buffeted by all manner of stellar phenomenon such as cosmic sink holes and gravity wells. The hull of the Pegasus was breached in multiple places including the Engineering hull and the left nacelle. Captain Ross gave the order to seperate and to use the experimental D-Warp drive to make it back to Federation space.
The D-Warp drive was a failure because the saucer section didn't make it back until two years later after all the crew had been debriefed and reassigned to other posts. Tyler, as the highest-ranked officer, had gone through a court-martial but was acquitted of all charges. He was assigned to the Academy as assistant professor of Astrometrics/Stellar Phenomenon. That position was one he truly loved because he was able to get back into research; which was his first and true love.
Throwing himself feet first into teaching, he soon found out that he didn't like being stuck on Earth. Not that he didn't love the planet, it was just that he needed to get back into space. So, when an Astrometrics/Stellar Cartography position came open he applied for it in an instant not caring what class of ship it was on. And when he received the letter from Captain Kersare, he answered her back quickly and was soon on his way to the Prometheus-class ship in a matter of days. He had to take a demotion in rank to take the billet but that didn't matter to him as rank meant nothing to him.
What Does a Science Officer Really Need?
Moderators: Tournneau, Korath, Kersare
What Does a Science Officer Really Need?
Lt JG Tyler Elbrun
Astrometrics Officer
USS Malinche NCC-38897-B