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Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Sat May 16, 2009 6:35 pm
by Rho
<< Starfleet Science Ship USS Legacy, Dining Facility, Day 7 En Route >>
One week…it had been one long, lousy week since she boarded the Legacy to carry her to Starbase 386 where she would wait for the USS Malinche. Seven days ago, Captain Van Pelt gave her a PADD containing her new orders, Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer for the Malinche. She was looking forward to the solitude of the trip and the few days of free time she would have before the Malinche docked. That is, until that very first day of the voyage, in the same room she was in now, Ensign Pa'raak sat down at the table with her. It was then that he first learned they were headed to the same Starbase. Since that time, he had usually been a few steps behind her wherever she went. He really was harmless; Alexis had “scanned” him after he started following her. The bony, awkward, Stellar Cartographer was more of an annoyance than anything. And now, here she was, seven days later, still trying to avoid him. Then, a voice behind her…
“Hey! What a coincidence! Look who’s here. Mind if I join you?”
Before Alexis could answer, Pa’raak took his seat. He always spoke with a nervous hesitation when he looked her in the face. “I hhear the Legacy is bbbehind schedule due to that ion sstorm.”
Great, now her free time was getting cut into. But that was the least of her worries at the moment. She had to ditch this parasite.
<< Starbase 386 Airlock 003, Arrival Day >>
Alexis Rho was walking down the airlock. If she hadn’t purposed to keep her guard up, she would’ve felt a “bump” that may have jostled her pretty good. Instead, she took three steps to the right, a quarter turn left, and put her back against the wall.
Ensign Pa' raak almost fell over. He had intended to bump into her on purpose, but since she moved, he nearly fell. "Whoa! I never can seem to get one step of ahead of you. So, where you headed now?"
As stoic as a Vulcan, Alexis replied, "To the Mess Hall for some Raktajino and Targ heart and lungs. Care to join me?"
"Ahhh, no thanks. I'll pass on that," answered Pa' raak. "Well then, I guess this is it. Take care and have fun on that ship." He extended his hand for Alexis to shake it.
Alexis grinned and shook hands with Lt. Pa' raak. "You too." Some people were just way too friendly. Pa' raak turned and went his own way. When Ensign Rho could sense that he had gone far enough, she went to the stations Lounge to grab a cup of Green Tea before heading to the guest quarters.
<< Starbase 386, Lounge >>
Alexis took her tea and sat down at a nearby table. About six minutes after she seated herself, an opportunistic Ferengi scuttled over and sat down. Alexis expected a humdrum conversation. So, she turned on that happy-go-lucky charm of young Starfleet officers that she had picked up in the Academy and let the conversation roll. "Have a seat. Oh, wait, you already did."
"Some sense of humor, Huu-mon." As typical, he got right to the point. "I've never seen you here before. What's your name, Ensign?" Alexis did a quick scan. Hmm, nothing of real interest to me at this moment, but a few helpful tidbits to file away, she thought.
"Rho, and you're a perceptive one, aren't you?"
"That's my job. So, what brings you here, Ensign Rho?"
"I’m waiting for the USS Malinche.”
"Ah, a nice Prometheus Class vessel I see. It should be coming in here in a couple of days.”
Alexis decided to have a little fun with him. She leaned forward. A few strands of hair fell to corners of her eyes. She lifted a finger and motioned for the Ferengi to come closer. To add to the mystique, Alexis looked left and right. The Ferengi bought it and moved in, smiling all the time and ready for some new juicy piece of gossip or information.
Alexis looked him dead in the eyes and said, "Why don’t you tell me about that land deal that got you a Captain's ransom of latinum in your pockets, Pront."
Pront was furious. "Blasted telepaths! And all this time I thought you were a huu-mon! What are you, Betazoid?"
Alexis grinned.
"Come now, my friend, how did you manage to get the land that a new observatory was about to be built on anyway? How did you manage to get four times the amount you paid for it?" Alexis scooted her chair, signaling she was finished with the conversation. She really didn't want to listen to a Ferengi after having put up with Pa'raak for over a week. "Keep me in mind. Later." Ensign Rho got up and left the table…with her tea. She heard Pront still ranting as she stepped into the turbolift.
More to eventually come about the events of the next two days.
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Wed May 27, 2009 3:34 pm
by Rho
<< Starbase 386, Guest Quarters, 0342 >>
They were getting closer. The harder she ran, the closer the shadows got. She could see her father and brothers ahead of her off in the distance. The shadows ran past her. She tried grab one of them, but missed and tripped. The shadows had already caught her family by the time she’d gotten to her feet. She could see her mom and sister off to the side. The shadows had let them go and they hid! She ran as hard she could, but couldn’t reach her father and brothers in time to save them. She leapt towards her mom and sister. Flying over them, she passed through the building they were hiding behind and fell into a hole. A hole that hadn’t been there seconds before.
The narrow walls opened into a chasm. Halfway down the chasm, she saw a silver tree branch sticking out. She grabbed for it and it didn’t bend or move. The abrupt halt dislocated her shoulders. That silver branch, the only glimmer of hope in her downward spiral, stuck out of the top of a wooden door in the side of the cliff face. Hand over hand along the branch she moved, until she reached the facing. Screaming as the pain coursed through her body, she opened the door and swung herself inside.
It was dark. She could see a few blurry lights over her. She was lying on her back strapped to a cold table. As the lights brightened and the blurs became clearer, she could see that she was in the hospital at Starfleet Academy. She could hear voices. But there was no one attached to them. Suddenly blue medical uniforms appeared…worn by shadows! The same shadows that had attacked her family! Alexis fought…but to no avail! She couldn’t beat them by herself! But she had to! There was no one else around!
“The time is zero six-hundred,” announced the computer. Alexis opened her eyes to find herself wrapped up in her blankets like a worm in a cocoon. Beads of cold sweat trickled down her cheeks as it gathered on her forehead. Her hair and pillow were both damp.
“The time is…” began the computer again.
“Thanks, I’m awake now,” Alexis interrupted.
“Please restate the command.”
“Ohhh…Computer, terminate alarm. And bring lights to one-hundred percent.”
The same nightmare again, she thought. The last time I had it was before being assigned to Captain Van Pelt’s crew. Maybe it’s just an idle mind. Guess I’d better start using it.
Alexis untangled herself from the covers and sat up. She pushed her damp hair back and grabbed a robe. After cleaning up and throwing on some civilian clothes, she headed out the door and down to a mess hall for breakfast.
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2009 6:04 pm
by Rho
<< SB 386, Mess Hall, 0545 >>
The toast was a little on the burnt side, but edible. The scrambled eggs were good and the ice cold Kava juice settled everything. Alexis was about half-way through her breakfast when she sensed someone coming up behind her. Why humans insisted on this surprise tactic when approaching someone, she could never understand. It seemed like a good way to get knocked out cold.
She swallowed her bite and, still looking at her plate, said, “Katie, nice to see you again. It’s been what…two, three years? Take a seat and let’s catch up.” Katie Johnson was one of the few people Alexis acquainted herself with in the Academy; mainly because Katie kept getting assigned as her roommate. Katie wasn’t Intel, she was in Security.
“I see I still can’t be quiet enough.” Katie sat down across from Alexis.
Alexis smiled as she noticed Katie’s rank. “Congrats, Lieutenant.”
Katie shrugged. “So what’s for breakfast?”
“The usual, whatever you want the cook to fix. And if he can’t, then you hope the replicator can do it.”
“Still the brightest spot at the party, I see,” said Katie sarcastically.
Alexis put her fork down and looked up at Katie. “So, are you assigned here or just passing through?” asked Alexis.
“Just passing through; I guess that’s what most everybody does. I’m assigned to the USS Yorktown. We’re here for a re-supply.”
“What do they have you doing in Sec-Tac?” asked Alexis.
“Oh, that’s the fun and interesting part. I’m the Security Investigations Officer. I get to be the nosy nuisance you always said I was in the Academy. Only now, it’s in an official capacity.” Katie smiled. She had, on purpose, nosed into her roommate’s social life and tried to set her up with different guys. It was mostly to see if she could ruffle Alexis’ feathers a bit. The two continued to talk and catch up.
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Wed Jun 17, 2009 7:19 pm
by Rho
<SB 386, Hydroponics Bay, 0938>
The smooth stones Alexis was sitting on were cool. Her face glistened as the humidity settled on her. If she hadn’t been in civies, she would probably have been a little warm. She dragged her index finger along the surface of the water. Small ripples radiated out. It was quiet, there were only a few scientists milling around. Once in a while, one would walk by and nod. Alexis chose this spot on purpose. There were just enough people around, civilian and Fleet, to make things work. Also, the atmosphere gave her an appearance that should be distracting. Yes, this was the perfect spot.
The doors on the other side of the bay hissed open then closed seconds later. Alexis prepared for the meeting. She opened her mind and could sense him approach. She knew where he was and which path he was most likely to take. She probed his mind for anything that could give her an edge right away. Then she heard him call out.
“Where are you, Ullian?”
Thrown off track already, she thought. This is going to be a piece of cake.
“Over here, Pront, by the Kava," answered Alexis.
Pront meandered over. “You couldn’t have picked a less humid place.” Then he looked up, speechless for about two seconds. “Well, on to business.” He handed Alexis a PADD, seemingly undistracted.
She took it and laid it face down on the stones. “So, you want to sell beetle harvesting rights on a planet and you’re looking for a buyer? Look at me, what makes you think I want to harvest beetles, Pront?”
“These aren’t just any beetles, Miss Rho, they’re Hyperion beetles. Properly prepared, they’re a great delicacy to any Ferengi. You could sell the beetles for much latinum. A very shrewd business deal, I would say.”
Alexis probed deeper for a couple of specific memories she thought was there. Ah, yes…. “I’m not so sure. How about you throw in something else?”
Pront seemed a bit unsettled by that statement. He wasn’t sure if this Ullian had read his thoughts or not. “Are you absolutely sure this is off the record?” he asked. “You’re not trying to…trick…me are you?”
“Just trying to secure a few investments for the future,” replied Alexis. “Are you absolutely sure you’re on the up and up?”
Offended by the accusation, as Alexis knew he would be, Pront replied, “Of course!”
A passing botanist stopped and looked up from his PADD. “Is everything alright here?”
“Yes,” said Alexis, “everything’s fine. Nothing to worry about.”
He continued walking.
Pront said, “I believe I might have something to sweeten the deal a bit. There’s an old depot orbiting the planet. It’s still fully functional and useable as storage.”
Alexis grinned. Got him! There’s that first memory. Functional my foot! “How much extra?” she asked.
Pront thought he had her and named the price…of everything. “Great deal like I said. You can earn back your latinum in just two years worth of harvests.”
Now was the time for that second memory that she found earlier. Alexis picked up the PADD and brought up the arrangement on screen. “An official contract agreement and bill of sale with your name attached. Somehow I don’t think the actual owner of the fields, Tonga, will be happy that you sold harvesting rights to someone else, now would he? Especially if I were to show him this signed information. I suspect this could ruin your reputation on Ferenginar.”
Pront tried complete denial. “I have no idea what you’re talking about! I own those fields! It is my pleasure to sell them to whoever I wish.”
Alexis leaned forward and thrust her mind into his, invoking a feeling of fear. Pront, who had been standing this whole time, sat down on the stones. Do you take me for a fool! I know your thoughts. I see your memories. I caught you in a fraudulent and illegal business deal. I own you, Pront! Give me the derelict depot as a first deposit. We’ll see what happens in the future.
Visibly shaken, Pront nodded his head vigorously. It’s yours! Just get out of my head! he thought.
Alexis withdrew. “No one knows of this little exchange…for now. If I ever require information, or anything, you will try your hardest to get it for me. Understood?”
“Ye…yes,” stammered Pront. “If…if you don’t mind me asking, what do you want with a derelict depot?”
“A summer house,” answered Alexis. “I think we’re done here.”
“Agreed,” said Pront. He left first as Alexis had suggested. She went back to stirring the water, PADD still in her possession.
It seems like Intel officers have contacts everywhere, she thought. Some are odd and most are unknown. She laughed a little. My newest contact acquisition certainly falls under the odd category. But who else would have their nose and fingers in other people’s business but a Ferengi. Especially one living in a busy hub like 386. Now, what to do with a derelict beetle storage depot?
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Sat Aug 08, 2009 7:46 pm
by Rho
<Later that evening>
Alexis was enjoying a nice, casual conversation with a Bajoran gentleman when she suddenly felt someone staring at her. You know, that cold feeling you get that makes you go rigid with fear and concern because you just know that someone is staring straight at you.
“…and that’s what happened to the…,” he paused. “Alexis, you okay? Alexis?” He waved his hand in front of her face. She started. “I’m not that boring am I?” he asked.
Alexis laughed a little. “No, you’re not, Nevin. I…just…it feels like someone is staring a hole straight through me and I can’t see him. You know the feeling?”
Nevin nodded. “Yes I do, all too familiar I’m afraid.”
Alexis just remembered what they’d been talking about seconds before. “Oh, yeah, I guess you do.”
“So,” Nevin asked, “do you think if we move to a different table, he’ll stop?”
“Well…no,” Alexis replied. “Not if it’s who I think it is.” She continued scanning the crowd. <i>Oh you little stinker. There you are</i>, she thought. She spoke to his mind, <i>Pa-raak! I will TORMENT you in your dreams tonight the likes of which you have never had! Your night terrors will be so TERRIBLE that you’ll spend the rest of your life in a counselor’s office! STOP STALKING ME!</i> Glasses shattered on the floor and chairs turned over as Pa-raak tripped over his own two feet trying to get out of there.
Nevin turned toward the commotion. “Is that him?”
“Yeah,” Alexis said. “I guess he must’ve been frightened of you.”
Nevin grinned and they continued talking.
A few minutes later, Nevin excused himself and told Alexis to have a good night. She was glad at that. She still hadn’t supper and she needed the extra energy to put together a really good night terror for that little stalker.
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 1:59 pm
by Rho
<Starbase 386, Guest Quarters, Day 2 of overlay, 2304>
The Malinche was scheduled to be docking early tomorrow. Alexis would have enough time for Pa’raak’s vicious night terror, a good night’s sleep for herself, and a decent breakfast before reporting in. She hoped to catch Pront before she left.
“Computer, what time is it?” Alexis asked.
“The time is 2304 hours,” it compliantly answered.
Pa’raak should be sound asleep by now, she thought. He doesn’t seem like a night owl. “Computer, locate Ensign Pa’raak’s quarters.”
“Ensign Pa’raak’s quarters are located in the transient living quarters, section epsilon, room 4567.” Alexis took a walk.
< Transient living quarters, Section Epsilon, Corridor several meters from room 4567>
Alexis leaned against the wall, PADD in hand. She appeared to be relaxing and casually catching up on some reading. Actually, she was preparing to enter Pa’raak’s mind to wreak havoc. Here we go, she thought. First, she searched his childhood memories for something fearful that had stuck with him. Not surprisingly, there were quite a few. It only took a few seconds to find the worst one. When he was six years old, his neighbor’s dog bit his hand. They had to take him to the hospital to have two fingers reattached. Alexis took this memory, another fear of being sucked out of Stellar Cartography and into space, some images of raging Nausicans and Jem’Hadar, and projected them into his dreams along with feelings of utter fear and chaos.
Meanwhile, in Pa’raak’s dream…. It was noon, but the sun was already setting…and fast. Before he knew it, twilight slipped over his neighbor’s house. Soon it would be dark. He needed to be home. He knew what was about to happen, but could do nothing to stop it. He’d gone through the scenario many times and couldn’t find a different way. He saw himself running toward the fence. Suddenly, the dog bounded out the door and toward him. It jumped and knocked him down. Pain shot through his left arm as the dog bit his hand. Pa’raak screamed. He looked up. The dog morphed into a raging Nausican! It continued to grow to twice its normal size. Fear wrapped itself around Pa’raak. The Nausican roared at him to get up and run. All he could do was lay there, scream, and shake violently. He tried to bury his face in the dirt, but he couldn’t turn his head. He looked over to see a Jem’Hadar holding his head. He closed his eyes and screamed as loud as he could.
A punch in the arm woke him up. He opened his eyes and found himself standing in Stellar Cartography aboard the USS Howitz. The punch came from another Ensign standing there. Before him lay the expanse of space they were traveling through. Pa’raak relaxed a little and began tapping the console. Several minutes passed and the other Ensign stepped out. When the doors closed, he felt a depressurization in the room. Wind whipped about his balding head. He was lifted from the floor and began flying towards the screen. He braced himself for an impact that never came. Instead, he floated helplessly out into space. He turned and saw the Howitz getting smaller and smaller. They didn’t even know he was gone! He realized he didn’t have on a space suit. He choked as he tried to breathe. He thought each breath would be his last…that Death would slip in take him. But Death never showed. That last, dying breath would be there for eternity. Fear icily crawled over his shoulder. A loud, booming voice called out of the vacuum of space. “STOP STALKING!!” It was repeated over and over and over.
Alexis backed out of the dream and started walking away. Her job was done and she was satisfied. As she turned, she sensed that Pa’raak had woken up. A sly grin curled the corner of her lips.
Re: Rho, Rho, Rho Your Boat to Starbase 386
Posted: Sun Jan 31, 2010 5:47 pm
by Rho
<Starbase 386, Guest Quarters, Day 3 of overlay, 0600>
Alexis stared out the window of her guest quarters. The previous night of terrors was satisfying. It had been a very long time since she had been able to use her Ullian abilities in such an uninhibited manner. At least since the extraction mission several years ago. A grin crossed her lips. That had been an exciting mission. However, now was not the time those specific kinds of reminisces. Perhaps later, she thought. Right now, she had to focus on meeting her new Commanding Officer, Captain Isabel Kersare. Not to mention the rest of the crew. She had read Captain Kersare's Intel dossier that was available to her. She seemed a very capable and personable Captain. Alexis was looking forward to being her Assistant Chief Intelligence Officer.
Alexis moved over to the closet and began packing her things. She didn't have that much to do as she hadn't really unpacked that many things. After all, it was only a three day layover. She made mental notes concerning her newest "acquaintance," Pront. He would be asset to her at some time in the future, but she had no idea when. Pront was also one she had to keep her eye, and mind, on. Most of the Ferengi she had met were always looking for the next deal or who could give them the best profit. She hoped that all she had put Pront through would be enough. But who could tell. Everyone has an agenda and he was no different.
When she finished packing, she headed to the Promenade, and some place called the Black Hole, for some breakfast.
<Starbase 386, The Black Hole, Day 3 of overlay, 0637>
Alexis chose a table and sat down. A waitress came over and asked for her order.
"I'll have two pieces of French toast…light syrup, two pieces of sausage, and a coffee…double espresso," she said.
"Okay, is should be out in about ten minutes," replied the waitress.
Alexis nodded her reply. She looked around the place. There seemed to be a lot of engineers more than anyone else. Guess they have to report in earlier that some of the others, she thought. But then this is a huge station. It probably takes a lot of them to keep it running.
She leaned back in her chair, happy with what she had accomplished in three days. Hopefully, serving aboard the Malinche would be as satisfying.